PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 16, 092106 共2009兲 Generation of polarized shear Alfvén waves by a rotating magnetic field source A. Gigliotti,1 W. Gekelman,1 P. Pribyl,1 S. Vincena,1 A. Karavaev,2 X. Shao,2 A. Surjalal Sharma,2 and D. Papadopoulos2 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095-1696, USA Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA 2 共Received 16 April 2009; accepted 19 August 2009; published online 16 September 2009兲 Experiments are performed in the Large Plasma Device at the University of California, Los Angeles to study the propagation of field-aligned, polarized kinetic shear Alfvén waves radiated from a rotating magnetic field source created via a novel phased orthogonal loop antenna. Both right and left hand circular polarizations are generated at a wide range of frequencies from 0.21ⱕ / ⍀ci ⬍ 0.93. Propagation parallel to the background magnetic field near the Alfvén velocity is observed along with a small parallel wave magnetic field component implying a shear mode. The peak-to-peak magnitude of the wave magnetic field, 33 cm away from the antenna, is on the order of 0.8% of the background field and drops off in the far field. The full width at half maximum of the wave energy changes little over a distance of 2.5 parallel wavelengths while the exponential decrease in wave energy as a function of distance can be attributed to collisional damping. Evidence of electron heating and ionization is observed during the pulse. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3224030兴 I. INTRODUCTION The shear Alfvén wave 共SAW兲 is found in a variety of magnetized plasma environments. It has been artificially excited in a number of laboratory experiments1 and naturally observed in a variety of astrophysical settings such as the solar corona,2 near other planets such as Jupiter,3 and Earth’s aurora.4 It is capable of transporting energy, accelerating particles, and mediating changes in the current structures of plasmas. In fact, one may think of many low frequency current systems in a magnetoplasma as Alfvénic wave systems. Shear waves were observed by the FAST,5 Cluster,6 and Helios2 satellites and are now thought to play a major role in charged particle acceleration in environments such as Earth’s aurora,7,8 its bow shock,6 and the solar corona.2 Measurements of the incoming Poynting flux of shear waves toward the auroral ionosphere by the Polar satellite indicate that they alone may have enough energy to power certain types of aurora.9 In this experiment, the study of these waves is motivated by their possible application to the reduction of the energetic particle flux in Earth’s inner radiation belt. Energetic protons trapped at L ⬍ 2 are the greatest threat to microelectronics of low Earth orbiting satellites as these particles will destroy currently developed devices using a submicron feature size. Large amplitude SAWs generated by a rotating magnetic field 共RMF兲 source are a candidate for the remediation of these energetic particles via nonadiabatic scattering by the wave fields.10 Although a variety of shear waves have been excited in the laboratory, a unique requirement in this effort was the production of waves of fairly high amplitude with arbitrary polarization.1 The following work encompasses both the generation and a detailed characterization of these 1070-664X/2009/16共9兲/092106/8/$25.00 waves. A phased dual orthogonal loop antenna is used to induce a RMF that couples to a polarization controlled, large amplitude, SAW. II. PROPERTIES OF SHEAR ALFVÉN WAVES The SAW is an electromagnetic mode that exists in magnetized plasmas and propagates at frequencies below the ion cyclotron frequency, ⬍ ⍀ci. To zeroth order, the wave propagates parallel to the background magnetic field, B0, and its magnetic field, B, is almost perpendicular to the background field while its electric field lies perpendicular to both B0 and B.11–13 To first order, when k⬜ is included, there is a small component of the wave’s electric field that lies along the background field.13 It is this parallel component that gives the SAW the ability to accelerate electrons and drive field-aligned plasma currents. Perpendicular to B0, the currents of SAWs are carried by ions through their polarization drift.14 It is well known that the SAW exists in two distinct regimes, commonly known as the inertial and kinetic, which are differentiated by the ratio of the electron thermal speed, 15 ve = 共2Te / me兲1/2, to the Alfvén speed, vA = B0 / 共4nimi兲1/2. The inertial regime is characterized