College Governance Meeting February 15, 2012, 3:30 PM, Baker 408 Agenda 1. President’s Report on Shared Services (Murphy) 2. Committee on Curriculum Actions (Hassett) 3. Report from Public Service and Outreach Committee (Fierke) 4. Old Business – End of Course Evaluations (Crovella) 5. New Business – Call for Nominations – Other? Faculty Meeting President’s Report February 15, 2012 408 Baker SUNY Potsdam, SUNY Canton councils object to sharing president Friday, August 12, 2011 SUNY Central’s trickle-dumb economics Monday, August 15, 2011 SUNY SHARED SERVICES INITIATIVE Developing Shared Services Program • • • • • Upstate Medical University SUNY Oswego Alfred State Onondaga Community College Upstate Six (Colgate, Hamilton, Hobart William Smith et al.) New York Six Consortium Colgate University – Hamilton College Hobart & William Smith Colleges St. Lawrence University – Skidmore College – Union College Amy Doonan Cronin Special Assistant UMU Shared Services Initiative Planned/In Process • CNY BRC (joint pursuit of NYSTAR Operating Grant $250K$500K) • Clark Residence MOU (30 residential slots in Fall 2012 for ESF students) • Kennedy Square (~70 additional residential slots for ESF in UMU development project) • ESF BS in Environmental Health (propose that 2 courses be taught by UMU faculty or shared faculty member; i.e., epidemiology) (Fall 2013) • Environmental Medicine Research Collaborative (UMU/ESF/VA/SU) • Joint MD/Ph.D. Program University UPSTATE State of New York • Joint ESF/UMU/SU IRB MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UMU Shared Services Initiative Planned/In Process (continued) • University Police Joint Training • Environmental Health and Safety Coordination • Shared SUNY Assistant Counsel (~20% salary contribution from ESF to UMU) • Coordinated Federal and NYS Appropriation Requests • ESF A&TS Instrument Coordination (NMR/Electron Microscopy) (Current joint NIH proposal for 800 MHz NMR) • SB3 (Structural Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry) (ESF/UMU/SU) UMU Shared Services Initiative Potential Shared Services • Student Health Services (proposed to be provided by UMU in 2013) • Joint UMU/ESF M/WBE Purchasing/Services Initiative (Consortium opportunities) (Joe Rufo/Steve Brady) • Library Services • Technical Journal Subscription/Joint Purchasing (ESF potential branch of UMU library) • Archivist (1st quarter of 2012 shared position) • UMU to Possibly Provide Locksmith Services to ESF (Joe Rufo/Steve Brady) • ESF to Possibly Provide Motor Pool Maintenance for UMU and Potential Large Vehicle Sharing (Sharing Implementation Models) • HR Initiated Training (OTD opportunities) (On-line training available through UMU) UMU Shared Services Initiative Potential Shared (continued) • Consider Economies Associated with UMU Food Vendor Providing ESF Café Services (potential Morrison/UMU contractor) • Evaluation of Joint IT/Operating System Opportunities (Needs study/CIO collaboration) • Crouse Transition from 2 yr. to 4 yr. Nursing Program/ESF Basic Science Education (1/2/1 shared program in coordination with UMU) (Bruce to meet with Elvira) • ESF Conference/Continuing Education Services Offered/Potential use of Gateway Bldg. for Use by UMU (follow up required) • Shared Radiation Safety Services (suggest that they be provided by UMU) • Shared Use of ESF Gateway Bldg. Facilities/Services • University Police MOU for Mutual or Peak Coverage as Required • Facilities Maintenance Capacity of UMU to be evaluated for use by ESF (Tom Pelis) UMU Shared Services Initiative ESF/UMU Objective • Direct $250K to joint academic programs through Operating Efficiencies by 2013 • Finalization of Shared Services Plan by 7/15/12 SUNY Oswego Shared Services Initiative • ESF’s Analytical & Technical Services • Consolidated Purchasing (fleet vehicles, paper et al.) • Multi Campus Contracts (Elevator maintenance, fire alarm systems et al.) • Services Oswego could Provide to ESF (consulting on food service et al.) • Oswego Best Practices Shared with ESF (undergraduate international recruitment, information technology et al.) SUNY Oswego Shared Services Initiative • Oswego-led Shared Services in Academic Affairs • • • • • • Shared instructors for General Education courses International Student Services (English as a 2nd language, et al.) Instructional designers for development of online courses Joint “Teaching Academy” and other forms of faculty development Meteorology/Atmospheric Science certificate/minor ESF BS/Oswego M.Ed. program • ESF-led Shared Services in Academic Affairs • • • • Renewable Energy Minor/Future