IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 1507 Microfabricated Flexible Electrodes for Multiaxis Sensing in the Large Plasma Device at UCLA Franklin C. Chiang, Patrick Pribyl, Walter Gekelman, Bertrand Lefebvre, Li-Jen Chen, and Jack W. Judy, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—As conventional sensors are scaled down in size for proper usage in high-density laboratory plasmas, they become harder to construct reliably by hand. Devices fabricated utilizing microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) techniques are superior to hand-made devices in terms of size scale, process control, and precision. Microprobes give experimentalists the ability to take direct measurements under controlled conditions. This paper discusses flexible MEMS multiaxis probes that have been developed for use in the Large Plasma Device, a cathode-discharge plasma, at UCLA. The probes are custom built and tailored to fit the unique specifications of individual experiments. Postfabrication assembly also allows for simultaneous sensing in multiple axis. MEMS electric-field probes have been successfully used to detect electron solitary structures in a high-density plasma that are predicted in theory but never seen before except in low-density space plasmas. Index Terms—B-dot microcoil, electric-field (E-field) measurements, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices, plasma diagnostics. I. I NTRODUCTION T HE ABILITY TO take plasma measurements without disturbing the plasma itself is extremely important when diagnosing terrestrial plasmas. In particular, high-density plasmas, such as those used in fusion research or semiconductor manufacturing, have hitherto been extremely hard to accurately diagnose because conventionally made sensors are simply too large to take measurements without adversely disturbing the plasma. Fortunately, advances in micromachining technology now enable us to build devices that are smaller than the characteristic size scales of laboratory plasmas (i.e., Debye length, ion gyroradius, etc.). MEMS, or microelectromechanical systems, technology offers many of the same advantages as semiconductor manufacturing. For example, the nature of batch fabrication allows for Manuscript received October 10, 2010; revised February 8, 2011; accepted February 24, 2011. Date of publication April 21, 2011; date of current version June 10, 2011. The LAPD Laboratory is part of the Basic Plasma Science User Facility, which is funded by an NSF/DOE cooperative agreement (NSF-PHY05316121). This work was also supported by a Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) Z882801 from the Office of Naval Research. F. C. Chiang and J. W. Judy are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594 USA (e-mail:; P. Pribyl and W. Gekelman are with the Physics Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594 USA (e-mail:; B. Lefebvre and L.-J. Chen are with the Space Science Center and the Physics Department, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824 USA (e-mail:; Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2011.2129601 dozens of devices to be built simultaneously, with very high device reliability and uniform electrical and mechanical characteristics. This opens up the possibility of using a large number of sensors for real-time monitoring of plasma parameters over a large volume of plasma, eventually limited only by the backend data acquisition systems. Previously, a first-attempt MEMS probe successfully sampled electric-field (E-field) perturbations during an experiment to observe electron solitary structures in the Large Plasma Device (LAPD) at UCLA [1]. Although successful, the use of a 5 cm × 7 cm × 0.5 cm copper box to house amplifiers and associated circuitry introduced a great deal of uncertainty regarding possible plasma disturbance from the housing itself. This was in part due to the fact that the MEMS probes extruded only a short distance (∼500 λD ) from the box edge. Fortunately, the results from the experiments, coupled with refinement of the fabrication process, enabled probes with smaller overall dimensions to be made. In addition to E-fields, plasma phenomena often have a magnetic-field component that can be measured. In particular, waves, such as Alfvén waves, give off unique signatures as they propagate through plasma [2], [3]. A commonly utilized diagnostic for measuring magnetic fields is a B-dot or inductive loop probe [4]. For outer-space experiments, these loops can be quite large, while the size limit for conventional probes made by hand under a microscope is about 1 mm. Ideally, experimentalists would like to use probes that are less than 1 mm in length, perhaps even as small as 500 or 250 μm if attempting to measure very fast high-density discharges. Probes of this size would give unprecedented resolution and possibly reveal