60 COMPILATION GEOLOGIC MAP FROM THE BABOQUIVARI MOUNTAINS TO THE TRANSITION ZONE OF THE COLORADO PLATEAU 110 15 PPn 45 Tr 50 Tsv Yg Tg A TE SA N T 50 Ksv PPn Xp 25 PPn Ms Xp TKg Ms 80 YXm 80 D 30 35 9 30 4 11 30 50 5 2 80 5 35 4 20 55 Kgh Yo 35 Tql Yo 65 Xp Xp 65 35 Kgh 20 35 75 30 20 60 35 Ps Kaf Ys 5 e d 6 Tqsr 2 Kaf M c un Tgt TS 50 Ys . 75 Yo Yo 5 5 30 30 30 Kga Kgl rt Pm 55 85 n) QTg Tw 65 30 30 Yo 15 30 Yo QTg 25 40 Kgl Ys 35 Kgl Ys 50 35 76 72 63 55 52 75 25 Ttv 35 44 25 Ps 60 70 12 24 20 10 33 25 60 10 10 Tpa 15 40 Kga 37 35 50 15 Ps 34 41 Tpa Tpa 70 30 35 Kb Tpa Jr 25 40 40 Tpa MT 35 28 18 Tpa 30 20 60 25 22 43 17 25 30 25 17 30 26 21 15 17 45 25 60 19 Kr 5 24 15 10 25 10 Yo Xj Pm Yom Kb Twm 40 35 15 Xp 45 15 Kb 73 Xjm Ps 25 Twm 20 70 Twm 15 15 15 46 50 25 Kb 25 Tpa 25 30 15 50 40 Tr 45 30 40 Ps 20 40 20 Tpa 25 30 35 30 10 65 55 QU Tr Yom Rhyolite (Upper Cretaceous) Ka Andesite (Upper Cretaceous) (Naco Group) (Lower Permian and Pennsylvanian) Ms Escabrosa Limestone (Mississippian) Pzl Lower Paleozoic formations, undivided (Upper Devonian to Middle Cambrian) ? Contacts Strike and dip of bedding 53 SAN PEDRO DETACHMENT FAULT Xp 110 15 55 Syncline Tbc Conglomerate of Bonita Creek (Miocene) Tau Upper andesite flows (23.6 +- 0.5 my) Taut Tuff and volcanoclastic rocks (within upper andesite unit) 0-20 m Taup Porphyritic andesite flow (100 m) Tad Dikes Tga Andesite of Guthrie Peak-Turtle Mountain (Miocene and Oligocene) Tcf Flows (max thickness 160 m) Tbdb Dome breccia Tbdp Domes, flows, and pyroclastic deposits (max thickness 50 m) Lower andesite flows (26.6 +- 0.6 my) 0-260 m Upper dacite flows (max thickness 370 m) Tbp Pyroclastic cone deposits (Thickness 0-60 m) Tbld Lower dacite flow (~ 220 m) (25.9 +- 0.6 my) Tbuf Upper porphyritic dacite flow (max thickness 160 m) Tblf Lower porphyritic dacite flows and breccias (max thickness 210 m) Tbv Volcano of Bear Spring (Oligocene) Flows (~110 m) Trp Pyroclastic rocks (~ 30 m) Tps Paleosoil with volcaniclastic and pyroclastic deposits (Oligocene Eocene, and Paleocene) TKg Small plutons, irregular dikelike bodies, and plugs TKd Rhyolite agglutinates and flows (max thickness 120 m) Tcv Volcanoclastic and pyroclastic rocks (0-105 m) Tcd Dikes Hornblende porphyry and rhyolite dikes-Tbhd as wide as 30 m Diabase (Middle Proterozoic) Ya Apache Group (Middle Proterozoic) Yg Intrusive rocks (Middle Proterozoic) Gneissic rocks (Middle and Early Proterozoic) Pinal Schist (Early Proterozoic) Rhyolite of Coyote Wash (Oligocene) Hornblende-plagioclase porphyry and rhyolitic quartz-eye porphyry dikes, undifferentiated (67.6 +-1.4 my) Volcanic-Plutonic Rocks of Safford (Paleocene and Upper Cretaceous) TKb Breccia pipes TKvb Rhyolitic