TIPS/JIM September 15, 2011 Agenda: INS Division News (Danny Lennon) JWST Update (Massimo Stiavelli)! Introducing JWSTʼs NIRISS: The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (Alex Fullerton)! Updated Results from the COS Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitoring (Rachel Osten)! Flux Dependent Non-Linearity in NIR Detectors: The Evil Twin of Persistence (Mike Regan)! ! Next TIPS/JIM: October 20, 2011 INS News Staffing: John Debes (ESA/AURA) has joined the COS/STIS team. Miscellaneous: The INS picnic will be held on Saturday, October 15th at Oregon Ridge Park HST: Instrument teams are in the process of seeking MO approval for C19 calibration proposals. ...and in reviewing C19 proposals. Planning windows are out. SSR1 anomaly - corrected - no data lost! JWST: Webinar set for Sep 21st at 2pm. Access for STScI staff available in the auditorium. ..see Massimo's talk. TIPS/JIM September 15, 2011 Agenda: INS Division News (Danny Lennon) JWST Update (Massimo Stiavelli)! Introducing JWSTʼs NIRISS: The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (Alex Fullerton)! Updated Results from the COS Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitoring (Rachel Osten)! Flux Dependent Non-Linearity in NIR Detectors: The Evil Twin of Persistence (Mike Regan)! ! Next TIPS/JIM: October 20, 2011 JWST Status! Massimo Stiavelli, ! September 15th, 2011! Space Telescope Science Institute Agenda! ! n n n n TFI à NIRISS see Alexʼ presentation! STScI Progress! Funding! SWG at STScI! ! ! Progress at STScI! ! n On-board Script System ! u n Proposal Planning System (see slides)! u u u n u Birth of NIRISS! MIRI cryovac completed! Telescope Team! u ! ! WEx passed internal acceptance test! Web Instrument Team! u n Completed support for APT Guide Star use cases! Completed support for mosaics MSA dithers ! Completed FOV tool! WFS&C! u n Successfully completed MIRI Roadshow test. Javascript flawless!! WebbPSF available! Visualizing Candidate Guide Stars in APT! Candidate Guide Star Sets -------------------------------- Each Green Circle is a candidate Guide Star Set. Click on them to see candidate guide stars 9/19/11 + V3 4 Visualizing Candidate Guide Stars in APT Adjusting Orient! Candidate Guide Star Sets -------------------------------- Each Green Circle is a candidate Guide Star Set. Click on them to see candidate guide stars 9/19/11 + V3 5 Adding a 3x3 Mosaic! + V3 9/19/11 6 Adjusting a 3x3 Mosaic! + V3 9/19/11 7 Visualizing the adjusting a 3x3 Mosaic! + V3 9/19/11 8 Visit Scheduling System FOV Tool! Request Phase for Guide Stars – Shown here ----------------------------- This phase identifies candidate guide stars. White outline is the SIAF definition. Blue outline is the usable region of guider accounting for pointing uncertainty after slew. Yellow dots are candidate guide stars. Blue dots are bad regions in the guider. Select Phase for Guide Stars- Not shown here ------------------------------- After a visit is on a short term scheduled, we know the time and V3PA angle. We then select the guide stars and reference stars 9/19/11 for OSS. + V3 Projection of Celestial North Vector Projection of Sun Vector + V2 Target & 4-point Dither Can click on target, dithers, guide stars, etc., for more info 9 Funding! n Still not determined. US Senate CSJ subcommittee funds JWST at the funding level needed for the 2018 launch date.! u Assuming this is preserved in the final vote, the final budget will need to be decided at the House-Senate conference.! n Several expressions of support. Most recently 1400 European Astronomers sent a letter to the head of the OSTP, Holdren. Professional societies with membership exceeding 85,000 have also expressed support. ! n A lot of misinformation (or disinformation) on the web. To help solve this there will be a webinar on Wednesday 21th at 2pm. Speakers: Matt M., Rick Howard and Eric Smith (HQ), John Mather, Julianne Dalcanton and Roberto Abraham.! ! SWG at STScI! n n ! ! ! There will be a SWG Meeting at STScI on Sept 20th and 21st.! Agenda still being prepared.! TIPS/JIM September 15, 2011 Agenda: INS Division News (Danny Lennon) JWST Update (Massimo Stiavelli)! Introducing JWSTʼs NIRISS: The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (Alex Fullerton)! Updated Results from the COS Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitoring (Rachel Osten)! Flux Dependent Non-Linearity in NIR Detectors: The Evil Twin of Persistence (Mike