ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATES FROM RADIATION DAMAGED CRYSTALS: A NEW DAMAGE-He DIFFUSIVITY MODEL FOR THE ZIRCON (U-Th)/He THERMOCHRONOMETER by William Rexford Guenthner _____________________ A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 2013 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA GRADUATE COLLEGE As members of the Dissertation Committee, we certify that we have read the dissertation prepared by William Guenthner, entitled Zircon (U-Th)/He Dates from Radiation Damaged Crystals: A New Damage-He Diffusivity Model for the Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronometer and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. _______________________________________________________________________ Date: 5/27/2013 Peter Reiners _______________________________________________________________________ Date: 5/27/2013 Richard Ketcham _______________________________________________________________________ Date: 5/27/2013 Jibamitra Ganguly _______________________________________________________________________ Date: 5/27/2013 Peter DeCelles Final approval and acceptance of this dissertation is contingent upon the candidate’s submission of the final copies of the dissertation to the Graduate College. I hereby certify that I have read this dissertation prepared under my direction and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement. ________________________________________________ Date: Dissertation Director: Peter Reiners 3 STATEMENT BY AUTHOR This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for an advanced degree at the University of Arizona and is deposited in the University Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library. Brief quotations from this dissertation are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgment of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the major department or the Dean of the Graduate College when in his or her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interests of scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author. SIGNED: William R. Guenthner 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Many people and sources of funding made this dissertation possible. This research was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, the COSA2 collaboration between the University of Arizona and ExxonMobil, an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) scholarship, and a ConocoPhillips Scholarship. Discussions with my advisor, Peter Reiners; committee members, Richard Ketcham, Jiba Ganguly, and Peter DeCelles; and other faculty members, George Davis, George Gehrels, and Paul Kapp greatly improved the research presented in this dissertation. Lab analysis could not have been possible without the able assistance of Uttam Chowdhury and Stefan Nicolescu. Conversations with past and present graduate students and post-docs—Lynn Peyton, Abir Biswas, Kendra Murray, Nate Evenson, Alexis Ault, and Julie Fosdick—have improved this research, my understanding of thermochronology, and my journey through grad school. Finally, I owe a great debt of gratitude to Jessica Conroy, who, amongst many other things, kept me level throughout the dissertation process. 5 DEDICATION I dedicate this dissertation to my father, Thomas Guenthner, and my late grandfather, Richard Guenthner, two scientists who inspired my pursuit of knowledge. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................9 LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................10 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................11 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................13 2. PRESENT STUDY........................................................................................................19 3. REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................23 4. APPENDICES ...............................................................................................................30 APPENDIX A: HELIUM DIFFUSION IN NATURAL ZIRCON: RADIATION DAMAGE, ANISOTROPY, AND THE INTERPRETATION OF ZIRCON (U-Th)/He THERMOCHRONOLOGY...............................................................................................31 Abstract ..............................................................................................................................32 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................33 2. Methods..........................................................................................................................38 2.1 (U-Th)/He Dating....................................................................................................38 2.2 4He Diffusion Experiments .....................................................................................39 2.2.1 Sample selection..............................................................................................39 2.2.2 Sample preparation, Raman spectroscopy ......................................................41 2.2.3 Sample preparation, slab orientation ...............................................................42 2.2.4 Step-heating experiments ................................................................................43 3. Results............................................................................................................................44 3.1 Zircon He dates: Positive and negative date-eU correlations .................................44 3.2 Raman spectroscopy ...............................................................................................45 3.3 Diffusion experiments.............................................................................................46 4. Discussion ......................................................................................................................51 4.1 Positive date-eU correlations ..................................................................................51 4.2 Negative date-eU correlations.................................................................................54 4.3 Arrhenius trends ......................................................................................................55 4.4 Functional form for damage-diffusivity relationship..............................................58 4.5 Implementation of damage-diffusivity parameterization........................................68 4.6 Impact of eU zonation on zircon date-eU correlations ...........................................75 5. Conclusions....................................................................................................................82 6. Acknowledgements........................................................................................................83 7. References......................................................................................................................84 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued APPENDIX B: INTERPRETING DATE-eU CORRELATIONS IN ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATASETS USING A NEW MODEL FOR HELIUM DIFFUSION IN ZIRCON: A CASE STUDY FROM THE LONGMEN SHAN, CHINA ............................................140 Abstract ............................................................................................................................141 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................142 2. Factors causing date-eU correlations ...........................................................................144 3. Model Inputs ................................................................................................................147 4. Model Results ..............................................................................................................153 4.1 LME-18 .................................................................................................................155 4.2 Wenchuan..............................................................................................................156 4.3 WMF footwall.......................................................................................................156 4.4 Summary ...............................................................................................................157 5. Discussion ....................................................................................................................158 5.1 Burial history and structural significance of date-eU correlations........................158 5.2 Cenozoic exhumation history from date-eU correlations .....................................159 6. Conclusions..................................................................................................................163 7. References....................................................................................................................163 APPENDIX C: SEVIER-BELT EXHUMATION IN CENTRAL UTAH CONSTRAINED FROM COMPLEX ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATASETS: RADIATION DAMAGE AND He INHERITANCE EFFECTS ON PARTIALLY RESET DETRITAL ZIRCONS ........................................................................................................................176 Abstract ............................................................................................................................177 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................178 2. Geologic Setting...........................................................................................................184 3. Methods........................................................................................................................186 3.1 (U-Th)/He dating...................................................................................................186 4. Results..........................................................................................................................187 4.1 Zircon (U-Th)/He ..................................................................................................187 5. Discussion ....................................................................................................................189 5.1 Interpretation of date-eU correlations ...................................................................189 5.2 Overview of model inputs.....................................................................................191 5.3 Stansbury Mountains.............................................................................................193 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued 5.3.1 tT inputs.........................................................................................................193 5.3.2 Model results—zero-inheritance curve .........................................................199 5.3.3 Model results—inheritance envelope............................................................201 5.4 Oquirrh Mountains ................................................................................................204 5.4.1 tT inputs.........................................................................................................204 5.4.2 Model results—zero-inheritance curve .........................................................206 5.4.3 Model results—inheritance envelope............................................................208 5.5 Mount Timpanogos ...............................................................................................208 5.5.1 tT inputs.........................................................................................................209 5.5.2 Model results .................................................................................................211 5.6 Summary of tT results ...........................................................................................212 5.7 Geologic significance of tT results........................................................................213 6. Conclusions..................................................................................................................217 7. References....................................................................................................................219 APPENDIX D: PERMISSIONS......................................................................................259 Permission for inclusion of Appendix A .........................................................................260 9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure A-1, Positive date-eU correlations ...................................................................124 Figure A-2, Negative date-eU correlations..................................................................125 Figure A-3, Arrhenius plots .........................................................................................126 Figure A-4, Ln(a/a0) plot..............................................................................................128 Figure A-5, Pre-exponential factor (D0) versus radiation damage ..............................129 Figure A-6, Arrhenius trend comparison .....................................................................130 Figure A-7, He diffusivity versus alpha dose ..............................................................131 Figure A-8, Closure temperature versus alpha dose ....................................................132 Figure A-9, Schematic date-eU correlations................................................................133 Figure A-10, Comparison of functional form to diffusion data...................................134 Figure A-11, Representative date-eU models..............................................................136 Figure A-12, Forward date-eU models ........................................................................137 Figure A-13, Zonation effects......................................................................................138 Figure B-1, Longmen Shan regional map....................................................................171 Figure B-2, ZRDAAM results ....................................................................................172 Figure B-3, Samples without negative date-eU correlations .......................................174 Figure B-4, Schematic cross-section............................................................................175 Figure C-1, Representative inheritance envelopes.......................................................239 Figure C-2, Charleston-Nebo Salient regional map.....................................................241 Figure C-3, Sample locations in Stansbury Mtns. ......................................................242 Figure C-4, Sample locations in Oquirrh Mtns. ..........................................................243 Figure C-5, Sample locations at Mtn. Timpanogos ....................................................244 Figure C-6, Date-elevation plots and date pdfs ..........................................................245 Figure C-7, Date-eU plots............................................................................................247 Figure C-8, Summary of tT paths ................................................................................248 Figure C-9, Zero-inheritance curves, Stansbury Mtns.................................................249 Figure C-10, Zero-inheritance curves, Stansbury Mtns...............................................250 Figure C-11, Inheritance envelopes, Stansbury Mtns..................................................251 Figure C-12, Zero-inheritance curves, Oquirrh Mtns. .................................................253 Figure C-13, Inheritance envelopes, Oquirrh Mtns. ....................................................254 Figure C-14, Inheritance envelopes, Oquirrh Mtns. ....................................................255 Figure C-15, Zero-inheritance curves, Mtn. Timpanogos ...........................................256 Figure C-16, Zero-inheritance curves, Mtn. Timpanogos ...........................................257 Figure C-17, Kinematic history in CNS ......................................................................258 10 LIST OF TABLES Table A-1, Zircon slab data ...........................................................................................97 Table A-2, Zircon (U-Th)/He data.................................................................................98 Table A-3, Step-Heating results...................................................................................101 Table A-4, Kinetic parameters.....................................................................................122 Table A-5, Values used in parameterization................................................................123 Table C-1, Zircon (U-Th)/He data ...............................................................................232 11 ABSTRACT Zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) dating has become a widely used thermochronologic method in the geosciences. Practitioners have traditionally interpreted (U-Th)/He dates from zircons across a broad spectrum of chemical compositions with a single set of 4He diffusion kinetics derived from only a handful of crystals (Reiners et al., 2004). However, it has become increasingly clear that a “one-size-fits-all” approach to these kinetics is inadequate, leading to erroneous conclusions and incongruent data. This dissertation develops a more grain-specific approach by showing the fundamental role that intracrystalline radiation damage plays in determining the He diffusivity in a given zircon. I present three appendices that seek to quantify the radiation damage effect on He diffusion in zircon, explain how this effect manifests in zircon He dates, and show how to exploit such manifestations to better constrain sample thermal histories. Of particular importance, this dissertation represents the first comprehensive study to concentrate on the entire damage spectrum found in natural zircon and also the first to show that two different mechanisms affect He diffusion in zircon in different ways across this spectrum. In the first appendix, I and my fellow co-authors describe results from a series of step-heating experiments that show how the alpha dose of a given zircon, which we interpret to be correlated with accumulated radiation damage, influences its He diffusivity. From 1.2 × 1016 α/g to 1.4 × 1018 α/g, He diffusivity at a given temperature decreases by three orders of magnitude, but as alpha dose increases from ~2 × 1018 α/g to 8.2 × 1018 α/g, He diffusivity then increases by about nine orders of magnitude. We 12 parameterize both the initial decrease and eventual increase in diffusivity with alpha dose with a function that describes these changes in terms of increasing abundance and size of intracrystalline radiation damage zones and resulting effects on the tortuosity of He migration pathways and dual-domain behavior. This is combined with another equation that describes damage annealing in zircon. The end result is a new model that constrains the coevolution of damage, He diffusivity, and He date in zircon as a function of its actinide content and thermal history. The second and third appendices use this new model to decipher zircon He datasets comprising many single grain dates that are correlated with effective uranium (eU, a proxy for the relative degree of radiation damage among grains from the same sample). The model is critical for proper interpretation of results from igneous settings that show date-eU correlations and were once considered spurious (appendix B). When applied to partially reset sedimentary rocks, other sources of date variability, such as damage and He inheritance, have to be considered as well (appendix C). 13 1. INTRODUCTION In its modern reincarnation as a low-temperature thermochronometer, the (UTh)/He dating technique has served an important role in our understanding of a range of geologic processes. Of the various questions it can address, the chronometer’s ability to constrain the exhumation histories of rocks makes it a particularly useful tool for describing the evolution of active and ancient orogens. Researchers have employed a number of different accessory minerals for (U-Th)/He dating in orogenic systems, but one of the more versatile is zircon. This mineral’s ubiquity in a range of different lithologies, coupled with its resistance to chemical and physical weathering and its relatively high U and Th concentrations, has led to zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) dates being used in numerous studies of orogens from both a bedrock (e.g., Kirby et al., 2002; Reiners et al., 2003; Cecil et al., 2006; Biswas et al., 2007; Godard et al., 2009; Guenthner et al., 2009; Gavillot et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2012; Tian et al., 2013) and detrital (e.g., Rahl et al., 2003; Reiners et al., 2005; Saylor et al., 2012) perspective. The relatively high nominal closure temperature of ~170-190 °C (Reiners et al., 2002; 2004), makes zircon He dating well suited for deciphering the timing and rate of exhumation from crustal depths of roughly 6-10 km. This can also be useful in ancient mountain belts (e.g. the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt), where later episodes of tectonic or erosional exhumation may overprint the thermochronologic record of lower temperature systems (i.e. the apatite (U-Th)/He or apatite fission-track systems). 14 Despite the promising versatility of zircon He dating, examples of date irreproducibility and incongruence with other age-based observations have at times hindered its development as a reliable chronometer. The first zircon He dates were analyzed by Strutt (1910a,b), and came only five years after Rutherford introduced the concept of radioactive geochronometry. Strutt (1910c) explained though that He dates in most mineral systems gave only minimum formation ages and were unreliable because He tended to “leak out” from a given mineral. In several papers published in the mid-20th century, Hurley and co-authors (Hurley, 1952; Hurley, 1954; Hurley et al., 1956) argued that the ease with which He diffused out of a zircon was primarily due to metamictisation (or breakdown of crystal structure) caused by the gradual accumulation of intracrystalline radiation damage. These and similar findings relegated (U-Th)/He dating in general and zircon He dating specifically to relative obscurity until Zeitler et al. (1987) showed that too young (U-Th)/He dates in apatite were more easily explained by a process of thermally activated volume diffusion. This discovery opened up new possibilities for the use of (U-Th)/He dating in constraining thermal histories in other mineral systems, and the zircon He system was subsequently reinterpreted as a thermochronometer (Reiners et al., 2002; Reiners et al., 2004). Viewed in this context, zircon He dating has seen a renewed and expanding interest, as evidenced by the studies listed above. Despite the recent proliferation of zircon (U-Th)/He dating, issues of date dispersion related to radiation damage have continued to present serious complications to geologic interpretations. Such issues arise primarily because the canonical diffusion kinetics determined from a handful of zircons (Reiners et al., 2002; Reiners et al., 2004; 15 Wolfe and Stockli, 2010) may not be applicable to all zircons found in a range of geologic settings, especially in samples with zircons with a wide spectrum in degree of radiation damage. For example, Nasdala et al. (2004) described a suite of Sri Lankan zircons with the same thermal history that spanned a large range in damage and had mostly reproducible He dates, except for several anomalously young dates at the highest damage amounts. These dates were negatively correlated with alpha-fluence (a proxy for radiation damage) and suggested that a metamictisation process, similar to one described earlier by Hurley and others, might be responsible for the increase in He diffusivity (and hence decrease in He date) at high damage. Reiners (2005) attempted to fit this negative correlation with a model that calculated the decreasing crystallinity in a zircon as a function of fluence (Holland and Gottfried, 1955). This approach appeared to work for the Sri Lankan data, but failed to explain other zircon suites that also showed negative date-fluence correlations. The study concluded that He diffusivity in heavily damaged zircons did not scale linearly with crystallinity and that a more sophisticated treatment of the problem was required. Insight on the path forward comes in part from recent work on radiation damage effects in the apatite He system. In apatite, increasing damage influences apatite He dates in a slightly counter-intuitive fashion, by decreasing diffusivity with progressive accumulation (Shuster et al., 2006). This results in higher closure temperatures and older He dates for grains with higher actinide concentrations. Perhaps of greatest relevance for this dissertation, the work of Shuster et al. (2006) showed that the kinetics of He diffusion in apatite were dependent on a proxy for damage (4He concentration), grain- 16 specific, and followed a functional form derived in part from first principles. Subsequent work by Shuster and Farley (2009) confirmed that He diffusion kinetics in apatite were directly dependent on radiation damage, as opposed to simply being dependent on a proxy. In the apatite He system (e.g. Flowers et al., 2007), the relationship between damage and diffusivity manifests as positive correlations between single-grain dates from the same hand sample and effective uranium (eU, another proxy for damage, equal to the alpha-productivity-weighted sum of U and Th concentrations). Flowers et al. (2009) further developed this with the related goals of both explaining the processes responsible for positive date-eU correlations, and using date-eU correlations to in turn constrain thermal histories. Gautheron et al. (2009) also recognized the potential of the damagediffusivity relationship in apatite for constraining thermal histories and took a similar approach in their study. Both groups of authors parameterized a predictive model accounting for the coevolution of radiation damage accumulation, annealing, He diffusivity, and (U-Th)/He date in a single crystal. Ultimately, they showed that radiation damage effects on He diffusion were not necessarily problematic, but were instead advantageous because each individual apatite in a given hand sample could be viewed as a separate thermochronometer with its own unique kinetics and closure temperature. By dating a range of apatites with different levels of damage from the same sample, Flowers et al. (2009) and Gautheron et al. (2009) in effect used a multiple thermochronometric approach to tightly constrain thermal histories. In this dissertation, I apply a similar, but in some ways very different, approach to the zircon He system. The primary goals are: 1) derive and parameterize a functional 17 form of the He diffusivity-damage relationship across the entire spectrum of damage found in natural zircon, and 2) demonstrate how this new parameterization can be used to constrain the thermal histories of rocks in several geologic settings. A key contribution of this work is to examine the damage-diffusivity relationship at low as well as high amounts of damage. Early evidence of a possible increase in He retentivity and radiation damage at low radiation dosages comes from Reiners et al. (2005), who observed partial resetting in very young zircons at temperatures well below that expected from kinetics observed in specimens with higher alpha doses. Farley (2007) also suggested that at low dosages radiation damage may decrease He diffusivity by observing very high He diffusivities in synthetic REE-phosphates with zircon-like structure. The data presented in this dissertation represents the first systematic treatment of low damage effects on He diffusivity in natural zircon. This dissertation is also the first systematic treatment of high damage affects. As mentioned above, several studies documented or inferred an increase in diffusivity at high amounts of damage, but did not attempt to measure these kinetics in a quantitative fashion as is done here. To achieve the first goal, the diffusion data gathered from zircons with both low and high degrees of damage is incorporated into a zircon radiation damage and annealing model (ZRDAAM) that describes how damage accumulates and anneals through time, and how that in turn affects He diffusion in zircon. The utility of ZRDAAM is demonstrated by its application to deciphering date dispersion among single grain zircon He dates in real datasets. As will become clear in the subsequent appendices, the damage-diffusivity relationship manifests in zircon He 18 datasets as positive and negative date-eU correlations (and occasionally both types in the same sample). ZRDAAM reproduces these correlations and allows a researcher to constrain thermal histories by comparing the model results to the real correlations in either a forward or inverse sense. In igneous settings, this approach can be used to model time-temperature paths of rocks from zircon He dates that show significant variability and were previously considered to be spurious (see appendix B). Zircon He results from sedimentary rocks can also be interpreted with ZRDAAM, and, in some cases, date-eU correlations in these rocks help constrain thermal histories. But date variability in these datasets is influenced by other factors (e.g. damage and date inheritance from a zircon’s pre-depositional history) and some of these datasets are difficult to fully explain even with a full ZRDAAM approach (see appendix C). By exploring the model’s ability to address challenging and non-ideal datasets, this dissertation highlights both the progress made in understanding the factors that influence zircon He dating and areas of future research. As the science of low-temperature thermochronology by the (U-Th)/He method continues to mature and proliferate, thermochronologists have recognized the need to better understand the kinetics of each system. At the same time, this understanding should be grounded in a manner that practitioners of the technique find accessible and useful for solving geologic problems. The body of work presented in this dissertation represents one such step towards advancing our understanding and application of a complex but powerful thermochronometric system. 19 2. PRESENT STUDY In the following appendices, I present the methods, results, and conclusions of this dissertation as three papers formatted for publication in professional journals. Appendix A focuses on the development of ZRDAAM with some basic insights on its use for constraining thermal histories from date-eU correlations, while appendices B and C show applications of the model in igneous and sedimentary rocks, respectively. Below, I summarize some of the key findings in each appendix. The first study (appendix A) presents a series of He diffusion measurements that document the importance of alpha dose, which I and my co-authors interpret to be correlated with accumulated radiation damage, on He diffusivity. Our diffusion experiments consist of cycled step-heating experiments on pairs of crystallographically oriented slabs of zircon with alpha doses ranging from ~1016 to 1019 α/g. He diffusion in zircon has been shown to be anisotropic, with He diffusing preferentially parallel to the caxis (Farley, 2007; Reich, 2007; Cherniak et al., 2009; Saadoune et al., 2009), and we must control for anisotropy in our experiments. Results from these experiments suggest that radiation damage affects He diffusion in zircon in two contrasting ways, both of which have much larger effects on He diffusivity than crystallographic anisotropy. From 1.2 × 1016 α/g to 1.4 × 1018 α/g, the frequency factor, D0, measured in the c-axis parallel direction decreases by roughly four orders of magnitude, causing He diffusivity to decrease dramatically (e.g., by three orders of magnitude at temperatures between 140 and 220 °C). At doses greater than ~2 × 1018 α/g, however, activation energy decreases 20 by a factor of roughly two, and diffusivity increases by about nine orders of magnitude by 8.2 × 1018 α/g. We propose that the initial decrease and eventual increase in diffusivity can be describe by two different, but related, physical mechanisms. As damage begins to accumulate within a pristine zircon, diffusion pathways become increasingly clogged by crystallographically amorphous damage zones with high ionic density borders, which causes an increase in tortuosity and a decrease in He diffusivity. Eventually, enough damage accumulates such that amorphous damage zones become interconnected, shrinking the effective diffusion domain size and increasing diffusivity. The research presented in this appendix goes beyond simply describing experimental results though, as I and my co-authors parameterize the damage-diffusivity relationship and link this parameterization to an equation that describes damage annealing as a function of time and temperature. Together, these elements constitute ZRDAAM and this appendix concludes with several simple demonstrations of its ability to reproduce positive or negative date-eU correlations in real samples. A more detailed example of ZRDAAM’s utility is presented in appendix B. Here, I and my co-authors re-evaluate several previously published zircon He datasets (Godard et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2012; Tian et al., 2013) from the Longmen Shan, located at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. These datasets contain negative date-eU correlations, and the previous approach was to consider these results as spurious dispersion. Incongruent dates were either averaged out or, in some cases, discarded and ignored (e.g. Wang et al., 2012). In appendix B, we explain the cause of this dispersion with ZRDAAM and use results from this model to constrain the timing of exhumation 21 events and the maximum burial temperatures experienced during these events for each sample. This in turn provides a more coherent picture of the spatial and temporal evolution of exhumation in this orogen from the Oligo-Miocene to the present. Specifically, we document a shift between 20 and 15 Ma from exhumation concentrated at the front of the range to exhumation concentrated in the interior of the range. The final appendix attempts to constrain the post-depositional thermal histories of zircon He datasets collected from partially reset, sedimentary rocks. These datasets represent a sort of worst-case scenario in terms of deriving interpretations with the new model and therefore push the limits of our current understanding about the sources of zircon He date variability. The datasets come from three sub-vertical transects collected in the Stansbury Mountains, Oquirrh Mountains, and Mount Timpanogos in the Wasatch range near Provo, UT. Each range sits in the hanging wall of a major thrust sheet and collectively these thrust sheets compose part of the Charleston-Nebo Salient (CNS), a segment of the Cretaceous Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. From a geologic perspective, the goal of this appendix is to use the zircon He datasets to describe episodes of cooling (or exhumation) in the CNS during the Mid to Late Cretaceous (i.e. during the Sevier orogeny). To do this, we use ZRDAAM to examine date-eU correlations in each group of detrital samples that result only from post-depositional time-temperature paths. Although this approach seems to work well for our Mount Timpanogos results, the Stansbury and Oquirrh Mountain samples show date variability that cannot be explained solely by postdepositional radiation damage effects. Another factor that appears to influence these dates is inherited He and radiation damage from each grain’s pre-depositional history. 22 Appendix C presents a new approach to dealing with such datasets that combines the output from ZRDAAM with the concept of an “inheritance envelope.” We get mixed results using this approach for the Stansbury transect, but tT constraints from inheritance envelopes in the Oquirrh transects suggest a pulse of exhumation in the Oquirrh Mountains beginning at either 110 or 100 Ma. Despite the complexity of some of the datasets discussed in appendix C, we are motivated to interpret their thermal histories as they represent some of the only in situ constraints of Cretaceous exhumation from the entire US Cordillera. 23 3. 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APPENDICES 31 APPENDIX A: HELIUM DIFFUSION IN NATURAL ZIRCON: RADIATION DAMAGE, ANISOTROPY, AND THE INTERPRETATION OF ZIRCON (U-Th)/He THERMOCHRONOLOGY Published in the professional journal: American Journal of Science Copyright 2013 American Journal of Science. Reproduced with permission. 32 HELIUM DIFFUSION IN NATURAL ZIRCON: RADIATION DAMAGE, ANISOTROPY, AND THE INTERPRETATION OF ZIRCON (U-Th)/He THERMOCHRONOLOGY William R. Guenthner, Peter W. Reiners, Richard A. Ketcham, Lutz Nasdala, and Gerald Giester Abstract Accurate thermochronologic interpretation of zircon (U-Th)/He dates requires a realistic and practically useful understanding of He diffusion kinetics in natural zircon, ideally across the range of variation that characterize typically dated specimens. Here we present a series of date and diffusion measurements that document the importance of alpha dose, which we interpret to be correlated with accumulated radiation damage, on He diffusivity. This effect is manifest in both date-effective uranium (eU) correlations among zircon grains from single hand samples and in diffusion experiments on pairs of crystallographically oriented slabs of zircon with alpha doses ranging from ~1016 to 1019 α/g. We interpret these results as due to two contrasting effects of radiation damage in zircon, both of which have much larger effects on He diffusivity and thermal sensitivity of the zircon (U-Th)/He system than crystallographic anisotropy. Between 1.2 × 1016 α/g and 1.4 × 1018 α/g, the frequency factor, D0, measured in the c-axis parallel direction decreases by roughly four orders of magnitude, causing He diffusivity to decrease dramatically (for example by three orders of magnitude at temperatures between 140 and 220 °C). Above ~2 × 1018 α/g, however, activation energy decreases by a factor of roughly two, and diffusivity increases by about nine orders of magnitude by 8.2 × 1018 α/g. We interpret these two trends with a model that describes the increasing tortuosity of 33 diffusion pathways with progressive damage accumulation, which in turn causes decreases in He diffusivity at low damage. At high damage, increasing diffusivity results from damage zone interconnection and consequential shrinking of the effective diffusion domain size. Our model predicts that the bulk zircon (U-Th)/He closure temperature (Tc) increases from about 140 to 220 °C between alpha doses of 1016 to 1018 a/g, followed by a dramatic decrease in Tc above this dose. Linking this parameterization to one describing damage annealing as a function of time and temperature, we can model the coevolution of damage, He diffusivity, and (U-Th)/He date of zircon. This model generates positive or negative date-eU correlations depending on the extent of damage in each grain and the sample’s time-temperature history. 