College of Lake County Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) Degree Plan Communications (AA/AS require 9 hours) Communication: CMM 121 English: ENG 121 and 122 or 126 Social and Behavioral Sciences - Select from at least 2 different departments (AA/AS require 9 hours) Anthropology: ANT 121+, 221+, 222, 224, 228+ Economics: ECO 221, 222 Gender Studies: GXS 121+, 229+ Geography: GEG 122, 123 History: HST 121, 122, 126+, 127+, 221, 222, 245+, 246+ Political Science: PSC 121, 122, 221+, 222+ Psychology: PSY 121, 220, 222, 225, 226 Sociology: SOC 121, 222, 224, 225+, 229+ Physical and Life Sciences - AA requires 7 hours; AS requires 8 hours L=Lab Course Physical Science (AA/AS requires at least 1 course from this section) Chemistry: CHM 120L, 121L, 140, 142L Earth Science: ESC 120L, 121L, 123, 124, 125, 127L, 128, 129, 140L, 141, 224 Geography: GEG 120L, 121 Physics: PHY 120L, 121L, 123L Life Science (AA/AS requires at least 1 course from this section) Biology: BIO 120L, 123L, 127, 140, 141L, 149, 161L NOTE: Bolded course numbers do not count toward credit for the Associate of Science Degree! Mathematics - AA requires 3 hours; AS requires 5 hours Mathematics: MTH 127, 140, 141, 145, 146, 221, 222, 224, 244, 246 NOTE: Bolded course numbers do not count toward credit for the Associate of Science Degree! Humanities and Fine Arts - Select one from each category (AA/AS requires 9 hours) Humanities English: ENG 129+, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228+, 229, 241, 243, 244+, 246+, 247+, 249 Foreign Langague: ARA 222+ CHI 222+ FRN 222+, 223, 224 GER 222+, 224 ITL 222+, 223, 224 JPN 222+ RUS 222+ SPA 222+, 223+, 224+ Humanities: HUM 121+, 122+, 127, 128+, 129+, 141+, 221+, 226+ Philosophy: PHI 121, 122, 123, 125+, 126+, 221+ Fine Arts Dance: DNC 240+ Art: ART 121, 240+, 241+, 260, 261+ Humanities: HUM 121+, 122+, 123, 126, 129+, 140+, 141+, 221+, 222, 226+ Theatre: THE 121, 123+ Music: MUS 124, 224 International/Multicutural (AA/AS requires 1 course) One course with a + after it or one of the following: Economics: ECO 225 Communication: CMM 127 English: ENG 263, 264 Education: EDU 224 History: HST 128 Gender Studies: GXS 221, 299 Personal Development: PDS 123 Latin: LAT 121 Psychology: PSY 229 Philosophy: PHI 128, 129 Social Science: SSI 121 Psychology: PSY 229 Applied Science Degrees Not earning an AA or AS? Here's how to know if courses transfer: If you are working towards completing an Associate of Applied Science Degree, there will be additional general education courses that you will be required to take upon transferring to Western Illinois University. Western Illinois University is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum between participating institutions. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum at any participating college or university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower-division general education requirements for a bachelor's degree has been satisfied. ALWAYS consult with the academic advising center for degree planning. *Guide is for the 2015/2016 academic year.* Required Courses by Major Courses listed below are required to complete your Bachelor degree at Western Illinois University. It is recommended that students complete these courses at their community college prior to transferring to WIU. Courses listed may fulfill general education or elective requirements. Please consult your academic advisor for more specific information on these courses apply towards your Associate degree. For majors NOT listed please contact your WIU representative. Athletic Training Biology *Business Computer Science BIO 125 or 246 Medical Science Option ACC 121 CIT 134 BIO 244 & 245 ACC 122 BIO 244 & 245 CIT 137 or MCS 141 CHM 142L# BIO 125 or 246 BUS 121 (Not for ACC majors) CIT 241 or MCS 142 HCM 175 BIO 161L# & 162 BUS 221 or 222 (ACC majors) MTH 145# HIT 111 CHEM 121L#, 123 ECO 221# MTH 244# MTH 222# MTH 145, 222 ECO 222# PHY 120l# PHY 121, 122 MTH 222# PSY 121#, 222 Microbiology Option MTH 224# CHEM 121L#, 123 PSY 121# or SOC 121# BIO 161L# & 162, BIO 126 MTH 122 MTH 145 or 222# ESC 127L# ESC 120L# or GEG 120L# Construction Management *Elementary & Early Childhood Emergency Mgt. *English Education ECO 221# or 222# ART 121# BIO 125 or 246 ENG 241# EGR 121 or DFT 112 ECO 221# or 222# CHM 120L# ENG 243# ESC 121L# ENG 249# CIT 120 MTH 222# ESC 121L #, ESC 140L# or 141# ESC 127L# Journalism GEG 123 PED 140 or HWP 240 ENG 123 HST 221# or 222# ENG 124 MTH 122‡, 222# MUS 124# PSC 121# Forensic Chemistry Health Services Mgt. *Information Systems *Law Enforcement ACC 121, 122 CIT 134 CRJ 121 BIO 161# & 162 CHM 121L# BIO 244 & 245 CIT 137 or MCS 141 CRJ 219 BIO 125 or 246 CIT 241 or MCS 142 CRJ 229 CHM 123 ECO 221#, 222# MTH 145# or 224# CRJ 211 or 221 CIT 134 HIT 111 MTH 222# CRJ 121, 219 MTH 222# MTH 145#, 146#, 222# HWP 240 or PED 140 PHY 121L# & 122 or PHY 123L# & 221 ESC 121L# Mathematics Nursing^ Psychology Sociology MTH 145# BIO 244 & 245, BIO 125 or 246 PSY 121# ANT 221# MTH 146# CHM 120L#, 175 SOC 121# MTH 225 HCM175 or FSM 175 MTH 246# MTH 222# PHI 125 PSY 121#, 220# SOC 121# sEducation: Students can use their ACT+Writing score (22 composite & a 16 English/Writing score) towards teacher licensure requirements or take the TAP exam. Please contact the department for information regarding these required test options. We have included science and humanities courses to use to meet program requirements, but students may have other Art, Music or theatre options from the general education selections and other science options to meet the 10 credit hours of science which must include: 1 biological, 1 physical and 1 earth/space science course. Please call to check on alternate options not listed. ‡ Indicated course may not be required depending on your ACT score and placement into Math courses. Please contact WIU. *Major offered on the Quad Cities campus & = Have to take both in order to transfer ^Please refer to for additional program requirements. # Course can be used to satisfy a general education requirement towards the associate degree ! Students seeking degress in African American Studies, Anthropology, Biology, Clinical Laboratory Science, Chemistry, Economics, English, Foreign Languages and Cultures, Forensic Chemistry, Geography, Geology, History, Mathematics, Meteorology, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, or Women's Studies may be required to complete additional general education requirements. Please consult your academic advisor or the WIU course catalog at