signals previously undetectable by conventional probes. Once again, MEMS technology holds much promise in this regard because it enables wire traces to have widths on the order of micrometers. Already, the ability to pattern and fabricate such narrow metal traces has proven invaluable for some experiments [1], [5]. In fact, loops of micrometer-wide wire have already been made for magnetometer applications [6]–[9], and adapting them for use in a plasma environment is a logical next step. This paper presents an improved MEMS E-field probe, as well as a MEMS “B-dot” probe that can be used to measure changing magnetic fields. Both devices utilize polyimide as a flexible dielectric encapsulating a metal conductor. This flexible nature allows for rough handling without damaging the devices, enabling postprocessing assembly into true 3-D detectors. 0093-3813/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE 1508 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 II. D ESIGN A. E-Field Probes The first-generation MEMS E-field probe fabricated in [1] showed great promise in observing a previously undetectable phenomenon in high-density plasmas. However, being a first attempt, there was much room for improvement. For instance, the copper housing protecting the preamplifier circuitry was very large with respect to the Debye length. As a result, it likely created a large disturbance in the plasma. In addition, the MEMS probe tips were located ≤ 5 mm away from the housing. Although this distance is many times larger than the Debye length, there is a legitimate concern of measuring disturbances caused by the housing. Thus, even though measurements were obtained and signals not seen with conventional macroscopic hand-made probes were observed, it was felt that a newer design with a longer shaft and narrower profile was needed. Unless data collected by the probes are transmitted out of the plasma chamber wirelessly, a metal shaft and housing for the probes is required. Fortunately, the signals observed from the early experiment were strong (i.e., ≥ 0.1 mV), which means that the onboard discrete preamplifiers kept in the copper housing are not necessary to detect a useable signal. Eliminating the preamplifiers also greatly simplifies the overall design of the bond-pad areas of the MEMS E-field probe tips. In addition, by reducing the number of sensing elements on the probe tip to only two differential pairs, the overall probe profile was reduced to minimize possible disturbance in the plasma. Instead of using wire bonds to electrically connect the probes to the conductive traces inside the shaft, we decided to make the bond-pad areas on the probe much larger so that conductive epoxy could be used to form a direct electrical connection to the probe. This approach not only eliminates any inductance introduced by wire bonds but also simplifies the fabrication process as the gold layer no longer needs to be thick enough to support wire bonding. Thus, the electroplating step used in the previous design is no longer necessary and is replaced by an evaporated layer of gold. One benefit of using only evaporated gold to form the metal traces is improved thickness uniformity across the device, allowing us to extend the MEMS probe tip shaft length to 4 cm, further isolating the tips from the large metal housing. Gold was still the conductor of choice, as the metal tips were going to be exposed to air and thus needed to be resistant to corrosion and oxidation effects. A schematic diagram of the probe-tip dimensions can be seen in Fig. 1, where g is the gap between two signal traces, d is the gap between two differential pairs, w is the width of a signal trace, and s is the width of a shield trace. Each probe tip contained four signal traces, making up two differential pairs. In addition, three traces, one on each side of the differential pairs and one in between, were also incorporated to help shield the signals from each other as much as possible. A variety of probe tips with different dimensions were fabricated. The tips had a w of either 10 or 15 μm, with a g of 20 μm, s of 20 μm, and d of either 60 or 120 μm, and all values were individually selected to correspond with particular experiment parameters. Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of a new MEMS E-field probe tip. B. B-Dot Probes The simplest way to detect time-varying magnetic fields is with the use of a coil of wire. Magnetic flux passing through a coil of wire introduces a current to flow in the wire, an effect described by Faraday’s law of induction ε = −N · (∂ΦB /∂t ), where ε is the resulting electromagnetic force in volts, ΦB is the magnetic flux through the circuit in webers, and N is the number of identical loops in the coil of wire. ΦB is equal to the magnetic flux density B in teslas multiplied by the enclosed area A of a single loop in square meters. This same principle is widely used in a variety of applications, from magnetometers to inductive coupling for wireless energy transfer. The design of the MEMS B-dot probes was a matter of balancing various tradeoffs with one another. Since we are measuring the induced current and solving for the magnetic field, our goal is to maximize the number of loops in the device, as well as the area of each individual loop. At the same time, we wanted the total area of the probe face to be less than 1 mm2 so that it would be considered an improvement over conventional probes built by hand. Also, the entire sensor must be encapsulated within a dielectric so that it is electrically shielded from the plasma environment. An additional consideration was the physical impedance of the loop of wire. In order to minimize the size of the probe housing, we decided to forego the use of onboard amplifiers. Thus, the resistance of the probes needed to be as close as possible to 50 Ω to match the input impedance of the oscilloscope and coaxial transmission line. This became a severe constraint in determining the total length of the trace, as well as the trace dimensions. Ideally, we would also want to use a differential measuring technique that will allow any detected dc offsets to be immediately subtracted out as long as the coils are identical to each other but of reverse polarities. This requirement actually plays to the strength of MEMS fabrication techniques, as devices are built layer by layer with repeatable processes and accurate alignment. It is for this exact reason that differential on-chip inductors, which are basically identical in structure to differential magnetometers, have been so successful. Fig. 2 shows the various design parameters of a single coil, where l is the size of the sensor head, b is the outer border between the outer edge of the dielectric and the first wire loop, w is the width of the wire, and g is the gap between each loop. We wanted to minimize the number of metal layers used in the fabrication of the device to reduce the complexity of CHIANG et al.: MICROFABRICATED ELECTRODES FOR MULTIAXIS SENSING IN THE LAPD 1509 Fig. 3. Plot of B-dot probe head area A as a function of wire width w for R = 50 Ω and g = 3 μm. Fig. 2. Illustration of planar spiral coil with three loops (n = 3). the fabrication process. Therefore, while conventionally wound coils can have multiple loops of the exact same size, our B-dot coils were designed as planar spirals. This negatively impacts the total area of the sensing element, so the total area is no longer simply equal to the number of coils multiplied by the loop size. Instead, we approximate by summing areas of progressively smaller coils, taking into consideration the width of the wire and the gap size between them to get A = n · (l − 2 · b + 2 · g)2 − 2 · n · (n + 1) · (l − 2 · b + 2 · g) 2 · (g + w) + · n · (n + 1) · 2 · n + 1) · g + w)2 (1) 3 where n is the number of loops in the planar coil. Similarly, the total length of the coil can be calculated to be 4 · (n + 1) · (1 − b) − 2 · n · (n + 1) · (g + w). (2) Since the thickness of the deposited metal will be strictly dependent on the final fabrication process, we can calculate the expected resistance R of the metal loop in ohms and determine suitable values for the width w and gap g. Fig. 3 shows a plot of the enclosed area A as a function of the wire width w for various lengths l for R = 50 Ω. As we can see, the most effective way of increasing the enclosed area is to increase the size of the probe head, followed by gradually increasing the wire width in order to achieve more turns in the spiral. Note that there is a point where increasing the wire width no longer gives a larger enclosed area. Intuitively, this makes sense because, as the spiral moves closer and closer to the center point, the gain in area no longer keeps pace with the increase in resistance, and hence, for a constant R, the area begins to decrease. The only way to increase the area further without changing l is to decrease g. However, g is dictated by the lithography capabilities during fabrication. Differential inductors require a center ground tap that serves as a reference. Since our two coils are stacked on top of each other, we decided to make a ground plane both above and below the coils to help prevent direct coupling from the plasma to the coils. In addition, the traces leading back to the bond pads for each of the coils were stacked on top of each other. Stacking the traces is important because the traces are long enough that they could form an unintended loop, with a resulting magnetic flux that could overpower the desired signal from the sensor head. The presence of the ground planes and the long wire traces introduces a large capacitance into the system, thereby slowing down the frequency response of the probes. The capacitances