Structure of Alfvb waves at the skin-depth scale G. J. Morales, R. S. Loritsch, and J. E. Maggs Department of Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90024-1547 (Received 5 May 1994; accepted 9 August 1994) This analytical study demonstrates that shear Alfvin waves having transverse scale on the order of the electron skin depth exhibit a collisionless divergence determined by propagation cones that emanate from the edges of the exciting structures. Axial current channels are found to spread radially due to the skin effect up to the cone trajectories and at distances of a few wavelengths from the exciter develop radial diffraction patterns. For values of the collision frequency slightly larger than the wave frequency resistive diffusion allows the axial currents to expand beyond the cone trajectories. 0 1994 American Institute of Physics. 1. INTRODUCTION It is widely recognized that shear (or slow) Alfven waves are responsible for the propagation of low frequency electromagnetic disturbances along the ambient magnetic field in magnetized plasmas. The majority of the studies related to shear modes address global problems in which the transverse scale is so large that the approximation kl-+O is routinely made. In this limit low frequency disturbances propagate without divergence, and the propagation problem essentially reduces to the mapping of boundary information along the ambient field. Of course, if the excitation conditions allow for a coupling to the compressional (or fast) branch, then an isotropic spread results.“2 The present analytical study focuses on the properties of shear waves having small transverse scale, i.e., on the order of the electron skin depth cIw~~, where c is the speed of light and w,,~ the electron plasma frequency. In this limit parallel electron currents cause the spreading of the signals in the absence of collisions and result in unusual interference patterns not commonly associated with Alfven waves. The consideration of small-scale Alfvdn waves is motivated by several topics of broad interest. For instance, it is presently being considered3v4 that small-scale filamentation may spontaneously develop in tokamak plasmas, and it is conjectured5’6 that filamentary Alfvdn waves play a fundamental role in cross-field energy transport. In space plasmas nonuniformities in the ambient density having small transverse scale are present in regions of field aligned current and may result in the generation of Alfvin waves having skindepth scale. The basic question of how a microscopic current channel spreads is the essence of the present study. The present study shows that Alfvin wave patterns exhibit an intrinsic collisionless divergence determined by propagation cones that emanate from the edges of the exciting structures. The spreading cones follow an angle 8 relative to the ambient magnetic field given by tan 8 =(w/Q)(mlM)“*[ 1 -(w/~i)2]-“2, where w is the wave frequency, ni is the ion gyrofrequency, m and M are the electron and ion mass, respectively. Within a few wavelengths of the exciter, a radial diffraction pattern develops due to coaxial currents induced by the skin effect. The transition from collisionless divergence along cone trajectories to radial diffusion occurs for values of v,Iw slightly larger than Phys. Plasmas 1 (12), December 1994 unity, where v, is the electron collision frequency and o the wave frequency. The propagation properties of Alfvdn waves with small transverse scale can be studied in basic laboratory experiments by using disk exciters that stimulate parallel current flows. An experimental study that tests some of the theoretical predictions made here has been performed in the Large Plasma Device7 (LAPD) at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the results are found in a companion paper.8 An extensive study of the localized propagation of shear Alfven waves has been previously carried out by Cross and collaborators.