Icarus 216 (2011) 116–119 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Icarus journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/icarus Insolation in Titan’s troposphere Juan M. Lora a,⇑, Paul J. Goodman b, Joellen L. Russell b, Jonathan I. Lunine a,1 a b Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1629 E. University Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, 1040 E 4th St., Tucson, AZ 85721, USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 8 November 2010 Revised 16 August 2011 Accepted 18 August 2011 Available online 31 August 2011 Keywords: Titan Radiative transfer a b s t r a c t Seasonality in Titan’s troposphere is driven by latitudinally varying insolation. We show that the latitudinal distributions of insolation in the troposphere and at the surface, based on Huygens DISR measurements, can be approximated analytically with nonzero extinction optical depths s, and are not equivalent to that at the top of the atmosphere (s = 0), as has been assumed previously. This has implications for the temperature distribution and the circulation, which we explore with a simple box model. The surface temperature maximum and the upwelling arm of thermally-direct meridional circulation reach the midlatitudes, not the poles, during summertime. Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction 2. Insolation Circulation models for the troposphere of Titan mainly focus on meridional motion as the primary driver for the climate, typically invoking the upwelling branch of a circulation cell as the source of convective cloud formation. Two sets of models suggest that all cloud activity is explained with a simple seasonally-wandering Hadley-type cell that creates a seasonal sinusoidal pattern of upwelling through a Titan year (Mitchell et al., 2006, 2009; Mitchell, 2008; Tokano et al., 1999; Tokano, 2005, 2009); in cases without methane, this upwelling arm reaches the pole during summer solstice. These models, however, apply an insolation distribution that ignores any latitudinal dependence of attenuation by the atmosphere, allowing the daily-average insolation maximum at the surface to reach the polar latitudes during solstice (see Fig. 1). The optical thickness of Titan’s atmosphere dictates instead that the surface maxima occur closer to midlatitudes at solstices. This effect prevents any upwelling arm of a circulation cell from reaching the poles following the surface heating. In this paper, we construct a more physically reasonable distribution of insolation in Titan’s troposphere, taking into account the attenuation effect described above (Section 2). We explore the implications of this distribution on surface temperatures and the thermally direct circulation using a very simple box model (Section 3). We show that our model correctly reproduces certain aspects of Titan’s seasonality as seen in Cassini–Huygens data (Section 4). Titan’s hazy atmosphere efficiently absorbs and scatters solar radiation. Due to the nonzero optical depth of the atmosphere, the magnitude of insolation versus latitude varies at different levels in the atmosphere. At latitude / and optical depth s, the dailyaverage direct insolation is given by ⇑ Corresponding author. 1 E-mail address: jlora@lpl.arizona.edu (J.M. Lora). Present address: Department of Astronomy, Cornell University. 0019-1035/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2011.08.017 Sav e ¼ S0 E2 2p Z h0 ðsin / sin d h0 þ cos / cos d cos hÞes=ðsin / sin dþcos / cos d cos hÞ dh ð1Þ where S0 is the solar constant at Titan, h is the hour angle of the Sun and d is the solar declination. h0 denotes the hour angle of sunrise/ sunset; the Sun does not set around solstice at the summer pole, thus h0 is simply p. The factor E = 1 + e cos(H -) is due to Saturn’s orbital eccentricity e, where H is approximately the angle of the orbit (H = 0 at vernal equinox) and - is Saturn’s longitude of perihelion. As described by Aharonson et al. (2009), this effect causes the summer solstice solar flux at the top of the atmosphere to differ by about 1.5 W m2 between southern and northern poles. At the top of the atmosphere, s = 0 and only curvature affects the latitudinal distribution of insolation, for a given d. In the atmosphere, where s is nonzero, the airmass encountered by the solar beam also depends on latitude so that attenuation is greater at the poles than at low latitudes. Thus, the insolation distribution at the surface is qualitatively different from that at the top of the atmosphere for any nonzero value of s. Tomasko et al. (2008) measured the net solar flux as a fraction of incident solar flux at multiple levels in the atmosphere with the DISR instrument aboard the Huygens probe. From these measurements and Eq. (1), we can calculate ‘‘effective’’ extinction optical 117 J.M. Lora et al. / Icarus 216 (2011) 116–119 2 Daily average insolation (W/m ): τ = 0 latitude (degrees) 60 4 5 2 5 6 80 1 3 4 40 1 2 2 3 4 3 20 4 4 0 5 −20 3 2 1 4 5 3 2 −40 −60 3 6 1 4 90 6 0 2 5 −80 7 180 270 360 L (degrees) s Daily average insolation (W/m2): τ = 0.4 80 0.5 1 1.5 latitude (degrees) 60 2 2.5 0.5 1 0.5 2 40 1 1.5 2.5 1.5 20 2.5 2 2.5 0 2.5 2 3 2.5 −20 2 −40 1.5 1 1.