breccias and subvolcanic rock (thickness 0-150 m) TKv Andesitic to dacitic effusives and associated volcaniclastic rocks (exposed thickness 530 m, drilling indicated a maximum thickness of 1700 m) Rhyolite breccia cone (diameter of ~6 km) (24.5 +- 0.6 my, 26.5 +- 0.6 my) Tca Andesite and Dacite of Coyote Wash (Oligocene) Tbcd Dome or flow (exposed thickness ~80 m, base not exposed) Tbci Dikes Dacite of Bonita Creek (Oligocene) Contact LOCATION MAP Red area showing map location Anticline SOURCE INDEX MAP Vertical foliation 32 00 5 65 50 Horizontal bedding 55 Anticline in foliation 60 Kb ? 40 40 Overturned bedding 6 Faults . 62 Jbm ? 53 6 3 3 Tr 6 13 11 Jbu 5 6 7 23 6 50 20 8 6 8 8 55 High-angle normal fault, ball and bar on downthrown block 61 54 44 39 3 Low-angle detachment fault, stipples on hanging wall Thrust fault, teeth on hanging wall 7 3 Ts 2 Concealed high-angle normal fault, ball and bar on downthrown block 4 3 0 13 9 13 Concealed low-angle detachment fault, stipples on hanging wall Approximately located thrust fault, teeth on hanging wall Oblique-slip fault composite of strike-slip and normal normal movement likely 18 Low-angle normal fault, single hachures on hanging wall 5 Miles 30 Steep fault, nature uncertain Concealed thrust fault, teeth on hanging wall Shear zone, low-angle normal 2 O Z I R Strike-slip fault 13 6 12 4 8 4 28 14 52 13 22 24 18 Tr 60 33 24 3 NA N Jv 32 E T A T S A F O 1 Jp Tg 0 36 Tr Tr 35 Jbm 50 Ps QTg Tr Concealed low-angle normal fault, single hachures on downthrown block Concealed fault, nature uncertain Kilometers 5 Thrust fault or low-angle normal fault, open teeth on upper plate 6 55 3 25 2 Scale: 1:250,000 Jp REFERENCES CITED Jg 4 1 Haxel et al., 1984 2 Dickinson, 1992 3 Bolm, et al., 2002 4 Drewes, 1996 5 Houser et al., 1985 45 1. Haxel, G., Tosdal, R.M., May, D.J., and Wright, J.E., (1984), Latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary orogenesis in south-central Arizona; thrust faulting, regional metamorphism, and granitic plutonism, GSA Bulletin, Tr 2. Dickinson, W.R., (1992), Geologic Map of Catalina Core Complex and San Pedro Trough, Pima, Pinal, Gila, Graham and Cochise Counties, Arizona, Arizona Geological Survey, Contributed Map CM-92- Tr 3. Bolm, K.S., Lewis, T., Hirschberg, D.M., Pitts, G.S., and Dickinson, W.R., (2002), Spatial digital database for the geology of the San Pedro River basin in Cochise, Gila, Graham, Pima, and Pinal Counties, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-393, Tg MN Jbm Tr 31 60 U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA. 10.3 4. Drewes, H., (1996), Geology of Coronado National Forest, Mineral Resource Potential and Geology of Coronado National