1. Introduction Over the last decade, numerous studies have used zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) thermochronology to interpret thermal histories and geologic processes. Accurate and realistic interpretations using this thermochronometer, as well as constraints on convenient indices like closure temperature (Tc) and the partial retention zone (PRZ), require quantitative understanding of the kinetics of He diffusion in zircon, including the effects of temperature, crystallographic orientation, and radiation damage. Most zircon He dating studies thus far have assumed that the kinetics measured on a few zircons from a limited number of locations (Reiners and others, 2002; Reiners and others, 2004; Wolfe and Stockli, 2010) apply to all zircons found in a wide range of geologic settings. This assumption may be appropriate, at least to first order, in some cases, as demonstrated by 34 geologically consistent results from settings such as deep drill cores (Wolfe and Stockli, 2010). But several aspects of He diffusion in zircon are likely to be more complicated, which may lead to more complex results in some applications. Anisotropic He diffusion in zircon is one such complication. Molecular dynamic simulations (Reich and others, 2007; Saadoune and others, 2009; Bengston and others, 2012) and laboratory measurements (Farley, 2007; Cherniak and others, 2009) have demonstrated that He diffusion is faster in the c-axis parallel direction than the c-axis orthogonal direction, at least in specimens with little or no radiation damage or other type of defects. These studies might suggest that grain aspect ratios may influence diffusion kinetics. Watson and others (2010) introduced analytical and numerical methods that allow consideration of the degree to which anisotropy affects both the calculation of bulk He loss from a zircon and step-heating results. However, results from our study suggest that anisotropy is a relatively minor problem for interpreting zircon He dates compared with the effects of radiation damage, which are less well understood. Damage results from self-irradiation, primarily by recoils of heavy daughter nuclei upon emission of an alpha particle, but also by spontaneous fission events and the alpha particles themselves. Because radiation damage can be annealed at elevated temperatures (for example Zhang and others, 2000), its extent in a grain can be predicted only roughly by calculating time-integrated self-irradiation doses. These doses can be calculated from the concentration of effective uranium (eU) as scaled for relative alpha production rate (eU = U + 0.235 × Th), and an estimate of the time since the sample was cooled below the threshold temperature for long-term damage annealing. Nasdala and 35 others (2004a) showed that alpha doses calculated using a zircon’s U-Pb date may overestimate the radiation damage present, as their Sri Lankan samples experienced annealing post-dating each zircon’s U-Pb date. Instead, they calculated “effective alpha doses” by applying a correction factor that accounts for the partial long-term annealing. This correction factor was in part calibrated with Raman spectroscopy, a more direct technique than estimating alpha dose for quantifying damage. Unfortunately, this calibration was specific to Nasdala and other’s (2004a) particular suite of zircons, which makes it difficult to broadly use in constraining the threshold temperature of long-term annealing. Furthermore, as we will discuss in greater detail in later sections, there is no consensus on how to model the kinetics of alpha recoil damage on either laboratory and geologic timescales. For samples with simple thermal histories, it may be possible to roughly estimate the duration over which radiation damage has accumulated from the density of spontaneous fission tracks. To the best of our knowledge, the kinetics of fission-track annealing are the only ones available that describe damage annealing of any type in zircon on geologic timescales (for example Rahn and others, 2004; Tagami, 2005; Yamada and others, 2007), and if the apatite system serves as a comparison (for example Shuster and Farley, 2009), then it is reasonable to expect that they correlate with the kinetics of alpha recoil damage annealing. Current estimates of the ZFT partial annealing zone (that is, threshold temperature for annealing) are 262 to 330 °C at an isothermal hold-time of 10 my (Yamada and others, 2007), although Garver and others (2005) have shown that annealing temperatures can be as low as 180 °C in heavily damaged zircons. Again, we leave a more detailed discussion of the limitations of comparing these two 36 types of damage annealing to a later section, but for now assume that ZFT kinetics provide an estimate of the degree of structural annealing in zircon. Thus, as long as zircon He dates are either similar to ZFT dates, or if we can assume from geologic constraints that He dates record a pulse of rapid cooling from temperatures consistent with the ZFT partial annealing zone, then He dates can be used to estimate the duration over which radiation damage has accumulated, and this, combined with effective U concentration, provides an estimate of the “effective alpha dose.” In this paper, we report alpha doses following this assumption, unless stated otherwise. Previous work on He diffusion in zircon focused mostly on differences between specimens from the same rock sample with alpha doses greater or less than ~2 × 1018 α/g (Hurley, 1952; Holland, 1954; Hurley and others, 1956; Reiners, 2005). At doses higher than ~2 × 1018 α/g, zircon He dates in these studies become systematically younger with increasing damage. Nasdala and others (2004a) proposed this was likely due to the extensive inter-connection of boundaries between crystalline and amorphous domains at moderate degrees of radiation damage, at damage levels beyond the first percolation point as proposed by Salje and others (1999), which opens up a three-dimensional network of pathways for He migration. Subsequent modeling by Ketcham and others (in press) indicated that the important percolating phase may be damage from spontaneous fission, as alpha recoil damage percolation occurs at two orders of magnitude lower alpha dose. Reiners (2005) attempted to match the progressively younger dates with the trend line of decreasing fraction of remaining crystallinity as determined by another percolation-based model that accounts for the double-overlapping of damage cascades 37 (Weber and others, 1994). This approach had only limited success, however, as only one dataset conformed to this model. This suggests a more sophisticated understanding of the damage-diffusivity relationship at high amounts of damage is required. In contrast to the relatively well documented behavior at high extents of damage in zircon, little attention has been paid to potential damage-diffusivity relationships at low degrees of radiation damage, where the effects on He diffusion may be quite different. In apatite, for example, He diffusivity decreases with increasing damage (Shuster and others, 2006; Flowers and others, 2009; Gautheron and others, 2009; Shuster and Farley, 2009). This has been interpreted as a result of preferential partitioning (that is, “trapping”) of He in damage zones, impeding diffusion. This is manifest as positive correlations between apatite He date and eU, which, among specimens from a sample that experienced a common time-temperature (t-T) history, is a proxy for relative extents of radiation damage. In this study, we found that zircon He dates from some geologic settings also display positive date-eU correlations, which we interpret to be a result of damage at low alpha doses. We also observe negative date-eU correlations and, in some instances, both types of correlations may be present in a single sample. Throughout this paper, we use the span in eU concentrations for zircons from the same sample as a first-order proxy for each zircon’s degree of radiation damage. Although more direct measurements of radiation damage (for example, Raman spectroscopy) would be ideal, for cases where such data are lacking and where zircons share a common thermal history (that is, all zircons experienced any annealing at the same time), date-eU correlations manifest the 38 effect that damage has on He diffusivity. A quantitative explanation of these correlations requires a new, damage-based model for He diffusion in zircon. To develop this model, we conducted a series of step-heating diffusion experiments on zircons with selfirradiation doses spanning nearly three orders of magnitude (~1016 to 1019 α/g). With the kinetics from these experiments, we parameterize a relationship between alpha dose and radiation damage, and He diffusivity, that accounts for decreases in diffusivity at low damage and increases in diffusivity at high damage. Finally, similar to the apatite radiation damage accumulation and annealing model (RDAAM, Flowers and others, 2009), we combine this new damage-diffusivity parameterization with a damage annealing model to use various date-eU correlations to constrain candidate t-T paths. Our new zircon damage and annealing model both explains zircon He datasets that do not conform to the canonical kinetics of Reiners and others (2004), and allows geologists to use zircon He date-eU correlations to place additional constraints on a sample’s t-T history. 2. Methods 2.1 (U-Th)/He Dating To demonstrate correlations between zircon He date and eU that we interpret as resulting from radiation damage effects on He diffusivity, we show results from samples from both newly reported and previously published zircon He datasets. Zircon He dates from the Sri Lankan dataset were reported previously by Nasdala and others (2004a) while new data include samples from the Miocene Marnoso-Arenacea Formation in the 39 Italian Apennines, sedimentary and basement units associated with the US Cordillera in Utah and Wyoming, and meta-sedimentary rocks from the Cooma Metamorphic Complex in Australia. Our Utah sample resides in the hanging wall of a major Sevier belt thrust sheet (Absaroka). Balanced cross-sections from this location suggests that this sample has undergone kilometer-scale tectonic and sedimentary burial (DeCelles, 1994). The other western US sample is a well sample from La Barge, Wyoming, that was collected in the footwall of the Hogsback thrust at a depth of ~4 km. We report single-grain zircon He dates, which were analyzed by a number of researchers over the last decade at both Yale University and the University of Arizona. Analytical methods were similar for all samples. Mineral separation followed standard crushing, sieving, and magnetic and density separation procedures. Analysts used methods described by Reiners (2005) that included Nd:YAG and CO2 laser heating, cryogenic purification, and quadrupole mass spectrometry for 4He analysis, and isotope high-resolution inductively coupled plasma spectrometry for U and Th analysis. Results are reported using the method of Hourigan and others (2005) for the alpha ejection correction. 2.2 4He Diffusion Experiments 2.2.1 Sample selection For new diffusion experiments we selected samples based on three criteria: 1) the sample was large enough to allow preparation of crystallographically oriented slabs with high aspect ratios (~10) , 2) U and Th concentrations were uniform and slabs came from zircon interiors so as to avoid alpha ejection loss or diffusive rounding of He, and 3) the 40 extent of structural radiation damage was characterized by Raman analyses. In addition to characterizing the degree of damage, we also calculate the alpha dose of each sample. Because we desire samples with both a rapid high temperature to low temperature cooling history, and samples whose radiation damage can be measured by some direct method (Raman, IR spectroscopy, TEM, et cetera), we have selected several zircon specimens (RB140, BR231, M127, G3, and N17) from the Sri Lankan dataset of Nasdala and others (2004a). The geo- and thermochronologic characteristics of these zircons, as well as their structural damage, have been well characterized with a number of different techniques. Results suggest that they have all experienced a similar, probably geologically rapid, cooling event at about 420-440 Ma. As a check for uniform U and Th distribution in our Sri Lankan zircons, we rely on the backscattered electron and cathodoluminescence images reported by Nasdala and others (2004a), which demonstrated that all of the zircons from the Sri Lankan suite possess little or no U and Th zonation (images for M127 were not detailed by these authors, but this zircon was subjected to the same analyses and yielded similar results). We also note that the Raman spectra for the Sri Lankan zircons were uniform, further evidence against zonation. We calculated alpha doses using the previously reported zircon He dates for each sample (Nasdala and others, 2004a), except in the case of N17, which—due to the fact that it loses significant amounts of He at room temperature—was calculated using a date consistent with the other Sri Lankan samples (430 Ma). Our calculated doses range from 4.7 × 1017 to 8.2 × 1018 α/g (table 1). 41 We also measured diffusion properties on a zircon specimen from the Mud Tank carbonatite in Australia, to provide an example with relatively low amounts of damage. We calculate an “effective alpha dose” using an age of 300 Ma, which corresponds to the timing for regional exhumation associated with the Alice Springs orogeny as determined from Rb-Sr dates on biotite and apatite fission track dates (Green and others, 2006). Mud Tank has been used previously in He and Pb diffusion studies (for example Cherniak and others, 2009; Cherniak and Watson, 2003) and adequately satisfies our other two selection criteria. Uniform U and Th concentration was checked in part through the use of Raman spectroscopy, detailed below. 2.2.2 Sample preparation, Raman spectroscopy As a direct quantification of radiation damage, we use the full width at halfmaximum (FWHM) of the v3(SiO4) Raman band near the 1000 cm–1 Raman shift (for example Nasdala and others, 2001). This FWHM broadens from initially <2 cm–1 for well crystallized to >30 cm–1 for severely radiation-damaged zircon (Nasdala and others, 1995). Nasdala and others (2004a) obtained FWHM numbers for the Sri Lankan samples used in our study, and we include these values in table 1. FWHM numbers for the Mud Tank zircon have not been previously reported and we therefore measured new Raman spectra for this zircon. As a check for possible damage annealing caused by the step-heating experiments, we also measured Raman spectra on pieces of M127 after step-heating and after the final degassing by laser heating. We obtained several Raman spectra at room temperature with a dispersive Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRAM HR 800 spectrometer. This system was equipped with an 42 Olympus BX41 optical microscope, an Olympus 100× objective (n.a. = 0.90), a diffraction grating with 1,800 grooves/mm, and a Si-based, Peltier-cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) detector. Spectra were excited with the He–Ne 632.8 nm emission (3 mW at the sample). We calibrated the spectrometer using the Rayleigh line and neon lamp emissions. The wavenumber accuracy was better than 0.5 cm–1, and the spectral resolution was determined at ∼0.8 cm–1. Band fitting was done after appropriate background correction, assuming Lorentzian-Gaussian band shapes. We corrected our measured FWHMs for the experimental band broadening (that is, apparatus function), and real FWHMs were calculated according to the simplified procedure of Dijkman and van der Maas (1976). Total uncertainties of corrected FWHMs are assessed to vary between ±0.4 cm–1 (FWHM values smaller than 6 cm–1) and ±1.2 cm–1 (FWHM values of ∼20 cm–1). 2.2.3 Sample preparation, slab orientation To control for crystallographic direction, we oriented each millimeter-scale sample with single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Samples were attached individually to a glass fiber and placed in a Nonius Kappa CCD diffractometer. Ten frames with a step width of 2° were taken with Mo–K radiation. We registered several hundred Bragg α reflections, which was more than sufficient to determine the sample’s crystallographic orientation. A small glass capillary was oriented parallel to the sample’s crystallographic [001] direction and then glued onto the specimen. For the grinding and polishing process, we attached our samples to a glass slide, with the glass capillary oriented either parallel or perpendicular to the slide. The attachment was done with an acetone-soluble glue that 43 hardens, and can be dissolved, at room temperature (UHU hart). After the top polished side was finished, we detached our samples from the glass slide, turned them over, and attached them again, to produce plane-parallel, doubly polished slabs. Temperatures never rose above ~40 °C throughout the entire preparation process. The slab thicknesses (in the range of 40–110 µm) were chosen, depending on slab sizes, to get aspect ratios of 10:1 or higher. This process produced two oriented slabs per sample, one in the c-axis parallel direction (PAR_C), the other c-axis orthogonal (ORT_C). 2.2.4 Step-heating experiments We conducted our diffusion experiments on a He extraction/measurement line at the University of Arizona and used the cycled, step-heating procedure and projector-bulb furnace setup of Farley and others (1999). Slabs were held isothermally for durations between 10 and 1590 minutes, and the gas released by each step was cryogenically purified and analyzed for 4He with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. In general, we maintained a similar time-temperature schedule for all slabs: an initial low temperature step at 150 °C, followed by a prograde series of steps in 10 degree increments to 500 °C, followed by a retrograde series of steps to 265 °C, and a final prograde cycle back up to 500 °C. Due to differences in slab size, and in order to release more than just a few percent of gas, some deviations in the length of certain temperature steps were necessary. Time-steps on the initial retrograde cycle often varied and some slabs required additional cycling between 400 and 500 °C. The schedules for samples G3 and N17 involved lower maximum temperatures (383 °C and 270 °C, respectively) and several short time steps (10-30 minutes) because of their high diffusivities. After the step-heating extractions, we 44 completely degassed each sample by laser heating to measure the remaining fraction. A significant fraction of gas was accidentally pumped away and lost during the final degassing of one sample, M127_PAR_C. As such, we calculate the total amount of gas for this sample using the measured U and Th concentration, the zircon He date, and our measured slab dimensions. The same calculation from nearly all of our other samples agrees with observed releases within a few percent. We include this sample in all subsequent tables and figures. 3. Results 3.1 Zircon He Dates: Positive and Negative Date-eU Correlations We report zircon He dates for all previously unpublished samples in table 2. These data are plotted in figures 1 and 2 and show positive, negative, and sometimes both types of correlations between date and eU in the same sample between date and eU. Each correlation (except for Cooma) represents a collection of single grain dates from a single igneous or sedimentary sample. Importantly, all of the grains in a given correlation have experienced the same t-T history for igneous samples, and the same post-depositional t-T history for sedimentary samples. A comparison between figures 1 and 2 highlights several features of both types of correlations. In figure 1, the correlations are generally positive and show an increase in date with eU. In all samples the oldest dates in each one span a range from roughly 30 Ma to as great as 300 Ma, while eU concentrations are as low as ~100 ppm, but no greater than ~1500 ppm. In contrast, samples with negative date-eU correlations (fig. 2) 45 tend to have older maximum dates and higher eU concentrations. These correlations include new results from the Archean basement exposed in the Bighorn Mountains, WY and the Minnesota River valley, MN, and placer zircons from Sri Lanka (Nasdala and others, 2004a). The oldest dates in each of these samples range from approximately 300 Ma to nearly 1.0 Ga and are almost all significantly older than any dates shown in figure 1. Although concentrations of eU overlap somewhat with samples shown in figure 1, the highest concentrations in the Minnesota, Sri Lankan and Big Horns samples are all greater than 2000 ppm, and a few Sri Lankan grains are greater than 4000 ppm. We also observe differences in the shape of the negative correlation for each sample: some are broadly continuously negative (for example Minnesota, Bighorns), whereas others appear to have a date plateau followed by a steep decline at high damage amounts (for example Sri Lanka). The rollover from reproducible dates to negative trends begins at different eU concentrations in each sample, which further suggests that each correlation has a unique form. Similar to the Sri Lankan grains, a composite sample, Cooma, shows a drop off in dates at a threshold eU; however, instead of a date plateau this appears to have a slight positive correlation at lower eU concentrations. Thus, we observe positive, negative, and sometimes both types of date-eU correlations in certain samples. In general, negative correlations occur in samples with old maximum dates (100-1000 Ma) and high eU concentrations (>2000 ppm), and positive correlations occur in samples with young maximum dates (10-100 Ma) and low eU concentrations (10-1500 ppm). 3.2 Raman Spectroscopy 46 The Mud Tank zircon yielded measured Raman FWHMs in the range of 2.0-2.3 cm-1. These FWHMs refer to the main SiO4 stretching band, which was observed at 1008.2-1008.4 cm-1. After mathematical correction for the artificial band broadening due to the spectrometer's limited spectral resolution, we transformed the measured FWHM values to real FWHMs of 1.7-2.0 cm-1. Both parameters are indistinguishable from Raman values of synthetic ZrSiO4 of 1008.3 cm-1 Raman shift and 1.8 cm-1 FWHM (Nasdala and others, 2002). Consequently, the Mud Tank material represents an extremely low degree of radiation damage, which is close to, or even below, the detection sensitivity of the Raman technique. Also of importance, the Raman spectra for Mud Tank show little variation from spot to spot, which suggests that radiation damage (and therefore U and Th concentration) is uniform in our samples. Mud Tank’s low damage is further supported by a low calculated alpha dose of 1.2 × 1016 α/g and a broad-band yellow cathodoluminescence (Nasdala and others, 2004b), which is only observed at extremely low defect densities (Nasdala and others, 2011). After step-heating, the FWHM for M127 was 11.2-13.2 cm-1 observed at 1001.51002.5 cm-1. Compared to the published results for unannealed M127 (13.7-14.7 cm-1 at 999-1000 cm-1), these values represent a minor degree of annealing and suggest that our standard heating schedule is not substantially annealing the amount of damage in our samples. Following final laser heating, the FWHMs were lowered to ~2.0 cm-1 at ~1008 cm-1, which is close to the values for synthetic, undamaged zircon. 3.3 Diffusion Experiments 47 Results of step-heating experiments are shown in table 3 and as Arrhenius trends in figure 3. For the Arrhenius trends, we use the fractional gas loss equation for a plane sheet geometry to calculate D/a2 values at each temperature step (Fechtig and Kalbitzer, 1966). A striking feature in all of these plots is the non-linear behavior of diffusivities in the initial prograde temperature steps. Other studies have observed such behavior as well (Reiners and others, 2002; Reiners and others, 2004) and this non-linearity often manifests as a convex-up curve. In RB140, BR231, and M127, the curve is positioned above the linear Arrhenius trend, whereas in Mud Tank, G3, and N17 the curve is positioned below the linear Arrhenius trend. As temperature increased, however, the trend became linear after the first tenths to couple of percent of gas was released in nearly all samples (except for N17). This is apparent in a plot of ln(a/a0) as a function of cumulative gas released (fig. 4). Furthermore, as was observed in previous studies (Reiners and others, 2002; Reiners and others, 2004), this behavior seemed to disappear after the highest temperatures were reached in the initial prograde path and was almost completely absent in all subsequent steps (fig. 4, see table 3 for corresponding fraction degassed). Interestingly though, a subtle return to this type of non-linear behavior was apparent in the lowest retrograde temperature steps of some slabs. To derive kinetic parameters for each slab we linearly regress all steps following our initial highest temperature step. Table 4 shows the activation energy (Ea) and frequency factor/diffusion dimension (D0/a2) parameters we obtain from these post-high temperature steps assuming an plane sheet geometry. We also calculate frequency factors (D0) using the half-width measurement for each slab and these are listed in table 4 as 48 well. With the exception of one slab (Mud Tank PAR_C), values of Ea for all crystalline slabs show a relatively restricted range (155 to 172 kJ/mol), compared with the six order of magnitude range in frequency factors (5.03 × 10-3 to 146 cm2/s). This large span in D0 values is shown in figure 5. The ORT_C samples (oriented orthogonal to c-axis and dominated by c-axis parallel diffusion) in this study approximate a (log-log) linear relationship between D0 and alpha dose. Most previously published D0 values are also reasonably consistent with this trend except for one sample from Reiners and others (2002) (98PRGB4) and the two samples analyzed in Wolfe and Stockli (2010) (ZKTB4050 and ZKTB1516). Interestingly, D0 values for the PAR_C samples in this study remain constant over much of the same range in alpha dose, as figure 5 highlights. Figure 6 shows Arrhenius trends for each sample using the kinetics derived above. The difference in diffusivity between the oriented Mud Tank slabs is ~1 order of magnitude at the same temperature, but this pair has diffusivities that are roughly 3 orders of magnitude greater than the BR231, RB140, and M127 slabs. The RB140 pair of slabs also has only ~1 order of magnitude difference in diffusivities at the same temperature. Another pair of slabs, M127, shows almost no difference between the two directions (~0.1 log units). The parallel oriented RB140 slab and the orthogonally oriented RB140 slab have a difference in their diffusivities of ~1 order of magnitude at the same temperature. In contrast, at higher alpha doses, the diffusivity of G3 (also orthogonally oriented) is roughly 6 orders of magnitude greater than that of BR231, and N17’s diffusivity is approximately 10 orders of magnitude greater. 49 The relationship between alpha dose and diffusivity is more clearly demonstrated in figure 7, which shows diffusivity at a constant temperature (180 °C) as a function of alpha dose. In figure 8, we plot Tc as a function of alpha dose, an alternative, but equally effective visualization of the damage-diffusivity relationship as Tc combines both kinetic parameters into a single value that is more intuitive to practitioners of thermochronology. For completeness and comparison, we also include previously published results from unoriented zircons in figures 7 and 8 and calculate alpha doses from each sample’s zircon He date (FCT, 98PRGB18, and 98PRGB4 from Reiners and others, 2002; 1CS15 and M146 from Reiners and others, 2004; and ZKTB4050 and ZKTB1516 from Wolfe and Stockli, 2010). Unfortunately, these previous studies did not control for the degree of radiation damage in each sample and we can only estimate damage when plotting these results. For samples with either simple thermal histories (FCT and 1CS15) or independent constraints on radiation damage (M146), alpha dose values derived from a zircon He date adequately describe the accumulated self-irradiation damage since damage was last annealed. However, for one sample, 98PRGB18, we used the U-Pb date to calculate alpha doses, which is appropriate given its thermal history. Sample 98PRGB18 comes from a relatively shallow part of the Gold Butte block in Nevada, a ~15 km section of Mesoproterozoic crystalline rock that was rapidly exhumed by normal faulting at 15-16 Ma. This sample resided at only ~90 °C prior to Miocene exhumation (Reiners and others, 2000) and most likely never experienced temperatures high enough to fully anneal its radiation damage. Furthermore, the U-Pb derived alpha dose values for 98PRGB18 are generally consistent with some (but 50 certainly not all) of the Raman spectra measured on different zircons from the same sample. Given internal zonation, radiation damage in this crystal is heterogeneous and we do not report a single value for FWHM. Instead, these values range from 3.6-16.5 cm-1 with a mean of 7.5 cm-1 (1001.5-1007.0 cm-1 shift). The higher values in this range are consistent with high amounts of radiation damage and it is possible that the diffusion data for 98PRGB18 comes from similar heavily damaged zircons. Despite a less than ideal spread, these Raman data provide at least some estimate for damage in 98PRGB18, and can be compared to the Raman spectra from another sample from the same crustal block, 98PRGB4. This sample resided at much higher temperatures (likely >300 °C) prior to exhumation at 16 Ma (Reiners and others, 2000), and this date—coupled with U-Th concentrations in Reiners and others (2000)—yields an alpha dose similar to that of Mud Tank. Its FWHM values range from 2.8-10.9 cm-1 (1003.8-1007.5 cm-1 shift) with a mean of 5.7 cm-1 and are generally lower than 98PRGB18. Again, significant spread due to 98PRGB4’s heterogeneous composition prevents us from assigning a single value for FWHM. Despite the complexity of these samples, Raman spectra give a best approximation of damage levels in 98PRGB18 and 98PRGB4 and some of these spectra are generally consistent with a zircon He date calculated alpha doses in 98PRGB4, and a zircon U-Pb date calculated alpha doses in 98PRGB18. With these calculated alpha doses, our new diffusion data, as well as almost all previously published kinetics (with the exception of ZKTB1516), define the following relationship between He diffusion (at any T) and alpha dose: Between ~1 × 1016 to ~5 × 51 1017 α/g, diffusivity decreases by nearly three orders of magnitude. Diffusivity then increases again by as much as roughly 10 orders of magnitude at damage extents of N17 (Fig. 7). 4. Discussion In the following sections, we develop a model for He diffusion in zircon that explains both our diffusion experiment results and the date-eU correlations in the context of the alpha dose-diffusivity relationship. We first describe an hypothesis that accounts for the physical significance of both types of date-eU correlations and provides the theoretical framework for our subsequent model derivation and parameterization. For this hypothesis we interpret positive correlations as a consequence of isolated radiation damage zones acting as impediments to He diffusion by increasing the tortuosity of diffusion pathways. In contrast, we interpret negative date-eU correlations as a result of interconnection of damage zones at moderate to high alpha doses (>2 × 1018 α/g), as is qualitatively consistent with previous observations of increased He diffusion in highly damaged zircon (Holland, 1954; Hurley, 1954; Nasdala and others, 2004a). 4.1 Positive Date-eU Correlations Due to similarities between our positive correlations and those observed with the apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometer (for example Flowers and others, 2007; Flowers and others, 2009; Flowers and Kelley, 2011), the effects of radiation damage on He diffusion in apatite provide context for interpreting zircon He positive correlations. Shuster and others (2006) showed that He diffusivity in apatite decreased with increasing 52 damage and subsequent studies (for example Flowers and others, 2007) supported this conclusion with observations of positive date-eU correlations. We suggest that similar behavior occurs in zircon and leads to positive date-eU correlations. For example, in the context of a thermal history like that depicted in figure 9, grains with different amounts of radiation damage, as well as an initial span of uniform dates, are reset to varying degrees during a reheating event (fig. 9A). If eU is a proxy for the total accumulated radiation damage (that is, all the zircons in a sample have experienced the same t-T history), then those grains with low eU lose a larger fraction of their He, resulting in a younger date, than grains with high eU, leading to a positive correlation. Samples that have undergone slow, monotonic cooling may also exhibit positive correlations. If a sample spends a significant amount of time at temperatures low enough for damage accumulation without annealing, but high enough to be in the PRZ, then arrays of zircon He dates may form a positive correlation (fig. 9A). Both scenarios demonstrate that this correlation results from a sample with grains that span a range in eU, and have resided in the PRZ after disparate amounts of damage have accumulated in those grains. A key difference between our interpretation of the damage-diffusivity relationship in zircon and the interpretation for the apatite system, though, is the mechanism that we suggest causes diffusivity to decrease with increasing damage. In the apatite He system, the decrease in He diffusivity is hypothesized to result from accumulation of crystal defects caused by alpha recoil damage that act as He traps. These traps sequester He (governed by an equilibrium partition coefficient) and prevent or slow its diffusive migration out of the crystal (Farley, 2000). In contrast to He diffusion in 53 apatite, various authors (Farley, 2007; Reich and others, 2007; Saadoune and others, 2009) have demonstrated that He diffusion in an ideal or defect-free zircon should occur almost solely along c-axis parallel channels [0 0 1]. Any disruption of these pathways would force He through c-axis orthogonal openings ([1 0 0], [0 1 0], and [1 0 1]), which are much less energetically favorable (Reich and others, 2007). We argue that decreases in He diffusivity in zircon are largely due to the increasing disruption of diffusion fastpaths (c-axis parallel channels) by radiation damage, an effect similar to road blocks being placed on a major highway. As these barriers are erected inside the zircon, a He atom’s path becomes more tortuous and the effective diffusivity of the grain decreases. Evidence for this increasing disruption of c-axis parallel channels comes from figure 5. The D0 values for orthogonal oriented slabs (diffusion predominantly in the c-axis parallel direction) decrease across the damage spectrum whereas the D0 values for the parallel oriented slabs (diffusion predominantly in the c-axis orthogonal direction) remain the same, with both sets of D0 values becoming similar at high damage. In other words, diffusion kinetics in the orthogonal direction begin to more closely resemble diffusion kinetics in the parallel direction with increasing damage, and this increasing similarity can be explained by tortuosity. Tortuosity may also contribute to lowering He diffusivities in apatite, but we envision this phenomenon is more important for He diffusion in zircon due to its strongly anisotropic behavior in specimens with little or no accumulated damage. We do not rule out that damage zones in zircon may also trap some amount of He, but we suggest that this effect is secondary compared to the closing of preferred diffusion directions, which are probably not present in apatite. 54 4.2 Negative Date-eU Correlations Like the positive date-eU correlations, previous research provides some context for interpreting our negative date-eU correlations. Various authors (Holland, 1954; Hurley, 1954; and Nasdala and others, 2004a) have suggested that He diffusivities increase abruptly once zircon reaches a certain threshold of radiation damage. As damage increases, Reiners (2005) proposed that zircon He dates scale with the remaining crystalline fraction of the zircon as determined by the double-overlapping cascade model (Gibbons, 1972). This further suggests that above a threshold, interconnected damage zones form through-going channels in the zircon lattice and create fast diffusion pathways for He. In order to reach this interconnection or percolation threshold, zircons must sustain long-term damage accumulation at temperatures low enough to prevent annealing. Zircons may achieve a heavily damaged state in which either significant He loss and resetting occurs at surface temperatures, or some brief, low-temperature reheating event may cause resetting (fig. 9B). In detail, some amount of less diffusive material must remain in heavily damaged zircons as most negative correlations are gradual (that is Minnesota River Valley, Bighorn suite) and not so abrupt. However, in general, both scenarios could result in negative correlations and are plausible explanations for the datasets plotted in figure 2. Two of these samples, the Minnesota River Valley and Bighorn suites, come from Archean rocks that have likely been within a few kilometers of the surface for 108-109 years and have consequently accumulated large amounts of radiation damage. The Sri Lankan zircons are not as old but some do have 55 high eU, which in some cases resulted in the complete breakdown of crystal structure (for example N17, Nasdala and others, 2004a). The Sri Lankan dataset also shows a potential percolation threshold effect whereby dates are fairly reproducible up to a critical eU concentration, in this case about 2000 ppm eU, above which they decrease with increasing eU. The Cooma date-eU trend reinforces the notion of a transition in diffusion behavior as it displays both a positive and negative correlation with an abrupt transition between each. Damage in-growth since granulite facies metamorphism at ~433 Ma (Williams, 2001) and a large disparity in eU concentration (~100-1300 ppm) produced a suite of zircons in which two different processes affected He diffusion in different parts of the eU spectrum. In this particular dataset, the transition between the two types of He diffusion occurs at an eU of ~1000 ppm. Similarly, nearly all zircons in our positive correlations contain eU concentrations below 1000 ppm. The Cooma dataset serves as an important demonstration of how radiation damage may have contrasting effects on He diffusivity in a suite of grains from a single sample, and shows the approximate concentration of eU over which a transition from one process to the other may occur. Because both types of diffusion mechanism may operate on the same sample, these samples underscore the necessity for understanding the damage-diffusivity relationship across the entire damage spectrum. 