Regan)! ! Next TIPS/JIM: October 20, 2011 Introducing JWST’s NIRISS: The Near InfraRed Imager & Slitless Spectrograph Alex Fullerton STScI / HIA TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 The Tunable Filter Imager (TFI) TIPS / JIM Presenter Title 2004 May 20 Nelan JWST FGS SRR (April 7, 2004) 2005 March 17 Fullerton Overview of Calibration Activities for the JWST FGS-TFI 2005 May 19 Fullerton FGS Tunable Filter Imager: Updates from PDR 2006 June 15 Fullerton “Phase C” Design of the JWST/FGS Tunable Filter Imager 2008 Sept. 18 Fullerton The Tunable Filter Imager Passes its CDR[s] 2010 Sept. 16 Sivaramakrishnan The Non-Redundant Mask on JWST 2010 Nov. 18 Sivaramakrishnan 2011 March 17 Chayer TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 Non-Redundant Tilts (NRT): A Fallback Coarse Phasing Method for JWST Using TFI JWST FGS & TFI Cryovac Risk Mitigation Tests TFI Lessons Learned #1: Cryogenic etalons are tricky. July 20, 2011: Wave good-bye to TFI. Say hello to NIRISS. Near InfraRed Imager & Slitless Spectrograph TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 Design Considerations for NIRISS Ø Maintain capability to address core TFI Science • “First Light” • Exoplanets Emphasis of nascent GTO Programs Ø Minimize technical risk • Schedule is a (big) issue • Cost is a (big) issue Ø Simplify operations TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 “Scope” is the only adjustable parameter available to CSA Program Management. Helps the S&OC (i.e., us) a bit. Observing Modes TFI Narrow-Band Imaging R~100; tunable 1.5 – 2.6 & 3.0 – 5.0 microns Coronagraphic Imaging R~100; tunable 3.0 – 5.0 microns Sparse-Aperture Interferometric Imaging R~100; tunable 3.0 – 5.0 microns NIRISS Wide-Field Slitless Spectroscopy R~ 150; 1.0 – 2.5 microns XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sparse-Aperture Interferometric Imaging Fixed medium-band filters Single-Object Slitless Spectroscopy R~700; 0.7 – 3.0 microns Broad-Band Imaging Fixed filters; 1 – 5 microns TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 Optical Layout of the TFI 2048×2048 HgCdTe 5.2 micron cut-off 18 micron pixels TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 Optical Layout of NIRISS 2048×2048 HgCdTe 5.2 micron cut-off 18 micron pixels TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 Elements in the NIRISS Dual Wheel Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel OPEN [1] OPEN [1] G700XD [2] F158M [9] MASKNR [3] G150H [2] F140M [8] F200W [4] F090W [7] F150W [5] TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 F115W [6] G150V [9] F480M [3] F277W [8] F430M [4] F356W [7] F380M [5] F444W [6] Wide-Field Slitless Spectroscopy Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel OPEN [1] OPEN [1] G700XD [2] F158M [9] MASKNR [3] G150H [2] F140M [8] F200W [4] F090W [7] F150W [5] TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 F115W [6] G150V [9] F480M [3] F277W [8] F430M [4] F356W [7] F380M [5] F444W [6] Slitless Spectroscopy with Two Orthogonal Grisms • A spectrum for every source in the field of view. NIRISS is CompeAAve With NIRSpec Bad Good Sparse-Aperture Interferometric Imaging Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel OPEN [1] OPEN [1] G700XD [2] F158M [9] MASKNR [3] G150H [2] F140M [8] F200W [4] F090W [7] F150W [5] TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 F115W [6] G150V [9] F480M [3] F277W [8] F430M [4] F356W [7] F380M [5] F444W [6] Sparse-­‐aperture interferometry with NIRISS pushes the angular resoluAon of JWST to its limit Bright planets goal Faint planets Beichman et al 2010 ² Filter Set (3) for Use With MASKNR OpAmized for constraining temperature and mass. Single-Object Slitless Spectroscopy Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel OPEN [1] OPEN [1] G700XD [2] F158M [9] MASKNR [3] G150H [2] F140M [8] F200W [4] F090W [7] F150W [5] TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 F115W [6] G150V [9] F480M [3] F277W [8] F430M [4] F356W [7] F380M [5] F444W [6] G700XD design Slitless cross-­‐dispersed 0.6-­‐3.0 μm spectroscopy weak cylindrical surface 3-D SKETCH (not to scale) GRISM γ m=3 Φ PRISM m=2 Ruled area ² ² ² R∼700 dispersion with grism along V2 Low dispersion with prism along V3, to separate orders Weak cylindrical lens on front side of prism to induce a defocus along V3 m=1 m=0 SchemaAc of Transit and Eclipse Science Seager & Deming (2010, ARAA, 48, 631) Transit Measure size of planet 