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 2.5 3 2 3 −60 3.5 0.5 1 0.5 −80 0 2 90 180 270 360 L (degrees) s Fig. 1. Daily-averaged insolation versus time. Top: The insolation at the top of Titan’s atmosphere, where s = 0. Here, the maximum average insolation occurs at the poles during solstices. Bottom: The insolation with s = 0.4, which closely matches the heating distribution near the surface. −4 Solar Energy vs. Latitude (Southern Solstice) 3 x 10 Heating rates from Tomasko et al. (2008) τ = 0.87 Adjusted τ = 0.4 Adjusted τ = 0.0 2.5 2 2 6 5 4 1.5 3 1 2 0.5 0 1 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 Solar Heating Rate (K/24h) 7 Solar Flux (W/m ) depths for shortwave radiation and, using these optical depths again in Eq. (1), approximate the daily-average solar flux at all latitudes (see Fig. 1). This approach yields an extinction optical depth s = 0.87 at the surface. A key feature of these results is that the maximum in surface insolation does not reach the pole during summer solstice. Scattering in Titan’s atmosphere causes diffuse radiation to be a significant component of the solar flux; thus, the above approximation is not entirely valid. However, Tomasko et al. (2008) computed solar heating rates as a function of altitude for different latitudes at different seasons, including a scattering model, and also found that the maximum (below about 50 km) reached only mid-latitudes around solstice. That is, in the troposphere, the insolation distribution is qualitatively different from that at the top of the atmosphere, and is better described by Eq. (1) than by a distribution that ignores the longer path and greater attenuation that sunlight encounters at higher latitudes. This distribution with latitude can be approximated with an adjusted extinction optical depth in Eq. (1), normalized to match the DISR measurements of solar flux (Fig. 2). The resulting insolation distribution for the surface, throughout a Titan year, is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 1. 0 Latitude Fig. 2. Calculations of the solar energy at the surface around solstice using Eq. (1). The s = 0.0, 0.4 curves are adjusted to match the DISR measurements at around 10°S latitude. Note that the vertical axis for the heating rates from Tomasko et al. (2008) (solid curve) is on the right. The best match to these heating rates is the adjusted s = 0.4 curve; the worst match is s = 0. 118 J.M. Lora et al. / Icarus 216 (2011) 116–119 3. Implications for surface temperatures and circulation We can examine the basic response of the surface and troposphere to the insolation distributions discussed in Section 2. In particular, we consider the differences between the top-ofatmosphere (zero-opacity) distribution, with flux values scaled for the lower atmosphere and surface, and the nonzero-opacity distribution (Fig. 1, bottom) with s = 0.40 at the surface. 3.1. Methods We implement a simple grey atmosphere box model of Titan’s troposphere as an order-of-magnitude study of the implications of these insolation distributions. The model consists of twelve ‘‘boxes,’’ six upper and six lower, which represent Titan’s troposphere (with an additional six boxes for the surface), in which temperature, T, is solved via the thermodynamic equation: Qcp T Dh Vcp qT @h ¼ AðS F outIR þ F inIR Þ þ þ SH h @t h ð2Þ where h¼T j P0 P Q ¼ kqDhbottom SH ¼ cp qus f ðT air T surf Þ ð3Þ SH is the sensible heat term (heat exchange between surface and bottom atmospheric boxes), and Q parameterizes advection. All other model parameters are listed in Table 1. The temperature evolution of the surface follows a similar function to Eq. (2), but without the advection term. To compute solar heating rates for each box, the insolation distributions are averaged over the appropriate latitudes (i.e. 90°S to 60°S for the southern polar box). In the case of the nonzero distribution, s = 0.32, 0.35, and 0.40 for the top, bottom, and surface boxes, respectively. Each box also emits thermally according to FIR = rT4, with constant emissivities. Advection is parameterized assuming only a thermally direct circulation. In each group of four adjacent atmospheric boxes, the direction of flow is governed by the direction in which the warmest air ascends; the magnitude is determined by the temperature difference Dhbottom between the two bottom boxes, as a proxy for buoyancy. The total advection in each box is the sum of the Table 1 List of parameters and constants. Parameter Description Units V T h Volume of box Temperature Potential temperature Air density Area of box side Absorbed shortwave radiation Infrared radiation flux Pressure Advection parameter Surface wind term Emissivity m3 K K kg m3 m2 W m2 W m2 Pa m3 s1 K1 m s1 Dimensionless q A S FIR P k us Constant Description Value cp Heat capacity r Stefan–Boltzmann constant Reference pressure Poisson constant Drag coefficient 103 J kg1 K1 (air) 107 J m2 K1 (surfacea) 5.67 108 W m2 K4 1450 hPa 0.3 0.002 P0 j f a From Flasar (1998). advection in both adjacent cells (except the polar boxes, which only take part in one cell). It should be noted that the box model only considers thermally driven advection, which assumes a significant seasonal response to heating. Because of Titan’s slow rotation, the mean meridional circulation is expected to extend to the poles (Mitchell et al., 2006); thus, we ignore the effects of dynamics on the latitudinal extent of upwelling and downwelling. Mitchell et al. (2006) also showed that latent heat release could limit the poleward extent of upwelling; here, we do not consider methane thermodynamics and concentrate exclusively on the response due to solar heating. 