Forest, southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, Edited by Edward A. du Bray, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 111 15 33 55 5. Houser, B.B., Richter, D.H., and Shafiqullah, M., (1985), Geologic map of the Safford Quadrangle, Graham County, Arizona, U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series, MAP I-1617. Projection: UTM Zone: 12 NAD83 Clark 1866 Spheroid (Paleozoic rocks) Andesite of Guthrie Peak-Turtle Mountain (Miocene and Oligocene) Tr Tcr Tbud Tbbc Gradational contact Inclined foliation 80 50 Ps Xp 58 85 43 Upper Cretaceous to Eocene volcanic and sedimentary units ? Qfa 35 110 45 45 63 Jbu Tal Central rhyolite dome (max thickness 480 m) 70 54 BABOQUIVARI THRUST (southern segment) Kr 110 30 Jv QTg 65 Jg Sedimentary and volcanic rocks, undivided (Upper Cretaceous) Attitude of fault 10 ? Ksv Tpa 64 80 70 Volcanic and sedimentary rocks (Eocene to Upper Cretaceous) 60 Jg 31 Tr TKvs PPn 45 SIERRITA MTS. ?? QTg 35 85 Ksv ? Jp 39 Mineta Formation (Oligocene) ~ of Canada Atrevesada and Teran Basin Rhyolite-Plugs and dikes (Eocene to Late Cretaceous) Kb 35 43 Jg S MT Jp Kb 55 70 70 41 45 Xj 43 48 TKr 40 25 Kb Xj 72 75 Tg RI 58 Xj 45 65 IVA Jbu 60 55 Kitt Peak (2096 m) BO Jbm Folds Xj 35 40 Tpa QTg 43 55 70 BA 54 Bedding Tpa 35 Andesite (Eocene to Late Cretaceous) Ps Tpa Kb 73 Rhyolite Pyroclastic Deposits (Miocene) Tbd Ps 50 30 35 65 Ys ? LIME PEAK FAULT Pm 30 10 20 50 41 70 30 75 65 25 QTg Jg 30 60 30 Ys Xp 25 20 QTg Ttt 20 25 Ps Tgm PzS 34 30 35 40 Conglomerate of Midnight Canyon (Pliocene and Miocene) 10 Ys 30 Ks Ksv Jv 46 Xp 75 30 Xj Xj 45 40 30 Jv TKa Ys Ps 15 diatomaceous facies of Tql 75 25 15 40 Tg 85 Xp Xp 75 35 20 Tr 32 00 35 Ps 60 20 Tpa Tqld Intrusive rocks (Eocene to Late Cretaceous) Cloudburst Formation (Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene) of San Pedro Trough Tbd Tba MAP SYMBOLS 5 Pm Jv Silt and conglomerate of Sanchez (Pliocene) 45 45 25 30 Tr Pm Twm Yom Proterozic Pinal Schist, dominantly metasedimentary TKg Ps 30 15 Xp Granite (Oligocene) laminated lacustrine facies Galiuro Volcanics (Upper Oligocene) Tgw, basal “Whitetail Conglomerate” (shown locally only) Tbrd Xj 20 Proterozic Apache Group and Troy Quartzite (including intrusive diabase sills and dikes) Tg 40 30 Ttv Tgs Gila Conglomerate (Pleistocene, Pliocene, and Miocene) 110 00 Qfa 15 Kr Gravel of Rail End Canyon (Pliocene) Xp Xp Xp Tgre Ps 55 Ps Yom Xj ? 10 40 Xj 30 QTg Lacustrine and fluvial beds of 111 (one-eleven) Ranch (Pliocene) 45 15 Ttv Tgor Ys Xj Xj Xp Ps Older Alluvial Deposits (Pleistocene and Pliocene?) 