‘79*‘0 Since the experimental environment motivating their work consisted of plasmas having very small skin depth and large collisionality, a majority of their results focus on the resistive spreading of filamentary structures much larger than the skin depth. This is to be contrasted to the present study which emphasizes radial spread and interference features arising solely from transverse scales on the order of the skin depth, and in the near absence of collisions. The manuscript is organized as follows. In Sec. II, a mathematical formulation is presented for an idealized disk exciter. The general features of the spatial structures generated are presented in Sec. III. Displays of the spatial patterns obtained for different parameter values are shown in Sec. IV. The effects of collisions and Landau damping are discussed in Sec. V. Conclusions and relationships to the LAPD experiments are established in Sec. VI. The Appendix addresses a conceptual issue related to the importance of skin-depth currents at finite values of o/~i. II. FORMULATION This study considers the simplest model of localized excitation of axial currents in a cold plasma. It consists of an ideal disk exciter of radius a, placed across the confining magnetic field. The surface charge of the disk is prescribed to oscillate at frequency w, i.e., (1) where (r’ is the experimentally measurable quantity, and r represents the radial distance from the center of the disk. The useful coordinates in this problem consist of a cylindrical 1070-664X/94/1 (12)/3765/l O/$6.00 Q 1994 American Institute of Physics 3765 Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see and correspondingly a{{ j~=[j,(r,z,w)~+jr(r,z,u)F]e-‘W’+c.c. z=o FIG. 1. Schematicof geometry of the problem. A transparentdisk of radius a carries an oscillatory surface charge u(r). A cylindrical coordinatesystem whose origin is at the center of the disk is used.The .? unit vector is along the ambient magnetic field B,, which is perpendicularto the disk surface. system (i, 2,:) centered on the disk, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The axial coordinate is z and is aligned with the confining magnetic field Bn. The function CTin Eq. (1) is in general difficult to determine self-consistently in the presence of a plasma. The underlying mathematical structure of this issue (an inverse scattering problem) is rather involved, and has been solved only approximately in the pioneering studies of Levine and Schwinger ” (for scalar waves), and of Bethel2 (for vector waves). While this is an interesting and fundamental topic, its resolution is not essential to the determination of the intrinsic structure of small-scale Alfven waves. Consequently, we proceed to idealize the exciter response by representing the surface charge by its vacuum value in the w-+0 limit, which is shown in the early edition of the textbook by Jackson” to be (7) Since we are interested in describing features that become prominent as o--+Q , the question arises as to the need to allow for an azimuthal component of the plasma current, j,, that results from the relative slippage between the EXB, drift of ions and electrons at finite values of o/Ri, The answer to this question is found in the Appendix, where it is shown that for perpendicular wave numbers k, that satisfy the condition kl J-2m ( W/~i)3’2 M[1-(iSl~i)2]“2’ ;I;-’ s with k, = wpelc, the effect of the parallel electron current is larger than that of the current imbalance resulting from the E xBo slippage. Thus, with the exception of a small frequency interval close to Q, the structure of Alfvin waves with small transverse scale (i.e., large k,) is determined (in a cold plasma) by the current flow pattern determined by the radial polarization current due to the ions, and the axial current carried by the electrons, This azimuthally symmetric current pattern implies the electric field components of Eq. (6) and the corresponding magnetic field B’=Bg(r,z,w)e-iUf+c.c. (9) The oscillatory currents, obtained from the fiuid equations of motion, are the radial polarization current, and the parallel electron current, fl= [&;)2]*12? rca* with co a constant. This surface charge increases sharply at the edge of the disk (as expected for a zero-width object), but it is integrable. The carresponding radial Bessel representation, to be used later, is atr Here vA denotes the actual phase speed of the wave at frequency w and k, =0, v*=cp)[l-[$‘]“‘: (12) the dk iF(k) conventional Alfvdn speed being the factor with Wpi the ion plasma frequency. The system of coupled partial differential equations governing the propagation of the shear mode is obtained from Eq. (5), in cylindrical coordinates, with the currents given by Eqs. (10) and (1 l), C(fijlOpi)‘VAO* with sin ka CT(k)= croa k . (4) The self-consistent electric field is determined by combining Faraday’s law with Ampere’s law in which the displacement current is neglected, as is appropriate for low frequencies VxVxE’=-Fzj’ E,. =-k;E,., ! (13) (14) 47r d P’ where E’ and j; are the experimentally measurable electric field and plasma current. Assuming