THE DEVELOPMENT OF FRACTURES IN THE HARRIS RANCH QUARTZ MONZONITE RELATED TO THE SIERRITA PORPHYRY COPPER SYSTEM, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA by John Lester White 1v he C/iad vs lCecid inff WoOnr QEPART[v1 LN-r uF GEOSCI EN CES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 1980 STATEMENT BY AUTHOR This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree at The University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Request for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the Graduate College when in his judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarIn all other instances, however, permission must be obtained ship. from the author. SIGNED: - APPROVAL BY THESIS DIRECTOR This thesis has been approved on the date shown below: 1 ` S. R. Ti ey Professor of Geosciences -;25- /?ed Date ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am deeply thankful to Professor S. R. Titley for the help and advice he has given me in every phase of research and preparation of this thesis. Professor R. E. Beane and Professor G. Davis have also provided useful comments and advice on all aspects of my thesis. ing for this project has been provided by NSF Grant EAR 78- 22897. iii Fund- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vii ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION 1 GENERAL GEOLOGY 5 Rock Types 5 Structural Geology 6 ALTERED FRACTURES IN THE HARRIS RANCH QUARTZ MONZONITE 8 Methods of Study Results Fracture -Controlled Alteration Assemblages Fracture Densities Fracture Orientations Other Field Data Fluid Inclusion Temperatures 8 11 il 13 19 20 24 DISCUSSION 28 Influence of Faults on Fracture Distribution The Formation of Fractures Distinction of an Early Hydrothermal Event . Evolution of Altered Fractures Comparison with Other Studies at Sierrita . . ... . . . . 28 28 29 30 32 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 35 REFERENCES 37 iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Location Map 2 2. General location map of rock types, study area, and open pit mines 4 Location map of fracture data stations with geology modified from Copper (1973), eastern Sierrita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona in pocket 3. Study area divided into north, center, and south domains 10 Paragenetic sequence of fracture -controlled alteration assemblages in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite outside of the Sierrita open pit mine 12 6. Fracture density versus distance, north domain 14 7. Fracture density versus distance, center domain 15 8. Fracture density versus distance, south domain 16 9. Fracture density versus distance, with the latter three assemblages added together 18 4. 5. 10. Map of contoured, averaged fracture densities of the second fracture- controlled alteration assemblage in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite., Pima County, Arizona in pocket Fracture orientations of each alteration assemblage from the entire study area 21 Fracture orientations of assemblage B (quartz, K- feldspar, and pyrite) by domains 22 13. Histogram of cumulative vein thicknesses 23 14. Histogram of fluid inclusion temperatures of all four alteration assemblages at 3.5 kilometers from the porphyry stock 25 11. 12. v vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS-- Continued Page Figure 15. 16. 17. Histogram of fluid inclusion temperatures of the first alteration assemblage (epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar) at both 3.5 and 5.8 kilometers from the porphyry stock . . . . 26 Summary of the evolution of fracture -controlled alteration in the Harris Ranch. Quartz Monzonite 31 Correlation of alteration assemblages at different locations in the vicinity of the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit 33 ABSTRACT Detailed field and laboratory observations of altered fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite lead to a description of the sequential evolution of those altered features. Field observations in- clude the measurement of fracture densities, orientations, and alteration assemblages at 300 stations in the area studied. Vein -filling temperatures are determined from laboratory study of fluid inclusions. A sequence of four fracture -controlled alteration assemblages result from two periods of hydrothermal activity in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. The earliest alteration assemblage represents an early hydrothermal event not related to mineralization. The existence of this early event is recognized by the spatial distribution of altered fractures, fluid inclusion temperatures, fracture styles, and the absence of the early assemblage in the Ruby Star Granodiorite. The later three assemblages are products of hydrothermal activity responsible for mineralization at Sierrita. As the Sierrita system matured in the Har- ris Ranch,. the extent and abundance of fractures open to hydrothermal fluid flow decreased, as did the temperature of fluids within those fractures. Regional tectonic activity, pre -existing faults, and the concentrator intrusive all influenced the distribution and orientation of fractures during the evolution of the Sierrita porphyry copper system. vii INTRODUCTION The fracturing of rock is vital to the development of geothermal systems (Norton and Knapp 1977; Knapp and Knight 1977; Haynes and Titley 1980). The flow of hydrothermal fluids through fractures permits the convective transfer of thermal energy and chemical components (Norton and Knight 1977). These processes are manifested in active and fossil geothermal