4.3 Arrhenius Trends There are a number of possible explanations for the non-linear portions of the Arrhenius plots in figure 4. Some of these plots show concave-up trends in the initial prograde steps, in which less than ~1-2% of the He is released. In contrast, subsequent 56 temperature steps show much less variation and are more nearly linear. These concave-up trends can either plot above or below the linear Arrhenius trends. This feature, or ones similar to it, has been observed previously in zircon (Reiners and others, 2002; Reiners and others, 2004) and several other minerals, including titanite (Reiners and Farley, 1999), goethite (Shuster and others, 2005), magnetite (Blackburn and others, 2007), and apatite (Farley, 2000). It has been attributed to inhomogeneous He distributions due to zonation, alpha ejection, or initial diffusion rounding; surface roughness; multiple diffusion domains; and radiation damage (for example, Reiners, 2005). Despite the myriad possible causes, samples with concave-up curves that lie above the linear trends (RB140, BR231, and M127) are still difficult to explain. Anisotropy could produce non-Arrhenius behavior of this type in step-heating results if activation energies of the contrasting diffusion directions are different (Reich and others, 2007; Watson and others, 2010; Bengston and others, 2012). However, our data, as well as all other experimental He diffusion data on zircon or zircon-structure phases (Farley, 2007; Cherniak and others, 2009), indicate that anisotropy is manifest as differences in frequency factor, not activation energies, which would not lead to significant departure from linearity on an Arrhenius plot. Furthermore, if anisotropy in zircon was caused by differences in activation energy, then large changes in slope should always be evident at low temperatures regardless of how many prograde and retrograde cycles have been performed. For the most part, we do not observe this. We therefore rule out anisotropy as the source of non-Arrhenius behavior in our initial prograde temperature steps. 57 Reiners and others (2002) suggested that this type of non-Arrhenius behavior could be due to the interaction between radiation damage zones and the zircon surface, with the damage zones acting as grain boundaries or fast diffusion pathways. Recent evidence of two diffusion pathways for Ar in quartz (Clay and others, 2010), as well as investigations of fast path diffusion in other minerals (Yund and others, 1981; Yund and others, 1989; Yurimoto and others, 1989; Worden and others, 1990; Hacker and Christie, 1991) are consistent with this. For example, because lattice diffusion generally has a higher Ea than grain boundary diffusion (Chakraborty, 2008), lattice diffusion can be faster at high temperatures, so diffusion from grain-boundary-like domains could dominate gas release in early, prograde steps, yielding initially high diffusivities in Arrhenius plots. With higher temperature steps increasing fractions of gas would derive from lattice diffusion as a result of the difference in values of Ea, but also because surficial grain-boundary-like sites would be rapidly depleted in the initial few tenths to one percent of gas released (fig. 4). If grain-boundary-like sites were reoccupied with He during high temperature steps, this could also explain persistent release of gas via grain boundary diffusion in later steps. Arrhenius trends for M127, Mud Tank, RB140, and BR231 appear to exhibit slight curvature at the lowest temperatures of the post-high temperature heating steps (after initial 500 °C step), consistent with this explanation. Concave-up curves that lie below the linear Arrhenius trends (Mud Tank, G3, and N17) probably result from a combination of the behavior described above and initially rounded He profiles. N17, with a closure temperature below 0 °C, likely possessed a rounded concentration profile prior to being step-heated, and, despite our selection of 58 interior parts of the Mud Tank and G3 zircons, some portion from the rounded diffusion profile of these two samples was included as well. Although the initial He released from these zircons does not appear to conform to ideal expectations of simple Arrhenius behavior, its effect after the first few percent of gas release (except for N17) is negligible. 4.4 Functional Form for Damage-Diffusivity Relationship For the remainder of our discussion, we directly relate alpha dose to structural damage, and derive a mathematical parameterization of the damage-diffusivity relationship that fits the data in figure 7. This requires a number of assumptions. As previously stated, we assume that alpha doses calculated from He ages sufficiently reflect the total accumulation of alpha-decay events since structural damage was last annealed. Because most of our diffusion samples have thermal histories involving a phase of relatively rapid cooling, and because we have direct and independent measurements of a proxy for structural damage (FWHM) for a subset of them, this is a reasonable assumption. We must also assume that He diffusion in zircon scales with both alpha dose and structural damage in the same way. This is an important consideration as alpha dose is a calculated damage proxy and not a direct measure of damage (we detail below the reasons for using alpha dose). We again rely on observations from the apatite He system to support this assumption. Shuster and Farley (2009) showed that the amount of ionizing kinetic energy released into a sample (kerma) and the fission-track density had similar effects on He diffusivity. They demonstrated that He diffusivity in apatite changes systematically with both increasing and decreasing kerma (through annealing) caused by 59 either artificial irradiation or natural, self-irradiation as monitored by fission track density. Flowers and others (2009) expanded on this and derived a term, effective spontaneous fission track density, that directly related alpha dose, accumulation and annealing of fission tracks, and He diffusivity. Unfortunately, experimental observations analogous to those of Shuster and Farley (2009) are currently lacking for zircon. But both of these studies suggest that, at least to first order, fission track density (which is itself a measure of one type of structural radiation damage) scales with “effective alpha dose”, and can therefore be related to bulk He diffusivity. Finally, we are assuming that the negative correlation between alpha dose and diffusivity at low doses is not due to the effects of He (or Pb) concentration on He diffusivity. Shuster and Farley (2009) clearly showed that radiation damage, not He concentration, controls diffusivity in apatite. But as stated above, the types of experiments performed by Shuster and Farley (2009) do not yet exist for zircon, so we cannot completely rule out a concentration-dependency for He diffusion. However, the data of Shuster and Farley (2009) provide some confidence that similar processes are occurring in zircon, and this could be confirmed in the future by applying their methodology to zircon samples. Although these assumptions are required, we suggest that linking alpha doses (preferentially those calculated using FT or He ages) to radiation damage is an appropriate choice for our purposes as these assumed “effective alpha doses” provide a straight-forward method for calculating damage accumulation through time. Furthermore, as we detail below, it provides a crucial link between equations describing He diffusivity 60 and those describing damage annealing. The alpha dose is therefore the best measurement for integrating He diffusion, damage accumulation, and damage annealing over geologic timescales into an easily accessible thermochronometric modeling tool, which is our primary objective in this section. With this in mind, we first derive a parameterization for the damage-diffusivity relationship and then integrate this parameterization into a He diffusion and damage annealing numerical model. A mathematical description of the damage-diffusivity relationship must account for both the initial decrease and ultimate increase in diffusivity across the spectrum of damage from at least Mud Tank to N17 (~1016 - 1019 α/g). These two samples represent the damage range encountered for the vast majority of zircon crystals sampled at or near the Earth's surface. We desire a functional form consistent with the hypothesis that decreasing diffusivity at low damage is caused by accumulation of isolated damage zones that block crystallographically preferred He transport pathways and increase the tortuosity of He migration. At high alpha doses, increasing diffusivity would be due to decreasing effective domain size of undamaged zircon volumes, which are increasingly separated by interconnected fast-diffusing damage zones. In order to explain decreasing diffusivity at low damage, we introduce an effective diffusivity (De) that represents He diffusion in a damage-free lattice modified by increasing tortuosity. Increasing radiation damage blocks or constricts easy He migration paths (for example, c-axis parallel channels) forcing He to take a more tortuous path out of the zircon. This is analogous to diffusion in a porous medium where effective diffusivity is expressed as (Cussler, 1984): 61 (1) Dz is the diffusion coefficient within the pores, or in our case, diffusion along c-axis pipes in a pristine zircon, and τ is the tortuosity. We represent Dz with the diffusion kinetics from a minimally damaged zircon. For this zircon’s D0, we fit the ORT_C slabs in figure 5 with a power-law relationship that yields an equation of y=134.89*x-1.578, where y is D0 and x is dose. Projecting this relationship down to 1 × 1014 α/g gives a D0 of 193188 cm2/s (all constants and their values described in the remaining text are listed in table 5). For the Ea, we average the activation energies from the samples with minimal amorphous fractions (all samples excluding G3 and N17) and the previously published results. Although these parameters are both extrapolations, the following equations could be easily modified to account for future diffusion data from less damaged or more appropriate zircon specimens. Tortuosity τ could be represented in a variety of ways, and the atomic-scale processes by which radiation damage may affect migration pathway dimensions and diffusivity are complex. Damage may displace atoms into open channels that, depending on which species is displaced, could cause variable decreases in porosity. C-axis channels of initially high ionic porosity could be completely blocked and a larger fraction of the He migration path would be forced to occur orthogonal to the c-axis. Although the exact geometry or porosity of damage zones is hard to constrain, we predict that most zones should act as He barriers and τ should increase as the chance increases for a diffusing He atoms to encounter these barriers. To model this behavior, we use a metric introduced by 62 Ketcham and others (in press) for characterizing the undamaged portion of the lattice, mean intercept length, lint, which is the average distance a particle can travel in a single direction without encountering a damage zone. The expression for τ relates the calculated lint in a given zircon to the mean intercept length in our extrapolated, minimally damaged zircon, which also displays high diffusivity (lint0): (2). The right-hand side of equation (2) is squared in part to improve the fit to our diffusion data (see below), but tortuousity is often mathematically expressed as the square of pore spacing or geometry (for example, Epstein, 1988). Ketcham and others (in press) have derived an empirical relation for lint by modeling the accumulation and percolation of chains of connected, capsule-shaped alpha recoil tracks. They express lint as a function of fraction amorphous (fa): (3) where SV corresponds to the surface to volume ratio of the capsules (1.669 nm-1). In turn, fa is described using the direct impact model (Gibbons, 1972): (4) 63 where Ba is the mass of amorphous material produced per alpha decay (5.48 × 10-19 g/αevent), and α is the alpha dose. An explanation for the increase in diffusivity at high damage requires a derivation that accounts for interconnected amorphous zones. We hypothesize that at sufficiently high self-irradiation levels, amorphous zones caused by damage become interconnected and connected to the grain’s surface. This represents an important shift from damage zones acting as barriers to damage zones acting as fast paths. The processes by which this might occur are not entirely apparent. Various macroscopic and long-range order properties change at high damage and track with amorphous fraction (for example, Ewing and others, 2003) and we expect that diffusivity should as well. However, several different atomistic processes may cause these changes. Devanathan and others (2006) showed that damage zones are characterized by an amorphous core surrounded by a high interstitial density rind. These amorphous cores could become connected at high damage and may form fast paths while the rinds cause increasing tortuosity at lower damage. Interconnected fission tracks, which only reach a percolation threshold at high damage (Ketcham and others, in press), are another candidate for creating these fast paths (see below). Regardless of the exact mechanism, the net effect of this process is creation of an increasing number of progressively smaller, undamaged zones that are increasingly isolated from one another by increasingly interconnected and progressively larger damage zones with much higher diffusivity. These two effects can be accounted for by 1) modeling a decrease in the size of the diffusion domain of the undamaged portion of the grain, and 2) describing the bulk diffusivity as a harmonic average (as appropriate for an 64 average of rates) in the undamaged and damaged portions of the grain. In detail, if the grain had a heterogeneous spatial distribution of U and Th, increasing damage could conceivably produce an apparent spectrum of diffusion domain sizes that might manifest itself in step-heating data as decreasing diffusivity or concave-up Arrhenius trends. We first parameterize our effective diffusivity using an harmonic average and to do this, we recast equation (1) as: (5) where DN17 corresponds to the diffusivity of amorphous N17, and fc’ represents fraction crystalline and is equal to 1-fa’. We again use the direct impact model to describe fa’ and fc’, but to improve the fit to our diffusion data we include an additional term (Φ) within the exponential: f aʹ′ = 1 − exp( −Ba αφ ) (6). A value greater than 1 for€Φ causes fa’ to increase more rapidly at lower alpha doses. As we demonstrate below, a value of 3 for Φ is necessary for a proper fit to the data, however, we currently have no physical explanation for why this term should be required. It is possible that, while the direct impact model may adequately describe the buildup of amorphous zones in zircon, it does not fully account for the interconnection of certain parts of the zones (for example high-vacancy damage core vs. damage rim), or for the 65 contribution of an additional interacting effect such as accumulation of fission tracks (Ketcham and others, in press). In order to account for the reduction of the domain size of the undamaged portion of the grain, we modify equation (5) by dividing each D by domain size (a): (7). In this set-up, a is equal to the initial grain size in an undamaged zircon, which effectively decreases as fa’ increases following equation (6). The Φ term in equation (6) and the scaling of domain size with fa’ in equation (7) are admittedly somewhat empirical and heuristic, respectively, and their relationship to actual physical phenomena are tenuous. Recent work by Ketcham and others (in press) may offer some additional insight into this issue. These authors suggest that fission track interconnection may play an important, but until recently, underappreciated role in creating the macroscopic and long-range order qualities typically attributed to fa. Furthermore, they derive an equation for a term that seems to more accurately reflect the effects of radiation damage on decreasing effective domain size: mean distance to nearest fission track dn. This number decreases with increasing fission track percolation and replacing (a*fc’)2 with dn in equation (7) results in a similar functional shape. Unfortunately, doing so does not provide a better fit to the real data. The current calculations do not account for whether the nearest fission track is part of a network connected to the outside of the grain, and improving the model in this respect may result 66 in a better fit. For our present discussion, though, we proceed with equation (7) as it is currently derived. Our combined equation for effective diffusivity is: (8) where lint0 is equal to 45920 nm (the value of lint calculated from equation (3) at an alpha dose of 1 × 1014 α/g). Figure 10A shows equation (8) with our step-heating results. Our parameterization adequately captures the decrease in diffusivity by ~3 orders of magnitude at low damage and the subsequent increase in diffusivity by ~11 orders of magnitude at high damage. We also show a comparison between the Tc data from figure 8 and Tc values calculated using equation (8) and an initial grain radius of 60 microns (fig. 10B). To obtain effective Ea and D0 values for this curve, we use a method that relies on pseudo-Arrhenius trends calculated at discrete doses with equation (8). These trends provide the kinetic parameters necessary to then calculate the Tc at the corresponding dose. Although diffusional anisotropy may manifest itself in our model through the importance of increasing tortuosity at low damage, our model does not directly account for anisotropic diffusion. As figure 6 suggests, the effect of anisotropy on He diffusivity is minimal compared to the effect of radiation damage and we have not focused on it in this section. However, our derivation makes several predictions for a relationship 67 between anisotropy and radiation damage. With increasing damage, c-axis parallel channels might be expected to become increasingly blocked and, correspondingly, anisotropy should decrease (Farley, 2007). Specifically, Mud Tank—our least damaged, oriented zircon—should be more anisotropic than all other samples. Figure 5 shows a large disparity between the D0 values for the two Mud Tank slabs, and the two trends (constant for PAR_C slabs, decreasing for ORT_C slabs) seem to converge at sample M127. This suggests that, at least in terms of D0, anisotropic differences decrease with increasing damage. However, the results in figure 6 complicate this observation. At high temperatures (500 °C), the difference in diffusivity between the Mud Tank slabs is ~2 orders of magnitude, but at lower temperatures the degree of anisotropy between these two slabs is comparable to the anisotropy between slabs in the “moderate to high damage” group (~1 order of magnitude difference, note that the Mud Tank lines have different slopes in figure 6). This suggests that anisotropy is relatively invariant across the damage spectrum from Mud Tank to M127, which seems to contradict our hypothesis that damage decreases the degree of anisotropy. Perhaps the anisotropy in Mud Tank is similar to the anisotropy in M127 because Mud Tank has a large number of other defects that also contribute to decreasing anisotropy. But why then would these defects not also lower diffusivity? We do not have a satisfactory answer for this yet, but point defects may have a relatively small effect on diffusivity compared to radiation damage, due to damage’s more chaotic nature. Actual characterization of this difference requires more work. For now we focus our remaining discussion on using equation (8) to forward model date-eU correlations. 68 4.5 Implementation of Damage-Diffusivity Parameterization As a demonstration of the utility of our parameterization, we link equation (8) to another equation describing damage annealing in zircon and forward model date-eU correlations in a manner similar to the RDAAM (Flowers and others, 2009). Model inputs consist of an effective diffusion domain lengthscale (assumed to be radius of a sphere with an equivalent surface-area to volume ratio as the grain), and U and Th concentrations for each grain, and a discretized t-T history for the entire dataset. With these, our model calculates the total He production, damage accumulation, damage annealing, He diffusivity, and He loss at each time step. Damage accumulation and annealing are quantified with a series of equations similar to those described by Flowers and others (2009), and rely upon the kinetics of fission track annealing in zircon. Although we treat alpha damage as the primary factor in creating tortuosity and interconnections, using a fission track annealing model means we must assume that alpha damage anneals in a fashion similar to fission tracks. This is a potential problem in the apatite system as well, but the RDAAM’s ability to predict dateeU correlations from reasonable t-T histories (for example Flowers and others, 2007; Flowers and Kelley, 2011) shows that, to first order, modeling damage annealing with fission track kinetics is valid. What works well in apatite, though, may not be suitable for zircon. Especially problematic is the well-documented observation that alpha damage annealing in zircon occurs via two disparate processes—epitaxial recrystallization and ZrO2 nano-crystal formation—at different temperatures and at different initial damage concentrations (Meldrum and others, 1998; Capitani and others, 2000; Zhang and others, 69 2000; Nasdala and others, 2002; Zhang and others, 2010). Furthermore, Garver and others (2005) suggested that zircon fission track annealing processes are most likely damage-dependent as well. A possible solution would be to use an alpha damage annealing model that accounts for multiple annealing processes, but despite an extensive literature on alpha damage accumulation and annealing in zircon, to the best of our knowledge, no kinetic model has been parameterized to describe alpha damage annealing at time scales beyond hours or days. If such a model is developed, equation (8) could be easily coupled to it due to our modular model design. More importantly, our main objective here is not to contrast and compare various annealing models. Rather, we simply desire a quantitative approximation of damage annealing kinetics in zircon that seems reasonable for geologic time scales. Given the currently available annealing models, a fission track model best satisfies this requirement. In order to combine the total alpha damage produced during a series of discrete time steps with a fission track annealing model, we introduce αe or equivalent alpha dose (α/g): (9) where the initial factor serves to convert from nmol to decays, α is the number of alpha decays (in nmol) per gram produced in each time step, and ρr is reduced (normalized) fission-track density of fission tracks that formed during that time step. The alpha dose from each time step (t2, t1) is calculated as: 70 (10) where [238U], et cetera are in nmol/g. Our derivation of ρr starts with length reduction r, for which we use a simplified version of the fanning curvilinear fit (for example Ketcham and others, 2007) to the ZFT annealing data of Yamada and others (2007): (11) where β = -0.05721, C0 = 6.24534, C1 = -0.11977, C2 = -314.937, and C3 = -14.2868. To convert from reduced length to reduced density (ρr), we use the relation based on data reported by Tagami and others (1990), which begins at one and is truncated at a ρ/ ρ0 value of 0.36, below which there are no data: (12) Once calculated, values of αe are linked to a diffusion model via equation (8). With an estimate of the diffusion coefficient from equation (8), we then solve the diffusion equation numerically for a spherical geometry with the Crank-Nicholson finite difference scheme used in the thermal modeling software package HeFTy (Ketcham, 2005). Although this is not the best representation of He diffusion in zircon (it implies isotropic diffusion), a spherical model captures the first-order features of the damagediffusivity relationship. Future versions could incorporate the cylindrical finite element 71 scheme of Watson and others (2010), which accounts for the effects of anisotropy. Alternatively, a spherical calculation scheme can be employed using the “active radius” method introduced by Gautheron and Tassan-Got (2010), who described how to determine the radius of an isotropic sphere that replicates diffusive loss from a prism with a given aspect ratio and diffusive anisotropy. Our model demonstration consists of 6 different thermal histories, each designed to capture aspects of the date-eU correlations in figures 1 and 2. As inputs, we use eU ranging from ~50 to ~5000 ppm, grain radii of 60 µm, and t-T paths that begin at 600 Ma and end at the present. For comparison, we also model the single zircon He date that results from using the kinetics of Reiners and others (2004) with each of our thermal histories (black diamonds in figure 11B). These t-T paths encapsulate 6 representative scenarios: 1) slow, monotonic cooling from 600 Ma to the present, 2) early cooling followed by a pulse of early-stage reheating, 3) early cooling followed by a pulse of latestage reheating, 4) early cooling followed by prolonged time spent in the PRZ and then subsequent late cooling, 5) long term early heating and subsequent late-stage cooling, and 6) early cooling and prolonged exposure to low temperatures (fig. 11). Model outputs that result from scenarios 5 and 6 show mostly flat date-eU correlation, which are typical of most zircon He datasets. These two scenarios also result in He dates that are almost identical to dates obtained using the kinetics of Reiners and others (2004). For thermal histories with a single, rapid pulse of cooling from high temperatures, our new model does not alter interpretations of zircon He datasets made with previously published kinetics as this style of cooling will most likely not result in a date-eU correlation. 72 Interestingly though, scenario 6 shows a steep negative correlation at high damage, despite having never been reheated above 20 °C post-500 Ma. These zircons have entered the PRZ without changing temperature and we note that a similar process may have occurred in the Sri Lankan dataset to produce the young dates for zircons K6 and N17. Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 demonstrate the various thermal histories that may produce positive, negative, or both types of correlations in the same sample. The thermal history for scenario 1 is characterized by slow cooling through the PRZ and results in a broad and relatively confined positive date-eU correlation (dates increase from 161 to 210 Ma). Damage in-growth and He diffusion occur simultaneously over a prolonged time span, which causes the damage amounts for the zircons in this scenario to be relatively similar while He is diffusing. Given high enough eU concentrations, the t-T path for scenario 1 also produces negative correlations in the same sample. Although this particular negative correlation is subtle, an older initial age for the start of slow cooling could produce a more pronounced negative correlation, as we further demonstrate with our Minnesota dataset below. Scenario 4 is somewhat similar to scenario 1 as both samples spend prolonged time periods in the PRZ. However, for most of their history, the zircons in scenario 4 are held at a lower temperature (180 °C) than those in scenario 1. At this temperature, damage in-growth outpaces annealing and the thermal history produces a negative correlation at relatively low eU concentrations once the sample is finally cooled. In contrast, relatively short-lived pulses of reheating and cooling result in more marked positive or negative correlations. The thermal histories for both scenarios 2 and 3 73 contain reheating events that take place after the zircons have been held at low temperatures (20 °C) for at least 100 my. During this time span, the zircons in each scenario have acquired large differences in damage. In scenario 2, this results in a positive correlation that spans a date range from 428 to 538 Ma, but also a negative correlation that drops to zero at the highest eU. Like scenario 6, the PRZ for zircons with eU in excess of ~3500 ppm is at very low temperatures and they no longer retain He. In scenario 3, we have chosen both a later start time (100 Ma) and a lower maximum temperature for the reheating event than scenario 2 (130 °C as opposed to 180 °C). The resulting plateau of dates at ~550 Ma followed by a steep negative correlation is somewhat similar to scenario 6, except the steep drop off in dates occurs over much lower eU concentrations (from ~1500 to 2000 ppm). The late-stage reheating event also produces a small plateau of ~50 Ma dates at eU concentrations greater than ~2000 ppm. These dates correspond to the initiation of cooling and illustrate that, given a large span in radiation damage, multiple pulses of reheating and subsequent cooling could be recorded in zircons from the same hand sample. As a final demonstration, we forward model the thermal history of two real datasets shown in figures 1 and 2. We use one of the Apennines datasets (AP54B) as a representative positive date-eU correlation, and the Minnesota dataset as a representative negative date-eU correlation. For each dataset, we present a realistic thermal history that could have produced the observed data and show the resulting model output in figure 12. In the Apennines example, we rely on the thermochronometric data from previous publications to guide our t-T path construction. Bernet and others (2001) obtained ZFT 74 dates on the same grains shown in figures 1 and 12A, which yield a peak date of 20.7±3.6 Ma (these author’s P1 population). This translates to a lag time of 6.8 my as the depositional age of this particular unit in the Marnoso-arenacea Formation is 13.9 Ma. Zattin and others (2002) conducted a detailed regional study of this Formation and found that fully and partially reset AFT dates from their hinterland samples (most internal to the thrust belt) suggest maximum burial temperatures of 120-125 °C and post-depositional exhumation between 4 and 6 Ma. If we consider these multiple t-T constraints as model inputs, then we can produce the black line in figure 12A, a positive date-eU correlation that is in good agreement with the real dataset. In figure 12A, we also show the results from a simpler thermal history (dotted lines in t-T history and date-eU correlation) in order to demonstrate that our preferred thermal history (black line) produces a distinctive date-eU trend that best fits the data. Our new model therefore tightly constrains the thermal history of a given sample and discriminates between potential t-T paths. Our Minnesota dataset has fewer t-T constraints and our modeled t-T path is slightly more speculative. A negative date-eU correlation and an oldest date of ~925 Ma though suggests that these zircons have experienced very slow cooling rates since the Proterozoic. With this in mind, we explored several possible slow cooling paths since the Penokean orogeny at 1870-1820 Ma, which is the most recent episode of regional metamorphism to affect this area (Holm and others, 1998). Our best fit to the data consists of an initial cooling event beginning at 1850 Ma and 250 °C that proceeds at a rate of .06 °C/my. In order to reproduce both the pseudo-plateau of dates at low eU concentrations and the steep negative correlation at high eU concentrations, we accelerate 75 our cooling rate from .06 °C/my to ~.17 °C/my at 1100 Ma, which matches the age of opening for the failed Keweenawan Rift system. Again, we include the results from a couple of simpler histories (dotted and dashed lines in figure 12B) to show that our choice for the Minnesota thermal history is not arbitrary. Slow cooling rates with a single value yield date-eU correlations that match either the high eU or low eU trends in the real data, but not both. We find a good fit to the data only by changing the cooling rate at a specific time (in this case, 1100 Ma). Despite being somewhat speculative, our model t-T constraints for the Minnesota dataset agree with the regional geologic history, produce a reasonable fit to the data, and demonstrate that the Minnesota sample has experienced very slow cooling at low temperatures for the past 1.8 by. 4.6 Impact of eU Zonation on Zircon Date-eU Correlations In the above models, we assumed that both our real and model zircons are homogenous in their U and Th (hence eU) concentrations. Typical zircons, though, usually possess some degree of U and Th zonation. Although previous studies have discussed the effects of parent zonation on apatite (U-Th)/He dates in depth (e.g., Farley et al., 1996; Meesters and Dunai, 2002; Hourigan et al., 2005; Farley et al., 2011; Ault and Flowers, 2012; Gautheron et al,. 2012), the effects of strong parent zonation in zircon may be significantly different because of the reversal in damage-diffusivity relationship with progressive damage accumulation. This means that, for some thermal histories, different parts of the same zircon grain may have extremely different behavior, both of which may be very different from that expected from a grain with equivalent bulk eU homogeneously distributed. 76 Farley and others (2011) detailed three ways in which heterogeneous eU in zoned apatite (lacking the damage-diffusivity reversal potential) can affect measured ages and interpreted t-T histories. If an homogenous alpha ejection correction factor (FTH) is used for a zoned grain, then the resulting He date will be either too young or too old depending on where the majority of eU is concentrated (rim or core, respectively) (Farley et al., 1996; Hourigan et al., 2005). This issue can be dealt with by using a zoned alpha ejection correction (FTZ) that accounts for alpha particle redistribution, which is an option in HeFTy. Zonation also affects He diffusivity by altering the He concentration profile, and, because He diffusion is damage dependent, by creating distinct domains with different diffusion kinetics inside the crystal. In the apatite He system, these three factors can contribute to He date scatter (Flowers and Kelley, 2011). Ault and Flowers (2012) suggested, however, that for typical apatites eU concentrations between zones do not vary by more than a factor of ~2, and for typical thermal histories the resulting relative date difference between zoned and homogenous apatites with the same bulk eU is no more than ~10%. We expect these zonation issues to result in greater fractional date differences for the zircon He system. Order of magnitude differences in eU zonation are not uncommon in zircons (for example, figure 13 in Reiners and others, 2004), and these can cause large discrepancies in both damage and He concentration. Furthermore, unlike apatite, He diffusivity in zircon will either decrease or increase depending on the eU concentration of a given zone and the specific t-T path of the zircon. The interplay amongst the alpha ejection correction factors, He concentration profiles, and damage 77 profiles in zoned zircons with different thermal histories is therefore complicated and a detailed examination of real He datasets with zoned grains is beyond the scope of our current study. However, we discuss below the results from several HeFTy models to show how zonation affects differential damage accumulation within a zircon and sample date-eU correlations. These model simulations consist of five representative thermal histories and the resulting date-eU correlations for a suite of unzoned zircons and zircons with simple concentric zonation of high eU cores or high eU rims (fig. 13). Both the zoned and unzoned zircons in each plot have bulk eU concentrations ranging from 250 to 1250 ppm with radii of 60 microns. The zonation profiles for the zircons in our models have two main inputs, the core eU concentration and the core’s radial position (rim concentration is set by the bulk eU). In order to provide some uniformity to our choice of variables, we use a zonation impact index (mass of eU for the whole grain divided by the mass difference between the core and rim), which provides a rough estimate of magnitude of the effect that eU zonation has on a zircon’s He concentration and damage profile. For a given bulk and core eU concentration, this value reaches a maximum at a certain core radial position and rim eU concentration. In turn, this particular radial position and rim eU maximizes the difference in diffusion kinetics between rim and core that result from He concentration and radiation damage disparities. Because we want to show a worstcase scenario for each date-eU correlation, we have chosen the rim eU concentration and core radial position that correspond to the maximum zonation impact number. For core eU concentration, we pick values that differ from the bulk eU concentration by a factor of 78 seven (a bulk eU of 500 ppm leads to a core eU of either 71.4 or 3500 ppm), which results in a core radial position that is 20 microns from the center (total radius of 60 microns) for the enriched core zircons, and a core radial position that is 40 microns from the center for the enriched rim zircons. In zircons with enriched rims, the ratio between eU concentrations in the rim and core is 9.52:1, while the same ratio is 1:9.1 for zircons with enriched cores. A final consideration is the choice of a FTH or a FTZ alpha ejection correction. For unzoned zircons, we model both the uncorrected date at a given eU and the FTH corrected date (FTH = FTZ for the unzoned case). For each zoned zircon, we model the uncorrected date, the FTZ corrected date using the “redistribution” option in HeFTy, and the FTH corrected date. The FTH for each zoned zircon is calculated by taking the ratio between the unzoned FTH corrected date at equivalent eU and the unzoned uncorrected date at equivalent eU. For zoned grains, the FTH date is equivalent to measuring a raw grain date on a zoned zircon and applying a naive alpha ejection correction assuming no parent zonation. The model results for all corrected and uncorrected zircons are shown in figure 13. Thermal histories 1 through 4 are the same as in figure 11. We have omitted t-T paths 5 and 6 from figure 11 as both of these yield nearly flat date-eU correlations for zoned and unzoned zircons. Instead, we have added a new t-T path 5 to figure 13 that could be appropriate for zircons from Laramide uplifts of the US Rocky Mountains (for example, our Bighorn sample). In all t-T scenarios, the FTH corrected zoned dates (large bold symbols connected by curves in figure 13) for zircons with high eU rims are younger than their unzoned counterparts. Only some of this discrepancy is due to an improper 79 alpha ejection correction, as the FTZ corrected zoned dates (small bold symbols) are also younger than unzoned zircons with the same bulk eU. The other causes for younger dates—which in scenarios 3, 4 and 5, are the predominant ones—are the combined effects of a heterogeneous He concentration profile and radiation damage. Rims that are enriched in eU relative to the core cause an increase in effective bulk diffusivity (and younger dates) because more He is located near the grain boundary, and, at high eU concentrations, the rims become heavily damaged. This damage effect is particularly apparent in scenario 3, where the grains with the highest bulk eU concentrations have accumulated enough damage such that the rim acts as a diffusion fast path. If we model the high-eU-rim zircon with a bulk eU of 1250 ppm using the kinetics of Reiners and others (2004), then this scenario yields a date of 544 Ma (as opposed to 256 Ma using the kinetics presented here), which further suggests that radiation damage is the primary cause of these younger dates. Despite being systematically younger, most of the high-eU-rim dates have a similar style of date-eU correlation as the unzoned dates. One exception is scenario 5, where a date-eU correlation that is monotonically negative in the unzoned case is positive at low bulk eU concentrations. Although the rims of the high-eU-rim zircons have accumulated high degrees of damage prior to cooling, the cores range from low (~5.5 × 1016 α/g at 50 Ma) to moderate (~1.1 × 1017 α/g at 50 Ma) amounts of damage. This difference in damage is enough to cause a more retentive core and lower bulk diffusivity in the 500 ppm bulk eU grain than the 250 ppm bulk eU grain, which in turn results in a positive date-eU correlation over this eU range. 