IOP PUBLISHING PHYSICA SCRIPTA Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 (12pp) doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2010/T142/014032 Magnetic field line reconnection in the current systems of flux ropes and Alfvén waves W Gekelman1 , E Lawrence1 , A Collette1 , S Vincena1 , B Van Compernolle1 , P Pribyl1 , M Berger2 and J Campbell2 1 2 UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, UK E-mail: Received 31 May 2010 Accepted for publication 5 June 2010 Published 31 December 2010 Online at Abstract Magnetic field line reconnection is still considered, by some, to be one of the most important topics in plasma physics. It has been in this category for close to 30 years and the ‘problem of reconnection’ has still not been solved. Magnetic field topologies are part and parcel of the current systems within a plasma whatever their source. Plasma currents may initially be induced or injected but they soon become entangled or part of the currents of plasma waves, flows and structures. We first present experimental results of undriven reconnection, which occurs when two magnetic flux ropes are generated from initially adjacent pulsed current channels in a background magnetoplasma (length 18 m, diameter 60 cm). The second example presented is the three-dimensional (3D) magnetic fields and currents associated with colliding laser-produced plasmas. The currents in this situation are those of shear Alfvén waves. The wave magnetic field is a small fraction of the background field; nevertheless, reconnection regions, multiple magnetic ‘X’ points (which are 3D) and induced electric fields are observed. The first involves the interaction of magnetic flux ropes and the second localized reconnection sites in the current system of Alfvén waves. PACS numbers:,, 52.35.Vd (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version.) to occur locally when an instability raised the local current density, became large and triggered reconnection which then propagated around the torus [6]. Three-dimensional reconnection has been observed in an experiment in which two magnetic flux ropes, produced by plasma guns, without the presence of a background plasma, merge in three dimensions [7] and recently in the magnetic fields of Alfvén waves [8]. A glance at the structure of flux ropes as mirrored in satellite x-ray photographs emerging from the solar surface is enough to convince one that the reconnection there must be 3D. It is thought that reconnection leads to the dissipation of magnetic energy in coronal mass ejections (CMEs) [9], flare loops [10], compact flares [11], and x-ray bright points [12]. Systems undergoing reconnection such as CMEs are conjectured to have a fully 3D nature [13] as well as the magnetic fields near binary stars [14] and accretion 1. Introduction Magnetic field line reconnection has been an open topic for many years and considered by some to be one of the unsolved mysteries in plasma physics. It was first recognized as an important candidate of the rapid heating of the solar corona [1] and has been seen and observed directly in dedicated laboratory experiments [2], and indirectly in fusion experiments [3]. There have been many review papers on reconnection, the most recent by Zwibel and Yamada [4]. To date, most reconnection experiments have been inherently two-dimensional (2D) because of boundary conditions or in the manner that the reconnection was forced to occur [5]. Some recent experiments were designed to allow for spontaneous, localized reconnection to occur. For example, in a toroidal geometry, reconnection was observed 0031-8949/10/014032+12$30.00 1 © 2010 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Printed in the UK Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al Figure 1. The LAPD device. The plasma column is produced with a dc discharge. The plasma parameters are column length 18 m, n 6 2.5 × 1012 cm−3 , 200 G 6 B0z 6 2.5 kG, 0.25 eV 6 Te 6 7 eV, Ti = 1 eV, Ar, He, Ne or controlled mixtures. The device has 450 access ports, many with pump down ports allowing the removal or introduction of probes and beam while the device is running. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the LAPD source and device. The yellow and purple rings are solenoidal electromagnets, which make the axial magnetic field Bz . The cathode is a Ni sheet indirectly heated to emission temperature: 900 ◦ C. A Mo anode is located 30 cm from the cathode. The discharge current 1 kA 6 ID 6 10 kA between the cathode and anode is initiated with a 4 farad capacitor bank and transistor switch. The bulk of the plasma carries no net current and is quiescent. discs [15]. These and many other cases are discussed by Priest and Forbes [14] in their comprehensive book ‘Magnetic Reconnection’. In this paper, we report on two very different experiments that are fully 3D and in which reconnection occurs. The first experiment involves the interaction of magnetic flux ropes in a background, magnetized plasma. In the second experiment, localized reconnection events are embedded within the current system of Alfvén waves. Both experiments are well diagnosed with plasma parameters and magnetic field measured as a function of time at thousands of spatial locations. Figure 3. Cartoon of the magnetic field lines at four radial positions in a flux rope. The pitch of the magnetic field varies as a function of the radial position. 