systems by altered and mineralized fractures and veins (Batzle and Simmons 1976; Titley, Fleming, and Neale 1978). Progressive changes in fracture -controlled alteration assemblages provide a record of the development of hydrothermal systems through time (Batzle and Simmons 1977; Titley 1978). In addition, fossil geothermal systems such as porphyry copper deposits are characterized by the localization of base metal mineralization along fractures (Anderson 1948). Thus, the detailed study of fracture -controlled alteration and mineralization is necessary to build a dynamic picture of evolution of both active and fossil geothermal systems. Recent studies at the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit provide a basic methodology for describing fracture- controlled hydrothermal alteration in terms of time, space, and temperature (Haynes and Titley 1980; Preece and Beane fin prep..)). The Sierrita deposit is located approximately 40 miles south of Tucson, Arizona (Figure 1). The distri- bution of fracture- controlled alteration assemblages through time is 1 2 ARIZONA !00 KM TUCSON PIMA MINING DISTRICT XMISSION X PIMA sE° 1 TWIN Xsu rTE SIERRITA ESPERANZA 5 Kit Figure 1. Location Map. X =OPEN PIT NINE 3 examined in the Ruby Star Granodiorite at Sierrita by Haynes and Titley (1980). The area studied by Haynes and Titley is lithologically homo- geneous, and is not disturbed by major structures. This paper describes a continuation of these studies in a different host rock at Sierrita. The area chosen for this study is located west of the Sierrita open pit mine (Figure 2). the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. The area is dominated by Using the framework provided by pre- vious workers, the sequential evolution of altered fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite is described. to that of the Ruby Star Granodiorite. This evolution is compared Further, data from this study provide some general explanations for the origin and distribution of altered fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. 4 Mid-Tertiary Volcanic Rocks Biotite Quartz Monzonite Porphyry Outline of Study Area Early Tertiary Intrusive Rocks Harris Ranch Quartz a Monzonite Volcanic Rocks Reg Mesozoic . ...` , - .. ,,., ,:.-::.`....-,. ., .,;, . ..`..`:... . . . .,..;.,`.,;.,;:,`.,;. . ...;.. .l+ , . i ',. `'. . ,., , ..;.,..,.. . ,. -Ti , ., ...,..,` ` , . ` Sierrita `"' .,`., -. Pi t " . .1 :Esperanza Pit - ,-,,-.--'.-.. _1_'Í;,_,- -,-,-, -._,_,_,_:; .- \ Figure 2. General location map of .rock types, study area, and open pit mines -- from Cooper 1973; Aiken and West 1978. ' GENERAL GEOLOGY The Sierrita -Esperanza porphyry system is one of three extensive porphyry systems in the Pima mining district. The Sierrita deposit is contained in a Mesozoic- Tertiary complex of extrusive and intrusive rocks at the southern end of the Ruby Star Granodiorite batholith (refer to Figure 2). Various aspects of the general geology of the Sierrita mine vicinity are described in several sources (Lacy 1959; Cooper 1960; Lootens 1966; Cooper 1971, 1973). Several additional papers describe various aspects of mineralization and alteration at the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit (Lynch 1966, 1967; Smith 1975; Aiken and West 1978; Preece and Beane fin prep.]; Haynes and Titley 1980). A brief descrip- tion of the general geology in the vicinity of the study area is given below. Rock Types The oldest rocks in the vicinity of the study area belong to the Triassic Ox Frame Formation (Figure 3, in pocket). The Ox Frame con- sists of andesític to rhyolitic flows, rhyolitic tuff, and quartzite (Cooper 1971). These rocks are in intrusive contact with the 190 mil- lion year old Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite (Cooper 1973). Ranch is medium -grained and roughly equigranular. The Harris It contains approxi- mately 60% alkali feldspar, 20% quartz, 10% plagioclase, and 10% fine grained biotite. Younger rocks of Mesozoic age include the Jurassic Sierrita Granite and Cretaceous intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks. 5 6 Three plutons, 67 to 53 million years old, are present in the vicinity of the study area (Cooper 1973; Damon and Mauger 1966). In sequence from oldest to youngest they are fine -grained biotite quartz diorite, Ruby Star Granodiorite, and biotite quartz monzonite porphyry. The biotite quartz monzonite porphyry is spatially associated with copper mineralization at Sierrita. In this paper it is assumed that the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry is the concentrator intrusive at Sierrita. The center of outcrop of the porphyry stock is assumed to repre- sent the center of the hydrothermal system responsible for Sierrita mineralization (Haynes and Titley 1980). Structural Geology Several high -angle faults and three breccia pipes are present in the study area. trend. The breccia pipes are aligned along a northwest They are subcircular to elliptical, and average between 50 and 75 meters in diameter. The center breccia pipe contains clasts of Har- ris Ranch Quartz Monzonite, Sierrita Granite, and Ox Frame Formation. The outer breccia pipes contain only clasts of Harris Ranch Quartz Mon - The clasts range from a few centimeters to a meter in diameter, zonite. and vary from angular to subrounded. rock flour. The matrix in all three is a fine Quartz -sericite alteration is pervasive in all three breccia pipes. Two types of fault are present in the area. The first is a single northwest- trending fault that dips an average of 50 degrees to the west. This fault