can be approximated as parallel plate capacitors, and the probes were designed such that the frequency at which the imaginary impedance 1/(2 · π · RC) is equal to the real impedance of the trace R was greater than 50 MHz, far beyond our operating region of interest. Likewise, loops of wire have an inductance value that becomes very important when determining the resonating conditions of the system. The self-inductance of a planar coil is a well-established area of research within the integrated circuits community, and a good approximation is given by the modified Wheeler formula as L = 2.34 · μ0 · n2 · davg 1 + 2.75 · ρ (3) where μ0 is the permeability of free space, n is the number of turns in the coil, davg = ((dout + din )/2), and ρ = (dout − din )/(dout + din ) [10]. Once again, the probes were designed such that the frequency at which the imaginary impedance (R/2 · π · L) is equal to the real impedance of the trace R was greater than 50 MHz. Since the entire device was to be encapsulated in polyimide, the oxidation and corrosion of the metal was not a concern. Therefore, we decided against using gold due to the difficulty with depositing thick layers. Although aluminum is 60% more resistive than copper, it is much easier to handle. Thus, we decided to use aluminum as our metal layer and deposited at a thickness of 1.1 μm. Aluminum has a skin depth of 85 μm at 1 MHz, much greater than the expected thickness of our probe head. The gap g is dependent on the lithography accuracies and etching capabilities. Given that we were performing contact UV lithography, we decided to use a g of 3 μm in order to ensure 1510 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 Fig. 4. SolidWorks illustration of planar coils for 1 000-μm-wide B-dot probe (ground planes that lie above and below the coils and are connected to the via are not shown) with n = 5, w = 14 μm, g = 6 μm, and b = 10 μm. reliable wire traces. Likewise, b was also conservatively set at 10 μm. We input all the design parameters into a spreadsheet to find the optimal w value that would satisfy our bandwidth requirements and found that, for l = 1000 μm, w should be equal to 17 and 8 μm for the 500-μm probe heads (see Fig. 4). III. FABRICATION Fig. 5. Illustration of process flow for MEMS E-field probes. In (a), a wafer is deposited with polyimide and PR in preparation for metal evaporation. (b) After the metal is patterned, (c) the second layer of polyimide is deposited. A thin layer of aluminum (d) is then deposited and patterned (e) to act as a mask during the oxygen plasma etch and (f) is removed after the devices are released. A. E-Field Probes Fabrication remains a two-mask process, as discussed previously in [1], and is shown in Fig. 5. As before, since the only role of the silicon wafer is to provide a flat and rigid mechanical substrate upon which the probes are micromachined, its crystallographic orientation is not important. Polyimide, which was used as the insulating layer for the probes, was deposited with two conditions in mind. First, the polyimide must adhere well to the wafer for the duration of the microfabrication process. Second, the probes must be easily released from the substrate without any damage in the final oxygen plasma etch step. In order to achieve these two conditions, the polyimide adhesion promoter (VM-652, HD MicroSystems, Santa Clara, USA) had to be applied in a specific pattern, as shown in Fig. 6. If no adhesion promoter was used, the layer of polyimide would not adhere well to the wafer throughout the whole process. If the adhesion promoter was used over too great of an area, the probes were impossible to remove without damaging them. Therefore, the solution that we found was to apply the adhesion promoter to only the edges of the wafer before the first layer of polyimide was spun on. We did this by spinning the wafer at 300 r/min and gently touching the wafer edge with a clean wipe moistened with the adhesion promoter, resulting in a ring of adhesion promoter on only the outer 5 mm or so of the wafer. As long as no air bubbles got trapped underneath the polyimide layer after it was cured, the entire layer of polyimide remained well attached to the wafer during the whole fabrication process up to the release etch. No adhesion promoter would be present to hold down the micromachined probes after the release etch, allowing for damage-free release. Fig. 6. Illustration of the pattern of applied adhesion promoter. After applying the adhesion promoter, the polyimide (HD MicroSystems PI-2611LX, Parlin, NJ, USA) was deposited onto the wafer and spun at 1600 r/min for 45 s. The polyimide was cured with a two-step bake in a nitrogen oven: 200 ◦ C for 60 min and, then, 350 ◦ C for 30 min, ramping up at 4 ◦ C/min. This type of bake was found to allow any trapped bubbles sufficient time to escape and resulted in a very smooth and