Homework Solution - Set 8

CSE 396
Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Fall 2008
Homework Solution - Set 8
Due: Friday 11/7/08
1. Textbook, Page 271, Exercise 7.5.
Proof. Not satisfiable.
(x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ y) ∧ (x ∨ y)
≡ ((x ∨ (y ∧ y)) ∧ ((x ∨ (y ∧ y))
2. Textbook, Page 271, Exercise 7.6.
a)Union: L1 ∈ P, L2 ∈ P ⇒ L1 ∪ L2 ∈ P
Proof. L1 ∈ P, L2 ∈ P ⇒ L1 , L2 are decidable in polynomial time on deterministic
single-tape TM M1 and M2 . Suppose M1 runs in time O(ns ) and M2 runs in time O(nl ). A
polynomial time deterministic single-tape TM M operates as follows:
On input x:
1. Simulate M1 . If M1 accepts x, then ACCEPT, otherwise goto step 2.
2. Simulate M2 on input x. If M2 accepts x, then ACCEPT, otherwise, REJECT.
Apparently, this TM M decides language L1 ∪ L2 . Now we analyze this algorithm to show
that it runs in polynomial time. Step 1 takes O(ns ) time and Step 2 takes O(nl ) time. So M
runs at most O(ns + nl ) time. Hence M is a polynomial time deterministic Turing Machine.
b)Concatenation: L1 ∈ P, L2 ∈ P, L = {uv|u ∈ L1 , v ∈ L2 } ⇒ L ∈ P
Proof. L1 ∈ P, L2 ∈ P ⇒ L1 , L2 are decidable in polynomial time on deterministic
single-tape TM M1 and M2 . Suppose M1 runs in time O(ns ) and M2 runs in time O(nl ). A
polynomial time deterministic single-tape TM M operates as follows:
On input x
FOR each division x = uv of the input DO
1. Copy u on the tape. Go to step 2;
2. Simulate M1 on input u. If M1 accepts u, then go to step 3, otherwise, BREAK;
3. Copy v on the tape. Go to step 4;
4. Simulate M2 on input v. If M2 accepts v, then ACCEPT, otherwise, BREAK;
Apparently, this TM M decides the concatenation of L1 and L2 . Now we analyze
this algorithm to show that it runs in polynomial time. In each loop, it costs at most
O(ns + nl + n) = O(nmax(s,l) time. There are n + 1 divisions of input x, so it repeats at most
n + 1 times. The running time of M is at most O(nmax(s,l) ∗ (n + 1)) = O(nmax(s,l)+1 ). Hence
M is a polynomial time deterministic Turing Machine.
c)Complement: L ∈ P ⇒ L ∈ P
Proof. L ∈ P ⇒ L is decidable in polynomial time on a deterministic single-tape TM
M. Suppose M runs in time O(nk ) A polynomial time deterministic single-tape TM M 0
operates as follows:
On input x:
1. Simulate M. If M accepts x, then REJECT, otherwise ACCEPT.
Apparently, this TM M 0 decides language L since M 0 runs in time O(nk ).
3. Textbook, Page 271, Exercise 7.7.
a)Union: L1 ∈ NP, L2 ∈ NP ⇒ L1 ∪ L2 ∈ NP
Proof. L1 ∈ NP, L2 ∈ NP ⇒ L1 , L2 are decided by nondeterministic polynomial time
TM M1 and M2 . Suppose M1 runs in time O(ns ) and M2 runs in time O(nl ). We can build
a 3-tape nondeterministic TM M that recognize L1 ∪ L2 :
On input x:
1. Copy input x to both Tape 2 and Tape 3;
2. Simultaneously simulate M1 (x) on Tape 2 and M2 (x) on Tape 3;
3. Wait until one of the simulation halts and accepts;
Apparently, this TM M recognizes language L1 ∪ L2 . Now we analyze this algorithm to
show that it runs in polynomial time. Step 1 takes 2n time and Step 2 takes O(nmax(s,l) )
time. So M runs at most O(nmax(s,l) ) time. Hence M is a polynomial time nondeterministic
Turing Machine.
b)Concatenation: L1 ∈ NP, L2 ∈ NP, L = {uv|u ∈ L1 , v ∈ L2 } ⇒ L ∈ NP
Proof. L1 ∈ NP, L2 ∈ NP ⇒ L1 , L2 are decided by nondeterministic polynomial time
TM M1 and M2 . Suppose M1 runs in time O(ns ) and M2 runs in time O(nl ). We can build
a 3-tape nondeterministic TM M that recognize the concatenation of L1 and L2 :
On input x
s = 1;
FOR each division x = uv of the input DO
1. Copy u to Tape 2 and v to Tape 3;
2. Simulate M1 on Tape 2 for s steps;
3. Simulate M2 on Tape 3 for s steps;
4. If both simulations ended in accept, then HALT and ACCEPT;
s = s + 1;
Apparently, this TM M decides the concatenation of L1 and L2 . Now we analyze
this algorithm to show that it runs in polynomial time. In each FOR loop, it costs at
most 2s steps. There are n + 1 divisions of input x, so it repeats at most 2s(n + 1)
times. s could be at most max(O(ns ), O(nl )) time. The running time of M is less than
O(2 ∗ (nmax(s,l) )2 ∗ (n + 1)) = O(n2∗max(s,l)+1 ). Hence M is a polynomial time deterministic
Turing Machine.