cuts an early Tertiary, premineralization quartz latite dike. The fault is in turn cut by altered and mineralized 7 fractures associated with the Sierrita hydrothermal system. The fault is characterized by a 20- to 60- meter -wide zone of deformational features. The medial portion of the zone is marked by one to two meters of slatey cleavage with myloniti.c textures. Surrounding this slatey cleavage is 5 to 10 meters of abundant irregular fractures and granulated rock. Deformational features are negligible in the footwall beyond about 10 meters from the medial portion of the fault zone. In the hanging wall, however, near horizontal layers of intensely sheared and granulated rock -(5 to 50 centimeters thick) are spaced every 1/2 to 1 meter and extend 20 to 50 meters from the medial portion of the fault zone. Localized along the east side of the fault zone are patches of pervasive quartz- sericite -clay alteration which extend as much as 20 meters from the fault zone. Absolute offset of this fault is indeterminate. The northwest- trending fault is cut by several east- northwesttrending faults. Features of deformation related to these faults are commonly restricted to a 1- to 3- meter -wide gouge zone. Offset of the northwest fault by the east -northeast faults usually involves left separation on the order of 10's of meters. ALTERED FRACTURES IN THE HARRIS RANCH QUARTZ MONZONITE Although this study involves some geologic mapping and minor petrographic work, the largest portion of this study is based on detailed field and laboratory observations of altered fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. Field observations are used to determine the distribution of fracture -controlled alteration through time and space, and to provide information on the factors which resulted in the formation of fractures. Laboratory measurements of fluid inclusion temperatures are made to show how fluid temperatures varied through time and space. In this paper, the term "fracture" is a collective term that refers to both small -scale faults and joints. Methods of Study Field work includes the measurement of fracture densities, fracture orientations, and fracture -controlled alteration assemblages at 300 stations in the study area (refer to Figure 3). At most stations the width of veins and the relative offset along fractures have also been measured. Station locations are determined largely by the availability of good outcrop. outlined. At each station a 1/4 square meter circular area is Data are collected on all altered fractures which pass com- pletely through the circle. Observations of fracture -controlled alter- ation minerals and cross- cutting relationships between altered fractures are used to determine a paragenetic sequence of four alteration assemblages. Fracture densities are calculated by dividing the sum of the 8 9 lengths of the fractures within the circle by the area of the circle (Snow 1970; Titley et al. 1978). given in units of cm-1. In this study, fracture density is A value of 0.02 cm -1 is about equivalent to one fracture spaced every one -half meter. A value of fracture density is calculated at each station for each individual alteration assemblage. The sum of fracture densities of each fracture- controlled assemblage at a given station represents the integrated fracture density for that station (Haynes and Titley 1980). Because of the inhomogeneity of rocks in the field area, the - field data are analyzed by domains. The area of study is divided into three domains: north, center, and south (Figure 4). is structurally simple. The north domain The center and south domains contain the northwest -trending fault and several east -northeast- trending faults. Vein -filling temperatures are determined using a W3B gas flow heating /freezing stage (Werre et al. 1979). A flow rate of 40 SCFH is used, at which measurements have an accuracy of ±5 °C, and a precision of ±2 °C. Samples for fluid inclusion study come from sites located at 3.5 and 5.8 kilometers from the center of the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry stock (refer to Figure 3). Samples from the 3.5 kilometer site contain all four alteration assemblages observed in the area. Rocks at the 5.8 kilometer site contain only the earliest assemblages. Homogeni- zation temperatures are determined for both primary and secondary inclusions. The temperatures as presented are not pressure corrected, and therefore are not actual temperatures of trapping. 10 NORTH Sierrita Pit CENTER f % rr a. .i. 4. y r % /1%r Esperanza Pit KM Figure 4. Study area divided into north, center, and south domains -The distribution of major faults is shown. The open pit mines and the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry stock are located on the map for reference. 