Minutes 1:02PM-158PM Meeting Called By Type of Meeting Facilitator Note Taker Time Keeper Attendees Agenda Topic Discussion Conclusion Action Items: Agenda Topic Discussion Conclusion Action Items: Agenda Topic Discussion Conclusion Date: 02/11/2015 Time: 1:02 PM Location: QC Campus Debbie Norris (President) Scheduled Monthly Meeting Dr. C. S. Bailey (Advisor) Debbie Norris (President) Debbie Norris (President) Dr. C. S. Bailey (Advisor), Debbie Norris (President), Leah Foss (Treasurer), Melissa Simons, Azariah King Budget The budget total as of 02/11/15 is $1,742.26. $150.00 was spent creating a logo in several different formats to be placed on the society’s giveaways and T-shirts. (corrections made with reflecting price from the meeting agenda given at meeting) The budget is at $1,742.26. Person Responsible: Deadline Budget Leah Foss N/A Fundraiser all Next Meeting Giveaways Giveaways will be ordered once we receive our logo format from the professional Graphic Designer but not before t-shirts are ordered. We are going to wait to order the items until T-shirts have been ordered and we get the proper formatted graphic design Person Responsible: Deadline Talk to Tami Seitz Debbie Norris N/A Look at Website Members of CJS Next Meeting T-Shirts (Refresher-Added from previous meeting about T-shirt information) Some ideas for the shirts were purple with gold writing or gray with purple writing. We would like to order enough to give to all the officers and to members who volunteer at our events. We are asking Curtis for approval for the shirts we will need to include the colors, sizes, and how many before he can approve it. We are waiting to order the shirts until the format of logo is finished. Action Items: Agenda Topic Discussion Conclusion Action Items: Agenda Topic Discussion Conclusion Action Items: Agenda Topic Discussion Conclusion Person Responsible: Debbie Norris Deadline N/A Fundraiser We will be voting on dates for our Ice Cream Social. Proposed dates are Monday April 20th, April 27th from 3 pm to 5 pm and Tuesday April 14th and possible early May. These dates and other proposed dates will be voted on at next meeting. We will also discuss the cost and pricing of the fundraiser at next meeting. Leah will be speaking with Curtis and getting information for a 5K fundraiser. She is going to make a proposal and we can vote on whether we want to participate and use this as a fundraiser or not. We are going to wait to plan until we hear back Leah Foss. Person Responsible: Deadline Fundraiser Proposal Leah Foss Next Meeting Meet with Curtis Leah Foss N/A Jail Tour A Jail tour was discussed. Celina proposed a tour of Scott County Jail where she is interning. We discussed whether or not we need background checks and who would be the contact person for this information. More will be discussed at next meeting once more information is received from Celina. We will take a head count of who would be interested in doing the jail tour and discuss details at next meeting Person Responsible: Deadline Celina Roth Next Meeting Self-Defense The self-Defense Class will be open to the public to persons aged 17 years and older. RSVP is a must and can be done by either emailing Melissa Simons, Dr. Bailey, or by emailing CJS via WIU email. We talked about sharing the flyer information on other Facebook pages such as Bettendorf Swap page and Quad City Buy, Sell, Trade. Approved Flyers were printed out and given to front desk for distribution in the QC Complex Buildings. Make sure to take a look at the CJS Facebook Page for additional information on Self-Defense by Melissa Simons. A page is shared on the CJS Facebook wall so feel free to take a look and like the page as well. RSVP is necessary if you are attending because of the room capacity. Action Items: Person Responsible: N/A Deadline N/A Next Meeting: March 11, 2015 from 1 pm to 2 pm at the Quad Cities Complex BLDG. Room 2216.