2. Experimental setup field lines within them are just like the twisted fibers that comprise an ordinary rope. A cartoon of a flux rope is shown in figure 3. Flux ropes are produced whenever current flows along a background magnetic field. Flux ropes need not be straight. For example, the curved solar arcades and prominences are thought to be flux ropes [22]. Flux ropes observed by the satellites close to the earth are thought to have their origin in coronal mass ejections that reach all the way to the earth [23]. In the first experiment [24] discussed here, two magnetic flux ropes [25] are created by drawing current from two cathode emitters (2.6 × 2.6 cm). Each cathode emits 30 A of current, and both are biased with respect to a mesh anode (Vbias = 100 V, dia = 16.5 cm) which is 9 m away. The cathodes are pulsed on when steady state background plasma had been established. The experiment is highly reproducible E and magnetic field data, d B/dt, is acquired every 4 µs for 2 ms at 20 000 spatial locations throughout the volume. The magnetic probes are calibrated using a known source and a vector network analyzer for their frequency response. E The signals are numerically integrated to yield B(x, y, z, t). Figure 4 shows some of the field lines derived from the experimental measurements as well as some features of the flux rope generation. The flux rope currents heat the background plasma as shown in figure 5. The electron temperature was measured The experiments were performed in the upgraded Large Plasma Device (LAPD) at UCLA. (The original LAPD device was half the length [17].) A photograph of the device is shown in figure 1. The plasma is produced with a dc discharge using an oxide-coated cathode [18] as shown in figure 2. The plasma is switched on for 15 ms and operated at a repetition rate of 1 Hz for up to 4 months. The plasma is stable and experiments, can be repeated millions of times if necessary. In these experiments a single probe, for example, E three-axis differentially wound magnetic pickup (d B/dt) probe (typically several mm in size) is moved over 1000–2000 locations in a plane transverse to B0z (the background constant magnetic field) removed from the vacuum system and then placed in a port at a different z location. This is repeated until the data sets sampled at up to 30 000 locations are acquired. We describe two very different experiments in which magnetic field line reconnection occurs. In both cases, the current systems and the reconnection sites are fully 3D. 2.1. Experiment 1: interaction of magnetic flux ropes Magnetic flux ropes are aptly named, the first observation of flux ropes in a planetary ionosphere was made at Venus [19]. Flux ropes were since seen in the Martian ionosphere [20] as well as in the lower ionosphere of Titan [21]. The magnetic 2 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al Figure 4. The two LaB6 electron emitters are located at z = 0. Magnetic field lines, which originate at the guns, are shown in yellow (light gray) and blue (dark gray) to differentiate them. The magnetic field in a plane (z = 64 cm) is shown on the right. A magnetic ‘X’ point is clearly visible. The snapshots shown are at t = 1.699 ms (the currents are pulsed on at t = 0). Figure 5. Temperature profile associated with a single current channel/flux rope. The electron current more than doubles the electron temperature of the background plasma. The figure insert on the lower right is the electron temperature profile along the white line (y = 5) through the data plane. with a swept Langmuir probe at 2601 spatial locations on the data plane. Analysis of the swept probe also determined the plasma density, which is also observed to increase by 40% in the center of the current channel (the background plasma is approximately 50% ionized). The self-magnetic fields are of the order of 2% of the background field, which is enough for them to interact over their length. The currents of the ropes exert mutual JE × BE forces causing them to twist about each other and merge. The resulting magnetic field has both twist (180◦ ) and writhe (180◦ –270◦ ) components. The currents are kink unstable [26] with q = 2πa B z /L B θ ' 0.7, where a is the diameter of the current channel and L its length. The presence of flow can further destabilize the kink mode [27]; however, in this experiment the Mach number of the measured parallel flow, M = vflow /cs ' 0.5, makes the correction small. The predicted frequency of the √ mode with rotation √ kink at criticality is f ' (vflow /2L 2) 1 − M 2 = 300 Hz. The observed frequency