Laurelwoods Elementary School Newsletter December 2013

Laurelwoods Elementary School
December 2013
There were numerous events happening at Laurelwoods over the last month. During the Week of
November 18th, we recognized Bully Prevention week at the school. One of the highlights was an
assembly where members of the Safe and Inclusive School Team presented information to the school
about the importance of treating everyone fairly. The team, organized games for the primary and junior
classes to promote our goals of fair play, using kind words, gentle hands and a big heart.
I would like to thank all the families who came out to the school to attend an interview with your
child(ren)’s teacher. Spending the time discussing and identifying goals for the second half of the term is
a valuable investment to support student success. On behalf of the staff, I would like to thank parents for
the support that you offer your child(ren) and their teachers on a daily basis.
I would like to extend a big thank you to all members of the school community who support the events at
Laurelwoods. Without the efforts of the school council members and the volunteers who give their time
on a frequent basis, many of the fun and exciting events at the school could not happen. In addition, I
would like to thank our nutrition-break supervisors, reading tutors and our chime choir leader:
Supervisors: W. Bremner, G. Hartley, B. Mills, A. McKechnie and R. Webber
Reading Tutors: A. McKechnie, R. Webber
Chime Choir: S. Moritz
From all the staff of Laurelwoods, we wish everyone Happy Holidays.
Jonathan Walker
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration will be held from: February 3rd – 7th, 2014. Eligible students for the Junior
Kindergarten must be four years of age on or before December 31, 2014 and students must be five years of
age on or before December 31, 2014 to register for Senior Kindergarten.
Remembrance Day at
Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Jordan and the intermediate
students organized an amazing, heartfelt
Remembrance Day Ceremony on the morning of
November 11th . We are proud of our students’
involvement and the audience for their respect and
thoughtful manner during this ceremony. Thank
you Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Jordan and the intermediate
students for coordinating such an important school
event. Congratulations also goes out to our Peace
Poster winners. 1st Place – Vanessa, 2nd Place –
Priyanka and 3rd Place went to Mason.
Scientists in the School
Ms. Gibson's 4/5 class participated in the "Battle of the
Rainforest" Scientists in the School program on
November 20 . The students thoroughly enjoyed
learning all about the different levels of the rainforest,
plants, insects, reptiles, birds and animals that live in the
rainforest, how our decisions can affect life in the
rainforests all over the world and ways we can help to
preserve the rainforests. Thank you to LES Parent
Council for supporting the Scientists in the School
programs at LES. Thank you to Anne McKechnie for
volunteering to run a centre and to Mrs. Martin for
lending us a few students that also helped run centres;
Natalie, Jake, Haley and Kaelynn did a great job.
The Grade 5 students at LES enjoyed their trip to Island
Lake Conservation Area where they participated in the
Earth Keepers Program. The students enjoyed listening
to "Loon" tell many tales and teach many lessons linked
to our effect on the earth, how life on earth has changed
over time, ways to conserve energy, the web of life and
that reducing and reusing are far more important than
recycling. They enjoyed many different activities that
allowed them to enjoy and appreciate nature. Some
even experienced that “Chickadee Feeling” and that
silence can be golden when you’re in your Magic Spot.
While they were there the Grade 5 students earned their
K (knowledge) and E (experience) keys. They will be
working towards earning their Y and S keys at school
and home to become Level One Earth Keepers.
Laurelwoods Elementary School Staff
wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday.
Waste Audit
The annual Laurelwoods Waste Audit was
conducted on November 21 with the help of
the Eco Crew. The Eco Crew is happy to report that we
have reduced our overall waste from 53 lbs. to 46.43lbs
this year. This amount includes both recycling and
garbage for one day. The good news is that we had less
food thrown out in the garbage which means it is either
being eaten, being boomeranged home or into the
compost, which the Eco Crew will work on! Keep up the
good work everyone and remember, Reduce, Reuse and
Primary Choir
A letter will be sent home this week if your child is in the
Primary Choir. On December 12 , the Primary Choir will
be performing for families in the gym. Please have your
child at the school for 6:10 p.m. that night and they will
meet in Miss Neil’s room so that they can get ready in
line by height. Choir members should wear a white, red
or green top and either black pants or a black skirt.