uniform polyimide layer (i.e., 11 ± 0.15 μm). After curing, an 11-μm-thick film is formed that will serve as the lower insulator and the mechanical base of support for the probe tips. Next, the first photolithography step was performed using AZ5214E photoresist (Clariant Ltd., Muttenz, Switzerland). Usually a positive-tone photoresist, by following the imagereversal process provided by the resist manufacturer [11], AZ5214E can be used as a negative-tone photoresist for liftoff processes that call for a negative-sidewall profile. A retrograde sidewall profile is desired because it prevents directionally evaporated metals from being deposited onto the sidewall. The CHIANG et al.: MICROFABRICATED ELECTRODES FOR MULTIAXIS SENSING IN THE LAPD image-reversal process was used in this photolithography step to obtain sidewalls that prevented metal wings from forming during the liftoff process. As a result, the edges of the patterned metal layer are very crisp and smooth. The reliable formation of smooth metal patterns is critical to ensure that there are no breaks in the extremely long (i.e., ≥ 3 mm) metal features. A 1.4-μm-thick layer of photoresist was patterned to reveal the areas where the gold will be deposited [see Fig. 5(a)]. Then, a 25-nm-thick layer of chrome and a 700-nm-thick layer of gold were deposited onto the wafer by electron-beam evaporation (CHA Mark 40, CHA Industries, Fremont, CA, USA). The wafers were then submerged in an acetone bath for 1 h. The metal adhered to areas on the wafer that were not protected by photoresist, while the metal that was deposited onto the photoresist cleanly floated away as the underlying photoresist was dissolved [see Fig. 5(b)]. After cleaning the wafers with methanol, IPA, and, then, DI water, the second layer of polyimide was spun on at 1600 r/min and cured in the same process as before [see Fig. 5(c)]. In order to expose the bond pads and tips on each probe as well as physically separate all the probes on the wafer from one another, the two polyimide layers needed to be patterned and etched. To accomplish this, a second photolithography step was performed using AZ5214E photoresist and the same imagereversal process. A 50-nm-thick layer of aluminum was then deposited by electron-beam evaporation. The deposited metal is patterned with the same liftoff process (i.e., immersing the wafer in sequential baths of acetone, methanol, IPA, and, then, DI water). The aluminum deposited directly on the second layer of polyimide was left untouched [see Fig. 5(d)]. Next, all unprotected polyimide was etched away using an Oxford RIE plasma etcher (Plasmaline 515, Tegal, Petaluma, CA, USA) with an O2 flow rate of 100 sccm, an RF power of 200 W, and a pressure of 27 Pa (0.2 torr). Notice that, once the gold bond pads were exposed, they acted as a mask to protect the layer of polyimide beneath it [see Fig. 5(e)]. Although some undercut of the probe tips was observed (i.e., ∼1.25 μm), the majority of the polyimide beneath the exposed probe tips remained. The presence of the polyimide underneath the one side of the probe tips did not affect the functionality of the probe tips. After the oxygen plasma etch, each micromachined structure was gently peeled off of the silicon wafer and submerged in aluminum etchant (Aluminum Etchant D, Transene Company Inc., Danvers, USA) to remove the aluminum from the top of the second polyimide layer [see Fig. 5(f)]. The final steps of the fabrication process involved gluing the micromachined E-field probes onto a PCB and making electrical connections to the metal pads. B. B-Dot Probes The process flow for the MEMS B-dot probes is shown in Fig. 7. Similar to the E-field probes, we began the fabrication process by applying a VM-652 polyimide adhesion promoter to the outer edge of a bare silicon wafer, followed by spinning on a 6-μm-thick film of PI-2611LX polyimide at 3500 r/min for 45 s. The polyimide was cured in a nitrogen oven by 1511 Fig. 7. Illustration of process flow for MEMS B-dot probes. ramping up from 150 ◦ C to 350 ◦ C at 4 ◦ C/min and holding the temperature at 350 ◦ C for 30 min. We found this shorter curing step sufficient for this particular polyimide layer thickness. Next, a 1.1-μm-thick blanket layer of aluminum was sputtered (CVC-601, Control Process Apparatus Inc., Fremont, CA, USA) on top of the polyimide, followed by the first photolithography step using AZ5214E photoresist. We patterned a 1.4-μm-thick layer of resist to mask the subsequent aluminum metal etching in a Unaxis SLR770 ICP etch tool (OC Oerlikon, Pfäffikon, Schwyz, Switzerland) with 10 sccm of BCL3 , 5 sccm of Ar, 40 sccm of Cl2 , 175 W of RF-coupled dc bias power, 500 W of ICP power, and at a pressure of 12 mtorr. We observed an aluminum etch rate of ∼800 nm/min with this recipe. The photoresist was then stripped in a 75 ◦ C ALEG-355 photoresist stripper bath (Mallinckrodt