by ve ⬍ vA whereas the kinetic is characterized by ve ⬎ vA. This experiment was conducted in the kinetic regime. In this limit, the dispersion relation for the shear mode, including finite frequency effects, can be written as /k储 = vA冑1 − 共/⍀ci兲2 + 共k⬜s兲2 , 共1兲 where s = cs / ⍀ci is the ion sound gyroradius, cs = 共Te / mi兲1/2 is the sound speed, ⍀ci = 共qiB0兲 / 共mic兲 is the ion cyclotron frequency, Te is the electron temperature, and ⬜ and 储 denote the components perpendicular and parallel to the background magnetic field, B0, respectively.13 In general, the cross-field 16, 092106-1 © 2009 American Institute of Physics 092106-2 Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 Gigliotti et al. 1600 cm Cathode Anode Orthogonal Ring Antenna Plasma #1 z 50 cm 100 cm x B0 #2 Discharge Switch Probe 1800 cm FIG. 1. Schematic of experimental setup. The LAPD chamber and reproducible, quiescent, plasma column are shown. The orthogonal ring antenna is aligned so the rotation axis of the induced magnetic field at the center of the antenna is parallel to the direction of the background solenoidal field, B0. The data are collected through the use of probes that can be placed at various locations along z. This is not drawn to scale. propagation of the SAW is much slower than parallel phase speed v储 = / k储.15–17 As a result, the wave remains largely localized to a fixed set of field lines. III. EXPERIMENTAL ARRANGEMENT The following experiment was conducted on the Large Plasma Device 共LAPD兲 at the University of California, Los Angeles 共see Fig. 1兲. The device is composed of an 18 m long, 1 m diameter, stainless steel cylindrical vacuum chamber that is surrounded by 56 pancake electromagnets placed at 32 cm intervals creating a uniform, ␦B0 / B0 ⬇ 1%, solenoidal magnetic field along the length of the device. In order to provide access to the plasma column, there are 488 ports evenly distributed down the length of the device. Of those, 424 are 15 cm diameter circular ports equipped with windows, gate valves, and various diagnostics. The remaining 64 are rectangular ports that allow for the insertion of larger scale objects, such as our antenna, into the plasma column. At 32 cm intervals, along the entire length of the machine, 65 of the circular ports are equipped with ball joints and gate valves which allow for the insertion and two-dimensional movement of diagnostic probes at many z locations.18 The LAPD creates a highly reproducible, highly magnetized, quiescent dc discharge plasma. The discharge occurs between a heated barium-oxide coated nickel cathode and a molybdenum mesh anode with a 52 cm separation. As a result, the remaining 16 m of the plasma column carries no net current. The machine is backfilled with He at a pressure of approximately 1 ⫻ 10−4 Torr and pulsed at 1 Hz. With the background magnetic field, B0, held fixed at 1 kG, a 4.5 kA discharge is run for 12 ms to produce a plasma column 17 m long and 50 cm in diameter with a density of 共2.3⫾ 0.3兲 ⫻ 1012 cm−3 共calibrated using a microwave interferometer兲, an electron temperature, Te, of 6 ⫾ 1 eV 共measured from a swept Langmuir probe兲, and an ion temperature, Ti, of 1 ⫾ 0.5 eV. For a wave driven at = 0.54 ⍀ci, with a characteristic ⬜ = 9 cm determined by the antenna size, the kinetic dispersion relation gives a parallel Alfvén FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Photographic image of the RMF antenna. Each coil has three turns of enameled solid copper wire covered in epoxy to prevent electrical contact with plasma. Coil 1 has a diameter of 9 cm and coil 2 has a diameter of 8 cm. wavelength of 317 cm. For these conditions, the axial length of the device contains approximately five parallel Alfvén wavelengths. A computer controlled data acquisition system is used to collect volumetric data. Computer controlled digitizers and mechanical probe drives are used to acquire planar data sets, transverse to the background field, at various axial positions along the length of the device. In the plane transverse to the background field, the probe drive positioning system is accurate to 0.5 mm, while in the axial direction along the field, it is accurate to 1 cm. Probes are moved to a prespecified position within the plane, the discharge plasma is created, the orthogonal ring antenna is pulsed, and temporally resolved data are collected at that location. This process is repeated at each location. For this experiment, eight planes, each covering 1681 spatial locations, were collected spanning an axial distance of 8 m along the device over the course