Chapter 23: Gauss’ Law PHY2049: Chapter 23 1 Two Equivalent Laws for Electricity equivalent Coulomb’s Law Gauss’ Law Derivation given in Sec. 23-5 (Read!) Not derived in this book (Requires vector calculus) We will focus on what is Gauss’ law and how we use it. PHY2049: Chapter 23 2 Electric Flux ÎSimple E definition of electric flux (E constant, flat surface) at an angle θ to planar surface, area A Φ E ≡ E ⋅ A = EA cos θ Units ÎSimple = N m2 / C (SI units) Normal E example Let E = 104 N/C pass through 2m x 5m rectangle, 30° to normal φE = 104 * 10 * cos(30°) = 100,000 * 0.866 = 86,600 ÎMore general ΦE definition (E variable, curved surface) Φ E ≡ ∫ E ⋅ dA S PHY2049: Chapter 23 3 Example of Constant Field E = 4iˆ N/C A = (2iˆ + 3 ˆj ) m 2 Φ E ≡ E ⋅ A = 4iˆ ⋅ ( 2iˆ + 3 ˆj ) = 8 Nm 2 / C PHY2049: Chapter 23 4 Flux Through Closed Surface ÎSurface elements dA always point outward! ÎSign of ΦE E outward (+) E inward (−) ΦE < 0 ΦE > 0 ΦE = 0 PHY2049: Chapter 23 5 Example: Flux Through Cube r ÎE field is constant: E = Ezˆ Flux through Flux through Flux through Flux through front face? back face? top face? whole cube? PHY2049: Chapter 23 6 Example: Flux Through Cylinder ÎAssume E is constant, to the right Flux through left face? Flux through right face? Flux through curved side Total flux through cylinder? PHY2049: Chapter 23 7 Example: Flux Through Sphere ÎAssume ÎE point charge +Q points radially outward (normal to surface!) Φ E = ∫ E ⋅ dA S ( kQ = 2 4π r 2 r Q = 4π kQ = ) ε0 Foreshadowing of Gauss’ Law! PHY2049: Chapter 23 8 Gauss’ Law ÎGeneral statement of Gauss’ law qenc ∫SE ⋅ dA = ε0 ÎCan Integration over closed surface qenc is charge inside the surface Charges outside surface have no effect (This does not mean they do not contribute to E.) be used to calculate E fields. But remember Outward E field, flux > 0 Inward E field, flux < 0 ÎConsequences of Gauss’ law (as we shall see) Excess charge on conductor is always on surface E is always normal to surface on conductor Conductor (Excess charge distributes on surface in such a way) PHY2049: Chapter 23 9 Reading Quiz ÎWhat is the electric flux through a sphere of radius R surrounding a charge +Q at the center? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 0 +Q/ε0 −Q/ε0 +Q None of these PHY2049: Chapter 23 10 Question dS dS +Q +Q 2 1 How does the flux ФE through the entire surface change when the charge +Q is moved from position 1 to position 2? a) ФE increases ФE decreases c) ФE doesn’t change b) PHY2049: Chapter 23 Just depends on charge not position 11 Power of Gauss’ Law: Calculating E Fields ÎValuable E for cases with high symmetry = constant, ⊥ surface ∫ E ⋅ dA = ± EA S E || surface ÎSpherical symmetry ∫ E ⋅ dA = 0 S E field vs r for point charge E field vs r inside uniformly charged sphere Charges on concentric spherical conducting shells ÎCylindrical symmetry E field vs r for line charge E field vs r inside uniformly charged cylinder ÎRectangular symmetry E field for charged plane E field between conductors, e.g. capacitors PHY2049: Chapter 23 12 Example Î4 Gaussian surfaces: 2 cubes and 2 spheres ÎRank magnitudes of E field on surfaces ÎWhich ÎWhat ones have variable E fields? are the fluxes over each of the Gaussian surfaces (a) E falls as radius increases (b) E non-constant on cube (r changes) (c) Fluxes are same, +Q/ε0 PHY2049: Chapter 23 13 Derive Coulomb’s Law From Gauss’ Law ÎCharge By ÎDraw +Q at a point symmetry, E must be radially symmetric Gaussian’ surface around point r Sphere of radius r E field has constant mag., ⊥ to Gaussian surface Q ∫SE ⋅ dA = E (4πr ) = ε 0 2 E= Q 4πε 0 r 2 = kQ r 2 Gaussian surface (sphere) Gauss’ Law Solve for E PHY2049: Chapter 23 14 Example ÎCharges on shells are +Q (ball at center) +3Q (middle shell) +5Q (outside shell) ÎFind fluxes on the three Gaussian surfaces (a) Inner +Q/ε0 (b) Middle +4Q/ε0 (c) Outer +9Q/ε0 PHY2049: Chapter 23 15 Conductors with No Current ÎE is zero everywhere inside Why? Conductors are full of mobile charges (e.g., conduction electrons in a background formed by immobile positive ions). If there were E, then the charges must be moving around due to force F=qE. This would contradict “no current.” Note: even if there is an externally imposed E, it cannot go inside ÎAll excess charge must be on outer surface. Why? Since E=0 everywhere inside, qenc enclosed by any Gaussian surface is also zero everywhere inside. Note: distribution of surface charge must be such to make E=0 everywhere inside ÎE is always normal to surface on conductor Why? E component parallel to surface would cause surface charge to move. This would contradict “no current.” PHY2049: Chapter 23 16