10-­‐2 See starlight transmi\ed through planet atmosphere 10-­‐4 Eclipse Learn about atmospheric Planet thermal circulaAon from thermal emission appears phase curves and disappears 10-­‐3 17 Transit Spectrum of Habitable “Ocean Planet” NIRISS G700XD perfectly suited for such challenging programs. The water vapor features below have a depth of 50 parts per million. NIRISS wavelength range 0.6 μm 2.5 μm Broad-Band Imaging - Blue Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel OPEN [1] OPEN [1] G700XD [2] F158M [9] MASKNR [3] G150H [2] F140M [8] F200W [4] F090W [7] F150W [5] TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 F115W [6] G150V [9] F480M [3] F277W [8] F430M [4] F356W [7] F380M [5] F444W [6] Broad-Band Imaging - Red Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel OPEN [1] OPEN [1] G700XD [2] F158M [9] MASKNR [3] G150H [2] F140M [8] F200W [4] F090W [7] F150W [5] TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 F115W [6] G150V [9] F480M [3] F277W [8] F430M [4] F356W [7] F380M [5] F444W [6] NIRISS SensiAvity vs NIRCam NIRISS with spare NIRCam filter filter Good In general , NIRISS is more sensi@ve than NIRCam. Summary NIRISS is coming! Capable instrument Complements & Extends near-IR capability of JWST Straightforward to operate* First Light: Lyman alpha emitters (10< z<13) ; photometric redshifts High-resolution imaging: exoplanet imaging and characterization Spectroscopy of transiting exoplanet atmospheres (including H2O, CO2 features…) * Grisms / aperture mask introduce complexity on the “back end”. TIPS/JIM 2011 September 15 TIPS/JIM September 15, 2011 Agenda: INS Division News (Danny Lennon) JWST Update (Massimo Stiavelli)! Introducing JWSTʼs NIRISS: The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (Alex Fullerton)! Updated Results from the COS Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitoring (Rachel Osten)! Flux Dependent Non-Linearity in NIR Detectors: The Evil Twin of Persistence (Mike Regan)! ! Next TIPS/JIM: October 20, 2011 Updated Results from the COS Sensitivity Monitoring Program Rachel Osten TIPS/JIM Sept. 15 2011 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Outline Recap COS FUV spectroscopic sensitivity trends in 2010 trends in 2009 } subject of 2 ISRs; Osten et al. 2010,2011 trends in 2011 COS NUV spectroscopic sensitivity in 2010 & 2011 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 COS sensitivity trends circa June 2010 NUV: bare Algratings (G225M, G285M) declining [~expected] FUV: all gratings showing gratingsegment-, λdependent declines [unexpected] Osten et al. COS ISR 2010-15 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Anomaly Review Board convened to study the FUV sensitivity decline Is the sensitivity loss localized? no Is the XDL detector gain sag causing sensitivity decline? no Does the voltage affect sensitivity? no (~1%) Likely suspect: degradation of quantum efficiency of CsI photocathode of the FUV detector, due possibly to water vapor outgassing initially, followed by exposure to atomic oxygen Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Trends in 2010 Developments: 1. Change in temporal trend occurring around 2010.2 2. Refinement of analysis allowing for slopes to be computed over finer wavelength bins 3. change in default pulse height filtering Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Osten et al. COS ISR 2011-02 Apparent Dependence of Sensitivity Decline on Pulse Height Threshold [black] events with PHA (4,30) [blue] events with PHA (2,30) Proffitt et al. COS ISR in prep. Wednesday, September 14, 2011 change to PHA minimum of 2 on Dec. 22, 2010: sensitivity decline still occurring FUV Sensitivity Declines prior to 2010.2 Osten et al. COS ISR 2011-02 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 FUV Sensitivity Declines after 2010.2 for data taken up through the end of Dec. 2010 Osten et al. COS ISR 2011-02 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 FUV Sensitivity Trends Implemented in TDS Reference File Delivered March 18, 2011 testing of reference file showed relative fluxes corrected to ±3% (G140L), ±2% (M modes) systematic behavior when comparing pipeline fluxes to reference spectra; calibration apparently off by > 5% in some places (2% claimed for M modes; Massa et al. 2010) reference spectrum=model for LDS749B, STIS spectrum for WD0947+857, WD0320-539 Osten et al. COS ISR 2011-02 Wednesday, September 14, 2011 short λ end may