NEW GEOCHEMICAL AND GEOCHRONOLOGIC DATA FROM THE NORTHERN SIERRA NEVADA, CALIFORNIA: CONSTRAINTS ON THE PRECONDITIONS FOR LITHOSPHERIC FOUNDERING by Gabriel L. Rotberg A Prepublication Manuscript Submitted to the Faculty of the DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE In the Graduate College THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA 2008 New Geochemical and Geochronologic Data from the Northern Sierra Nevada, California: Constraints on the Preconditions for Lithospheric Foundering G. L. Rotberg University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Abstract New U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry data from 19 plutonic rocks in the Mesozoic batholith of the northern Sierra Nevada are presented. The age distribution of these samples is similar to those in the southern and central Sierra Nevada, and correlate well with two known high-flux episodes of magmatism from 166.8 to 145.3 Ma and 125.5 to 90.41 Ma. An eastward migration of magmatism in the younger of these episodes is determined to be approximately 2.5 km/my (R2=0.3), similar to values calculated from data in the southern Sierra Nevada and in the Coast Mountain Batholith. Isotopic data show that these plutonic rocks are derived from primitive mantle and evolved crustal components, but that they can not be generated from a simple twocomponent mixing model. Isotopic ratios in this part of the range, on average, have much more primitive values of 87Sr/86SrInitial (0.7025 to 0.7060) and εNd (+5.75 to -5.81) than is seen in the southern and central parts of the Sierra Nevada, and the dominant factor controlling variations in the Sr and Nd isotopic ratios across the range is probably the geochemistry of the metamorphic framework rocks, and not changing melt sources through time. 1. Introduction Lithospheric Foundering in the Sierra Nevada The Sierra Nevada has recently become studied as the archetype of lithospheric removal in Cordilleran style magmatic arcs, a process which plays an important role in our understanding of the tectonics and development of continental crust. Despite recent models supporting lithospheric foundering in the Andes, Himalayas, and the southern Sierra Nevada (Zandt et al., 2004; Kay and Kay, 1993), the process occurs in the lower crust and mantle, and does not easily lend itself to direct observation. Seismic studies tell that the high, eastern side of the Sierra Nevada lacks the thick felsic or intermediate crustal root that would be expected by models built on isostatic balancing, and is instead underlain by relatively low density mantle with the characteristics of hot peridotite (Wernicke et al., 1996). Recently, xenolith studies in the southern and central Sierra 2 Nevada have been used to prove the presence and subsequent Cenozoic removal of garnet-rich eclogite facies rocks and peridotitic mantle lithosphere under the range, direct evidence for lithospheric foundering in the region (Ducea, 2002). The thickness and composition with depth of the arc crust are also of particular interest. Rocks of calc-alkaline composition can not be directly extracted by partial melting of the mantle (Wyllie, 1984), and some other method of differentiating the melt post-extraction must take place. The residual lower crustal material produced by this second differentiation stage are either restites, left behind by partial melting and extraction, or cumulates, left behind by fractional crystallization in a deep magma chamber, or some combination of the two. Either the restites or cumulates produced through this second stage of fractionation will be the mafic counterpart to the felsic or intermediate granitoids in the upper crust, and at lower crustal depths of at least 40 km beneath the Sierra Nevada these residues will be within the eclogitic phase. The process through which the mantle lithosphere and eclogitic crust in the southern Sierra Nevada has been foundered is not precisely clear. Geochemical analyses of xenoliths erupted in the Miocene have no signature of subducted components, and are evidence that the material was unaltered by oceanic lithosphere (Ducea and Saleeby, 1998; 1996). This makes it unlikely that foundering occurred through any mechanism that would have produced significant incorporation of slab related materials into the magmatic arc, such as the breaking of the subducting slab, or heating following the passage of the Mendocino triple junction through the region. Likewise, xenoliths erupted since 3 Ma have geochemical signatures that are distinctly different from the products of earlier magmatism, eliminating the possibility that these are simply reheated older 3 lithosphere (Ducea and Saleeby, 1996). It is possible that foundering occurred through either delamination or as convective removal of the mantle crust and eclogitic lithosphere, but present evidence does not allow us to distinguish between these two processes. This Study In order to understand the processes that have been involved in the removal of the lower lithosphere below the Sierra Nevada, it will be useful to know where the foundering has occurred and what differences, both geochemical and structural, existed between those regions and others where active foundering did not take place. While a large amount of data has been collected in the central and southern Sierra Nevada, which comprise over 90% of the magmatic products in the batholith (Ducea, 2001), the northern parts of the range have not been studied as thoroughly. The batholith is exposed to depths of up to 35 km in the south, and as little as 4 km in the north, so constraints on the geochemistry and structure of the crust below these depths has to come from petrologic investigation of the surface rocks, xenolith studies, or geophysical studies. Evidence from previous work has shown that the central and southern Sierra Nevada developed a thick eclogitic root, which was later lost through some mechanism of foundering (Saleeby et al., 2003, Saleeby and Foster, 2004). We question whether the same is also true for the northern Sierra Nevada. This study presents new U-Pb zircon ages, Nd and Sr isotopic data for 19 plutonic rocks. These sample locations are in two transects across the northern Sierra Nevada, and span the extent of late Mesozoic magmatism in the cordilleran arc at approximately 38°35'N and 39°20'N. The goal of this study twofold; first to improve upon the relatively 4 low density of zircon ages and isotopic data for plutonic rocks in the northern Sierra Nevada relative to the southern and central parts of the range, and second to use this data to identify variations in lithospheric chemistry through space and time. This will help constrain the composition, age, and vertical structure of the Mesozoic batholith, specifically with respect to the question of late Cenozoic lithospheric foundering in the region. 2. Geologic Setting and Previous Work Broadly, the geologic history of the Sierra Nevada relevant to this study can be divided into three distinct periods. First, the Precambrian rifting of the Laurentian craton and subsequent deposition of miogeoclinal sedimentation through Paleozoic time, followed by truncation of the craton and associated miogeoclinal sediments, accretion, initiation and shutoff of arc magmatism during the Mesozoic, and finally Cenozoic volcanism and the foundering of the lower lithosphere. Precambrian rifting and Paleozoic miogeoclinal sedimentation Prior to the onset of accretionary tectonics and continental arc magmatism, the western margin of what is now the North American plate was the site of Precambrian rifting of the Laurentian craton (Dickinson, 2003). The evidence for timing of the rifting varies with location, and may represent multiple rift events separated by 160-170 Ma (Colpron et al., 2002). The earliest record of rifting comes from north of the trans-Idaho discontinuity, basaltic rocks in the basal horizon of the miogeoclinal succession have been dated isotopically at 770-735 Ma (Armstrong et al., 1982; Devlin et al., 1988; 5 Rainbird et al., 1996; Colpron et al., 2002). In addition, many basin subsidence analyses in both Canada and the USA area present evidence that subsidence and the miogeoclinal sedimentation that followed did not begin until 560-555 Ma (Bond et al., 1983; Armin & Mayer, 1983; Bond and Kominz, 1984; Levy & Chrstine-Blick, 1991). The distinction between one, two, or many rifting events is not as important for this study as its effect on the structure and geometry of the western margin of the continent. Miogeoclinal sedimentation continued at the new passive margin until the onset of accretionary tectonics along the edge of the craton in the Devonian (Dickinson, 2000). Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic accretion, Mesozoic arc magmatism Accretion along the rifted continental margin during Antler-Sonoma orogenesis began in the Late Devonian and continued through the Early Triassic, as the edge of the Laurentian craton met the subduction zones of the intraocean island arcs to the west. The material accreted includes terranes of miogeoclinal ocean sediments, intraocean island arcs, and island arc subduction complexes (Dickinson, 2008). The initiation of subduction below the continent and arc related magmatism in the Cordilleran were preceded in the late Paleozoic by oblique stike-slip faulting and truncation of the passive cratonic edge and associated miogeoclinal sediments (Hamilton, 1978; Davis et al., 1978). Subduction was initiated at this truncated margin during mid-Early Triassic time (Dickinson, 2000), and was the site of continued accretion and the initiation of continental arc magmatism during the Mesozoic. Accretion along the western margin continued through midCretaceous time, both through incremental accretion within the subduction zone complex, and through the bulk accretion of coherent tectonic blocks. This addition of this material, 6 along with the intraocean basin sediments, grew the margin of the continent outward to the west, juxtaposing mature, relatively homogenous cratonic rocks and associated miogioclinal sediments with a more tectonically and geochemically complex arrangement of less evolved accreted terranes. Meanwhile, active subduction beneath the continental margin from 220 to 80 Ma (Everden and Kistler, 1970; Chen and Moore, 1982; Saleeby et al., 1987) resulted in the extensive plutonism that would form the Sierra Nevada batholith (Coney & Reynolds, 1977; Dickinson, 1981; Saleeby, 2003). The batholith comprises many distinct granitic bodies that differ in mineral composition and size, from less than 1 km2 to over 100 km2 (Calkins, 1930; Turner, 1894). In total, approximately 0.7 km3 of tonalitic to granodioritic magma was produced (Ducea, 2001), and the majority of ages measured for the plutons are between 85 and 125 Ma (Saleeby et a., 1987). In the southern part of the Sierra Nevada, this material was intruded into the suture zone between the Proterozoic craton to the east and the accreted Paleozoic terranes to the west (Saleeby, 2003). In the northern Sierra Nevada, however, the metamorphic framework