80 To explain the date-eU correlations for the high-eU-core zircons, we must similarly consider the degree of damage in both the core and the rim and how those two damage domains combine to affect bulk diffusivity. In scenario 1, dates are either older or younger than the unzoned dates at the same eU, and the style of date-eU correlation changes from a positive correlation in the unzoned grains to a positive-negative-plateau correlation in the high-eU-core grains. The onset of a negative correlation has shifted as the zircon core accumulates a high degree of damage (and therefore has a high diffusivity) at relatively low bulk eU concentrations. Interestingly though, a plateau at the highest bulk eU concentrations suggests that the high diffusivity of the core is somewhat mitigated by the degree of damage in the zircon’s rim. A similar phenomenon occurs in scenario 2, and is especially apparent in scenario 3 if we compare the high-eU-rim grains with the high-eU-core grains. In scenarios 1 and 2, the rims of the high-eU-core zircons at high bulk eU concentrations have accumulated a moderate amount of damage (roughly 4 × 1017 α/g prior to any thermal event) such that the rim decreases diffusivity and acts to retard He diffusing out of the crystal, similar to the effects of RDAAM on zoned apatites with eU enriched rims (Farley and others, 2011; Ault and Flowers, 2012). For the rims of the high-eU-core grains in scenario 3, the damage accumulation is more substantial, but the final reheating event occurs at a relatively low temperature. This temperature is low enough to cause these zircon rims to be more retentive than the corresponding rims in the high-eU-rim zircons (and thus yield older dates). In contrast to scenarios 1, 2, and 3, the thermal histories in 4 and 5 result in damage higher than ~5 × 1017 α/g, and relatively high diffusivity in both the cores and 81 rims for most bulk eU concentrations. In terms of damage, this places almost all of the domains in these high-eU-core zircons to the high-damage side of the point of lowest diffusivity in figure 10A. The rims of the high-eU-core zircons with 250 ppm bulk eU concentrations are the only domains with damage lower than 5 × 1017 α/g (both are ~3 × 1017 α/g prior to final cooling at 50 Ma) in these two scenarios. The net result in both scenarios is a date-eU correlation for the high-eU-core grains that is similar in style to the unzoned zircons, but with systematically younger dates. An exception to this is the positive correlation for bulk eU concentrations of 250 ppm and 500 ppm in scenario 5. Among the high-eU-core grains, the rim for the 250 ppm bulk eU grain has a damage amount of ~2.9 × 1017 α/g at 50 Ma (the age prior to final cooling), while the rim for the 500 ppm bulk eU grain has a damage amount of ~5.8 × 1017 α/g at 50 Ma. This difference in damage causes the 500 ppm bulk eU grain to have a more retentive rim and thus lower bulk diffusivity relative to the 250 ppm bulk eU grain, which in turn produces a slight positive correlation. These five t-T scenarios illustrate that date-eU correlations for zoned zircons may be complex because of reasons already discussed in previous studies, but also because of the reversal in He diffusion behavior with progressive damage accumulation. In the absence of a priori knowledge of parent zonation patterns, the effects of parent zonation on He diffusivity may complicate thermochronologic interpretations of date-eU correlations. We again note that we have purposely chosen worst-case zoning scenarios in order to convey the full scope of this issue. Real zircons may possess a less extreme degree or pattern of zonation, which will mitigate some of the date dispersion observed in 82 figure 13. Consistent styles but variable degrees of zonation (e.g., enriched rim but with varying rim thickness or enrichment factor relative to the core) may be expected among zircons from some rock types. This would produce dispersion in a band of date-eU correlations between the unzoned case (black curves) and an extreme zoned case (blue or red curves, depending on zonation style) in figure 13. However, suites of zircons from some samples may not possess systematic zonation patterns like those in figure 13. Especially in detrital settings, one may expect to date zircons with a range of zonation patterns: some may have high eU cores, some may have high eU rims, and others might be unzoned. In this context, the curves in figure 13 should be interpreted as bounding constraints for the total range of zonation variability. For a given t-T path, and no consistent zonation style, real date-eU correlations could potentially plot anywhere within the black, blue, or red curves. Despite the apparent severity of the zonation problem, however, parent zonation may be characterized from laser ablation depth profiles or other techniques, prior to bulk grain dating. These observations also point to the potential for exploiting parent zonation to provide date-eU trends within individual grains, for example with insitu laser ablation dating (Vermeesch and others, 2012). Under certain conditions, zircon grains with zoned parent concentrations may behave similarly to crystals with multiple He diffusion domains. In-situ measurements and/or step-heating analyses could potentially be used to interrogate the distribution of He and dates among these domains, providing powerful constraints on thermal histories from single grains. 5. Conclusions 83 Several suites of single-grain zircon (U-Th)/He dates from single rock samples show positive and negative correlations with eU. These correlations are a consequence of the two different ways that radiation damage affects He diffusion in zircon. Evidence for two contrasting effects of radiation damage (as related to alpha dose) on diffusion comes from zircon step-heating experiments, which show that between about 1 × 1016 and 5 × 1017 α/g, diffusivity decreases by about three orders of magnitude. Diffusivity then begins to increase rapidly with increasing damage, by up to 10 orders of magnitude at damage levels of sample N17 (~8 × 1018 α/g). We hypothesize that decreases in diffusivity at low damage are caused by damage zones blocking preferred c-axis parallel pathways. As damage levels approach N17, these zones become increasingly interconnected and form through-going fast diffusion pathways that shrink the effective diffusion domain size. We parameterize the damage-diffusivity relationship with an equation that combines both of these effects. We also couple our parameterization to an equation for damage annealing in order to forward model date-eU correlations from specific t-T histories. Our model offers insight into some of the issues associated with He diffusion in natural zircons and provides other researchers with a tool for understanding and exploiting the significance of date dispersion in zircon He datasets. 6. Acknowledgements This work was supported by NSF grant EAR-0910577 to PWR as well as funding from the COSA2 Collaboration between UA Geosciences and ExxonMobil. L.N. acknowledges financial support by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through grants P20028-N10 and P24448-N19. Jiba Ganguly and Sumit Chakraborty provided helpful 84 comments on some of the equations. Sri Lankan reference zircon samples were kindly made available by Allen K. Kennedy (RB140, BR231, G3) and Wolfgang Hofmeister (M127, N17). We are grateful to Andreas Wagner for the preparation of the doubly polished slabs, and to Uttam Chowdhury for analytical assistance. We thank Madalyn Blondes and Louise Miltich for allowing us to present some of their previously unpublished zircon He dates from the Apennines and Minnesota, respectively, and we thank Ian Campbell and Charlotte Allen for the Cooma samples. We appreciate helpful reviews by David Shuster, Rebecca Flowers, and Andrew Carter. 7. 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(U-Th)/He date, FWHM, and shift have been previously reported in Nasdala and others (2004) 2. (U-Th)/He estimated from biotite Rb-Sr and apatite fission track dates (Green and others, 2006) 1. U and Th concentrations from Cherniak and others (2009) Notes: Fluence calculated using reported (U-Th)/He date, except for N17, which was assigned a representative date consistent with other Sri Lankan samples (430 Ma). Mud Tank1,2 Mud Tank1,2 RB1403 RB1403 BR2313 M1273 M1273 G33 N173 Sample Name TABLE A1. ZIRCON SLAB DATA 1008.3±0.1 1008.3±0.1 1004.7±0.5 1004.7±0.5 1000.6±0.5 1000.2±0.5 1000.2±0.5 996.2±0.5 n.a. Shift (cm-1) 97 Sample Location Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Minnesota River Valley Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Sample Name 04EQ1zA 04EQ1zB 04EQ1zC 04EQ1zD 04EQ1zE 04EQ1zF 04GF1zA 04GF1zB 04MT1zA 04MT1zB 04R1zA 04R1zB 04RF1zA 04RF1zB 04SC1zA 04SC1zB 04SG1zB 04SH1zA 04SH1zB AP9B39 AP9B69 AP9B112 AP9B124 AP9B136 AP9B147 AP9B186 AP9B187 Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Rock Type 3.37 7.89 1.99 5.96 4.57 6.97 2.41 2.63 4.49 5.96 4.58 2.55 3.87 9.55 10.7 21.9 26.0 31.6 5.96 10.2 16.1 28.8 4.82 25.0 9.72 10.5 17.2 Mass (µg) 37 53 36 49 36 51 39 33 41 42 36 31 35 43 56 63 67 68 42 51 64 72 47 71 55 50 56 Halfwidth (µm) 231 397 783 232 450 259 321 426 781 748 894 866 1107 647 247 254 362 346 656 580 84.0 155 422 415 1738 1011 883 U (ppm) TABLE A2. ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATA 59.0 188 197 77.3 237 111 150 38.4 203 218 246 166 351 284 88.4 104 88.8 78.0 167 174 67.3 177 110 111 1171 228 184 Th (ppm) 17.0 10.4 27.0 61.8 12.8 33.6 27.0 38.5 1156 987 294 144 270 946 948 1023 1183 1012 1382.98 1750 443 619 1663 1667 790 65.6 1144 He (nmol/g) 4 0.79 0.84 0.78 0.83 0.80 0.84 0.79 0.78 0.75 0.77 0.74 0.70 0.73 0.78 0.82 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.77 0.81 0.83 0.86 0.77 0.86 0.81 0.81 0.83 Ft 12.2 19.2 17.8 9.22 12.4 13.1 17.7 18.4 336 292 76.5 42.0 57.4 307 758 760 638 574 464 619 925 650 843 769 89.2 14.2 271 0.57 0.88 0.84 0.44 0.57 0.60 0.84 0.90 14 16 2.9 2.4 2.9 12 45 30 102 92 18 25 148 104 135 123 3.9 0.57 11 Corr. Age Analyt. ± (2σ) (Ma) 98 Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Italian Apennines Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Cooma, Australia Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming Bighorns, Wyoming AP54B44 AP54B55 AP54B64 AP54B65 AP54B95 AP54B122 AP54B127 AP54B129 ANU03-055-04 ANU03-055-07 ANU03-055-14 ANU03-055-22 ANU03-055-26 ANU03-056-05 ANU03-056-09 ANU03-056-13 ANU03-056-16 ANU03-056-22 BH12zA BH12zB BH12zC BH12zD BH12zE BH12zM BH12zN BH17zA BH17zB BH17zC BH17zD BH17zE Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Igneous Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary Metasedimentary 8.22 46.4 32.6 8.41 4.91 4.93 5.41 10.2 15.0 4.34 1.73 3.32 6.79 13.4 14.8 6.80 10.54 1.53 3.31 3.49 4.17 6.97 56 88 74 50 43 42 42 52 60 39 30 37 67 75 85 67 72 31 43 32 41 46 TABLE A2 (CONTINUED) Detrital 4.11 51 Detrital 2.84 33 Detrital 3.01 38 Detrital 3.64 50 Detrital 4.49 59 Detrital 4.58 51 Detrital 14.8 61 Detrital 2.93 41 1552 1736 876 1275 1169 1589 1166 300 414 426 439 367 313 92.3 455 131 654 844 1229 576 996 1097 185 934 585 746 259 296 501 124 416 328 214 278 372 329 324 108 255 219 334 219 101 64.8 132 52.8 436 83.8 321 188 167 391 80.6 304 203 49.4 72.1 95.4 204 68.1 227 57.1 779 165 90.1 95.5 107 805 714 1023 655 966 498 153 747 190 1213 1059 1276 822 1111 1227 10.2 76.2 58.2 58.2 18.7 23.6 44.6 8.96 0.80 0.88 0.87 0.80 0.76 0.76 0.77 0.82 0.83 0.75 0.67 0.73 0.82 0.85 0.86 0.82 0.84 0.68 0.76 0.72 0.76 0.78 0.83 0.77 0.78 0.82 0.83 0.82 0.87 0.80 31.7 6.60 178 28.5 17.4 14.0 20.8 542 329 513 343 569 326 303 323 294 345 329 235 336 259 240 11.2 18.3 21.8 17.4 15.1 16.7 17.4 14.8 0.49 0.27 7.2 1.1 0.68 0.56 0.81 8.9 14 22 14 24 15 13 14 13 14 14 10 14 11 10 0.45 0.75 0.84 0.73 0.59 0.64 0.67 0.57 99 La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming La Barge, Wyoming Kelvin Formation, Utah Kelvin Formation, Utah Kelvin Formation, Utah Kelvin Formation, Utah Kelvin Formation, Utah Kelvin Formation, Utah EM12907zA EM12907zB EM12907zC EM13270zA EM13270zB EM13270zC EM13105zA EM13105zB EM13105zC Z-AV-K2-8 Z-AV-K2-18 Z-AV-K2-20 Z-AV-K2-40 Z-AV-K2-52 Z-AV-K2-95 Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital Detrital 3.14 1.31 4.47 1.23 0.443 2.37 38 25 39 31 21 38 TABLE A2 (CONTINUED) Detrital 6.58 51 Detrital 6.69 59 Detrital 5.33 51 Detrital 4.68 48 Detrital 3.60 45 Detrital 4.72 51 Detrital 2.60 41 Detrital 3.30 42 Detrital 4.54 45 198 217 265 339 1421 483 285 101 70.9 232 134 662 199 292 258 70.3 86 57.7 117 134 113 134 62.2 78.1 145 81.5 244 137 176 110 80.9 87.3 127 437 1585 695 286 29.2 10.6 179 44.9 635 90.2 210 255 0.79 0.71 0.80 0.73 0.64 0.79 0.80 0.81 0.79 0.78 0.76 0.79 0.74 0.75 0.77 87.8 95.4 105 244 309 268 207 57.3 27.9 158 70.7 204 96.9 153 213 3.9 4.4 5.0 14 20 15 8.6 2.6 1.2 7.5 3.3 9.8 4.4 7.2 10 100 101 TABLE A3. STEP-HEATING RESULTS Step T °C seconds Mud Tank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Orthogonal 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 3600 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 5400 5400 5400 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 He (pmol) fcumulative ln(D/a2)1 0.0013 0.0014 0.0240 0.0155 0.0059 0.0024 0.0024 0.0007 0.0025 0.0022 0.0025 0.0028 0.0045 0.0073 0.0114 0.0174 0.0184 0.0314 0.0484 0.0454 0.0636 0.0892 0.1175 0.1806 0.2168 0.3518 0.4659 0.2617 0.3459 0.4907 0.5884 0.6934 0.8256 1.062 0.000067 0.000134 0.001323 0.002090 0.002380 0.002500 0.002618 0.002654 0.002777 0.002888 0.003012 0.003151 0.003376 0.003736 0.004300 0.005164 0.006078 0.007637 0.010040 0.012291 0.015446 0.019871 0.025701 0.034663 0.045420 0.062878 0.085997 0.098980 0.116143 0.140492 0.169688 0.204092 0.245054 0.297746 -27.66 -27.23 -22.39 -21.98 -22.68 -23.48 -23.44 -24.59 -23.34 -23.41 -23.25 -23.09 -22.56 -22.00 -21.43 -20.84 -20.32 -19.59 -18.90 -18.33 -17.77 -17.19 -16.66 -15.95 -15.49 -14.70 -14.10 -13.77 -13.34 -12.81 -12.44 -12.09 -11.73 -11.29 4 1. Values calculated from equations described in Fechtig and Kalbitzer (1966) assuming a plane sheet geometry 102 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 490 500 500 495 485 475 465 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 273 283 293 303 313 323 343 353 363 373 383 393 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 1800 1.246 1800 1.405 1800 1.204 1800 0.8731 1800 0.5510 1800 0.3589 1800 0.2437 1800 0.1600 1800 0.1120 1800 0.0731 1800 0.0471 1800 0.0298 1800 0.0198 3600 0.0254 3600 0.0153 3600 0.0101 5400 0.0075 7200 0.0065 7200 0.0032 14400 0.0042 21600 0.0046 43200 0.0043 43200 0.0024 43200 0.0015 86400 0.0018 86400 0.0010 86400 0.0008 86400 0.0010 86400 0.0017 86400 0.0029 43200 0.0014 43200 0.0029 21600 0.0026 14400 0.0060 7200 0.0048 7200 0.0102 7200 0.0149 7200 0.0235 7200 0.0420 0.359556 0.429261 0.488995 0.532317 0.559656 0.577466 0.589560 0.597497 0.603054 0.606683 0.609019 0.610498 0.611479 0.612738 0.613496 0.613998 0.614370 0.614694 0.614854 0.615060 0.615290 0.615506 0.615626 0.615702 0.615790 0.615841 0.615881 0.615928 0.616015 0.616157 0.616227 0.616370 0.616500 0.616796 0.617033 0.617537 0.618274 0.619440 0.621525 -10.94 -10.64 -10.64 -10.86 -11.25 -11.64 -12.00 -12.40 -12.75 -13.17 -13.60 -14.06 -14.46 -14.91 -15.41 -15.82 -16.53 -16.95 -17.66 -18.10 -18.39 -19.15 -19.73 -20.19 -20.74 -21.29 -21.53 -21.35 -20.75 -20.26 -20.27 -19.55 -18.96 -17.73 -17.26 -16.51 -16.12 -15.66 -15.08 103 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 7200 0.0723 7200 0.1189 7200 0.1520 7200 0.2227 3600 0.1597 3600 0.2363 3600 0.3581 3600 0.4370 3600 0.5890 3600 0.7832 3600 0.8300 3.668 20.15 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Final Total 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 500 Mud Tank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Parallel 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 3600 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 8100 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 5400 5400 5400 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 0.0016 0.0012 0.0010 0.0016 0.0011 0.0012 0.0013 0.0018 0.0018 0.0021 0.0025 0.0030 0.0036 0.0043 0.0054 0.0063 0.0059 0.0072 0.0091 0.0078 0.0106 0.0139 0.0191 0.0253 0.625110 0.631009 0.638550 0.649601 0.657526 0.669252 0.687019 0.708702 0.737928 0.776789 0.817972 1 -14.53 -14.03 -13.77 -13.38 -13.00 -12.59 -12.16 -11.93 -11.59 -11.26 -11.15 0.000063 0.000111 0.000150 0.000211 0.000252 0.000299 0.000350 0.000421 0.000491 0.000572 0.000668 0.000786 0.000927 0.001096 0.001305 0.001552 0.001781 0.002061 0.002416 0.002721 0.003136 0.003682 0.004427 0.005418 -27.77 -27.73 -27.54 -26.76 -26.90 -26.59 -26.34 -25.96 -25.69 -25.40 -25.06 -24.70 -24.36 -24.01 -23.63 -23.29 -22.92 -22.58 -22.19 -21.80 -21.36 -20.93 -20.45 -19.97 104 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 500 495 485 475 465 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 273 283 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 3600 0.0357 3600 0.0512 3600 0.0706 1800 0.0496 1800 0.0721 1800 0.0993 1800 0.1324 1800 0.1664 1800 0.2080 1800 0.2440 1800 0.2775 1800 0.3234 1800 0.2527 1800 0.1819 1800 0.1195 1800 0.0790 1800 0.0563 1800 0.0461 1800 0.0317 1800 0.0218 1800 0.0147 1800 0.0101 1800 0.0069 3600 0.0093 3600 0.0064 3600 0.0041 5400 0.0042 7200 0.0036 7200 0.0024 14400 0.0030 21600 0.0033 43200 0.0038 43200 0.0024 43200 0.0015 92700 0.0023 86400 0.0013 86400 0.0012 86400 0.0016 86400 0.0019 0.006815 0.008817 0.011579 0.013518 0.016337 0.020222 0.025401 0.031909 0.040043 0.049585 0.060436 0.073084 0.082966 0.090079 0.094754 0.097842 0.100044 0.101846 0.103087 0.103939 0.104514 0.104909 0.105179 0.105544 0.105795 0.105954 0.106119 0.106259 0.106351 0.106468 0.106597 0.106745 0.106840 0.106899 0.106987 0.107039 0.107085 0.107146 0.107219 -19.41 -18.80 -18.21 -17.67 -17.12 -16.60 -16.09 -15.63 -15.18 -14.80 -14.47 -14.12 -14.21 -14.44 -14.79 -15.16 -15.48 -15.66 -16.01 -16.38 -16.77 -17.14 -17.51 -17.90 -18.28 -18.73 -19.10 -19.55 -19.96 -20.42 -20.72 -21.28 -21.72 -22.20 -22.56 -23.02 -23.12 -22.86 -22.67 105 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 86400 0.0028 43200 0.0015 43200 0.0024 21600 0.0021 14400 0.0008 7200 0.0033 7200 0.0020 7200 0.0040 7200 0.0063 7200 0.0092 7200 0.0146 7200 0.0217 7200 0.0308 7200 0.0441 7200 0.0626 3600 0.0425 3600 0.0596 3600 0.0796 3600 0.1064 3600 0.1378 3600 0.1277 3600 0.2035 21.86 25.57 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Final Total 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 393 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 500 RB140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Orthogonal 150 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 0.0165 0.0104 0.0041 0.0036 0.0034 0.0034 0.0033 0.0038 0.0037 0.0042 0.0058 0.0062 0.0071 0.107329 0.107390 0.107485 0.107566 0.107596 0.107726 0.107805 0.107961 0.108206 0.108564 0.109136 0.109984 0.111189 0.112915 0.115363 0.117026 0.119356 0.122469 0.126631 0.132021 0.137013 0.144971 1 -22.26 -22.17 -21.71 -21.18 -21.77 -19.61 -20.10 -19.42 -18.97 -18.59 -18.12 -17.71 -17.35 -16.98 -16.61 -16.29 -15.93 -15.62 -15.30 -15.01 -15.04 -14.53 0.000228 0.000371 0.000428 0.000477 0.000524 0.000570 0.000616 0.000668 0.000719 0.000778 0.000858 0.000944 0.001041 -25.90 -25.39 -26.03 -26.05 -26.00 -25.92 -25.86 -25.64 -25.58 -25.37 -24.97 -24.81 -24.58 106 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 495 485 475 465 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 0.0092 7200 7200 0.0126 7200 0.0166 7200 0.0198 7200 0.0284 7200 0.0362 7200 0.0468 7200 0.0596 7200 0.0770 7200 0.1005 7200 0.1262 7200 0.1624 3600 0.1086 3600 0.1447 3600 0.1931 3600 0.2472 3600 0.3114 3600 0.3828 3720 0.4810 3600 0.5621 3600 0.7241 3600 0.7958 3600 0.5659 3600 0.3558 3600 0.2340 3600 0.1554 3600 0.0972 3600 0.0638 3600 0.0414 3600 0.0261 7200 0.0328 7200 0.0226 7200 0.0127 7200 0.0091 7200 0.0054 7200 0.0030 14400 0.0037 14400 0.0020 14400 0.0013 0.001168 0.001341 0.001569 0.001841 0.002232 0.002730 0.003375 0.004197 0.005257 0.006641 0.008379 0.010616 0.012112 0.014105 0.016764 0.020170 0.024459 0.029732 0.036358 0.044102 0.054076 0.065039 0.072835 0.077736 0.080959 0.083100 0.084440 0.085318 0.085889 0.086248 0.086701 0.087012 0.087187 0.087312 0.087387 0.087429 0.087480 0.087506 0.087524 -24.21 -23.77 -23.35 -23.01 -22.47 -22.03 -21.57 -21.11 -20.63 -20.14 -19.68 -19.19 -18.72 -18.29 -17.84 -17.41 -16.99 -16.59 -16.20 -15.81 -15.36 -15.07 -15.27 -15.64 -16.01 -16.38 -16.83 -17.24 -17.66 -18.12 -18.58 -18.95 -19.52 -19.85 -20.37 -20.96 -21.45 -22.08 -22.49 107 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 0.0012 21600 21600 0.0007 43260 0.0009 43200 0.0006 50400 0.0006 86400 0.0006 86400 0.0004 82800 0.0003 86400 0.0006 50400 0.0005 54000 0.0006 43200 0.0010 28800 0.0011 28800 0.0018 21600 0.0021 14400 0.0037 14400 0.0049 14400 0.0095 7200 0.0073 7200 0.0117 7200 0.0196 7200 0.0324 7200 0.0474 7200 0.0787 7200 0.1188 7200 0.1752 7200 0.2569 7200 0.3596 3600 0.2571 3600 0.3521 3600 0.4319 64.06 72.59 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Final Total 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 273 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 393 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 500 RB140 1 2 3 4 Parallel 150 160 170 180 7200 7200 7200 7200 0.0338 0.0082 0.0066 0.0058 0.087541 0.087551 0.087563 0.087571 0.087578 0.087587 0.087592 0.087596 0.087604 0.087611 0.087619 0.087634 0.087649 0.087673 0.087703 0.087754 0.087821 0.087953 0.088054 0.088215 0.088485 0.088931 0.089585 0.090669 0.092306 0.094719 0.098258 0.103212 0.106754 0.111604 0.117555 1 -22.97 -23.45 -24.00 -24.44 -24.59 -25.06 -25.42 -25.78 -25.10 -24.62 -24.63 -23.81 -23.33 -22.87 -22.40 -21.43 -21.17 -20.49 -20.06 -19.59 -19.07 -18.57 -18.18 -17.66 -17.24 -16.83 -16.41 -16.03 -15.63 -15.28 -15.03 0.000084 0.000105 0.000121 0.000136 -27.89 -28.49 -28.54 -28.54 108 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 500 495 485 475 465 455 445 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 7200 0.0048 7200 0.0047 7200 0.0049 7200 0.0051 7200 0.0062 7200 0.0058 7200 0.0076 7200 0.0086 7200 0.0106 7200 0.0135 7200 0.0174 7200 0.0227 5400 0.0228 5400 0.0306 5400 0.0391 3600 0.0346 3600 0.0461 3600 0.0590 3600 0.0731 3600 0.0906 3600 0.1128 3600 0.1382 3600 0.1600 3600 0.1966 3600 0.2383 3600 0.2806 3600 0.3395 3600 0.4008 3600 0.4694 3600 0.5581 1800 0.3411 1800 0.4238 1800 0.3788 1800 0.2849 3600 0.3603 2760 0.1820 3600 0.1521 3600 0.0969 3600 0.0617 0.000148 0.000159 0.000172 0.000184 0.000200 0.000214 0.000233 0.000254 0.000281 0.000315 0.000358 0.000415 0.000472 0.000548 0.000646 0.000732 0.000847 0.000994 0.001176 0.001402 0.001684 0.002028 0.002427 0.002918 0.003512 0.004212 0.005059 0.006058 0.007229 0.008621 0.009472 0.010529 0.011474 0.012184 0.013083 0.013537 0.013916 0.014158 0.014312 -28.63 -28.56 -28.45 -28.34 -28.07 -28.05 -27.71 -27.50 -27.20 -26.84 -26.47 -26.07 -25.64 -25.20 -24.80 -24.38 -23.95 -23.55 -23.17 -22.79 -22.39 -22.00 -21.67 -21.28 -20.91 -20.56 -20.19 -19.84 -19.50 -19.15 -18.82 -18.50 -18.52 -18.73 -19.12 -19.49 -19.90 -20.33 -20.77 109 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 273 283 293 303 313 323 324 343 353 363 373 383 393 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 3600 0.0400 3600 0.0257 3600 0.0162 3600 0.0101 3600 0.0061 3600 0.0038 3600 0.0023 7200 0.0028 7200 0.0016 7200 0.0010 14400 0.0016 21600 0.0010 43200 0.0012 43200 0.0008 52200 0.0006 93600 0.0008 86400 0.0006 95400 0.0005 86400 0.0031 86400 0.0015 86400 0.0015 54000 0.0009 54000 0.0013 21600 0.0008 25200 0.0014 21600 0.0008 7200 0.0013 7200 0.0023 7200 0.0039 7200 0.0066 7200 0.0112 7200 0.0182 7200 0.0289 7200 0.0459 7200 0.0697 7200 0.1068 7200 0.1589 7200 0.2312 10800 0.4853 0.014411 0.014475 0.014516 0.014541 0.014556 0.014565 0.014571 0.014578 0.014582 0.014585 0.014589 0.014591 0.014594 0.014596 0.014597 0.014599 0.014601 0.014602 0.014610 0.014613 0.014617 0.014619 0.014623 0.014625 0.014628 0.014630 0.014634 0.014639 0.014649 0.014665 0.014694 0.014739 0.014811 0.014926 0.015099 0.015366 0.015762 0.016339 0.017549 -21.19 -21.63 -22.09 -22.56 -23.06 -23.54 -24.03 -24.54 -25.08 -25.59 -25.78 -26.69 -27.18 -27.62 -28.01 -28.36 -28.60 -28.87 -26.92 -27.65 -27.66 -27.70 -27.28 -26.84 -26.45 -25.85 -25.26 -24.71 -24.20 -23.67 -23.13 -22.65 -22.18 -21.71 -21.29 -20.84 -20.43 -20.02 -19.63 110 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 7200 0.4399 9000 0.7322 7200 0.6851 7200 0.5364 7200 0.3489 7200 0.2248 7200 0.1486 7200 0.0980 7200 0.1319 7200 0.1955 7200 0.2814 7200 0.3972 7200 0.4744 389.2 401.0 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Final Total 483 493 500 496 486 476 466 456 464 474 484 494 500 BR231 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Orthogonal 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 5400 5400 5400 3600 3600 3600 0.1279 0.0344 0.0157 0.0109 0.0105 0.0113 0.0118 0.0134 0.0158 0.0178 0.0200 0.0233 0.0274 0.0328 0.0409 0.0525 0.0491 0.0578 0.0777 0.0709 0.0970 0.1234 0.018647 0.020473 0.022181 0.023519 0.024389 0.024950 0.025320 0.025565 0.025894 0.026381 0.027083 0.028074 0.029257 1 -19.26 -18.89 -18.65 -18.83 -19.21 -19.62 -20.01 -20.42 -20.11 -19.70 -19.31 -18.94 -18.72 0.000503 0.000638 0.000700 0.000742 0.000784 0.000828 0.000874 0.000927 0.000989 0.001059 0.001138 0.001229 0.001337 0.001466 0.001627 0.001833 0.002026 0.002253 0.002559 0.002838 0.003219 0.003704 -24.31 -24.81 -25.44 -25.73 -25.71 -25.57 -25.48 -25.29 -25.07 -24.88 -24.70 -24.47 -24.23 -23.96 -23.64 -23.28 -22.95 -22.68 -22.27 -21.84 -21.41 -21.03 111 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 500 495 485 475 465 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 3600 0.1547 3600 0.1881 3600 0.2706 3600 0.3494 3600 0.3823 3600 0.5844 3600 0.5252 3600 0.7263 3600 0.7794 3600 0.9852 3600 1.192 3600 1.346 1800 0.8142 1800 1.040 1800 0.8920 1800 0.7145 3600 0.9032 2760 0.4327 3600 0.3922 3600 0.2576 3600 0.1638 3600 0.0986 3600 0.0624 3600 0.0424 3600 0.0260 3600 0.0146 3600 0.0114 3600 0.0074 7200 0.0083 7200 0.0051 7200 0.0028 14400 0.0033 21600 0.0029 43200 0.0030 43200 0.0020 52200 0.0012 95400 0.0014 86400 0.0009 93600 0.0006 0.004312 0.005052 0.006116 0.007490 0.008993 0.011290 0.013355 0.016210 0.019274 0.023147 0.027835 0.033128 0.036328 0.040416 0.043923 0.046732 0.050283 0.051984 0.053526 0.054539 0.055183 0.055570 0.055816 0.055983 0.056085 0.056142 0.056187 0.056216 0.056249 0.056269 0.056280 0.056293 0.056304 0.056316 0.056324 0.056328 0.056334 0.056337 0.056340 -20.66 -20.31 -19.77 -19.32 -19.04 -18.40 -18.32 -17.81 -17.56 -17.14 -16.77 -16.47 -16.15 -15.80 -15.86 -16.01 -16.40 -16.82 -17.15 -17.55 -17.99 -18.49 -18.94 -19.32 -19.81 -20.38 -20.63 -21.07 -21.63 -22.13 -22.74 -23.27 -23.79 -24.45 -24.85 -25.56 -25.99 -26.35 -26.82 112 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 86400 0.0017 86400 0.0016 86400 0.0021 54000 0.0016 54000 0.0037 21600 0.0020 25200 0.0037 21600 0.0022 7200 0.0038 7200 0.0065 7200 0.0111 7200 0.0203 7200 0.0314 7200 0.0486 7200 0.2473 7200 0.1493 7200 0.1959 7200 0.2856 7200 0.4981 7200 0.6177 10800 1.324 7200 1.253 9000 2.201 7200 1.982 7200 1.629 7200 1.022 7200 0.6770 7200 0.4594 7200 0.2950 7200 0.4177 7200 0.5898 7200 0.8262 7200 1.149 7200 1.393 222.7 254.4 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Final Total 273 283 293 303 313 323 324 343 353 363 373 383 393 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 500 496 486 476 466 456 464 474 484 494 500 M127 1 Parallel 150 3600 0.2379 0.056346 0.056352 0.056360 0.056367 0.056381 0.056389 0.056403 0.056412 0.056427 0.056453 0.056496 0.056576 0.056700 0.056891 0.057863 0.058450 0.059220 0.060343 0.062301 0.064730 0.069934 0.074861 0.083516 0.091308 0.097713 0.101732 0.104393 0.106199 0.107359 0.109001 0.111320 0.114568 0.119086 0.124564 1 -25.74 -25.79 -25.51 -25.32 -24.47 -24.15 -23.71 -23.09 -22.41 -21.87 -21.34 -20.74 -20.30 -19.86 -18.22 -18.72 -18.43 -18.04 -17.46 -17.21 -16.79 -16.37 -15.94 -15.72 -15.84 -16.25 -16.63 -17.00 -17.43 -17.07 -16.70 -16.34 -15.98 -15.74 0.000057 -27.99 113 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 500 490 485 475 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 7200 0.1026 7200 0.0691 7200 0.0638 7200 0.0658 7200 0.0721 7200 0.0787 7200 0.0883 7200 0.0992 7200 0.1105 7200 0.1250 7200 0.1444 7200 0.1673 7200 0.1986 7200 0.2557 7200 0.3126 5400 0.2890 5400 0.3859 5400 0.4842 3600 0.4325 3600 0.5442 3600 0.7023 3600 0.8021 3600 1.058 3600 1.308 3600 1.524 3600 1.769 1800 1.115 1800 1.723 1800 1.777 1800 2.074 1800 2.589 1800 3.113 1800 3.283 1800 3.673 1800 4.943 1800 3.867 1800 2.499 1800 1.925 1800 1.268 0.000081 0.000097 0.000113 0.000128 0.000145 0.000164 0.000185 0.000209 0.000235 0.000265 0.000299 0.000339 0.000386 0.000447 0.000521 0.000590 0.000682 0.000797 0.000900 0.001030 0.001197 0.001388 0.001639 0.001951 0.002313 0.002734 0.002999 0.003409 0.003832 0.004326 0.004942 0.005683 0.006464 0.007338 0.008514 0.009434 0.010029 0.010487 0.010788 -28.63 -28.77 -28.69 -28.52 -28.30 -28.09 -27.85 -27.62 -27.39 -27.15 -26.88 -26.61 -26.31 -25.92 -25.57 -25.22 -24.80 -24.42 -23.99 -23.63 -23.23 -22.95 -22.52 -22.13 -21.81 -21.49 -21.13 -20.59 -20.43 -20.16 -19.81 -19.49 -19.30 -19.06 -18.63 -18.75 -19.10 -19.31 -19.69 114 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 465 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 273 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 393 403 413 423 433 443 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 1800 0.8148 1800 0.5378 1800 0.3505 1800 0.2320 1800 0.1410 1800 0.0935 1800 0.0592 3600 0.0672 3600 0.0472 5400 0.0427 5400 0.0271 5400 0.0333 5400 0.0106 7200 0.0093 21600 0.0137 54000 0.0186 61200 0.0121 65040 0.0122 64800 0.0045 72180 0.0033 137400 0.0040 86400 0.0034 73800 0.0048 88200 0.0085 88200 0.0145 77400 0.0217 43200 0.0210 36060 0.0311 7200 0.0108 7200 0.0182 7200 0.0281 7200 0.0478 7200 0.0811 7200 0.1278 7200 0.2098 7200 0.3249 7200 0.5139 7200 0.7594 3600 0.5520 0.010982 0.011110 0.011194 0.011249 0.011282 0.011305 0.011319 0.011335 0.011346 0.011356 0.011363 0.011371 0.011373 0.011375 0.011379 0.011383 0.011386 0.011389 0.011390 0.011391 0.011392 0.011392 0.011393 0.011395 0.011399 0.011404 0.011409 0.011416 0.011419 0.011423 0.011430 0.011441 0.011461 0.011491 0.011541 0.011618 0.011741 0.011921 0.012053 -20.11 -20.51 -20.93 -21.34 -21.83 -22.24 -22.70 -23.26 -23.61 -24.12 -24.57 -24.36 -25.51 -25.93 -26.64 -27.25 -27.81 -27.85 -28.86 -29.27 -29.73 -29.43 -28.92 -28.53 -27.99 -27.45 -26.90 -26.33 -25.78 -25.25 -24.82 -24.29 -23.76 -23.30 -22.80 -22.36 -21.89 -21.49 -21.10 115 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 453 463 473 483 493 500 500 491 481 471 461 451 441 431 421 411 401 412 422 432 442 452 462 472 482 492 500 500 494 484 474 464 454 444 434 424 414 404 416 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 10800 2.405 3600 1.100 3600 1.568 3600 2.041 3600 2.854 3660 3.466 17400 13.69 10800 5.644 11400 3.545 10800 2.159 10800 1.526 14400 1.282 14400 0.8642 14400 0.5545 14400 0.3480 14400 0.2149 14400 0.1340 14400 0.2299 14400 0.3530 14400 0.5193 14400 0.7913 14400 1.206 10800 1.285 10800 1.852 10800 2.679 10800 4.761 10800 4.493 10800 8.004 10800 4.219 10800 2.906 10800 1.816 10800 1.145 10800 0.7717 10800 0.5258 10800 0.3329 10800 0.2021 10800 0.1247 10800 0.0899 10800 0.1600 0.012625 0.012887 0.013260 0.013745 0.014424 0.015249 0.018506 0.019849 0.020692 0.021206 0.021569 0.021874 0.022079 0.022211 0.022294 0.022345 0.022377 0.022432 0.022516 0.022639 0.022828 0.023115 0.023420 0.023861 0.024499 0.025632 0.026701 0.028605 0.029609 0.030301 0.030733 0.031005 0.031189 0.031314 0.031393 0.031441 0.031471 0.031492 0.031530 -20.70 -20.35 -19.97 -19.67 -19.29 -19.06 -19.12 -19.40 -19.87 -20.28 -20.60 -21.05 -21.43 -21.87 -22.33 -22.81 -23.28 -22.74 -22.30 -21.91 -21.48 -21.05 -20.69 -20.31 -19.92 -19.30 -19.32 -18.69 -19.28 -19.62 -20.07 -20.52 -20.91 -21.29 -21.74 -22.24 -22.72 -23.05 -22.47 116 Remaining Total M127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 4070 4203 Orthogonal 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 0.4160 0.1351 0.1194 0.1402 0.1175 0.1184 0.1271 0.1532 0.1527 0.1716 0.1999 0.1965 0.2475 0.2669 0.3669 0.3787 0.4387 0.5181 0.6108 0.7037 0.8234 1.164 1.252 1.435 1.736 1.967 1.142 1.441 1.766 2.107 2.494 2.891 3.276 3.704 4.123 1 0.000213 0.000282 0.000343 0.000415 0.000475 0.000535 0.000600 0.000679 0.000757 0.000844 0.000947 0.001047 0.001174 0.001310 0.001498 0.001692 0.001916 0.002181 0.002493 0.002853 0.003274 0.003869 0.004510 0.005244 0.006132 0.007137 0.007721 0.008458 0.009361 0.010438 0.011714 0.013192 0.014867 0.016762 0.018870 -26.03 -26.32 -26.20 -25.85 -25.87 -25.73 -25.55 -25.24 -25.13 -24.90 -24.64 -24.55 -24.21 -24.02 -23.58 -23.42 -23.15 -22.86 -22.56 -22.28 -21.99 -21.49 -21.26 -20.97 -20.63 -20.35 -20.09 -19.77 -19.47 -19.19 -18.90 -18.64 -18.40 -18.15 -17.93 117 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 500 500 495 485 475 465 455 445 435 425 415 405 395 385 375 365 355 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 273 283 293 303 313 323 324 343 353 363 373 383 393 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 3600 4.598 3600 4.277 3600 3.088 3600 1.969 3600 1.250 3600 0.8194 3600 0.5460 3600 0.3778 3600 0.2417 3600 0.1627 3600 0.1050 3600 0.1337 7200 0.0923 7200 0.0554 7200 0.0335 7200 0.0204 14400 0.0268 14400 0.0153 22020 0.0143 51000 0.0188 43200 0.0097 43200 0.0071 90000 0.0077 90000 0.0047 90900 0.0040 86400 0.0029 86400 0.0026 86700 0.0039 91800 0.0057 43200 0.0043 43200 0.0076 43200 0.0120 43200 0.0104 21600 0.0177 14400 0.0204 14400 0.0340 7200 0.0305 7200 0.0461 14340 0.1552 0.021222 0.023409 0.024988 0.025995 0.026635 0.027054 0.027333 0.027526 0.027650 0.027733 0.027787 0.027855 0.027902 0.027931 0.027948 0.027958 0.027972 0.027980 0.027987 0.027997 0.028002 0.028005 0.028009 0.028012 0.028014 0.028015 0.028017 0.028019 0.028021 0.028024 0.028028 0.028034 0.028039 0.028048 0.028059 0.028076 0.028091 0.028115 0.028194 -17.70 -17.66 -17.91 -18.31 -18.73 -19.13 -19.53 -19.89 -20.33 -20.72 -21.15 -20.91 -21.97 -22.48 -22.98 -23.48 -23.90 -24.46 -24.95 -25.52 -26.01 -26.33 -26.98 -27.48 -27.64 -27.90 -28.03 -27.63 -27.30 -26.82 -26.26 -25.80 -25.94 -24.25 -24.17 -23.66 -23.07 -22.66 -22.13 118 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 7200 0.1140 7200 0.1782 7200 0.2695 7200 0.4023 7200 0.6040 7200 0.8788 7200 1.543 7200 2.129 7200 2.757 7200 3.470 7200 4.104 7200 2.774 7380 1.840 7200 1.211 7200 0.8091 7200 0.8431 7200 0.5338 7200 0.9186 7200 1.305 7500 1.950 7200 2.492 7200 3.294 7200 3.412 1862 1955 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Final Total 403 413 423 433 443 453 463 473 483 493 500 492 482 472 462 452 442 456 466 476 486 496 500 G3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Orthogonal 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 7200 3600 3600 1.080 0.5269 0.5089 0.5485 0.6479 0.8986 1.345 2.096 3.166 4.779 3.531 5.190 0.028253 0.028344 0.028482 0.028687 0.028996 0.029446 0.030235 0.031323 0.032733 0.034508 0.036606 0.038025 0.038966 0.039585 0.039999 0.040430 0.040703 0.041173 0.041840 0.042837 0.044112 0.045796 0.047541 1 -21.75 -21.30 -20.88 -20.47 -20.06 -19.67 -19.09 -18.73 -18.44 -18.16 -17.93 -18.28 -18.68 -19.05 -19.44 -19.39 -19.84 -19.29 -18.92 -18.54 -18.23 -17.92 -17.85 0.000373 0.000555 0.000730 0.000920 0.001143 0.001453 0.001917 0.002641 0.003733 0.005382 0.006601 0.008392 -24.91 -24.72 -24.43 -24.10 -23.71 -23.16 -22.49 -21.75 -21.00 -20.23 -19.56 -18.96 119 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 345 335 325 315 305 295 285 275 265 255 245 235 225 215 205 195 185 175 165 155 163 173 183 193 203 213 223 233 243 253 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 3600 7.409 3600 10.15 3600 12.97 3600 16.64 1800 10.77 1800 14.16 1800 17.66 1800 21.92 1800 27.15 1800 21.11 1800 13.72 1800 9.587 1800 6.471 1800 8.414 3600 5.693 3600 4.013 3600 2.443 3600 1.554 3600 0.9890 3600 0.6107 3600 0.3819 7200 0.4727 7200 0.2788 7200 0.1583 7200 0.0902 8100 0.0555 14700 0.0410 10800 0.0204 12600 0.0123 10800 0.0174 7200 0.0230 7200 0.0424 7200 0.0901 7200 0.1790 7200 0.2518 7200 0.4249 7200 0.6855 7200 1.124 7200 1.780 0.010949 0.014450 0.018925 0.024667 0.028383 0.033268 0.039363 0.046928 0.056298 0.063583 0.068316 0.071625 0.073858 0.076761 0.078726 0.080110 0.080953 0.081490 0.081831 0.082042 0.082173 0.082337 0.082433 0.082487 0.082518 0.082538 0.082552 0.082559 0.082563 0.082569 0.082577 0.082592 0.082623 0.082685 0.082771 0.082918 0.083155 0.083543 0.084157 -18.34 -17.76 -17.24 -16.72 -16.27 -15.84 -15.46 -15.07 -14.68 -14.78 -15.12 -15.41 -15.77 -15.47 -16.52 -16.85 -17.33 -17.78 -18.23 -18.70 -19.17 -19.65 -20.18 -20.74 -21.30 -21.91 -22.80 -23.19 -23.85 -23.35 -22.67 -22.06 -21.30 -20.62 -20.27 -19.75 -19.27 -18.77 -18.30 120 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Final Total N17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 263 273 283 293 303 313 323 333 343 353 363 373 383 380 370 360 350 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 270 265 255 245 235 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 7200 3.073 7200 4.241 7200 6.410 7200 9.072 7200 12.89 7200 17.54 3600 12.18 3600 16.09 3600 21.25 3600 27.62 1800 18.60 1800 24.17 1800 30.73 1800 27.26 3600 38.07 3600 26.75 3600 19.45 2339 2898 3600 1200 1200 900 900 900 900 900 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 35.25 9.444 11.88 11.71 14.41 17.88 22.58 27.55 25.65 32.01 40.35 55.14 71.02 66.91 56.95 44.86 33.57 22.79 0.085217 0.086681 0.088893 0.092023 0.096470 0.102524 0.106728 0.112281 0.119615 0.129145 0.135563 0.143903 0.154508 0.163916 0.177053 0.186283 0.192993 1 -17.75 -17.41 -16.98 -16.60 -16.21 -15.84 -15.47 -15.14 -14.81 -14.47 -14.11 -13.80 -13.49 -13.55 -13.84 -14.13 -14.40 0.014650 0.018575 0.023510 0.028378 0.034368 0.041797 0.051180 0.062631 0.073292 0.086596 0.103363 0.126280 0.155796 0.183603 0.207272 0.225915 0.239866 0.249336 -16.88 -16.28 -15.81 -15.33 -14.93 -14.52 -14.09 -13.69 -13.18 -12.79 -12.39 -11.89 -11.43 -11.30 -11.32 -11.46 -11.67 -12.01 121 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Final Total TH62Z2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Final Total 225 215 205 195 185 193 203 213 223 233 243 253 263 310 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 480 460 440 420 395 495 510 520 530 540 410 TABLE A3 (CONTINUED) 600 16.11 900 16.21 900 11.29 900 7.782 900 4.832 900 6.394 900 9.606 900 13.46 600 13.33 600 18.37 600 24.65 600 31.49 600 39.72 1594 2408 5400 5580 4560 5040 3420 4080 3780 5640 9480 18600 17880 45120 86340 4080 4080 3780 3720 3840 228120 0.0079 0.0112 0.0116 0.0182 0.0163 0.0372 0.0363 0.0686 0.0357 0.0376 0.0132 0.0168 0.0138 0.0139 0.0238 0.0273 0.0383 0.0441 0.0395 1.732 2.243 0.256032 0.262768 0.267459 0.270693 0.272701 0.275358 0.279350 0.284943 0.290482 0.298118 0.308363 0.321450 0.337956 1 -12.33 -12.70 -13.04 -13.40 -13.86 -13.58 -13.16 -12.80 -12.39 -12.04 -11.72 -11.44 -11.16 0.003507 0.008507 0.013676 0.021799 0.029073 0.045666 0.061831 0.092412 0.108338 0.125094 0.130980 0.138467 0.144602 0.150809 0.161405 0.173579 0.190650 0.210311 0.227930 1 -22.34 -20.79 -19.94 -19.12 -18.48 -17.45 -16.99 -16.37 -17.26 -17.72 -18.62 -19.25 -20.04 -16.93 -16.33 -16.03 -15.58 -15.36 -19.45 2. Values for ln(D/a2) calculated with a spherical geometry from equations in Fechtig and Kalbitzer (1966) Slab Orientation (relative to c) Orthogonal Parallel Orthogonal Parallel Orthogonal Orthogonal Parallel Orthogonal n.a. n.a. 6.6455 3.0385 4.7014 3.0552 4.5667 3.1172 2.6729 2.6320 2.0538 2.6738 (D0/a2) log ± 0.1071 ± 0.1568 ± 0.1853 ± 0.1504 ± 0.1438 ± 0.1266 ± 0.1045 ± 0.0596 ± 0.0835 ± 0.2583 1σ 110.5 0.0273 0.2011 0.0230 0.2304 0.0265 0.0265 4.193 x 10-3 6.367 x 10-3 0.0170 (cm2/s) D0 1. Closure temperatures calculated with a spherical geometry for comparison to published results 1σ +30.9 −24.2 +0.0119 −.0083 +0.1070 −.0699 +0.0095 −.0067 +0.0905 −.0650 +0.0090 −.0067 +0.0072 −.0057 +0.0007 −.0006 +0.0013 −.0011 +0.0138 −.0076 Note: 1σ uncertainties are calculated only from linear regression data after the end of the first prograde series of steps. Mud Tank Mud Tank RB140 RB140 BR231 M127 M127 G3 N17 TH62Z Sample Name 167.93 138.22 166.49 166.19 169.75 161.58 162.83 106.53 70.74 145.96 Ea (kJ/mol) TABLE A4. KINETIC PARAMETERS FROM STEP-HEATING EXPERIMENTS ± 0.68 ± 0.99 ± 1.15 ± 0.97 ± 0.92 ± 0.81 ± 0.68 ± 0.31 ± 0.40 ± 0.44 1σ 132 126 185 207 193 192 195 49 -59 152 (°C)1 Tc a = 60 µm 122 Value (Units) Ea=165 (kJ/mol), D0=193188 (cm2/s) 45920 (nm) 1.669 (nm-1) 5.48 x 10-19 (g/α-event) Ea=71 (kJ/mol), D0=6.367 x 10-3 (cm2/s) 3 (n.a.) -0.05721 (n.a.) 6.24534 (n.a.) -0.11977 (n.a.) -314.937 (n.a.) -14.2868 (n.a.) Description Diffusivity of zircon with dose of 1 x 1014 α/g (see text for details) Mean intercept length of zircon with dose of 1 x 1014 α/g Surface area to volume ratio for damage capsules Mass of amorphous material produced per alpha decay event Diffusivity of amorphous material (N17 kinetics) Parameterization constant for amorphous fraction interconnectivity Damage annealing model parameter Damage annealing model parameter Damage annealing model parameter Damage annealing model parameter Damage annealing model parameter Symbol Dz lint0 SV Ba DN17 Φ β C0 C1 C2 C3 1,5,7,8 2,8 3 4,6 5,7,8 6 11 11 11 11 11 Equation TABLE 5. CONSTANTS AND VALUES USED IN PARAMETERIZATION 123 124 Figure A1: Positive date-eU correlations. Individual points in each dataset represent single grain dates (2 sigma error). 