Math 3400 Homework 3 Section 2.3 # 1 A tank contains 200l of dye solution with a concentration of 1g/l. The tank is rinsed with fresh water flowing at 2l/min. When will the concentration reach 1 percent of its original value. Solution Let Q be the amount of dye. The equation is dQ = (rate in) − (rate out) = 0 − (2)(Q/200), dt or dQ = −.01Q. dt The form of the solution is Q(t) = Q0 e−.01t . The concentration reach 1 percent of its original value when e−.01t = .01, or −.01t = log(.01) = − log(100), t = 460 minutes. Notice that the initial concentration is irrelevant. # 13 a) Let Q0 = −rQ with r > 0. The general solution is Q(t) = Q0 e−rt . If the half life is 5730 years, then Q0 /2 = Q0 exp(−5730r), so −5730r = log(1/2), or r = 1.2097 × 10−4 . b) The amount of Carbon-14 at time t (years) is Q(t) = Q0 exp(−1.2097 × 10−4 t). c) If Q(t) = Q0 /5, then Q0 /5 = Q0 exp(−1.2097 × 10−4 t), or t = 13, 304 years. # 16 Newton’s law of cooling states that dT1 = k(T1 − T0 ), dt 1 where T0 is the environmental temperature. Fresh coffee is 200F . One minute later it is 190F . The room temperature is 70F . When does the coffee reach 150F ? Solution We have dT1 − kT1 = −kT0 = −70k, dt d −kt (e T1 ) = −70ke−kt . dt Integration gives e−kt T1 = C + 70e−kt , T1 = Cekt + 70. We then have T1 (0) = 200 = C + 70, C = 130. T1 (1) = 190 = 130ek + 70, k = −.08. Finally, 150 = 130e−.08t + 70, t = 6 minutes. Section 2.5 # 20 y dy = r(1 − )y − Ey dt K a. Equilibrium points occur when r(1 − y )y − Ey = 0. K Obviously y1 = 0 is an equilibrium point, and dividing by y leads to K(1 − E/r) = y2 , which has a positive value if 0 < E < r. b. The right hand side of the equation may be rewritten as f (y) = r y(K[1 − E/r] − y). K The function f (y) satisfies f (y) < 0, f (y) > 0, y > K(1 − E/r), y < 0, 0 < y < K(1 − E/r). Thus small positive solutions move away from 0 (unstable), while solutions starting near y2 = K(1 − E/r) move toward y2 , asymptotically stable. c. Sustainable yield Y is given by Y = Ey2 (E) = EK(1 − E/r) = EK − E 2 K/r. 2 d. The value of E maximizing Y is given by dY = K − 2EK/r = 0, dE or E1 = r/2. The maximum sustainable yield is Ym = E1 y2 (E1 ) = rK/4. 3