into which the batholith was intruded is well west of the Precambrian continental margin, and comprises only more immature, accreted material. In the southern Sierra Nevada, this heterogeneity in the country rocks is evident in the composition of the intrusive plutonic rocks, and is responsible for the gradient across the range from mafic and tonalitic rocks in the west and predominantly granodioritic rocks in the east (Moore, 1959. Saleeby, 1981; 1990; Clemens-Knott, 1992). This change in batholith geochemistry is apparent as a depleted mantle signature in plutons that interacted with the Paleozoic oceanic crust, and as a continental signature in plutons that interacted with the Proterozoic cratonic material 7 (Kistler and Peterman, 1973; DePaolo, 1981; Saleeby et al., 1987; Chen and Tilton, 1991; Clemens-Knott et al., 1991; Coleman et al., 1992; Picket and Saleeby, 1994; Sisson et al., 1996) Today, the Sierra Nevada batholith and its associated country rocks have been uplifted and exposed, forming the mountain range known by the same name. The axis of the range is oriented approximately NNW-SSE. The batholith constitutes a rigid block with little internal deformation, despite its apparent westward dip. This gives the Sierra Nevada an east-west topographic asymmetry, with a steeply dipping eastern front bounded by fault escarpments, and more gently sloping to western front, which is covered by Great Valley sediments west of the range. Igneous crystallization depths of the exposed plutonic rocks vary from less than 4 km in the north (Ague, 1997) to 30 km in the south (Ague and Brimhall, 1988; Saleeby, 1990; Ague, 1997). Batholiths cover approximately 90% of the range in the south, and approximately 60-70% of the range in the north. The more shallowly exposed plutons in the north, along with the metamorphic basement rocks they have been intruded through, are directly overlain by Eocene river deposits and late Cenozoic volcanic rocks (Unruh, 1991). Arc magmatism along the continental margin shut off at 80 Ma with the onset of Laramide flat slab subduction. Cenozoic volcanism and delamination Mafic to intermediate composition volcanism, in the form of as many as 150 small volume flows, erupted through the central and southern Sierra Nevada during the Late Cenozoic (Moore and Dodge, 1980). The volcanism took place during three distinct stages in the Miocene, the Pliocene, and the Quaternary. A number of these young 8 volcanic rocks contain upper mantle and/or lower crustal xenoliths, which have been used to constrain the depth, composition, and age of the root beneath the central and southern Sierra Nevada (Ducea and Saleeby, 1996; 1998; Ducea, 2001). Geochemical studies of this Late Cenozoic volcanism and entrained xenoliths have proven that the Mesozoic eclogite root below the central Sierra Nevada was likely removed through some mechanism of foundering (Ducea and Saleeby, 1996; Manley et al., 2000; Farmer et al., 2002), and xenolith studies have constrained the removal of the eclogitic root between ~8 and 3 Ma. 3. Samples In order to define regional geochemical trends in the Mesozoic plutonic rocks of the northern Sierra Nevada with sufficient detail to compare with pre-existing data in the southern and central parts of the range, sample locations were chosen for this study across two transects that run approximately perpendicular to the NNW-SSE axis of the Sierra Nevada. These transects, which parallel major highways through the range, were selected for their relatively easy access and outstanding exposure (Figure 1). Nineteen plutonic rocks across both transects were sampled for analysis, varying in composition from granite to tonalite (Table 1). Systematic collection and laboratory analysis for age and geochemical data allows us to generate a data set with a great amount of internal consistency. Northern Transect 9 The northern transect comprises eleven samples and follows CA-20 east from Smartville, California to I-80 at the California-Nevada border. Sample G01 is a granodiorite from the Yuba Rivers Pluton, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G02 is a granodiorite from the Pleasant Valley Pluton, and was analyzed for 41 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G03 was collected from the granodiorite just south of Lake Spaulding, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses as well as Nd isotopes. Sample G04 was collected from the granodiorite just to the east of Lake Spaulding, and was analyzed for 35 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G05, a tonalite was collected from an outcrop just off I-80, north of Flonston and just west of the California-Nevada border, and was analyzed for Sr and Nd isotopes. Sample G06 was collected from the granodiorite at Donner Lake, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses as well as Sr and Nd isotopes. Sample G08 was collected from the Bowman Lake Granite, and was analyzed for 24 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G09 was collected from the granodiorite at Donner Pass, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G10 was collected from the granodiorite near Soda Springs, and was analyzed for 30 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G11 was collected from the granodiorite west of Cascade Lakes, and was analyzed for 30 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G12 was collected from the diorite at Emigrant Gap, and was analyzed for Sr and Nd isotopes. 10 Southern Transect The southern transect comprises nine samples and follows CA-88 between Jackson, California in the west and Markleville, California in the east. Sample G14 was collected from the granodiorite north of West Point, California, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G16 was collected from the granodiorite south of West Point, California, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes, and Nd isotopes. Sample G17 was collected from the granodiorite near Cooks Station, California, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses as well as Sr and Nd isotopes. Sample G18 was collected from the tonalite northwest of Bear River Reservoir, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses as well as Sr and Nd isotopes. Sample G19 was collected from the granodiorite west of Silver Lake, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr and Nd isotopes. Sample G20 was collected from the granodiorite west of Gaples Lake, and was analyzed for 30 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, as well as Sr and Nd isotopes. Sample G21 was collected from the granodiorite west of Carson Pass, and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb zircon analyses, Sr isotopes and Nd isotopes. Samples G22 and G23 were both collected from outcrops of the Freel Peak Granodiorite. Sample G22 was collected west of Sorensen’s Camp and was analyzed for 30 individual U-Pb analyses, Sr isotopes and Nd isotopes. Sample G23 was collected east of Sorensen’s Camp and was analyzed for 25 individual U-Pb analyses, Sr isotopes and Nd isotopes. 4. Analytical Techniques 11 Strontium and Neodymium Isotopes The isotopic ratios of 87Sr/86Sr, 143 Nd/144Nd, and the trace element concentrations of Rb, Sr, Sm, and Nd were measured all nineteen samples in this study by thermal ionization mass spectrometry on whole rock samples. Rock samples were crushed to about one third of their grain size. Rock powders were put in large Savillex vials and dissolved in mixtures of hot concentrated HF-HNO3. The dissolved samples were spiked with the Caltech Rb, Sr, and mixed Sm-Nd spikes (Wasserburg et al., 1981; Ducea and Saleeby, 1998) after dissolution. Rb, Sr, and the bulk of the REEs were separated in cation columns containing AG50W-X4 resin, using 1N to 4N HCl. Separation of Sm and Nd was achieved in anion columns containing LN Spec resin, using 0.1N to 2.5N HCl. Rb was loaded onto single Re filaments using silica gel and H3PO4. Sr was loaded onto single Ta filaments with Ta2O5 powder. Sm and Nd were loaded onto single Re filaments using platinized carbon, and resin beads, respectively. Mass spectrometric analyses were carried out at the University of Arizona on an 11 automated VG Sector multicollector instrument fitted with adjustable 10 Ω Faraday collectors and a Daly photomultiplier (Ducea and Saleeby, 1998). Concentrations of Rb, Sr, Sm, Nd were determined by isotope dilution, with isotopic compositions determined on the same spiked runs. An off-line manipulation program was used for isotope dilution calculations. Typical runs consisted of acquisition of 100 isotopic ratios. The mean result of ten analyses of the standard NRbAAA performed during the course of this study is: 85 Rb/87Rb = 2.61199±20. Fifteen analyses of standard Sr987 yielded mean ratios of: 87 Sr/86Sr = 0.710285±7 and 84Sr/86Sr = 0.056316±12. The mean results of five analyses of the standard nSmβ performed during the course of this study are: 148 Sm/147Sm = 12 0.74880±21, and 148 Sm/152Sm = 0.42110±6. Fifteen measurements of the LaJolla Nd standard were performed during the course of this study. The standard runs yielded the following isotopic ratios: 142Nd/144Nd = 1.14184±2, 143Nd/144Nd = 511853±2, 145Nd/144Nd = 0.348390±2, and 150 Nd/144Nd = 0.23638±2. The Sr isotopic ratios of standards and samples were normalized to normalized to 146 86 Sr/88Sr = 0.1194, whereas the Nd isotopic ratios were Nd/144Nd = 0.7219. The estimated analytical ±2σ uncertainties for samples analyzed in this study are: 87Rb/86Sr = 0.35%, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.0014%, = 0.4%, and 143 147 Sm/144Nd Nd/144Nd = 0.0012%. Procedural blanks averaged from five determinations were: Rb-10 pg, Sr-150 pg, Sm- 2.7 pg, and Nd - 5.5 pg. U-Pb Zircon Geochronology U-Pb geochronology of zircons from all 19 samples in this study was conducted by laser ablation multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MCICPMS) at the Arizona LaserChron Center. The analyses involve ablation of zircon with a New Wave/Lambda Physik DUV193 Excimer laser (operating at a wavelength of 193 nm) using a spot diameter of 25 microns. The ablated material is carried with helium gas into the plasma source of a GV Instruments Isoprobe, which is equipped with a flight tube of sufficient width that U, Th, and Pb isotopes are measured simultaneously. All measurements are made in static mode, using Faraday detectors for 238U and 232Th, an ion-counting channel for 204Pb, and either faraday collectors or ion counting channels for 208-206Pb. Ion yields are ~1 mv per ppm. Each analysis consists of one 20-second integration on peaks with the laser off (for backgrounds), 20 one-second integrations with 13 the laser firing, and a 30 second delay to purge the previous sample and prepare for the next analysis. The ablation pit is ~15 microns in depth. For each analysis, the errors in determining 206Pb/238U and 206Pb/204Pb result in a measurement error of ~1% (at 2-sigma level) in the 206Pb/238U age. The errors in measurement of 206Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/204Pb also result in ~1% (2-sigma) uncertainty in age