PHY 4604 Fall 2008 – Practice Questions for Exam 2 (With Solutions) 1. A particle of mass m moves in one dimension under the potential ( ∞ for x < 0, V (x) = V0 aδ(x − a) for x > 0, where V0 and a are positive quantities. (a) Write down the general form of a stationary-state wave function of energy E > 0 in the regions x < 0, 0 < x < a, and x > a. Solution: The general form of the stationary-state wave function is for x < 0, 0 ψ(x) = A1 eikx + B1 e−ikx for 0 < x < a, ikx −ikx A2 e + B2 e for x > a, √ where k = + 2mE/~. (b) By applying the appropriate boundary conditions, express the stationary-state wave function from (a) in terms of just one unknown amplitude. Solution: We must impose continuity of ψ at x = 0, where V (x) jumps to infinity: A1 + B1 = 0 ⇒ A1 = −B1 ⇒ ψ(x) = S sin kx for 0 < x < a. Given this, it simplifies matters slightly to rewrite ψ(x) = C cos kx + D sin kx for x > a. Then we must impose continuity of ψ at x = a: C cos ka + D sin ka = S sin ka D + C cot ka = S. (1) Finally, we must enforce ∆ψ 0 (a) = (2mV0 a/~2 )ψ(a): 2mV0 a S sin ka ~2 D − C tan ka = S(1 + α tan ka), −kC sin ka + kD cos ka = kS cos ka + where α = 2mV0 a/(~2 k). The solution to Eqs. (1) and (2) is C = −Sα sin2 ka, D = S(1 + α sin ka cos ka). Then, using sin θ cos φ − cos θ sin φ = sin(θ − φ), for x < 0, 0 ψ(x) = S sin kx for 0 < x < a, S [sin kx + α sin ka sin k(x − a)] for x > a, √ where k = + 2mE/~ and α = 2mV0 a/(~2 k). (2) (c) What is the reflection coefficient for a particle approaching from the far right? Solution: The probability flux j is obviously zero in the region x < 0. Since j must be spatially uniform in a stationary state, this means that in the region x > a, the incident and reflected fluxes must cancel: jI + jR = 0. This in turn means that the reflection coefficient R = −jR /jI = 1. 2. A quantum mechanical system is described by a two-dimensional vector space spanned by orthonormal basis vectors |1i and |2i. The Hamiltonian for this system is Ĥ = (−4|1ih1| + 4|2ih2| + 3|1ih2| + 3|2ih1|) , where > 0. We will also consider the operator Λ̂ = λ0 (|1ih2| + |2ih1|). (a) Provide the matrix representations of Ĥ and Λ̂ in the basis {|1i, |2i}. Solution: In the basis {|1i, |2i}, Ωmn = hm|Ω̂|ni for m, n = 1, 2. −4 3 0 1 Ĥ ↔ , Λ̂ ↔ λ0 . 3 4 1 0 (b) Find the eigenvalues (E1 and E2 , with E1 < E2 ) and normalized eigenkets (|E1 i and |E2 i) of Ĥ in the basis {|1i, |2i}. The eigenvalues En satisfy ˆ = (−4 − En )(4 − En ) − (3)2 = En2 − 252 . 0 = det(Ĥ − En I) ⇒ E1 = −5, E2 = 5. E1 = −5: 0 a 1 3 = 0 b 3 9 ⇒ 1 a 3 =√ b 10 −1 √ or |E1 i = (3|1i − |2i) / 10. Orthogonality implies that √ |E2 i = (|1i + 3|2i) / 10. ˆ ) (c) Find the matrix representation in the basis {|1i, |2i} of the propagator U (τ defined by Û (τ )|Ψ(t)i = |Ψ(t + τ )i for any |Ψ(t)i. Solution: As shown in Homework 4, Question 1, the propagator for a finitedimensional system is X Û (τ ) = e−iEn t/~ |En ihEn |, n where |En i is the nth stationary state. Here, e−i5τ /~ ei5τ /~ (3|1i − |2i)(3h1| − h2|) + (|1i + 3|2i)(h1| + 3h2|) 10 10 1 i5τ /~ = + e−i5τ /~ )|1ih1| + (ei5τ /~ + 9e−i5τ /~ )|2ih2| (9e 10 − 3(ei5τ /~ − e−i5τ /~ )(|1ih2| + |2ih1|) 1 = {[5 cos(5τ /~) + 4i sin(5τ /~)]|1ih1| + [5 cos(5τ /~) − 4i sin(5τ /~)]|2ih2| 5 − 3i sin(5τ /~)(|1ih2| + |2ih1|)} . Û (τ ) = Thus 1 Û (τ ) ↔ 5 5 cos(5τ /~) + 4i sin(5τ /~) −3i sin(5τ /~) −3i sin(5τ /~) 5 cos(5τ /~) − 4i sin(5τ /~) ! . (d) Suppose that the state vector at time 0 is |Ψ(0)i = |2i. The value of the dynamical variable λ corresponding to the operator Λ̂ is measured at time t > 0. What are the possible measured values of λ and their respective probabilities P (λ, t)? Solution: A measurement of Λ will yield one of the eigenvalues λn of Λ̂ with probability P (λn , t) = |hλn |Ψ(t)i|2 , where |λn i is the eigenvector corresponding to λn . The eigenvalues λn of Λ̂ satisfy ˆ = (−λn )2 − (λ0 )2 . 0 = det(Λ̂ − λn I) ⇒ λ1 = −λ0 , λ2 = λ0 . λ1 = −λ0 : 1 1 a 0 = 1 1 b 0 ⇒ Orthogonality implies that 1 a 1 =√ b −1 2 √ or |λ1 i = (|1i − |2i) / 2. √ |λ2 i = (|1i + |2i) / 2. Using |Ψ(0)i = |2i and Û (τ ) from part(c), 3 4 |Ψ(t)i = Û (t)|Ψ(0)i = − i sin(5t/~)|1i + cos(5t/~) − i sin(5t/~) |2i. 5 5 Then i 1 h±λ0 |Ψ(t)i = √ cos(5t/~) − (4 ± 3) sin(5t/~) , 5 2 and 1 2 cos (5t/~) + (25 ± 24) sin2 (5t/~) 2 1 12 2 = ± sin (5t/~). 2 25 P (±λ0 , t) =