Sune Nikolaj Precht Reeh Curriculum Vitae

Sune Nikolaj Precht Reeh
Curriculum Vitae
Date of birth: May 22, 1986
Nationality: Danish
Research interests:
Algebraic topology, finite groups, homotopy theory.
Research focus: Saturated fusion systems in stable homotopy theory, and their interactions with Burnside rings and classifying spaces.
2005-2014 University of Copenhagen:
2014 [August 11] PhD in Mathematics
2010 [December 16] MSc in Mathematics
2014-2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2014 [January-August] Postdoc, University of Copenhagen
Long-term visits (≥ one month):
MIT (April-June 2013), MSRI Berkeley (Program Associate, March-May 2014), McMaster University (May-June 2015), University of Chicago (Nov-Dec 2015), Hausdorff
Institute for Mathematics (Sep-Dec 2016)
Grants and awards:
2014-2017 “Sapere Aude: DFF-Research Talent” by the Danish Council for Independent
2014-2016 “DFF-Individual Postdoctoral Grant” by the Danish Council for Independent
Invited talks:
Topology Seminar at Bilkent University (January 2016)
Topology Seminar at University of Chicago (December 2015)
Topology Seminar at MIT (September 2015)
Young Topologists Meeting at EPFL (July 2015)
Geometry & Topology Seminar at McMaster University (May 2015)
Topology Seminar at MIT (November 2014)
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar at UC Santa Cruz (May 2014)
Seminar at the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics at NUI
Galway (October 2013)
Workshop on Group actions and homotopy theory at University of Copenhagen
(August 2013)
Young Topologists Meeting at EPFL (July 2013)
European Mathematical Society/Danish Mathematical Society Joint Mathematical
Weekend at Aarhus University (April 2013)
Séminaire de théorie des groupes at Université de Picardie - Jules Verne (June
Young Algebraists’ Conference 2012 at EPFL (June 2012)
Teaching experience:
University of Copenhagen:
Lecturer Linear Algebra (LinAlg) with 500 students, 2013
Teaching Assistant Topology (Top), 2011 and 2012
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Mathematics (MatIntro) - Calculus, 2011 and
Teaching Assistant Discrete Mathematics 2 & Graph Theory (Dis2&Graf), 2009
Teaching Assistant Algebra 3 (Alg3) - Galois theory, 2009
Teaching Assistant Algebra 1 (Alg1) - Group theory, 2008
Teaching Assistant Mathematical Method (MatM), 2006
In addition I taught for several years at the UNF MatCamp (summer school for high
school students, organized by the Danish Youth Association of Science) in the topics:
number theory (2008), combinatorial game theory (2009), graph theory (2010), and
algebraic topology (2012).
Mathematical competitions:
2009, 2011-2013 Deputy Leader of the Danish team at the International Mathematical
2007-2009 Deputy Leader of the Danish team at the Baltic Way Competition
Member of the organizing committee for the Georg Mohr Competition (the
national Danish math-competition).
Bronze medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad
2004-2005 Member of the Danish team at the International Mathematical Olympiad
Member of the Danish team at the Baltic Way Competition
Volunteer work:
Volunteer in the Danish Youth Association of Science (Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening, UNF)
2006-2009 Board member for the Copenhagen branch of UNF
Volunteer at UNF MatCamp (UNF’s mathematical summer school)
Publications of Sune Precht Reeh:
1. The abelian monoid of fusion-stable finite sets is free. Algebra & Number Theory
9 (2015), no. 10, 2303–2324.
2. Transfer and characteristic idempotents for saturated fusion systems. Adv. in Math.
289 (2016), 161-211.
3. (with M. Gelvin) Minimal characteristic bisets for fusion systems. J. Algebra 427
(2015), 345–374.
4. (with M. Gelvin and E. Yalçın) On the basis of the Burnside ring of a fusion
system. J. Algebra 423 (2015), 767–797.
5. (with T. Schlank and N. Stapleton) Hopkins-Kuhn-Ravenel character theory for
fusion systems (in preparation), slides from seminar talk at MIT are available at∼reeh/slides/2015-09-28 MIT topology seminar.pdf though
this doesn’t include later progress.
6. (with E. Yalçın) Fusion stable real representations. Preprint available at