for grains that are >1.0 Ga, but are substantially larger for younger grains due to low intensity of the 207Pb signal. For most analyses, the cross-over in precision of 206Pb/238U and 206Pb/207Pb ages occurs at ~1.0 Ga. Common Pb correction is accomplished by using the measured 204Pb and assuming an initial Pb composition from Stacey and Kramers (1975) (with uncertainties of 1.0 for 206Pb/204Pb and 0.3 for 207Pb/204Pb). Our measurement of 204Pb is unaffected by the presence of 204Hg because backgrounds are measured on peaks (thereby subtracting any background 204Hg and 204Pb), and because very little Hg is present in the argon gas. Inter-element fractionation of Pb/U is generally ~20%, whereas fractionation of Pb isotopes is generally <2%. In-run analysis of fragments of a large zircon crystal (generally every fifth measurement) with known age of 564 ± 4 Ma (2-sigma error) is used to correct for this fractionation. The uncertainty resulting from the calibration correction is generally ~1% (2-sigma) for both 206Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/238U ages. The analytical data are reported in Table 2. Uncertainties shown in these tables are at the 1-sigma level, and include only measurement errors. The reported ages are determined from the weighted mean (Ludwig, 2003) of the 206Pb/238U or 206Pb/207Pb ages of the concordant and overlapping analyses (Figure 2). Analyses that are statistically 14 excluded from the main cluster are shown in blue on these figures. Two uncertainties are reported on these plots. The smaller uncertainty (labeled “mean”) is based on the scatter and precision of the set of 206Pb/238U or 206PB/207Pb ages, weighted according to their measurement errors (shown at 1-sigma). The larger uncertainty (labeled “age”), which is the reported uncertainty of the age, is determined as the quadratic sum of the weighted mean error plus the total systematic error for the set of analyses. The systematic error, which includes contributions from the standard calibration, age of the calibration standard, composition of common Pb, and U decay constants, is generally ~1-2% (2sigma). 5. Results U-Pb Zircon Ages U-Pb zircon analyses have been performed on 17 of the granitoid samples in this study, and the ages determined from these analyses are presented in Table 3. The MSWD for some samples was as high as 6.0, but the lack of correlation between age and U concentration for these samples rules out lead loss as reason for the large spread in ages. Cores and tips were analyzed individually when possible, and no evidence of inheritance was observed. The oldest age calculated in this study is 370.4 ± 7.19 Ma, from the Bowman Lake Granite, and the most recent age is 90.41 ± 2.14 Ma. With the exception of the Bowman Lake Granite, the ages determined from this study generally fall in to two clusters of ages, an older group of 7 samples ranging in age from 166.8 to 145.3 Ma and a younger group of 10 samples ranging in age from 125.5 to 90.41 Ma. These age ranges 15 have a good correlation with the clustering of ages in the much larger dataset for the southern and central Sierra Nevada, interpreted as two periods of high flux in the magmatic arc concentrated around 160-150 Ma and 100-85 Ma (Ducea 2001), and with flux rates calculated for the northern Sierra Nevada (Figure 7, pers. comm, Cecil 2008). Sr and Nd isotopes Sr and Nd isotopes have been determined for all 19 granitoid samples, and isotopic ratios have been corrected to their initial values using U-Pb zircon ages. These results are reported in Table 4. Three of the analyses have anomalously large Rb/Sr ratios, evidence of contamination or Sr loss, and resulting in 87 Sr/86SrInitial values as high as 0.741. These anomalous Sr ratios are not considered further in this study. The 87 Sr/86SrInitial ratios for the remaining samples lie in the range of 0.7025 to 0.7060, and can further divided in to two groups. Three of the samples, all from the western end of the northern transect, have relatively low 87 Sr/86SrInitial values, with a range of 0.7028 to 0.7034. The rest of the samples have higher 87Sr/86SrInitial values, ranging from 0.7048 to 0.7060. 143 Nd/144NdInitial ratios were also determined on the same samples. These values, converted to εNd notation, are all in the range of +5.75 to -5.81, with the exception of sample G06, which was calculated to have a very low εNd of -22.63. The exceptional departure of εNd for this sample with respect to those from closely related plutons is evidence that this value reflects contamination of the sample, and not a true measure of the isotopic ratio of the rock, and this value is not further considered for this study. Of the remaining analyses, only two samples have an εNd value in the range of 0 to +6, and the 16 rest have lower values of 0 to -6. The two samples with positive εNd, G01 and G02, are the westernmost samples from the northern transect. 6. Discussion U-Pb Zircon Geochronology When these ages are plotted against the distance of the samples from the axis of the range, trends in the location of magmatism over time for the two periods of high flux become apparent (Figure 3). The migration of magmatism over time is clear in the younger, eastern part of the batholith, and is recorded in the younging of plutons from 125.5 Ma in the west to 90 Ma in the east. This trend is broadly consistent with ages from the southern and central Sierra Nevada (Saleeby et al., 2003), and a regression of these ages yields a migration rate of 2.5 km/my (R2=0.3). This rate is similar to the 2.7 km/yr reported rate of migration for magmatism in the 120-80 Ma plutons in the Sierra Nevada Batholith (Chen and Moore, 1982) and the migration rate of 2.7-2.0 km/my reported for similar ages in the Coast Mountains Batholith (Gehrels et al., in press). The regression of age data for the older plutons in this study yields a migration rate of 5.4 km/my (R2=0.3), but this value may be misleadingly large given the wide spatial distribution of the relatively few ages used to calculate this trend. It seems more likely that these plutons were intruded penecontemporaneously without systematic temporal variation. Sr and Nd Isotope Geochemistry 17 87 Sr/86Sr ratios are higher for samples with an evolved, crustal signature, and lower for samples with an immature or depleted mantle signature. The reverse is true for 143 Nd/144Nd, with depleted mantle signatures typically higher than evolved crustal signatures. By plotting the 87Sr/86Sr ratio for each sample against Sr concentration (Figure 4) we can determine evaluate the likelihood these samples are the product of twocomponent mixing. In an ideal mixture of two components having different ratios, the data should form a hyperbola in the coordinates of (Figure 4a). This hyperbola becomes a straight line when 87 87 87 Sr/86Sr Sr/86Sr and Sr ppm Sr/86Sr is replotted against 1/Sr ppm (Figure 4b). In the case of the Sr isotopes, the data form has enough scatter that it is not reasonable to plot a mixing line or try to estimate end-member compositions. 143 Similarly, the Nd/144Nd ratio is plotted against Nd concentration in (Figure 5). Again, the data appear too scattered to be the product of simple, two-component mixing. This is likely evidence that the plutons have sampled from regions of differing chemical composition within the crust, as would be expected given the lateral geochemical heterogeneity through the accreted terrains that make up the metamorphic framework in the northern Sierra Nevada. The data shown in Figure 6 indicate a good negative correlation between 144 Nd/143Nd and 87 Sr/86Sr. These data can not uniquely determine the proportions of mantle versus crustal material in the plutonic rocks sampled (Miller et al., 1988), but can help qualitatively to identify the sources that contributed to the chemical heterogeneity across the batholith. By defining two general end members (M is mantle, C is crustal) we can broadly qualify the relative characteristics of the melt sources. End member M must have a low 87 Sr/86Sr ratio of no more than 0.703 and a relatively high 144 Nd/143Nd of 18 0.5132-0.5136. This range correlates well with the accepted values for mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). End member C has an 144 87 Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.706 at the minimum, and a Nd/143Nd no higher than 0.5125. It is likely the isotopic variations in the vertical extent of the batholith are even larger than those observed in the surficial outcrops, as is the case in the southern Sierra Nevada (Ducea, 2001). It is worth noting that the crustal component described in this study has a significantly less evolved isotopic signature than has been determined as the average for the Cordillera as a whole (Ducea and Barton, 2007). This is evidence for either a less evolved “crustal” source or a less significant amount of crustal material involved in the petrogenesis of these samples. Regional variations in the country rock of the Sierra Nevada may hold the explanation for this; the metamorphic framework through which the arc magmatic products intruded is predominantly accreted terrains in the north, as opposed to the suture between the continental craton and accreted terrains observed in the south. These accreted terrains have a less evolved isotopic signature, and this will be reflected in the isotopic signature of any sample derived from them. Studies of the growth of the Cordillera have shown that up to 80-90% of the arc products can be generated over the span of 10-15 m.y. during magmatic flare-up events (Reymer and Shubert, 1984; Saleeby, 1990; Ducea and Barton, 1997). Several mechanisms have been discussed in the literature as possible triggers for flare-up events, and can be broadly classified as lithospheric extension or delamination (Lee et al., 2006) or intra-crustal or lithospheric shortening (Ducea, 2001). In the Cordillera, all flare-up events are correlated with significant negative excursions in the εNd during that time period (Ducea and Barton, 2007). This divergence of εNd from MORB signatures is 19 interpreted to be an increase in more evolved crustal components to the source of melt generation, and is interpreted by Ducea (2001) as evidence for shortening as a driving factor of magmatic flare-up events. The samples analyzed in this study, on the other hand, don’t appear to show much correlation between episodes of high magmatic flux and variations in isotopic signature (Figure 7), and it is difficult to say for certain when nearly all the samples collected have crystallization ages associated with one of these high flux events. The expected magnitude of any such isotopic excursion might also not be particularly large, if it follows the pattern seen in the Coast Mountain Batholith (Girardi, 2008) instead of that observed in the central and southern Sierra Nevada (Ducea and Barton, 2007). The country rock of the northern Sierra Nevada is similar to the CMB in that the crust is largely accreted oceanic terranes, instead of the relatively high proportion of evolved, crustal material present in the arc in the central and southern Sierra Nevada. Alternatively, the variation that is apparent in the data could easily be dominated by the chemical signature of the framework metamorphic rocks assimilated during petrogenesis, as opposed to the increased addition of crustal material through shortening and thickening across the arc. This could be evidence that crustal shortening did not play as large a role in the orogensis of the northern Sierra Nevada, compared to other parts of the Cordillera, and the lower flux rates and the lack of correlation between the 144Nd/143Nd and 87Sr/86Sr with the estimated magmatic flux are a reflection of that. The spatial variation in the 144 Nd/143Nd and 87Sr/86Sr ratios across the axis of the range is shown in Figure 8. The isotopic ratios of the samples have a good correlation with location, with the most primitive isotopic signatures farthest to the west and an increasingly evolved, crustal signature to the east. This trend is most apparent in the 20 northern transect, which extends farther west relative to the southern transect. I argue that these spatial variations recorded in the isotopic chemistry of the arc magmatic products are caused primarily by the geochemical signature of the underlying metamorphic framework rocks, and are the dominant isotopic signal preserved in the northern part of the batholith. Unfortunately, without more data constraining the geochemistry of the endmembers that compose either the accreted terrains or the mantle melts, it becomes difficult to further calculate the composition of the residual material in the lower crust. 