is 5 kHz and increases as the discharge current goes down. This disagrees with the model in [28]. The E 0 ) is pinned to current density (calculated from Ej = ∇ × B/µ the sources at z = 0 but further away the centers of the current channels rotate in the X–Y plane. The motion of the two flux ropes is presented in figure 6. When they move towards each other, magnetic field line reconnection is triggered. At a distance of z > 600 cm, the currents have filamented after merging, and reverse currents are observed. This is a sign of reconnection. In addition, the currents are observed to filament after merging. The magnitude of the current density on the same three planes is shown in figure 7(a). The integral of the current density over the plane at z = 63 is within a few percent of that measured in the wires leading to the cathode, but the discrepancy increases to 20% for the furthest planes. This indicates that some current leaves the measurement planes. When the background field is added to the field lines shown in figure 4, the reconnection regions become elongated; there is no separatrix. The transverse magnetic field in a single plane 6.6 m from the current sources is shown in figure 8. A magnetic sheet is clearly seen in between the current channels. A times series, or movie, of BE ⊥ (E r , t) clearly shows merging as field lines join, reconnect and move away 3 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al 3.5 Δ s (cm) 3.0 2.5 z = 507 cm collisions 2.0 z = 830 cm 1.5 1.65 1.70 t (ms) 1.75 Figure 6. Separation of the flux ropes as a function of time. This is obtained from the determination of the center of each current channel from data on 11 planes. Close to the current sources the flux ropes do not move. Some motion is observed 6 m from the sources and significant motion at δz = 8.3 m. Figure 7. (a) Current density at t = 1.615 ms. Far from the source (z = 830 cm) reverse currents are observed. (b) Field lines puncturing planes at three axial locations. The puncture points are colored in order to identify them. The blue (dark gray) lines in the center are the intersection of the QSL (discussed later) with the data plane. at nearly right angles. Inspection of the transverse field also reveals multiple reconnection sites throughout the volume with time-dependent locations. The next step is to add the measured axial component, Bz , of the flux ropes. This is displayed in figure 9. The field lines start at 6.6 m from the flux ropes as in figure 8 and rapidly wander out of the plane. The fully 3D nature of a reconnection site without the background field, in the region where flux ropes are reconnecting, is shown in figure 10. When the 270 G background field is added, the field lines are as depicted in figure 4. Does the fact that reconnection apparently shows up in the transverse field and can be recognized when the axial field of the currents is present have any significance at all? When the guide field is added, the field lines and presumably the reconnection region get stretched out. For strong guide fields, does the reconnection region disappear entirely? Theoretical studies of reconnecting plasmas with oppositely directed, merging magnetic field lines and with arbitrary guide are prone to a tearing-type instability [28] however, once the plasma beta exceeds (m e /m i )1/4 the guide field ceases to have any effect on the growth rate. Computer simulations with simple X point or neutral sheet geometries have been done with guide fields of varying strengths. A 2.5D Hall code found the reconnection rate to drop by a factor of 2.5 when the guide field was increased to 4 times the transverse field [29]. A 3D particle in cell computer simulation of a Harris sheet with a guide field [30] shows that the reconnection time scale increases with increasing guide field and the reconnection rate is a bit smaller (∼ 20%) for simulation parameters in which the guide field is of order of the transverse field and is a factor of 2 smaller for simulations in which Bguide /Bt = 5. There was a long-standing belief that the presence of a strong guide field would slow down the growth rate of instabilities that affect the reconnection rate [31], but a recent simulation [32] with large system size has shown that this is 4 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al 4.1 log10(Q) (z = 64 cm) 9 3.4 8 y (cm) 2.7 7 2 6 1.4 5 0.68 -2 -1 0 x (cm) 1 0 Figure 10. The QSL in the flux rope experiment 64 cm from the current sources that make the flux rope. Contours of the current density inside the ropes are shown as white lines. The S-shaped QSL contains field lines, which are close to one another on this plane; however, their separation diverges hyperbolically as they approach the anode nearly 8 m away. Figure 8. B⊥ δt = 1.7 ms, δz = 6.6 m. The background field of 600 G and Bz , the axial component of field of the flux tubes, are not included in the field line calculation. The transverse extent of the plane is 12 cm in both the x- and y-direction. The