Baker Inc., Phillipsburg, NJ, USA) for 30 s, and the final result is shown in Fig. 7(a). We chose a photopatternable polyimide (HD MicroSystems PI-2761, Parlin, NJ, USA) as the sandwiching dielectric layers because it most closely matched the low-stress polyimide in terms of physical and electrical characteristics. Both polyimides have breakdown temperatures of over 500 ◦ C, making them suitable for use in hot plasma environments. In addition, the dielectric constants of both polyimides are the same, and the ability to pattern PI-2761 in a fashion similar to photoresist simplifies the overall process. Finally, both polyimides can be controllably etched in oxygen plasma, making the final release step of this process possible. PI-2761 was spun onto the wafer in a two-step process, first at 500 r/min for 5 s to spread the polyimide out over the wafer and, then, at 4500 r/min for 45 s to achieve the desire thickness of 5 μm. Another advantage of using the spin-on polyimide is that it smoothes out the surface topology much more effectively than vapor-deposited dielectrics would, which is very helpful given the number of metal layers that are required in this 1512 Fig. 8. Top-view optical photograph of 1000-μm B-dot probe head (still adhered to wafer). process without the use of specialized planarization steps seen in standard industry processes. The polyimide was exposed using a Karl Suss MA4 aligner (Suss Microtec, Garching, Germany) for 20 s at an 8-mW energy output (160 mJ), and the unexposed polyimide areas were developed away to reveal the 15 μm × 15 μm via that connects the stacked layers of aluminum. Developing the polyimide required immersion and agitation in DE-9 040 solution (HD MicroSystems, Parlin, NJ, USA) for 1 min and 30 s, followed by a 30-s immersion in RI-9180 (HD MicroSystems, Parlin, NJ, USA) to rinse. Using a photopatternable polyimide eliminates the need for a hardmask, which saves one metal evaporation and one plasma etching step for each layer of dielectric. For our process with four layers of metal, this became a significant saving in time and effort. PI-2761 has a tendency to swell at the edges of patterned structures, which is a function of the solvent development and thus difficult to eliminate completely when developing. Therefore, after development, the polyimide is placed in an oxygen plasma etcher (Plasmaline 515, Tegal, Petaluma, CA, USA) for 2 min at 200 W and 0.5 torr (67 Pa) in order to smooth out any edges. The polyimide is subsequently cured with a twostep bake in a nitrogen oven: 220 ◦ C for 30 min and, then, 350 ◦ C for 60 min [see Fig. 7(b)], ramping up at 4 ◦ C from 150 ◦ C. To ensure good electrical conductivity between the metal layers through the via, a 2-μm-thick layer of aluminum is sputtered onto the polyimide, partially filling the vias. We chose this thickness in order to ensure adequate sidewall coverage in the 4-μm-thick polyimide. Photoresist is then used to cover the vias, and the bulk of the aluminum is etched away with aluminum etchant type D [see Fig. 7(c)]. At this point, the aforementioned metal, dielectric, and aluminum plug deposition steps are repeated three times to deposit the second [see Fig. 7(d)], third, and fourth metal layers, with the final result after the fourth layer of metal shown in Fig. 7(e). PI-2611 is used as the final dielectric capping layer, and the devices are released using the same thin aluminum mask process as with the E-field probes [see Fig. 7(f)]. During the release of the probes, the aluminum bond pads are also gently etched, cleaning off any RIE polyimide residue that may have been IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 Fig. 9. Zoom on corner of 1000-μm B-dot probe head, showing topology of underlying metal layers. Fig. 10. Optical top-view photograph of a third-generation microfabricated MEMS E-field probe with w = 10 μm, g = 40 μm, and d = 70 μm. Fig. 11. Optical photograph of third-generation MEMS E-field probe mounted in stainless steel probe shaft. inadvertently deposited during the oxygen plasma release etch. Figs. 8 and 9 show top-view photographs of a 1000-μm probe after the oxygen plasma release etch. IV. R ESULTS A. E-Field Probes Fig. 10 shows an optical photograph of the fabricated device, and Fig. 11 shows the probe after assembly into the larger probe shaft. Note the lack of a copper box and the large separation between the probe tips and the stainless steel tubing. CHIANG et al.: MICROFABRICATED ELECTRODES FOR MULTIAXIS SENSING IN THE LAPD 1513 Fig. 13. Data plots showing (top) the measured tip potential of an electron solitary structure and (bottom) the calculated E-field between the probe tips. Fig. 14. Data plots showing (top) the measured tip potential of a Langmuir wave packet and (bottom) the calculated E-field between the probe tips. Fig. 12. Data plots taken using the third-generation