6. Conclusions Sr and Nd isotopic data, as well as U-Pb zircon geochronologic analyses are presented here for 19 rocks across two transects of the northern Sierra Nevada. These analyses fill in an area of the Sierra Nevada batholith that has relatively little data. Ages determined for the samples indicate that magmatism in the northern Sierra Nevada, like its southern and central counterparts, was dominated by two high-flux magmatic episodes, from 166.8-145.3 Ma and 125.5-90.41 Ma. The distribution of the older samples, located on the western side of the range, indicate very little spatial-temporal correlation, whereas a regression of the ages from 125.5 to 90.41 Ma indicate an eastward migration of magmatism of approximately 2.5 km/my during that high-flux episode, consistent with observations from the southern Sierra Nevada (Chen and Moore, 1982) and from the Coast Mountains Batholith (Gehrels et al., 2008). Sr and Nd isotope ratios measured across both transects document the variation in the sources of melt generation in the arc, both spatially and temporally. No strong correlation between Sr and Nd isotopes and the respective concentrations of these elements is observed, indicating that the petrogenesis 21 of these samples cannot be explained through a simple two-component mixing model. A strong correlation, however, between Sr and Nd isotope ratios is evidence that the geochemical signature of these samples is dominated by components of both mantle and continental material. The isotopic signatures of these granitoid samples is, on average, significantly less evolved than is seen in the southern and central Sierra Nevada, and inferred to be the result of crustal assimilation involving a higher component of accreted oceanic terranes than in the south, which has a substantial component of evolved cratonic material in the magmatic arc. A lack of correlation between Sr and Nd isotopes with the timing of high-flux episodes in the Sierra Nevada can be explained several ways. It indicate that significant amounts of continental material are not being delivered to the region of melt generation through shortening, but it is also possible that the less evolved isotopic signature of the accreted oceanic terrains are simply not producing the large deviations in isotopic signature seen in southern and central Sierra Nevada (Ducea and Barton, 2007). There is, on the other hand, a good correlation between isotopic ratios in the plutonic rocks sampled with the type of metamorphic framework rocks that they are intruded through. Generally, the samples with the most primitive isotopic signatures are located in the western metamorphic belt of the northern Sierra Nevada, and the samples with more evolved isotopic signatures are found farther east. 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Sample locations are shown as black triangles, transects are shown with black rectangles. Mesozoic plutonic rocks are shown in pink. 26 Figure 2. U-Pb zircon best ages plotted for each analyses of each sample. Analyses that are statistically excluded from the main cluster are shown in blue on these figures. 27 Figure 3. U-Pb zircon age plotted with respect to the distance from the range axis for 19 Mesozoic plutonic rocks in the northern Sierra Nevada. Crosses – northern transect; open circles – southern transect. Solid line represents regression through younger samples (R2=0.3). Dashed line represents regression through older samples (R2=0.3). 28 Figure 4. A: Initial 87Sr/86Sr vs. Sr concentration in ppm. Samples extracted from a two-component mixture should plot along the line of a hyperbola. Crosses – northern transect; open circles – southern transect. B: Initial 87Sr/86Sr vs. 1/Sr ppm. A two-component mixing line in these coordinates should plot along a straight line. Symbols as in Figure 4A. 29 Figure 5. A: Initial 144Nd/143Nd vs. Nd concentration in ppm. Samples extracted from a two-component mixture should plot along the line of a hyperbola. Crosses – northern transect; open circles – southern transect. B: Initial 144Nd/143Nd vs. 1/Nd ppm. A two-component mixing line in these coordinates should plot along a straight line. Symbols as in Figure 4A. 30 Figure 6. Initial 87Sr/86Sr vs. eNd for northern Sierra Nevada plutonic rocks. Sr and Nd isotopes have a good negative correlation. Crosses – northern transect; open circles – southern transect. 31 Figure 7. Initial 87Sr/86Sr and eNd vs Age for northern Sierra Nevada plutonic rocks, plotted against magmatic flux for the northern Sierra Nevada as calculated by Cecil, 2008. No notable correlation between Sr & Nd isotopes with flux is apparent. Crosses – northern transect; open circles – southern transect; gray area – magmatic flux. 32 Figure 8. Initial 87Sr/86Sr and eNd vs distance from range crest for northern Sierra Nevada plutonic rocks. Isotopic signatures trend toward more primitive in the west and more evolved in the east. Crosses – northern transect; open circles – southern transect; gray area. 33 Table 1. Sample locations and rock types Sample Lattitude Longitude Rock Type Location Description Deg. N. Deg. W. Northern Transect G01 39.29777 121.0882 granodiorite Yuba River Pluton G02 39.3307 121.1947 granodiorite Pleasant Valley Pluton G03 39.3219 120.633 granodiorite Lake Spaulding, south G04 39.32468 120.5981 granodiorite Lake Spaulding, east G05 39.44328 120.0112 tonalite north of Flonston G06 39.33343 120.2906 granodiorite Donner Lake G08 39.3782 120.671 granite Bowman Lake Pluton G09 39.34357 120.3385 granodiorite Donner Pass G10 39.32757 120.3901 granodiorite Soda Springs G11 39.31232 120.4946 granodiorite Cascade Lakes, west G12 39.30613 120.6328 diorite Emigrant Gap Southern Transect G14 38.37207 120.5542 granodiorite north of West Point G16 38.43558 120.5509 granodiorite south of West Point G17 38.54627 120.352 granodiorite Cooks Station, CA Bear River Reservoir, G18 38.56097 120.2663 tonalite northwest G19 38.64565 120.1343 granodiorite Silver Lake, west G20 38.70483 120.0899 granodiorite Gaples Lake, west G21 38.69447 119.9956 granodiorite Carson Pass, west G22 38.77603 119.8968 granodiorite Freel Peak Granodiorite G23 38.76478 119.8484 granodiorite Freel Peak Granodiorite 34 Table 2. U-Pb geochronologic analyses. Isotope ratios Analysis U/Th 206Pb* ± 207Pb* ± 206Pb* ± error 206Pb* ± 207Pb* ± 206Pb* ± Best age ± 207Pb* (%) 235U* (%) 238U (%) corr. 238U* (Ma) 235U (Ma) 207Pb* (Ma) (Ma) (Ma) 11.0 96.0 176.7 161.6 1.9 U 206Pb (ppm) 204Pb G01-1 152 1614 G01-2 140 944 2.7 G01-3 151 1300 1.9 G01-4 146 1208 2.4 20.3744 G01-5 210 2272 3.1 G01-6 109 1648 3.2 G01-7 92 1106 G01-8 497 G01-9 187 G01-10 188 2.0 Apparent ages (Ma) 20.8618 7.5 0.1678 7.6 0.0254 1.2 0.16 161.6 1.9 157.5 19.7132 6.2 17.9750 14.5 0.1755 6.3 0.0251 0.8 0.13 159.8 1.3 164.2 9.5 228.4 144.2 159.8 1.3 0.1948 14.5 0.0254 0.9 0.06 161.6 1.4 180.7 24.0 437.7 323.2 161.6 1.4 15.6 0.1752 15.7 0.0259 1.5 0.09 164.8 2.4 163.9 23.7 151.7 367.0 164.8 2.4 21.3534 8.2 0.1679 8.2 0.0260 0.5 0.06 165.5 0.8 157.6 12.0 40.6 196.0 165.5 0.8 21.9550 12.0 0.1587 12.4 0.0253 3.0 0.25 160.9 4.8 149.6 17.2 -26.3 292.1 160.9 4.8 2.5 22.1408 10.7 0.1562 11.3 0.0251 3.5 0.31 159.7 5.5 147.4 15.5 -46.7 261.4 159.7 5.5 6288 2.2 20.6752 3.6 0.1664 3.7 0.0249 1.0 0.27 158.9 1.6 156.3 5.4 117.2 84.1 158.9 1.6 804 2.1 19.2628 5.7 0.1817 5.9 0.0254 1.4 0.23 161.6 2.2 169.5 9.2 281.6 131.2 161.6 2.2 1472 2.5 20.3355 9.3 0.1644 9.3 0.0242 0.8 0.08 154.4 1.2 154.5 13.4 156.2 218.0 154.4 1.2 G01-12 89 892 3.3 21.5662 11.4 0.1582 11.7 0.0247 2.9 0.25 157.6 4.5 149.1 16.3 16.8 273.8 157.6 4.5 G01-11 182 2778 3.9 20.0672 6.0 0.1695 6.2 0.0247 1.6 0.26 157.1 2.5 159.0 9.1 187.2 140.0 157.1 2.5 G01-13 377 1500 1.9 15.4023 15.5 0.2331 15.6 0.0260 1.4 0.09 165.7 2.2 212.8 29.9 771.9 328.3 165.7 2.2 G01-14 113 1338 2.5 22.5228 13.8 0.1534 13.8 0.0251 1.0 0.07 159.5 1.6 144.9 18.7 -88.5 339.9 159.5 1.6 G01-15 133 1516 2.5 21.2409 14.2 0.1629 14.3 0.0251 1.5 0.10 159.8 2.3 153.3 20.4 53.2 341.3 159.8 2.3 G01-16 135 1064 2.2 18.9291 9.8 0.1825 10.0 0.0251 2.1 0.21 159.5 3.3 170.2 15.7 321.4 222.2 159.5 3.3 G01-17 93 1230 2.9 23.1988 14.3 0.1480 14.3 0.0249 1.7 0.11 158.6 2.6 140.2 18.8 -161.5 355.9 158.6 2.6 G01-18 161 2032 2.0 18.9376 7.8 0.1903 8.1 0.0261 2.0 0.24 166.3 3.2 176.9 13.1 320.4 178.4 166.3 3.2 G01-19 105 910 2.4 19.1260 10.8 0.1928 10.8 0.0267 1.0 0.09 170.1 1.6 179.0 17.7 297.9 246.2 170.1 1.6 G01-20 207 2836 2.5 20.9509 4.7 0.1654 4.9 0.0251 1.7 0.34 160.0 2.7 155.4 7.1 85.9 110.4 160.0 2.7 G01-21 125 1166 2.7 19.5597 7.1 0.1821 7.2 0.0258 1.2 0.17 164.4 2.0 169.9 11.2 246.5 162.8 164.4 2.0 G01-22 92 1216 3.2 21.9698 11.0 0.1583 11.5 0.0252 3.4 0.29 160.6 5.3 149.2 16.0 -27.9 267.2 160.6 5.3 G01-23 167 1044 2.9 22.1352 9.7 0.1506 10.0 0.0242 2.3 0.23 154.0 3.5 142.5 13.3 -46.1 237.1 154.0 3.5 G01-24 175 2258 3.3 21.1503 8.4 0.1664 8.6 0.0255 1.5 0.18 162.4 2.4 156.3 12.4 63.4 200.8 162.4 2.4 G01-25 112 1462 3.0 21.5301 7.7 0.1663 7.8 0.0260 0.5 0.06 165.3 0.8 156.2 11.2 20.8 186.0 165.3 0.8 35 G02-1 150 774 2.0 21.6270 15.3 0.1709 15.5 0.0268 2.3 0.15 170.5 3.9 160.2 22.9 10.1 370.2 170.5 3.9 G02-2 99 762 1.7 23.6095 15.7 0.1492 15.7 0.0256 1.2 0.08 162.7 2.0 141.2 20.7 -205.4 394.8 162.7 2.0 G02-3 164 1120 1.1 21.1298 5.2 0.1712 5.4 0.0262 1.4 0.26 167.0 2.3 160.5 8.0 65.7 123.1 167.0 2.3 G02-4 163 1294 2.0 22.8737 11.2 0.1510 11.2 0.0250 1.3 0.12 159.5 2.1 142.8 15.0 -126.5 276.1 159.5 2.1 G02-5 133 1090 2.2 22.1109 15.0 0.1575 15.1 0.0253 1.5 0.10 160.8 2.4 148.5 20.9 -43.5 367.2 160.8 2.4 G02-6 162 1226 1.8 21.8035 6.6 