125 Figure A2: Negative date-eU correlations. Individual points in each dataset represent single grain ages (2 sigma error). 126 500 127 Figure A3: Arrhenius plots for various zircon slabs. In both plots, non-linear trends are observed in the initial temperature steps (white markers). Linear regression for obtaining kinetic parameters performed on steps following the high-temperature reached in the initial prograde path (blue markers). 128 Figure A4. Ln(a/a0) plotted as a function of cumulative fraction of He released in stepheating experiments. This term describes the deviation of D/a2 at any given time step from the D/a2 determined from linear regression. See Reiners and others (2004) for the derivation. The inset is a magnified version of the main plot. The rectangular box in the main plot indicates the span of this inset. Despite the initial high deviation in ln(a/a0) at low cumulative fraction released, almost all samples approach a value of 0 (no deviation) after roughly the first percent of gas is released. 129 Figure A5. Pre-exponential factor (D0) versus radiation damage for samples analyzed in this study, and those previously published. Dashed lines have been added to highlight trends. Our ORT_C samples (all samples from this study with diffusion parallel to caxis), as well as most of the published results, fall along a trend of decreasing D0 with increasing radiation damage. The PAR_C samples (all samples from this study with diffusion orthogonal to c-axis), however, are constant with increasing damage. Also note that these two sets of values become similar at damage levels equivalent to those of M127. The previously published data mostly falls along one of these trends. We represent the data that agrees with our ORT_C samples in yellow triangles (FCT and 98PRGB18 from Reiners and others, 2002; and 1CS15 and M146 from Reiners and others, 2004), and the data that agrees with our PAR_C samples in black triangles (98PRGB4 from Reiners and others, 2002; and ZKTB4050 from Wolfe and Stockli, 2010). The grey triangle represents a single point that does not fall along either trendline (ZKTB1516 from Wolfe and Stockli, 2010). Error bars are for 1 sigma error, if reported (errors for some samples are not available). 130 Figure A6. Comparison of Arrhenius trends for samples shown in figure A4. Kinetic parameters used in this comparison are from post-high temperatures steps (blue markers in figure A4). We have converted from values of D/a2 to D using the half-width of each slab. 131 Figure A7. Plot of He diffusivity versus alpha dose for samples described in figures A4 and A6, as well as samples whose kinetic parameters are already published. Temperature is held constant at 180 degrees Celsius. Grey triangle represent single sample from Wolfe and Stockli (2010) (ZKTB1516) that does not fall along our observed trend. 132 Figure A8. Plot of closure temperature versus alpha dose for samples described in figures A4 and A6, as well as samples whose kinetic parameters are already published. Closure temperatures were calculated using a spherical geometry, diffusion domain size of 60 microns, and cooling rate of 10 °C/my. Grey triangle represents single sample from Wolfe and Stockli (2010) (ZKTB1516) that does not fall along our observed trend. 133 Figure A9. Schematic of possible time-temperature paths that produce date-eU relationships. The arrows on each plot’s axes indicate the direction in which the given value increases. Varying eU contents lead to differential accumulations of radiation damage, which in turn lead to differential He diffusivities. (A) If accumulation is relatively low, and a sample experiences a thermal pulse, or cools slowly through the PRZ so that damage in-growth and diffusion happen simultaneously, then a positive correlation results. (B) Conversely, if damage accumulation is relatively high (due to older zircons), then a thermal pulse results in a negative correlation, or significant He loss may occur at low temperatures. 134 0 135 Figure A10. (A) Diffusivity as a function of alpha dose calculated at temperatures that roughly bracket the nominal zircon PRZ. Data points are the diffusivities of the various samples included in figure A7 (calculated with a domain size of 100 microns) and curves represent effective diffusivity as defined by equation (8). The various parameters used for this plot and their values are listed in table A5. (B) Closure temperature as a function of alpha dose calculated in a manner similar to figure A8. Grey points in both plots represent single sample that does not fall along our observed trend. 136 Figure A11. Representative thermal histories (A) with corresponding forward modeled date-eU correlations (B). Each numbered t-T path in (A) corresponds to the similarly numbered correlation in (B). Thermal history number 6 is partially obscured by 2 and 3 because it follows the same path but lacks a post-500 Ma reheating event. For reference, we also plot the zircon He dates that result from each thermal history in (A) if the kinetics of Reiners and others (2004) are used. These are represented by the numbered black diamonds on the y-axis of (B). 137 Figure A12. Forward modeled date-eU correlations matched to datasets shown in figures 1 and 2. (A) Positive date-eU correlation (detrital Apennines sample AP54B) with forward modeled correlation resulting from thermal history shown in the left-hand panel. This thermal history is characterized by a period of rapid exhumation in the source terrain (as constrained by ZFT dates from Bernet and others, 2001), deposition and burial in the Apennine foreland basin, and final exhumation to the surface in the latest Miocene. We used a grain radius of 48 microns for each model zircon, which is the average for this dataset. Dotted light grey lines in both panels represent an alternative thermal history and the corresponding date-eU correlation. (B) Negative date-eU correlation (igneous Minnesota River Valley sample) with forward model correlation resulting from the thermal history shown in the left-hand panel. This thermal history begins at the approximate end of tectonism associated with the Penokean Orogeny in this area and proceeds at a cooling rate of .06 °C/my until 1100 Ma. This time corresponds with the initiation of the Keweenaw Rift System (the Minnesota River Valley was situated near the rift shoulder) and we model this as an increase in the long-term cooling rate to ~.17 °C/my. Again, we used the average grain radius from this dataset (52 microns) as an input for each model zircon. Dashed and dotted lines in both panels represent two alternative thermal histories and the corresponding date-eU correlations. 138 Figure A13. Time-temperature histories and corresponding date-eU correlations for unzoned zircons, zircons with high eU rims, and zircons with high eU cores. The numbering for each t-T path is similar to figure 11, except we have omitted number 6 and replaced number 5 with a different thermal history. Core eU concentrations are either enriched or depleted by a factor of 7 relative to the bulk concentration of the whole grain. For example, if the bulk concentration is 500 ppm, then the core concentration in the high eU core zircon is 3500 ppm and it is ~71 ppm in the high eU rim zircon. Both the concentration in the rim and the radial position of the rim are determined by maximizing the zircon zonation factor (see text for details). All zircons have a radius of 60 microns 139 and the core is composed of either the inner 20 or 40 microns of the grain. Large bold symbols connected by horizontal curves represent FTH corrected dates, small bold symbols represent FTZ corrected dates, and small transparent symbols represent uncorrected dates. Lightly colored vertical bars have been added to aid in connecting corresponding FTH and FTZ corrected dates. See text for details on uncorrected, FTH , and FTZ corrected zircons. Note that the scale for each y-axis is different. 140 APPENDIX B: INTERPRETING DATE-EU CORRELATIONS IN ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATASETS USING A NEW MODEL FOR HELIUM DIFFUSION IN ZIRCON: A CASE STUDY FROM THE LONGMEN SHAN, CHINA To be submitted to the professional journal: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 141 INTERPRETING DATE-EU CORRELATIONS IN ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATASETS USING A NEW MODEL FOR HELIUM DIFFUSION IN ZIRCON: A CASE STUDY FROM THE LONGMEN SHAN, CHINA William R. Guenthner, Peter W. Reiners, and Yuntao Tian Abstract The Longmen Shan, located at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, has been the site of numerous low-temperature thermochronologic studies focused on describing the exhumation history of the orogen. These studies have used a combination of zircon (UTh)/He (zircon He), apatite (U-Th)/He (apatite He) and apatite fission track (AFT) techniques to document exhumation since both the mid to late Miocene, and also earlier, pre-Miocene episodes of exhumation (e.g. Wang et al., 2012). Zircon He dating, with its relatively high closure temperatures, is particularly well suited for capturing these earlier episodes. In the Longmen Shan, these datasets can be difficult to interpret due to significant dispersion of single grain dates within a given sample or group of samples, which is often expressed as a negative correlation between He date and effective uranium (eU, a proxy for radiation damage). In this study, we explain the cause of this dispersion in several previously published zircon He datasets with a new, radiation damage-based model for He diffusion in zircon. Our model results constrain the timing of Cenozoic rapid exhumation events, the maximum burial temperatures experienced during the Cenozoic, and the maximum burial temperatures experienced during the Triassic-Jurassic Longmen Shan orogenic event, at each specific location. Taken together, our 142 reinterpreted results allow us to place individual samples or groups of samples within a cohesive exhumation history for the entire orogen. 1. Introduction Because it constrains the timing and magnitude of cooling events, bedrock lowtemperature thermochronology by the zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) method can be used to understand the exhumation histories of orogenic belts. Although He dates from multiple single-grain zircon crystals from individual samples are often reproducible and consistent with other exhumation constraints, However in some geologic settings, zircon He dates of single crystals show significant intra-sample dispersion, the origin of which is not well understood.In some cases this has caused practitioners of the method to disregard “bad” data or derive average dates over large variations, raising concerns about the accuracy of the thermal history reconstructions (tT paths). Several good examples of apparently problematic zircon He datasets come from the central and southern Longmen Shan on the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau (fig. 1). This mountain belt is characterized by high relief (~4 km of elevation change over 30 km) and active seismicity (e.g. the M 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake of 12 May, 2008 and a M 7.0 earthquake in the southern Longmen Shan on 20 April, 2013). The geodynamics of the Longmen Shan and surrounding regions also play a critical role in interpretations of the timing and nature of deformation in the middle and lower crust beneath the Tibetan plateau (Royden et al., 1997; Tapponier et al., 2001; Replumaz and Tapponier, 2003; Clark et al., 2005a; Royden et al., 2008, Duvall et al., 2012). For these reasons the 143 Longmen Shan has been the focus of several thermochronologic studies attempting to understand modern and past geodynamic processes using apatite fission track (AFT), zircon fission track (ZFT), apatite (U-Th)/He (apatite He), and zircon (U-Th)/He (zircon He) dating techniques. Several studies from the central Longmen Shan document a rapid exhumation event between 11 and 5 Ma (Arne et al., 1997; Kirby et al., 2002; Godard et al., 2009). But evidence for an earlier period of rapid exhumation in the Longmen Shan and adjacent Sichuan Basin, has also been presented (Richardson et al., 2008; Tian et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012). Wang et al. (2012) published apatite and zircon fission-track and He dates from the central Longmen Shan and used thermal modeling to show that their data were consistent with a phase of rapid exhumation beginning between 30 and 25 Ma. This event is not observed in other thermochronologic datasets from the Longmen Shan and seems to contradict some of the other published results. These contradictory results make it difficult to place the growing body of thermochronologic data from eastern Tibet into a single, cohesive tectonic framework. This confusion could in part result from the difficulty of interpreting the large dispersion of single-grain zircon He dates found in these datasets, particularly in the Wang et al. (2012) data. Most of the studies in this region manifest this dispersion as negative correlations between single-grain zircon He dates and effective uranium (eU, eU = U + .235*Th). Among grains from the same sample and therefore the same thermal history, eU provides a proxy for relative alpha dose and radiation damage. Guenthner et al. (2013) interpreted date-eU correlations of this type as the effect of radiation damage 144 on He diffusion, showing how different types of date-eU correlations arise from different thermal histories, and how they can be combined with a damage-diffusivity model to constrain single sample thermal histories. In this study, we use this approach to reexamine zircon He datasets of Godard et al. (2009), Wang et al. (2012), and Tian et al. (2013). Our approach does not exclude any replicates from a given sample, explains most of the scatter in these zircon He datasets, and, in certain cases, allows us to constrain thermal histories for single samples with more detail and for much longer time intervals than previous models. With these single sample thermal histories, we can better assess the exhumation histories for individual locations within the Longmen Shan, and reconcile datasets that suggest either an early or late Miocene phase of rapid exhumation. 2. Factors causing date-eU correlations Our reanalysis consists of generating model-derived thermal histories for three suites of zircon He dates from the central and southern Longmen Shan: 1) sample LME18 from Wang et al. (2012), 2) the Wenchuan transect from Godard et al. (2009), and 3) a transect from the footwall of the Wenchuan-Maowen Fault (WMF) from Tian et al. (2013) (fig. 1). All three of the suites show negative date-eU correlations (fig. 2). We also note that each publication listed above has additional sets of zircon He dates, but, because they lack date-eU correlations, they are not modeled. In order to better understand the geologic importance of our HeFTy results, we first discuss why these correlations are present in only certain samples. 145 Suites of zircon He dates from Longmen Shan samples showing date-eU correlations all contain numerous single grain or single aliquot dates (at least 12), and they all possess a large spread in eU. For example, LME-18 (Wang et al., 2012) has 16 single grain dates with at least one order of magnitude difference in eU concentration (280 to 3748 ppm). In contrast, LME-20 from the same study lacks a clear correlation, probably because it contains only 5 single grain replicates and a total eU range of only 73 ppm (65 to 138 ppm). Individual grains in a zircon He date suite must also share a common thermal history in order for date-eU correlations to be interpretable in a tT context. Except in rare circumstances, this is certainly the case for zircons from the same igneous hand sample, such as those from LME-18. This single sample is also emblematic of the date-eU correlation for the entire Wang et al. (2012) dataset (fig. 2a inset), which suggests that a suite of samples may share a thermal history similar enough that we can consider eU to be a first-order influence on date dispersion. Although the zircons from the other two datasets do not all come from the same hand samples (or represent single grain analyses in the case of the Wenchuan transect), the presence of date-eU correlations in these two transects suggests that they each share a common tT path and at least permits us to test this hypothesis with the new zircon radiation damage and annealing model (or ZRDAAM). For samples that have a common thermal history and a large spread in eU, the specific thermal history determines the form of the correlation on a date-eU plot. As Guenthner et al. (2013) demonstrated, inverse date-eU correlations such as these are only seen in samples that have spent appreciable periods of time at relatively low 146 temperatures. Under these conditions, the zircon grains accumulate varying degrees of radiation damage, in proportion to their eU concentration. Over time, the different diffusion kinetics of each zircon yield a significant spread in dates, which is either positively or negatively correlated with eU depending upon the total accumulated damage in each grain. The spread in dates could result from a reheating episode, but slow cooling and even sustained periods at low temperatures whereby the crystal becomes so damaged that He diffuses at room temperatures, can lead to date-eU correlations. This requires that annealing of radiation damage is slower than He diffusion that leads to the distinct thermochronometric behavior in each grain. Guenthner et al. (2013) suggested that the temperature range for radiation damage annealing corresponds roughly with the ZFT partial annealing zone (PAZ). These authors used a fanning curvilinear fit to the ZFT annealing data of Yamada et al. (2007), which, for an isothermal hold-time of 10 Ma, gives a ZFT PAZ of 310 to 223 °C (mean length reduction ratio of .4 and .8, respectively). Samples that have experienced temperatures greater than this just before finally cooling to temperatures below the zircon He partial retention zone (PRZ) will not display date-eU correlations . In the Longmen Shan, this type of thermal history may explain the lack of date-eU correlations for zircons from the Xuelongbao transect (Godard et al., 2009) and the WMF hanging wall (Tian et al., 2013), which otherwise fulfill the basic requirements for showing a correlation (fig. 3). Given that both datasets show reproducible dates of ~10 Ma with little or no significant date dispersion, it is likely that these samples resided at temperatures well above the ZFT PAZ prior to rapid cooling through the zircon He PRZ in the late Miocene. The relative flatness of these date-eU 147 correlations requires rapid cooling, because slow cooling through the PRZ would allow appreciable differences in damage and date to develop. The qualitative differences in thermal histories between these two samples and those that have date-eU correlations therefore reflects the differences in the timing and magnitude of burial and exhumation between specific sites in the Longmen Shan. As we show below, the ZRDAAM setup and results give us more quantitative constraints for the record of burial and exhumation at each sample location. 3. Model inputs The HeFTy thermal modeling software package (Ketcham, 2005) is our primary tool for determining these quantitative constraints. This program incorporates the damage-diffusivity relationship of Guenthner et al. (2013) and uses this relationship, coupled with a damage annealing equation, to generate date-eU correlations from modeled thermal histories. The results from the ZRDAAM can then be compared in either a forward or inverse sense to real date-eU correlations. In this study, we focus on the inverse aspects of ZRDAAM, which takes multiple single grain He dates and U and Th concentrations as inputs and attempts to find (using a Monte Carlo approach) thermal histories that match the data with either “acceptable” (.05 goodness-of-fit) or “good” (.5 goodness-of-fit) results (see Ketcham, 2005 for more details on these statistics). Inverse modeling in HeFTy can be used in a variety of ways and we describe our approach in greater detail below. 148 HeFTy inverse modeling is best used as a tool to assess the validity of a given thermal history hypothesis. That is, the user tests whether a prescribed set of tT constraints is compatible with their data. The constraints are defined by a set of boxes in tT space that each randomly generated path is forced to pass through. In this study, we have constructed our constraint boxes to test several aspects of each sample’s thermal history. Most relevant for recent debates about exhumation in the Longmen Shan, our HeFTy constraints examine whether certain phases of rapid cooling in the Oligo-Miocene are compatible with each sample’s date-eU correlation. More specifically, if the data can be explained with a rapid cooling model, then we want to know when this cooling event occurred, how much cooling took place, and what the maximum temperature was prior to the event. Guenthner et al. (2013) demonstrated that date-eU correlations form not only in response to a sample’s most recent cooling event, but are also shaped by earlier events in that sample’s thermal history. In the Longmen Shan, the model of Guenthner et al. (2013) can be used to test the maximum burial temperatures experienced by each sample following initial cooling, as well as constrain the magnitude of exhumation events that may have occurred before the Oligo-Miocene. As such, we also included constraint boxes in our models that both encompass the entire history of each sample from formation to the present and are consistent with the basic geology of the region. For these boxes, we considered several key geologic observations. The first is the crystallization age of the rocks, which provides a maximum allowable duration of accumulation of both He and radiation damage. All three datasets were collected in massifs that compose the basement terrane along the southwestern margin of the Yangtze 149 block (Zhou et al., 2002). Both the Wenchuan transect and sample LME-18 come from the Pengguan Massif (fig. 1). Yan et al. (2008) obtained a concordant weighted mean zircon U-Pb date of 809±3 Ma for granites within the massif. Tian et al.’s (2013) WMF hanging wall transect was collected in rocks of the Baoxing Massif (fig. 1), which has a concordant weighted mean zircon U-Pb date of 797±9 Ma (Fu et al., 2012). Sedimentary units and high-temperature thermochronometers provide constraints on the early thermal history of the basement rocks. Although neither massif is currently covered by any younger sediments, the oldest sedimentary units that crop out in the region are latest Proterozoic to early Cambrian in age (Burchfiel et al., 1995) and it is reasonable to assume that similar rocks once covered both basement blocks. Since the earliest Paleozoic and well into the Mid-Triassic, the Longmen Shan region was buried by an approximately 4-5 km thick sequence of Paleozoic marine, platformal units (Burchfiel et al., 1995; Chen et al., 1995; Roger et al., 2004). During this orogenic event, two different episodes of deformation occurred and we consider both in our model thermal histories. Yan et al. (2011) used muscovite 40Ar/39Ar dates and fault relationships in the central and northern Longmen Shan to bracket a period of thrust-related deformation between 237 and 208 Ma, followed by a period of extension between 193 and 159 Ma. These 40Ar/39Ar dates are located in the Bikou terrane, ~150 km northeast of the central Longmen Shan, while the fault relationships crop out west of the Pengguan Massif in the hanging wall of the WMF. Although Yan et al. (2008) obtained a single muscovite 40Ar/39Ar date in the Pengguan Massif of 160 Ma, this sample is in the immediate footwall of the WMF and the amount of Late Triassic overthrusting and 150 subsequent exhumation for most of the Pengguan Massif (or the Baoxing Massif) is unknown. Evidence for overlying Cretaceous and Paleogene rocks deposited after the Triassic-Jurassic orogenic event is sparse, but isopachs from the western-most Sichuan Basin suggest that some deposition may have continued in this region until at least the Paleogene (Richardson et al., 2008). High-temperature thermochronometers from Jurassic granites to the west of the massifs, emplaced into the deeper sections of the Songpan-Ganze basin and currently at the surface, display temperatures greater than 200 °C as late as 78 Ma, and possibly as late as 50 Ma (Roger et al., 2004). This also suggests that the region remained buried until at least the early Cenozoic. We use these geologic observations to construct five tT constraint boxes for each inverse model. The first box spans a temperature range of 600 to 300 °C and 800 to 750 Ma and represents the initial formation of each basement massif. The lower temperature bound on this box is arbitrary but exists to induce zircon formation at temperatures above the ZFT PAZ (~310 °C). The second box spans a temperature range of 80 to 20 °C and 750 to 550 Ma and represents the cooling to low temperatures of the massifs, as suggested by regional deposition of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian sedimentary rocks. Boxes three and four capture reheating and cooling episodes associated with the Mesozoic Longmen Shan orogenic event. Thrusting between 237 and 208 Ma likely resulted in burial of the massifs, while the extension between 193 and 159 Ma may have led to exhumation. As such, we test the amount of burial by placing box three at 240 to 200 Ma and a fourth box at 200 to 160 Ma to test the amount of exhumation. Although we expect significant heating and cooling to have occurred during this time, the exact 151 amounts are relatively unimportant for constraining the later Oligo-Miocene exhumation events, which are the main focus of this study. As such, we allow for a wide range of temperatures to be tested in boxes three and four, with the stipulation that box four sits at lower temperatures in order to induce HeFTy to cool each sample. We place a fifth box in the Cenozoic to represent the final episode of reheating (or burial) for each sample. Our tT choice for this box was in part constrained by the regional geology and the abundance of Oligo-Miocene dates in each dataset, but this final box is also needed to force HeFTy to reheat a given sample and test the hypothesis that the Longmen Shan was rapidly cooled (by exhumation) sometime in the mid Cenozoic. This box spans 50 myr along the time axis (from 50 to 0 Ma) with a temperature span of 80 °C (from 160 to 240 °C). We admit that this size is somewhat arbitrary, but after iteratively testing a number of options, we found that our Cenozoic box needed to be relatively confined to test the rapid cooling hypothesis, but not too narrow to prevent HeFTy from locating good and acceptable fits. We note that the results from these models are non-unique solutions, and we acknowledge that other tT constraint boxes could possibly explain the data. However, these may not be plausible as several tT aspects of our models are likely inescapable. As previously mentioned, date-eU correlations are only present in samples that have spent appreciable amounts of time at relatively low temperatures (less than the PAZ of ZFTs). More specifically, negative correlations that begin at relatively low eU concentrations (like the correlations observed in our modeled samples—see the next section) require zircons that have old U-Pb dates and little annealed damage. These conditions allow 152 zircons to obtain substantial amounts of damage at low eU concentrations. Intuitively then, the mere existence of negative date-eU correlations in the modeled samples suggests that these zircons have spent prolonged periods of time (likely the entire Phanerozoic) at temperatures below ~223 °C. A final set of inputs includes the grain-specific information for individual zircons in a given sample (i.e. measured He date, grain size, and eU concentration). Because of the large number of individual He dates in each sample, some averaging of multiple single grain inputs was required. This is partly a practical concern for inverse modeling as the current version of HeFTy cannot run inverse models with greater than 7 individual grains for a given thermal history. More importantly, some of the date irreproducibility in each sample exceeds what would be predicted by grain size or radiation damage effects alone. Heterogeneous intragranular distribution of U and Th is a likely cause of this scatter. Without knowledge of each zircon’s intragranular U and Th zonation, date inaccuracies up to ~35% could result from incorrect alpha ejection correction (Farley et al., 1996; Hourigan et al., 2005). Larger degrees of dispersion are also possible due to the effects of zoned radiation damage, which results in zoned diffusion domains (Guenthner et al., 2013). For our modeled samples, some of the second order scatter along the dominant date-eU trend is probably caused by zonation, but we lack the observations to properly deal with this issue. We therefore adopt an approach for our various grainspecific inputs similar to the one used in modeling date-eU correlations in apatite (i.e. Ault et al., 2009; Flowers and Kelley, 2011). This involves dividing the single grain replicates into different bins based on eU concentrations. All of the zircons in each 153 sample were divided into as many as five groups (depending on the full span of eU): 1) grains less than 500 ppm eU, 2) grains with 500 to 1000 ppm eU, 3) grains with 1000 to 2000 ppm eU, 4) grains with 2000 to 3000 ppm eU, and 5) grains with greater than 3000 ppm eU. The HeFTy input for one of these groups consists of the mean date with the standard deviation as the error, the mean grain size, and the mean eU concentration from all of the grains in the group. This approach is not as ideal as considering each single grain replicate as an independent thermochronometer. We note, however, that this averaging does not exclude any data, and extracts more information from a given sample than using a single mean date from every grain in the sample as the sole HeFTy input. 4. Model results The zircon He dates for each sample or group of samples are plotted against eU in figure 2. Results from our binning and averaging are shown as yellow circles in this figure and served as the HeFTy inputs. The date-eU trend for LME-18 is continuously negative with dates decreasing from ~80 Ma to ~30 Ma between eU concentrations of ~280 ppm to ~1000 ppm. Dates then remain relatively flat, decreasing slightly to ~22 Ma at almost 4000 ppm eU (fig. 2a). A similar, steeply negative then relatively flat trend is seen in the complete zircon He dataset from Wang et al. (2012) with an oldest date of ~138 Ma at the lowest eU concentration of 56 ppm (fig. 2a, inset). The Wenchuan transect’s date-eU trend is also continuously negative, decreasing from ~25 Ma at an eU of 174 ppm to ~9 Ma at an eU of 2352 ppm (fig. 2b). Interestingly, 154 the grain with the highest eU concentration (2903 ppm) has an older date (~15 Ma) compared to the next highest eU grain (2352 ppm). These highest eU grains are younger than the grains with similar eU concentrations from sample LME-18 (dates of ~22 Ma). Finally, the date-eU correlation for the WMF footwall sample is also continuously negative, although the trend is less apparent at low eU concentrations (fig. 2c). Dates decrease from ~20 Ma at the lowest amount of eU (78 ppm) to ~8 Ma at the highest amount of eU (1274 ppm). Zircons from this sample have a narrower range of eU compared to the other samples, with a majority of the grains possessing less than 500 ppm eU and no grain possessing an eU higher than 1274 ppm. Again, the highest eU grains are younger than grains with similar eU concentrations from sample LME-18, but are approximately the same as those from the Wenchuan transect. The ZRDAAM results for all three datasets are also shown in figure 2. The middle panels in figure 2 show envelopes for the good (dark grey) and acceptable (light grey) tT paths that result from the various constraint boxes described above. In the panels on the right, we show the same envelopes for paths that have passed through all of the constraint boxes, but include only the portion of the model output from 250 Ma to the present. We also include the best fit tT path in the middle panels and plot the resulting date-eU correlation from these best fit paths in the panels on the left side. These model generated date-eU correlations are projected beyond the model inputs (yellow points) to lower and higher eU amounts, but we note that the inverse models were unconstrained beyond these points. For all three samples, HeFTy finds good and acceptable tT paths that 155 are consistent with the geologic observations discussed above and the date-eU correlations plotted on the left hand side of the figure. 