MEMS E-field probe, showing (top) the measured tip potential and calculated E-field and (bottom) the frequency of measured activity. The MEMS E-field probes were used in the LAPD in an experiment to look for electron solitary structures. The probes were placed next to an electron beam source, which was pulsed at a variety of powers and frequencies. Fig. 12 shows a plot of the potentials at the probe tips as well as the calculated E-field and frequencies of the observed activity. The experiment lasted for one week, yielding gigabytes worth of data. In addition to solitary structures (see Fig. 13), other activities such as Langmuir wave packets (see Fig. 14) and electron cyclotron wave packets (see Fig. 15) were also recorded. Additional details of the results can be found in [12]. B. B-Dot Probes The 3-D B-dot probe tips are hand assembled by attaching three MEMS probe tips onto a custom-made support bar, as shown in Fig. 16. The support bar for the 500-μm 3-D B-dot probes was made by dicing a 500-μm-thick wafer into individual beams, and the 1000-μm support bars were machined from ceramic. The expected impedance from signal to ground for each MEMS probe tip was 44 Ω for the 1000-μm tips and 48 Ω for the 500-μm tips. The measured resistance was 69 Ω for the 1000-μm tip and 75 Ω for the 500-μm tips, which corresponds to a resistivity of 4.95 × 10−8 Ω · m. This measured resistivity is almost twice as high as the published value for bulk aluminum (2.7 × 10−8 Ω · m). Our higher sheet resistance value was confirmed with a four-point-probe measurement (FPP 5 000, Veeco Instruments, Plainview, NY, USA). As expected, the resistance from one signal trace to the other was the sum of the two, confirming that the connecting via was functioning properly. The enclosed area for the 1000-μm probe tip was estimated from (1) to be 3.77 × 10−6 m2 . We used a Helmholtz coil and a network analyzer to calibrate our probe and determine the true area. For a Helmholtz coil at low frequencies, the spiral 1514 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 39, NO. 6, JUNE 2011 Fig. 15. Data plots showing (top) the measured tip potential of a wave packet at the electron cyclotron frequency and (bottom) the calculated E-field between the probe tips. Fig. 17. Plot of imaginary component from network analyzer during calibration of B-dot probe tips with Helmholtz coil. that can take local measurements within a high-density magnetoplasma. In addition, the use of flexible materials allow for postprocessing assembly to true 3-D structures, and the use of MEMS fabrication has allowed us to break through the previous size barrier that limited experiments in high-density plasmas. With a well-established process, we have shown that new generations of probes can be designed and implemented very rapidly at a relatively low cost. It is our hope that one day we will be able to provide experimentalists a toolkit of MEMS plasma probes. This would allow them to conduct a much broader range of experiments, possibly leading to a large number of plasma science breakthroughs. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Fig. 16. Photograph of fully assembled three-axis B-dot probe head. behaves as a dc source, and the imaginary component of the measured signal with respect to the reference signal of the network analyzer can be approximated as 3 Vmeas (ω) ∼ 4 2 μ0 · ·ω (4) Im = ±A · Vref (ω) 5 r · Rp where A is the enclosed area of the probe head, r is the radius of the Helmholtz coil, and Rp is the parallel resistance of the reference circuit [13]. In our test setup, r = 5.73 cm, and Rp = 0.061 Ω. Fig. 17 shows the resulting test plot from the network analyzer, and using the slope of fit line, we calculate the actual area of our probe heads to be 3.6 × 10−6 m2 , which is in very good agreement to our theoretical value. V. C ONCLUSION We believe that there is great value in combining the controlled environment of laboratory-created plasma with the sophistication and precision of microprobes to further our understanding of fundamental plasma physics. We have demonstrated a reliable process to fabricate E-field and B-dot probes The experiment was conducted at the Basic Plasma Science Facility, a national user facility supported by the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation. The authors would like to thank M. Nakamoto for her help in assembling the probes for testing. R EFERENCES [1] P. Pribyl, W. Gekelman, M. Nakamoto, E. Lawrence, F. Chiang, J. Stillman, and J. Judy, “Debye size microprobe for electric field measurements in laboratory plasmas,” Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 77, no. 073504, pp. 1–8, Jul. 2006. [2] M. VanZeeland, W. Gekelman, S. Vincena, and G. Dimonte, “Production of Alfvén waves by a rapidly expanding dense plasma,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 1–4, 2001. [3] B. V. 