0.1560 6.8 0.0247 1.6 0.23 157.1 2.4 147.2 9.3 -9.5 160.4 157.1 2.4 G02-7 88 756 2.2 22.2079 9.7 0.1542 9.8 0.0248 1.2 0.12 158.2 1.8 145.6 13.3 -54.1 237.0 158.2 1.8 G02-8 188 1562 2.8 20.9288 4.5 0.1668 5.3 0.0253 2.8 0.53 161.2 4.5 156.6 7.7 88.4 107.1 161.2 4.5 G02-9 121 960 2.0 22.5284 11.3 0.1521 11.7 0.0249 3.0 0.26 158.3 4.7 143.8 15.6 -89.1 276.8 158.3 4.7 G02-10 127 1018 2.6 21.1452 6.3 0.1680 6.4 0.0258 0.9 0.14 164.0 1.5 157.7 9.3 64.0 149.8 164.0 1.5 G02-11 90 710 2.0 23.4477 14.3 0.1503 14.4 0.0256 1.7 0.12 162.7 2.7 142.1 19.1 -188.1 359.3 162.7 2.7 G02-12 86 630 1.9 24.3739 19.7 0.1453 19.7 0.0257 1.1 0.05 163.5 1.7 137.7 25.4 -285.9 506.3 163.5 1.7 G02-13 85 720 1.9 22.8135 12.6 0.1618 12.8 0.0268 2.0 0.15 170.3 3.3 152.3 18.1 -120.0 312.5 170.3 3.3 G02-15 86 742 1.4 22.2000 10.1 0.1600 10.4 0.0258 2.6 0.25 163.9 4.2 150.7 14.6 -53.2 247.0 163.9 4.2 G02-16 105 694 2.4 22.7283 13.8 0.1509 14.0 0.0249 2.8 0.20 158.3 4.4 142.7 18.7 -110.8 340.0 158.3 4.4 G02-17 88 630 1.4 22.8479 13.0 0.1630 13.0 0.0270 0.9 0.07 171.8 1.5 153.3 18.5 -123.7 322.1 171.8 1.5 G02-18 125 980 2.6 22.2721 11.2 0.1531 11.3 0.0247 1.1 0.09 157.5 1.6 144.7 15.2 -61.1 274.2 157.5 1.6 G02-19 120 966 2.0 23.6384 15.4 0.1427 15.6 0.0245 2.6 0.17 155.8 4.0 135.4 19.8 -208.4 387.2 155.8 4.0 G02-20 78 680 1.6 25.4712 21.8 0.1350 22.0 0.0249 2.5 0.11 158.8 3.9 128.6 26.5 -399.4 574.9 158.8 3.9 G02-21 170 1652 2.4 21.6070 6.6 0.1554 8.4 0.0244 5.2 0.61 155.1 7.9 146.7 11.5 12.3 159.2 155.1 7.9 G02-22 109 890 2.0 22.0491 8.9 0.1571 9.0 0.0251 1.6 0.17 159.9 2.5 148.2 12.4 -36.6 215.4 159.9 2.5 G02-23 191 1224 4.6 21.3265 5.2 0.1625 5.6 0.0251 2.2 0.39 160.0 3.4 152.9 7.9 43.6 123.2 160.0 3.4 G02-24 170 1472 2.9 21.1313 5.6 0.1765 5.7 0.0270 1.1 0.19 172.0 1.8 165.0 8.7 65.5 133.3 172.0 1.8 G02-25 211 1622 3.2 20.7732 4.1 0.1657 4.6 0.0250 1.9 0.42 158.9 3.0 155.7 6.6 106.1 98.1 158.9 3.0 G02-26 223 1690 3.1 20.9656 5.1 0.1676 5.9 0.0255 2.9 0.50 162.3 4.7 157.4 8.6 84.2 120.5 162.3 4.7 G02-27 90 844 2.5 26.5036 25.0 0.1297 25.2 0.0249 3.0 0.12 158.7 4.8 123.8 29.4 -504.1 675.1 158.7 4.8 G02-28 134 1092 1.5 21.8198 9.3 0.1522 10.9 0.0241 5.6 0.51 153.5 8.5 143.9 14.6 -11.3 226.3 153.5 8.5 G02-29 132 996 2.6 22.7794 11.7 0.1509 11.9 0.0249 2.0 0.17 158.7 3.1 142.7 15.8 -116.3 289.3 158.7 3.1 G02-30 102 812 2.4 22.0114 9.3 0.1594 9.4 0.0255 1.6 0.17 162.0 2.6 150.2 13.1 -32.5 224.9 162.0 2.6 G02-31 85 586 1.7 22.4798 11.1 0.1557 11.3 0.0254 1.8 0.16 161.6 2.9 146.9 15.4 -83.8 272.9 161.6 2.9 G02-32 325 2332 10.5 21.0234 4.0 0.1563 4.5 0.0238 2.1 0.47 151.9 3.2 147.5 6.2 77.7 94.0 151.9 3.2 G02-33 205 1442 1.4 21.8890 7.6 0.1623 7.6 0.0258 0.5 0.07 164.0 0.8 152.7 10.8 -18.9 184.4 164.0 0.8 36 G02-34 63 576 2.5 24.2674 19.8 0.1490 20.3 0.0262 4.3 0.21 166.9 7.1 141.1 26.7 -274.7 507.5 166.9 7.1 G02-35 1352 6412 15.9 20.1803 1.1 0.1741 1.5 0.0255 0.9 0.63 162.2 1.5 163.0 2.2 174.1 26.3 162.2 1.5 G02-40 128 1166 1.7 21.4468 8.0 0.1662 8.2 0.0258 2.1 0.25 164.5 3.4 156.1 11.9 30.1 191.1 164.5 3.4 G02-41 208 1518 2.5 21.4458 7.4 0.1614 7.6 0.0251 1.7 0.23 159.8 2.7 151.9 10.7 30.3 176.7 159.8 2.7 G03-1 230 3676 2.9 19.7046 5.6 0.1877 5.7 0.0268 1.1 0.20 170.6 1.9 174.7 9.2 229.4 129.6 170.6 1.9 G03-2 228 3872 2.9 20.4348 9.0 0.1701 9.1 0.0252 1.4 0.16 160.5 2.3 159.5 13.5 144.7 212.1 160.5 2.3 G03-4 159 1188 2.9 16.6020 7.0 0.2210 7.0 0.0266 1.0 0.14 169.3 1.7 202.7 13.0 612.0 150.9 169.3 1.7 G03-5 138 1768 2.0 17.7210 8.1 0.2036 8.6 0.0262 2.8 0.33 166.5 4.6 188.1 14.7 469.3 179.5 166.5 4.6 G03-6 102 1496 2.3 18.3815 20.0 0.2005 20.1 0.0267 2.0 0.10 170.1 3.3 185.6 34.1 387.7 452.5 170.1 3.3 G03-7 144 2444 2.7 20.0453 11.3 0.1817 11.3 0.0264 1.0 0.09 168.1 1.7 169.5 17.7 189.7 263.2 168.1 1.7 G03-8 119 2392 2.6 20.0759 14.9 0.1771 15.0 0.0258 1.2 0.08 164.1 1.9 165.6 22.9 186.2 349.6 164.1 1.9 G03-9 125 1948 2.6 17.7707 5.0 0.2055 5.7 0.0265 2.7 0.48 168.6 4.5 189.8 9.9 463.1 111.1 168.6 4.5 G03-10 81 1546 1.6 19.3546 10.0 0.1805 11.8 0.0253 6.2 0.53 161.3 9.9 168.5 18.3 270.7 230.3 161.3 9.9 G03-11 150 2218 2.1 18.5926 9.7 0.1947 9.8 0.0263 2.0 0.20 167.1 3.2 180.6 16.3 362.0 218.1 167.1 3.2 G03-12 132 2314 2.5 19.5248 6.0 0.1829 6.3 0.0259 1.8 0.29 164.8 3.0 170.5 9.9 250.6 138.7 164.8 3.0 G03-13 170 2950 2.6 20.1537 4.4 0.1834 4.9 0.0268 2.1 0.43 170.5 3.5 171.0 7.7 177.1 102.6 170.5 3.5 G03-14 99 1460 2.2 17.1227 16.1 0.2117 16.4 0.0263 2.9 0.18 167.3 4.9 194.9 29.1 544.9 354.2 167.3 4.9 G03-15 104 1904 2.0 22.4700 12.1 0.1586 12.5 0.0258 3.1 0.25 164.5 5.0 149.5 17.3 -82.7 297.1 164.5 5.0 G03-16 206 3228 1.5 18.1628 6.3 0.2019 6.4 0.0266 1.1 0.17 169.2 1.9 186.7 11.0 414.5 142.0 169.2 1.9 G03-19 150 1950 2.3 18.7675 8.1 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1.7 27.0029 25.7 0.1090 25.8 0.0214 2.3 0.09 136.2 3.2 105.1 25.8 -554.1 701.3 136.2 3.2 G04-5 157 1510 0.8 21.6042 11.5 0.1351 12.4 0.0212 4.6 0.37 135.0 6.1 128.7 15.0 12.6 278.2 135.0 6.1 G04-6 61 826 0.8 23.2863 14.5 0.1438 15.2 0.0243 4.5 0.30 154.7 6.9 136.4 19.3 -170.9 361.9 154.7 6.9 37 G04-7 63 604 1.3 23.3168 23.0 0.1322 23.2 0.0224 3.5 0.15 142.6 4.9 126.1 27.6 -174.1 579.4 142.6 4.9 G04-8 149 1382 1.1 22.8002 11.4 0.1298 12.2 0.0215 4.3 0.35 136.9 5.8 123.9 14.2 -118.6 282.3 136.9 5.8 G04-9 139 1274 1.0 21.8086 6.4 0.1336 7.0 0.0211 2.7 0.39 134.8 3.7 127.3 8.3 -10.1 154.9 134.8 3.7 G04-10 92 1042 0.7 22.2170 10.1 0.1257 11.6 0.0202 5.7 0.49 129.2 7.3 120.2 13.1 -55.1 245.3 129.2 7.3 G04-11 306 2252 1.6 21.4390 6.4 0.1454 6.8 0.0226 2.2 0.32 144.1 3.1 137.8 8.8 31.0 154.5 144.1 3.1 G04-12 148 1578 0.8 21.4070 14.8 0.1436 15.0 0.0223 2.2 0.15 142.2 3.1 136.3 19.1 34.6 356.7 142.2 3.1 G04-13 82 824 1.2 23.7036 15.3 0.1267 16.0 0.0218 4.7 0.30 138.9 6.5 121.1 18.3 -215.3 386.3 138.9 6.5 G04-14 55 452 1.1 24.2818 18.6 0.1267 18.8 0.0223 2.9 0.15 142.3 4.0 121.2 21.5 -276.2 476.5 142.3 4.0 G04-15 64 684 1.1 25.6433 23.2 0.1201 23.4 0.0223 3.0 0.13 142.5 4.3 115.2 25.5 -417.0 613.0 142.5 4.3 G04-16 76 978 1.0 23.2121 13.5 0.1305 13.6 0.0220 1.9 0.14 140.1 2.7 124.6 16.0 -162.9 336.5 140.1 2.7 G04-17 197 1752 1.1 21.2560 5.8 0.1579 6.6 0.0243 3.1 0.46 155.0 4.7 148.8 9.1 51.5 139.4 155.0 4.7 G04-18 554 4934 1.5 20.2620 13.1 0.1624 13.2 0.0239 1.8 0.13 152.0 2.7 152.8 18.8 164.6 307.6 152.0 2.7 G04-19 55 788 1.1 26.7432 27.7 0.1181 28.0 0.0229 3.8 0.14 146.0 5.5 113.3 30.0 -528.2 753.7 146.0 5.5 G04-20 381 3902 2.0 21.2469 5.1 0.1543 5.4 0.0238 1.8 0.33 151.5 2.6 145.7 7.3 52.5 120.9 151.5 2.6 G04-21 85 640 0.8 24.9925 19.1 0.1240 19.2 0.0225 1.5 0.08 143.3 2.1 118.7 21.5 -350.2 496.8 143.3 2.1 G04-22 94 874 0.7 23.3521 14.1 0.1333 14.2 0.0226 1.4 0.10 143.9 1.9 127.1 16.9 -177.9 353.2 143.9 1.9 G04-23 56 578 1.3 24.6638 19.2 0.1249 19.3 0.0223 1.8 0.09 142.5 2.6 119.5 21.8 -316.1 497.2 142.5 2.6 G04-24 260 2242 1.1 21.2566 5.5 0.1499 5.6 0.0231 1.2 0.21 147.3 1.7 141.8 7.4 51.5 131.2 147.3 1.7 G04-25 96 1030 1.1 24.0795 17.6 0.1334 17.7 0.0233 2.0 0.11 148.5 2.9 127.2 21.2 -255.0 449.6 148.5 2.9 G04-26 82 718 1.1 24.8401 19.8 0.1298 20.0 0.0234 2.3 0.11 149.0 3.4 123.9 23.3 -334.4 514.3 149.0 3.4 G04-27 72 642 1.1 25.3470 21.4 0.1216 21.5 0.0224 2.0 0.09 142.5 2.8 116.5 23.7 -386.7 563.1 142.5 2.8 G04-28 304 3034 0.6 20.9929 8.8 0.1530 9.0 0.0233 1.9 0.21 148.4 2.8 144.5 12.2 81.2 209.9 148.4 2.8 G04-29 84 526 0.6 24.9308 20.1 0.1226 20.2 0.0222 1.1 0.06 141.3 1.6 117.4 22.4 -343.8 523.7 141.3 1.6 G04-30 77 722 1.1 27.3818 28.5 0.1125 28.6 0.0223 1.9 0.07 142.4 2.7 108.2 29.4 -591.8 787.0 142.4 2.7 G04-31 182 1230 0.4 22.1642 9.1 0.1394 9.3 0.0224 1.8 0.20 142.9 2.6 132.5 11.5 -49.3 222.0 142.9 2.6 G04-32 94 954 1.0 23.1109 12.5 0.1316 12.6 0.0221 2.0 0.16 140.6 2.8 125.5 14.9 -152.1 310.0 140.6 2.8 G04-33 259 1840 1.0 20.9783 5.0 0.1517 5.0 0.0231 0.8 0.15 147.1 1.1 143.4 6.7 82.8 118.1 147.1 1.1 G04-34 308 2526 1.2 21.1168 5.5 0.1545 5.5 0.0237 0.7 0.13 150.7 1.1 145.9 7.5 67.2 130.4 150.7 1.1 G04-35 121 1072 0.8 25.4039 21.4 0.1209 21.6 0.0223 2.4 0.11 142.0 3.4 115.9 23.6 -392.5 563.5 142.0 3.4 G06-1 214 2202 4.0 21.6383 6.2 0.1054 6.5 0.0165 1.8 0.27 105.8 1.9 101.7 6.2 8.8 149.4 105.8 1.9 G06-2 226 1784 3.2 22.2416 7.8 0.1005 7.9 0.0162 1.5 0.19 103.7 1.6 97.3 7.4 -57.8 189.8 103.7 1.6 G06-3 341 2576 3.1 21.3500 4.4 0.1064 4.6 0.0165 1.3 0.29 105.3 1.4 102.6 4.5 41.0 106.1 105.3 1.4 38 G06-4 828 6470 2.2 20.5384 4.7 0.1133 4.9 0.0169 1.5 0.31 107.9 1.6 109.0 5.1 132.9 110.3 107.9 1.6 G06-5 340 2216 2.8 22.1915 8.7 0.1060 9.1 0.0171 2.6 0.29 109.1 2.8 102.3 8.8 -52.3 211.4 109.1 2.8 G06-6 135 1068 2.7 22.7274 10.8 0.1023 10.9 0.0169 1.7 0.16 107.8 1.9 98.9 10.3 -110.7 266.3 107.8 1.9 G06-7 345 2256 2.5 22.0715 6.9 0.1068 6.9 0.0171 0.9 0.14 109.3 1.0 103.0 6.8 -39.1 167.2 109.3 1.0 G06-8 599 4108 1.9 21.3589 3.9 0.1132 4.0 0.0175 0.7 0.18 112.1 0.8 108.9 4.1 40.0 93.4 112.1 0.8 G06-9 543 3534 2.2 21.9510 6.8 0.1118 6.8 0.0178 0.9 0.13 113.8 1.0 107.6 7.0 -25.8 164.0 113.8 1.0 G06-10 286 2182 2.2 21.4201 4.6 0.1120 4.6 0.0174 0.5 0.11 111.2 0.6 107.8 4.7 33.1 110.1 111.2 0.6 G06-11 254 1522 2.5 22.5486 8.9 0.1043 9.2 0.0171 2.4 0.26 109.0 2.6 100.7 8.8 -91.3 218.3 109.0 2.6 G06-12 245 1250 2.6 21.2390 16.2 0.1166 16.2 0.0180 0.5 0.03 114.8 0.6 112.0 17.1 53.4 387.6 114.8 0.6 G06-13 323 2504 2.6 21.7526 5.4 0.1124 5.6 0.0177 1.6 0.28 113.3 1.8 108.1 5.8 -3.9 130.1 113.3 1.8 G06-14 558 4068 3.1 21.4295 3.3 0.1084 3.5 0.0168 1.4 0.39 107.7 1.5 104.5 3.5 32.1 78.1 107.7 1.5 G06-15 500 3576 3.6 20.8982 5.6 0.1114 5.7 0.0169 1.0 0.18 107.9 1.1 107.2 5.8 91.9 131.8 107.9 1.1 G06-16 1020 8128 2.9 20.8815 1.5 0.1138 2.2 0.0172 1.7 0.74 110.2 1.8 109.5 2.3 93.8 36.0 110.2 1.8 G06-17 1469 7164 1.7 20.2743 2.5 0.1117 3.5 0.0164 2.5 0.69 105.0 2.6 107.5 3.6 163.2 59.5 105.0 2.6 G06-18 360 3334 2.8 21.7305 5.0 0.1092 5.5 0.0172 2.3 0.42 110.0 2.5 105.2 5.5 -1.4 119.6 110.0 2.5 G06-19 359 3008 3.3 21.7393 6.0 0.1052 6.1 0.0166 0.8 0.13 106.1 0.9 101.6 5.9 -2.4 145.6 106.1 0.9 G06-20 308 2232 2.4 22.5135 8.7 0.1010 8.7 0.0165 1.0 0.12 105.4 1.1 97.7 8.1 -87.5 213.0 105.4 1.1 G06-21 499 3012 2.4 21.2190 4.4 0.1120 4.7 0.0172 1.7 0.36 110.2 1.8 107.8 4.8 55.7 104.5 110.2 1.8 G06-22 535 3752 1.8 21.1486 4.0 0.1101 4.0 0.0169 0.5 0.13 108.0 0.6 106.1 4.1 63.6 95.0 108.0 0.6 G06-23 419 3100 2.1 21.4414 4.8 0.1094 4.8 0.0170 0.5 0.11 108.7 0.5 105.4 4.8 30.7 114.2 108.7 0.5 G06-24 327 2420 2.5 21.4609 4.6 0.1109 4.6 0.0173 0.7 0.14 110.3 0.7 106.8 4.7 28.6 109.5 110.3 0.7 G06-25 124 980 2.6 23.8889 13.8 0.0943 13.9 0.0163 1.3 0.10 104.5 1.4 91.5 12.1 -234.9 349.8 104.5 1.4 G08-1 260 9894 3.4 18.2184 3.5 0.4572 5.0 0.0604 3.5 0.71 378.1 12.9 382.3 15.9 407.7 79.0 378.1 12.9 G08-2 415 6226 2.4 16.6708 7.0 0.4757 7.2 0.0575 1.8 0.25 360.5 6.2 395.1 23.5 603.0 150.8 360.5 6.2 G08-3 374 11126 2.7 18.1085 1.4 0.4438 2.5 0.0583 2.0 0.81 365.2 7.1 372.9 7.7 421.2 32.2 365.2 7.1 G08-4 299 10438 2.6 18.5794 2.0 0.4236 3.4 0.0571 2.8 0.82 357.8 9.9 358.6 10.4 363.6 44.0 357.8 9.9 G08-5 317 9952 3.3 18.3328 1.7 0.4449 2.8 0.0592 2.2 0.78 370.5 7.9 373.7 8.7 393.7 38.9 370.5 7.9 G08-6 279 7732 2.0 17.7394 2.1 0.4890 2.2 0.0629 0.8 0.37 393.3 3.1 404.3 7.4 467.0 46.0 393.3 3.1 G08-7 330 10916 2.3 18.4609 2.0 0.4556 2.9 0.0610 2.1 0.73 381.7 7.8 381.2 9.1 378.0 