60 60 Ys Xj Tw 25 QToa Ps 50 Xp 10 15 32 15 Ms Tri 35 25 Tpa Ys massive prodelta mudstone QTg Ta Jw Ps 5 Ys Twm QTg 35 Ttv Ksv QTg 25 Yom Yom Ps Xp 15 25 Tmi Ps 45 10 40 20 30 15 Ps 30 Xj Pm Pm Paleozoic (Cambrian to Permian) strata Pm, metamorphosed Andesitic rocks (Oligocene) SAFFORD BASIN-GILA MOUNTAINS Yg Yg ? Kb 45 Tqc 75 60 50 5 20 45 40 Ps Ps 75 Xj Xj Tertiary volcanics (Oligocene) of Tucson Mountains Ps Tbhd Xj Tqc 30 Kr 30 Pm Tqc 20 55 Ps Tmi 15 Ps 82 45 Yom 15 68 60 65 45 ? 40 Ps Xj Xj Xp Ttv 10 Ys 75 Ps 60 20 15 15 15 Pzl Ms PPn QTg 5 Tsp 30 Volcanic lower member Walnut Gap Volcanics Jw Ta Ms PPn Tr Tmi Kb 45 30 20 Yom Xj 40 Pm Kb 25 35 Xj 10 Tcv mid-Jurassic(?) redbed units Rhyolite- Dikes and plugs (Miocene and Oligocene) YXm Colluvial and Alluvial Deposits, undivided (Holocene and Pleistocene) Ms ? Tgv 30 5 4 QTg PPn PPn Kb 3 Ta Ms ? 40 Tmi Ps 40 Kb 2 45 25 Ms 40 5 30 Hacklberry Wash facies Young Alluvial Deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene) Qca Tgmc 40 Kb Xj 25 3 40 Tch Recreation Redbeds Jr Tri Yd Tr Tr 25 50 Xp 15 40 5 Pm Sedimentary upper member Tqsrg ? Tgv 20 Tmi Tsk 40 Pm 30 Yo 5 QTg Tr 35 35 5 50 Yom Pantano Formation (Oligocene-Miocene) of Cienega Gap and Tucson basin Bisbee Group (Lower Cretaceous) Km, metamorphosed Schist, granofels, calcsilicate rocks, marble, quartzite, skarn; derived from Bolsa, Abrigo, and Martin Formations (Paleozoic) Alluvium on pediments 25 45 15 4 70 35 40 10 22 52 Kb Paige Canyon facies (volcanic clasts) Km Tgv Tr Ta Kb 40 Tsp 20 30 3 Pm 60 Yom 45 25 10 40 25 25 30 25 30 Yom Tgv 55 5 Xj 30 Pm 25 25 Kcv 54 Jp 4 40 Ps 21 Tw 30 Xp 5 30 3 50 70 50 5 20 Kcs Kmv 25 40 Tsp Xj 25 15 13 30 15 30 5 Tmi Tql Tqsr Kb (latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary metamorphism) Qap 109 45 Ta 25 2 60 Xp Tw 35 25 70 50 Kb 5 3 Unmetamorphosed to weakly metamoprhosed San Manuel Formation (Lower Miocene) of San Pedro Trough Tcs Tgw Tqm Pinkard Formation (basal Upper Cretaceous) Galiuro Volcanics QTg Kb 35 35 2 9 Trt Tr 5 Tmi 6 2 55 35 10 Tsk 3 Qfa 6 9 55 25 83 50 7 35 Tpa 10 65 65 Kelsey Canyon facies (volcanic clasts) Tgv Rhyolitic tuffs (Miocene and Oligocene) Kp Xp 40 25 45 40 Pm Kcv Ksv 48 5 12 9 25 Ttv Kb Tmi 5 30 Kb 3 Pm 60 40 2 Johnny Lyon granodiorite suite (Lower Proterozic) Xjm, mylonitic Trt sandy fan-toe, lake margin, and delta-front sandflat facies QTg 10 4 2 25 15 15 Kcs Tgv 2 50 60 Kmv 35 50 6 S. 55 32 Tmi 25 4 70 Xj Pm 60 MT 38 S. 15 25 5 35 75 75 15 30 Tqc Yo Yom 25 70 30 10 10 Pm 15 Tpa 3 45 40 15 20 Tgv Kcs 35 40 Tgv 10 65 50 45 20 10 40 Tw 30 Tgv 10 35 25 5 Tsk Yom 50 30 TERAN WASH FAULT Tsz Tgv Tmi Xj Twm 25 3 20 30 30 40 25 Italian Trap Allochton Kcs Kcs Xjm prominent delta-front subfacies of Eskiminzin Delta extensive alluvial plain subfacies (Redington Member) of sandstone beds area