axial symmetry, the harmonic exciter generates a linear response given by E’=[EZ(r,z,w)~+E,(r,z,w)i]e-iWc+c.c., 3766 - f Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 (6) where kA=u/vA I Equations (13) and (14) are decoupled by the following radial Bessel representation (for ~0): E,(r,z,w) = m dk kE,(k)Jo(kr)e”kllck)Z, I0 05) Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see E,(r,z,o) dk = k~‘,(k)J*(kr)e’kll’k)z, (16) where the parallel wave number, $1, depends explicitly on the effective perpendicular wave number k due to the finite skin depth, k,,(k)=k*[ 1 + (klk,)2]“2. where la= - ioaa~~a* is the complex amplitude of the AC current that flows to the disk from an external generator. To simplify subsequent discussions, it is useful to introduce the scaled quantities (26) (17) Inserting (15) and (16) into Eqs. (13) and (14) yields the self-consistent relation k*+k* =i s &W, (18) kkll which indicates that, in principle, once g,(k) is determined the structure of the wave pattern can be obtained. W e proceed to determine l?,(k) by matching the jump in E, at the surface of the disk at z=O. For this purpose we envision the disk exciter to be nearly transparent (as can be realized in the laboratory by using a fine-mesh screen), so that p= f ; [=kAZ, (27) cw i,(k) AE,(r,z=0)=47r[a(r)+a,(r)], (19) with ‘TJ r) representing the oscillatory surface charge pileup generated by the field-aligned electron flow that intersects the disk boundary. This charge pileup is determined selfconsistently from E, , i.e., 2 qAr)= & i z i E,(r,z=O”). -(o/w,,)*2mc+(r), J~(~~)ew[~EGGGPl. b(p,.$)= lowdK y (21) where the appropriate wQo~, limit is assumed. Equation (21) represents the effective alternating current (AC) screening produced by the cold plasma in response to the charge, n, delivered to the surface of the disk by an external generator. Combining Eqs. (21) and (4) yields i,(k) from which the following integral expression is obtained. Ez(r,z,w) (29) Equation (29) describes the physical quantity which is most amenable to direct experimental investigation with small induction-coil detectors, i.e., the scaled azimuthal magnetic field. The spatial structure depends on a single parameter, p, which represents the ratio of the radius of the disk exciter to the skin depth. The effects of collisions can be incorporated into Eq. (29) through the substitutions 1 g+u +qg $9 (30) b-+(1 +ir,b5 Using the antisymmetry of E, on the disk surface, i.e., AE,=2EZ(r,z=O+) results in EZ(r,z=O+)= Equation (25) then takes the form where rll= v,l w, and r, = (Vi/O) + (mlM)(V,lO) X [ 1 - ( o/Ri)2] “*, with vi and v, the ion and electron collision frequencies, respectively. These results are obtained by adding a collision frequency to the equation of motion and essentially represent the imaginary parts of the parallel (the correction to p-*) and of the perpendicular (the correction to .$) components of the dielectric tensor of a magnetized, cold, collisional plasma. Next we proceed to outline the spatial structure predicted by Eq. (29). III. GENERAL FEATURES = -2111 c)*coaJfdk sin ka Jo(kr)eikll(k)z. (22) The corresponding azimuthal magnetic field is represented as cc dk kbo(k)J1(kr)eikll(k)z. Bdr,z,w)= (23) I0 Using the z component of Ampere’s law results in In the limit p--‘m, i.e., large disk exciter, a universal pattern is obtained from Eq. (29), bht)- it I sin K mdK yJI(KP). 0 It consists of a wave propagating along the magnetic field with wave number kA . The radial structure is determined from the K integral, which is the Weber-Schafheitlin integral that results inI P l+(l-p*)“z’ b(p,5)-ei5 from which the integral expression is determined, BB(r,z,~)= 2 I m sin ka dk k Jl(kr)e ikII(k)z, 0 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 p<1, (32) 1 P>l, (25) i P’ and whose behavior is illustrated in Fig. 2. Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs 3767 Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see p=1 1 Ibl FIG.3. Different propagationregionshoundedby the cone structuresresulting from finite skin depth. p=rla, q=k&p, p=aw&c. 0 2 1 r/a FIG. 2. Radial dependenceof magnitudeof scaled magnetic field b correspondingto the universal pattern obtainedin the limit p--+~ i.e., large disk exciter. Axially, b propagatesas a wave with wave number w/VA. Physically, Eq. (32) indicates that a parallel current channel is established along those ambient field lines that intersect the disk exciter. Outside the disk shadow (p>l) no axial current flows, as indicated by the l/p falloff