44.0 381.7 7.8 G08-8 341 12350 2.0 18.4319 2.2 0.4337 2.7 0.0580 1.6 0.58 363.3 5.6 365.8 8.4 381.6 50.2 363.3 5.6 G08-9 241 8870 3.0 18.4491 3.3 0.4340 3.9 0.0581 2.1 0.53 363.9 7.4 366.0 12.1 379.5 75.1 363.9 7.4 G08-10 402 16862 2.9 17.8769 9.0 0.4761 9.1 0.0617 1.4 0.15 386.1 5.2 395.4 29.7 449.9 199.2 386.1 5.2 39 G08-11 249 7864 3.1 18.4754 3.2 0.4352 3.8 0.0583 2.1 0.54 365.4 7.3 366.9 11.6 376.3 71.0 365.4 7.3 G08-12 284 9696 2.7 18.1045 3.2 0.4572 4.0 0.0600 2.4 0.59 375.8 8.6 382.3 12.7 421.7 72.2 375.8 8.6 G08-13 281 6878 2.9 17.7221 5.7 0.4674 6.1 0.0601 2.3 0.38 376.1 8.4 389.4 19.8 469.2 125.6 376.1 8.4 G08-14 335 2670 2.3 16.4931 11.8 0.4686 11.9 0.0561 1.1 0.09 351.6 3.8 390.2 38.4 626.2 255.2 351.6 3.8 G08-15 442 14702 2.2 18.4378 2.2 0.4358 3.2 0.0583 2.3 0.72 365.1 8.3 367.3 10.0 380.9 50.2 365.1 8.3 G08-16 405 15580 2.1 18.5733 1.7 0.4469 1.8 0.0602 0.7 0.38 376.8 2.5 375.1 5.7 364.4 38.1 376.8 2.5 G08-17 307 7632 2.4 18.3842 5.7 0.4631 5.8 0.0618 1.2 0.21 386.3 4.5 386.4 18.7 387.4 127.9 386.3 4.5 G08-18 445 17018 2.2 18.4895 1.9 0.4406 2.4 0.0591 1.5 0.61 370.1 5.4 370.7 7.6 374.6 43.3 370.1 5.4 G08-19 456 14782 2.1 18.6805 1.6 0.4350 1.7 0.0589 0.7 0.42 369.2 2.7 366.7 5.4 351.4 35.7 369.2 2.7 G08-20 438 12110 1.8 18.3699 2.7 0.4382 3.2 0.0584 1.7 0.54 365.8 6.0 369.0 9.8 389.1 60.2 365.8 6.0 G08-25 251 7760 2.8 17.6402 3.7 0.4510 4.1 0.0577 1.7 0.42 361.7 6.0 378.0 12.8 479.4 81.3 361.7 6.0 G08-21 879 19076 1.6 18.4987 1.3 0.4542 2.8 0.0609 2.5 0.88 381.3 9.2 380.2 8.9 373.4 30.2 381.3 9.2 G08-22 278 11222 2.4 18.2760 2.6 0.4465 3.8 0.0592 2.8 0.73 370.7 10.1 374.9 12.1 400.6 58.9 370.7 10.1 G08-23 311 7230 2.4 18.3443 4.1 0.4494 4.5 0.0598 2.0 0.44 374.4 7.2 376.9 14.2 392.3 91.3 374.4 7.2 G08-24 428 18424 2.1 18.4315 1.8 0.4385 2.5 0.0586 1.8 0.71 367.2 6.4 369.2 7.8 381.6 39.7 367.2 6.4 G09-1 602 6602 2.7 20.5895 4.4 0.1262 4.5 0.0188 1.0 0.22 120.3 1.2 120.6 5.1 127.0 103.4 120.3 1.2 G09-2 464 5164 2.7 21.3359 5.1 0.1201 5.2 0.0186 1.3 0.24 118.7 1.5 115.1 5.7 42.6 121.8 118.7 1.5 G09-3 451 3702 2.2 19.0793 5.8 0.1362 6.1 0.0189 1.8 0.30 120.4 2.2 129.7 7.5 303.4 133.4 120.4 2.2 G09-4 736 5468 2.2 20.1463 4.2 0.1237 4.5 0.0181 1.5 0.33 115.5 1.7 118.4 5.0 178.0 98.8 115.5 1.7 G09-5 509 4458 2.9 19.6220 5.9 0.1316 6.0 0.0187 0.9 0.15 119.6 1.1 125.5 7.1 239.1 136.8 119.6 1.1 G09-6 407 4730 3.4 20.6663 6.9 0.1181 7.0 0.0177 1.3 0.19 113.1 1.5 113.4 7.5 118.3 162.1 113.1 1.5 G09-7 410 5244 3.3 19.7447 6.8 0.1284 6.9 0.0184 1.1 0.15 117.5 1.2 122.7 8.0 224.8 158.2 117.5 1.2 G09-8 469 6120 3.2 20.1151 6.0 0.1229 6.1 0.0179 1.0 0.17 114.6 1.2 117.7 6.8 181.6 140.9 114.6 1.2 G09-9 448 3162 2.8 19.6126 6.0 0.1284 6.2 0.0183 1.5 0.23 116.7 1.7 122.7 7.1 240.2 138.4 116.7 1.7 G09-10 466 5440 2.9 20.2624 4.2 0.1258 4.3 0.0185 0.6 0.14 118.1 0.7 120.3 4.9 164.6 99.3 118.1 0.7 G09-11 555 7034 2.3 20.5526 10.8 0.1242 10.8 0.0185 0.6 0.05 118.3 0.7 118.9 12.2 131.2 255.3 118.3 0.7 G09-12 425 5164 3.4 19.8616 9.4 0.1271 9.5 0.0183 0.8 0.08 117.0 0.9 121.5 10.8 211.1 219.1 117.0 0.9 G09-13 448 6126 2.0 19.0344 3.2 0.1332 3.3 0.0184 0.7 0.21 117.4 0.8 126.9 3.9 308.8 73.0 117.4 0.8 G09-14 546 4962 2.6 18.9681 6.4 0.1305 6.6 0.0180 1.6 0.24 114.7 1.8 124.6 7.7 316.7 144.9 114.7 1.8 G09-15 333 4258 3.5 20.1004 8.8 0.1256 9.1 0.0183 2.4 0.26 117.0 2.7 120.1 10.3 183.3 204.3 117.0 2.7 G09-16 514 7456 3.0 20.4364 3.0 0.1208 3.1 0.0179 0.9 0.29 114.4 1.0 115.8 3.4 144.6 69.7 114.4 1.0 G09-17 554 5928 2.9 19.8964 4.5 0.1239 4.5 0.0179 0.7 0.15 114.3 0.8 118.6 5.1 207.0 104.1 114.3 0.8 40 G09-18 348 4618 3.4 19.5847 6.0 0.1267 6.2 0.0180 1.7 0.28 115.0 2.0 121.2 7.1 243.5 138.1 115.0 2.0 G09-19 602 5308 2.3 19.7180 6.5 0.1247 6.6 0.0178 1.0 0.14 113.9 1.1 119.3 7.4 227.9 150.4 113.9 1.1 G09-20 316 2074 2.9 16.4172 15.3 0.1518 15.3 0.0181 1.6 0.10 115.5 1.8 143.5 20.5 636.1 330.0 115.5 1.8 G09-21 526 5796 2.7 19.9876 4.1 0.1264 4.2 0.0183 0.9 0.20 117.0 1.0 120.8 4.8 196.4 96.3 117.0 1.0 G09-22 781 7360 2.6 20.0045 2.9 0.1227 3.7 0.0178 2.2 0.59 113.7 2.4 117.5 4.1 194.4 68.4 113.7 2.4 G09-23 650 7176 2.0 20.1281 4.5 0.1238 4.5 0.0181 0.7 0.15 115.5 0.8 118.5 5.0 180.1 103.9 115.5 0.8 G09-24 424 5596 3.0 19.8148 7.7 0.1252 7.8 0.0180 1.3 0.17 114.9 1.5 119.7 8.8 216.6 177.5 114.9 1.5 G09-25 585 7278 2.5 20.8811 2.3 0.1182 2.3 0.0179 0.6 0.26 114.4 0.7 113.5 2.5 93.8 53.7 114.4 0.7 G10-1 144 1292 3.3 21.9443 7.4 0.1138 7.4 0.0181 1.0 0.13 115.7 1.1 109.5 7.7 -25.1 178.9 115.7 1.1 G10-2 103 902 3.4 24.2486 17.0 0.1008 17.1 0.0177 1.7 0.10 113.2 1.9 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20.5 0.0165 2.4 0.12 105.6 2.5 86.7 17.0 -409.0 536.9 105.6 2.5 G10-13 185 1510 3.2 22.5667 8.8 0.1082 8.9 0.0177 1.3 0.15 113.2 1.5 104.4 8.8 -93.2 216.3 113.2 1.5 G10-14 237 2164 3.5 21.7071 6.8 0.1115 7.0 0.0176 1.5 0.21 112.2 1.6 107.3 7.1 1.1 164.7 112.2 1.6 G10-15 240 1888 4.2 21.9314 7.6 0.1053 7.7 0.0167 1.3 0.16 107.1 1.3 101.7 7.5 -23.6 184.5 107.1 1.3 G10-16 147 1234 4.0 23.6009 13.2 0.1008 13.3 0.0172 1.9 0.14 110.2 2.0 97.5 12.4 -204.4 332.4 110.2 2.0 G10-17 157 1382 3.6 23.9759 16.2 0.1006 16.3 0.0175 1.2 0.08 111.8 1.4 97.3 15.1 -244.1 412.4 111.8 1.4 G10-18 178 1772 4.1 22.0503 7.3 0.1052 7.6 0.0168 2.3 0.30 107.5 2.4 101.6 7.4 -36.7 176.7 107.5 2.4 G10-19 316 3366 2.8 21.6965 5.1 0.1099 5.2 0.0173 1.3 0.25 110.5 1.4 105.8 5.3 2.3 122.1 110.5 1.4 G10-20 86 1090 4.9 24.2691 15.2 0.0960 15.3 0.0169 1.5 0.10 108.0 1.6 93.1 13.6 -274.9 389.2 108.0 1.6 G10-21 151 1440 4.4 23.8300 14.9 0.0970 15.1 0.0168 2.2 0.15 107.2 2.4 94.0 13.5 -228.7 377.3 107.2 2.4 G10-22 148 1554 3.8 23.4674 17.4 0.0987 17.5 0.0168 2.3 0.13 107.4 2.4 95.6 16.0 -190.2 437.2 107.4 2.4 G10-23 149 1288 4.4 23.2591 11.5 0.0989 12.3 0.0167 4.4 0.35 106.6 4.6 95.7 11.2 -168.0 287.1 106.6 4.6 G10-24 161 1516 2.5 23.8738 13.8 0.0975 14.0 0.0169 2.7 0.19 108.0 2.9 94.5 12.7 -233.4 348.9 108.0 2.9 41 G10-25 164 1848 5.0 22.4391 16.2 0.1056 16.4 0.0172 2.4 0.14 109.9 2.6 101.9 15.9 -79.4 399.3 109.9 2.6 G10-26 162 1308 2.9 25.0753 19.2 0.0928 19.3 0.0169 1.0 0.05 107.8 1.1 90.1 16.6 -358.7 501.4 107.8 1.1 G10-27 146 1614 3.7 22.1987 16.9 0.1063 16.9 0.0171 1.5 0.09 109.4 1.6 102.6 16.5 -53.1 413.4 109.4 1.6 G10-28 251 1216 3.5 18.8651 12.8 0.1335 12.9 0.0183 1.6 0.12 116.7 1.8 127.2 15.4 329.1 290.8 116.7 1.8 G10-29 267 3280 5.0 20.6066 6.2 0.1200 6.3 0.0179 1.1 0.17 114.6 1.2 115.0 6.9 125.1 146.1 114.6 1.2 G10-30 227 1810 3.3 22.1633 8.0 0.1069 8.1 0.0172 1.4 0.17 109.8 1.5 103.1 8.0 -49.2 195.7 109.8 1.5 G11-1 621 2274 1.4 19.6018 2.4 0.1335 2.7 0.0190 1.4 0.50 121.2 1.6 127.3 3.3 241.5 54.4 121.2 1.6 G11-2 688 4032 2.3 21.2504 3.2 0.1216 3.5 0.0187 1.3 0.38 119.7 1.6 116.5 3.8 52.1 76.5 119.7 1.6 G11-3 478 1442 2.8 19.6173 5.0 0.1325 5.3 0.0189 1.8 0.34 120.4 2.1 126.3 6.3 239.7 115.1 120.4 2.1 G11-4 584 3754 2.9 20.9344 3.4 0.1233 4.1 0.0187 2.3 0.57 119.6 2.7 118.1 4.5 87.8 79.6 119.6 2.7 G11-5 614 2748 2.8 20.9984 3.8 0.1249 4.1 0.0190 1.4 0.34 121.5 1.6 119.5 4.6 80.5 90.8 121.5 1.6 G11-6 720 3896 2.7 20.8491 2.4 0.1217 2.9 0.0184 1.7 0.59 117.5 2.0 116.6 3.2 97.5 55.7 117.5 2.0 G11-7 348 2138 3.1 21.6328 5.4 0.1174 5.6 0.0184 1.7 0.31 117.7 2.0 112.7 6.0 9.4 129.2 117.7 2.0 G11-8 648 3278 2.8 21.3164 3.8 0.1205 4.8 0.0186 2.9 0.61 119.0 3.4 115.5 5.2 44.7 90.4 119.0 3.4 G11-9 600 2856 3.1 21.0941 3.4 0.1233 3.6 0.0189 1.0 0.28 120.5 1.2 118.1 4.0 69.7 81.1 120.5 1.2 G11-10 518 2812 3.2 21.1142 4.1 0.1200 4.8 0.0184 2.4 0.49 117.4 2.7 115.0 5.2 67.5 98.8 117.4 2.7 G11-11 683 2266 2.7 20.3759 3.2 0.1280 3.8 0.0189 2.1 0.54 120.8 2.5 122.3 4.4 151.5 76.1 120.8 2.5 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2.9 G11-22 608 3588 2.6 20.8927 4.5 0.1240 5.0 0.0188 2.3 0.46 120.0 2.7 118.7 5.7 92.5 106.5 120.0 2.7 G11-23 460 2090 3.5 20.1190 5.7 0.1273 6.1 0.0186 2.0 0.33 118.6 2.4 121.6 7.0 181.2 134.0 118.6 2.4 G11-24 468 2680 3.0 20.5524 5.0 0.1254 5.8 0.0187 3.0 0.51 119.4 3.5 120.0 6.6 131.3 118.7 119.4 3.5 G11-25 495 2758 3.1 21.3540 4.2 0.1186 5.8 0.0184 3.9 0.68 117.4 4.5 113.8 6.2 40.5 101.6 117.4 4.5 G11-26 820 4158 2.2 20.7155 3.0 0.1270 3.3 0.0191 1.3 0.40 121.9 1.6 121.4 3.7 112.7 70.7 121.9 1.6 42 G11-27 564 2538 2.8 20.2920 3.7 0.1275 4.3 0.0188 2.2 0.51 119.8 2.6 121.8 4.9 161.2 86.5 119.8 2.6 G11-28 620 3040 2.9 20.9598 2.2 0.1251 4.2 0.0190 3.6 0.85 121.4 4.3 119.6 4.7 84.9 52.1 121.4 4.3 G11-29 608 2894 3.0 21.0499 5.6 0.1235 7.0 0.0189 4.2 0.60 120.4 5.1 118.3 7.9 74.7 133.9 120.4 5.1 G11-30 503 1774 3.0 21.0766 3.5 0.1252 4.8 0.0191 3.4 0.70 122.2 4.1 119.8 5.5 71.7 82.6 122.2 4.1 G14-1 447 7912 3.6 20.2877 4.2 0.1774 4.3 0.0261 0.9 0.21 166.1 1.5 165.8 6.6 161.7 99.3 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17.1 183.7 261.3 161.9 2.6 G14-12 242 4112 3.1 19.4564 4.7 0.1798 4.9 0.0254 1.2 0.24 161.5 1.9 167.9 7.6 258.7 108.9 161.5 1.9 G14-13 140 2960 3.9 19.1729 8.8 0.1848 9.1 0.0257 2.1 0.23 163.5 3.3 172.2 14.3 292.3 201.9 163.5 3.3 G14-14 244 5556 3.5 18.2513 10.0 0.2010 10.1 0.0266 1.3 0.13 169.3 2.1 186.0 17.2 403.7 225.5 169.3 2.1 G14-15 336 5304 3.0 19.4020 3.7 0.1864 3.9 0.0262 1.0 0.25 166.9 1.6 173.6 6.2 265.1 85.9 166.9 1.6 G14-16 252 4540 3.0 19.5319 6.1 0.1878 6.3 0.0266 1.7 0.27 169.2 2.9 174.7 10.1 249.8 140.0 169.2 2.9 G14-17 277 4934 3.0 18.8408 10.1 0.1930 10.1 0.0264 0.8 0.08 167.8 1.3 179.2 16.6 332.0 229.5 167.8 1.3 G14-18 745 9990 3.9 19.6873 5.4 0.1804 5.5 0.0258 0.9 0.17 164.0 1.5 168.4 8.6 231.5 125.7 164.0 1.5 G14-19 464 10422 4.1 19.6907 3.9 0.1853 4.2 0.0265 1.4 0.33 168.3 2.3 172.6 6.6 231.1 90.9 168.3 2.3 G14-20 189 5534 2.2 22.1127 8.8 0.1609 8.9 0.0258 1.4 0.16 164.2 2.3 151.5 12.5 -43.7 213.9 164.2 2.3 G14-21 312 5954 3.8 20.4422 7.9 0.1807 8.1 0.0268 1.8 0.22 170.4 3.0 168.7 12.5 143.9 184.7 170.4 3.0 G14-22 271 5236 3.8 19.2515 8.5 0.1869 8.6 0.0261 0.8 0.09 166.1 1.2 174.0 13.7 282.9 195.5 166.1 1.2 G14-23 159 3052 3.3 18.4479 11.8 0.1981 11.8 0.0265 0.7 0.06 168.6 1.1 183.5 19.8 379.6 265.2 168.6 1.1 G14-24 432 8360 4.2 19.3206 6.1 0.1831 6.2 0.0257 0.7 0.11 163.3 1.1 170.7 9.7 274.7 140.8 163.3 1.1 G14-25 518 9156 3.3 21.0181 4.7 0.1696 4.9 0.0259 1.4 0.28 164.6 2.2 159.1 7.1 78.3 110.7 164.6 2.2 G16-1 257 3196 3.9 21.1002 5.0 0.1693 5.4 0.0259 2.0 0.37 164.9 3.2 158.8 8.0 69.0 120.0 164.9 3.2 G16-2 602 6204 3.2 20.5360 2.7 0.1764 3.1 0.0263 1.5 0.47 167.2 2.4 165.0 4.7 133.1 64.3 167.2 2.4 G16-3 357 3770 2.2 20.7742 3.0 0.1687 3.7 0.0254 2.2 0.60 161.8 3.6 158.3 5.4 106.0 69.8 161.8 3.6 43 G16-4 324 1598 2.7 18.5035 11.1 0.1932 11.2 0.0259 0.9 0.08 165.0 1.4 179.4 18.4 372.8 251.6 165.0 1.4 G16-5 385 4172 2.6 19.8626 3.7 0.1750 3.9 0.0252 1.3 0.33 160.5 2.1 163.8 5.9 211.0 85.5 160.5 2.1 G16-6 285 3228 3.3 21.1607 6.3 0.1639 6.4 0.0252 1.5 0.24 160.2 2.4 154.1 9.2 62.2 149.3 160.2 2.4 G16-7 427 1528 2.8 17.1566 14.8 0.2072 15.1 0.0258 2.6 0.17 164.1 4.2 191.2 26.3 540.5 326.1 164.1 4.2 G16-8 535 4784 2.1 20.7805 4.1 0.1694 4.2 0.0255 0.6 0.15 162.6 1.0 158.9 6.1 105.3 97.1 162.6 1.0 G16-9 724 10618 3.2 20.6758 2.6 0.1734 2.7 0.0260 0.7 0.26 165.5 1.1 162.4 4.0 117.2 61.2 165.5 1.1 G16-10 701 5596 3.6 20.4915 3.7 0.1673 3.9 0.0249 1.2 0.30 158.3 1.8 157.1 5.6 138.2 86.9 158.3 1.8 G16-11 619 4480 3.7 20.2561 2.1 0.1807 3.0 0.0265 