Victoria Terrace Public School School Council Minutes

Victoria Terrace Public School
School Council Minutes
Monday, October 5, 2015, 7:00 pm
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Review and approval of Sept. 14th minutes
Fundraising updates:
MacMillan’s (Kim Mc)
Kim Mc.
Dance-a-thon (Laurie)
- Kids dance during the day for an hour. Kids come back for a Kim K.
dance party at night.
Kim K.
- Juniors aren’t as engaged – survey prizes, raise prices, do a
class prize instead of individual prizes.
- Primary and Junior prizes.
- $10 per child and $20/family.
- Rob Ecclestone will decorate gym. - $250
- Laura, Meggin, Kim, Tara, Rebecca, Shannon.
- Document which teacher the money is with.
- Volunteer to DJ.
Milk & pizza (Kim K)
- Shannon and Tara agreed to help with Milk & Pizza.
- Some back and forth if it is ok or not.
- Principle/VP meeting. Lots of schools are doing milk & pizza.
- Tara might find it to be too much with all of the other
- Parent supervise the kids to count.
- Milk is not a fundraiser – nutrition.
- Pizza is a fundraiser. Will forgo milk and do pizza 2x a week.
Shannon & Michelle to run.
Storm Family Skate Fundraiser
(see flyer)
- Business adopts us and we get 17 home game tickets.
- Have been doing a draw.
- Family skate fundraiser, elementary schools – host a family fun
skate at Sleeman’s center. Minimum 150 tickets.
- How much are tickets?
- Commitment would have to be through the school
- Would you have to pre buy tickets?
- Would need to be far enough in advance.
- Even if we don’t have to pre buy, we could always pre sell.
- Meggin volunteered Jenna to find out.
Jingle Mingle – Nicole can get toys again.
1. All fundraising needs to have a fundraiser approval form filled
2. MacMillan’s – Scientists in school
3. Dance A Thon – books for classroom/level books.
Bullying Prevention Plan
- Template that comes out from the board.
- Ministry initiative. All schools must have.
- Bullying is a targeted offence.
- Set the parameters in the school.
- 8 keys of excellence (ownership, failure leads to success,
speak with good purpose, this is it, balance, flexibility,
integrity, commitment)
- Take care of each other.
- Updated version will be on website shortly.
School Council Insurance
- $151.20 – go ahead with insurance. All in favor of vote.
Kim K.
School Council Meeting Schedule
- Continue with first Monday of the month. Next meeting
Monday November 2.
- November 30th for gift wrapping.
- Jingle Mingle is December 3.
- January 11 for after the holiday.
- March 7
- April 4
- May 2
- May 30th Mighty Motor discussion.
- Mighty Motors – June 4. (Jenna to book)
- June 6
Treasurer's Report
- $5700.11 – deposit came back for the grounds.
- Pro grant
- Baby sitting
- $1,700 to books - levels and library.
- $4000 for playground.
- Playground – naturalized playground, but more stimuli to
encourage imaginative play.
- Keith Thompson to assess and help develop a plan?
- Need a clearer vision.
- Need to survey the children.
- Get a sandbox.
- Need a clean up date. In early spring. Friday after school
– community involvement – pizza party.
- Get some drawings and presentations for next meeting.
- Chris on committee for playground.
- Melissa is good at writing grants.
- Look for playground grants – important to have a plan to
Principal’s Report
- Practice routines
- Tracy Wrightman
- Michelle O. 45 minute nutrition breaks.
- New adult mentoring program – big brothers/big sisters
- Co Op students have been non existent. Started a new
program (Bigs and Blue) – 3 police officers and act as
adult mentors. 16 week program. 3rd officer in January.
- Only 3 students.
- In addition to grade 6 care program
- 2 teams for cross country.
- Junior soccer under Mr. Peller
- Annual Terry Fox run – Friday October 2. Raised $400
for cancer research.
- Went out in small groups.
- Nutrition program – Tara signed school up for world egg
day. Don’t have snack program on Fridays, Michelle is
serving hard boiled eggs on Thursday.
- Job Action – all of the union groups are now in official job
action. Starting Oct 5, 2015 – Office Coordinaters, EA
and ECEs doing job action like the teachers. Student
Safety initiatives have not changed.
- Negotiations for teachers were starting again, but there is
still uncertainty.
- Teachers upped job action – Wynn Wednesdays – there
are no extra curriculars.
- Board is working very closely with all union groups.
- Additional support has been provided to the school by the
board 1 day a week. To cover Kim’s teaching component.
- There is a possible threat of rotating strikes.
- Board is working to set up strategies. Set up like a snow
day – ASAN to go out from KIM.
- School would be closed to students for student safety.
Meeting Adjourned