of approximately 135 000 discharges. IV. WAVE LAUNCHING A. Orthogonal ring antenna SAWs are launched using a RMF source realized using a phased, orthogonal loop antenna 共Fig. 2兲. The antenna is composed of two coils, each with three turns of 0.25 cm diameter solid copper wire. The horizontal coil 共coil 2兲 has a diameter of roughly 8 cm while the vertical coil 共coil 1兲 has a diameter of 9 cm. These coils are driven by a pair of high power resonant LRC circuits, set 90° out of phase with respect to each other. The antenna is carefully aligned such that the axis of rotation of its induced magnetic field at the center of the antenna is parallel to B0 共Fig. 1兲. In this experiment, the antenna was pulsed for 100 s, 10 ms into a 12 ms long plasma discharge. 092106-3 Generation of polarized shear Alfvén waves… Variable Capacitance C. Diagnostics: Wave detection High Power Amplifier Array Line Resistance 50 Ω 50 Ω 50 Ω Inductive Coil 50 Ω 50 Ω Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 50 Ω Line Resistance Variable Capacitance FIG. 3. Schematic of the high power LRC driver used for each coil. Various high voltage capacitors were used to tune the circuit to a wide range of frequencies from 0.21ⱕ / ⍀ci ⬍ 0.93. In the experiment, two drivers locked 90° out of phase were used, one driver per coil. The primary diagnostic used in this experiment is a three-axis magnetic pickup coil. This probe features differentially wound loops that eliminate electrostatic pickup when used in conjunction with a differential amplifier. The loops are wound around a 1 mm cube with ten turns each. The cube is mounted within a glass tube and attached to a thin ceramic tube extending from the end of a stainless steel probe shaft. The probe used in this experiment was calibrated using a network analyzer and differential amplifiers with a gain of 1 and 50 ⍀ output impedance were used. Additional data come from a double-sided Langmuir probe used to take ion saturation current measurements before and during the pulse where Isat ⬃ ne共Te兲1/2. A 56 GHz microwave interferometer was used to acquire absolute line averaged density measurements and a photodiode sensitive to visible wavelengths was used to measure line integrated light intensity across the center of the plasma column. B. High power LRC driver The LRC circuit utilizes the inductance of the antenna and the inherent resistance of the lines while relying on high frequency rf drivers developed in house to supply the circulating power 共Fig. 3兲. Combinations of high voltage capacitors allow for flexible tuning of the system. Together, these components produce a phase locked, sinusoidal current wave packet with peak-to-peak current of 1200 A and voltages across the capacitors of 2000 V. V. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The RMF source is found to drive large amplitude, fieldaligned kinetic SAWs with arbitrary polarization. It is large amplitude in the sense that the peak-to-peak magnitude of the wave magnetic field is approximately a 1% distortion of the background field, and this displacement is close to the t = 4 s FIG. 4. 共Color兲 A portion of the three-dimensional volumetric data set consisting of 13 448 spatial locations is plotted at an early time in the pulse, = 4 s. The wave is launched from an antenna 33 cm to the lower left of the first plane. The magnetic field vectors are shown within a 2 m long section of the LAPD. For orientation purposes, an idealized cross section of the LAPD is drawn: magnets are purple, the vacuum vessel is gray, and access ports are shown with semitransparent and reflective glass. 092106-4 Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 Gigliotti et al. Average Phase Velocity versus Frequency vphase / vA Bx (Gauss) Position (x,y,z) = (0.0, 0.0, 96.9) cm Time (μs) Position (x,y,z) = (0.0, 0.0, 96.9) cm f / fci By (Gauss) FIG. 6. Plot of the average parallel phase velocity of the driven wave measured for various ratios of the drive frequency 共f兲 to the ion cyclotron frequency 共f ci兲. The solid curve is the theoretical parallel shear Alfvén phase velocity, given by Eq. 