11 Results Fracture -Controlled Alteration Assemblages Four fracture -controlled alteration assemblages are present in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite (Figure 5). they are: In paragenetic sequence (1) epidote+ quartz ±chloritetpyritettourmaline fracture- filling with a selective epidote +K- feldspartquartztchlorite halo, (2) quartz+K- feldspar+pyrite±chlorite±chalcopyrite fracture -filling with a K- feldspar halo, (3) pyrite tquartztchlorite±ch.alcopyrite fracture -filling, and (4) epidote ±K- feldspartchloritetquartz fracture-filling with a selective epidote ±K- feldspar±chlorite halo. In each assemblage listed above, the minerals are in order of decreasing abundance (for example, epidote is the most abundant fracture -filling mineral of the first assemblage). The styles of fracturing and fracture -filling vary among different mineral assemblages. The early assemblage (A) occurs along both planar and sinuous fractures. The contacts between early veins and the host rock are irregular and gradational. The strike lengths of these fractures are usually between .1 and 3 meters, and widths of fracture - fillings may vary in a given vein between 2 and 0.1 millimeters. The intermediate assemblages (B and C) invariably occur in planar fractures which have strike lengths of up to 10 or 15 meters. Vein thicknesses of these assemblages average about 1 millimeter, but may reach 1 centimeter in some veins. Contacts between the vein material and wall rock are generally sharp and planar. The late assemblage is usually localized 12 PARAGENESIS OF FRACTURE - CONTROLLED ALTERATION ASSEMBLAGES VEIN-FILLING MINERALS A HALO MINERALS Epidote, Quartz, Chlorite, Pyrite, Epidote, K-feldspar, Tourmaline Quartz, Chlorite >J OC W Quartz, K-feldspar, B Pyrite, K-feldspar Chlorite, Chalcopyrite Pyrite, Quartz, C Chlorite, Chalcopyrite Epidote, DK-feldspar, Chlorite, Quartz Figure 5. Epidote, K-feldspar, Chlorite Paragenetic sequence of fracture -controlled alteration assemblages in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite outside of the Sierrita open pit mine -- Underlined minerals are always present and serve to characterize the mineral assemblages. r W Q J 13 along planar fractures, with veins commonly less than 1 millimeter thick and less than 3 meters in length. Fracture Densities To examine the spatial distribution of altered fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite, fracture densities are plotted as a function of distance from the center of the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry stock (Figures 6, 7, and 8). As previously stated, the center of the porphyry stock is assumed to be the center of the Sierrita hydrothermal system. The curves in Figures 6, 7, and 8 are based on averages of fracture densities for each assemblage. calculated at 1/2 kilometer intervals. tions. Each point on a curve represents an average of several staThe number next to each point is the number of stations on which that point is based. On the vertical axis is fracture density in units of inverse centimeters. On the horizontal axis is distance in kilome- ters from the center of the porphyry stock. The location of the northwest- trending fault is shown in plots of the center and south domains (Figures 7 and 8). Figures 6, 7, and 8 serve to summarize the fracture density data. It should be emphasized that the curves in these diagrams represent averages of fracture densities from several outcrops. An indivi- dual outcrop may have a fracture density much different than that suggested by Figures 6, 7, and 8. In the unfaulted north domain (Figure 6), the early alteration assemblage (A) does not follow the same pattern of distribution as the latter three assemblages (B, C, and D). The early assemblage achieves 14 w 4 DISTANCE, in KILOMETERS Figure 6. Fracture density versus distance, north domain -- Distance is measured from the center of the biotite quartz monzonite The number next to each point is the number porphyry stock. of stations on which that point is based. The letters represent fracture -controlled alteration assemblages (A = epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar; B = quartz, K- feldspar, and pyrite; C = pyrite and quartz; D = epidote). 15 W E DISTANCE, in KILOMETERS Figure 7. Fracture density versus distance, center domain -- Distance is measured from the center of the biotite quartz monzonite The number next to each point is the number porphyry stock. of stations on which that point is based. The letters represent fracture -controlled alteration assemblages (A = epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar; B = quartz, K- feldspar, and pyrite; C = pyrite and quartz; D = epidote). 16 w 4 DISTANCE, in KILOMETERS Figure 8. Fracture density versus distance, south domain -- Distance is measured from the center of the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry stock. The number next to each point is the number of stations on which that point is based. The letters represent fracture-controlled alteration assemblages (A = epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar; B = quartz, K- feldspar, and pyrite; C = pyrite and quartz; D = epidote). 17 only moderately high fracture densities but extends beyong 6 -1/2 kilo- meters west of the porphyry stock. The latter three assemblages have maximum fracture densities near the center of the deposit and fall off rapidly away from the center. The second assemblage achieves the high- est fracture densities of any assemblage. Fractures of later assem- blages progressively diminish in extent and abundance. In the center and south domains, fractures which localize the latter three mineral assemblages do not follow the systematic pattern which occurs in the north domain. In Figure 7, fracture densities of the second assemblage (B) drop off sharply on the east side of the northwest fault, while the latter two assemblages (C and D) peak on the west side of the fault. In Figure 8, fractures containing the second assem- blage also drop sharply in abundance on the east side of the fault. both Figures 7 and 8,, the intermediate assemblages have additional minor peaks between 4 and 5 kilometers from the porphyry stock. The difference between the north and center domains is further illustrated in Figure 9. In this figure the latter three assemblages are added together to form a single curve. In the north domain this curve of the latter three assemblages varies smoothly, but in the center domain this curve is irregular. Fracture densities immediately east of the NW fault in the center domain are lower than predicted from the north domain. Fracture densities immediately west of the fault are higher than expected. Note that this corresponds with the greater ex- tent of deformational features in the hanging wall of the northwest trending fault. 