of 1-10 cm gypsum stringers in sandstone in Tqsr Tqs Trt Tr 25 Kb Xj Tmi 40 Pm Yom 4 20 Tgv Tmi Yom 30 25 25 QTg 50 35 40 ? Xp 30 20 Kcv 28 40 Tpa ON CS TU Ka 15 50 23 15 3 Tmi Pm Xp Tw 20 53 44 34 15 Yom 25 62 15 CA 15 23 64 50 Ys Kcs 25 15 Km Pm 15 Tmi Bellota Pm Ranch Allochton N CO IN -R NA LI TA 69 35 Kcv Tqc Tw 15 20 25 45 67 25 10 29 20 QTg 20 20 Tgv Kmv 3 75 Xj Yg, granodiorite and Yd, diorite Tucson Wash Member Tsk S. 65 20 25 Km Twm 20 20 34 Yom SA NT A 20 25 65 75 Yom Yd Rhyolitic lava flows (Miocene and Oligocene) Muleshoe Volcanics Tri Tr Ta Kb Kb Yg Oracle/Ruin granite suite (Middle Proterozoic) Yom, mylonitic Trf Tqc Ta Ta QTg Ta 30 Yg ? 20 Kb Yom Amole granitic pluton Kannally Member Soza Canyon facies (volcanic clasts) Tpa Rhyolitic rocks (Miocene and Oligocene) Glory Hole Volcanics Qa 15 5 15 Kga Chirreon Wash granodiorite Tr Kgv Kmv Tqse Tsz Tsp Sedimentary and volcanic rocks, undivided (Miocene to Eocene) Trt Tr Tgv 5 2 5 Metamorphosed: schistose Tr 40 MT 50 20 30 35 15 3 Granitoid rocks of Baboquivari Mountains (Middle and Late Jurassic) Qal Ta Trf Trt ? 30 30 15 Kgh Leatherwood quartz diorite Tsv QTg QTb 20 20 55 Km 15 Yom 30 45 Pm 25 Tg 15 Tr 20 25 Kgl Qtg 30 5 3 15 “Laramide” Intrusions Upper Cretaceous to Paleocene(?) volcanic and sedimentary units gravelly alluvial-fan and braidplain facies (Miocene-Pliocene?) undifferentiated Qam R TE ES 20 Ys 25 15 30 55 4 SAN PEDRO DETACHMENT FAULT 25 45 20 10 Ps 60 53 ? ? Tgv 10 Km 25 Granitic porphyry dikes and sills Yo Volcanic rocks of Comobabi and Artesa Mountains (Middle and Late Jurassic) Tr Ta ? Tgv 20 5 Ys 2 Pm Twm 35 Yg Trt 25 Tgv Kgp Basalt (Pleistocene to Miocene) Ta 15 CH IN 40 Rice Peak granodiorite porphyry Cat Mountain Rhyolite QTb San Pedro River stream terrace gravels (Quaternary) Qaf Yg ? 20 Plutonic rocks of Comobabi and Artesa Mountains (Middle and Late Jurassic) Krp Tsmk Kcv Gravel, sand and comglomerate (Holocene to Miocene) Trt Trt Tr Kcs Sandstone, conglomerate, and volcanic rocks (Cretaceous) Copper Creek granodiorite stock Cascabel Formation QTg Yg Tri ? 25 Rhyolitic volcanic rocks (Late Cretaceous) Kgc Tsmt Kcs floodplain alluvium (Holocene) alluvium (Holocene)tributary alluvial fans Qal QTg Trt 10 ? SOZA MESA FAULT Qfa 4 Tw 20 PzS Tri Tri 30 Trt 30 Tsm gravels of Camp Grant (Pliocene) American Flag Formation Tri QTb 10 Eocene Wilderness granite suite (two-mica granite) Twm, mylonitic Tcg Tmi Jbm Yg Yg 48 Yg Tri Tw Volcanic, hypabyssal, and sedimentary rocks of Baboquivari Mountains (Early Jurassic) 32 30 Tri Trf QTg 15 Tri Catalina granitic pluton dissected Neogene basin fill together with overlying terrace and pediment gravel sheets and local alluvium Kaf Tg Tri Tri Tgv 2 30 Kgl Ys Tri Tri Ta Tri Trf Tri Tg Tri 15 2 2 Km Pm 40 ? Tri Ta 10 Pm Ys 20 55 60 Tri Tri QTb W Jg Trt Tri ? 