of the oscillating magnetic field b. Thus, the universal pattern obtained for ~--+a can be visualized as arising from a rigid plasma wire directly tied to the surface of the disk. The other extreme situation is p--+0, which corresponds to a very small exciter. In this limit, Eq. (29) becomes b(p,c)-+ sin K dK 7 J,(Kp)eiKYP, A key feature of the resulting spatial pattern is that it is governed by propagation cones emanating from the edges of the exciter along the positive characteristic lines p= (i&)-i- 1 (the outer cone) and p=(</p)- 1 (the inner cone), the later of which physically contributes for s>p. There is also a characteristic with negative slope p= 1 -(Qp) which extends from &=O up to the physical location t=p. The boundaries formed by the characteristic lines separate four regions (labeled I-IV in Fig. 3) within which the magnetic field exhibits a different functional dependence on the scaled radius p, for fixed & the scaled axial position. In this limit the spatial pattern is also universal (i.e., parameter independent) since the factor p can be used to rescale the quantity 6, i.e., by introducing v= t/p. The behavior of the scaled magnetic field b(p,rl) in the various regions outlined in Fig. 3 is as follows: Region I (O< rl< 1, p< 1 - 7): 1 P 2 i (~+1)+[(~+1~2-P211f2 which can be put in the more transparent form (exhibiting important characteristic lines) bhE1-t ; with 1 = 2 1. A closed-form expression for the integral in Eq. (34) can be constructed by combining the relationsi 3: s dK Jl(Kp) ~ K 0 1 + (l- Region II (+l, p<v--1): P Z( i 1 1 sin /3K - (T- 1 ~+[(T-- Region III (+l, (35) P (381 U2-p21if2 i ’ v-l<p<@l): 1 2 i (rl+1)+rhw2-P21’12 and -~ (TP2 1) i (39) cos PK= o<p<p aver the proper physical ranges of 5 and p. 3768 (37) u2-P21'fz 1 ' rl)f[(17- Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 ’ (36) Region IV (@ 1, p> q+ 1): (40) Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Next we identify a diffraction pattern that is contained in Eq. (29) for &l, i.e., far from the exciter. In this limit the dominant contribution to the integral in (29) arises from the small K region, 0.6 b(~~l,p)-+e’* 03 c JO dK J1(Kp)e’5K2’2p2, (42) which can be expressed in closed form Ibl b(Pl+)-t ( p2p) 25 ( ~)ei(*-f$+wi2), 0.2 (43) 0.0 0 5 10 r/a FIG. 4. Radial dependenceof magnitude of scaled magnetic field in the limit p+O for scaled axial position v=kAzlp=r, p=ao~~Jc. The labels I-IV refer to the regions defined in Fig. 3. with c$=p*p*/(45). This pattern consists of an obliquely propagating wave whose effective radial wave number increases with position (at fixed &l), i.e., k,--tp2p/2& while the axial wave number is k,. Surprisingly, the amplitude of the magnetic field exhibits a radial diffraction pattern, Ib(&I,p)l+: The pattern described in Eqs. (37)-(40) is illustrated in Fig. 4 for v=rr. It is to be contrasted with the p-+a case illustrated in Fig. 2. From Eq. (40), it is found that for ~91, at fixed v, b-t I/p and for ~$1, p> v+ 1 (outside the outer cone), b-+1/p. For 741 and p<~- 1 (inside the inner cone), Eq. (38) yields b+-2p/$. These features indicate that the pattern generated by a very small exciter can be viewed as a radially expanding axial current channel whose spread is bounded by the outer cone, p= v+ 1, emanating from the edge of the exciter. The spread of the current channel causes the magnetic field to become progressively weaker in the axial direction, i.e., a hollow pattern develops far from the disk. The angle 8 relative to the ambient magnetic field that bounds the spreading current channel (i.e., the cone angle) is given by tan 0= ~=~=~(~)[l-(~)z]-l’“, (41) where m and M refer to the electron and ion mass, respectively. The corresponding axial spacing between the outer and the inner cone at a fixed radial position is Ah5=2p. Equation (41) reduces in the limit OK&~ 1 to the expression identified by Borg et a1.9 as a resonance cone phenomenon associated with a Green’s function solution. The cone-like features clearly elucidated in the extreme p--+0 limit are present also in the finite p case of experimental relevance. The reason is that the contributions arising from the large K components in Eq. (29) (i.e., due to the sharp edges) have the same mathematical structure as the integrand of Eq. (33) since the effect appears through the form ( K/P)~. Of course, at finite p there is also an important contribution from the small K region giving rise to the axial propagation at the Alfvdn speed. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 sin ‘$ . I( )I Consequently, far from the exciter and near the axis IW-Lp+$ P, (44) (45) which indicates that the axial current channel becomes progressively hollow. The radial location of the maximum value of I bl for ,$+ 1 occurs at p= (2m$/p2)“*, which implies that IbI<2pl(2#“. It is also possible to obtain closed-form expressions that incorporate higher-order (in K) contributions to the diffraction pattern. Although it is not worthwhile reproducing those expressions here, it is found that the approximate Eq. (45) is valid for peJ65fp2, for fixed @=-1. IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS In this section we present displays of the spatial patterns obtained by direct numerical integration of Eq. (29). The various features identified in Sec. III as limiting cases of Eq. (29) are clearly seen in Fig. 5. This figure exhibits the radial dependence of the magnitude of the scaled azimuthal magnetic field, I bl, for different axial positions away from the exciter. This case corresponds to a disk whose radius is equal to the skin depth, i.e., p = 1. The two sharp edges present in each of the curves in Fig. 5 correspond to the locations of the cones at t-la = k,z + 1. For small axial distance, t=rr/2, the pattern consists of two sharp rises; from the center of the disk to the inner cone (region II in Fig. 2), and then from the inner to the outer cone (region III). Outside the outer cone the magnetic field falls off as l/r for all values of kAz. It is seen from Fig. 5 that as k,z increases, the location of the sharp edges moves to larger r/a, as follows from the cone trajectories. Simultaneously, the slope of the linearly rising field near the origin decreases, as expected from Eq. (45). Finally, as one moves away from the exciter (e.g., k,z>6v), a radial diffraction pattern Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs 3769 Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 0.6 0.2 b Ibl 0.2 -0.2 -0.6 FiG. 5. Radial dependenceof magnitudeof scaledmagneticfield for different axial positions away from exciter for a disk radius equal to the skin depth.p = 1. The radial spacing betweencone featuresis the disk diameter 2a. Diffraction pattern develops continuously from the inner current channel. emerges. The maximum of lb/ moves to a larger r/a, as predicted by Eq. (44). Eventually the diffraction pattern becomes squeezed against the cone boundaries where the spreading current channel ends. For larger disk exciters, the features elucidated in Fig. 5 are also present, but as expected from the p-scaling they become contracted radially, as is illustrated in Fig. 6 for a p =4 case. 0 1 2 3 r/a 15 r/a FIG. 7. Radial dependenceof real and imaginary parts of scaled magnetic field correspondingto the [b[ curve for p = 1 and k,z = d2 in Fig. 5. Figures 7 and 8 display the radial structure of the real and imaginary parts of the scaled magnetic field b corresponding to the lb] curves shown in Fig. 5 for <= rri2, and e=27r, The radial coordinate has been expanded to illustrate the sharp changes across the cone boundaries. Figure 9 exhibits, for the small disk case (p= l), the axial dependence corresponding to the radial features displayed in Fig. 5. It shows the real and imaginary parts of b, as well as the amplitude I bl, for two different radial positions outside the shadow of the disk exciter (r/a=3, 10). The pattern in Fig. 9 consists of an axially propagating wave whose amplitude changes upon crossing the intersection with the 0.4 Ibl b 0.0 r/a 5 rfa FIG. 6. Radial dependenceof magnitudeof scaledmagnetic field for different axial positionsaway from exciter for a disk with p =4 (larger than that of Fig. 5). 3770 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 FIG. 8. Radial dependenceof real and imaginary parts of scaled magnetic field correspondingto the 161 curve for p= 1 and k,Z=2n in Fig. 5. Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 0.2 cones .‘$ ,“‘*“..“““‘....“.