Western Cape Province Head Office Telephone No: (027)(021)483-0121 EMail: permits.fax@capenature.co.za Facsimile No: (086)(556)773-4734 Internet: www.capenature.co.za Private Bag x29 Gatesville 7766 PGWC Shared Services Center cnr Bosduif & Volstruis Streets Bridgetown 7764 PERMIT TO COLLECT, TRANSPORT AND KEEP IN CAPTIVITY WILD ANIMALS FOR REHABILITATION PURPOSES (Issued in terms of the provisions of the Nature Cons. Ord. 1974, (Ord 19 of 1974)Section29, 31, 44(1)a & e) Not Transferable Holder Dr P Richardson 5307115113080 Full Name Identity No. Human Wildlife Solutions AAA004-01442 Trade Name Registration No. PO Box 26693 10 Windsor Lane Postal Address Physical Address HOUT BAY TOKAI 7872 7945 In terms of and to the provisions of the abovementioned Ordinance and the Regulations framed thereunder, the holder of this permit is hereby authorised to keep in temporary captivity at the address mentioned above and to collect, transport and release the wild animal(s) specified below, for rehabilitation purposes within the areas mentioned only in the adddemdum with this permit. See conditions on last page. Details Permit/Licence No Expiry Date Date Issued Amount Paid Reference File Code 0023-AAA004-00111 Description Property Organization Human Wildlife Solutions Richardson, P Dr 5307115113080 South Peninsula Cape Town Western Cape South Africa Stamp: 02/08/2013 12:00:00AM 02/08/2012 12:00:00AM R 0.00 NO CHARGE 1/2/1/3/G20 Person ID Properties District Province/State Country Species(Scientific Name) (Note) (Note) (Note) Chacma Baboon(Papio ursinus) Qty 0 0 0 0 ID N/A N/A N/A N/A Note Catch/transport/release within the South Peninsula Methods: Paintball markers,bearbangers, pepperspray & cages Unlimited. For rehabilitation purposes only. 02/08/2012 12:00:00AM Issued by: Approved on Behalf CEO Danelle Kleinhans 21/01/2013 12:20:20PM Western Cape Nature Conservation Board Effective Date Signature of Holder I acknowledge, accept and understand fully the permit conditions as described Standard Conditions 1. The holder of this permit shall return it to the Chief Executive Officer: Western Cape Nature Conservation Board, Private Bag X 29, RONDEBOSCH, 7701, within 14 days of the date of expiry thereof. 2. In addition to the abovementioned condition, the holder of this permit must apply for the renewal of this permit (should they wish to renew it) AT LEAST three months prior to the expiry date of this permit . The onus is upon the holder of this permit to apply timeously for renewal." 3. The transport of live animals with this permit must be done in accordance with the provisions set out in: SABS 0331 (Translocation of Certain Species of Wild Herbivore), the Animals Protection Act, 1962 (Act 71 of 1962) and IATA specifications, where applicable. 4. This permit is subject to the approval from Veterinary Services , where applicable. 5. THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS. TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. This permit does not authorise you to buy, sell, donate, and/or receive as a donation any protected wild animal. Permits for the fore -mentioned must be obtained from this office beforehand and applications must be addressed to this office, stating the number and species (scientific and common names should be mentioned) of the animals you wishto acquire, as well as the name and address of the person from whom you wish to obtain the animals. 2. Regulation 36 of the Nature Conservation Regulations, promulgated by Provincial Notice 955 dated 29 August 1975, provides that any person who keeps wild animals, except birds which are not endangered or protected wild animals ,in captivity, shall keep a register in respect of such animals in which he shall 2.1. make a dated record in relation to 2.1.1 the name of each species, and 2.1.2 the number of each sex of every species, or, if it is impossible to distinguish the sex, the total number of each species, which is so held, and 3.1.3 as soon as any change occurs in respect of the species or number of each sex of every species or, if it is impossible to distinguish the sex, the total number of every species, keep a dated record in respect of 3.1.4 the name of the species in respect of which such change has occurred; 3.1.5 the number of each sex of every species or, if it is impossible to distinguish the sex, the total number of every species in respect of which such change has occurred; 3.1.6 the cause of the change, and 3.1.7 if such change has occurred in consequence of the purchase, sale, donation or receipt as a donation of wild animals, the name and address of every person who is party to such purchase, sale, donation or receipt. 4. Every record contemplated in paragraph 3.1 shall be retained for as long as the wild animal, in respect of which such record has been made, is kept in captivity and, at the termination of such captivity, for the period of two years immediately succeeding such termination. Special Conditions THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. CapeNature must be informed of dates that catch and release operations take place. (Contact Cape Metro Conservation Services at 021 955 5940/082 415 7691) 2. Only adults must be targeted and not juveniles. 3. All data captured must be analysed in order to ascertain whether or not the methods have been succesful and effective . 4. The permit holder must submit written feedback to CapeNature. 5. The person doing the catching and releasing must be an employee of the organisation and must identify him/herself as such. 6. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS TO THIS PERMIT. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER WCNCB PERMIT TO KEEP IN TEMPORARY CAPTIVITY AND TO TRANSPORT WILD ANIMALS FOR REHABILITATION PURPOSES ADDENDUM TO PERMIT NO. The following conditions must be adhered to: 1. A register must be kept of the wild animals that you collect or are brought to you by a member of the public. The register must indicate the following details: all wild animals (including species and number) captured, or brought in, the date and precise place of capture or when they were brought in and the name and address of any other party involved (i.e. if animals were brought in) and full details of any egg(s) laid/births/deaths that may take place while the snake(s) are temporarily in captivity. This register must be up to date at all times and may be inspected by an officer of CapeNature at any time. The owner of any privately owned land concerned must give WRITTEN consent allowing the permit holder to enter said property to capture any wild animals and must confirm in this written consent that the animals concerned are in fact problem animals. This written permission must reflect the full name and address of the property owner (or of the person authorized to grant such permission), the full name and address of the person to whom the permission is granted and the number and species of the wild animal(s), the date or dates on which such wild animal(s) may be captured and the land in respect of which permission is granted. Copies of this written permission must be made available to CapeNature upon request. No collecting of wild animals for rehabilitation may be done without this written consent. 2. The permit holder must inform and arrange with their nearest CapeNature Office to release any wild animals beforehand. 3. Only under exceptional circumstances and with the written approval of CapeNature may any collecting of wild animals take place outside of the prescribed area on the permit, should your permit however not allow the collection of any wild animals this must be strictly adhered to and no animals may be collected without a permit being issued therefore beforehand by your nearest CapeNature Office. 4. Healthy and unharmed indigenous wild animals must be released immediately according to condition No. 2. 5. Wild animals that can not be rehabilitated or used for breeding purposes (with written permission from CapeNature), may only after you have written permission from CapeNature be euthanized by an approved vet or employee of CapeNature. The carcass of a wild animal that died while the permit holder tried to rehabilitate it must be donated to the South African Museum. 6. The permit holder must supply a separate, sufficient area for the treatment of sick/injured animals. 7. Indigenous wild animals caught/received for rehabilitation may only be released in places, which have been approved by CapeNature, in other words, in consultation with your nearest CapeNature Office. A register must be kept up to date with regard to all wild animals which are released (including precise localities) and a detailed map of all localities where these animals were released must be kept. 8. No animals that have been received or collected may be sold, donated or swopped. 2 9. Animals received with the rehabilitation permit (temporary captivity) and / or any offspring from said animals may not be used as breeding stock. Any offspring or eggs, which are laid or bred by the received/caught animals, will be regarded as if they originate from the wild and must be released - according to conditions No. 2 + 5. 10. This permit must be renewed annually and is only valid in the prescribed area mentioned in the permit. 11. Separate registers must be kept for the animals received with your rehabilitation (temporary captivity) permit and the animals in permanent captivity. Animals received with the rehabilitation permit (temporary captivity) must be kept separate from any other animals in captivity at all times. Animals received with the rehabilitation permit (temporary captivity) may not be swopped or used to replace animals in permanent captivity. 12. No animals received with your rehabilitation permit may be used for show / exhibition / filming or any other commercial purposes. 13. Special care must be taken to avoid imprinting of the animals by humans. 14. This permit will be cancelled if you are found guilty of any contravention of the provisions of the Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 19 of 1974) or if any of the afore-mentioned conditions are violated. CapeNature reserves the right to perform inspections, conduct an investigation(s) or cancel a permit(s) at any time. A INDIGENOUS WILD ANIMALS 15. Any animal(s) indigenous to the Western Cape collected in terms of this permit must be collected in accordance with the conditions listed. 16. Indigenous animal(s) may be kept in captivity for a maximum period of one week in holding facilities complying with the cage size specifications as contained in the Western Cape Nature Conservation Ordinance No. 19 of 1974, the Western Cape Nature Conservation Laws Amendment Act No. 3 of 2000 and the regulations promulgated in accordance with this act, after which the animal(s) has to be released into a natural area, excluding a nature reserve or any other statutory conservation area, within a 20 km radius of the original point of capture and in collaboration with the nearest CapeNature regional office. 17. Should the animal(s) prove to be injured in any way and in need of rehabilitation and/or veterinary treatment, the collector may keep it for a period of up to three months, after which it must be released as prescribed. 18. A full record of all captures / collection / animals received including the name of the collector, the date and site of capture / receipt, the species involved, and the site of release must be kept and submitted to CapeNature on applying for permit renewal. Capture and release sites should preferably be identified by standard Global Positioning System. 3 B ALIEN / EXTRA-LIMITAL / EXOTIC WILD ANIMALS 19. Any wild animal caught or received by the permit holder, which is regarded as alien / extra-limital or exotic to the Western Cape Province or the area in which it was found may NOT be kept (on a rehab or any other permit). Should any such wild animal be caught or received by the permit holder then that permit holder must contact CapeNature IMMEDIATELY (i.e. within 24 hours) for further instructions for the housing and / or disposal of that wild animal. 20. Should the animal(s) captured prove to be extra-limital to the Western Cape Province, then the capture must be reported to CapeNature within 24 hours and the animal(s) must be handed to CapeNature for further action. Such further action will be informed by the conservation status of the animal(s), and any decision taken in this regard resorts solely with CapeNature. 21. No commercial trade in any alien / extra-limital / exotic specimen or any offspring will be allowed. 22. No alien / extra-limital / exotic animal captured will be allowed into permanent captive care or to be used in the supply of venom for the production of anti-venom treatment. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER WCNCB