4.1 LME-18 For each sample, the good and acceptable model results constrain: 1) the maximum temperatures achieved in the Triassic-Jurassic orogenic event, 2) the maximum temperatures achieved during the Cenozoic, 3) the timing for initiation of the Cenozoic rapid cooling event, and 4) the duration of this rapid cooling event. An intuitive way to think of good versus acceptable tT paths is that good paths are supported by the data, while acceptable paths are simply not ruled out by the data. Assuming that the true tT path for each sample lies somewhere within our constraint boxes, the good paths are statistically the most likely tT paths for a given sample. If we focus on the good path envelopes, then the LME-18 data best supports a Jurassic maximum reheating temperature of 225 °C , a Cenozoic maximum reheating temperature of 185 °C, and a rapid cooling event that began at 35 Ma and lasted until 20 Ma (see dashed horizontal and vertical lines in fig. 2a). We can also estimate the amount of cooling during this event, which is between ~140 and 120 °C. The maximum temperatures modeled for LME-18 during both the Late Triassic-Jurassic and Cenozoic are the lowest amongst the various datasets (plots on right side of figure B2). The oldest dates at low eU prevent HeFTy from finding good or acceptable paths and these dates therefore act as relatively tight constraints on LME-18’s tT path. If the maximum temperatures were higher, then these older dates would be reset closer to the age of rapid cooling, ~35-20 Ma. We also note that the path envelopes for this sample are much narrower than the other modeled 156 datasets, despite the fact that the same constraint boxes are used in all of the models. The greater spread in LME-18 data points, both in terms of eU and date, reduces the range or degree of variability for good or acceptable tT paths that fit the data. 4.2 Wenchuan The Wenchuan transect yielded good tT path envelopes for a Late TriassicJurassic maximum reheating temperature of 270 °C, a Cenozoic maximum reheating temperature of 230 °C, and a Cenozoic rapid cooling event that began at 15 Ma (see dashed horizontal and vertical lines in fig. 2b). The amount of cooling during the Cenozoic event is ~210 °C. Because the maximum reheating temperatures for both the Jurassic and Cenozoic are close to the bounds of our constraint boxes, we performed additional model tests using a Triassic-Jurassic box (240-200 Ma) placed at temperatures between 280 and 300 °C and a Cenozoic box (50-0 Ma) placed at 260 to 280 °C. Acceptable paths were found at these higher temperatures, but the model did not generate any good paths. The higher model reheating temperatures for the Wenchuan transect relative to LME-18 result from the younger dates at low eU (the oldest date is ~30 Ma), which lead to a flatter date-eU correlation. In other words, the samples in this transect were heated to significantly higher temperatures and were more strongly reset for the zircon He system than LME-18. 4.3 WMF footwall The WMF footwall samples gave good path envelopes for a Late Triassic-Jurassic maximum reheating temperature of 255 °C, a Cenozoic maximum reheating temperature of 230 °C, and a Cenozoic rapid cooling event that began at 10 Ma. The amount of 157 cooling during the Cenozoic was ~210 °C. As with the Wenchuan transect, these maximum reheating temperatures for the WMF footwall samples are close to the bounds of our constraint boxes. We therefore ran additional models with a Triassic-Jurassic box (240-200 Ma) placed at temperatures between 280 and 300 °C and a Cenozoic box (50-0 Ma) placed at 260 to 280 °C. Acceptable paths were found at these higher temperatures, but the model did not generate any good paths. Like the Wenchuan transect, the high model reheating temperatures for the WMF footwall samples are required by the relatively young dates at low eU. The modeled date-eU correlation is interesting as it shows a positive date-eU correlation at eU concentrations of less than 200 ppm, which maybe expected in zircons with low amounts of damage. This positive date-eU correlation captures some aspects of the real dataset, especially the observed young date (~15 Ma) at relatively low eU (~100 ppm). However, the model date-eU trend does not capture the old dates (~30 Ma) that are also at low eU (~100 ppm). 4.4 Summary All of our models retrodict similar Phanerozoic thermal histories: reheating until the Triassic, followed by cooling in the Late Triassic-Jurassic, subsequent reheating until the Cenozoic, and final rapid cooling in the mid to late Cenozoic. For the Late TriassicJurassic event, similar model results are in part a consequence of using the same constraint box design in all three simulations. But for the Cenozoic cooling event, our design allowed HeFTy to model the cooling as either rapid or slow and all of the results showed relatively rapid cooling (cooling occurred within a 15 to 10 my time span). This style of cooling is therefore an important feature of each dataset’s thermal history and is 158 reflected in the date-eU correlations for each dataset. A common feature in all three correlations is a pediment (analogous to a plateau) of relatively invariant He dates at high eU concentrations. As discussed in a previous section, a flat date-eU correlation suggests an episode of rapid cooling through or out of the PRZ at that time. Each model has key differences as well. Our results suggest that the LME-18 zircons were reheated the least during both the Late Triassic-Jurassic (225 °C) and Cenozoic (185 °C), began cooling the earliest (35 Ma), and cooled by the least amount (~140 to 120 °C). The Wenchuan transect zircons, on the other hand, experienced the highest reheating temperatures (270 °C in the Late Triassic-Jurassic, 230 °C in the Cenozoic), and an intermediate timing for the Cenozoic cooling event (15 Ma), during which they cooled by ~210 °C). The WMF footwall zircons show intermediate reheating temperatures (255 °C in the Late Triassic-Jurassic, 230 °C in the Cenozoic) and a Cenozoic cooling episode that started at roughly the same time as the one seen in the Wenchuan transect samples (~15 Ma), although perhaps at a slightly later date (~10 Ma). 5. Discussion 5.1 Burial history and structural significance of date-eU correlations Our models suggest that samples or groups of samples with negative date-eU correlations have spent almost the entire Phanerozoic at temperatures less than ~223 °C. Even with Triassic-Jurassic overthrusting associated with the Mesozoic Longmen Shan orogenic event, from the Neoproterozoic to the Oligo-Miocene, the ZRDAAM results show that each zircon He dataset supports relatively low amounts of reheating (middle 159 panels of figure 2). In general, the pre-Late Triassic reheating is consistent with limited Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic deposits (~4-5 km) (Jia et al., 2006), and the model results from each specific location are consistent with this sedimentary thickness pattern. LME18, the sample closest to the modern Sichuan basin (i.e. within ~5 km of the YBF, fig. 1), only shows good ZRDAAM tT paths for maximum burial temperatures between 180 and 160 °C, while the Wenchuan and WMF footwall transects further towards the hinterland show maximum temperatures between 210 to 180 °C and 240 to 200 °C respectively. The WMF hanging wall and Xuelongbao samples are further still from the Sichuan Basin-Longmen Shan margin (fig. 1) and show no date-eU correlation (fig. 2a). This suggests that both datasets experienced higher temperatures than locations closer to the modern basin and were likely buried to greater depths. In addition, both of these datasets are in the hanging wall of the WMF, which has been interpreted as a late Miocene thrust fault (Tian et al., 2013). The absence of date-eU correlations in these samples supports a greater maximum burial depth than the WMF footwall and Wenchuan transects, and is consistent with the WMF hanging wall coming from a greater structural depth than the footwall. 5.2 Cenozoic exhumation history from date-eU correlations The ZRDAAM results also give us the timing and spatial distribution of exhumation following the maximum burial of each sample. Two distinct episodes of exhumation for the central and southern Longmen Shan are seen in the good tT paths from our models: 1) an event at the range front captured by LME-18 that began at 35 Ma and lasted until 20 Ma, and 2) an event in the hinterland of the range captured by the 160 WMF footwall and Wenchuan transects that began most likely between 15 and 10 Ma. This latter event is also consistent with the young (all <13.7 Ma) dates from the WMF hanging wall and Xuelongbao transects. Both events are consistent with the original findings of the previous authors (i.e. Godard et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2012; Tian et al., 2013), but ZRDAAM allows us to reconcile the differences among these results as well as those in Kirby et al. (2002) and to be more specific about the spatial distribution of exhumation events within the orogen. The following discussion focuses on why each exhumation event is expressed only in certain locations. We first offer several possible explanations for the absence of the 35 Ma event in the WMF footwall and Wenchuan transects. In one scenario, we propose that regional rock uplift occurred in the hanging wall of the YBF at 35 Ma, but erosion (and therefore exhumation) was concentrated only at the front of the Longmen Shan, near LME-18 (fig. 4). Samples further away from the YBF (e.g. the Wenchuan and Xuelongbao samples) could have been uplifted as well, but because erosion was minimal at these locations, their movement relative to the Earth’s surface (and the PRZ) was also minimal. Alternatively, exhumation could have been orogen-wide but only expressed in the zircon He dates of LME-18. In this scenario, prior to 35 Ma, the Wenchuan and WMF footwall transects were at greater depths than the Wang et al. (2012) dataset. Following the pulse of exhumation at 35 Ma, only samples in the Wang et al. (2012) transect, such as LME-18, were exhumed above the PRZ; all other samples were exhumed as well but remained either below or within the PRZ. Because these other samples remained at relatively high temperatures, their dates do not record the 35 Ma episode of exhumation 161 and ZRDAAM’s ability to constrain such an event from these data is limited. Regardless of whether or not exhumation at 35 Ma was orogen-wide, this event is at least clearly captured by LME-18 and could be consistent with a central Tibetan plateau that was high (4.5-5 km) by at least 26 Ma (DeCelles et al., 2007) and growing eastward as early as 45 Ma (Rohrmann et al., 2012). More work is required to describe the along-strike extent of the 35 Ma event in the Longmen Shan though, as the ZRDAAM results from both the WMF footwall and Wenchuan transects are inconclusive on this matter. We can more definitively state that the later exhumation event at 15 Ma was mainly concentrated in the range interior. Our model results show that sample LME-18 had to cool to a low temperature (~50 °C) by ~20 Ma, and the model does not allow for much cooling (or exhumation) after that (approximately 30 °C from 20 to 0 Ma). We note that this temperature constraint is relatively low, which suggests that the highest eU grains (those with ~20 Ma dates) are heavily damaged and possess low closure temperatures. Amounts of post-15 Ma cooling similar to what we observe for the WMF footwall and Wenchuan transects (~180 °C) were unlikely for LME-18. As such, we argue that a major shift in exhumation from the frontal YBF (near LME-18) to the interior occurred between 20 and 15 Ma. The cause of this shift though is different depending on sample location. For samples in the hanging wall of the WMF (Xuelongbao and WMF hanging wall transects), out-of-sequence thrusting along the WMF since ~15 Ma may have caused increased relief across the fault that in turn resulted in an increase in erosion (fig. 4). Evidence for greater recent activity along the WMF compared to the YBF comes from a higher rate of recurrence intervals for recent earthquakes (Liu-Zeng et 162 al., 2009). Also, Miocene exhumation rates for the central Longmen Shan are highest in the immediate hanging wall of the WMF, with a large disparity in rates across the fault (low in the footwall) (Tian et al. 2013). Although out-of-sequence thrusting along the WMF may explain the mid to late Miocene dates from the Xuelongbao and WMF hanging wall transects, the WMF footwall and Wenchuan transects both sit in the footwall of this fault and would likely have seen little increase in exhumation resulting from differential uplift. Increased erosion along river valleys in the Longmen Shan hinterland is perhaps a better explanation for the 15 Ma exhumation of the Wenchuan and WMF footwall transects. Several thermochronologic studies have documented a regional exhumation event in eastern Tibet, predominantly expressed as increased incision into a relict landscape along major river valleys, at either 15 to 10 Ma (Xu and Kamp, 2000; Clark et al., 2005b; Wilson and Fowler, 2011; Duvall et al., 2012), or possibly as late as 5 Ma (Kirby et al., 2002). Placing our model results in this context, initial uplift of the plateau margin—possibly at 35 Ma as suggested by LME-18—led to river drainage reorganization (Clark et al., 2004) and subsequent knickpoint migration (Richardson et al., 2008). By 15 Ma, rivers penetrated into the orogen’s interior, exhuming the WMF footwall transect (fig. 4). Modern denudation rates calculated from river sediment load data are consistent with focused erosion along interior river valleys (Liu-Zeng et al., 2011). Although the entire region between the YBF and WMF has higher denudation rates relative to the plateau or Sichuan Basin, the highest rates are observed along the trunk stream of the Min River, which follows the trace of the WMF (fig. 1). 163 6. Conclusions The timing of major exhumation events in the Longmen Shan has broad implications for the uplift history of the Tibetan Plateau. Despite the promise of zircon He thermochronometry for constraining these events, He dates are irreproducible and correlated with eU in some samples and groups of samples from different locations give seemingly contradictory results. This has lead to ambiguous conclusions about the Cenozoic exhumation history of the range. Using a new He diffusivity model that accounts for the effect of radiation damage on He diffusion in zircon, we can both explain the main cause of the date irreproducibility and model thermal histories from a sample’s date-eU correlation. 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'()*+,-,./ #%"6+ !"#$"%"&' Figure B1: Digital elevation map of the central and southern Longmen Shan with labels and symbols for previously published zircon He results, basement massifs, and major faults (WMF = Wenchuan-Maowen Fault, YBF = Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault). The legend divides those datasets whose model results are shown in figure 2, and datasets that were not modeled in this study. The inset in the upper left shows the approximate position of the Longmen Shan with respect to the greater Tibetan Plateau region. 172 (<4 4 (444 4 4 (44 ;4 )4 74 4 4 (444 3444 /8#*99:5 3444 6444 /8#*99:5 6444 7444 344 644 744 ;44 <44 )44 7444 D/:9/A,0IA/#*JK5 (34 D/:9/A,0IA/#*JK5 >4 )4 =4 <4 ;4 74 64 34 (4 4 ?@ABC-#G/#H,0/#*%,5 ?@ABC-#*8'DE5FG/#H,0/#*%,5 !"#$%&'()#*+,-.#/0#,1"2#34(35 =44 <44 ;44 744 644 D@:/#*%,5 344 (44 (44 (;4 3;4 644 4 L();#JK 344 L33;#JK L6;#%, 3;4 33; 344 (=; (;4 (3; (44 =; D@:/#*%,5 ;4 L34#%, 3; 4 6; 64 3; 34 (; (4 ; 4 4 (444 3444 /8#*99:5 6444 4 4 (44 ;4 344 644 744 ;44 <44 )44 7444 D/:9/A,0IA/#*JK5 74 D/:9/A,0IA/#*JK5 ?@ABC-#*8'DE5FG/#H,0/#*%,5 M"#+/-BEI,-#DA,-N/B0#*OCH,AH#/0#,1"2#344>5 =44 <44 ;44 744 644 D@:/#*%,5 344 (44 (44 (;4 344 644 4 L364#JK 3;4 L(;#%, L3=4#JK 3;4 33; 344 (=; (;4 (3; (44 =; D@:/#*%,5 ;4 3; 4 K"#+%P#PCC0Q,11#*D@,-#/0#,1"2#34(65 64 3; 34 (; (4 4 4 (44 ;4 344 644 744 ; ;44 4 <44 )44 4 344 744 <44 )44 (444 (344 (744 /8#*99:5 D/:9/A,0IA/#*JK5 6; D/:9/A,0IA/#*JK5 ?@ABC-#*8'DE5FG/#H,0/#*%,5 74 (44 (;4 344 3;4 644 =44 <44 ;44 744 644 D@:/#*%,5 344 (44 4 L364#JK L3;;#JK 3;4 33; 344 (=; (;4 (3; (44 =; D@:/#*%,5 L(4#%, ;4 3; 4 Figure B2: ZRDAAM results for the (A) LME-18 (inset is the entire Wang et al., 2012 dataset), (B) Wenchuan transect, and (C) WMF footwall datasets. Each sub-figure contains three panels. The panel on the left shows individual aliquot (single grain for LME-18 and WMF footwall, multiple grain for Wenchuan transect) zircon He dates plotted against eU in the blue diamonds, and ZRDAAM input dates (see text for details) in the yellow circles. The middle panel shows HeFTy constraint boxes and the ZRDAAM result for the entire modeled thermal history with the envelope of good paths (in dark grey) and acceptable paths (in light grey). Solid black line shows the best fit result. The date-eU correlation predicted by this best fit path is plotted as a black curve in the left panel. The right side panel shows HeFTy constraint boxes and envelopes resulting from the same output shown in the middle panels, but from only 250 to 0 Ma and 0 to 300 °C. The horizontal dashed lines in each panel highlight the maximum reheating temperatures in the Triassic-Jurassic and Cenozoic (good path envelopes only), while the vertical 173 dashed lines highlight the timing (and duration in the case of LME-18) of the Cenozoic rapid cooling event. 174 %&'()*+,-./0,'120-3*41'56,7027'*1'0+&8'$!!9: ;&'<=>'?0-.@-.'A0++'120-3*41'5B@0-'*1'0+&8'$!#C: $! E@24,-'5FGB?:HI*'J01*'5=0: E@24,-'5FGB?:HI*'J01*'5=0: $! #" #! " ! ! $"! "!! *F'5KKL: D"! #!!! #" #! " ! ! #!! $!! C!! *F'5KKL: M!! "!! Figure B3: Date-eU plots for the (A) Xuelongbao and (B) WMF hanging wall datasets. Both plots show very little or no significant date dispersion and no trends between date and eU. 175 !"#$%&'(#)* + , + , :4/002*/#;*<<.= -./01.2&34.562*/#7*289 >248?/0@*?#;*<<.= 3"#A%&(#)* D/5E4*<4F#./5.<.?/ G)./#H.I4EJ >248?/0@*?#;*<<.= B4/562*/&)*?C4/#7*289 :4/002*/#;*<<.= -./01.2&34.562*/#7*289 Figure B4: Temporal and spatial evolution of exhumation in the central Longmen Shan shown schematically at (A) 35-20 Ma, and (B) 15-0 Ma. Solid black curves represent the surface topography and symbols for data points are the same as shown in figure B1 (star = LME-18, triangle = Wenchuan transect, square = Xuelongbao transect). Dashed subvertical line in (A) represents the Wenchuan-Maowen Fault (not yet active). Light grey area in (A) represents material that is eroded away in (B). 176 APPENDIX C: SEVIER-BELT EXHUMATION IN CENTRAL UTAH CONSTRAINED FROM COMPLEX ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATASETS: RADIATION DAMAGE AND He INHERITANCE EFFECTS ON PARTIALLY RESET DETRITAL ZIRCONS To be submitted to the professional journal: Geologic Society of America Bulletin 177 SEVIER-BELT EXHUMATION IN CENTRAL UTAH CONSTRAINED FROM COMPLEX ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATASETS: RADIATION DAMAGE AND He INHERITANCE EFFECTS ON PARTIALLY RESET DETRITAL ZIRCONS William R. Guenthner, Peter W. Reiners, Peter G. DeCelles, and Jerome Kendall Abstract Thermochronologic dates of detrital grains that have been partially reset after deposition are difficult to interpret because of the potential variability of inherited pre-depositional dates and kinetic behaviors of grains from diverse source terrains. In this study we present several examples of complex detrital zircon (U-Th)/He date distributions from sedimentary rocks that have been heated to temperatures near the zircon He partial retention zone, leading to several types of date-eU correlations caused by relationships between pre-depositional inherited age, radiation damage, and He diffusion kinetics. These examples are from samples collected along three sub-vertical transects in mountain ranges in central Utah: the Stansbury Mountains, Oquirrh Mountains, and the Wasatch range near Provo, UT. Each range lies in the hanging wall of one of three major thrust sheets that compose part of the Charleston-Nebo Salient, a segment of the Cretaceous Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. Zircons from two of these transects (the Stansbury and Oquirrh Mountains) show large date variation that can be at least partially understood with a radiation damage-based model for He diffusion in zircon. We combine the output from this model with a new approach for understanding partially reset datasets that relies upon the concept of an “inheritance envelope.” For the Stansbury transect, this approach yields inconclusive results; some aspects of the model generated inheritance envelopes that match the real dataset, while others do not. But time-temperature (tT) constraints 178 from inheritance envelopes in the Oquirrh Mountains transect suggest a pulse of exhumation beginning at either 110 or 100 Ma. The final transect from the Wasatch Range is relatively simple and does not require an inheritance-based interpretation. Here we document a pulse of exhumation at 100 Ma. Despite their complexity, we are motivated to interpret the tT histories for these non-ideal datasets as they represent some of the only in situ constraints on the timing of Cretaceous exhumation in the US Cordillera. In the case of the Oquirrh and Wasatch Range datasets, these direct measurements of thrust sheet tT histories offer some insight into the evolution of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt of central Utah. 1. Introduction The (U-Th)/He system in zircon (zircon He dating) is widely used as a thermochronometer and provenance tool, but zircon He dates from some samples often show larger dispersion than expected from analytical precision and a single set of kinetic parameters for He diffusion. In principle this dispersion could have several origins, including effects arising from implantation (Spiegel et al., 2009; Gautheron et al., 2012; Murray et al., in prep), anisotropic diffusion (Farley, 2007; Reich et al., 2007; Cherniak et al., 2009; Saadoune et al., 2009), compositional influences on He diffusion, and crystallographic defects. But one of the most important known influences on He diffusivity in zircon is radiation damage. The effects of high radiation doses on He diffusion in zircon have been recognized for more than half a century (e.g. Hurley, 1952; Holland, 1954; Nasdala et al., 2004), but only recently have these effects been 179 quantitatively integrated with He diffusion models, and only recently has the effect of damage at low dosages been recognized. Guenthner et al. (2013) showed that radiation damage in zircon affects diffusivity in two distinct ways at opposite ends of the dose spectrum. Depending on a sample's specific thermal history, these effects may produce either positive or negative correlations (or both) between date and effective uranium (eU), a proxy for relative radiation dose among grains from the same sample, which is scaled for the relative alpha production rate in each zircon (eU = U + .235 × Th). These authors constructed a zircon radiation damage and annealing model (ZRDAAM) that parameterizes the relationship between damage and diffusivity and uses date-eU correlations to constrain time-temperature (tT) paths. Instead of discarding dates from grains with extreme eU concentrations or averaging dispersed dates into a single mean date, ZRDAAM provides a possibility to describe the full range of single-grain dates from individual rock samples through modeling of radiation damage effects on He diffusivity as a function of potential tT paths. For sample thermal histories in which all of the individual zircons have experienced the same tT path since their formation (i.e., igneous hand samples), ZRDAAM predicts eU-dependent He dates, through both forward or inverse modeling, that are relatively straight-forward to interpret in the context of the sample’s burial and exhumation history (e.g. appendix B of this dissertation). Partially reset zircons from detrital hand samples, however, represent a more difficult challenge for interpreting model results. In these samples, zircons share a common post-depositional thermal history, but because each of these grains may be only partially reset, their individual pre-depositional formation age and thermal histories will 180 also influence where they plot in date-eU space. Prior to deposition, each zircon will possess its own unique amount of inherited radiation damage and He concentration and therefore date (i.e. non-zero He dates at the time of deposition). Aside from maximum limits deduced from U/Pb date and eU concentration, we cannot discern these a priori. As a consequence, zircon He dates from these samples do not fall along a single date-eU curve and instead plot within a region of date-eU space that we refer to as an “inheritance envelope” (fig. 1). An example of this inheritance envelope is shown in scenario 1 of figure 1. At the lowest and highest amounts of eU, a zero-inheritance date-eU curve forms the lower and upper bound of the envelope, respectively. This curve reflects either full resetting of zircons in the detrital sample or near zero U/Pb dates at the time of deposition. This curve acts as both an upper and lower bound due to the nature of the damage-diffusivity relationship. Specifically, as damage accumulates in a newly formed crystal (as a function of time and eU concentration), diffusivity initially decreases at relatively low damage amounts, then increases once again at high damage (Guenthner et al., 2013). At high eU, a zircon with any inherited, pre-depositional damage will have a high diffusivity, and a younger date than the corresponding zero-inheritance zircon. Conversely, at low damage, a zircon with inheritance will have more damage but low diffusivity (because the switch-over from decreasing to increasing diffusivity has not yet occurred) and an older date than the corresponding zero-inheritance zircon. In addition, the lower diffusivities in these inheritance zircons allow them to retain more of their inherited He. Examples of this behavior come from maximum inheritance date-eU 181 curves, which lie above or below the zero-inheritance curve, depending on eU concentration. Each of these curves represents the date-eU trend for a group of zircons with the same U/Pb dates and no He diffusion or annealing of damage following formation but prior to deposition (i.e. pre-depositional residence at surficial temperatures since formation). The zircons are then deposited in a sedimentary basin and have the same post-depositional history as the zero-inheritance curve. In our scenario 1 example, we imagine that the oldest U/Pb and predepositional He dates were 2500 Ma, and this 2500 Ma maximum inheritance curve therefore defines part of the lower bound of the inheritance envelope from ~200 ppm to 5000 ppm eU. We can couple the 2500 Ma curve with the maximum inheritance curves from a series of intermediate U/Pb dates (800, 1100, 1400, and 1700 Ma), and draw in a dashed line that defines the upper bound of the inheritance envelope. Realistically, we do not expect many zircons to possess a tT history characterized by residence at surface temperatures for a duration equal to the difference between their formation age (U/Pb date) and depositional age, and this is probably increasingly rare for grains with larger formation and depositional age differences. But given a range of U/Pb dates, zircon He dates from a partially reset detrital sample should fall between the various bounds created by the zero-inheritance and maximum inheritance curves. As figure 1 suggests, we can compare date-eU variations in real suites of zircon grains to these inheritance envelopes to test the viability of various post-depositional thermal histories. If the inheritance envelope generated by a specific tT path and a reasonable range of possible pre-depositional inheritance ages encompasses the full range 182 of a sample’s date variability, then this path is a plausible solution for the sample’s thermal history. For example, assuming a maximum pre-depositional He date of 2.5 Ga, the relatively low maximum reheating temperature (160 °C) of scenario 1 in figure 1 results in a broad inheritance envelope ranging from 0 to ~1750 Ma, whereas the only slightly higher maximum temperature (180 °C) in scenario 2 results in a much narrower envelope that ranges from 0 to ~600 Ma. A date that plots within the broad envelope resulting from scenario 1 would support this post-depositional history, but not the tT path in scenario 2. To illustrate this, we include in all of the scenarios a zircon He date of 750 Ma with an eU concentration of 190 ppm (red circles). This date only plots within the envelope created by scenario 1’s tT path. Conversely, a zircon He date of 250 Ma at the same eU concentration (yellow circle) falls outside the inheritance envelope of scenario 1, but does plot within scenario 2’s envelope. In scenario 3, this date plots on the envelope and in scenario 4 it falls just above the envelope. We note that this approach is similar to one used by Reiners et al. (2005), but is more sophisticated due to our new understanding of how radiation damage affects He diffusion in zircon. To demonstrate ZRDAAM’s utility for interpreting real zircons with varying levels of He and damage inheritance, we present zircon He dates and ZRDAAM results from the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt in central Utah. Our study area is the CharlestonNebo Salient (CNS, fig. 2), a region with a long history of exploration (e.g. Gilbert, 1890) and a well-understood basic geology—sedimentary unit thicknesses, relative ages of structures, tectonic setting—that provides independent constraints on the likely thermal histories experienced by our samples. In comparison, relatively little is known 183 about the timing of exhumation along particular thrust sheets within the CNS, especially those west of the Wasatch hinge line (fig. 2). Such timing constraints are of particular interest as this area is the focus of several long-standing debates about relationships between exhumation in the CNS and the deposition of foreland basin units that are now exposed in the eastward adjacent Book Cliffs during the Cretaceous. Topics of discussion include the influence of thrust belt evolution on foreland basin architecture (DeCelles et al., 1995; Yoshida et al., 1996; Houston et al., 2000; Miall and Arush, 2001; Currie, 2002), the relationship between thrust sheets and sedimentation (Heller et al., 1988; Mitra, 1997; Willis, 2000; Horton et al., 2004; Adams and Bhattachayra, 2005), and how these systems might in turn be affected by far-field changes in the magmatic arc (DeCelles et al., 2009). The validity of different hypotheses for each of these topics rests in part on having a solid timing framework for thrust activity. Low-temperature thermochronology could constrain the timing of Cretaceous exhumation in individual thrust sheets and, by inference, the timing of thrust activity. But to our knowledge, no published thermochronologic datasets document in situ Sevier beltrelated exhumation in the CNS, and those thermochronology studies that have focused on the greater Basin and Range province in Utah used apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track (AFT) dates to document Miocene exhumation related mainly to Basin and Range normal faulting (e.g. Stockli et al., 2001; Armstrong et al., 2003). Evidence for cooling due to Cretaceous exhumation, possibly related to Sevier belt thrusting, is often not preserved in the apatite He and AFT systems, most likely because Cretaceous exhumation involved cooling through temperatures greater than either system’s partial retention or annealing 184 zones. Hence, our study relies upon the zircon He system to examine Sevier-related exhumation and our results from three different thrust sheets in the CNS represent the first in situ attempt at discerning the timing framework for Cretaceous thrust activity. The variation in zircon He dates we present is complex, with significant date-eU variability, so we discuss in detail the potential causes of this variation. To facilitate this, we eschew an averaging approach and instead present all of the dates in a given sample or transect, with the objective of understanding the range of dates in a ZRDAAM context. This allows us to better assess the importance of factors that may influence date dispersion. Thermal history modeling with ZRDAAM plays an important role in this discussion; however, we also consider how grain size, He inheritance, and radiation damage combine to influence a given He date. Taken together, these three factors explain most of the date irreproducibility in each dataset, and can be used to constrain tT histories and therefore the timing and rates of burial and exhumation that affected these thrust sheets. 2. Geologic Setting The CNS, referred to as the Provo Salient by some authors (e.g., Paulsen and Marshak, 1998), is a classic thrust belt salient centered on Provo, UT in the central Utah portion of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt. Its northern and southern edges are defined by the Charleston tranverse zone and Leamington zone respectively (Paulsen and Marshak, 1998; Kwon and Mitra, 2006). Tooker (1983) provided the first regional characterization of the major contractional features of the CNS, which was subsequently modified by 185 Mitra (1997), Mukul and Mitra (1998), and DeCelles (2004). For the purposes of this paper, we consider the CNS to comprise the following thrust faults (from west to east): the Sheeprock, Tintic Valley, Stockton, Midas, and Charleston-Nebo thrusts (fig. 2). As modified by Basin and Range normal faults, each of these thrusts carries a different mountain range in its hanging wall, and we have focused our sampling efforts on the Stansbury Mountains (Tintic Valley hanging wall), the Oquirrh Mountains (Midas hanging wall), and the Mount Timpanogos area in the northern Wasatch Range (Charleston-Nebo hanging wall). We also define the ranges and structures to the west of the Wasatch Normal Fault (WNF) as being in the hinterland of the CNS, whereas features to the east of the WNF compose the frontal part of the salient. Constenius et al. (2003) documented in detail the structural style and history for this frontal part of the CNS using erosional truncations and growth strata. These authors described the most frontal portion of a large antiformal duplex called the Santaquin Culmination centered above Thistle, UT. The culmination grew in two main phases, with initial imbrication of the Nebo thrust from ~100-80 Ma, and internal duplexing from 8040 Ma. In subsequent sections, we use this relatively well constrained history to help guide our tT modeling. Although the kinematic timing and thrust geometry for this frontal portion is well understood, direct or in situ constraints on the exhumation history of Sevier thrust sheets for the CNS hinterland (i.e. the Midas and Tintic Valley thrust sheets) are non-existent. Inferences on the spatial-temporal pattern of thrust activity in the hinterland come predominantly from provenance data in coarse-grained clastic sediments east of the WNF (Mitra, 1997; Horton et al., 2004). This further underscores the geologic 186 value of our zircon He datasets, despite their inherent complexities. Other lowtemperature thermochronologic options (i.e. apatite He or AFT) are limited in the CNS by poor apatite yields from the various sedimentary units that we sampled. Those few apatites that were recovered had unusually low eU concentrations (less than 1 ppm in most cases), and generally unreliable He dates with large uncertainties. 3. Methods 3.1 (U-Th)/He Dating We sampled along three sub-vertical transects located in three different mountain ranges (fig. 2). Each sub-vertical transect consisted of three to nine individual hand samples (figs. 3, 4, and 5), which were collected in fine to medium grained quartzites of either the Prospect Mountain Formation (Stansbury Mountains) or the Oquirrh Group (Oquirrh Mountains, Mount Timpanogos). Zircon and apatite were separated from these rocks by standard crushing, sieving, and magnetic and density separation procedures. Due to extremely low apatite yields and poor quality (i.e., apatite grains with less than 1 ppm eU), we report only the zircon (U-Th)/He results. These analyses were performed at the University of Arizona following methods described in Reiners et al. (2004). Five or more single-grain aliquots from each sample were analyzed using diode, Nd:YAG, or CO2 laser heating; cryogenic purification; and quadrupole mass-spectrometry for 4He analysis; and isotope-dilution high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (HRICP-MS) for U and Th analysis. Alpha ejection corrections followed Hourigan et al. (2005). 187 4. Results 4.1 Zircon (U-Th)/He Single grain zircon He dates are reported in table 1 and plotted against elevation for all three ranges in figure 6. We include these plots primarily to illustrate that no obvious (or useful) trends exist between date and elevation for the Oquirrh and Stansbury datasets, and that we must rely upon other relationships to properly interpret these data. In order to better visualize the large spread in dates in some transects, we also include the probability density plot of all of the grains in a given transect. For the Stansbury transect, dates range from 48 Ma to 259 Ma with no obvious correlation with elevation. As the probability plot shows (fig. 6a), a majority of these dates (40 out of 58) are late Cretaceous (between 110 and 65 Ma) with the most prominent peak at ~105 Ma. The Oquirrh Mountains data also show a wide spread with dates ranging from 283 to 90 Ma. Like the Stansbury dataset, correlations between date and elevation are not readily apparent. The probability density plot (fig. 6b) shows two prominent peaks at roughly 130 and 110 Ma, but the dates are more evenly distributed across the date spectrum than they are in the Stansbury transect. Zircon He dates from Mount Timpanogos are the most confined with a dominant peak at ~75-80 Ma and minor peaks at roughly 110 and 70 Ma. A single zircon in this transect has a relatively old date of 164 Ma. The Mount Timpanogos transect also shows a positive date-elevation relationship. To better investigate the combined effects of radiation damage and inheritance on the date irreproducibility in some samples, we plot all of the dates from the Stansbury, 188 Oquirrh, and Mount Timpanogos transects against eU in figure 7. We also examined whether grain size—measured as the radius of a sphere with a surface-area-to-volume ratio equivalent to that of each zircon—had any effect on date variability in our samples. Because no correlations between grain size and date or grain size and eU are apparent, we do not consider the grain size effect in the subsequent discussion. Interpreting these plots in the context of thermal histories assumes that all of the zircons in a given transect share a common post-depositional tT path. As such, we group them on the basis of their stratigraphic proximity to one another. If a collection of samples comes from the same or nearby stratigraphic horizons, then they presumably had a similar sedimentary burial history. In the Stansbury dataset, samples 10UTSD1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 are all within ~400 m of each other, while 10UTSD5 and 6 (fig. 3) are in roughly the same stratigraphic horizon and are ~400 m below the next closest samples (10UTSD4 and 7). We therefore place 10UTSD1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 in one group (circles in figure 7a) and 10UTSD5 and 6 in the other (triangles in figure 7a). The former group, with its large number of dates, will be the main focus for the rest of this study. All of the Oquirrh transect samples are within ~250 m of one another, except for 10UTOO10, which is ~400 m stratigraphically below the rest (fig. 4). Samples 10UTOO1 through 9 are placed in their own group (circles in figure 7b), and sample 10UTOO10 is placed in its own group (triangles in figure 7b). Because the group comprising samples 10UTOO1 through 9 contains many more dates than sample 10UTOO10, we focus on this group in the following sections. The Mount Timpanogos samples have the most stratigraphic separation with ~420 m separating samples 10UTT6 and 7 and ~1360 m separating samples 10UTT1 and 7 (fig. 5). As such, 189 we consider the date-eU trends of 10UTT7 (circles in figure 7c), 10UTT6 (squares in figure 7c), and 10UTT1 (triangle in figure 7c) separately. 