z-direction (which is the direction of the background magnetic field) points out of the page. A method used by the solar physics community to identify the volume in which reconnection is operative is the identification of a quasi-separatrix layer [33] (QSL). Two closely spaced field lines, which enter the QSL, wind up at very different spatial separations at finite distances along the current channel. Outside the QSL, neighboring field lines remain close by. The QSL can be found by moving the footprint of a field line a small distance from its original position (x, y) on a plane (z = z 0 ) and measuring where it winds up (X, Y) on a plane far away (z = z 1 ). Consider the quantity v" # u u ∂ X 2 ∂ X 2 ∂Y 2 ∂Y 2 t + + + . (1) N= ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y Figure 9. Field line approximately 6.6 m from the start of the flux ropes and (δt = 1.7 ms) after their onset. The ‘X point’ is fully 3D. The background field is not shown in the diagram and stretches out the field lines as depicted in figure 4. If N 1, then the field lines used to generate it are said to be on a QSL. The concept of the QSL has been extended to encompass situations in which there is a guide field [34]. The slip squash factor Q is defined by not the case and that the relevant waves were kinetic Alfvén waves. Evidence for the influence of reconnection in the flux rope experiment is in the observed return currents, which evolve after τ >1.0 ms. The currents close to their source are tethered to the emitting cathodes and always appear as in figure 7(a). The currents are collected on a remote anode (δz = 9 m, dia = 16 cm). Return currents become prevalent at δz > 6 m from the cathodes. When the current density is integrated over each of the data planes, the total current, R I = JE · n̂ dA, is conserved over the 8 m between the sources and anode. The return currents are sheet like (figure 7(a)) and form loops. The return currents are thought to be the result of the inductive electric field produced during reconnection. N2 . Q= Bz (z0 ) Bz (z1 ) (2) The squashing degree may be used as a measure of 3D reconnection [35]. In the case of this experiment, the guide field is much stronger (99.95%) than the field due to the currents and Q ' N 2 . In order to compute Q, many field lines must be computed very accurately. In the magnetic field data set, there are regions where the divergence of B is small but does not vanish. This can come from small errors in the probe head angle and shot-to-shot variation, but even interpolation between grid points can introduce a divergence. These errors 5 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al begins when two dense, laser-produced plasmas collide in a background helium magnetoplasma [40]. Electrons from the dense (n lpp > 103 n 0 ) plasmas stream away from the carbon targets and a return current in the background plasma neutralizes the space charge. The details of the experiment are given in [8]; what is germane is that the interaction produces current channels that merge and subsequently filament before merging again. The background magnetic field, Bz0 , is 600 G and data were acquired at 30 000 spatial locations and at 10 ns intervals. The current systems have multiple reconnection sites, one of which is shown in figure 13. The three-axis magnetic probe used to collect the data E is sensitive to d B/dt and the constant background field does not show up when field lines are calculated after integration of the raw data. The same probes were used in the flux rope experiment. Each component of the field is integrated E r , z, t) and the current derived JE = (1/µ0 )∇ × B. E to get B(E E r , t) is calculated from a volumetric The vector potential A(E integral over the current Z µ0 JE(E r 0) (3) d3r 0 . AE = 4π |(E r − rE0 )| Figure 11. The QSL for Q = 200. The field lines start at the rear plane (z = 64 cm) within the two current channels and the endpoints are at z = 830 cm and t = 1.688 ms. The red (x) arrow points in the x-direction and the blue (z) along the background magnetic field. can accumulate in the field line integration. Therefore, we employ a technique typically used in simulations and space observational data known as ‘divergence cleaning,’ [36]. Briefly, the magnetic vector potential A is calculated from the magnetic field using Fourier transforms and then fitted to splines, and finally taking the curl of A analytically gives us the divergence-free magnetic field. The distribution of Q at z = 64 cm during the first collision at t = 1.688 ms is shown in figure 10. The most salient feature is the S-shaped layer between the two current channels. If we extend field lines at a particular Q contour, we can visualize the 3D nature of the QSL. In figure 11, we show the surface comprising field lines seeded along the Q = 200 contour. The QSL is bordered by the flux tubes initially associated with the two current channels. The area bounded by the QSL is the same in every plane; however, its