共1兲. Time (μs) Bz (Gauss) Position (x,y,z) = (0.0, 0.0, 96.9) cm Current (Amps) Current in Coil #1 and Coil #2 Time (μs) FIG. 5. Plots of Bx, By, and Bz in the center of the plasma column, 96.9 cm away from the RMF antenna. Indicative of the shear mode, the direction of the waves magnetic field is predominantly perpendicular to B0, with a small Bz component. Note that the origin of our coordinate system is located at the back end of the orthogonal ring antenna on the side opposite the cathode 共Fig. 1兲. “cone” angle of spread of the wave.17 At large enough amplitudes this could lead to wave current filamentation.19 A wide range of frequencies can be launched 共0.21ⱕ / ⍀ci ⬍ 0.93 in the present investigation兲 in both left and right hand circular polarizations. A volumetric data set, 8 m along the machine’s axis and 35 cm square in the transverse plane, is acquired with a left hand circularly polarized SAW at roughly half the cyclotron frequency, = 0.54 ⍀ci. Although the study of the antenna’s near-field characteristics is of general interest, the primary focus of this publication is on the far-field radiation pattern of the propagating SAW driven by the RMF source 共Fig. 4兲. The observed magnetic wave field generated by the RMF antenna lies primarily perpendicular to B0, with Bx ⬇ By Ⰶ Bz 共see Fig. 5兲, which is consistent with the theoretical polarization of the kinetic SAW radiated from a source of small transverse size.15 The shear wave dispersion relation 关Eq. 共1兲兴 is verified for the radiated waves by varying the background magnetic field while holding both the driver frequency and background plasma density fixed. The results 共shown in Fig. 6兲 are in reasonable agreement with the prediction of Eq. 共1兲, Current in Coil #1 (Amps) Alfvén Wave Field Components By (Gauss) Time (μs) Current in Coil #2 (Amps) Antenna Current Bx (Gauss) FIG. 7. Above is a plot of the current on each coil of the RMF antenna. Coil 1 is oriented with its normal parallel to x and coil 2 is oriented with its normal parallel to y. Also included are two hodograms, running from = 关0 , 48兴 s, illustrating the left hand circular polarization of both the coil currents and the wave magnetic field components. In this case, magnetic field data are taken from the center of the wave pattern, 96.9 cm away from the antenna. 092106-5 Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 Generation of polarized shear Alfvén waves… t = 40.0 μs t = 41.2 μs t = 42.4 μs x Position (cm) y Position (cm) y Position (cm) y Position (cm) Left Hand: x Position (cm) x Position (cm) x Position (cm) y Position (cm) y Position (cm) y Position (cm) Right Hand: x Position (cm) x Position (cm) x Position (cm) y Position (cm) y Position (cm) y Position (cm) Single Coil: x Position (cm) x Position (cm) FIG. 8. Above is a series of wave magnetic vector fields for left hand, right hand, and linear polarizations at three time steps separated by a quarter period. The wave polarization was controlled by changing the polarization of the magnetic field induced by the RMF antenna. These planes are 384.5 cm or approximately 1.2 parallel wavelengths, away from the RMF antenna. using a perpendicular wavelength of the 9 cm antenna size. The phase velocity of the wave is measured using the time delay of phase fronts between two probes axially separated by 127 cm. The measurement is temporally within the middle of the wave pulse and at the spatial center of the wave pattern. An average value of two phase fronts in the middle of the pulse for both the x and y components of the wave field are taken for each value of f / f ci. The error bars reflect the uncertainty in measuring the time delay of the phase fronts. The wave propagates along B0 with a 092106-6 Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 Gigliotti et al. J J y x z, B0 t = 4.6 μs FIG. 9. 共Color兲 Isosurfaces of current density at = 4.6 s. The surfaces begin 33 cm to the right of the antenna and end approximately 8 m away. Two rotating, counterpropagating helical current channels can be seen flowing in the z direction along B0. As time advances the currents rotate in a left-handed sense. The outer isosurface represents a current density of 0.25 A / cm2 and the inner surface a current density of 0.5 A / cm2, whereas red denotes current flow in the positive z direction and blue in the negative z direction. Magnetic field vectors are also shown 共enhanced online兲. 