Sustainable Energy Management Environmental Interpretation Minors in Polymer, Natural Products, and Environmental Chemistry Graduate-level courses in multiple disciplines SUNY Oswego Shared Services Initiative • ESF Shared Remote Properties Research Facilities • Costa Rica • Adirondack Ecological Center • Sustainability Services Alfred State Shared Services Initiative • ESF to Conduct a Brownfields Seminar (CEU et al.) on the Wellsville Campus Site • ESF will Support Alfred State to offer an Academic Program in Remediation Engineering Technology • Collaboration between ESF and Alfred State for Potential LA/Architecture Cross Teaching • ESF and Alfred State to Consider Jointly Offering a Distance Learning Course on Environmental Remediation • ESF to Work with Honeywell to Provide the Onondaga Lake Remediation Site as a Second Demonstration Site for the Alfred State Program • Alfred State to Provide the Wellsville Campus Site as a Demonstration Site for ESF’s Environmental Remediation Course Shared Services Activity Academic Affairs and Research Shared Service ESF AT&S Instrument Coordination (NMR/Electron Microscopy) (Current joint NIH proposal for 800 MHz NMR) Institutions Involved ESF, Oswego ESF’s Analytical and Technical Services ESF, Oswego Library Services: ESF, UMU • Technical Journal Subscriptions/Joint Purchasing/ESF potential branch of UMU library • Responsible for Implementation Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Status / Anticipated Implementation Planned/ Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Potential/ Potential/ Archivist (shared position) SB3 (Structural Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry) Potential/Spring 2012 ESF, UMU, SU Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Planned/ ESF BS in Environmental Health – propose ESF, UMU that 2 courses be taught by UMU faculty or shared faculty member Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Planned/Fall 2013 Environmental Medicine Research Collaborative ESF, UMU, VA, SU Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Planned/ Joint MD/Ph.D. Program ESF, UMU Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Planned/ Shared Services Activity Academic Affairs and Research Responsible for Implementation Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Status / Anticipated Implementation Planned/ Crouse transition from 2 to 4 year Nursing Program/ESF basic science education ESF/UMU (1/2/1 shared program. Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Potential/ ESF Conference/Continuing Education Services offered/Potential use of Gateway building by UMU ESF/UMU Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Potential/ Shared Radiation Safety services provided to ESF by UMU ESF/UMU Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Potential/ Bruce Bongarten (ESF) Potential/ Shared Service Joint ESF/UMU/SU IRB Institutions Involved ESF, UMU, SU Oswego led shared services: General education courses International student services (ESL, etc.) Instructional designers for development of online courses ESF/Oswego Joint “Teaching Academy” and other forms of faculty development Meteorology/Atmospheric Science certificate/minor ESF BS/Oswego M.Ed. program Shared Services Activity Academic Affairs and Research Institutions Involved ESF/Oswego Responsible for Implementation Bruce Bongarten (ESF) ESF to conduct Brownfields Seminar (CEU on the Wellsville Campus Site ESF, Alfred State Neil Murphy (ESF) Planned/ Alfred State to provide the Wellsville Campus site as a demonstration site for the Alfred State Program ESF, Alfred State Neil Murphy (ESF) Planned/ Shared Service ESF led shared services: • Renewable Energy Minor/Future Sustainable Energy Management • Environmental Interpretation • Minors in Polymer, Natural Products and Environmental Chemistry • Graduate level courses in multiple disciplines • ESF shared remote properties research facilities – Costa Rica and Adirondack Ecological Center • Sustainability Services Status / Anticipated Implementation Potential/ Shared Services Activity Academic Affairs and Research Institutions Involved ESF, Alfred State Responsible for Implementation Neil Murphy (ESF) Status / Anticipated Implementation Planned/ ESF to support Alfred State to offer an Academic Program in Remediation Engineering Technology ESF, Alfred State Neil Murphy (ESF) Planned/ Collaboration between ESF and Alfred State for potential LA/Architecture cross teaching ESF, Alfred State Neil Murphy (ESF) Potential/ ESF and Alfred State to consider jointly offering a distance learning