implicate flux calibration of STIS (<1160 Å) Solving a Conundrum Initial FUV absolute flux calibration of COS was done using LDS749B, a DB WD primary standard Massa et al. (COS ISR 2010-02) reported an apparent inconsistency when comparing the fluxes of two other standard stars observed during SMOV with LDS749B More recent testing shows no apparent inconsistency in standard stars, but does reveal systematic offsets between pipeline flux calibration and reference spectra Wednesday, September 14, 2011 from SMOV observations, LDS749B appeared brighter/ other standards fainter mean=1.0351±0.0033 G160M grating; Massa et al. COS ISR 2010-02 ratio of net spectra divided by ratio of models expect agreement to be better than 2.8% Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Evidence for an even steeper initial decline? Sensitivity(λ,t)= S(λ)* r(λ,t) S=absolute flux calibration, r=relative sensitivity, assumed to be continuous (1610-1770 Å) Osten et al. COS ISR 2011-02 (1410-1580 Å) extend observations of LDS749B backward to include initial high voltage observation offset of r(λ,t) at time of abs. flux calibration may explain some of the observed discrepancies in flux. calibration the initial outgassing may have been steeper than previously thought Wednesday, September 14, 2011 ★=WD1057+719 (relative sensitivity) ▲=LDS749B (▲=LDS749B at high voltage) T=‟tied” observation of WD1057+719/ LDS749B " = time of absolute flux calibration observations of LDS749B Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Recent FUV Sensitivity Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Another break? A suggestive downturn in early 2011 being investigated; assuming this is another break. . . Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Observation 9/11/01! Another break? Wednesday, September 14, 2011 COS NUV Sensitivity Trends G230L, G185M slight increase in sensitivity < 2150 Å (possibly also in STIS) evolution of λdependence to G285M relative sensitivity less of a decrease for G225M <2150 Å Wednesday, September 14, 2011 solid lines show values in current reference file; reference file to be updated Recent STIS Trends Wednesday, September 14, 2011 Conclusions Temporal trends of COS FUV sensitivity continue to evolve; stay tuned Evidence of an initial, unrecognized steep outgassing FUV flux calibration now recognized to be grating-, cenwave-, and FP-POS dependent NUV bare Al gratings continuing decline, MgF2-coated gratings slight increase in sensitivity at short λs Wednesday, September 14, 2011 TIPS/JIM September 15, 2011 Agenda: INS Division News (Danny Lennon) JWST Update (Massimo Stiavelli)! Introducing JWSTʼs NIRISS: The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (Alex Fullerton)! Updated Results from the COS Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitoring (Rachel Osten)! Flux Dependent Non-Linearity in NIR Detectors: The Evil Twin of Persistence (Mike Regan)! ! Next TIPS/JIM: October 20, 2011 Flux Dependent Non-Linearity: The Evil Twin of Persistence Mike Regan, Kevin Lindsay, Eddie Bergeron, Rachel Anderson Photons captured in the depletion region yield an electron/hole pair. As charge accumulates, the depletion region gets smaller exposing empty traps to free charge. After a reset trapped electrons and holes are left in the depletion region. During the next exposure the electrons/holes decay from the traps and are seen as an increase in the voltage. But what happens during the original exposure? During an exposure traps capture charge decreasing the observed voltage. This model makes several predictions. • Flat field response will be lower at low fluxes in high trap regions. • Detector bias changes that decrease the size of the depletion region will induce “negative persistence”. • Slopes after cosmic rays will be lower. Trap Density Map in our “Beautiful” Device. Flat Fields The Ratio of high and low flux flat fields shows a difference in the high trap region. Flux ratio was a factor of 60. Bias change to decrease depletion region The measured slopes on the device are negative after we change the bias. The negative observed rates decay away just like persistence. Cosmic Rays The slope after a cosmic ray is lower and is proportional to the magnitude of the CR Conclusions • The model matches all the observations. • The observed QE is a function of the flux -> Flux dependent QE • Determining slopes when there is a cosmic ray is not simple (as I thought before).