18 .15 10 .05 6 4 DISTANCE, Figure 9. 2 in KILOMETERS Fracture density versus distance, with the latter three assemblages added together -- The upper graph is for the north domain, the lower graph is for the center domain. Distance is measured from the center of the porphyry The letters represent fracture -controlled alterastock. tion assemblages (A = epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar; B = quartz, K- feldspar, and pyrite; C = pyrite and quartz; D = epidote). `Room 4e, Ntevs !}`il. iENcES [)EÉ f1i f i. UNIVERSITY OF r,ìtZÚtVA 19 of Figure 10 (in pocket) is an example of an alternative method presenting fracture density data. It shows contoured averages of frac- ture densities of the second alteration assemblage. Such a map is not density plots and as easily interpreted as the distance versus fracture is time consuming to construct. However, it has some uses and thus is briefly discussed below. grid on a The map is made by overlaying a 2 centimeter square of 1:10,000. map of raw fracture density values which has a scale All avervalues within a 2 centimeter radius of each point on the grid are aged. A map of averaged fracture densities is thus produced which can be contoured to yield a map such as Figure 10. In general the map does not serve it original purpose of showing and how fracture densities vary with respect to individual structures geologic units. The features it does show are: (1) a sharp drop in of the fracture densities between 2 -1/2 to 4 kilometers from the center prophyry stock and (2) two anomalous areas containing quartz -sulfide filled fractures about 5 kilometers from the center of the stock. A map of this type may be useful as an exploration tool. It may fractures. be used to quantitatively identify anomalous areas of altered useful in loIt can also show fracture density gradients which may be cating new mineralization or extending known areas of mineralization. Fracture Orientations Fracture orientations are represented by contouring plots of projecpoles to fracture planes on a southern hemisphere stereographic tion. A separate plot is shown for each fracture -controlled alteration 20 assemblage in the entire area (Figure 11). Orientations of the second assemblage are also plotted by domains (Figure 12). Over the entire study area, the early assemblage (A) has several dominant orientations with considerable scatter away from these major orientations. 80E. The most significant orientations are E -W, 70S and N14W, The second assemblage (B) has just one dominant trend of N82E with dips to both north and south. Later assemblages (C and D) show an in- crease in the number of dominant orientations. consistent throughout the area of study. Strikes of fractures are No plan -view radial pattern is present. The plots by domain show a change in dip of altered fractures from north to south. This is well illustrated by the second assemblage (refer to Figure 12). In the north fractures commonly dip to the south. In the center they are usually near vertical. In the south most frac- tures dip to the north. Other Field Data Figure 13 shows a histogram of cumulative vein thicknesses for every 10 degrees of fracture trend. A clear maximum of cumulative vein thickness occurs in fractures which trend near N80E. Assuming the sta- tions are representative of fractures throughout the field area, the cumulative vein thickness of N80E trending fractures in the entire area is estimated to be 5 meters. If vein thicknesses are the result of both replacement and open space filling, 5 meters represent a maximum possible extension in the study area due to fractures alone. This exten- sion would be normal to a near vertical plane striking N80E. 21 Figure 11. Fracture orientations of each alteration assemblage from the entire study area -- The letters denote fracture -controlled mineral assemblages (A = epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar; B = quartz, K- feldspar, and pyrite; C = pyrite and quartz; D = epidote). The diagrams are contoured plots of poles to fracture planes on a southern hemisphere stereographic proThe number of data points (DP) on which each diajection. gram is based, and the contour interval (CI) of each diagram are as follow: A - DP =830, CI =0.8 %; B - DP =498, CI =2 %; C - DP =172, CI =1.5 %; D - DP =61, CI =2 %. 22 NORTH CENTER SOUTH Figure 12. Fracture orientations of assemblage B Cquartz, k- feldspar, and pyrite) by domains -- The diagrams are contoured plots of poles to fracture planes on a southern hemisphere stereo graphic projection. The number of data points (DP) on which each diagram is based, and the contour interval (CI) of each diagram are as follow: North - DP =179, CI =3 %; Center - DP =116, CI =2.5 %; South - DP =96, CI =4 %. 23 ._.. '-..11 20 W West -7 N6OW :0w Nof th N3 E N60E East VEIN TRENDS Figure 13. Histogram of cumulative vein thicknesses -- Veins less than 0.1 mm thick are not included. 