2.2 0.73 168.9 3.6 168.6 4.7 165.3 48.2 168.9 3.6 G16-12 312 3088 2.4 21.3366 5.8 0.1684 6.1 0.0261 2.0 0.33 165.8 3.3 158.0 9.0 42.5 139.1 165.8 3.3 G16-13 691 6402 6.9 20.0960 2.9 0.1760 2.9 0.0257 0.5 0.17 163.3 0.8 164.6 4.4 183.8 66.5 163.3 0.8 G16-14 592 2238 2.5 20.0069 4.6 0.1640 4.7 0.0238 0.9 0.19 151.6 1.4 154.2 6.8 194.2 108.0 151.6 1.4 G16-15 730 8774 2.6 20.4746 2.3 0.1711 2.4 0.0254 0.7 0.29 161.8 1.1 160.4 3.6 140.2 54.5 161.8 1.1 G16-16 546 6842 3.2 19.8840 2.7 0.1803 2.9 0.0260 1.2 0.42 165.4 2.0 168.3 4.6 208.5 62.1 165.4 2.0 G16-17 429 3474 3.5 20.6620 3.0 0.1714 3.4 0.0257 1.6 0.48 163.5 2.6 160.6 5.0 118.8 70.4 163.5 2.6 G16-18 586 7302 2.4 20.3948 2.6 0.1746 2.6 0.0258 0.6 0.23 164.4 1.0 163.4 4.0 149.3 60.3 164.4 1.0 G16-19 1347 9626 7.7 20.1695 1.5 0.1732 1.7 0.0253 0.8 0.47 161.3 1.2 162.2 2.5 175.3 34.4 161.3 1.2 G16-20 2197 4286 2.5 17.5811 10.2 0.1891 11.2 0.0241 4.7 0.42 153.6 7.1 175.8 18.2 486.8 225.9 153.6 7.1 G16-21 406 4094 3.6 20.3556 5.0 0.1722 5.2 0.0254 1.6 0.30 161.8 2.5 161.3 7.8 153.9 116.4 161.8 2.5 G16-22 563 7864 5.1 20.0729 3.9 0.1747 4.1 0.0254 1.3 0.32 161.9 2.1 163.5 6.2 186.5 89.9 161.9 2.1 G16-23 427 4488 3.3 19.9975 5.2 0.1767 5.3 0.0256 0.9 0.17 163.1 1.5 165.2 8.1 195.3 121.7 163.1 1.5 G16-24 725 6966 2.0 20.2096 2.7 0.1730 3.2 0.0254 1.7 0.54 161.4 2.7 162.0 4.8 170.7 63.3 161.4 2.7 G16-25 452 3974 2.7 20.1687 3.5 0.1778 4.5 0.0260 2.8 0.62 165.5 4.6 166.2 6.9 175.4 82.3 165.5 4.6 G17-1 479 5942 2.3 20.4287 3.5 0.1567 3.7 0.0232 0.9 0.25 148.0 1.3 147.8 5.0 145.4 83.1 148.0 1.3 G17-2 390 4020 2.2 20.2985 5.1 0.1603 5.2 0.0236 0.6 0.12 150.3 0.9 150.9 7.2 160.4 119.8 150.3 0.9 G17-3 609 5314 1.9 19.9624 6.3 0.1663 6.3 0.0241 0.5 0.08 153.4 0.8 156.2 9.2 199.3 147.1 153.4 0.8 G17-4 444 3956 2.2 20.9930 3.2 0.1520 3.4 0.0231 1.2 0.36 147.5 1.8 143.7 4.6 81.2 75.2 147.5 1.8 G17-5 826 8142 2.7 19.8691 1.6 0.1582 2.1 0.0228 1.2 0.60 145.3 1.8 149.1 2.9 210.2 38.0 145.3 1.8 G17-6 571 6288 3.1 20.0140 2.0 0.1553 2.5 0.0225 1.5 0.59 143.7 2.1 146.5 3.4 193.3 46.0 143.7 2.1 G17-7 430 5058 2.7 19.6657 4.7 0.1663 4.7 0.0237 0.5 0.11 151.2 0.7 156.2 6.8 234.0 108.5 151.2 0.7 G17-8 519 6420 3.1 20.6411 1.4 0.1551 1.7 0.0232 0.9 0.56 148.0 1.4 146.4 2.3 121.1 32.4 148.0 1.4 G17-9 352 3638 2.4 21.0205 3.8 0.1528 4.0 0.0233 1.3 0.33 148.4 1.9 144.4 5.4 78.0 89.8 148.4 1.9 G17-10 653 5364 2.0 20.6243 2.5 0.1543 2.5 0.0231 0.6 0.23 147.1 0.8 145.7 3.5 123.0 58.4 147.1 0.8 44 G17-11 695 7444 1.6 20.0132 1.1 0.1614 1.7 0.0234 1.3 0.76 149.3 1.8 151.9 2.3 193.4 25.1 149.3 1.8 G17-12 714 8664 1.5 20.1649 3.0 0.1592 3.4 0.0233 1.4 0.42 148.4 2.1 150.0 4.7 175.9 71.1 148.4 2.1 G17-13 736 8390 5.2 20.5275 2.4 0.1532 2.5 0.0228 0.6 0.25 145.3 0.9 144.7 3.3 134.1 56.3 145.3 0.9 G17-14 451 5288 2.7 20.6618 3.7 0.1547 4.0 0.0232 1.4 0.35 147.7 2.0 146.0 5.4 118.8 87.7 147.7 2.0 G17-15 385 4346 2.1 20.7792 4.3 0.1546 4.3 0.0233 0.5 0.12 148.5 0.7 146.0 5.9 105.4 101.2 148.5 0.7 G17-16 529 5922 1.8 20.8817 2.7 0.1566 3.0 0.0237 1.1 0.38 151.1 1.7 147.7 4.1 93.8 64.9 151.1 1.7 G17-17 508 6450 3.5 19.5373 3.4 0.1643 3.5 0.0233 0.9 0.27 148.4 1.4 154.5 5.0 249.1 77.2 148.4 1.4 G17-18 515 6022 2.4 20.7291 2.8 0.1535 2.9 0.0231 0.9 0.29 147.1 1.2 145.0 4.0 111.1 66.5 147.1 1.2 G17-19 514 6874 2.8 20.0380 2.9 0.1610 3.0 0.0234 0.6 0.19 149.1 0.8 151.6 4.2 190.6 67.9 149.1 0.8 G17-20 473 4700 2.3 20.3072 3.6 0.1618 3.7 0.0238 0.5 0.14 151.8 0.8 152.3 5.2 159.4 84.9 151.8 0.8 G17-21 536 5592 2.5 20.6462 2.5 0.1558 2.8 0.0233 1.3 0.48 148.7 2.0 147.1 3.8 120.5 57.8 148.7 2.0 G17-22 496 5492 2.4 20.1607 5.8 0.1583 5.8 0.0231 0.6 0.10 147.5 0.8 149.2 8.1 176.3 134.9 147.5 0.8 G17-23 420 4644 2.2 20.4803 8.1 0.1570 8.2 0.0233 1.0 0.13 148.6 1.5 148.1 11.3 139.5 191.4 148.6 1.5 G17-24 436 5210 2.6 19.2484 5.5 0.1671 5.6 0.0233 1.0 0.18 148.6 1.5 156.9 8.2 283.3 126.3 148.6 1.5 G17-25 490 5058 3.0 20.1811 4.7 0.1584 4.7 0.0232 0.7 0.16 147.7 1.1 149.3 6.6 174.0 108.9 147.7 1.1 G18-1 3063 8336 1.8 18.4042 6.1 0.1490 6.3 0.0199 1.7 0.27 126.9 2.1 141.0 8.4 385.0 137.5 126.9 2.1 G18-2 525 6172 1.9 20.4735 4.0 0.1318 4.5 0.0196 2.0 0.44 124.9 2.4 125.7 5.3 140.3 94.7 124.9 2.4 G18-3 333 3816 2.6 19.1444 7.4 0.1410 7.6 0.0196 1.8 0.23 125.0 2.2 133.9 9.6 295.7 169.6 125.0 2.2 G18-4 397 3402 2.6 17.2389 15.4 0.1538 15.8 0.0192 3.1 0.20 122.8 3.8 145.3 21.3 530.1 340.1 122.8 3.8 G18-5 1202 13184 2.6 19.7447 3.5 0.1390 3.6 0.0199 0.9 0.24 127.1 1.1 132.2 4.5 224.8 82.0 127.1 1.1 G18-6 1722 11722 2.2 19.8813 1.9 0.1314 2.7 0.0190 1.9 0.70 121.0 2.2 125.4 3.2 208.8 44.6 121.0 2.2 G18-7 1794 10180 2.3 19.5298 1.8 0.1327 2.1 0.0188 1.1 0.52 120.1 1.3 126.5 2.5 250.0 40.9 120.1 1.3 G18-8 595 5538 1.8 20.8394 2.0 0.1156 4.4 0.0175 3.9 0.89 111.6 4.4 111.1 4.6 98.6 46.9 111.6 4.4 G18-9 714 8272 2.6 20.7956 2.6 0.1175 2.7 0.0177 0.6 0.21 113.3 0.6 112.8 2.8 103.5 61.3 113.3 0.6 G18-10 612 8576 2.2 20.4350 4.5 0.1259 4.8 0.0187 1.5 0.31 119.2 1.7 120.5 5.4 144.7 106.7 119.2 1.7 G18-11 2525 8640 2.4 18.5857 4.7 0.1440 5.4 0.0194 2.7 0.51 123.9 3.4 136.6 6.9 362.9 105.6 123.9 3.4 G18-12 389 4528 1.7 19.7338 5.8 0.1370 5.8 0.0196 0.5 0.09 125.2 0.6 130.4 7.1 226.0 134.1 125.2 0.6 G18-13 147 1982 1.4 15.4457 16.5 0.1682 17.7 0.0188 6.3 0.36 120.3 7.5 157.8 25.9 766.0 350.6 120.3 7.5 G18-14 623 6250 1.8 19.2561 10.3 0.1464 10.3 0.0204 0.7 0.07 130.4 1.0 138.7 13.4 282.4 236.4 130.4 1.0 G18-15 563 3806 2.1 18.7849 6.1 0.1405 6.5 0.0191 2.3 0.35 122.3 2.8 133.5 8.2 338.8 138.1 122.3 2.8 G18-16 1628 12088 2.1 19.6601 1.5 0.1362 2.5 0.0194 2.0 0.81 124.0 2.5 129.7 3.1 234.7 33.9 124.0 2.5 G18-17 630 5626 3.5 19.3820 7.3 0.1253 8.1 0.0176 3.6 0.44 112.6 4.0 119.9 9.2 267.5 167.3 112.6 4.0 45 G18-18 2435 16768 6.1 19.8023 4.0 0.1426 5.3 0.0205 3.5 0.65 130.7 4.5 135.4 6.7 218.0 92.7 130.7 4.5 G18-19 832 8344 2.7 19.6481 2.3 0.1348 3.1 0.0192 2.1 0.68 122.7 2.6 128.4 3.8 236.1 53.0 122.7 2.6 G18-20 220 2782 1.3 19.4801 6.3 0.1391 6.4 0.0197 1.2 0.18 125.5 1.4 132.3 8.0 255.9 145.3 125.5 1.4 G18-21 2005 17554 2.7 20.1963 3.1 0.1315 3.5 0.0193 1.6 0.46 123.0 2.0 125.4 4.2 172.2 73.2 123.0 2.0 G18-22 765 7822 2.2 19.1663 3.3 0.1420 3.5 0.0197 1.2 0.34 126.0 1.5 134.8 4.5 293.1 75.8 126.0 1.5 G18-23 443 4292 1.6 18.2881 6.6 0.1575 6.6 0.0209 1.0 0.15 133.3 1.3 148.5 9.2 399.2 147.2 133.3 1.3 G18-24 1309 10134 2.1 20.7125 2.3 0.1350 3.1 0.0203 2.1 0.67 129.4 2.7 128.6 3.8 113.0 54.7 129.4 2.7 G18-25 607 6760 2.3 20.7301 2.5 0.1251 3.0 0.0188 1.6 0.52 120.1 1.9 119.7 3.4 111.0 59.8 120.1 1.9 G19-1 299 4034 2.4 19.0898 4.3 0.1151 4.6 0.0159 1.5 0.33 101.9 1.5 110.6 4.8 302.2 98.6 101.9 1.5 G19-2 186 2538 2.4 19.5768 10.0 0.1132 10.1 0.0161 1.4 0.13 102.8 1.4 108.9 10.4 244.5 230.3 102.8 1.4 G19-3 224 3028 2.2 19.5151 8.3 0.1171 8.4 0.0166 0.9 0.11 106.0 1.0 112.5 8.9 251.7 192.4 106.0 1.0 G19-4 157 1984 2.2 19.0144 16.1 0.1155 16.2 0.0159 1.9 0.11 101.9 1.9 111.0 17.1 311.2 369.4 101.9 1.9 G19-5 210 2034 2.4 21.1328 22.8 0.1069 22.8 0.0164 1.0 0.04 104.8 1.1 103.2 22.3 65.4 547.8 104.8 1.1 G19-6 252 2660 2.2 19.3797 3.2 0.1151 3.3 0.0162 0.5 0.16 103.5 0.5 110.7 3.4 267.7 74.1 103.5 0.5 G19-7 205 1836 1.7 21.6061 9.0 0.1020 9.2 0.0160 1.6 0.17 102.2 1.6 98.6 8.6 12.4 217.6 102.2 1.6 G19-8 240 2506 2.0 18.9900 5.4 0.1226 5.5 0.0169 1.3 0.24 108.0 1.4 117.5 6.1 314.1 122.0 108.0 1.4 G19-9 255 2570 1.2 19.6379 8.7 0.1168 8.7 0.0166 0.8 0.09 106.4 0.9 112.2 9.2 237.3 200.3 106.4 0.9 G19-10 215 2424 1.9 20.8061 10.4 0.1090 10.4 0.0164 0.6 0.06 105.1 0.6 105.0 10.4 102.3 246.3 105.1 0.6 G19-11 227 2736 2.2 23.0593 13.8 0.0988 13.9 0.0165 1.6 0.11 105.6 1.6 95.6 12.7 -146.5 344.3 105.6 1.6 G19-12 127 1384 1.8 17.4020 13.5 0.1313 13.6 0.0166 1.2 0.09 105.9 1.3 125.3 16.0 509.4 298.7 105.9 1.3 G19-13 186 1922 1.6 19.6261 8.9 0.1151 9.0 0.0164 1.4 0.15 104.8 1.4 110.6 9.5 238.7 206.3 104.8 1.4 G19-14 204 1870 1.8 19.7351 10.3 0.1122 10.4 0.0161 1.5 0.15 102.7 1.6 107.9 10.6 225.9 238.1 102.7 1.6 G19-15 211 2726 2.0 20.8576 12.4 0.1076 12.5 0.0163 1.6 0.13 104.1 1.6 103.8 12.3 96.5 293.5 104.1 1.6 G19-16 262 3486 2.5 20.2691 8.8 0.1128 8.9 0.0166 1.3 0.15 106.0 1.4 108.5 9.1 163.8 205.2 106.0 1.4 G19-17 149 1470 1.7 19.9480 14.7 0.1174 14.8 0.0170 1.9 0.13 108.6 2.1 112.7 15.8 201.0 342.5 108.6 2.1 G19-178 108 1328 1.5 21.5372 28.5 0.1063 28.6 0.0166 1.7 0.06 106.1 1.8 102.6 27.9 20.0 697.8 106.1 1.8 G19-19 293 2488 2.2 18.8234 9.8 0.1230 9.9 0.0168 1.6 0.16 107.4 1.7 117.8 11.0 334.1 222.0 107.4 1.7 G19-20 370 3600 2.4 20.0989 3.2 0.1122 3.5 0.0164 1.4 0.40 104.6 1.5 108.0 3.6 183.5 75.3 104.6 1.5 G19-21 179 2116 2.5 16.4662 18.9 0.1409 19.4 0.0168 4.2 0.22 107.6 4.5 133.8 24.3 629.7 410.5 107.6 4.5 G19-22 296 3818 1.6 18.8203 7.7 0.1231 7.7 0.0168 0.6 0.08 107.4 0.7 117.9 8.6 334.5 175.3 107.4 0.7 G19-23 177 1998 2.2 18.8484 13.0 0.1258 13.1 0.0172 1.8 0.14 109.9 1.9 120.3 14.8 331.1 295.2 109.9 1.9 G19-24 227 2570 1.5 20.8284 6.7 0.1137 6.9 0.0172 1.3 0.19 109.8 1.4 109.4 7.1 99.8 159.4 109.8 1.4 46 G19-25 143 1622 1.8 17.9945 12.4 0.1254 12.5 0.0164 1.3 0.10 104.6 1.3 119.9 14.1 435.3 278.0 104.6 1.3 G20-1 585 2194 2.9 21.4029 5.0 0.1018 5.3 0.0158 1.6 0.30 101.0 1.6 98.4 4.9 35.1 119.9 101.0 1.6 G20-2 316 2406 3.7 22.5152 15.2 0.0982 15.4 0.0160 2.3 0.15 102.5 2.3 95.1 13.9 -87.6 374.2 102.5 2.3 G20-3 467 2940 2.7 20.8162 6.3 0.1031 6.8 0.0156 2.7 0.39 99.6 2.6 99.6 6.5 101.2 148.7 99.6 2.6 G20-4 552 1364 1.4 17.7643 12.1 0.1244 12.3 0.0160 1.8 0.15 102.5 1.9 119.1 13.8 463.9 269.3 102.5 1.9 G20-5 402 2326 3.4 22.4995 8.7 0.0962 8.9 0.0157 1.7 0.19 100.4 1.7 93.3 7.9 -85.9 214.4 100.4 1.7 G20-6 756 4440 1.4 20.9948 2.9 0.1053 4.9 0.0160 4.0 0.82 102.5 4.1 101.6 4.8 81.0 67.7 102.5 4.1 G20-7 416 1914 3.4 21.9379 7.2 0.1003 7.3 0.0160 1.2 0.16 102.1 1.2 97.1 6.7 -24.4 174.3 102.1 1.2 G20-8 389 1982 0.8 20.9939 8.2 0.1043 9.0 0.0159 3.7 0.41 101.6 3.7 100.8 8.6 81.1 194.4 101.6 3.7 G20-89 858 4176 2.5 21.2655 5.7 0.1047 5.9 0.0161 1.5 0.26 103.3 1.6 101.1 5.6 50.5 135.4 103.3 1.6 G20-10 460 2238 2.4 20.6961 5.7 0.1085 5.8 0.0163 1.1 0.18 104.1 1.1 104.6 5.8 114.9 135.4 104.1 1.1 G20-11 471 2318 3.2 21.8796 5.4 0.0994 5.7 0.0158 1.8 0.31 100.9 1.8 96.2 5.2 -17.9 130.6 100.9 1.8 G20-12 672 3168 2.6 20.7491 4.9 0.1071 5.1 0.0161 1.4 0.27 103.0 1.4 103.3 5.0 108.8 116.8 103.0 1.4 G20-13 488 2040 3.0 21.3666 4.8 0.1024 4.9 0.0159 0.8 0.15 101.5 0.8 99.0 4.6 39.1 115.6 101.5 0.8 G20-14 631 2610 1.5 20.8178 9.7 0.1027 9.8 0.0155 1.0 0.10 99.2 1.0 99.3 9.2 101.0 230.1 99.2 1.0 G20-15 573 2714 1.9 21.5886 5.4 0.1002 5.7 0.0157 1.7 0.30 100.3 1.7 96.9 5.2 14.3 130.0 100.3 1.7 G20-16 648 2536 2.9 21.0142 4.5 0.1034 4.6 0.0158 0.7 0.15 100.8 0.7 99.9 4.4 78.8 108.0 100.8 0.7 G20-17 339 1988 1.8 22.1849 7.2 0.0984 7.3 0.0158 1.1 0.15 101.3 1.1 95.3 6.6 -51.6 175.8 101.3 1.1 G20-18 597 2148 2.9 20.7798 3.8 0.1068 4.0 0.0161 1.2 0.30 103.0 1.2 103.1 3.9 105.3 90.1 103.0 1.2 G20-19 509 2076 3.2 21.1116 5.7 0.1030 5.8 0.0158 1.0 0.17 100.9 1.0 99.6 5.5 67.8 136.6 100.9 1.0 G20-20 534 2116 3.5 20.7204 7.1 0.1037 7.9 0.0156 3.4 0.43 99.7 3.4 100.2 7.5 112.1 168.5 99.7 3.4 G20-21 791 3898 2.5 21.1378 3.5 0.1027 3.7 0.0157 1.4 0.37 100.7 1.4 99.3 3.5 64.8 82.4 100.7 1.4 G20-22 530 2088 3.3 20.3717 8.3 0.1084 8.4 0.0160 1.6 0.18 