Transact : A Transactional Programming Framework for Wireless Sensor/Actor Networks

Transact: A Transactional
Programming Framework for
Wireless Sensor/Actor Networks
Murat Demirbas
SUNY Buffalo
CSE Dept.
Wireless sensor/actor networks (WSANs)
• Embedded hybrid systems
PC processors are only 2% of all processors, the rest goes to
Automotive; Communications; Consumer electronics; Industrial equipment
• WSNs act as data collection & aggregation networks
environmental monitoring, military surveillance networks
• WSANs possess actuation capability as well; applications are:
factory automation & process control systems
 vibration control, valve control
multi-robot cooperative control
 robotic highway safety/construction markers
 automated mobile search & surveillance
WSANs programming challenges
• Consistency and coordination
In contrast to WSNs, where eventual consistency & loose synchrony is
sufficient for most applications and services, distributed control &
coordination are needed for most WSANs applications
• Effective management of concurrent execution
For safety reasons concurrency needs to be tamed to prevent
unintentional nondeterministic executions
On the other hand, for real-time guarantees concurrency needs to be
boosted to achieve timeliness
Transact: A transactional
programming framework for WSANs
• Transact eliminates unintentional nondeterministic
executions and achieves simplicity in reasoning while
retaining the concurrency of executions
Conflict serializability: any property proven for the single threaded
coarse-grain executions of the system is a property of the concurrent
fine-grain executions of the system
• Transact enables ease of programming for WSANs
Transact introduces a novel “consistent write-all” paradigm that enables
a node to update the state of its neighbors in a consistent and
simultaneous manner
“Consistent write-all” facilitates achieving consistency and coordination
and may enable development of more efficient control and coordination
programs than possible using traditional models
Outline of this talk
• Overview of Transact
• Inner-workings of Transact
• Implementation and simulation results
• Multihop networks extensions
Overview of Transact
• Optimistic concurrency control (OCC) idea
Read: Transaction begins by reading values and writing to a sandbox
Validation: The database checks if the transaction conflicted with any
other concurrent transaction. If so, the transaction is aborted & restarted
Commit: Otherwise, the transactions commits
• In Transact, a transaction, an execution of a nonlocal
method (which requires inter-node communication) is
structured as read*[write-all]
Each read operation reads variables from some nodes in singlehop, and
write-all operation writes to variables of a set of nodes in singlehop
Read operations are always compatible with each other: since reads do
not change the state, it is allowable to swap the order of reads across
different transactions (and even within the same transaction)
Overview of Transact…
• A write-all operation may fail to complete when a conflict
with another transaction is reported
• When a write-all operation fails, the transaction aborts
without any side-effects
Since the write-all operation is placed at the end of the transaction, if it
fails no state is changed. An aborted transaction can be retried later
• If there are no conflicts reported, write-all succeeds by
updating the state of the nodes in a consistent and
simultaneous manner
Challenges & opportunities in Transact
• In contrast to database systems, in distributed WSANs there
is no central database repository or arbiter
the control and sensor variables, on which the transactions operate, are
maintained distributedly over several nodes
• Broadcast communication opens novel ways for optimizing
the implementation of read and write operations
A broadcast is received by the recipients simultaneously
Broadcast allows snooping
• Property 1 gives us a powerful low-level atomic primitive
using which we order operations
• We use Property 2, i.e., snooping, for detecting conflicts
between transactions without the help of an arbiter
Conflicting transactions
• Any two transactions t1 and t2 are conflicting iff
a read-write incompatibility introduces a causality from t1 to t2
and a write-write or a read-write incompatibility introduces a causality
from t2 to t1
read-write incompat.
write-write incompat.
Conflict detection
• To enable decentralized and low-cost detection of conflicts,
we use nodes to act as proxies for detecting incompatibilities
between transactions by snooping over broadcast messages
Timeline of a transaction
Time-out based
write-all(…) conflict_msg
Time-out based
Timeout-based commit is used for consistency
Transact programs
bool become_leader(){
bool recovery_action(){
if (X=Ø) then
return write-all(*.leader=ID);
return FAILURE;
if (¬legal(X)) then
return write-all(*.state=
return SUCCESS;
bool consensus(){
if (|X|=1) then
return write-all(*.vote=X);
return FAILURE;
Different flavors of Transact
• Different applications may require different levels of timeliness &
consistency guarantees from transactions
Some applications may require tight consistency requirements
 version validation after reprogramming, or safety-critical tasks such as regulating valves in a
chemical factory
For some applications timeliness may be more important than consistency
 feedback-based motion control applications (these have built-in resiliency to noise in the
system due to continuous invocations and feedback)
• We identify four main types of transactions:
complete transactions employ all the mechanisms
reliable transactions waive the conflict-detection mechanism, but may still cancel a
transaction if write-acks are not received from all participants
ev-reliable (eventually-reliable) forgo the transaction cancellation, and replace this
with re-transmission of the write in case of missing write-acks.
unreliable waive even the write-ack mechanism, and perform a bare-bones write
Implementation results
• Tmote-invent platform
• 250kbps, CC2420 radio
– With better radio 10 fold
improvements possible
• A simple collaborative counting
– nodes try to increment counters
maintained by other nodes
• 1st experiment: counters
initiate transactions at the
same time
– Complete flavor had 100% success
for transaction durations >0.2, 0.8
– Unreliable flavor did not have any
• 2nd experiment: introducing
controlled phase-shifts between
the initiation of transactions
– 100% success for complete
– Limited success for unreliable
Simulation results
Middleware for building Multihop
• Transact can be used for efficient realizations of high-level
programming abstractions, Linda & virtual node(VN)
• In Linda, coordination among nodes is achieved through in,
out operations using which tuples can be added to or
retrieved from a tuplespace shared among nodes
maintaining the reliability and consistency of the shared tuplespace to the
face of concurrent execution of in and out operations at different nodes
can be achieved via Transact
• VN provides stability and robustness in spite of mobility of
Related work
• Database transactions are centralized with single arbiter
• Software-based transactional memory is limited to threads
interacting through memory in a single process
• Programming abstractions for WSN provide looselysynchronized, eventually consistent view of system states
• Seuss programming discipline also provides a reduction
requires a compile-time semantic compatibility check to be performed
across nodes and allow only semantically compatible methods across
nodes to run concurrently by asserting pre-synchronization inserted
between incompatible methods
requires a proof of partial orders on methods at the compile-time in order
to prevent the case where a method can be called malformedly as part of
its execution
Our ongoing work
• Roomba-Create + motes running Transact to implement
multi-robot cooperative control
A decentralized virtual traffic light implementation demo
• Receiver-side collision detection for lightweight
implementation of Transact
Binary probing instead of full-fledged read
Ev-reliable transactions, but conflict-serializability is still achievable
Concluding remarks
• Transact is a transactional programming framework for
provides ease of programming and reasoning in WSANs without curbing
the concurrency of execution,
facilitates achieving consistency and coordination; the consistent write-all
primitive may enable development of more efficient control & coordination
programs than possible using traditional models
• Future work
Verification support: Transact already provides conflict serializability, the
burden on the verifier is significantly reduced
Transact patterns: programmers can adapt commonly occurring patterns
for faster development