Lecture 14 18.086 Matrices in FD and Matlab • In discretized problems, we often end up solving Ku=f • Need fast algorithms to invert K • Require some knowledge about K (symmetry, Eigenvalues, etc.) Gauss elimination • • Consider Ax=b (with A invertible). Rewrite as Bring A of Ax=b into upper triangular form by adding/subtracting multiples of lines with each other: This is an upper triangular matrix U. One can write A=LU with L a lower triangular matrix: LU decomposition • Solution is Symmetric A, Cholesky factorization • What if A is symmetric? • What if A is symmetric and positive definite? Performance • If A is tridiagonal n x n matrix, U and L are bi-diagonal and LU-factorization requires O(n) operations • If A is a full matrix: • • A symmetric: O(1/3 n3) operations • general A: O(2/3 n3) operations Band matrices: A has bandwidth w if it’s “farthest” nonzero diagonal has offset w from the diagonal. • Takes O(w2n) operations Condition number set x = ih in the true solution u ( x ) = ? ( x - x " Finite difference K, K2D and K3D:solution FD for It isequation unusual to have this perfect agreement heat also unusual that no matrices were displayed. 1 . 2 u = -(rh - i K3/h2= 16K3. Then ih = a, i, leads to ui K3= • K: FD matrix for -uxx, for 3 nodes: • K2D: FD matrix forThe -uxx-1's -uyyin columns 0 and 4 were safely chop • K3D: FD matrix for -uxx -uyy -uzz A Chapter 2 will givehappens a host of when physical exam Let’s write them down and see what difference Right now we stay focus we do Gauss elimination (orequations. LU factorization) changing from zero height to z e r o slope: spy(Matrix) • Matlab: spy(M) shows nonzeros in a matrix M: K K2D K3D most elements are zero => sparse store (and operate on) only non-zero elements! (sparse(A) in matlab turns A into sparse representation) Useful Matlab commands description eye(5) 5x5 identity matrix speye(5) 5x5 sparse identity matrix toeplitz([2, -1, zeros(1,2)]) creates K4 toeplitz(sparse([2,-1,zeros(1,2)])) creates sparse K4 [L,U]=lu(K) L-U factorization kron(A,B) Kronecker product of matrices A and B sparse(A) makes A sparse Kronecker product • The Kronecker product for the 2x2 matrix A and 3x2 matrix B is = • Can write K2D = kron(I,K) + kron(K,I) NxN FD matrix with I identity matrix (NxN), K the • Can write K3D = kron(I2D,K) + kron(K2D,I) with I2D=kron(I,I) Sparse matrices and elimination K K2D K3D The sparsity could save us a lot of operations during elimination: Only few off-diagonal are nonzero and need to be eliminated using pivot rows! Really? Unfortunately: Fill-ins occur! Elimination with reordering