2 Jv Tri Tri Tri K OA 5 Tri Tg Yg Yg Ta Fortified Peak pluton Tgc QTg stream valley alluvium (shown along SP and Gila Rivers only) Tri 25 3 Jp Jbu Tri Tri Tri Tri Tri Trf AW ? QTg Tri Tri Tri Tri Tg DR Tri Tri 15 Tg Mid-Tertiary (Oligocene-Miocene) Suite Qal Tg QTg Ta QTg 4 Kb Pm Kgl Kgl 30 Ys 25 Tri ? 20 Tqc 50 25 ai FAULT 45 15 2 Ks Tg Tri Tri Tri 75 55 ? 40 Ps Tri Tri 65 55 QTg Tg Tri Trt Km 30 QTg Tri QTg QTb Ta 30 Tg Tri Tri Yg ? 30 30 Ys Yg Tri 5 35 30 Tg Tg 60 Trt Yd Tg ? 30 Ta 30 Yd 85 20 Tgv 25 QTg Yd 75 YXm Tri 15 30 YXm Trt 10 3 YXm QTg Trt Tri 3 Qfa 30 Kgl Pm 10 2 2 2 2 Yd Yd Yd Yg QTg QTg Tri 2 4 15 Yd YXm 65 3 2 Ys 5 Km 25 Ta 10 5 Yd Yd 80 Yg Tri Tri Yd Yd YXm Tri 4 Krp Pm 35 35 ce Ta 35 Ys Tgc Tgc lt 45 Tqsr 2 40 Yo Xp u Tri QTg 10 25 55 QTg QTg Yo 3 Ps ta fa Ps 44 20 Pm t Ta Yd Yd QTg Ta T ri Ka 70 Trt Tqsrg Kr Jg Yd Yd Tortolita granitic pluton Tgf Twm Yd Yd Yd Yd Yg Tri Tri Tri UL u n Ta Tri 10 2 Ps Tri 10 10 Yd Yg Tri 5 Tgm: mylonitic Yd QTg Rhyolitic plugs and dikes Porphyritic rhyolite and aplogranite dike swarm related to garnet-two-mica granite (Early Tertiary) Yd Tri 6 Krp LI b e Tri A O F of m TKs Trf Yd 80 75 Yg QTg IUR n e 15 5 45 Tri Garnet-two-mica granite and related granite porphyry (Early Tertiary) Yd Yg Yg Yg Tri Volcanic, hypabyssal, and sedimentary rocks (Middle and Late Tertiary) Yd Yg 20 Trt 3 Yo 3 3 65 QTg Ta 20 QTg 3 AL L G io d Tri Tgm Yd Yg Tri RA it Xp Tri Ta Ta Trf 50 5 Tgc TA Trt Ta Trf 45 75 Xp 45 Tri Tri Kaf 45 QTg QTg Tgv 35 75 Yg Yg NT Ys 40 Yg Ta Tri QTg 1 Ps 30 45 Yg Tri Ta 75 Trf 2 40 30 h Tir 35 Krp Tri 15 Yg 5 40 Kgp 55 70 Yd Yd Ta Ps Ps 3 ? 65 CE os O RT TO (p Twm 32 30 Ps 35 Qtg Tri 10 4 2 75 QTg 35 70 45 Ta Trt 2 3 QTg 45 15 Ta Tg Tertiary sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated Yd 70 80 80 30 5 2 Ps 3 30 Xp Yd Trt Ta Tir Tgt 55 50 75 S. MT 55 Yd 80 40 80 Tri 20 Tqc 2 3 45 65 Tri O QTb Qfa 3 2 80 70 Ta Trt 40 3 40 70 YXm YXm YXm Tri 10 Tgv Tqs Xp 70 35 45 60 Yd Tri Trt 2 55 Yd Yg 80 10 25 Yd Tri Tri 15 Tgv Tqc 65 Ta 30 20 Trt EY LL VA GUILD WASH 30 FAULT Yo Yd 50 40 80 80 YXm R LIU GA Xp Tcv 25 Tri 70 Xp Ta Tri Ys 45 Yd Yg 40 75 YXm 15 3 Yd 60 50 55 40 80 Xp Tri Kgp Yd 25 60 25 75 ? 2 3 Yd 30 30 25 75 Trf Tri 25 Tcs Yo Tri Tri 2 Xp QTg Trt QTg 80 20 Xp Xp Ta R VE Xp 4 4 . Yd 35 55 40 80 Ta 30 5 5 6 3 55 Tcv Twm QTg 5 RI Tsm Tcv 25 Qfa ? SAN MANUEL FAULT 15 30 30 AL Tqld 20 Yd Xp 70 YXm 30 Trt 3 3 60 Yd 80 80 80 Xp 80 32 45 109 30 Tr 45 Yd 30 Yd Yg 15 10 Qap 35 65 20 QTg Ta Ta Xp 4 3 M TS Tsv Tri TKg 5 O 80 20 Trt O Tcv 5 10 20 20 Yg Tgor Tsv 75 Tsv QTg Tgor 15 15 Xp 20 Tqs 5 15 Yo 35 Tsmk Trt 5 Trt 10 Qap Qa Tsv 75 80 QTg Trt 4 5 R ED 20 Yo 25 45 Trt ? Qa Qap Tsv Tsv 75 60 30 70 Tri 80 20 Qap Yg 25 35 80 Tri Tsv 12 Ta 30 NP 5 80 QTg Yg 5 12 25 Tcs 2 2 10 Tsmt Yo 25 ? 