They may wear antlers or a Santa hat as well. We will
be performing 4 songs at 6:30 p.m. followed by a visit
with Santa. Once the Choir has finished performing,
students, along with their parents will go to their
designated rooms for crafts.
Primary Skating
The Primary students will be skating at the Grand Valley
Arena on January 24 , 31 and on February 21 and
28 . More details will follow.
Learn about positive parenting
strategies, community resources and
Parents can call and speak with a public health
nurse about parenting, child development and
health related topics up to age 13 by calling KIDS
LINE 1-800-265-7293 ext. 3616. KIDS LINE is also
the access point for Growing Great Kids which
coordinates services from many local agencies for
children zero to six who have special physical,
social, emotional, communication and development
needs. Speak with a public health nurse Monday to
Friday, 8:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Nutrition Break Supervisors
We are looking to add more Supply Nutrition Break
Supervisors to our on call list to help cover the
Nutrition Breaks. If you are available on an on call
basis and would be interested, please stop by the
office to pick up a police check form. This would be
a paid position. Our Nutrition Break times are
10:25 am – 11: 10 am and 1:10 pm – 1:55 p.m.
School Council
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, January
15 , for the next School Council meeting in the school
Paperless Newsletters
In an attempt to be more environmentally friendly, Laurelwoods is trying to reduce the number of paper copies of the newsletter going
home. We are excited about going paperless for our monthly newsletters to promote our Eco- friendly school. Starting in January
2014, parents will be able to sign up to receive a monthly newsletter notification. Parents will be able to go to our Laurelwoods
webpage to sign up. Once signed up, and you receive your confirmation email, you will automatically begin to receive an email
notification once each month with a link to view the current newsletter as well as other important messages.
If you would like to continue receiving a paper copy of our monthly newsletter, please complete the following and return it to your
child’s teacher.
Family Name: __________________________
Youngest Child’s Name: ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________________
Win a Dairy Queen Gift Card.
After your family has read this newsletter, please sign and detach this coupon. “Our family” must include at least one
parent/guardian who has read the newsletter. This month’s draw will be held on Thursday, December 19, 2013.
On November 20th, Student Council members participated in We Day. This is a day that promotes student leadership
Name: of____________________________________
global issues. The focus this year is Education. Many children in developing countries do not have the
opportunity to attend school as buildings and materials are scarce. Free the Children education initiative is to build 200,
to transform their families and communities so they never need charity again.
Small Change for Big Change
On November 20 , Student Council members participated in
We Day. This is a day that promotes student leadership and
awareness of global issues. The focus this year is Education.
Many children in developing countries do not have the
opportunity to attend school as buildings and materials are
scarce. Free the Children education initiative is to build 200
schools and improve access to education in developing
communities around the globe. When you remove the barriers
to education, children are empowered to transform their
families and communities so they never need charity again.
We are hoping to support this Education initiative by collecting
small change to help make a big change by showing our belief
that all children have the right to go to school. We are asking
for you to send in your small change so we can contribute to
this cause. One coin, one brick, one school at a time.
Thank you for your donations!
During Crafty Christmas night on December 12 , Student Council will be selling Rafiki chains for $10 each. Each Rafiki
chain is made by Kenyan Mothers and no two are alike. They can be used as a necklace, anklet, bracelet or a headband.
Each purchased chain equips a child overseas to attend school for one year - supporting the gift of education in Free the
Children communities. You can place your order at the Student Council table with cash or cheque (payable to
Laurelwoods E.S.). Hope to see you there!
Thank you to all who participated in the Laurelwoods Movember Fundraiser. Students were able to donate to help
support men’s health and received a moustache to wear during the day on November 29, 2013 along with Mr. Walker, Mr.