character is different in the center plane. The surface is, in fact, a hyperbolic flux tube [37]. This is obvious from the cut planes showing the QSL in figure 7(b). The Hyperbolic flux tubes have been postulated to exist in the solar corona when merging occurs between upwelling the magnetic field associated with two or more bundles of field lines, which emerge from the solar surface. The prominences are nothing but curved flux ropes that are anchored (or line tied) to the solar surface. The QSL observed does not lie either in the center of flux rope or within the main current channels associated with them. The maximum value of Q peaks when the flux ropes become close to one another in the course of their writing about, and when reverse current sheets develop. Figure 12(a) shows the current system as well as the Q = 1000 when the return currents have developed. Figure 12(b) is a close-up of the return currents in the axial region past the region where the QSL has the smallest radial extent (figure 7(a)). Note that the return current is close to the QSL and at or nearby the HFT as predicted [38]. Computer simulations [39] of two merging flux tubes have shown that the reconnection region between them is a region where current is induced and is the same spatial region as the QSL just as in this experiment. The background magnetic field does not contribute to the E induced field ( EE I = −∂ A/∂t). In figure 13, the induced field is shown as sparkles, which are larger in regions of large | EE ind | > 1 V cm−1 . The field is largest at this instant of time in the reconnection region; however, induced fields also show up in the center of the current channels associated with the process. It has been established that this entire system is that of shear Alfvén waves. In a magnetoplasma that supports Alfvén waves, all low-frequency current systems f < f ci are those of Alfvén waves. The currents must have associated return currents, which are diffuse and outside the main current channels. The cross-field current is carried by ions [41]. As mentioned, the guide field of 600 G is not included in figure 13. To show the effect of a guide field, it is instructive to superimpose the guide field in steps. In figure 14, a small guide field of 0.5 G has been added. The field lines are stretched along the axis of the device, and the separatrix geometry in figures 1 and 4 no longer exists. When the full 600 G background field is added, the field lines look nearly straight. The induced electric field does not change. The experiments raise several questions. In both cases, reconnection occurs in the presence of a guide field; there is no separatrix. Induced electric fields occur in both cases, sometimes easily associated with reconnection regions but also occurring in current channels. The reconnection rate is nothing but the electric field generated by flux annihilation. It has been argued that this is due only to the induced magnetic E field. The total field is EE = −∇8 − ∂ A/∂t. In an early reconnection experiment [42] and a recent one also involving flux ropes [7], it was discovered that both of these terms exist and have opposite signs thereby greatly reducing the actual electric field in the plasma. The electric field and resistivity are part of the generalized Ohm’s law and those working in the field tend to studiously ignore most of the terms. In some cases [43], the resistivity is assumed to be Spitzer, which is derived from a measurement of the electron temperature. There is no a priori reason that this is the case in a plasma undergoing reconnection in which localized currents exist. 2.2. Experiment 2: interaction of Alfvén wave currents The flux rope experiment is contrasted with 3D reconnection arising in a very different set of circumstances. The event 6 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al Figure 12. (a) Volumetric data of magnetic field, current and the QSL at t = 2.5 ms (The currents that make the flux ropes are switched on at t = 0). The QSL is shown as a magenta (gray) surface. Magnetic field lines are rendered in red (dark gray) and yellow (light gray) (the background field is included). These field lines are seeded from the end of the volume nearest to the LaB6 cathodes. The arrows are the local current density. Magnetic field lines in a plane transverse to the background field are drawn for δz = 1.8 m. The marker plane (x–z) on the bottom is located at y = −6 cm. The grid lines occur at δx = 2 cm and δz = 30 cm. (b) Close-up of the return current region at the same time in figure 12(a). Here the magnetic field lines are drawn in a plane at δz = 7.6 m. An ‘X’ point is visible in the center (see figure 8). The QSL is drawn in blue (light gray surface). The arrows of current density are reversed close to the transverse plane. In figures 12(a) and (b) the 3D field lines start close to the two emitters. They go through the ‘O’ points in the closer plane (figure 12(a)) but not the further one. This reflects the complex