关URL:兴 parallel phase velocity close to the theoretically predicted values for the kinetic SAW. In all cases, the parallel Alfvén phase velocity vA is below the electron thermal velocity, vTe = 1.45⫻ 108 cm/ s. It was observed that the polarization of the SAW produced depends directly on the polarization of the RMF source. For this experiment, the current in the antenna was configured such that the magnetic field rotated in a left hand sense with the vertical coil 90° out of phase with the horizontal coil 共Fig. 7兲. The wave generated by this rotating field was observed to be left hand circularly polarized. Similarly, if the phase relationship between the two coils is reversed such that the RMF rotates in the right hand sense, a right hand circularly polarized shear wave is excited. In both the left and right hand cases, at half the ion cyclotron frequency, the resulting wave patterns are near identical with the only difference being that they rotate in the opposite sense 共Fig. 8兲. If only a single coil is driven, a linearly polarized shear wave is excited. In this case, the wave magnetic field oscillates in a single direction resulting in a wave pattern similar to the left and right hand cases, but with the addition of a central null every half period and without rotation, as exemplified in the lower third portion of Fig. 8. The wave current is calculated from the curl of the magnetic vector field, Jជ = ⵜ ⫻ Bជ / 0. This reveals the presence of two well-defined, helically rotating wave current channels, propagating in the z direction, parallel to B0 共Fig. 9兲. These parallel currents are again indicative of a shear mode. The wave generated by the RMF antenna has a maximum measured amplitude of approximately 4 G, 33 cm away from the antenna, which translates into a ratio of the wave field magnitude, B, to the background field magnitude, B0, of B / B0 ⬇ 0.4%. An estimate of the magnetic energy of the wave within the 35⫻ 35⫻ 767 cm3 volume of the collected data set yields 1.7 mJ. In comparison, there is approximately 1 J of energy in the LAPD plasma contained in that same volume. The wave pattern remains well collimated, exhibiting very little cross-field propagation over the course of 8 m. The measured full width at half maximum of the temporally and spatially averaged magnetic energy density increases by approximately 15% over this interval 关Fig. 10共b兲兴. However, examining the energy density versus distance along the magnetic axis of the machine, z, reveals that the energy density decreases approximately 85% over this same distance of 8 m 关Fig. 10共c兲兴. This decay can be attributed to electron collision damping. The dispersion relation for collisionally damped kinetic Alfvén waves can be written as20 冋 2 − kz2VA2 1 − 册 2 2 2 + 共 sk ⬜兲 2 + i k ⬜ e e = 0, ⍀2i 共2兲 where e = c / pe is the electron skin depth and e is electron collision frequency due to collisions with ions and neutrals. The axial damping of the Alfvén wave due to electron collisions can be derived from Eq. 共2兲 as follows: The wave Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 Generation of polarized shear Alfvén waves… z = 192.8 cm z = 384.5 cm z = 704.0 cm A Current Light A Time (ms) x Position (cm) Ion Saturation Current and Light Intensity Ion Saturation Current (A/cm2) Full Width at Half Maximum (cm) FWHM of Average Magnetic Energy Density B Current Light B Time (ms) Distance from Antenna (cm) Average Energy Desnsity (ergs/cm3) Average Magnetic Energy Density vs. Distance kzr = FIG. 10. 共a兲 Time averaged magnetic energy density plotted vs x coordinate centered in the plane at y = 0 for three axial distances, z, from the RMF source. The energy density is time averaged during the pulse from = 关40, 80兴 s. 共b兲 Plot of the full width at half maximum of the spatially and temporally averaged magnetic energy density of the wave vs the distance from the antenna. The energy density is spatially averaged along a strip centered at x = 0 running from y = 关−3 , 3兴 cm. It is then time averaged during the pulse from = 关40, 80兴 s. 共c兲 Point plot of the measured time averaged magnetic energy density vs the distance from the antenna, along a line down the center of the wave pattern 共储B0兲. The energy density is averaged in time during the pulse from = 关40, 80兴 s. The solid curve is an exponential fit that gives a collisional damping length of 397.5 cm, which agrees well with the theoretically predicted value of 410 cm. frequency is set by the driver and therefore is real valued, a spectrum of real-valued perpendicular wavenumbers k⬜ is present as determined by the antenna geometry, and the parallel wavenumber is taken to be complex kz = kzr + iki, which is self-consistently determined by the plasma dielectric. Equation 共2兲 then yields and FIG. 11. Plots of the ion saturation current at the center of the wave pattern and the visible light intensity line integrated across the center of the plasma column, 198 cm away from the antenna. Both signals are digitally bandpass filtered from 0 to 100 kHz. 共a兲 The 12 ms LAPD dc discharge is shown in its entirety and a large spike in both signals is apparent during the antenna pulse at = 0. 