4 Tcv 25 Kgp Tcs 10 Tcg Tsm Tcv Tir 30 7 30 Tsm 60 Tcs Trt 6 6 4 Tqc 30 Tsv Trt Tri Trt 2 SA Tcv 50 4 5 35 35 Tcv 25 Xp 3 65 40 Tgc Tcs 2 5 5 QTg QTg 10 25 80 Tri QTg Ta 6 3 ? Tcs Tsmt Yo Tri Ka Pzl 10 Tcs 25 Tcs Tcs 50 4 ? QTg Tri Qa ? Tgor EN Tri Xp Tgor QTg Qap Tri ? ? 30 10 Tri Tri Ts Tgor ? YXm 50 60 QTg 7 3 3 Qfa 30 Trt 5 5 5 4 4 Tri QTg 80 20 Trt Yg Tsv 85 Yd QTg Tsv YXm 65 QTg Qa Dissected Neogene basin fill with gravel and conglomerate (Late Tertiary) Qap Tgor Qca 25 20 Tri 45 ? 45 Yo Ta Ya TKg ? 60 Tri ? 4 5 Tri Ta ? Tcv 40 Tcv 80 ? Tgf Tcv Xp Tcv 7 60 50 Ya Ka ? Tcv 15 Tr Tri Ksv ? Ta ? 5 4 20 40 Tri Tri 5 Tri 50 45 45 6 Qtg Tcv Yo 80 Tsv Ksv Ka 3 10 Tcs Tcv QTg 10 5 Xp YXm 5 65 60 Tgor QToa Qap Tsv ? 60 70 Tri 65 Tri 20 Ms Pzl TKvs 7 2 4 ? Star Flat Allochton 50 85 Tau QToa Tsv QTg QTg Yd Tri Yd Tri ~ GALIURO/PINALENO MOUNTAINS SAN PEDRO TROUGH STRATIFIED ROCK UNITS INTRUSIVE ROCK UNITS Qca QToa YXm Tri ? 11 13 50 50 Tsm Twm ? K BLACS HILL Tgc Tgc Yg 16 QToa Y L E V A L Qa Tsv QTg 80 50 30 45 45 65 60 70 85 CATALINA CORE COMPLEX Tau Qa I L A Tsv Tsv Tsv 30 Tri Yd 12 ? ? Tsv Tsv Tsv 35 17 Yd 45 88 QTg QTg Tri Tr ? ? 10 5 40 QTg Yg QTg 5 Tir 15 50 Tcs Ta 20 ?? 3 Tri Tr Tr ? Ta Tr TKvs 6 6 4 5 Qtg Tcv 55 Tcv 5 Tcs Tar Wash Allochton ?5 ? ? Ksv Ms Tri N PI 7 25 75 Kgc 7 6 5 ? 25 80 6 11 5 Tql ? 60 3 8 Tsm 10 ? 10 Qa ? QTg 10 40 Ta G Qa Yd Tri Tri Trt 32 50 Qap Tgor QTg 45 Xp Trf Trt ? ? 15 2 ? 8 Kgh Kgh 6 7 20 25 Ta Ta ? Trf ? 25 25 SAFFORD 15 Yd Xp Xp Tri Trf 12 Yo 10 10 E R Qam Xp Tri Xp Trt 12 4 11 Yo 50 Xp Yg ? 6 5 V 12 YXm Tri Tri Tri Tri QTg Tri 70 5 Tgv 8 8 Tri 55 45 10 I Tri QTg Yd Ka BABOQUIVARI/SIERRITA MOUNTAINS Qca Qa Qam Qap R Xp Ys I L A QTg Relation to Baboquivari thrust uncertain 10 Ys ? Yo QTg 5 30 ? 20 Tcq 30 YXm 85 65 Ps QToa Qap Qap Tri Tsv 6 30 G Tri 25 Tri 60 Ksv Tgv 70 MAP UNITS Tgre Qap Tgor Qam 80 Ka 4 8 7 6 Tgmc Qa Upper plate of Baboquivari thrust 14 30 35 25 Tau Tgor QToa Tgor 85 Tri 50 Xp 80 40 Ps Qap Tgor QToa Qa Lower plate of Baboquivari thrust 20 40 Pzl Kr Ka 30 TKg Tgs Tgor 35 70 85 3 2 TKg Qap Tgor QToa 30 ? 7 30 Xp Ys 10 Tcs 25 QToa 70 QToa ? 35 Yd Kr Ttt Ttt Qap Tps Qca QToa Yd Yd Ksv 15 Tbc Ttt Ttt Qca 70 Tri 15 ? 25 Ys 10 55 Tsm 15 8 55 Tgs 65 QTg 60 QTg 10 20 TKg ? 15 Yo 40 Tri 60 Ps 5 3 Tgmc Tgmc ? Ys 30 55 30 25 15 Xp Tgs Qca Qca TKv QToa TKg Tgs 75 QTg 5 Kgc Tgre TKv TKv YXm QTg 15 80 15 Xp Tau 4 Qa 40 Tri 10 85 Tps Tgs 24 Tri Kr 6 3 25 TKd TKv QToa 27 September 2009 Tgs 35 Tgv Xp 45 Tbc Qca Tau ? 