5. Discussion 5.1 Interpretation of date-eU correlations Both the Stansbury and Oquirrh datasets show a large degree of date variability and it is difficult to discern any single correlation between date and eU. With the potential effects of He and damage inheritance in mind (fig. 1), we emphasize here and in the subsequent discussion the dates that could potentially constitute the zero-inheritance curve. If both of these samples have inheritance envelopes that behave in a predictable manner (i.e. similar to the inheritance envelopes in figure 1), then this curve should provide the lower bound for the youngest grains at low eU, and the upper bound for the oldest dates at high eU. For the Stansbury transect, the youngest grains at low eU (less than ~1000 ppm), increase from 65 Ma at 90 ppm eU, to 110 Ma at 1036 ppm eU. Using scenario 1 in figure 1 as a guide, we predict that the Stansbury zero-inheritance curve switches over from being the lower bound to the upper bound of an inheritance envelope at approximately 1000 ppm eU. The zero-inheritance curve should therefore sit at slightly older dates as our observed dates decrease from 110 Ma at 1036 ppm eU to a youngest date of 48 Ma at 1851 ppm eU. For the Oquirrh transect, the youngest grains increase from 92 Ma at 159 ppm eU to 121 Ma at 424 ppm eU. Above roughly 500 ppm eU, the trend for the youngest date at a given eU concentration becomes less obvious and we postulate that this marks the approximate position for the zero-inheritance curve switch- 190 over. With the exception of two anomalously old dates ( 174 and 231 Ma) at relatively high eU (790 and 1092 ppm, respectively), we predict that the zero-inheritance curve should provide the upper bound for the inheritance envelope from ~500 to 1000 ppm eU. In both transects, we observe a significant spread in dates above our proposed zero-inheritance date-eU curve (and also below it in the Oquirrh dataset). This variability is mostly confined to relatively low eU concentrations. For example, the oldest dates in the Stansbury dataset (greater than 160 Ma, see peaks in date spectra in figure 6a) occur at relatively low eU concentrations, with the oldest zircon He date (259 Ma) having an eU concentration of only 151 ppm. Similarly, the Oquirrh transect has a large spread in dates (91-283 Ma) between ~50 and 400 ppm eU. No obvious date-eU correlations exists for this subset of the data, but we note that most of the oldest dates in the dataset occur at relative low amounts of eU. This is a key observation and will be used in the subsequent section, along with model-generated inheritance envelopes, in an attempt to constrain the tT path for this transect. Date-eU correlations for both 10UTT6 and 10UTT7 are nearly flat compared to the Oquirrh and Stansbury datasets and appear to be much less complicated. Sample 10UTT7 may have a slight positive correlation at low eU concentrations (less than 500 ppm) as dates increase from 65 Ma to 77 Ma between 158 and 483 ppm eU (excluding the single date at 113 Ma). Dates increase from 75 to 99 Ma between 60 and 1119 ppm eU in sample 10UTT6; however, correlations in both of these samples are subtle. The highest elevation sample (10UTT1) has the most dispersion, but lacks a clear correlation between date and eU. 191 5.2 Overview of model inputs The datasets presented above, specifically the Stansbury and Oquirrh transects, are complicated and defy attempts to either average out date variability or match it with a single date-eU trend, which we interpret to be the result of partial resetting of zircon grains with a wide range of pre-depositional He dates and radiation-damage induced kinetic behaviors. Still, because these datasets represent some of the only constraints on the Cretaceous thermal history of the Sevier belt, and because they illustrate commonly encountered thermochronologic challenges arising in sedimentary rocks heated to partial resetting conditions, we attempt to explain their tT histories using the ZRDAAM kinetics of Guenthner et al. (2013), which are incorporated into the HeFTy thermal modeling software program (Ketcham, 2005). Our goals are to test both the amount of maximum heating, which we assume to be due to burial, and timing of Cretaceous cooling, which we assume to be due to exhumation, for each transect. We use a forward model-based approach that involves inputting specific tT paths and comparing the output model dateeU curves to the real datasets. For each transect, we begin with a discussion of the model tT inputs as calculated from the well-documented stratigraphic record. We then describe how well certain forward model derived date-eU curves match our predictions about a given transect’s zero-inheritance curve (dashed lines in fig. 7). Finally, sections of this paper detail our attempts to match the large number of old dates at low eU concentrations in the Stansbury and Oquirrh transects with an inheritance envelope. Because the Mount Timpanogos data show relatively little date variability, we do not include an inheritance section when discussing this dataset. 192 Although the tT paths used for each transect depend on the specific local stratigraphy and structural setting, in general the geology at each location is consistent with sample burial (heating) in sedimentary basins throughout the Paleozoic and into the early Cretaceous, and then exhumation (cooling) as a result of Sevier-belt related thrusting in the late Cretaceous. The CNS also experienced a final pulse of Basin and Range related exhumation (cooling) in the middle to late Cenozoic (Constenius et al., 2008), which we include in our model tT paths. The main geologic events associated with burial or exhumation for each transect are summarized in figure 8. The zircon He thermochronometer may not be sensitive to every tT segment shown in this figure, but we include many of these events in order to honor the relatively well established preCretaceous geologic history of each location. The maximum Phanerozoic temperatures achieved at each location prior to late Cretaceous exhumation are a function of the estimated thickness of sedimentary cover, and can be calculated using observed unit thicknesses and a simple 1D crustal geotherm. For this geotherm, we rely upon the equation for steady-state, depth-dependent temperature with an additional term for uniform radiogenic heat production throughout our modeled crust (Turcotte and Schubert, 2002). An advection term is also included when modeling the effects of exhumation on this geotherm. Typical values of 25 km2 * m.y.-1 for thermal diffusivity, 1°C/m.y. for heat production, 20 °C for surface temperatures, and 30 km for layer thickness were used. In our modeled tT paths, we calculate burial temperatures using a cold (20 °C/km), average (25 °C/km), and warm (30 °C/km) geothermal gradient. Each gradient is assigned by fixing the temperature at the 193 base of the layer to a specific value (e.g., 600 °C at the base of the layer gives an average gradient of 20 °C/km). We note that the layer thickness and basal temperature are not necessarily representative of any particular boundary layer within the lithosphere. Rather, they are used simply to produce the geothermal gradient of interest. Furthermore, the general form and structure of the upper part of our modeled geotherm (i.e., the region encompassing the zircon He closure depth), is relatively insensitive to changes in the layer thickness or the type of basal boundary condition (Reiners and Brandon, 2006). The other main input for our modeled date-eU correlations is crystal radius, more specifically the radius of a sphere with an equivalent surface-to-volume ratio for each zircon. For ease of visualization, we use a single value for the crystal radius of all of the individual zircons during each model run. This allows us to calculate the resulting dateeU trend as a continuous curve and isolates the date dispersion caused by varying crystal size from the dispersion that results from radiation damage effects. Because there is no clear relationship between crystal size and date, we use the mean crystal radius of all zircons in a given sample as our primary input. But we also consider the standard deviation of the mean in order to capture some of the variance in grain size. Each specific tT path therefore has three modeled date-eU trends, the mean grain size plus or minus two standard deviations. The mean grain size plus/minus the standard deviation used for each dataset is as follows: 54 ± 22 µm for the Stansbury transect, 43 ± 18 µm for the Oquirrh transect, and 40 ± 10 µm for the Mount Timpanogos transect. 5.3 Stansbury Mountains 5.3.1 tT inputs 194 Our HeFTy models for the Stansbury dataset include three major phases of sedimentary burial: 1) Cambrian through early Mississippian burial by predominantly miogeoclinal sediments, 2) latest Mississippian through Permian burial by sediments of the Oquirrh Basin, and 3) Triassic through Aptian burial by sediments mainly associated with the Cordilleran foreland basin system (fig. 8). We focus our discussion on the burial and exhumation history of the samples in the upper stratigraphic portion of our transect (circles in figure 7a). An equivalent style and timing of burial and exhumation is expected for samples 10UTSD5 and 10UTSD6, but because these two samples are ~450900 m stratigraphically below the rest (fig. 3), the maximum burial temperatures experienced by the two could be ~10-15 °C warmer (depending on the geothermal gradient). For Cambrian through upper Mississippian sedimentary thicknesses, we use the measured sections and maps of Rigby (1958), Hintze and Kowallis (2009), and Clark et al. (2012). Where disagreements about unit nomenclature exist, we rely upon the most recent description of the given unit. Mapping relationships and cross-sections (fig. 3) show that our Stansbury transect samples come from the upper part of the lower Cambrian Prospect Mountain Formation. Initial deposition is therefore placed at 521 Ma (beginning of Stage 3) with another ~400 m of Prospect Mountain Formation overlying our samples. Above the Prospect Mountain Formation, an additional 670 m of Cambrian sediments (Pioche through Orr Formations) were conformably deposited at our location (fig. 3). The next overlying units are of latest Devonian and earliest Mississippian and consist of the Stansbury Formation, Pinyon Peak Limestone, Fitchville Formation, and 195 Gardison Limestone (370 m total). In the Stansbury Range, these units are an eastern expression of the late Devonian Antler Orogeny (Rigby, 1959; Silberling et al., 1997), and were either deposited during deformation (Stansbury Formation) or immediately after deformation (Pinyon Peak Limestone, Fitchville Formation, Gardison Limestone). In our HeFTy models, we represent this event as a period of rapid cooling in the late Devonian. For the thicknesses of the missing units (uppermost Cambrian Ajax Dolomite through early Devonian Simonson Dolomite), we rely upon the Stansbury Range composite stratigraphic chart of Hintze and Kowallis (2009) that gives a total missing thickness of 1020 m. The end of Simonson Dolomite deposition brackets the beginning of this exhumation event and is thought to be early Givetian in age (~390 Ma, Sandberg et al., 1982). The upper bound on this event is marked by deposition of the middle Famennian (~370 Ma) Pinyon Peak Limestone (Sandberg and Gutschick, 1979). Another 1230 m of conformable Mississippian strata from the Deseret Formation to the Manning Canyon Shale overlies the Gardison Limestone. The next major phase of sedimentary burial is represented by the thick succession of early Pennsylvanian through early Permian rocks of the Oquirrh Group. In the Stansbury Range, the beginning of Oquirrh Group deposition is marked by the Butterfield Peaks Formation, which is 1800 m thick and Moscovian in age (Armin and Moore, 1981; Stevens and Armin, 1983). An additional 3500 m of Oquirrh Group strata consisting of the Bingham Mine, Freeman Peak, and Curry Peak Formations, were deposited on top of the Butterfield Peaks Formation. Oquirrh Group deposition ended during the late 196 Wolfcampian (Jordan, 1979; Hintze and Kowallis, 2009). This brings the total Oquirrh Group thickness to 5300 m. The final phase of sedimentary burial occurred from the late Permian until the late Cretaceous and is the most enigmatic in terms of the units deposited and their thicknesses. Jordan and Allmendinger (1979) described 780 m of lower Permian (~280 Ma) Kirkman Limestone through Lower Triassic (~245 Ma) Thaynes Limestone exposed in the Martin Fork syncline of the eastern Stansbury Mountains. The remaining Mesozoic section is completely absent throughout much of western Utah and the total extent and thicknesses of the Chinle Formation and Glen Canyon Group in this area—the units that overlie the Thaynes in other parts of Utah—are speculative. Hintze and Davis (2003) reported 230 m of Chinle Formation in the Pahvant Range, which represents some of the westernmost exposures of this unit. These authors also described well-logs near Sevier Lake in western Utah that contained 450 m of Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone. Restoration along the Sevier Desert Detachment placed this well against the western flank of the Pahvant Range (DeCelles and Coogan, 2006), which is still some distance away from our transect. Regardless, these thicknesses represent perhaps the best estimate of missing equivalent strata in the Stansbury Mountains. Regional isopachs suggest at least an additional 1000 m of Early to middle Cretaceous (140-110 Ma) foredeep strata were deposited over our transect (DeCelles, 2004) and we include these numbers in all models. The remaining modeled tT segments for the Stansbury dataset are designed to test our hypotheses about the timing and amount of Cretaceous and Cenozoic exhumation in 197 the range. To help guide these inputs and narrow the range of tested paths, we considered several factors. An upper bound on the age of exhumation in the Stansbury range comes from the timing of movement along the Sheeprock thrust. Various authors (Mitra, 1997; DeCelles, 2004) have described this structure as both the oldest and westernmost of the major thrusts composing the CNS. Given that the thrust places the upper Proterozoic Otts Canyon, Dutch Peak, and Kelly Canyon Formations (units that are absent in the Stansbury Mountains) on top of the lower Cambrian Prospect Mountain Formation (Mukul and Mitra, 1998), it seems likely that the Sheeprock thrust was active before the Tintic Valley thrust, which carries the Stansbury Mountains in its hanging wall. Based on similar hanging wall and footwall units, geometry, and position relative to the WNF, DeCelles (2004) placed movement of this thrust in the same 140-110 Ma timeframe as the Canyon Range thrust to the south and the Willard thrust to the north. A major pulse of thrust-related exhumation was therefore unlikely much earlier than ~110 Ma in the Stansbury range. The lower age bracket for Tintic Valley thrust activity (and thus Stansbury exhumation) comes from the age estimates of Constenius et al. (2003) for movement along the frontal (and presumably younger) Charleston-Nebo fault system. As previously mentioned, these authors described a major phase of slip along the Nebo thrust as occurring between 100 and 80 Ma. This age span suggests that movement along the Tintic Valley thrust was likely minimal after ~100 Ma; however, it does not necessarily preclude exhumation of the Stansbury Mountains at this time. The range could have continued to be passively uplifted (and subsequently exhumed) along the more deeply rooted Nebo thrust. As such, we also examine the date-eU correlations that result from a 198 phase of rapid exhumation younger than 100 Ma. Finally, the dataset itself gives us some hint as to what the appropriate age brackets are for our tT inputs. The large number of Albian through Cenomanian (~110 to ~90 Ma) zircon He dates in this dataset (fig. 6a) suggest that many of these zircons likely record an episode of rapid exhumation around this time. With these constraints in mind, we test for three different time periods of rapid exhumation: 1) 120-110 Ma, 2) 110-100 Ma, and 3) 100-90 Ma. Within each time period, we also test whether 3, 4, 5, or 6 km of total exhumation best reproduces the observed date-eU trends. The last segment of our model tT histories includes a pulse of Cenozoic cooling related to Cordilleran collapse and Basin and Range extension. Some ambiguity exists, however, as to the timing of extension-related exhumation in the Stansbury Mountains. At this latitude, Consentius et al. (2003) described half-grabens and associated basin fill that indicated the frontal part of the CNS in the Wasatch Range began to collapse and extend at ~39 Ma. Although this phase of orogenic collapse possibly affected the Stansbury Range as well, structures and stratigraphy similar to those in the Wasatch Range are absent. Furthermore, the most prominent extensional feature in the Stansbury Mountains, the range-bounding Stansbury normal fault on the west side of the range, has long been recognized as a Basin and Range style fault (Gilbert, 1890) with several kilometers of total slip (Rigby, 1958). This suggests that the majority of Cenozoic exhumation in the Stansbury Mountains occurred during Basin and Range deformation. The timing of displacement along the Stansbury normal fault is unknown, but AFT and apatite He dates from nearby ranges provide some constraints. Stockli et al. (2001) 199 documented exhumation along the Sevier Desert Detachment in the Canyon Range at ~19 Ma, whereas Armstrong et al. (2003) showed that a major phase of exhumation began in the Wasatch Range at 12-10 Ma. Due to the similarity in their positions relative to the WNF, we argue the beginning of Basin and Range exhumation in the Stansbury Range likely occurred at the same time as in the Canyon Range. In our models, the total amount of this exhumation (or cooling) corresponds to the remaining rock thickness following our Late Cretaceous episode of exhumation. That is, it is equal to the amount necessary to bring the rocks to the surface at the present day. 5.3.2 Model results—zero-inheritance curve Figure 9a shows model date-eU trends and corresponding tT paths that best capture certain traits of the real dataset’s expected zero-inheritance date-eU trend (i.e., fig. 7a). No single model reproduces every aspect of dataset, so we focus our discussion on a number of possibilities. We also stress that the following discussion is aimed at explaining only certain aspects of the dataset (i.e. possible zero-inheritance dates) and not the date variability seen in the entire dataset. Of the various models tested, tT paths calculated with an average geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km and exhumation beginning at 120 Ma give a range of date-eU trends that, if combined, define a zero-inheritance curve for the Stansbury data. Specifically, the tT path with these inputs and 4 km of exhumation gives a date of 47 Ma at 50 ppm eU, which then increases to 75 Ma at 150 ppm and 84 Ma at 250 ppm (dotted line in fig. 9a). Compared to real dates of 65 Ma at 90 ppm and 87 Ma at 242 ppm, the model curve resulting from 4 km of exhumation at 120 Ma provides a lower bound to the real dataset at low eU and could be interpreted as a zero-inheritance 200 envelope. Unfortunately, this model curve decreases to a date of 66 Ma at 1000 ppm and is too young to bound the data at high eU. A better match to these real dates is the tT path that results from 5 km of exhumation at 120 Ma (solid line in fig. 9a). This scenario gives a date of 107 Ma at 500 ppm (several zircons clustered around 500 ppm have dates between 102 and 108 Ma) and then decreases to 74 Ma at 1500 ppm (real date of 72 Ma at 1498 ppm). Despite being an upper bound to high eU dates, this model curve has dates that are too old at low eU (81 Ma at 50 ppm) and fails to provide the expected lower bound to the zero-inheritance curve. We also consider a tT path calculated from 6 km of exhumation at 120 Ma (dashed line in fig. 9a). Like the 5 km at 120 Ma scenario, the 6 km of exhumation scenario may define the upper bound of a zero-inheritance curve at high eU, but the rest of the curve is relatively flat and gives old dates at low eU (105 Ma at 50 ppm). The tT paths in which exhumation begins at 120 Ma therefore give several model outputs that collectively constitute a zero-inheritance curve, but because these model curves do not result from a single path, our ability to constrain the thermal history for this transect is limited. Although the zero-inheritance curve constraints for our preferred timing of exhumation (120 Ma) do not capture all aspects of the date variability, we can still use zero-inheritance curves to rule out some thermal histories. As an example, in figure 9b we show the model curves generated from the same set of inputs described above, with the same exhumation amounts (4, 5, and 6 km), but a later start date of exhumation (100 Ma). In these thermal histories, the dates at each eU concentration are slightly younger than their counterparts shown in figure 9a. Because none of the 100 Ma curves appear to 201 act as either lower or upper bounds, the Stansbury transect dataset is slightly better explained by a pulse of exhumation at 120 Ma as opposed to one at 100 Ma. Similarly, trends modeled with an average geothermal gradient of 25 °C/km and exhumation starting at 120 Ma (fig. 10) can also be ruled out. These model trends are shifted to much younger dates compared to the ones shown in figure 9a. The date-eU curves for the 4 and 5 km exhumation scenarios do not match any of the real dates, while the 6 km scenario curve passes through some of the data, but does not act as an upper or lower bound. We note that none of the thermal histories discussed above reproduces any of the oldest dates at eU concentrations between ~150 and 500 ppm, and we discuss the potential of inheritance envelopes for explaining this date variability in detail below. 5.3.3 Model results—inheritance envelopes In order to test the potential effect of inheritance on the Stansbury dataset, we append an additional tT step to each of our model inputs. This step consists of either 1100 or 1700 Ma at 20 °C prior to deposition and simulates varying degrees of He and damage inheritance prior to a given zircon being deposited in the Prospect Mountain. These dates represent commonly found U/Pb dates in the Paleozoic stratigraphy of the western U.S. (Gehrels et al., 2011; 1100 Ma = Grenville and 1700 Ma = Yavapai-Mazatzal). Also, because we are attempting to simulate a maximum/minimum envelope, we chose the full retention of He and damage at surface conditions for each inheritance curve. We included extra tT steps in all of the various exhumation scenarios described in the previous two sections and results from a representative tT path (5 km of exhumation at 120 Ma) with each additional step are shown in figure 11a. Although the inheritance date-eU trends 202 may explain some of the date dispersion between 80 and 100 Ma (fig. 11a inset), these trends do not exceed ~105 Ma and fall far short of reaching the oldest date of 259 Ma. In all of the models tested (i.e., 3, 4, 5, and 6 km of exhumation at 120, 110, and 100 Ma), dates from the inheritance date-eU curves never exceeded those from the zero-inheritance curves. That is, the temperatures are high enough to fully reset each zircon at some point during burial and no inherited He is retained. Some amount of inherited damage remains as the inheritance curves drop to near zero dates at high eU. Inheritance curves with older dates are possible though in certain thermal histories. To demonstrate this, we explored other model tT options that, at a minimum, retained the same amounts of sedimentary burial and Sevier belt-related exhumation, but had lower geothermal gradients and a later date of Cretaceous exhumation. The geothermal gradient was lowered in order to achieve lower temperatures, and hence less resetting, throughout a zircon’s tT history. Because the temperatures are lower in these additional tests, the model lowest eU dates more directly reflect the timing of the Cretaceous pulse of exhumation. In other words, a 120 Ma exhumation event of 4, 5, or 6 km at a low geothermal gradient (lower than 20 °C) gives zero-inheritance dates of ~120 Ma at low eU, which is too old to match the Stansbury dataset. As such, we made the timing of exhumation younger so that the dates for zero-inheritance zircons at the lowest eU concentrations (i.e. zircons with some of the lowest diffusivities) would reflect those in the dataset at similar eU concentrations (e.g. 73 Ma at 45 ppm eU). We show a representative inheritance envelope from one of these additional tT paths in figure 11b. The specific path consists of 5 km of exhumation beginning at 80 203 Ma, and the resulting inheritance curves reproduce much of the date variability in the Stansbury dataset. In particular, the oldest inheritance curve (1700 Ma) captures some of the oldest dates at low amounts of eU (e.g. 259 Ma at 151 ppm), whereas the combined zero-inheritance and inheritance curves bound the dates at high eU. Almost all of the young dates at low eU are also bounded by the various curves (fig. 11b insert). One problem with this explanation is that changing the thermal history so that the inheritance envelope bounds nearly all of the data leads to an unexpected and counter-intuitive zeroinheritance curve. In other words, the zero-inheritance curve increases rapidly from 80 Ma at 50 ppm eU to 124 ma at 250 ppm eU and does not reflect the apparent (or expected) date-eU correlations at low and high eU (dashed line in fig. 7a). That is, if this scenario reflects the true tT path for the Stansbury transect, then the correlations that appear to define a zero-inheritance envelope in figure 7a are merely coincidental. Several other aspects of the tT history are also not geologically likely. An average geothermal gradient of 15 °C/km might be too cool for a basin that has undergone several episodes of extension and compression. Perhaps more problematic, a several km pulse of exhumation at 80 Ma this far into the CNS hinterland, goes against many established ideas pertaining to thrust fault progression, uplift, and erosion in the Sevier belt (DeCelles, 2004, see below for further discussion). Attempts to fully understand all aspects of this complex dataset are therefore difficult and fraught with inconsistencies. In part, this may result from an incomplete understanding of all of the variables that affect a zircon He date (both the known unknowns and unknown unknowns). Heterogeneous distribution of U and Th within a 204 zircon is a good example of one such variable. For certain thermal histories, large U and Th concentration differences between the rim and core of a zircon (or vice versa) can lead to differences of up to 100 m.y. between zoned and unzoned grains with the same bulk eU concentration (Guenthner et al., 2013). The 120 Ma scenario inheritance envelope (fig. 11a) might fail to reproduce several aspects of the Stansbury data because some of the oldest dates in this dataset are heavily zoned. Also important is that the ZRDAAM presently assumes that the annealing of radiation damage that affects He diffusivity follows the kinetics of zircon fission-track annealing. In reality this annealing may be more complicated, and possibly dependent on the level of radiation damage in a given zircon (Garver et al., 2005). This may explain why no single zero-inheritance curve provides a lower and upper bound to the dates at low and high eU, respectively. If damage annealing in high eU zircons occurs at temperatures lower than those modeled in ZRDAAM, then the 4 km at 120 Ma zero-inheritance curve could be shifted to older dates at high eU and its corresponding tT path might be more viable. Unfortunately, resolving these issues is beyond the scope of the current study and is the focus of ongoing work. Instead, we turn our attention to the other two datasets from the CNS region, which provide more straightforward interpretations. 5.4 Oquirrh Mountains 5.4.1 tT inputs We use some of the same tT inputs for sedimentary burial in the Oquirrh Mountains as in the Stansbury Mountains, with the obvious exception of the Cambrian through Mississippian phase (fig. 8). Maps by Clark et al. (2012) place all of our samples 205 in the middle of the Butterfield Peak Formation of the Oquirrh Group, and most within roughly the same stratigraphic horizon (fig. 4). Sample 10UTOO10 is the lone exception and sits approximately ~500 m stratigraphically below the rest of our Oquirrh transect. We therefore exclude it from our tT modeling. The Butterfield Peak Formation has a total thickness of 2770 m (Tooker and Roberts, 1970; Clark et al., 2012), and we estimate that our transect sits in the middle with approximately 1390 m of additional Butterfield Peak overlying it. Above this formation is the Moscovian Bingham Mine Formation (1980 m, Hintze and Kowallis, 2009) and the Wolfcampian Oquirrh units: the Freeman Peak Formation, Curry Peak Formation, and the Kirkman Limestone (1550 m). Bissell (1959) also described rocks of the Diamond Creek Sandstone and the lower Park City Group in the Oquirrh Mountains, which are Leonardian in age (~270 Ma) and 760 m thick. This brings the total thickness of the Pennsylvanian-Permian stratigraphy in the Oquirrh Mountains to 5680 m. The next youngest units that crop out in the Oquirrh Mountains are Oligocene age volcanic and igneous units (Moore, 1973). Like the Stansbury Mountains, Mesozoic strata are completely absent from this range, but we assume that units similar in age and thickness to those used in our Stansbury tT paths were also deposited on top of our Oquirrh transect. These include the Thaynes Limestone and our conjectural Chinle through Navajo sequence. The Thaynes Limestone crops out both to the west of our Oquirrh transect in the Stansbury Range and also to the east, in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, where it is more than twice as thick—700 m as opposed to 340 m (Solien, 1979). We use the same thickness for Thaynes deposition in the Oquirrh Mountains as in the 206 Stansbury Mountains, but note that this unit could have been thicker. Finally, we include 1000 m of Early Cretaceous (140-110 Ma) foredeep strata (DeCelles, 2004) in our model thermal histories. For the timing of exhumation, we again test three different time periods: 1) 120110 Ma, 2) 110-100 Ma, and 3) 100-90 Ma. These models are designed to see whether the Midas thrust (which has the Oquirrh Mountains in its hanging wall) was active contemporaneously with the Tintic Valley thrust (i.e., 120-110 Ma), was active soon after the Tintic Valley thrust (i.e. 110-100 Ma), or was involved in initial stages of the growth of the Santaquin Culmination (i.e., 100-90 Ma). Within each time period, we test exhumation amounts of 3, 4, 5, or 6 km. The final segments of the tT paths for our Oquirrh models are also similar to the Stansbury models and consist of a pulse of Cenozoic exhumation related to Basin and Range normal faulting. We use the same timing and magnitudes (given the amount of Cretaceous exhumation) for this segment in the Oquirrh transect as in the Stansbury transect. This is appropriate given that the west side of the range is bounded by a series of normal faults, many of which have long been classified as Basin and Range style (Gilbert, 1890). 5.4.2 Model results—zero-inheritance curve In order to distinguish between the various models for our Oquirrh dataset, we again focus first on the model generated zero-inheritance curves and attempt to match these with our expected curve from the real dataset (fig. 7b). No single model curve can 207 explain all of the date variability, but we leave a discussion of the influence of He and radiation damage inheritance on Oquirrh dates to the next section. Figure 12 shows date-eU results from the two tT paths that come closest to reproducing the expected zero-inheritance curve for the Oquirrh dataset (i.e., dashed line in fig. 7b). A tT path with 3 km of exhumation beginning at 110 Ma and a 20 °C/km geothermal gradient results in a date-eU trend that acts as lower bound at low eU, capturing many of the youngest dates between 50 and 500 ppm eU (fig. 12a). For example, this curve rises from a date of 82 Ma at 50 ppm eU to 107 Ma at 250 ppm and 123 Ma at 500 ppm. Real dates of 92 Ma at 159 ppm, 103 Ma at 237 ppm, and 121 Ma at 424 ppm fall along the model curve. The model curve levels out at a date of 132 Ma at 750 ppm eU before decreasing slightly to 124 Ma at 1250 ppm. At these higher eU concentrations, the zero-inheritance curve either passes directly through (within error) real dates of 135 Ma at 865 ppm eU, or provides an upper bound to other high eU dates such as 114 Ma at 778 ppm. This curve fails to reproduce only two anomalously old dates (174 Ma at 790 ppm, and 231 Ma at 1092 ppm). A different tT path with 6 km of exhumation beginning at 100 Ma and a 20 °C/km geothermal gradient gives a zeroinheritance model curve that also provides a good upper bound at high eU, but is a slightly worse lower bound at low eU (fig. 12b). Despite a younger date of exhumation, the zero-inheritance curve in figure 12b is shifted to slightly older dates than the curve shown in figure 12a. Model zircons are cooled to lower temperatures more quickly (6 km of exhumation as opposed to 3 km), which leads to dates that increase from 99 Ma at 50 ppm eU to 133 Ma at 500 ppm. The curve continues to rise, reaching a maximum of 143 208 Ma at 750 ppm and bounding all of the high eU dates except for the two anomalous dates that were previously mentioned. Although this zero-inheritance curve is less ideal than the one generated from the 3 km at 110 Ma scenario, the relevance of showing this model output will become apparent in the next section on inheritance envelopes. 5.4.3 Model results—inheritance envelopes Like our Stansbury transect, we use supplemental tT steps to simulate inherited zircon He dates of 1100 Ma and 1700 Ma for the Oquirrh transect. Although the inheritance curves for both the 3 km of exhumation at 110 Ma and 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma scenarios captures nearly all of the oldest Oquirrh dates (fig. 13), we argue that the 3 km of exhumation at 110 Ma scenario has a combined zero inheritance curve and inheritance envelope that encompasses more of the Oquirrh transect data. We admit that the distinction between these two plots is subtle, and it may be too difficult to constrain slight differences in exhumation timing with the Oquirrh inheritance envelopes. Perhaps more definitively, we can use these envelopes to constrain this maximum burial temperature. For example, figure 14 shows the 6 km at 100 Ma scenario with a geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km (maximum temperature=173 °C) and 25 °C/km (maximum temperature=212 °C). The zero-inheritance date-eU trend is too flat in this latter scenario and not a good match to the data. Of equal importance though, the high temperatures in this tT path prevent both inheritance curves from exceeding the oldest date in the zero-inheritance curve (~90 Ma). This suggests that the maximum burial temperature for the Oquirrh transect was closer to 173 °C than 212 °C. 5.5 Mount Timpanogos 209 5.5.1 tT inputs Our tT models for the Mount Timpanogos transect focus on the two samples collected at the base of the transect (10UTT6 and 10UTT7). These samples are stratigraphically separated by ~420 m and we model them separately. Based on mapping by Constenius et al. (2011) and our own field observations, sample 10UTT7 was collected in the upper part of the Bridal Veil Limestone member of the Oquirrh Group, ~230 m below the contact with the Bear Canyon Formation, while sample 10UTT6 was collected ~190 m above this contact. The Bridal Veil Limestone member is Morrowan in age (312 Ma, Maxfield, 1957) with an estimated 6320 m of additional Oquirrh group strata overlying it in the vicinity of Mount Timpanogos (Larson and Clark, 1979; Konopka and Dott, 1982; Hintze and Kowallis, 2009). These units include the Bear Canyon Formation, Shingle Mill Limestone, Wallsburg Ridge Formation, and Granger Mountain Formation and range in age from Atokan (312 Ma) to Wolfcampian (280 Ma). Above the Oquirrh Group, composite stratigraphic charts for this area document 1050 m of Permian Kirkman Limestone through Park City Group (Hintze and Kowallis, 2009). Mesozoic rocks are absent from this location and we estimate their missing thicknesses. Due to our transect’s relative proximity to Salt Lake City, we use Solien’s (1979) 700 m of Thaynes Formation for the thickness of Lower Triassic rocks at Mount Timpanogos and add our conjectural Chinle-Navajo thicknesses to complete the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic sequence. To the north and south of Mount Timpanogos, Imlay (1967) measured 390 m and 880 m of Twin Creek Limestone-Arapien Shale at Thistle and Salt Lake City, respectively. We average these two numbers together and use 635 m 210 as a representative thickness for Middle Jurassic (160 Ma) rocks deposited on top of our transect. Finally, we estimate that roughly 1000 m of additional Early Cretaceous foredeep units were deposited above Mount Timpanogos prior to exhumation (DeCelles, 2004). We again test three different phases of exhumation in the Timpanogos transect: 1) 100-90 Ma, 2) 90-80 Ma, and 3) 80-70 Ma. The timing of thrust-related, Cretaceous exhumation in the Wasatch Range is predicted by the two stages of growth for the Santaquin Culmination (100-80 Ma, 80-40 Ma, Constenius et al., 2003) and our models are designed to see which stage includes exhumation at Mount Timpanogos. Also, the majority of zircon He dates in our transect are between 70 and 90 Ma (fig. 6c), further suggesting that a major pulse of exhumation occurred sometime during the Late Cretaceous. Varying amounts of exhumation (3, 4, 5, and 6 km) are tested for each phase. The final step in our model tT paths includes a pulse of extension related exhumation during the mid-Cenozoic. Constenius et al. (2003) described extensional features near Mount Timpanogos that preceded Basin and Range style normal faulting and are related to low-angle, normal displacement along the Deer Creek detachment. Movement along this detachment began at 39 Ma (Constenius et al., 2003), and we therefore begin our final phase of extension-related exhumation at this time. Basin and Range style extension is also obvious at Timpanogos (i.e., the Wasatch Front), and the amount of time separating the two stages of extension appears to be brief (~5 Ma, Constenius et al., 2003). As such, we model a continuous cooling event from 39 to 0 Ma 211 and give it a magnitude of cooling which is equivalent to the amount necessary to bring our transect to surficial temperatures. 