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Niemann, “Design, construction, and calibration of a three-axis, high-frequency magnetic probe (B-dot probe) as a diagnostic for exploding plasmas,” Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol. 80, no. 11, p. 113505, Nov. 2009. Franklin C. Chiang received the B.S, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 2004, 2006, and 2009, respectively. His research interests are on plasma systems used in the semiconductor and MEMS industries, and he is currently working at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Patrick Pribyl received the Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1986, graduating from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. He is an expert on plasma diagnostics, plasma sources, power systems engineering, and RF technology and currently works at the Basic Plasma Science Facility, University of California, Los Angeles. Walter Gekelman received the B.S. degree in physics from Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, in 1966, and the Ph.D. degree in experimental plasma physics from the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, in 1972. At the University of California, Los Angeles, he led the construction of the Large Plasma Device (LAPD). This is widely perceived as the premier machine for basic plasma studies and is presently yielding important insight into basic processes observed in space by rockets and spacecraft. The LAPD has an 18-m-long, highly magnetized, and quiescent plasma column ( The LAPD is part of the nation’s first user facility for basic plasma research, the BaPSF. The user facility is funded by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. He has over 150 publications in referred journals and has given numerous invited talks and seminars around the world. 1515 Bertrand Lefebvre received the Ph.D. degree in plasma physics from the University of Orleans, Orleans, France, in 2000. He is currently with the Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham. His primary research interests concern kinetic phenomena in space plasmas. Li-Jen Chen received the M.S. degree in physics from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1993, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1997 and 2002, respectively. In her doctoral research, she constructed analytical solutions for electrostatic solitary waves in collisionless plasmas. She was at the University of Iowa conducting research on magnetospheric substorms, electrostatic solitary waves, and interaction of dispersive Alfven waves with auroral electrons. Since 2006, she has been with the Space Science Center and the Physics Department at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, where she is currently a Research Faculty Member. Her research interests include magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration, and electrostatic solitary structures in current layers. She integrates theories, plasma simulations, and laboratory experiments with space observations to address open questions in space physics. Jack W. Judy (S’87–M’96–SM’02) received the B.S.E.E. degree (summa cum laude) from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, in 1989, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1994 and 1996, respectively. In his doctoral research, he developed a novel ferromagnetic microactuator technology that is useful for a variety of applications, including optical, RF, and biomedical MEMS. After graduation, he was with Silicon Light Machines, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, an optical-MEMS startup company, from 1996 to 1997. Since 1997, he has been with the Faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he is currently an Associate Professor. At UCLA, he is the Chair of the MEMS and Nanotechnology major field of the Electrical Engineering Department, the Director of the Nanoelectronics Research Facility, and the Director of the UCLA NeuroEngineering Training Program, which is an IGERT program supported by the National Science Foundation and sponsored jointly by the Biomedical Engineering Interdepartmental Program and the Brain Research Institute. His present research interests include ferromagnetic MEMS magnetometers, magnetically reconfigurable frequency-selective surfaces, nanomagnetomechanical devices, chemical sensors, and a variety of neuroengineering projects, such as micromachined patch-clamp systems with integrated microfluidics, microprobes for Parkinson’s disease research, microactuator-imbedded ventricular catheters for hydrocephalus, inexpensive and robust -D cortical microelectrode arrays, electrode arrays for retinal prosthetics, simulating prosthetic vision, wireless neural transceivers for basic neuroscience research, and neural control systems for spinal cord injury, ocular motility, and deep brain stimulation.