40 60 ULT Xp FA 20 E TT BU 25 Ys Tgre 14 Tps N Qap Xp Xp 10 3 7 TKg 35 Yd 55 Kr 40 Ys ? 35 7 6 I TKb Tps Tgs Qca Tps TKvb Tgs Xp 6 Xp 40 25 LT 30 U 30 20 A 40 S. 25 15 25 40 80 Tri 8 Ys Qca A 45 Tgre Tgs Taup T Taut TKd Qca Tgor 3 7 Ps 7 25 Xp 7 7 40 25 F 70 N 11 25 25 T Tsm 30 Tgs Yd YXm Xp Xp Kr 6 TKv Tgs 50 Tgre Tgs N ? 20 Tri 6 5 ? Taut Tbc Tau Tps 4 Tql TKg U PLATE 1 of 2 Qca Taut Tau Qca 20 TKg 80 UL 75 4 Qca Tau Xp Xp 2 Tau TKg Yd Xp QTg Tgv 10 2 Qal 10 CAMP GRANT FAULT Tbc Tgmc Taut Taup TKvb 80 QTg Tbc Qca 5 Taut Taut O Qa Qa Tri 75 FA 5 ? Ps 15 4 8 25 80 30 Kr Tau Tgs Tgre Tau Tau Qca TKv 15 Ttt Tau Tba TKd M 40 35 Tri 15 10 TKb 35 QTg Ta Tr QTg Ys 10 5 80 Tgw 15 20 Xp 6 12 15 Qca Tgre Tba Tps Qca Qap Tau Tgs Tps QTg EF Ps 5 22 Tau Tau 30 Tau Tau 26 27 24 Kr Yo Tgv 6 Qa Yg M. Serkan Arca and Roy A. Johnson 10 20 25 20 Tps TKv 47 Tri Tau 10 25 Tba TKd Qa Tgs Tbbc Tbrd 27 TKv Qca QTg Ta 24 RE 13 3 Ys O 45 33 Yg 5 TKd TKg Tal Tbcd Tbd 78 Ta Yg 6 5 Yo Xp Ps 15 70 30 6 Xp Pzl Tri 80 25 ND 12 10 Tri Tri 60 80 Xp Kp 40 7 8 Xp Ms Tgv Tqm Ys Yo Ps Tqc 5 Tqc 60 Tsm QTg 5 6 Ys Tri GRA 30 75 8 Tgv 5 Ys Tri Y Tqse 20 50 N 20 50 55 Ys 5 12 Tgv Tqs Kr Kr TKv Tcv Tr Tcf 5 Tbp Tgmc Tbc 22 25 40 2 Tr PPn Ms Qca 10 10 15 Tbp 35 Tal 16 Qca 30 Tblf Qa Tgs Qca 20 Tal TKd 10 8 Tad 30 Tbdp 7 Tal 70 24 5 5 20 Tbdb 20 TKd 10 80 TKg Tr Tbd Qa 14 15 Tbdb Tgs 80 A 75 Yo 25 Tqse Pzl Ms Xp PPn Tbbc Tbrd Tad TKd 78 TKd C 25 Pzl Kr 5 30 Tal 27 5 Tbhd 30 Trp 8 Ta by Tbci 18 Qca 34 Tgs Tr Tad Tcv Tau ? Tbp Tau 40 Tbbc 25 12 10 Tcf MT Kgp 75 7 30 Tr Tcv 12 IN 25 4 Tsm 7 Tch Tgs Yg 70 W Ms 25 Tsm Pzl Yg Tal Tbp Tbdb Tbd A O Kr 30 Tch Tad Tbrd Tbdb L Tri Xp 80 O Ms Tgre Tbd 13 Qca 33 00 Tad Tbdb Tgs Tbuf Qca Tad 10 Tbhd 50 I Ms G 110 45 Tbrd Tbhd Tcd G 20 Ms Pzl Tbdp 25 SA Pzl Kr Ms Ms 30 Tbld 30 “Laramide” Interval Pzl 30 80 30 Tbud Tbhd Pzl Ms Tau 37 Tbp 40 Qa Tr 15 Tcf Tad ? Ka 20 Tri 45 TKg 25 Tal Tal Tcv 15 Pzl 35 40 55 Pzl RE TKr Kr PPn Tri 30 109 30 110 00 Pzl Pzl Yg ? 15 QTg Kr Ms Tri PPn Precambrian-Paleozic-Mesozoic Ksv Tri QTg Pzl post-mid-Miocene Ka 33 00 Yg Pzl mid-Oligocene to mid-Miocene volcanic and sedimentary sequences PPn Yg Ms Yg Pzl Tertiary PPn Ksv 110 30 111 30 Pzl Yg Pzl Upper Cretaceous/Paleocene (?) Ms Tg Precambrian Pzl Younger than Baboquivari thrust Ms 1 6. Hirschberg, D. M., and G. S., Pitts (2000), Digital geologic map of Arizona; a digital database derived from the 1983 printing of the Wilson, Moore, and Cooper 1:500,000-scale map, U. S. Geological Survey. Reston, VA, United States. Pages:67. 7. Wagner, F.H., (2005), Cenozoic Extensional Tectonics Revealed Through Seismic Reflection Imaging, SE Arizona [Ph.D. dissertation]: Tucson, University of Arizona, 183 p. 6 Hirschberg and Pitts, 2000 4