““‘ .Ibl 0.2 0.0 - 0.2 n E 2Ji 0.4 0.0 n !i &i -0.2 2 0.2 0.0 0.0 -0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 -0.2 30 0 15 kG 30 kAZ FIG. 9. Axial dependenceof the real and imaginary parts of scaledmagnetic field for two radial positions outside the disk shadow.p = 1. cone boundaries. In this axial cut the outer cone is crossed at a value of z smaller than that for the inner cone. The decay in amplitude seen at r/a=3 corresponds to crossing from region III into region II of Fig. 3, where the radially spreading diffraction pattern causes lb\ to decrease. The axial wave number of the propagating signal shown in Fig. 9 has a value which is about 10% larger than k, . This behavior results from summation over the k, spectrum of the disk, with each component contributing a kll= k, [ 1 +(k,lk,)*]“*. The axial behavior corresponding to the larger disk @=4) examined in Fig. 6 is shown in Fig. 10, for the same scaled radial locations considered in Fig. 9. It is seen now that for r/a = 10, the signal propagates without axial decay. The reason is that this position is in region IV where the field FIG. 11. Effect of moderate collisionality on axial dependenceof real and imaginary parts of scaled magnetic field. Radial position is r/a= 10 for p=l; r=v,/w. falls off as l/r for all z. The pattern obtained for r/a =3 also contains a part of this behavior in the region of small z. However, as the cones are crossed, the signal builds up and, eventually at large z, decays since the pattern corresponds to region II. V. DISSIPATIVE EFFECTS A. Collisions In this section we discuss the modifications produced by electron collisions on the patterns generated by the collisionless skin depth. We focus our attention on the major features arising from rll in Eq. (30), i.e., due to resistive dissipation of the axial currents. The damping associated with cross-field drifts, i.e., due to r, in Eq. (30), is in general smaller and can be easily incorporated by making 5 a complex quantity. Figure 11 illustrates the effect of moderate collisionality, I?ll=O. 1, on the axial propagation for a p = 1 exciter. It is seen by comparison with the rll=O pattern that the sharp phase changes across the cone structures are smoothed out, but their presence is still evident. The magnitude of the signal, 1b I, does not exhibit a significant axial decay at this level of collisionality. The effect of collisional dissipation on the diffraction pattern can be described in the limit of 5 +l by modifying Eq. (43) according to the prescription of Eq. (30), i.e., p*+-i (i+rII) p2, (46) 2 1+rII ~....,....,....,....,....,....I 0 15 kAz 30 which results in the expression pt b(‘+l,p)+(l-e-*s(‘+rll)), P FIG. 10. Axial dependenceof the real and imaginary parts of scaled magnetic field for two radial positions outside the disk shadow.p =4 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 P2P2 s=4g-(r;f+iy (47) For arbitrary values of I’ll the magnitude of the scaled magnetic field far from the exciter is given by Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs 3771 Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Ibl Ibl 0.1 0.0 0.0 15 0 15 rta r/a FIG. 12. Transition from skin-depthdivergencedeterminedby cone angle to diffusive spreaddue to collisions at k,z. = 3?r/2 for a p = 1 exciter; I’= v,/w. IhI+;t?-Srli[ sin* s + sinh*( srll)] FIG. 13. Effect of increasing collisionality on the asymptotic diffraction pattern for a p = 1 exciter at k,z = 8% lY= v&o. still at the same radius as predicted by the collisionless result. For I’ll=5, the behavior is entirely diffusive, as predicted I”, by Es. (49). which reduces to Eq. (44) for I’ll-to. The role of moderate collisionality (i.e., Fll-0.1) on the diffraction pattern is seen from Eq. (48) to produce two effects: a decay in the overall amplitude of the signal and a filling-in of the sharp minima. The reduction in amplitude represents the loss of energy while the filling-in is due to radial diffusion of the current channel. Equation (48) also recovers the limit investigated by Borg et a1.,9 i.e., strong collisionality (in their displays r/l-30). In this limit The sensitivity of the magnetic field patterns in Figs. 12 and 13 to the value of l?ll makes them useful in determining the electron collision frequency, i.e., they can be used as a diagnostic tool. For this purpose it is useful to consider the p4 1 behavior of lb I, i.e., the linearly increasing portion near the axis of the exciter. In this region Eq. (48) yields I+ p*p I-exp( -$$)I, which can be put in the form Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 Ibl)-*-l]*". (511 (49) which represents a purely diffusive spread of the current channel. The transition from skin-depth divergence, determined by the cone angle of Eq. (41), to the diffusive spreading caused by parallel resistivity is illustrated in Fig. 12 for p = 1 and axial location k,z =3~/2, i.e., before the diffraction pattern develops. It is seen that the current channel does not spread significantly beyond the radial location of the outer cone for r,lGl. For rll=S, however, the cone features