course on Environmental Remediation ESF, Alfred State Neil Murphy (ESF) Potential/ Shared Service ESF to work with Honeywell to provide the Onondaga Lake remediation site as a second demonstration site for the Alfred State Program Shared Services Activity Student Services Shared Service Institutions Involved Responsible for Implementation Status / Anticipated Implementation Clark Residence MOU – 30 slots in Fall 2012 for ESF students ESF, UMU Bob French (ESF) In process / Fall 2012 Kennedy Square – 70 additional residential slots for ESF ESF, UMU Bob French (ESF) Planned/ Student Health Services provided to ESF by UMU ESF, UMU Bob French (ESF) Potential/Fall 2013 Consider economies associated with UMU food vendor providing ESF Café services ESF, UMU Bob French (ESF) Potential/ Consulting on Food Services to ESF provided by Oswego ESF, Oswego Bob French (ESF) Potential/ Transportation for Athletic teams ESF, Oswego Bob French (ESF) Potential/ Oswego best practices shared with ESF (undergraduate international recruitment, information technology, etc.) ESF, Oswego Bob French (ESF) Potential/ ESF use of OCC sports facilities ESF, OCC Bob French (ESF) In process/Ongoing Shared Services Activity Student Services Institutions Involved ESF, Oswego Responsible for Implementation Bob French (ESF) Status / Anticipated Implementation Potential/ Oswego best practices shared with ESF (undergraduate international recruitment, information technology, etc.) ESF, Oswego Bob French (ESF) Potential/ ESF use of OCC sports facilities ESF, OCC Bob French (ESF) In process/Ongoing Shared Service Transportation for Athletic teams Shared Services Activity Business Services, Operation and Maintenance Shared Service CNY BRC joint pursuit of NYSTAR Operating Grant $250K - $500K Institutions Involved ESF, UMU Responsible for Implementation Status / Anticipated Implementation In process / University Police joint training ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Planned/ Environmental Health and Safety Coordination ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Planned/ Shared SUNY Counsel ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) In Process/ongoing Coordinated Federal and NYS Appropriation Requests ESF,UMU Planned/ Human Resource and other employee training (right to know, sexual harassment, workplace violence, internal control, etc.) ESF, UMU, Joe Rufo (ESF) Oswego, SUNY Steve Brady (UMU) IT, Morrisville, Binghamton, OCC Potential/ Consultant related services (reduce duplication, more favorable pricing, etc.) ESF, UMU, Joe Rufo (ESF) Oswego, SUNY Steve Brady (UMU) IT, Morrisville, Binghamton, OCC Potential/ Shared Services Activity Business Services, Operation and Maintenance Institutions Involved ESF, UMU, Oswego Responsible for Implementation Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Nick Lyons (Oswego) Status / Anticipated Implementation Potential/ Locksmith services provided to ESF by UMU ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Potential/ Motor pool services provided to UMU by ESF ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Potential/ Evaluation of joint IT/Operating system opportunities ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Potential/ Shared use of Gateway Building facilities and services ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Potential/ University Police – MOU for peak coverage as needed ESF, UMU Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Potential/ Chief Becksted (ESF) Deputy Chief Waltz (UMU) Planned/ Shared Service Joint purchasing services initiative – consortium opportunities (fleet vehicles, commodities, etc.) University Police – ESF and UMU working ESF, UMU jointly with the 911 Center for inclusion in the Onondaga County Interoperability Communication System Shared Services Activity Business Services, Operation and Maintenance Shared Service Facilities Maintenance Capacity of UMU for use by ESF Multi-campus contracts (elevator maintenance, fire alarm systems, etc.) Institutions Involved ESF, UMU Responsible for Implementation Joe Rufo (ESF) Steve Brady (UMU) Status / Anticipated Implementation Potential/ ESF, Oswego Joe Rufo (ESF) Nick Lyons (Oswego) Potential/ ESF-Oswego Shared Services in Academic Affairs Shared Service Oswego First Steps Oswego to potentially join “Hill” Lorrie will notify Oswego Dean research VP discussion group for GS & Research and provide contact information to Bruce ESF First Steps Bruce will arrange for VP Research Neil Ringler to contact Oswego counterpart Oswego to join “Hill” discussions Lorrie to contact