5.5.2 Model results Our preferred tT path for 10UTT7 consists of 5 km of exhumation starting at 100 Ma with a geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km (fig. 15a). Only two dates at ~750 ppm eU are slightly too young for the resulting model curve, and one date is anomalously old at ~400 ppm eU. Otherwise, our model date-eU curve captures the steady increase in dates between 150 and 500 ppm eU and the subsequent date plateau that we see in the real dataset. The model curves generated by 4 and 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma (fig. 15b) maintain this basic shape, but are shifted to either younger or older dates respectively. We also rule out a younger date for exhumation at Mount Timpanogos on the basis of the model results for 5 km at 90 and 80 Ma (fig. 15c). The date-eU trend is too young for the 5 km at 80 Ma scenario, missing almost all of the real dates, and we argue that the same is true for the 5 km at 90 Ma scenario, although here the differences are more subtle. As a further constraint, we show the model results for both the 10UTT7 and 10UTT6 (420 m stratigraphically above 10UTT7) tT paths in figure 16. In the 5 km at 90 Ma scenario, the 10UTT6 curve is too young relative to the data, whereas the 5 km at 100 Ma model dateeU curve provides a better match. Compared to the other datasets discussed above, both of the Mount Timpanogos date-eU correlations are flatter with less dispersion. This matches our predictions about the burial depths and temperatures experienced by this dataset relative to the other two. Our preferred tT path for 10UTT7 is calculated from a burial history that includes over 10 212 km of sedimentary units and has a maximum temperature of 231 °C (13 °C hotter than the Stansbury Range, 58 °C hotter than the Oquirrh Range). This temperature is high enough to anneal significant amounts of damage, which causes most of the grains in this sample to have similar diffusivities regardless of eU concentration. It also eliminates any inherited He or damage in these zircons, hence there is no need to model inheritance envelopes for these samples. 5.6 Summary of tT results To summarize, our preferred thermal histories for each transect are: 4, 5, or 6 km of exhumation beginning at 120 Ma in the Stansbury Mountains, 3 km of exhumation beginning at 110 Ma in the Oquirrh Mountains, and 5 km of exhumation beginning at 100 Ma at Mount Timpanogos. All of these are calculated with an average geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km. We are relatively confident of the model-derived timing constraints for the Mount Timpanogos transect as this dataset is the most straightforward. Despite its date variability, we also have some confidence in our constraints for the Oquirrh transect, for which ZRDAAM produces plausible inheritance envelopes. The timing of exhumation could have started at 110 Ma or 100 Ma, but a rapid cooling event within this timeframe seems likely. The Stansbury dataset is complex and our conclusions for its thermal history are speculative at best. We argue that this dataset supports an exhumation event sometime in the Late Cretaceous, but more specific constraints are lacking. We caution that our preferred scenario of exhumation at 120 Ma for the Stansbury transect is far from ideal and any geologic conclusions drawn from it are likewise. 213 In the remaining sections, we focus our discussion on the significance of these results for the evolution of the Sevier fold-and-thrust belt and foreland basin system. In general, our ZRDAAM-derived exhumation constraints are consistent with other indirect measures of thrust belt exhumation, which demonstrates that ZRDAAM results for complicated datasets like the Oquirrh transects are at least geologically plausible. Also important though, our new findings represent the first in situ constraints for exhumation in the hinterland of the central Utah Sevier belt (i.e., Stansbury and Oquirrh Ranges), a region whose uplift and erosion history has been previously inferred mainly on the basis of provenance data from sedimentary units located 10s or 100s of km from the Tintic Valley or Midas thrust sheets (e.g. DeCelles et al., 1995; Mitra, 1997; Horton et al., 2004). This motivates us to attempt to place our datasets (even the Stansbury transect) in some geologic context. 5.7 Geologic significance of tT results In order to interpret our tT constraints in a geologic context, we first assume that the main pulse of cooling in each range caused by erosional exhumation that is directly related in both space and time to rock uplift in hanging walls of active thrust faults. Although this is clearly an oversimplification, because each transect represents a relatively confined location within the Sevier belt, and because these locations lie in the hanging walls of major thrust sheets (fig. 2), this assumption seems appropriate. Zircon He dates from thrust sheet hanging walls in other orogens have also been interpreted in this manner, and these dates are consistent with other constraints of thrust timing (e.g., Metcalf et al., 2009; Pearson et al., 2012). If we use this assumption, then our data 214 suggest that thrusting in the CNS hinterland moved progressively eastward with time (fig. 17). This process was initiated with movement along the Tintic Valley thrust at 120 Ma followed by activation of the Midas Thrust at either 110 Ma or 100 Ma and movement along the Nebo thrust beginning at 100 Ma (fig. 17). A 120-100 Ma period of thrust propagation at the rear of the CNS has implications for the broader thrusting history in central Utah, the dynamics of the evolving orogenic wedge, and the deposition of foreland basin units. Placed in a regional context, our results are consistent with several previous interpretations of deformation in the central Utah Sevier belt. Mitra (1997) inferred early Aptian exhumation of the Sheeprock thrust sheet from paleocurrents and clast counts in the Pigeon Creek Formation at Thistle (fig. 2, Schwans, 1988), and our date of 120 Ma for the Tintic Valley thrust fits this timing. Either the Tintic Valley and Sheeprock thrusts were active coevally at ~120 Ma, or our new constraints push back the timing of Sheeprock activity into the Neocomian. Regardless, the Stansbury tT paths agree with arguments that thrusting was ongoing in this area since at least the mid Early Cretaceous (DeCelles, 2004). The ZRDAAM results for exhumation in the Tintic Valley thrust sheet are also roughly coeval with orogen-parallel extension in northern Utah (Wells et al., 2008), which suggests that hinterland extension and frontal contraction may have been linked at this time. Mid Cretaceous (40Ar/39Ar date on phlogopite of 105 ± 6 Ma) collapse and extension of a large hinterland culmination in the Raft River, Albion, and Grouse Creek Mountains core complexes could have transferred stress towards both the north and south, resulting in congruent shortening of the adjacent fold-and-thrust belt (Wells et 215 al., 2008). Our constraints for exhumation of the Stansbury Mountains—ranges that are located to the southeast of the Raft River complex—agree with this hypothesis. At the front of the CNS, the Mount Timpanogos transect tT paths, and possibly the Oquirrh tT paths as well, fit within Constenius et al.’s (2003) framework for the structural evolution of the Santaquin Culmination. On the basis of growth strata and erosional truncations, these authors proposed that the Santaquin Culmination grew in two main phases: 1) initial movement along the Nebo thrust and triangle zone formation (~100-90 Ma), and 2) a period of internal shortening and growth of an antiformal stack (~90-40 Ma). The tT results for Timpanogos match the timing for establishment of the triangle zone, and—with the results from the Stansbury and Oquirrh Mountains—suggest a change in the style of thrusting in the CNS from translational between 120 and 100 Ma to initial internal duplexing between 100 and 90 Ma. A switch in thrusting style that occurred between 100 and 90 Ma might have implications for the Cretaceous evolution of critical taper in the CNS orogenic wedge. Because of its relatively continuous advance towards the foreland, we speculate that the CNS wedge was supercritical from at least 120 Ma to 100 Ma, and possibly earlier depending on the timing of movement along the Sheeprock thrust. Following initial movement on the Nebo thrust and exhumation of Mount Timpanogos, the wedge entered a subcritical phase as propagation ceased and growth of the culmination commenced. The transition from relatively thick miogeoclinal units west of the WNF, to much thinner miogeoclinal units east of the hinge line (Hintze and Kowallis, 2009) may explain the change in wedge criticality. Because our transects are either directly on or to the west of 216 the Wasatch hinge line, the Tintic Valley, and we expect the Midas and Nebo thrusts as well, carry thick sequences of siliciclastic and massive carbonate units in their hanging walls. Wedge taper (equal to the sum of the surface slope plus the angle of the basal decollement) can remain critical at relatively low angles if thrusts propagate into these types of sedimentary units (DeCelles and Mitra, 1995), and little internal deformation was therefore required between 120 and 100 Ma to increase the surface slope and maintain critical taper. However, once the basal décollement ramped up into the thinner strata east of the hinge line (ca. 100-90 Ma), the angle of taper necessary for criticality increased, forcing the wedge to deform internally via duplexing. Regardless of the cause, growth of the Santaquin Culmination between 100 and 40 Ma may have focused erosion at the front of the CNS, decreasing exhumation in the hinterland. Prior to the rise of the culmination, exhumation of the Sheeprock and perhaps the Midas and Tintic Valley thrusts contributed coarse-grained detritus to the Pigeon Creek (or Cedar Mountain) Formation (Mitra, 1997). On the basis of PrecambrianMesozoic clast counts, Horton et al. (2004) suggested that rocks continued to be derived from these hinterland thrust sheets until the Santonian-Campanian, and were deposited in the Blackhawk Formation of the Upper Indianola Group (fig. 17). Another major pulse of exhumation occurred during the late Campanian, contributing Oquirrh Group clasts to Castlegate Sandstone-equivalent units at the front of the CNS. Although we agree with the assessment that Precambrian clasts originated west of the hinge line, we argue that they were likely recycled and exhumed along thrust sheets located in the Santaquin Culmination proper. Our preferred tT scenarios for Mount Timpanogos and the Oquirrh 217 have almost no exhumation occurring in the Campanian and it seems unlikely that they were being significantly eroded at this time. A Campanian exhumation event is consistent with the inheritance envelope for the 5 km at 80 Ma scenario in the Stansbury transect (fig. 11b), but the tT path required for this envelope has no Early Cretaceous exhumation, which is inconsistent with the geologic framework as detailed above. Within the Santaquin Culmination, these recycled clasts may have come from wedgetop or foredeep units east of Mount Timpanogos, as our thermal histories also preclude a major pulse of Santonian-Campanian exhumation for this location. To explain the absence of Late Cretaceous hinterland exhumation that matches Horton et al.’s (2004) observations in at least the Mount Timpanogos and Oquirrh datasets, we suggest that the Santaquin Culmination served as an orographic barrier focusing erosion along its front and preventing erosion in the hinterland. The windward side of this barrier would have been facing towards the east with moisture coming off of the Cretaceous interior seaway. With the initial rise of the Santaquin Culmination after 100 Ma, the Oquirrh Mountains were left isolated behind a growing orographic barrier that halted continued exhumation. In this context, we propose that all three transects may have been sitting high and dry on the so-called Nevadaplano (DeCelles, 2004) during the Late Cretaceous. 6. Conclusions Because of the method’s inherent challenges, practitioners of zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology can often be dissuaded from making accurate geologic conclusions in partially reset, detrital settings. However, with an understanding of the coevolution of 218 radiation damage, He diffusion kinetics, and He date in zircon through time, coupled with detailed information about a region’s geologic history, we can place some constraints on a sample’s thermal history in these settings. Our samples from three sub-vertical transects in the CNS are good examples of datasets that match these criteria. In an attempt to interpret the tT histories for these transects, we considered the full date spread in a given sample or transect and explored how the combined factors of He inheritance and radiation damage influenced specific dates. Our approach relied upon a new radiation damage and annealing model for He diffusion in zircon (Guenthner et al., 2013) and both explained some of the sources of date dispersion and demonstrated this model’s utility. Guenthner et al. (2013) previously showed how radiation damage influences zircon He dates, manifesting as positive and negative date-eU correlations, which we have used to constrain tT paths for each of our sample locations. A new finding from this study though is that radiation damage and He inheritance can interact in partially reset samples to produce an “inheritance envelope” that expands to older dates at progressively lower eU concentrations. In the case of our Oquirrh Mountains transect, these envelopes were used to help constrain the thermal history of this particular range. Although the Stansbury dataset is perhaps too complex to fully constrain, we can rule out certain thermal histories for this dataset and tentatively assign a date of 120 Ma for the beginning of Cretaceous exhumation. The tT results from the Oquirrh and Mount Timpanogos transects are more conclusive and also offer some insight into the Cretaceous thrusting history of the CNS. Specifically, they provide a timing framework for the transition from a phase of continuous eastward progradation (at least 120 to 100 219 Ma) to one of initial internal deformation and growth of the Santaquin Culmination (10040 Ma). This timing in turn supports previous hypotheses about the changing nature of the orogenic wedge throughout the Sevier orogeny, but also provides new information about the evolving pattern of erosion in the CNS during the Cretaceous. Because the ZRDAAM results from all three transects conform to many past inferences about thrusting in this region, we have some confidence that this new and relatively untested model can explain zircon He date variability in a manner consistent with a sample’s regional geologic setting. These dates represent some of the first in situ measurements of exhumation related to the Cretaceous Sevier fold-and-thrust belt, and could be used in the future to tie the exhumation of particular thrust sheets in the Sevier belt to the deposition of specific units in the adjacent foreland basin. 7. References Adams, M.M., and Bhattachayra, J.P., 2005, No change in fluvial style across a sequence boundary, Cretaceous Blackhawk and Castlegate Formations of central Utah, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 75, p. 1038-1051. 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ZIRCON (U-Th)/He DATA 106 102 108 79.2 102 117 89.5 93.0 259 108 164 110 105 71.6 128 172 90.7 105 137 Corr. Age (Ma) 4.0 4.3 4.1 3.0 4.4 3.9 3.5 3.5 11 3.9 5.7 3.9 3.6 2.6 4.9 6.2 3.8 4.1 4.7 Analyt. ± (2σ) 232 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.795 40 28.784 40 28.784 40 28.784 40 28.784 10UTSD4_2 10UTSD4_3 10UTSD4_4 10UTSD4_5 10UTSD4_6 10UTSD4Pb_1 10UTSD4Pb_2 10UTSD4Pb_9 10UTSD4Pb_10 10UTSD4Pb_11 10UTSD4Pb_12 10UTSD4Pb_13 10UTSD4Pb_14 10UTSD4Pb_16 10UTSD4Pb_23 10UTSD4Pb_24 10UTSD4Pb_29 10UTSD4Pb_30 10UTSD4Pb_31 10UTSD4Pb_34 10UTSD4Pb_35 10UTSD5_1 10UTSD5_2 10UTSD5_3 10UTSD5_4 -112 37.289 -112 37.289 -112 37.289 -112 37.289 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 -112 37.625 2699 2699 2699 2699 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 2872 7.11 4.85 2.86 9.06 4.57 6.99 9.00 17.7 8.24 9.00 7.19 6.19 8.89 4.14 3.65 5.6 5.05 17.6 8.48 3.51 14.3 15.2 4.67 5.65 46 42 35 64 41 58 63 70 68 67 59 58 69 50 47 47 50 85 52 49 59 78 50 52 493 330 506 206 278 62.5 150 38.4 162 81.9 96.6 76.7 228 107 159 211 190 79.3 135 82.9 90.5 182 260 222 TABLE C1 (CONTINUED) 2872 6.51 56 388 352 364 93.2 553 338 41.1 197 26.7 115 41.4 61.3 43.2 94.8 67.8 134 155 89.6 46.4 64.8 64.5 44.5 123 187 88.6 171 406 183 214 324 140 25.8 87.0 14.9 73.1 44.1 43.0 33.0 106 50.9 97.5 125.4 95.3 28.1 65.8 40.2 47.1 91.3 125 96.4 183 0.78 0.76 0.72 0.82 0.75 0.81 0.82 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.87 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.84 0.89 0.83 0.82 0.86 0.89 0.83 0.84 0.81 166 107 104 215 95.2 81.3 98.8 72.6 82.8 103 83.8 82.9 90.4 92.7 116 115 99.9 64.8 97.3 92.4 101 90.2 91.2 87.2 97.3 6.3 3.7 4.2 7.0 3.3 3.1 3.5 2.6 4.5 4.0 2.8 2.5 3.3 2.7 3.3 4.7 3.1 2.2 4.4 2.7 4.4 6.4 3.7 4.5 4.2 233 -112 36.784 -112 36.784 -112 36.784 -112 36.784 -112 36.784 -112 36.784 112 12.115 112 12.115 112 12.115 112 12.115 112 12.115 112 12.115 40 28.799 40 28.799 40 28.799 40 28.799 40 28.799 40 28.799 40 25.198 40 25.198 40 25.198 40 25.198 40 25.198 40 25.198 40 25.539 40 25.539 10UTSD7_1 10UTSD7_2 10UTSD7_3 10UTSD7_4 10UTSD7_5 10UTSD7_6 Oquirrh Mountains 10UTOO1_1 10UTOO1_2 10UTOO1_3 10UTOO1_4 10UTOO1_5 10UTOO1_6 10UTOO3_1 10UTOO3_2 112 11.925 112 11.925 -112 37.104 -112 37.104 -112 37.104 -112 37.104 -112 37.104 -112 37.104 40 28.425 40 28.425 40 28.425 40 28.425 40 28.425 40 28.425 10UTSD6_1 10UTSD6_3 10UTSD6_4 10UTSD6_5 10UTSD6_6 10UTSD6_7 -112 37.289 -112 37.289 40 28.784 40 28.784 10UTSD5_5 10UTSD5_6 3226 3226 2850 2850 2850 2850 2850 2850 2425 2425 2425 2425 2425 2425 2557 2557 2557 2557 2557 2557 5.47 4.58 3.07 2.02 3.07 3.77 3.28 1.79 9.06 6.50 3.61 6.78 4.91 4.32 13.7 6.63 7.64 5.89 11.1 5.47 41 50 35 32 36 49 36 31 69 45 40 59 46 42 60 53 55 42 70 42 184 67.8 266 374 734 198 665 611 144 556 491 260 192 319 1006 110 292 1814 182 840 TABLE C1 (CONTINUED) 2699 8.66 53 102 2699 6.61 53 252 139 87.3 171 165 237 240 482 77.4 116 370 123 306 200 300 1156 92.0 190 157 182 398 3.28 199 144 62.9 129 175 544 197 350 265 92.6 455 228 185 111 145 611 48.8 113 370 98.9 246 53.2 238 0.83 0.81 0.79 159 167 108 113 174 183 114 113 120 167 108 126 112 91.0 106 85.3 77.2 47.9 96.3 63.5 118 185 5.6 5.0 3.5 4.0 6.2 5.3 3.6 4.0 3.7 5.5 4.0 3.9 3.6 2.8 4.4 2.7 2.6 1.8 3.1 2.1 5.0 8.1 234 40 25.539 40 25.539 40 25.539 40 25.539 40 25.636 40 25.636 40 25.636 40 25.636 40 25.636 40 25.636 40 25.746 40 25.746 40 25.746 40 25.746 40 25.746 40 25.746 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 10UTOO3_3 10UTOO3_4 10UTOO3_5 10UTOO3_6 10UTOO4_1 10UTOO4_2 10UTOO4_3 10UTOO4_4 10UTOO4_5 10UTOO4_6 10UTOO5_1 10UTOO5_2 10UTOO5_3 10UTOO5_4 10UTOO5_5 10UTOO5_6 10UTOO6_1 10UTOO6_2 10UTOO6_3 10UTOO6_4 10UTOO6_5 10UTOO6_6 10UTOO7_1 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.730 112 12.730 112 12.730 112 12.730 112 12.730 112 12.730 112 12.156 112 12.156 112 12.156 112 12.156 112 12.156 112 12.156 112 11.925 112 11.925 112 11.925 112 11.925 2612 2757 2757 2757 2757 2757 2757 2894 2894 2894 2894 2894 2894 3111 3111 3111 3111 3111 3111 1.44 2.03 1.40 4.89 3.16 2.09 5.32 2.03 4.23 12.0 8.83 4.76 11.4 10.8 8.95 42 32 31 35 37 43 42 48 39 32 51 37 41 58 61 43 67 57 61 159 827 210 232 562 538 336 216 486 295 1032 199 182 338 813 351 131 122 600 TABLE C1 (CONTINUED) 3226 2.71 35 270 3226 2.31 33 190 3226 2.05 33 289 3226 2.56 40 176 138 655 78.6 60.1 71.9 196 372 93.4 352 131 257 129 99.7 247 378 78.0 72.2 111 57.6 205 116 104 91.6 134 476 136 84.9 292 283 197 103 222 272 1095 110 137 256 536 268 149 132 412 174 115 159 89.5 181 134 159 91.3 137 124 121 103 98.1 221 231 123 163 144 133 173 219 202 152 141 139 134 113 4.8 4.5 6.2 3.5 4.0 3.5 3.1 3.7 3.5 7.5 8.4 4.4 6.2 4.6 4.5 6.4 7.4 6.5 5.6 4.6 4.7 4.5 3.8 235 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.510 40 25.261 40 25.261 40 25.261 40 25.261 40 25.261 40 25.261 40 24.918 40 24.918 40 24.918 40 24.918 40 24.918 40 24.918 40 24.283 40 24.283 40 24.283 40 24.283 40 24.283 40 24.283 10UTOO7_2 10UTOO7_3 10UTOO7_4 10UTOO7_5 10UTOO7_6 10UTOO8_1 10UTOO8_2 10UTOO8_3 10UTOO8_4 10UTOO8_5 10UTOO8_6 10UTOO9_1 10UTOO9_2 10UTOO9_3 10UTOO9_4 10UTOO9_5 10UTOO9_6 10UTOO10_1 10UTOO10_2 10UTOO10_3 10UTOO10_4 10UTOO10_5 10UTOO10_6 112 13.484 112 13.484 112 13.484 112 13.484 112 13.484 112 13.484 112 12.690 112 12.690 112 12.690 112 12.690 112 12.690 112 12.690 112 12.834 112 12.834 112 12.834 112 12.834 112 12.834 112 12.834 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 112 12.537 2189 2189 2189 2189 2189 2189 2432 2432 2432 2432 2432 2432 2553 2553 2553 2553 2553 2553 41 38 39 40 49 41 59 43 42 40 52 46 44 58 53 49 43 48 439 202 554 632 76.8 427 170 785 199 272 137 112 140 143 354 320 321 265 TABLE C1 (CONTINUED) 2612 37 612 2612 41 258 2612 41 272 2612 42 196 2612 37 332 237 105 82.6 122 28.5 51.6 64.0 343 88.1 85.5 70.9 77.9 82.6 48.5 205 83.6 96.4 77.4 305 92.2 162 85.8 189 244 201 281 266 45.2 245 84.7 459 145 204 85.9 51.4 57.8 190 203 182 267 131 226 146 134 82.4 161 128 235 129 106 132 144 107 135 170 183 134 98.5 92.4 283 121 131 197 114 90.3 136 113 98.9 116 3.3 6.2 3.7 2.8 3.4 4.0 3.0 3.8 4.7 5.1 3.6 2.5 2.5 8.0 3.3 3.8 5.7 3.3 2.5 3.9 3.1 2.8 3.2 236 40 23.451 40 23.451 40 23.451 40 23.451 40 23.451 40 23.451 40 23.942 40 23.942 40 23.942 40 23.942 40 23.942 40 23.942 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 40 24.258 Mount Timpanogos 10UTT1_1 10UTT1_2 10UTT1_3 10UTT1_4 10UTT1_5 10UTT1_6 10UTT6_1 10UTT6_2 10UTT6_3 10UTT6_4 10UTT6_5 10UTT6_6 10UTT7_1 10UTT7_2 10UTT7_3 10UTT7_4 10UTT7_5 10UTT7_6 10UTT7_7 10UTT7_8 10UTT7_9 10UTT7_10 10UTT7_11 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.704 111 37.811 111 37.811 111 37.811 111 37.811 111 37.811 111 37.811 111 38.757 111 38.757 111 38.757 111 38.757 111 38.757 111 38.757 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2414 2757 2757 2757 2757 2757 2757 3579 3579 3579 3579 3579 3579 35 36 37 39 43 43 35 37 42 38 37 42 41 42 35 37 36 36 43 44 42 41 40 1099 390 542 669 130 195 449 749 205 265 333 166 327 54.3 1040 388 422 439 294 255 279 836 745 TABLE C1 (CONTINUED) 70.4 121 185 183 117 29.7 148 132 125 93.7 102 48.0 124 22 334 160 254 43.4 160 89.1 124 65.7 361 303 112 171 185 39.7 54.5 134 190 69.1 79.9 112 54.8 108 17.3 399 140 142 135 135 121 88.3 389 517 75.2 73.8 79.1 69.1 64.9 68.9 77.4 66.0 76.3 74.8 85.2 79.6 79.1 75.1 99.5 89.5 81.3 82.1 104 111 74.0 118 164 2.5 2.0 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.9 2.4 2.8 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 3.7 2.9 2.5 2.3 2.6 3.2 2.0 3.6 5.3 237 10UTT7_12 40 24.258 111 37.704 TABLE C1 (CONTINUED) 2414 52 349 227 187 113 3.4 238 239 67(8,+49/&/0$#!/123</ 67(8,+49/%/0##!/123</ 67(8,+49/$/0#!!/123< 67(8,+49/#/0":!/123< 67(8,+49/"/0";!/123< #:! #!!! "=&! 0>?'@3AB(/C,-(/05,3 '()*(+,-.+(/0123 $#! #%! #!! ";! "#! :! %! ! ! "!! #!! $!! %!! 0>?'@3AB(/C,-(/05,3 "!!! =&! &!! #&! "=&! &!! (>/0**)3 "!!! =&! &!! #&! (>/0**)3 &!!! &!! (>/0**)3 &!!! 67(8,+49/$/0#!!/123 "&!! "#&! "!!! =&! &!! #&! "=&! "#&! D(+9?48@(+4-,87( :!!/5, ""!!/5, "%!!/5, "=!!/5, #&!!/5, #&! #!!! 67(8,+49/%/0##!/123/ &!! &!! ! &! &!!! "&!! ! &! =&! "=&! "#&! #!!! 0>?'@3AB(/C,-(/05,3 67(8,+49/#/0":!/123 "&!! ! &! "!!! #!!! 0>?'@3AB(/C,-(/05,3 0>?'@3AB(/C,-(/05,3 "=&! "#&! ! &! &!! '4)(/05,3 #!!! "&!! 67(8,+49/"/0";!/123 &!! (>/0**)3 &!!! 67(8,+49/&/0$#!/123/ "&!! "#&! "!!! =&! &!! #&! ! &! &!! (>/0**)3 &!!! Figure C1: Model date-eU curves and inheritance envelopes generated from the five different thermal histories shown in the top right panel. These thermal histories simulate burial and exhumation of a detrital sample in a sedimentary basin and consist of slow heating to a maximum temperature (in parenthesis) starting at 500 Ma and ending at 250 Ma, followed by slow cooling to surficial temperatures ending at the present. Six date-eU curves are modeled in each scenario, consisting of a zero-inheritance curve, which is the 240 date-eU curve that results from each tT path as shown in the top right, and five maximum inheritance curves resulting from the same post-depositional tT path as the zeroinheritance curve, plus an additional pre-depositional tT step. For example, the thermal history for the 800 Ma curve has an additional point placed at 20°C and 800 Ma, which creates a single temperature step that holds each zircon at 20 °C for 300 m.y. (from 800 Ma to 500 Ma). Heavy dashed lines represent the full extent of the envelope in each scenario. In scenarios 1 through 4, temperatures are not high enough to anneal significant amounts of damage and so a strong negative correlation exists at high eU. The temperatures in scenario 5 (320 °C), however, do cause significant annealing and no negative correlation is produced. This scenario also has temperatures high enough to eliminate all inherited damage or He, which makes all of the maximum inheritance curves identical to the zero-inheritance curve. Two data points are included in all date-eU plots, one with an eU of 190 ppm and a date of 250 Ma (yellow circles), the other with an eU of 190 ppm and a date of 750 Ma. These points illustrate the utility of inheritance envelopes for constraining thermal histories (see text for details). 241 Figure C2: Regional geologic map for Charleston-Nebo Salient with key thrust faults, mountain ranges, and towns annotated. Inset shows map location within the state of Utah. Faults are dotted where location is inferred. Dashed lines represent transverse faults. Yellow circles denote sub-vertical transect locations. 242 Figure C3: Geologic map of the Stansbury transect with cross-section. Sample symbols (circles vs. triangles) are consistent with the symbols used in figures 7-11. Cpm=Cambrian Prospect Mountain, Cum=upper and middle Cambrian strata undivided, MDgs=Devonian-Mississippian Stansbury Formation through Gardison Limestone, Md=Mississippian Deseret Formation, Qg=Quaternary glacial deposits. Dashed and dotted lines in cross-section denote stratigraphic horizons that are approximately equivalent. Adapted from Clark et al. (2012). 243 Figure C4: Geologic map of the Oquirrh transect with cross-section. Sample symbols (circles vs. triangles) are consistent with the symbols used in figures 7 and 12-14. Pobp=Pennsylvanian Butterfield Peak Formation (Oquirrh Group). Dashed and dotted line in cross-section denote stratigraphic horizons that are approximately equivalent. Adapted from Clark et al. (2012). 244 Figure C5: Geologic map of the Mount Timpanogos transect with cross-section. Sample symbols (circles vs. squares vs. triangle) are consistent with the symbols used in figures 7, 15, and 16. Pobc=Pennsylvanian Bear Canyon Formation (Oquirrh Group), Pobv=Pennsylvanian Bridal Veil Limestone (Oquirrh Group), Qal=Quaternary alluvium. Adapted from Constenius et al., 2011. 245 J"#K(-'/L&HM#$%&'(-*'/ 4600 89:;-(*%'#<+#-/9= 4500 20>)KN2 4300 20>)KN3 20>)KN4 4000 20>)KN5 3700 20>)KN1 3600 20>)KN6 20>)KND 3500 3300 0 10 200 210 300 310 400 0 10 200 210 300 310 400 E"#FG&*HH@#$%&'(-*'/ <>?)@=AB:#C-(:#<$-= <>?)@=AB:#C-(:#<$-= 4500 20>)FF4 89:;-(*%'#<+#-/9= 4300 20>)FF5 4000 20>)FF1 20>)FF2 3700 20>)FF6 3600 20>)FFD 20>)FF7 3500 20>)FFI 3300 3000 20>)FF20 0 10 200 210 300 310 400 0 10 200 210 300 310 400 0 10 200 210 300 310 400 0 10 200 210 300 310 400 !"#$%&'(#)*+,-'%.%/ 4600 <>?)@=AB:#C-(:#<$-= <>?)@=AB:#C-(:#<$-= 20>))2 89:;-(*%'#<+#-/9= 4500 4300 4000 3700 20>))6 3600 3500 3300 20>))D <>?)@=AB:#C-(:#<$-= <>?)@=AB:#C-(:#<$-= 246 Figure C6: Date-elevation plots for the (a) Stansbury, (b) Oquirrh, and (c) Mount Timpanogos transects. Probability density function plots for each location are included as well. 247 @80A32>?B;=C043>?8 7809:;<==+043>?8 %!! %!! Samples 10UTOO1-9 $"! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, '()*+,-./0123/0'42, Samples 10UTSD1-4, and 10UTSD7 Samples 10UTSD5-6 $!! #"! #!! "! ! $"! Sample 10UTOO10 $!! #"! #!! "! ! $"! "!! &"! #!!! #$"! /(0'556, #"!! #&"! $!!! ! ! $"! "!! &"! /(0'556, #!!! #$"! D804E;>30*<652>EFE? '()*+,-./0123/0'42, %!! Sample 10UTT7 $"! Sample 10UTT6 $!! Sample 10UTT1 #"! #!! "! ! ! $"! "!! &"! /(0'556, #!!! #$"! Figure C7: Date-eU plots for the a) Stansbury, b) Oquirrh, and c) Mount Timpanogos. The shape of each point (circle, triangle, or square) matches the symbols used in figures 3-5 to denote the various samples (see text for details). 248 B(6'752+/,A('7C "8! 0123++4,5673' "!! &'()*+,-+-.*'/ 8! G673',6'H,I6'.* "!! A-2'(,:3;<6'-.-7 #!! $!! %!! :3;*,=A6@ 8!! 9!! #8! #!! :+36773DEF2+6773D,52+36) "8! B*J3*+,5*)( "!! 8! G673',6'H,I6'.* ! ! 8! 0123++4,5673' "!! "8! #!! #8! $!! $8! :3;*,=A6@ :*;<*+6(2+*,=>?@ :+36773DEF2+6773D,52+36) #!! ! ! 0123++4,A('7C #8! B*J3*+,5*)( :*;<*+6(2+*,=>?@ :*;<*+6(2+*,=>?@ #8! :+36773DEF2+6773D,52+36) #!! B*J3*+,5*)( "8! "!! 0123++4,5673' 8! ! G673',6'H,I6'.* ! 8! "!! "8! #!! #8! $!! $8! :3;*,=A6@ Figure C8: Summary of tT paths used in the forward models of each transect. The major geologic events that led to each episode of burial or exhumation are annotated (see text for details). 249 > @ $!! #"! '0?* #!! "0 "0?* "! &0?* ! $"! "!! $"! $!! 7"! #!!! )801++*4 #$"! &0?* "0?* '0?* #"! #!! "! ! ! #!! $!! #"!! #7"! 189(:4;<)0=-.)016-4 A),B95C:),5.-CD)0D/,E)F GH:/*-.5BC0-.0#$!06- $"! ! ()*+),-./,)01234 %!! $!!! ()*+),-./,)01234 189(:4;<)0=-.)016-4 %!! %!! &!! (5*)016-4 "!! '!! A),B95C:),5.-CD)0D/,E)F GH:/*-.5BC0-.0#!!06- $"! $!! #"! #!! '0?* "0?* " ?* "! ! &0?* ! $"! "!! $"! $!! 7"! #!!! )801++*4 #$"! #"!! #7"! $!!! &0?* "0?* '0?* #"! #!! "! ! ! #!! $!! %!! &!! "!! '!! (5*)016-4 Figure C9: Forward model results for the Stansbury Mountains transect using a geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km. Because we are not matching samples 10UTSD5 and 6 to our model curves, the triangles that represent these samples have been made transparent. Corresponding tT paths are shown in the panels below each date-eU plot. Black curves are for a grain size of 54 microns (mean), and the dashed grey curves are for grain sizes of 75 and 33 microns (2 standard deviations). (a) Results from tT paths with 4, 5, and 6 km of exhumation at 120 Ma. (b) Results from tT paths with 4, 5, and 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma. 250 *89!:-;<")=&'")*6&- 2.. ?"%@95A:"%5'&AB")B(%C"D EF:(#&'5@A)&')01.)6& 1/)+,;>#)G"@':"%# 1/. 1.. 0/. 4)># 0.. //)># /. . 33)># > . 1/. /.. 7/. 0... 01/. 0/.. 07/. 1... "8)*$$#!"#$"%&'(%")*+,- 2.. 1/. 3)># /)># 4)># 1.. 0/. 0.. /. . . 0.. 1.. 2.. 3.. /.. 4.. !5#")*6&Figure C10: Forward model results for the Stansbury transect using a geothermal gradient of 25 °C/km. Symbols and plots are similar to figure 9. Scenarios consist of 4, 5, and 6 km of exhumation starting at 120 Ma. 251 %!! #"! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, A '()*+,-./0123/0'42, $"! $!! #$" #!! &" ##!!042 "! #&!!042 $" #"! ! ! $"! /(0'556, "!! #!! "! ##!!042 #&!!042 ! ! $"! "!! &"! #!!! #$"! #"!! #&"! $!!! /(0'556, B %!! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, #"! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, $"! $!! #$" #!! ##!!042 &" "! #&!!042 $" #"! ! ! $"! /(0'556, "!! #!! "! ##!!042 #&!!042 */65/923:9/0';<, ! ! $!! #&" #"! #$" #!! &" "! $" ! $"! "!! #!!! /(0'556, To 1100 or 1700 Ma ! #!! $!! %!! 7!! *=6/0'42, &"! "!! 8!! #$"! #"!! #&"! $!!! 252 Figure C11: (a) Stansbury transect model curve from tT path with 5 km of exhumation at 120 Ma (as shown in figure 9a) and two inheritance date curves (labeled 1100 and 1700 Ma). Inset shows the same plot from 0 to 500 ppm eU and 0 to 150 Ma. The tT path for these inheritance curves is the same as shown in figure 12, but with an additional step at 20 °C and either 1100 or 1700 Ma. (b) Stansbury transect model curve from tT path with 5 km of exhumation at 80 Ma and two inheritance date curves (labeled 1100 and 1700 Ma). Inset shows the same plot from 0 to 500 ppm eU and 0 to 150 Ma. Corresponding tT path is shown just below the date-eU plot. This path was appended with additional steps of 20 °C at either 1100 or 1700 Ma. 253 < >/7?);@+/7;32@A/0A87B/ CD+8623;?@0230##!042 $"! $!! #"! #!! "! ! ! $"! "!! &"! /(0'556, #!!! $!! #"! #!! "! ! $"! "!! &"! /(0'556, #!!! #$"! $"! */65/72387/0'9:, */65/72387/0'9:, $"! ! #$"! $"! $!! #"! #!! "! ! >/7?);@+/7;32@A/0A87B/ CD+8623;?@0230#!!042 %!! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, '()*+,-./0123/0'42, %!! = ! "! #!! #"! $!! *;6/0'42, $"! %!! %"! $!! #"! #!! "! ! ! "! #!! #"! $!! *;6/0'42, $"! %!! %"! Figure C12: Forward model results for the Oquirrh transect using a geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km. Symbols and plots are similar to figure 9. (a) Model curve resulting from 3 km of exhumation at 110 Ma. (b) Results for model tT paths with 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma. 254 8 %!! %!! $"! $"! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, '()*+,-./0123/0'42, 7 $!! #"! #!! $!! #"! ##!!042 #!! 42 #!! ##!!042 "! ! "! #&!!042 ! $"! "!! &"! /(0'556, #!!! #$"! ! #&!!042 ! $"! "!! &"! #!!! #$"! /(0'556, Figure C13: Inheritance date-eU curves (labeled 1100 and 1700 Ma) for Oquirrh transect tT paths with (a) 3 km of exhumation at 110 Ma and (b) 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma (both with a 20 °C/km geothermal gradient). The tT paths for these inheritance curves are the same as shown in figure 12, but with an additional step at 20 °C and either 1100 or 1700 Ma. 255 = %!! %!! $"! $"! $!! #"! ##!!042 #!! 42 #!! "! ! $"! "!! $!! #"! #!! ##!!042 "! #&!!042 ! '()*+,-./0123/0'42, '()*+,-./0123/0'42, < &"! #!!! #$"! ! #&!!042 ! $"! "!! #!!! #$"! $"! */65/72387/0'9:, */65/72387/0'9:, $"! $!! #"! #!! "! ! &"! /(0'556, /(0'556, ! "! #!! #"! $!! *;6/0'42, $"! %!! %"! $!! #"! #!! "! ! ! "! #!! #"! $!! *;6/0'42, $"! %!! %"! Figure C14: Inheritance date-eU curves (labeled 1100 and 1700 Ma) for the Oquirrh transect. Both tT paths have 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma, but the curve in (a) was calculated with a 20 °C/km geothermal gradient, whereas the curve in (b) was calculated with a 25 °C/km geothermal gradient. 256 = A.7B(;C*.7;21CD./D87E. FG*8512;BC/12/%!!/31 $# #! "# ).54.71287./&9:+ "#! #!! $#! .'/&445+ "#! "!! %#! %!! #! ! ! %!!! #! %!! %#! "!! "#! 6!! 6#! );5./&31+ %"# %!! $# #! "# ! %"#! ! "#! #!! $#! .'/&445+ "#! "!! %#! >/?5 #/?5 @/?5 %!! #! ! ! #! %!! %#! "!! "#! 6!! 6#! );5./&31+ %!!! A.7B(;C*.7;21CD./D87E.H FG*8512;BC/12/%!!I/J!I/1CK/L!/31 %#! &'()*+,-./012./&31+ %!! ! A.7B(;C*.7;21CD./D87E.H FG*8512;BC/12/%!!/31 %#! &'()*+,-./012./&31+ %"# ).54.71287./&9:+ &'()*+,-./012./&31+ %#! ! : %"# %!! $# #! "# ! %"#! ).54.71287./&9:+ < ! "#! #!! $#! .'/&445+ %!!! %"#! "#! "!! %#! %!! #! ! ! #! %!! %#! "!! "#! 6!! 6#! );5./&31+ Figure C15: Forward model results for sample 10UTT7 from the Mount Timpanogos transect using a geothermal gradient of 20 °C/km. Symbols and plots are similar to figure 9. (a) Model curve resulting from 5 km of exhumation at 100 Ma. (b) Results for model tT paths with 4 and 6 km of exhumation at 100 Ma. Curve from panel a is in grey. (c) Results from model tT path with 5 km at 90 Ma and at 80 Ma. Curve from panel a is in grey. 257 %!!/31 %"# %!! $# #! "# ! 6!/31 %#! &'()*+,-./012./&31+ &'()*+,-./012./&31+ %#! %"# %!! $# #! "# ! "#! #!! $#! .'/&445+ %!!! %"#! ! ! "#! #!! $#! .'/&445+ %!!! %"#! Figure C16: Forward model results for samples 10UTT6 (squares) and 10UTT7 (circles) from the Mount Timpanogos transect with 5 km of exhumation at 100 Ma and 5 km of exhumation at 90 Ma (both with a 20 °C/km geothermal gradient). Solid black line is the date-eU curve for 10UTT7, while the dashed black line is the date-eU curve for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igure C17: Kinematic history of thrusting in the CNS from previous authors and constraints presented in this study. The grey area represents Constenius et al.’s (2003) timing for growth of the Santaquin Culmination. For reference, a schematic composite stratigraphic chart from the neighboring Book Cliffs (fig. 2) is included on the right. Adapted from Schwans (1988), Mitra (1997), Constenius et al., (2003), and DeCelles (2004). 259 APPENDIX D: PERMISSIONS 260 American Journal of Science 217 Kline Geology Laboratory Yale University P.O. Box 208109 New Haven, Connecticut 06520-­8109 E.mail: ajs@yale.edu Campus address: Kline Geology Laboratory 210 Whitney Avenue Telephones: 203 432-­3131 203 432-­5668 FAX: 203 432-­5668 April 18, 2013 William Guenthner Department of Geosciences University of Arizona 1040 E. 4th Street Tucson, AZ 85721 Dear Mr. Guenthner, We understand that you are preparing your Ph. D. thesis titled Zircon (U-­ Th)/He dates from radiation damaged crystals: A new model for the zircon (U-­Th/He thermochronometer and you would like to include the following paper in your thesis: Guenthner, W. R., Reiners, P. W., Ketcham, R. A., Nasdala, L., and Giester, G., 2013, Helium diffusion in natural zircon: Radiation damage, anisotropy, and the interpretation of zircon (U-­‐Th)/He thermochronology, v. 313, p. 145-­‐198, doi 10.2475/03.2013.01. We understand that credit will be given to the American Journal of Science for the original work and permission for its use. PERMISSION GRANTED. Sincerely, Danny M. Rye, Editor