共b兲 This plot is an expansion in time of the above spikes. The sharp initial rise in both cases can be attributed to electron heating and subsequent ionization. C Distance from the Antenna (cm) ki = VA 冑冉 冑1 + k⬜4 4e 2e /2 − 1 2 1− 2 + 共 sk ⬜兲 2 ⍀2i 冊 Light Intensity (AU) Ion Saturation Current and Light Intensity Ion Saturation Current (A/cm2) Average Energy Desnsity (ergs/cm3) Average Magnetic Energy Density vs. x Position Light Intensity (AU) 092106-7 2 2 e e k⬜ ki 2VA2 1 . 2 2 1 − 2 + 共 sk ⬜兲 ⍀i 共4兲 The experimental parameters yield the electron-ion collision frequency ei = 5.2⫻ 106 s−1, which is much higher than the electron-neutral collision frequency21 en = 1.1⫻ 105 s−1 and is therefore dominant. Using the antenna diameter 共⬃9 cm兲 as an approximation for ⬜, we get k⬜e = 0.24, k⬜s = 0.35, and the decay length di = 1 / ki = 425 cm. The solid line in Fig. 10共c兲 is the least-squares fit to an exponential decay of the data: A共z兲 = A0e−z/di with fitting parameters A0 = 0.44 ergs/ cm3 and di = 398 cm, which is in good agreement with the theoretical value. Measurements of both the line integrated visible light intensity across the center of the wave pattern and the ion saturation current at the center of the wave pattern show sharp increases during the 100 s antenna pulse 共Fig. 11兲. This response can be attributed to electron heating and subsequent ionization. VI. CONCLUSION 共3兲 It is demonstrated that SAWs of arbitrary polarization can be launched using an orthogonal loop antenna. A key motivation of the experiment was the possibility of injecting SAWs in the inner radiation belt from one or more satellites. 092106-8 Phys. Plasmas 16, 092106 共2009兲 Gigliotti et al. As discussed in Ref. 10, SAWs with frequency of the order of 1–10 Hz interact resonantly with 30–100 MeV protons and can enhance their precipitation rate. For space injection and given the relatively low frequency it was suggested that a rotating superconducting or permanent magnet could be used to generate a RMF similar to the one that was generated in the present experiment. The wave propagation is field aligned with the full width at half maximum changing little over 2.5 wavelengths of propagation. The drop in wave intensity as a function of distance from the antenna is exponential and can be explained by collisional damping. It is difficult to produce high amplitude SAWs. For example the vacuum magnetic field in the loop antenna is of order 350 G on axis, however the largest near-field wave amplitudes were from 8 G peak-to-peak falling off to 3 G peak-to-peak in a axial distance of 8 m, approximately 2.5 parallel wavelengths. One reason for this is that the wave current is limited by the electron saturation current Iesat = nevtheA. If a current larger than Iesat was to flow through the plasma the electrons would have to drift faster than their thermal speed which would lead to a violent Buneman-type instability. The diameter of the center of the current channel is on the order of 2 cm. For the conditions described, the total electron saturation current is 30 A / cm2. Thus, a 2 cm diameter channel produces, at most, a 13 G field. This is on the order of what is observed. Larger wave fields would be observed if the plasma density were ten times larger or if a nonthermal electron population carried the current as was the case in recent laser target experiments.22 The wave power estimated from S = VA共␦Bw2 / 0兲 ⬇ 4.5⫻ 104 W / m2, where ␦Bw is the measured wave field. From Fig. 10共a兲 the cross sectional diameter of the wave is 6.5 cm giving a radiated wave power of about 188 W and energy of 19 mJ for a 100 s wave burst 共the total energy in the plasma is 6.6 J兲. It is difficult to estimate the radiation efficiency as the phase between the voltage on the RMF antenna 共1000 V兲 and the current 共600 A兲 is not precisely known. At best it is in the order of 1%. In this experiment, the wave amplitude is large enough to cause electron heating and fast electrons as evidenced in measurements of visible light emitted from the plasma. Ionization is also observed evidenced by the longer decay time of the elevated ion saturation current when compared to the visible line integrated light intensity. A discussion of the electron, as well as ion heating, is the subject of a future publication. The experiment demonstrated for the first time the feasibility and control of RMFs using specialized antennas. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge support by the ONR under MURI Grant No. N000140710789. This work was done on the LAPD at UCLA. 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