current structure seen in planes in figure 7(a). Other assumptions are used to evaluate pressure gradients and additional terms in the Ohm’s law. Measurement of all terms on a spatial grid commensurate with a reconnection event is difficult and generally not done. In this case, we do not claim to have measured the plasma resistivity of the total electric field either in 3D or even in a plane. However, ∇φ was not measured in this experiment. It is instructive, however, to look at the inductive part E as of the electric field. Figure 12 displays EE ind = −∂ A/∂t ‘sparkles’ with size and brightness being maximum close to the reconnection region. There are also induced currents in the main channels, ‘O points’, of the wave. These are shown E in figure 14 in which isosurfaces of |∂ A/∂t| = 3.5 V m−1 are shown where the induced field points towards the targets (gold isosurfaces) and a return EMF (purple) points in the other direction. To show the 3D character, a background magnetic field of 0.5 G is added to the 3D time-varying field measured by the probe. The QSL may be evaluated for the Alfvén waves using the same methodology used for the flux ropes. The volume over which the data were acquired was on one side of the targets and extended for 6 m (of the order of two Alfvén wavelengths) along the background magnetic field and most of the plasma in the transverse direction. The QSL is shown for the case without the 600 G guide field in figure 15. The Q = 100 contour is concentrated in the region between the two current channels of the Alfvén waves and in the region where the induced electric field peaks (see figure 13). When a background magnetic field of 100 G is used, the QSL becomes smaller, of order 3. When the full background field is used in the calculation the value of Q drops below 2; it all but disappears. Does it make sense, therefore, to discuss a QSL in this context? The QSL will vanish when the field lines become completely straight, what matters is how much they twist over the length of the interaction and if magnetic reconnection occurs. In this experiment, the interaction region was too short. If the LAPD were 100 m long (and collisionless so the waves are not damped), then there would be sufficient field line twisting to have a robust QSL. In space, for example, where distances are thousands 7 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al Figure 13. Magnetic field lines from data acquired 5.12 µs after two targets (drawn to scale in the rear of the figure) are struck by lasers. The field lines in the data plane shown start at 85 cm from the targets. The sparkles are drawn to mark regions of large E EE ind = −∂ A/∂t ' 1 V cm−1 , the largest fields observed. The contribution from the background magnetic field is not shown. Figure 15. Alfvén wave QSL. The background magnetic field is left out of the calculation. t = 5.2 µs. The plane shown is 16 cm on a side. The plasma column is 60 cm in diameter. The plane shown is 85 cm from the targets as in figure 13. Figure 14. Magnetic field lines at t = 5.12 µs shown with a superimposed guide field of 0.5 G. Two representative lines are drawn in red (light gray) and blue (gray) so that they may be distinguished. The gold isosurface within the field lines is the induced electric field, and the purple outer isosurfaces show an induced field of the same magnitude but in the other direction. One of the two carbon targets (to scale) that are the sources of the dense plasmas appears on the right. The transverse extent of the data is a square of 40 cm on a side. The axial extent is 6 m. Figure 16. Alfvén wave QSL. t = 5.2 µs. The plane shown is 16 cm on a side. The plasma column is 60 cm in diameter. The plane shown is 54.5 cm from the targets. The uniform background magnetic field used in this calculation is 100 G. field. In this case, a gauge-invariant and physically meaningful helicity is defined by setting the helicity of the vacuum field (i.e. the constant background field) to zero [46]. This procedure is analogous to setting a ground-state voltage to zero. Letting P be the constant background field, BE 0z , BE the total field ( BE ropes + BE 0z ), AE p the vector potential of the background field and AE the total vector potential, the generalized helicity can be written [47] as Z E dV. H = ( AE + AE p ) · ( BE − P) (5) of wavelengths, it would make sense to consider the QSL associated with Alfvénic current systems. In essence, it does not matter if the currents in a system undergoing reconnection are driven (flux rope experiments) or if they are the currents of waves (laser plasma collision experiment) as long as the flux is destroyed and the magnetic topology is sufficiently changed. 