24 Nineteen relative offsets have been measured along near vertical fractures which trend within 10 degrees of N80E. to give 66.8 centimeters of left separation. These offsets add up Again assuming these meas- urements are representative of all fractures in the study area, a cumulative left separation of 41. meters is estimated across the entire study area. It is interesting to note that the offsets and dominant orienta- tions of the altered fractures is similar to that of the east -northeast trending faults. Fluid Inclusion Temperatures Figure 14 shows a histogram of fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures for each vein type at a distance of 3.5 kilometers from the center of the porphyry stock. Figure 15 shows histograms of homogeniza- tion temperatures of fluid inclusions in the early assemblage (A) at both 3.5 and 5.8 kilometers. At 3.5 kilometers from the prophyry stock, the second assemblage (B) has the highest temperatures of any recorded at that distance. 310 °C. Temperatures in later veins (C and D) do not exceed Thus the range of temperatures between 310 °C and 360 °C in the second assemblage is representative of fluid temperatures during depo- sition of that assemblage at that location. By similar reasoning, the third assemblage (C) has a group of maximum filling temperatures between 310 °C and 230 °C, and the fourth assemblage (D) has a range of filling temperatures below 220 °C. Temperatures of primary inclusions in general fall within the respective maximum temperature ranges. Temperatures from primary inclusions in the early assemblage (A) at 3.5 kilometers range between 200 °C and 290 °C. At 5.8 kilometers, Figure 14. Histogram of fluid inclusion temperatures of all four alteration assemblages at 3.5 kilometers from the porphyry stock -- The letters denote alteration assemblages as follow: A = epidote, quartz, K- feldspar B = quartz, K- feldspar, pyrite C = pyrite and quartz D = epidote 25 15- 4 4 4S 30 A 10- 4 } t64 t7 ta B .11 .1.10111 wommor 4 5- MISINIPV r- Cr) 3t C .1.1.11 15- 4 34 tt 10- 5f-1 200 TEMPERATURE, Figure 14. Continued 3b0 in °G Figure 15. 4a st 200 -1 TEMPERATURE, in -1 °C 1 300 ONNINENIOI 400 5.8 KM 3.5 KM Histogram of fluid inclusion temperatures of the first alteration assemblage (epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar) at both 3.5 and 5.8 kilometers from the porphyry stock. 10- 27 the same assemblage has a well- defined peak of temperatures ranging between 350 °C and 400 °C. Thus, temperatures in this early assemblage are clearly higher at 5.8 kilometers that at 3.5 kilometers from the center of the porphyry stock. Note also that the low temperature peak (140 -180 °C) present in all veins at 3.5 kilometers is not present at 5.8 kilometers. DISCUSSION Examination of the data presented in preceding sections permits conclusions to be made concerning several important aspects of hydroThe following thermal activity in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. discussions examine the factors that influence the distribution of fractures and fracture -related alteration and then describe the evolution through time of fracture -controlled alteration in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite outside of the Sierrita open pit mine. This evolution is then compared to the evolution of fracture- controlled alteration in other parts of the Sierrita porphyry system. Influence of Faults on Fracture Distribution The differences in fracture distributions between the unfaulted north domain and other domains suggest that the faults in the area, particularly the northwest fault, influence the distribution of fractures. Moderately high fracture densities of the second assemblage are restricted in lateral extent by the northwest fault. The distribution of later assemblages also appears to be influenced by the deformational features associated with that fault. this is only circumstantial. Unfortunately, the evidence for Further study of similar structures is necessary to understand the true nature of their influence. The Formation of Fractures The orientations and distribution of altered fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite allows some suggestions to be made about 28 29 the phenomena responsible for such fractures. The localization of high fracture densities and alteration about the concentrator intrusion suggests the emplacement and crystallization of the stock has a strong influence on the formation of fractures. This is supported by the pat- tern of dips of fractures in the Harris Ranch from north to south. Such a pattern is expected above a crystallizing pluton (Koide and Bhattacharji 1975). However, the dominant trend of fractures is east - northeast, similar to many other porphyry copper deposits in southern Arizona (Rehrig and Heidrick 1972). This suggests that regional stresses also play a role in the orientation of fractures in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. Thus, the fracture geometry appears to be a result of the combined effects of regional tectonics and a pluton chronológically related to fracture development. Distinction of an Early Hydrothermal Event The spatial distribution of fractures of the intermediate and late assemblages indicates they are a result of hydrothermal activity associated with mineralization at Sierrita. However, several lines of evidence indicate the early fracture -controlled alteration assemblage represents a separate hydrothermal event not related to Sierrita mineralization. These lines of evidence are: (1) a pattern of distribution of fractures inconsistant with later assemblages, (2) a continuation of moderately high fracture densities well beyond 6 kilometers from the center of the concentrator intrusion, (3) higher fluid inclusion tem- peratures in the early assemblage at 5.8 kilometers than at 3.5 kilometers