WIU ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMIT SPEAKERS 2004 Roger Brown, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs Topic: “Wind Energy” Current: Business Developer BP Wind Energy John Curtis, Owner and operator of Barefoot Gardens—a local Organic Community Supported Agriculture Topic: “Local Agriculture” Current: same as above www.barefootgardens.org 2005 Al Goldfarb, President, WIU Topic: Signed Talloire and delivered proclamation for sustainability and environmental concerns. Current: Retired and living in New York 2006 Chad Pregracke, Founder and President of Living Lands and Waters (LLW) in Moline, Illinois. Topic: “Cleaning Up America’s Rivers” Current: same as above www.livinglandsandwaters.org/ 2007 Majora Carter, Founder and Executive Director, Sustainable South Bronx, Inc. Topic: “Environmental Justice” Current: same as above Majoracartergroup.com http://www.ted.com/talks/majora_carter_3_stories_of_local_ecoactivism.html 2008 Stephen Hamstra, Chief Technology Officer for Greensleeves Topic: “Sustainability as a Magnet for Students, Staff, and Donors” Current: Makes high performance energy efficient buildings cost less and developed a technology that significantly reduces the cost of geothermal heat pump heating/cooling systems www.greensleevesllc.com Thomas Hylton, Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist and author Topic: “Save Our Land, Save Our Towns” Current: Host of an hour-long public television documentary called Save Our Land, Save Our Towns http://www.saveourlandsaveourtowns.org/index.html Enid L. Cardinal, Rochester Institute of Technology Topic: “Sustainability: A Community Effort On and Off Campus” Current: Internationally recognized as a leader in computer, engineering, imaging technology, business, fine and applied arts, and education of the deaf, is a proud sponsor of the Rochester Regional Business Plan competition and is committed to promoting entrepreneurship within the greater Rochester region www.rit.edu/president/profiles/cardinal_enid.html 2009 Sandra Steingraber, acclaimed ecologist and author Topic: “Contaminated Without Consent: How Pollutants in Air, Food, and Water Violate Human Rights and What We Can Do About It” Current: Continues her quest for promoting human rights and cleaning the environment www.steingraber.com 2010 Ron Sherga, WIU alumnus and entrepreneur Topic: “Recycling and Sustainability: Challenges and Solutions” Current: Founder/owner of Sherresults LLC, consultant, and advisor. www.ronsherga.com/ 2011 Julian Keniry, Senior Director for Campus and Community Leadership National Wildlife Federation Topic: “Why Eco-Literate Students Will Lead the 21st Century” www.nwf.org/News-and-Magazines/Media-Center/Faces-of-NWF/JulianKeniry.aspx Current: Senior Director, Campus and Community Leadership Headquarters Reston, VA http://www.nwf.org/News-and-Magazines/Media-Center/Faces-of-NWF/Juliankeniry.aspx 2012 Peter Schwartzman, Associate Professor, Knox College and chair of the school's Environmental Studies program Topic: “Living Green…It is Happening but It Could Happen in a Much Bigger Way” http://www.countercurrents.org/schwartzman060411.htm Current: Associate Professor and Chair of Environmental Studies, Knox College http://www.knox.edu/profile-index/faculty/schwartzman-peter.html 2013 Cliff Thompson, Habitat for Humanity of Iowa Topic: “The Greening Habitat in the 21st Century” Current: same as above http://www.linkedin.com/in/cliffthompson Jean Harman, Food Security team Leader, U.S. Peace Corps Topic: “Sustainable Food Security in a Peaceful 21st Century” Current: same as above http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jean-harman/10/b18/957