are destroyed by radial diffusion and the maximum value of the magnetic field occurs at a radius beyond the outer cone. It is found from direct comparison that the prediction of Eq. (49) is indistinguishable from the curves in Fig. 12 for rl125. For l?ll= 1, the qualitative shape predicted by Eq. (49) holds, but there are observable deviations from the exact curve shown in Fig. 12. The effect of increasing collisionality on the asymptotic diffraction pattern is illustrated in Fig. 13 for p = 1 and axial position k,z=8m Again, it is seen that for rll=l the interference effects disappear, but the location of the maximum is 3772 (50) 2~(rl;ff)*'*' q=[($$ b--+G[ 30 Equation (51) can be used to yield a range of independent values of ve by measuring the radial slope of lb]. In practice, the measured quantity, 1~~1,is not absolutely normalized, so one needs to compare relative changes in slope for different values of 4. This can be accomplished by altering &k,z in two different ways, either by changing the frequency, or by changing the axial location. B. Landau damping Another source of dissipation is the resonant acceleration of electrons by the parallel electric field, i.e., Landau damping. This kinetic effect can be incorporated into the analysis by replacing the fluid expression for the electron current, given by Eq. (1 l), with the expression obtained from the linearized Vlasov equation, *- JZ- * ” (52) where 6 is the electron thermal velocity, 5= ONcllU,and Z’(J’) is the derivative of the well-known plasma dispersion funcMorales, Loritsch, and Maggs Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see tion. Using the same model of disk coupling to plasma current used to obtain Fq. (21), it is found that the spatial dependence of the magnetic field is again given by Eq. (25). Now, however, the dependence of the parallel wave number on k [i.e., +1(k)] is found by solving the dispersion relation (53) In the general case, the roots of this equation are complex, so that the parallel wave number has both a real and imaginary part. The imaginary part, of course, represents the asymptotic (i.e., within one wavelength of the exciter) spatial Landau damping of the radiated wave. A discussion of the spatial features resulting from Landau damping is found in the companion experimental paper.* VI. CONCLUSIONS The results presented in this analytical study demonstrate that shear Alfven waves having transverse scale on the order of the skin depth exhibit a collisionless divergence determined by propagation cones that emanate from the edges of the exciting structures. The cone angle is given by the expression tan 8=(mlM)“2( ~/a,)[ 1 - ( o10J2]-‘” in which the (w/Q)~ dependence is a direct consequence of the overwhelming effect of axial electron currents for small transverse scales, as discussed in the Appendix. The axial currents induced by a small disk exciter have been found to exhibit a collisionless radial expansion associated with the skin effect. The radial expansion of the current channel is bounded by the cone trajectories. At axial distances on the order of a few parallel wavelengths, the collisionless radial expansion gives rise to an azimuthal magnetic field whose shape is analogous to that of a diffraction pattern, as exemplified by the bottom two curves in Fig. 5. The inclusion of parallel electron resistivity allows the parallel current channel to diffuse radially beyond the collisionless boundary set by the outer cone trajectory, i.e., r/a = (k,zlp) + 1. For moderate values of electron collisionality (i.e., u,Iws l), it is found that the cone features and the diffraction pattern remain well resolved, as demonstrated by Figs. 12 and 13. For values of u,Iw slightly larger than unity, the diffusive behavior becomes dominant and results in the patterns predicted by Eq. (49), which have been the focus of attention of earlier theoretical and experimental studies.“” The sensitivity of the spatial pattern of small-scale Alf&n waves to the electron collisionality suggests the possibility of a useful diagnostic which allows the determination of Z&J through Eq. (51). The experimental studies performed in the LAPD facility, reported in a companion paper,8 are able to sample several of the general properties of the theoretical study presented here. Primarily the experiments are able to sample the channel divergence along cone trajectories, and clearly establish the outer l/r region. The scaling with w and p have been well documented. As of this writing, however, the asymptotic diffraction pattern has not been sampled due to the small collisionality (l?ll<O.l) and large axial distances required, i.e., about four Alfvdn wavelengths. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 Direct experimental observation of features in the radiation pattern associated with cone-like propagation of the shear Alfvin wave as illustrated in various figures in the manuscript is difficult because dissipative effects smooth o& the sharp features associated with the edge of the disk as illustrated in Figs. 1 l- 13. The most direct method to find the location of the outer Alfven cone in experimental data is to identify the radial position at which the r-’ decay in the radiated magnetic field pattern begins. However, it must be emphasized that the entire spatial pattern of the magnetic field radiated by a disk is determined by the cone-like propagation of Alfven waves, and not just the sharp features associated with the edge of the disk. Therefore, the most meaningful test of the cone-like propagation properties of the shear wave consists of detailed, quantitative comparisons of the predicted spatial profile of the radiation pattern with experimental observation as a function of frequency. Consequently, the purpose of the arrows labeled “cones” in various figures is to help in the visualization of the path followed by the boundary that encloses the current channel, and should not be interpreted as the only manifestation of cone-like behavior. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank Professor W. Gekelwn for valuab& discussions of the measurements made in the LAPD facility at the University of California at Los Angeles. This work is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and the U.S. Department of Energy. APPENDIX: FINITE FREQUENCY EFFECTS In describing shear Alfvin waves whose frequency o is comparable to the ion gyrofrequency, ni, the question tises as to what is the importance of the relative slippage between the EXB, drift of the electrons and that of the ions. As is well known for akin 1, the two charge species drift together and no net current results from this flow. In this limit, the perpendicular plasma current is entirely due to the ion polarization current. However, for finite WIsli an additional contribution to this current arises from the EX&, slippage. The question of relevance to the present study is the following: What effect does this extra current have for Alfvdn waves whose transverse scale is on the order of cIwpe? In this limit a significant parallel electron current is present and competes with the slippage current due to finite dfii. To illustrate the competition between these two effects, it is useful to examine the exact dispersion relation for the shear Alfvin wave for a uniform, cold plasma, (Al) K2+K2X2(l-W2) 2 +Wz(lfKz), (A21 where, kAo=WIUAo, UAo=CslilOpi, K=klCItipe, X=k,lkAo=(Mlm)“2/W; kll and k, are the wave numbers parallel and perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field. Morales, Loritsch, and Maggs 3773 Downloaded 11 Aug 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see In the limit K-+0, i.e., zero skin depth (and correspondingly no contribution from the parallel electron current), (Al) reduces to 2 kAO &(l+w)=- 1-W’ (A3) It should be noted that in this limit the denominator contains a term W and not W2. The W2 dependence is canceled by the 1 + W term that arises from the inclusion of the relative slippage between the ions and electrons. Mathematically, the dominance of the slippage effect implies F-+ W2 in the dispersion relation. Next we consider the other extreme case, W+O, but K finite. This corresponds to no EXB, slippage, but retaining the contribution of the parallel electron current. In this limit, (A 1) yields k+ki,( I+ K2), (A4) which mathematically implies that F--t K2+K2h2(1-W2) 2 i 2 1. (A5) Having identified the two opposite limits of importance for these two currents, we then determine the condition for dominance of the finite skin-depth currents at finite values of w/f&. This requirement implies that in the quantity F given by 642) K2+K2X2(1-W2) 2 %-W2( 1 -FK2), (A61 which can be solved for a condition on K (small) that implies 3774 Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 1994 klc d-2m -s WPe M[ ( WlL2i)3’2 1 - (oln,)y * This condition is well satisfied for the physical situation of except for a interest in the present study, i.e., k, --w~Jc, narrow frequency interval close to fii. 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