from the intrusive center, and (4) a sharp contrast in the style 30 and orientation of fractures between the first and second assemblages. It is possible that this early assemblage is a part of the Sierrita system, but the evidence above is more compatible with a separate hydrothermal event. Evolution of Altered Fractures Figure 16 summarizes the evolution of altered fractures in the north domain of the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. This evolution be- gins with an early hydrothermal event represented by an assemblage of epidote, quartz, and K- feldspar. This early assemblage has moderately high fracture densities distributed throughout most of the area studied. The two most prominent trends of these fractures are E -W and N14W. Max- imum filling temperatures of this assemblage vary from a high range of 350 °C to 400 °C at 5.8 kilometers, to a lower range between 200 °C and 290 °C at 3.5 kilometers. Later assemblages manifest a younger hydrothermal event that is probably responsible for mineralization at Sierrita. These three assem- blages allow documentation of this hydrothermal system through time. Mineral assemblages changed with time from early quartz-K- feldsparsulfide, to intermediate sulfide- quartz, to late epidote. Fracture densities reached a maximum early in the system's history and progressively diminished. Fluid temperatures also declined with time from a maximum of 310 °C to 360 °C in the quart -K- feldspar- sulfide assemblage, through a range of 310 °C to 230 °C in the sulfide -quartz assemblage, to temperatures below 220 °C in the late epidote assemblage. The dominant trend of fractures is consistently east -northeast, but the number of 31 QUARTZ, K- FELDSPAR, SULFIDE N!!E .12 EPIDOTE, QUARTZ, K-FELDSPAR Ew, NI4W SULFIDE, QUARTZ 350-400°C NatE 310 -360°C 200 -290 °C 230-310°C <220°C EPI , OTE Ni3E, Nt w, NSW 6 4 2 DISTANCE, in KILOMETERS Figure 16. Summary of the evolution of fracture- controlled alteration in the Harris Ranch. Quartz Monzonite. 32 significant orientations increase with time from l dominant trend in the quartz -K- feldspar- sulfide assemblage to 3 or 4 in the epidote assemblage. Comparison with Other Studies at Sierrita Figure 17 shows a comparison of paragenetic sequences of fracture -controlled alteration assemblages present in the Harris Ranch The later three assem- Quartz Monzonite and the Ruby Star Granodiorite. blages observed in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite west of the open pit mine all have paragenetic equivalents in the Harris Ranch inside the mine and in the Ruby Star Granodiorite outside the mine. Mineralogies, fracture density distributions, orientations, and temperatures of the three late assemblages follow the same patterns of behavior in both rock types. The difference in altered fractures within the two rock types is in the early assemblage. The early epidote -quartz -K- feldspar assemblage is present only in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite outside of the open pit mine. This early assemblage is absent in rocks inside the pit and outside the pit in the Ruby Star Granodiorite. One explanation for this discrepancÿ is that the early assemblage represents an early stage of the Sierrita system that varies in alteration mineralogy between the two rock types. However, later assemblages associated with the Sierrita system do not vary significantly between the two rock types. Thus, a better explanation for the origin of the early assemblage is that it is a result of the emplacement and cooling of an intrusive rock that is older than the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry. This is in agreement Figure 17. Correlation of alteration assemblages at different locations in the vicinity of the Sierrita porphyry copper deposit -- The column headings denote locations and rock type as follow: HRWP = Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite west of the open pit (this study). RSNW = Ruby Star Granodiorite northwest of the open pit (Haynes and Titley 1980). RSNE = Ruby Star Granodiorite northeast of the open pit (Manske 1980). HRIP = Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite in the Sierrita open pit mine (Preece and Beane jin prep.]). The following mineral abbreviations are used in this figure: Epi = Epidote, Qtz = Quartz, Ksp = K- feldspar, Mag = Magnetite, Bio = Biotite, Hem = Hemitite, Py = Pyrite, Cpy = Chalcopyrite, Chl = Chlorite, Sulf = Sulfides, Ser = Sericite. Py, Qtz Epi, Ksp Py, Qtz Epi, ±Ksp Figure 17. Continued Qtz, Py Ksp, Qtz RSNW Qtz, Ksp, Py Epl, Qtz, Ksp HRWP - . Qtz, Epi, Chi Epi, Ksp, Qtz, Chi Py, Cpy, Ser Qtz, Py Ksp, Qtz, Mag RSNE Q tz, Ser, Sul f Qtz, Epl, Chl, Suif Qtz, Epi, Chl, Sulf Qlz, Epi, Chl, Suif Qtz, Ksp, Bio, Hem HRIP - m Q r r Q nt , 34_ with earlier discussions which suggest the early epidote- quartz -K- feldspar assemblage is not associated with the Sierrita system. Thus, the early assemblage may represent a hydrothermal system genetically related to the Ruby Star Granodiorite, the biotite quartz diorite, or the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite, all of which crystallized before the biotite quartz monzonite porphyry. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The history of the Sierrita hydrothermal system in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite is similar to that in the Ruby Star Granodiorite. In the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite this history involves an early high - temperature quartz -K- feldspar- sulfide assemblage with high fracture densities, followed by an intermediate quartz -sulfide assemblage with lower temperatures and fracture densities, it turn followed by a late, low -temperature epidote assemblage with very low fracture densities. Thus as the Sierrita porphyry system natured in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite, the extent and abundance of fractures open to hydrothermal fluid flow decreased, as did the temperature of the fluids within those fractures. The spatial distribution and orientations of altered fractures associated with the Sierrita system indicate they are a result of a combination of regional tectonic activity and the crystallization and cooling of a concentrator intrusive. The distribution of these frac- tures is also influenced by the presence of premineralization faults. An early hydrothermal event not related to the Sierrita system is suggested by early epidote -quartz -K- feldspar veins and veinlets in the Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite. The existence of this early event is suggested by the spatial distribution of altered fractures, fluid inclusion temperatures, styles of fracturing, and the absence of this assemblage in the Ruby Star Granodiorite. 35 36 In conclusion, it is clear that to fully understand an active or fossil geothermal system, a detailed study of the altered fractures in that system is necessary. In addition to characterizing the nature and extent of such a hydrothermal event, it is possible to distinguish that event from other hydrothermal events which might have been hosted by the same rock body. This type of study has obvious applications in the exploration and development of porphyry copper deposits and active geothermal reservoirs. This study also provides further insight into the general nature and origins of geothermal systems and the factors which influence their development. REFERENCES Aiken, M. A., and West, R. J., 1978, Some geologic aspects of the Sierrita -Esperanza copper - molybdenum deposit, Pima County, Arizona: Ariz. Geol. Soc. Dig., 11:117 -128. Anderson, C. A., 1948, Structural control of copper mineralization, Bagdad, Arizona: Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., 178:170 -180. Batzle, M. L., and Simmons, G., 1976, Microfractures in rocks from two geothermal areas: Earth Planet Sci. Let., 30:71 -93. Batzle, M. 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White Jhr 0,98 O F-50 Geosciences 1980 OF1e3 O F-54 OF-51 ._ OF_I92 0 F-l54 O F-le OF_18 1 ' Scale 1:10,000 OF-155 OF-5 O F-14 .J OF-IS N It of-156 of-150 Tql.... 0E-I49 O F-92 One OF-128 OF.Í29 pF-I37 OF-12r 0,1513 OF-1I4 0E-119 OF -196 /^) Elevation Contour Interval 200 Feet OF -99 OF-61 OF 62 OF-Be OF-36 3 11 119 Kilome ler O F-70 O F-80 OF-85 O Explanation OF_63 OF-57 0E-94 OF-69/ OF-91 O F-64 OF-rà O O F-191 pF-188 OF-102 0,103 Quaternary OF-76 Alluvium and fill OF-7 1 OF-101 OF100 -. OF-99 7r OF-104 % O F-21 0 F20 OF-182 i oFel O F a OF o O F-94 t511 Paleocene Ruby Star Granódiorite O o Tertiary Quartz /alite OF-105 OF-111 OF-4 O F-36 -- _ 0,107 O F-37 o _-,. _ 4 XOe! -:OF-1s7 . . 0,17 OF-le 0,168 5,0E-0 Formation of Tinaja Peak Rhyolitic to andesitic floes, tuff, and related sedimente - °F-19 o F-/50 Oligocene /Miocene - rt 0E-176 O F-I>:9 t,.f!.t'::. o F-z9 OF-78 O F-14 OF-90 OF-26 O -137 Biotite qua OF-166 oF-35 4 OF-25 OF27-. OF-2 -I 3,770 rC Jhr 6 diorite dF-135 OF-Y9 D F-450 OF-3 o // OF-224 OF-23 OF-22 h; // , - / -148 Cretaceous OF-39 OF-40 Jhr of-225 \<++ F228 volcanic rocks Andesitla and dacitic brecc las, rhyolite tuff, and related sediments /O9,1.1 I OF-41 OF-151 O Cretaceous Sierrita Granite OF-33 Jurassic Jhr i ]h 4t^' r O F-2e3 0,159 A^ r.> , ^ OF-534 OF-227 °> OF22e o O F-240 0,165 // 4/09 6.5:7,f15°7 433 O F-23P O F-234 J yf <^r > ' O F-287 O F-235 , > eo5., l \c c>nc ,`f> O F-260 >v7 n v/ w < ! < a 4 < nLC7< ° , f` - , J cr SG. ' 5 ^ r vnf <I °"^ °^i >a< //. Ìe F-262 / v . 1< > Áe Cele teve We ada,g 9250nt O F-E. -- Q 3.5 KM o_ Fluid inclusion sample station Contact Dashed where approximately O F-207 O F-221 o located Fault, showing dip Dashed where opproximately located Arrows, D, and U indicate relative OF-249 F-zoe eisploeemen1 O F223 O F-z97 °F-2I7 13'IS O F-222 O F-209 Fault zone, showing dip F-267 / / / OF216 -215 O O F-266 OF-2I2 O Breccia pipe O F-277 OF-299 Of-278 r 06-210 OF-213 OF-214 OF-299 O F-275 J 0 F-279 OF-263 <, Outline of open pit mine O O F-265 O F-2e2 //11111111\O\ o F-279 ,y] OF-264 Outline of mine dumps O F-lel John L, White nr s+ Road °o° 19 B 0 .I c c FVn M.S. Thesis Geosciences i>] -',, ° IIè ,c n F-206 OF-z19 OF-273l G. c O O F-295 ^> <hv < {+ O F-205 O F-220 OF-300. O-F272I n Jhr ' F-247 O 5, O F-z58 > o Fee 0,164 Fracture dota station , F.2509., and quartzite O F_2I2 ] - o 30 OF-271 A., A i oFaol . O F-269 OF-87 DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA - 0,281 n 07246 O F-246 / OF-294 OF-292 OF-270 . O,60 ._ o F 28 0,293 c Rhyolitic flows and tuff, andesl te, OF-288 OF-291 rys°> r OF-29 - Triassic Ox Frame Formation 4. ? e< OF-244 O F-290 ;^ k,-'/ ^<, O F-252 Jhr - -6772;7 ePo sa,7 O F-243 I J 4 q e 44.4 OF-256 OF132 Harris Ranch Quartz Monzonite OF-2eF. OF-13( 0,133 / 0E-242 7 - 0,230 OF-23I \ Or-24r OF-239 5KM F-629 OF-285 OF Iè9 r o o O F-z64 OF-160 o > nn yc<y .l 6]V tel o ° ° Figure 10 MAP OF CONTOURED, AVERAGED FRACTURE DENSITIES OF THE SECOND FRACTURE - CONTROLLED ALTERATION ASSEMBLAGE IN THE HARRIS RANCH QUARTZ MOA'ZONITE PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA John L. White 1980 Scale 1:10,000 o One Kilometer j Contour Interval 0.01 cm-1 39m John L White M.S. Thesis Geoscien ces 19 8 0 7 is opo 14 13 13 24 0.00