102.4 1.6 104.5 8.3 152.0 193.7 102.4 1.6 G20-23 931 4866 2.0 20.9991 2.8 0.1046 3.1 0.0159 1.1 0.37 101.8 1.2 101.0 2.9 80.5 67.3 101.8 1.2 G20-24 652 3176 3.0 20.8684 10.6 0.1054 10.8 0.0160 1.8 0.16 102.1 1.8 101.8 10.4 95.3 252.0 102.1 1.8 G20-25 528 2444 3.0 21.7768 4.9 0.1019 5.1 0.0161 1.5 0.29 102.9 1.5 98.5 4.8 -6.6 117.8 102.9 1.5 G20-26 539 1164 2.8 19.8092 11.9 0.1190 11.9 0.0171 0.5 0.04 109.3 0.5 114.2 12.9 217.2 276.9 109.3 0.5 G20-27 548 2498 3.1 21.4078 5.2 0.1064 5.3 0.0165 0.9 0.18 105.6 1.0 102.7 5.1 34.5 124.1 105.6 1.0 G20-28 238 1652 2.3 22.5329 14.0 0.0959 14.1 0.0157 1.7 0.12 100.3 1.7 93.0 12.5 -89.6 344.7 100.3 1.7 G20-29 713 3026 2.4 21.2545 3.5 0.1015 4.3 0.0156 2.6 0.60 100.1 2.6 98.1 4.0 51.7 82.8 100.1 2.6 G20-30 485 1532 2.8 20.4429 15.0 0.1067 15.2 0.0158 2.5 0.17 101.1 2.5 102.9 14.8 143.8 352.6 101.1 2.5 G21-1 373 2632 2.2 22.2911 9.2 0.1053 9.4 0.0170 2.0 0.21 108.8 2.2 101.6 9.1 -63.2 224.0 108.8 2.2 47 G21-2 406 2622 1.7 21.0458 11.7 0.1159 11.7 0.0177 0.8 0.07 113.1 0.9 111.4 12.3 75.2 277.8 113.1 0.9 G21-3 274 1882 2.5 21.6853 5.4 0.1081 5.5 0.0170 0.7 0.12 108.7 0.7 104.2 5.4 3.6 131.2 108.7 0.7 G21-4 556 3240 4.2 20.9968 7.6 0.1169 7.6 0.0178 0.9 0.12 113.7 1.0 112.2 8.1 80.7 179.6 113.7 1.0 G21-5 635 4288 1.5 21.1499 2.1 0.1152 2.6 0.0177 1.5 0.57 112.9 1.6 110.7 2.7 63.5 50.3 112.9 1.6 G21-6 297 2122 2.5 21.3034 3.2 0.1138 3.4 0.0176 1.1 0.33 112.4 1.2 109.5 3.6 46.2 77.6 112.4 1.2 G21-7 630 4930 1.6 21.1913 3.9 0.1144 4.1 0.0176 0.9 0.23 112.3 1.0 109.9 4.2 58.8 94.0 112.3 1.0 G21-8 178 714 2.1 21.0104 29.2 0.1121 29.3 0.0171 1.9 0.07 109.2 2.1 107.9 30.0 79.2 707.6 109.2 2.1 G21-9 279 1930 2.6 21.9376 5.6 0.1035 5.8 0.0165 1.4 0.24 105.3 1.5 100.0 5.5 -24.3 136.6 105.3 1.5 G21-10 259 1942 2.2 22.1083 7.3 0.1069 7.4 0.0171 0.9 0.12 109.6 1.0 103.2 7.2 -43.2 177.8 109.6 1.0 G21-11 246 1728 1.8 22.7529 9.5 0.1045 9.7 0.0173 1.5 0.16 110.3 1.7 101.0 9.3 -113.5 235.3 110.3 1.7 G21-12 319 2116 2.1 22.1442 7.6 0.1097 7.6 0.0176 1.1 0.14 112.6 1.2 105.7 7.7 -47.1 184.4 112.6 1.2 G21-13 272 1280 2.0 19.7647 7.6 0.1201 7.6 0.0172 0.5 0.07 110.1 0.5 115.2 8.3 222.4 175.7 110.1 0.5 G21-14 158 1428 2.1 21.7934 8.5 0.1073 9.1 0.0170 3.3 0.36 108.4 3.5 103.4 9.0 -8.4 205.5 108.4 3.5 G21-15 277 2586 2.0 22.1476 6.6 0.1080 7.0 0.0173 2.5 0.35 110.8 2.7 104.1 6.9 -47.5 159.8 110.8 2.7 G21-16 177 1606 2.3 22.2073 8.0 0.1027 8.1 0.0165 0.8 0.10 105.7 0.8 99.2 7.6 -54.0 196.2 105.7 0.8 G21-17 331 2630 2.5 21.6016 5.1 0.1051 5.3 0.0165 1.3 0.25 105.3 1.4 101.4 5.1 12.9 123.4 105.3 1.4 G21-18 185 1470 3.3 22.4810 9.6 0.1039 9.8 0.0169 2.2 0.22 108.3 2.3 100.4 9.4 -83.9 235.0 108.3 2.3 G21-19 219 1672 2.2 23.3851 13.7 0.1030 13.7 0.0175 0.7 0.05 111.7 0.7 99.6 13.0 -181.4 342.2 111.7 0.7 G21-20 241 2046 3.1 20.8929 8.5 0.1124 8.8 0.0170 2.4 0.27 108.9 2.6 108.1 9.0 92.5 201.2 108.9 2.6 G21-21 200 2020 2.9 22.8396 10.9 0.1002 11.0 0.0166 1.3 0.12 106.1 1.3 97.0 10.1 -122.8 269.1 106.1 1.3 G21-22 259 2172 2.9 21.4677 6.2 0.1049 6.6 0.0163 2.0 0.30 104.4 2.1 101.3 6.3 27.8 149.9 104.4 2.1 G21-23 381 3258 3.2 21.6012 4.5 0.1075 4.8 0.0168 1.6 0.33 107.6 1.7 103.6 4.7 12.9 107.8 107.6 1.7 G21-24 497 4034 2.2 21.0274 3.3 0.1089 3.6 0.0166 1.2 0.35 106.2 1.3 105.0 3.6 77.3 79.4 106.2 1.3 G21-25 359 2996 3.6 21.6022 4.8 0.0985 5.9 0.0154 3.5 0.59 98.8 3.4 95.4 5.4 12.8 115.0 98.8 3.4 G22-1 860 8576 4.2 20.5845 4.3 0.0988 4.4 0.0148 0.8 0.19 94.4 0.8 95.7 4.0 127.6 101.0 94.4 0.8 G22-2 1015 8670 2.2 19.8142 3.7 0.1011 4.1 0.0145 1.6 0.40 93.0 1.5 97.8 3.8 216.6 86.2 93.0 1.5 G22-3 521 3898 0.9 20.5476 5.7 0.0950 6.2 0.0142 2.3 0.37 90.7 2.1 92.2 5.5 131.8 135.0 90.7 2.1 G22-4 963 7748 2.1 20.2347 3.6 0.0953 3.8 0.0140 1.2 0.32 89.5 1.1 92.4 3.4 167.8 84.9 89.5 1.1 G22-5 737 7784 2.1 19.8283 2.6 0.1000 2.9 0.0144 1.3 0.46 92.0 1.2 96.8 2.7 215.0 59.1 92.0 1.2 G22-6 414 3338 2.4 18.8575 6.2 0.1047 6.5 0.0143 1.8 0.28 91.7 1.6 101.1 6.2 330.0 141.3 91.7 1.6 G22-8 1248 8096 1.5 20.1899 2.7 0.0974 3.2 0.0143 1.7 0.53 91.2 1.5 94.3 2.8 173.0 62.6 91.2 1.5 G22-9 674 5138 1.6 20.9201 5.2 0.0934 5.3 0.0142 0.7 0.14 90.8 0.7 90.7 4.6 89.4 124.0 90.8 0.7 48 G22-7 614 4164 1.4 20.0640 5.2 0.0937 5.3 0.0136 1.2 0.22 87.3 1.0 91.0 4.6 187.5 121.2 87.3 1.0 G22-10 529 4926 2.2 20.9420 7.1 0.0907 7.2 0.0138 1.2 0.16 88.2 1.0 88.1 6.0 86.9 167.8 88.2 1.0 G22-11 596 5324 2.1 21.2724 2.9 0.0918 3.3 0.0142 1.5 0.45 90.7 1.3 89.2 2.8 49.7 69.6 90.7 1.3 G22-12 716 6922 1.5 20.9120 3.9 0.0933 4.3 0.0141 1.7 0.40 90.5 1.5 90.5 3.7 90.3 92.8 90.5 1.5 G22-13 671 6262 2.0 20.6515 4.9 0.0931 5.3 0.0139 2.0 0.38 89.2 1.8 90.4 4.6 119.9 115.5 89.2 1.8 G22-14 580 5076 1.6 20.3881 4.3 0.0944 4.6 0.0140 1.6 0.35 89.4 1.4 91.6 4.0 150.1 101.6 89.4 1.4 G22-15 249 2252 1.7 18.0262 21.6 0.1082 21.6 0.0141 1.5 0.07 90.6 1.3 104.3 21.4 431.4 485.9 90.6 1.3 G22-16 509 4704 1.6 19.9734 7.5 0.1011 8.0 0.0146 2.7 0.33 93.7 2.5 97.8 7.4 198.1 174.6 93.7 2.5 G22-17 387 3424 1.7 20.2701 10.6 0.0910 10.8 0.0134 2.3 0.21 85.6 1.9 88.4 9.2 163.7 248.2 85.6 1.9 G22-18 808 5278 1.4 19.7095 3.3 0.1012 3.4 0.0145 0.8 0.24 92.6 0.8 97.9 3.2 228.9 77.2 92.6 0.8 G22-19 536 5232 3.9 19.4997 14.3 0.1104 14.4 0.0156 1.6 0.11 99.9 1.6 106.4 14.5 253.5 329.9 99.9 1.6 G22-20 552 5728 2.1 20.4177 2.8 0.0943 4.4 0.0140 3.5 0.78 89.4 3.1 91.5 3.9 146.7 65.0 89.4 3.1 G22-21 1253 8666 1.8 20.4172 2.7 0.0921 3.2 0.0136 1.6 0.51 87.3 1.4 89.5 2.7 146.8 64.0 87.3 1.4 G22-22 507 4226 2.8 20.5238 6.4 0.0896 6.7 0.0133 2.1 0.31 85.4 1.7 87.1 5.6 134.5 150.5 85.4 1.7 G22-23 422 4758 2.6 20.7898 6.2 0.0935 6.3 0.0141 0.8 0.12 90.3 0.7 90.8 5.4 104.2 146.9 90.3 0.7 G22-24 988 8106 1.1 20.4757 2.6 0.0923 3.1 0.0137 1.8 0.58 87.7 1.6 89.6 2.7 140.1 59.9 87.7 1.6 G22-25 295 2516 2.0 19.5238 8.0 0.0965 8.1 0.0137 1.2 0.15 87.5 1.1 93.6 7.3 250.7 185.3 87.5 1.1 G23-1 882 3958 2.8 20.8425 3.2 0.1107 3.9 0.0167 2.2 0.56 107.0 2.3 106.6 3.9 98.2 76.4 107.0 2.3 G23-3 632 1962 2.6 19.5169 6.9 0.1165 7.0 0.0165 1.2 0.17 105.5 1.2 111.9 7.4 251.5 158.7 105.5 1.2 G23-4 1206 4944 2.3 20.7693 2.3 0.1094 3.2 0.0165 2.3 0.71 105.4 2.4 105.4 3.2 106.5 53.9 105.4 2.4 G23-6 1138 4102 2.4 20.9693 5.4 0.1083 5.5 0.0165 1.4 0.25 105.3 1.4 104.4 5.5 83.8 127.2 105.3 1.4 G23-7 319 1670 2.4 20.4236 12.6 0.1104 13.5 0.0164 4.6 0.34 104.6 4.8 106.4 13.6 146.0 297.4 104.6 4.8 G23-8 951 3460 2.7 19.1533 6.3 0.1169 6.7 0.0162 2.0 0.30 103.8 2.1 112.2 7.1 294.6 144.9 103.8 2.1 G23-9 340 1538 2.4 21.5049 11.9 0.1066 12.0 0.0166 1.0 0.08 106.3 1.1 102.9 11.7 23.7 286.6 106.3 1.1 G23-10 726 3558 3.0 21.1292 3.2 0.1074 4.7 0.0165 3.4 0.72 105.2 3.5 103.6 4.6 65.8 77.0 105.2 3.5 G23-11 1220 4912 2.9 20.6486 5.7 0.1137 5.8 0.0170 1.4 0.24 108.9 1.5 109.4 6.0 120.3 133.4 108.9 1.5 G23-12 965 4420 2.8 21.0911 2.8 0.1113 4.4 0.0170 3.4 0.78 108.8 3.7 107.2 4.5 70.1 65.6 108.8 3.7 G23-13 1186 5744 2.8 20.3838 1.2 0.1146 2.4 0.0169 2.0 0.86 108.3 2.2 110.2 2.5 150.6 27.7 108.3 2.2 G23-14 561 3098 2.7 21.8621 6.0 0.1031 6.2 0.0163 1.2 0.19 104.5 1.2 99.6 5.8 -16.0 146.2 104.5 1.2 G23-15 569 2682 2.8 21.1722 5.8 0.1091 5.9 0.0168 1.2 0.20 107.1 1.3 105.2 5.9 60.9 138.3 107.1 1.3 G23-16 933 3858 3.3 19.7994 14.3 0.1172 14.6 0.0168 2.8 0.19 107.6 3.0 112.5 15.5 218.4 332.8 107.6 3.0 G23-2 394 2032 3.3 21.5457 7.4 0.1070 7.6 0.0167 1.7 0.22 106.9 1.8 103.2 7.4 19.1 177.0 106.9 1.8 49 G23-5 656 3578 2.3 20.7125 5.3 0.1095 5.6 0.0164 1.6 0.29 105.1 1.7 105.5 5.6 113.0 126.2 105.1 1.7 G23-17 480 2576 2.7 21.0410 5.2 0.1067 6.1 0.0163 3.1 0.51 104.1 3.2 102.9 5.9 75.7 123.9 104.1 3.2 G23-18 768 3466 2.7 21.1437 3.8 0.1118 3.8 0.0171 0.5 0.13 109.6 0.5 107.6 3.9 64.2 90.1 109.6 0.5 G23-19 906 4226 2.0 21.2982 2.7 0.1089 3.0 0.0168 1.3 0.44 107.5 1.4 105.0 3.0 46.8 64.9 107.5 1.4 G23-20 1019 4950 2.4 20.8207 3.3 0.1110 3.4 0.0168 0.5 0.15 107.2 0.5 106.9 3.4 100.7 79.0 107.2 0.5 G23-21 414 2484 2.6 19.0152 11.3 0.1286 11.3 0.0177 1.0 0.09 113.3 1.2 122.8 13.1 311.1 257.5 113.3 1.2 G23-22 911 4190 2.8 20.6074 4.4 0.1109 4.5 0.0166 1.0 0.23 106.0 1.1 106.8 4.5 125.0 102.6 106.0 1.1 G23-23 1030 4490 0.8 21.1152 2.4 0.1079 2.8 0.0165 1.3 0.48 105.7 1.4 104.1 2.7 67.4 57.6 105.7 1.4 G23-24 437 2068 2.8 20.7196 13.5 0.1071 13.5 0.0161 0.8 0.06 102.9 0.8 103.3 13.2 112.2 318.9 102.9 0.8 G23-26 761 3522 2.5 20.3774 4.6 0.1127 4.8 0.0166 1.3 0.28 106.4 1.4 108.4 4.9 151.3 107.5 106.4 1.4 G23-27 1234 4722 2.2 20.7984 3.0 0.1106 3.8 0.0167 2.4 0.63 106.7 2.5 106.5 3.8 103.2 69.8 106.7 2.5 G23-28 1406 5140 2.0 20.2107 2.7 0.1149 3.2 0.0168 1.7 0.52 107.7 1.8 110.4 3.4 170.6 63.9 107.7 1.8 G23-29 693 4276 2.1 20.8967 2.0 0.1098 3.0 0.0166 2.3 0.75 106.3 2.4 105.7 3.1 92.1 47.3 106.3 2.4 G23-30 455 2020 1.9 21.8220 4.8 0.1037 5.3 0.0164 2.1 0.39 104.9 2.2 100.2 5.0 -11.6 116.9 104.9 2.2 50 Table 3. Age determinations from U-Pb geochronologic analyses. Best age ± Sample (Ma) (Ma) Northern Transect G01 162.1 3.5 G02 162.0 3.0 G03 166.8 2.3 G04 145.3 3.4 G05 G06 109.0 2.5 G08 370.4 7.2 G09 116.4 2.6 G10 111.6 2.6 G11 120.0 2.2 G12 Southern Transect G14 165.4 2.2 G16 163.2 3.2 G17 148.7 2.7 G18 125.5 3.1 G19 105.2 1.5 G20 101.5 1.8 G21 109.8 2.6 G22 90.4 2.1 G23 106.8 2.0 51 Table 4. Sr and Nd isotopic data. Sample Rock Type Rb (ppm) Sr (ppm) 87Rb/ 86Sr 87Sr/ 86Sr 87Sr/86Sr Initial Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) 147Sm/ 144Nd 143Nd/ 144Nd 143Nd/144Nd Initial eNd0 G01 G02 G03 G04 G05 G06 G08 G09 G10 G11 G12 granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite tonalite granodiorite granite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite diorite 46.437 32.695 40.382 190.236 62.952 76.292 88.340 77.439 67.427 20.894 194.819 195.154 370.074 30.683 387.796 404.447 338.082 438.150 402.435 557.205 0.6852 0.4816 0.3137 17.8753 0.4667 0.5423 0.7513 0.5082 0.4817 0.1078 0.7045 0.7045 0.7054 0.7346 0.7056 0.7057 0.7072 0.7063 0.7067 0.7050 0.7029 0.7034 0.7048 0.7080 0.7049 0.7028 0.7060 0.7055 0.7058 0.7048 1.366 2.606 2.284 4.372 1.936 6.139 2.167 2.635 3.432 2.521 2.436 6.655 10.583 21.932 9.458 9.115 33.394 11.242 11.936 17.167 12.727 10.661 0.1241 0.1489 0.0630 0.2794 0.1284 0.1111 0.1165 0.1334 0.1209 0.1197 0.1381 0.5128 0.5129 0.5125 0.5124 0.5127 0.5115 0.5126 0.5124 0.5125 0.5123 0.5126 0.5126 0.5128 0.5124 0.5122 0.5126 0.5114 0.5123 0.5123 0.5124 0.5123 0.5124 2.22 5.75 -2.61 -3.88 0.53 -22.63 -0.51 -4.35 -3.61 -5.66 -1.60 G14 G16 G17 G18 G19 G20 G21 G22 G23 granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite tonalite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite granodiorite 151.633 106.843 115.582 137.710 84.356 105.718 76.872 88.699 77.275 474.447 629.426 2.551 44.899 340.638 306.229 420.676 397.452 283.745 0.9190 0.4880 134.6140 8.8335 0.7120 0.9927 0.5254 0.6417 0.7830 0.7075 0.7062 1.0481 0.7238 0.7065 0.7074 0.7064 0.7064 0.7062 0.7054 0.7050 0.7417 0.7081 0.7054 0.7059 0.7056 0.7056 0.7050 6.053 4.316 8.828 2.851 2.082 2.742 2.663 2.317 3.094 29.785 22.454 43.280 13.006 10.323 15.383 14.208 13.828 13.991 0.1229 0.1162 0.1233 0.1325 0.1219 0.1078 0.1133 0.1013 0.1337 0.5125 0.5126 0.5126 0.5123 0.5124 0.5123 0.5124 0.5124 0.5126 0.5124 0.5125 0.5124 0.5122 0.5124 0.5123 0.5123 0.5124 0.5125 -2.91 -1.01 -1.42 -5.75 -3.73 -5.81 -5.23 -4.19 -1.11 52