Kirk and Mr. Johnson who grew their own! Over $200.00 was raised! Thank you for supporting men’s health.
Bundle Up!
Please make sure that your
child(ren) are dressed adequately
for outside play. We go outside
at both nutritional breaks every
day except in extreme
temperatures. Your help in
ensuring your child (ren) have appropriate winter
clothing is greatly appreciated.
Inclement Weather
With the colder weather coming, the snowflakes are
not too far away. Please note how school closures
are announced to the public. If buses are cancelled
or delayed in the morning due to icy roads or snowy
weather, the following radio and television stations
will be notified:
Toronto: CBCFM 99.1, CHFI FM 98.1, CFTR AM
680 AM
Guelph: CJOY AM 1460, MAGIC FM 106.1
Kitchener: CKGL AM 570, CHYM FM 96.7
Barrie: CHAY FM 93.1 and The New VR (TV)
Please listen for the following:
All school taxis and buses serving the Upper Grand
District School Board in Dufferin County will not be
operating today. When buses are cancelled
Laurelwoods Elementary School is CLOSED.
Please do not send or drop off your child when the
school is closed. Parents can also check the
Board’s website as well as
for bus delays or cancellations.
Cold and Illness
Many thanks for keeping your
children home when they are sick. It
is very easy to pass on colds and flu in a school
environment. Children who do not feel well do not
learn well, and learning is definitely our goal! If
students are well enough to be at school, then the
expectation is that they go outside for recess.
Unfortunately, we do not have the staff on duty
inside during recess times.
Indoor Shoes
Parents are asked to send indoor
shoes or an extra pair of running shoes for their
child. We want students to be prepared in the
event of an emergency where we have to quickly
exit the school building.
Lost & Found
Please be sure to check the lost and found for
those missing items before the Christmas Break.
Any unclaimed items will be bagged and sent to the
local charity by December 19th.
Grade 9 Information Night at
Grade 8 students and their parents are invited to
Westside Secondary School on Wednesday,
January 15th at 7:00 p.m. Information will be given
to students about the programs available at the
school for Grade 9. Information packages will be
given to the Grade 8’s before the Christmas break.
Crafty Christmas
Please join us on Thursday, December
12, 2013, for an evening of festive
cheer at our annual “Crafty Christmas” event.
Families will have an opportunity to make
Christmas crafts they pre-registered for, and listen
to holiday carols. Mark the date on your calendar
and join us from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. We hope to
see you soon!
Helping Haiti – Christmas Cards
for the Starthrower Foundation
To follow up on the amazing work the Grade 6’s did
last year for the Starthrower Foundation (raising
over $1400.00 from the sale of earrings!), there is a
Helping Haiti club making Christmas Cards that will
be on sale at Crafty Christmas for $5.00 for a set of
four. Sharon Gaskell (the founder of Starthrower)
is a retired teacher and Orangeville resident who
lives in Haiti for 10 months out of the year. Ms.
McDonald traveled to Haiti this summer and saw
how desperately young people in Haiti value
education. One hopeful orphaned student wrote,
“Please don’t let me live with the shame of not
going to school”. Please know that any money
raised goes directly to keeping kids in school.
Thank you!
December 2013
Gr 7/8 Vaccinations
Pita Day
Cookie Day
French Exchange Presentations—Inter.
Intermediate Chimes
Choir - Lord Dufferin
Pizza Day
Hot Lunch
Pita Day
Cookie Day
Senior Chimes Choir Montgomery Village
Crafty Christmas
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Pizza Day
Scientists in School
Grade 2/3C & 3/4A
Pita Day
Cookie Day
Theatre Orangeville - A
Snow White Christmas
Grades 3 - 6
Winter Assembly
Spirit Day Wear green & red
Ministry Mandated Day
No classes for students
Hot Lunch
Board Holiday
Laurelwoods Elementary School Staff wishes everyone a safe and
happy holiday.
Classes begin on
Jan 6th, 2014.