3.2. Results Under the zero-opacity insolation distribution, the calculated surface temperature maximum reaches the polar region during solstice, making the summer pole warmer than the equatorial surface by nearly 3 K, and creating a pole-to-pole temperature gradient. The resulting circulation has upwelling and downwelling in the summer and winter hemispheres, respectively (Fig. 3a). Around equinox, the temperature maximum occurs at the equator (Fig. 4), and the circulation’s upwelling branch shifts hemispheres, following the pole-to-pole sinusoidal pattern of the insolation. When forced with the nonzero-opacity insolation distribution, the surface temperature maximum oscillates between northern and southern mid-latitude boxes. The surface temperature difference between equator and pole remains positive year-round (Fig. 4), and is approximately 1 K and up to 5 K in the summer and winter hemispheres, respectively, in agreement with observations (Jennings et al., 2009). Additionally, the surface temperature at the pole is about 1 K warmer in southern summer than northern summer. Upwelling in the model remains at low-and mid-latitudes throughout the year, reaching the mid-latitude boxes during summer, with little movement in the polar box (Fig. 3b). The strongest upwelling remains at equatorial latitudes year-round. Summer upwelling at southern equatorial and mid-latitude boxes is stronger than that in the north, due to the effect of the orbital eccentricity on the insolation. 4. Discussion and conclusions Observations of clouds on Titan suggest an active and important tropospheric circulation, with significant activity at the summer pole (Brown et al., 2002, 2010; Porco et al., 2005; Rodriguez et al., 2009; Turtle et al., 2009, 2011a). A realistic treatment of the attenuation of sunlight in the lower atmosphere, however, indicates that the maximum insolation does not occur over the pole during solstice, posing an obstacle to previous explanations of polar clouds. Our simple model results highlight the implications of this insolation distribution: Assuming a completely homogeneous surface, the highest surface temperatures would oscillate between mid-latitudes, not the poles, with season, following the maximum insolation. This is in agreement with CIRS measurements of temperature during mid to late southern summer, where the equator was warmer than the summer pole by about 2 K (Jennings et al., 2009). The upwelling arm of a circulation cell (assumed here to be a proxy for possible cloud formation) following this pattern of heating would thus be confined to the mid- and low-latitudes instead of wandering between poles. Still substantial heating of the summer pole, which might be relatively humid due to surface liquids, could still produce convective cloud formation, but in a region of otherwise little vertical motion. Considerable upwelling around the equator during equinox would be consistent with the most recent cloud observations (Turtle et al., 2011a,b), as well as previous models (Mitchell et al., 2006, 2009; Tokano, 2009). 119 J.M. Lora et al. / Icarus 216 (2011) 116–119 100 b Pressure (hPa) a Pressure (hPa) 100 1000 1000 1450 1450 South Equator North South Equator North Temperature (K) Fig. 3. Box model results for southern summer: (a) zero-opacity insolation distribution; (b) nonzero-opacity insolation distribution. Temperatures (K) are shown in color; arrows show the circulation. In the first case, atmospheric and surface emissivities were about 0.6 and 0.7, with k 1016 m3 s1 K1; in the second, emissivities were 0.85 and 0.95, with k about half the previous value. 98 potentially constraining the poleward extent of tropospheric upwelling. 96 Acknowledgments The authors thank M. Tomasko and his coauthors for their calculations of atmospheric heating rates, as well as J. Mitchell and an anonymous reviewer for important and helpful comments. This work was funded by the Cassini Project. 94 92 References 90 τ = 0 Pole τ = 0 Equator τ ≠ 0 Pole τ ≠ 0 Equator 88 86 0 90 180 270 360 Ls (degrees) Fig. 4. The evolution of surface temperature for the zero-opacity (thin lines) and nonzero-opacity (thick lines) insolation distributions. South polar (solid) and equatorial (dashed) surface temperatures are shown for both cases: In the latter, the equator remains warmer than the pole year-round, and the temperature variation has a smaller amplitude. While this model demonstrates important features of the energy budget and circulation of Titan’s troposphere, it has several limitations, and further work is required with a full general circulation model. While we have carefully considered realistic solar energy conditions demonstrating the importance of their proper treatment, our calculations of solar flux assume the optical properties of the atmosphere are constant and ignore latitudinal variations in stratospheric haze (de Kok et al., 2007; Flasar and Achterberg, 2009) for simplicity. The box model lacks true atmospheric dynamics, including effects due to rotation, and cannot predict the occurrence of clouds. 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