Oswego Dean Bruce to provide Lorrie with on research equipment planning of A&S to arrange discussions contact information for ESF’s and sharing with ESF A&TS Director re: ESF A&TS Director analytic capabilities and capacity to inform Oswego purchases for new science building Oswego to explore utilizing ESF research services incl. RFP searches & Dive Control Board Lorrie will notify Oswego Dean for GS & Research and provide contact information to Bruce Bruce will arrange for VP Research Neil Ringler to contact Oswego counterpart ESF to explore connections with Oswego Atmospheric Science faculty and course offerings Lorrie to pass on name of ESF Bruce to send name of ESF atmospheric scientist to Oswego faculty member working in faculty with request to establish atmospheric science contact ESF-Oswego Shared Services in Academic Affairs Shared Service Oswego First Steps ESF First Steps ESF and Oswego to explore BS/MEd program Lorrie will notify appropriate person @ Oswego to contact ESF Assoc. Provost to begin discussions Bruce will forward contact information of Assoc. Provost for Instruction to Lorrie ESF to potentially participate in Oswego teaching and learning seminars Lorrie will send Bruce a link to the Bruce will gauge faculty interest in list of seminars scheduled for participation spring, 2012 This is a prelude to possibly developing a stronger connection with Oswego’s Teaching and Learning Center If Bruce finds sufficient interest, Lorrie and Bruce will discuss if and how the Metro Center might be utilized for this purpose ESF to seek Oswego assistance in developing enhanced distance learning offerings Lorrie to provide contact information of Dean for External Learning General Education Courses Lorrie to identify part-time faculty Bruce to inform Lorrie GE course interested in teaching general needs and location education courses as needed by ESF Bruce to provide Oswego contact information to Assoc. Provost for Outreach to begin discussions Committee on Curriculum • Actions – Curriculum changes – Policy changes • Website ( • Next meeting dates – March 19th (proposal due date is 2/28/2012) – April 16th (proposal due date is 3/26/2012) Committee on Curriculum (CoC) proposals reviewed Jan. 30, 2012 and recommended for approval: Curriculum proposals: GPES: •Core curriculum revisions – MS and MPS •New Study Area in Environmental Monitoring and Modeling •New Study Area in Biophysical and Ecological Economics •New Study Area in Ecosystem Restoration Environmental Science: •Core curriculum revisions – BS ERE: •revision of M.P.S, M.S. and Ph.D. programs OIGS: •Deactivation of jointly registered Chemistry/Teacher Education program with SU •Deactivation of jointly registered EFB/Teacher Education program with SU Committee on Curriculum (CoC) proposals reviewed Jan. 30, 2012 and recommended for approval: Policy proposals: •Summer session add/drop policy •Resumption of undergraduate degree program policy •Revision of time limits for graduate degrees Summer session add/drop policy: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The only signature required to drop or add a class during the Summer Sessions will be that of the student (whether an ESF matriculated student or a visiting student). 2. ESF’s Registrar will make drop/add forms available on the web or institute a system in which emails are accepted as confirmation of withdrawal. Resumption of Undergraduate Degreee Program proposal: Graduate Program Time Limits Proposal: Community Engagement • Community Service Outreach Service Learning ESF Outreach Continuing Education/ Summer Courses Community Engagement – Community service = act of fulfilling a community need • Outreach = promoting college/science – Service Learning = structured educational experience Nominations • Executive Chair • SU Senator • Committee Chairs – Student Life – Public Service and Outreach – Awards Student Life Returning committee members: • Greg McGee (current chair) • Scott Blair • Giorgos Mountrakis • Lt. Bob Dugan • John View Public Service and Outreach Returning committee members • Melissa Fierke (current chair) • Lindi Quakenbush • Barb Smith • Liz Mix Awards Returning committee members: • Send Nominations to: • Nominations and Elections Committee – Bob Meyer (Sergeant-at-Arms) – Greg McGee • No later than Monday, April 2nd End of Course Surveys • IQAS Survey • EFB Request “We believe as a department the prior system of student teaching evaluations is significantly better and more useful than the current online one, and we request it be changed back to using paper copies in the classroom”