2.3. Helicity and resistivity The magnetic helicity is a measure of the linkage, twist and kinking of magnetic field lines [44]. In a closed simply connected volume V (bounded by a flux surface), the magnetic helicity is defined [45] by Z E · BE dV . H= A (4) This is always gauge invariant, except for fields inside periodic volumes (as found in some numerical simulations) with net flux [48]. In the flux rope experiment, the relevant fields are all located in the volume between the cathode emitters and the anode 9 m away. The fields in this volume have been carefully probed in that volume so that a good estimate of the generalized helicity is possible. The helicity was evaluated in the flux rope experiment using the divergence cleaned data and equation (5). Figure 17 shows an isosurface V In our case, the field lines cross the boundary of the probed volume at the ends of the cylinder due to the background 8 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al Figure 17. Several magnetic field lines of the full magnetic field of the flux ropes and a surface of constant helicity density. The field lines are started at δz = 1 m from the sources. The constant background magnetic field is 270 G and points from left to right. The diagram is generated at τ = 1.68 ms. Figure 18. The winding number between two field lines measures how much they rotate about each other between the end plates. For the field lines pictured, labeled x and y, the winding number w = 1/(2π)(θb − θa ) + 1. of constant helicity density as well as magnetic field lines, which are started near the two emitters. We can give a geometric interpretation of the helicity in terms of winding numbers. A pair of field lines will wind about each other through some angle (θ) as they travel between the cathode and anode (see figure 18). If we perform a double sum (or integral) over all pairs of field lines, we obtain the generalized helicity of equation (5). Let w = θ/(2π ) be the winding number between two lines. We cannot simply compare the orientation of the endpoints of the lines, in case the change in angle is more than 2π. Instead, the winding number between two curves labeled a and b may be written as Z 1 1 dE r ab , wab = ẑ · rEab × (6) 2 2π dz rab edge (figure 5) also cause flow. Reconnection can often be accompanied by resistive heating due to a change in the plasma resistivity. It is very difficult to measure all the terms in Ohm’s law; this has been done in a reconnection experiment years ago [49]. Often when resistivity is measured, assumptions are often made such as ignoring the scalar part of the potential or assuming the resistivity to be classical. The same hold true for estimations of the helicity that rely on unproven symmetry assumptions. In this experiment, the volumetric data set allows for evaluation of the time-varying magnetic energy as well as the helicity. There is an inequality that ties the rate of change of magnetic field in the plasma volume, the change of the helicity and the resistivity [50] dH 2 Z 1 dt dM ; M = B 2 dV, (8) η> 2µ0 2M dt where rEab is the relative position vector pointing from one curve to another. We split the field into n flux elements following n field lines starting from constant regularly spaced points on the cathode, each representing 1/n times the total flux 8. Summing over every pair of flux elements gives H= n n 82 X X wab . n 2 a=1 b=1 where M is the volume magnetic energy and H the helicity. The lower limit on the plasma resistivity determined from equation (8) is shown in figure 20. As this contribution is due to the time-varying helicity the background plasma Spitzer resistivity is added. The helicity in the laser plasma experiment was evaluated using the same method. Figure 21 rendered from data acquired at time τ = 0.6 µs after the targets are struck. Field lines with the background field excluded are shown and two partially transparent isosurfaces of helicity density (calculated using the full magnetic field, equation (5)) are shown as well. The helicity density is greatest in the current channels and the area between them where reconnection is observed to occur. As the current system from the reconnecting Alfvén wave dissipates the magnetic field and the helicity dies away or leaves the volume measured. The time behavior of the helicity density integrated over the volume that the data were acquired was observed to oscillate in time [8]. The magnetic field data were acquired on only one side of the targets and the Alfvén waves are radiated both upstream and downstream with respect to the targets. It is possible that the total volume helicity may not oscillate if the helicity on the side of the targets that was not probed oscillates one-half period out of phase. (7) The self-helicities (e.g. w11 ) due to twist within each flux element are ignored; their contribution to the total is negligible. Calculating helicity by summing winding numbers allows us to concentrate on any subset of field lines in a gauge-invariant and geometrically meaningful way. For the entire field, it gives an answer equivalent to the generalized helicity of equation (5), but will still be well defined even if some field lines have not been probed. For this reason, we have used this method to calculate the helicity as a function of time, although equation (5) gives almost identical results. Figure 19 shows the time history of helicity, exhibiting regular oscillations. When reconnection occurs, there is a transfer of energy from magnetic fields to plasma flow and heating. It is difficult to isolate heating and flows as the current within the ropes heat the electrons and the pressure gradients on the current 9 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al Figure 19. The magnetic helicity (a) during one oscillation between t = 1600 µs and t = 1825 µs and (b) over an entire run. (c) The time derivative of the helicity. Figure 20. Resistivity estimated from equation (5) normalized to the classical Spitzer resistivity due to electron ion collisions ηSpitzer = A(kTe /m e )− 3/2, where A is a constant. The resistivity is averaged over the volume employed for the helicity calculation. The resistivity peaks at the times that the two current channels are moving towards each other as shown in figure 6. Figure 21. Field lines and surfaces of helicity density (red Hd = −1000, blue Hd = −500 and pink Hd = 500 G2 cm) at τ = 0.6 µs after the targets are struck. The field lines are started 1 m from the targets, which are shown as gray cylinders in the background. 3. Summary and conclusions in the flux rope experiment. In both cases, a QSL has been identified; however, in the colliding plasma experiment the lower R makes it difficult to compute the pertinent QSL because of the ‘shorter’ axial extent. In both cases, an induced electric field and helicity generation are observed. The time The two experiments discussed involve 3D reconnection in the presence of a guide field. If one considers the ratio R = B⊥ /B0 , where B⊥ is the transverse field due to currents be they due to waves or drifting electrons, R is much larger 10 Phys. Scr. T142 (2010) 014032 W Gekelman et al rate of change of magnetic helicity was used to put a lower bound on the plasma resistivity in the flux rope experiment. The resistivity exceeds the classical Spitzer resistivity by a factor of 5 when the current channels move towards each other and reconnection occurs. This was done without trying to measure all the terms in Ohm’s law. In a very different reconnection experiment [51], the transverse resistivity was obtained (by measuring the time-varying magnetic field and electron temperature in a plane and using assumptions about symmetry) and coincidentally is of the same order as η/ηSpitzer in the flux rope case. It is suspected that anomalous resistivity is the result of wave particle scattering and a variety of waves have been considered to be candidates [52]. In the colliding plasma experiment, one surmises that reconnection is occurring as it appears in the transverse fields and induced electric fields that are observed. However, this is not a certainty as the QSL is very weak. A well-described phenomenon that has a similarity in this respect is tearing modes in tokomak devices [53]. Here a helical instability causes local reconnection to occur which, in turn, affects internal transport and the plasma stability. The change in magnetic field is far smaller (less than 1%) than the strong toroidal field that confines the plasma, and if the electrons carrying the current went around the device only once their orbits would be insignificantly perturbed. As fusion plasmas are nearly collisionless, the current-carrying electrons make thousands of transits before a collision and the reconnection is a cumulative effect. This in essence makes the plasma much longer and if a QSL could be calculated for a tokomak it also would be weak in the single-orbit case. Every circumstance in which reconnection occurs in nature has different plasma parameters and boundary conditions, and there is no single-wave candidate that can be invoked to explain anomalous resistivity for all of them. It is also possible that nonlinear structures such as electron phase space holes could contribute to the resistivity. These have been observed in a variety of different regions in space including those in which reconnection occurs [54]. They have also been seen in a reconnection experiment [55] and a reconnection computer simulation [56]. One constantly hears that reconnection is still one of the great unsolved problems in plasma physics. The experimental measurements presented here lead one to suspect that reconnection is not an independent topic which can be studied in isolation. It is not a problem at all. Magnetic field line reconnection is part of a variety of phenomena associated with the much broader subject of 3D current systems in plasmas. References [1] Priest E R 1976 Sol. Phys. 47 41 Cowley S W H 1973 Radio Sci. 8 903 Akasofu S I 1979 Sol. Phys. 64 333 [2] Stenzel R L and Gekelman W 1979 Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 1055 Gekelman W, Stenzel R L and Wild N 1982 Phys. Scr. T2B 277 Yamada M, Ono Y, Hayakawa Y, Katsurai A and Perkins M 1990 Phys. Rev. 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