New York Journal of Mathematics New York J. Math. 3A (1997) 31{67. Ergodic Theory and Connections with Analysis and Probability Roger L. Jones Abstract. In this paper we establish a variety or results in ergodic theory by using techniques from probability and analysis. We discuss divergence of operators, including strong sweeping out and Bourgain's entropy method. We consider square functions, oscillation operators, and variational operators for ergodic averages. We also consider almost everywhere convergence of convolution powers. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Divergence and Strong Sweeping Out 3. Proof of Bourgain's Entropy Theorem 4. Convolution Powers 5. Good- Inequalities for Convolution Powers 6. Oscillation Inequalities 7. Concluding Remarks References 1. 31 33 38 47 54 58 64 65 Introduction There are many connections between ergodic theory, probability and harmonic analysis. In the discussion to follow, we will be mainly interested in ergodic theory results, but we will obtain these results by applying techniques or results from analysis or probability. In most cases, the results below appear elsewhere, in some cases in greater generality. However the idea here is to highlight some of the tools Received November 24, 1997. Mathematics Subject Classication. Primary: 28D05, 42B20 Secondary: 40A05, 42A50, 42B25, 60G42. Key words and phrases. almost everywhere convergence, ergodic averages, strong sweeping out, convolution powers, oscillation inequalities, jump inequalities, variational inequalities, maximal functions, square functions, Calderon-Zygmund decomposition, Bourgain's entropy theorem. R. Jones is partially supported by NSF Grant DMS|9531526. This paper is based on a series of three talks given at the New York Journal of Mathematics Conference, which was held at Albany, N.Y. from June 9 { June 14, 1997. 31 c 1997 State University of New York ISSN 1076-9803/97 32 R. Jones from analysis and probability that have proven to be most useful in the study of certain of questions in ergodic theory. We begin Section 2 with a discussion of ways to show that a sequence of operators diverges a.e.. This discussion will include Bourgain's Entropy Theorem, which has already become a very useful tool in ergodic theory. To demonstrate this, we highlight some of the results that have already been obtained using his theorem. Since the proof involves a nice blend of analysis, probability and ergodic theory, Section 3 contains a discussion of the proof. In Section 4 we discuss convolution powers of a single measure on . This discussion leads to a discussion of the transfer principle, the Calderon-Zygmund decomposition, and some connections with singular integrals. In Section 5 we discuss a \good{lambda" inequality that relates two maximal functions. These kinds of inequalities have proven useful in both probability and harmonic analysis. Currently only minimal work has been done regarding such inequalities in ergodic theory. In Section 6 we discuss oscillation and variational inequalities. The proofs of these results involve an interesting interaction between martingales and certain ergodic averages. The variational inequalities give rise to inequalities for the number of \ -jumps" that a sequence of ergodic averages can take. The results for \ jumps" were motivated by similar previously known results for martingales. Throughout the paper, (X m) denotes a complete non-atomic probability space, and denotes an ergodic, measurable, measure preserving point transformation from X to itself. To simplify the discussion, we will assume is invertible, although in many cases this assumption is not needed. If is a probability measure on , we can dene an associated operator Z Z (f )(x) = 1 X k=;1 (k)f ( k x): In this situation we will also refer to as an operator. It should be clear from the context if is being considered as a measure or as an operator. The proofs of several of the results that will be discussed below are based on the same general principle. While the results are in ergodic theory, we can remove any discussion of ergodic theory from the proofs. The idea is to transfer the problem in ergodic theory to a problem in harmonic analysis. To understand what is going on, consider the orbit of a single point, x x 2 x : : : , and relabel the points as 0 1 2 : : : . We can then pretend we are working on , with results obtained on implying results about the orbit of the point x. The details to make this precise are contained in a paper by A. P. Calderon 27] that appeared in the Proc. of the National Academy of Science in 1968. See Bellow's paper 8] for an excellent discussion of this general principle. P ;1 f ( j x) As a consequence of this transfer principle, when we see Ak f (x) = k1 kj=0 wePcan, without loss of generality, think of x 2 and (x) = x +1, so that Ak f (x) = 1 k;1 1 k j =0 f (x + j ), for f 2 ` ( ). In fact, more is true. In many cases the results on imply the same results for averages associated with positive contractions. See 45] or 46] for details. Z Z Z Z Z Ergodic Theory 33 In general, we will not be interested in obtaining the best constants in the inequalities we consider. Hence c will often be used to denote a constant, but c may not be the same constant from one occurrence to the next. 2. Divergence and Strong Sweeping Out In ergodic theory we are often interested in knowing if a given sequence of operators converges or diverges. Consequently, for a sequence of operators, fTk g, each mapping Lp (X m) to itself for some p, 1 p 1, it is useful to have a collection of tools that can be used to establish a.e. divergence. Further, when divergence occurs, it is useful to know how badly the sequence diverges. In particular, sometimes it is possible that divergence occurs for some f 2 Lp0 , but convergence occurs for all f 2 Lp for all p > p0 . Examples of this behavior, for averages along subsequences, were rst constructed by Bellow 10] and later renements were given by Reinhold 65]. For a sequence of L1 ; L1 contractions, about the worst possible divergence that can occur is divergence of fTk E g where E is the characteristic function of the measurable set E . For such operators, applied to E , the possible values range from 0 to 1. The worst that can happen is for the operators to get arbitrarily close to both of these two extremes a.e.. This leads to the following denition. Denition 2.1. A sequence fTng, of positive linear contractions on L1 and L1, is said to be strong sweeping out if given > 0 there is a set E such that m(E ) < but lim supn Tn E (x) = 1 a.e. and lim inf Tn E (x) = 0 a.e.. There are several methods of showing that a sequence of operators is strong sweeping out. Moreover, many examples of operators that are strong sweeping out arise naturally in ergodic theory. One family of operators that is of interest to ergodic theorists is the following. Let fwk g denote an increasing sequence of positive integers and let fng denote a dissipative sequence of probability measures with support on fwk g. (A sequence of probability measures fn g is said to be dissipative if limn!1 n (j ) = 0 for each integer j . If a sequence of measures is not dissipative, then certain early terms will continue to play a signicant role in the value of the associated averages for arbitrarily late averages.) Dene n f (x) = 1 X n=1 n (wk )f ( wk x): For example if we let wk = 2k , and n (wk ) = n1 if k n, then n X f (x) = 1 f ( 2k x) n n k=1 and we have the usual Cesaro averages along the subsequence f2ng. We could also consider the Riesz harmonic means, given by nX ;1 Rn f (x) = lnnn n ;1 k f ( wk x) k=1 where n is chosen so that lnnn averages. Pn;1 1 = 1, or many other similar weighted k=1 n;k 34 R. Jones In 1] a condition was introduced that is sometimes useful to establish strong sweeping out. This condition is a condition on the Fourier transforms of the associated sequence of measures. To x notation, we dene the Fourier transform as follows. Denition 2.2. Let be a probability measure that is supported on the sequence fwk g. The Fourier Transform of is given by ^(t) = 1 X k=1 (wk )e2iwk t : P Z wk (In some cases it is convenient to let = e2it and write ^( ) = 1 k=1 (wk ) .) Theorem 2.3. 1] Let fng denote a dissipative sequence of measures on . If there is a dense set D such that lim j^ (t)j = 1 n!1 n R for all t 2 D, then the operators (n ), given by X n f (x) = n (wj )f ( wj x) j 2Z are strong sweeping out. To see how to apply this condition, we give a few examples. Example 2.4. Let fng denote the Psequence of Cesaro averages along the subsequence f2k g. That is, let n = n1 nj=1 2j . Then the associated operators are P strong sweeping out. To see this just note that ^n (t) = n1 nj=1 e2i2j t . If we take t = 2rs for some positive integers r and s, then for large enough j (j s) we have e2i2j t = 1. Consequently, it is clear that we have limn!1 ^n (t) = 1 for each dyadic rational t. Since such t are dense, we can apply the theorem. (The fact that these averages diverge for f 2 Lp , p < 1, was rst shown by Bellow 9], following Krengel's result 54] showing the existence of a subsequence for which a.e. divergence occurs. See also 42]. The study of strong sweeping out for the Cesaro averages along lacunary sequences, and for the Riemann sums, (that is, for averages P of the form An f (x) = n1 nk=1 f (x + nk ), where f is periodic with period 1), started in the 1980's. The rst proof of the strong sweeping out for Cesaro averages along lacunary sequences (ak ), as well as the rst proof for strong sweeping out of the Riemann sums, was given by Bellow and Losert using a dierent technique from the one in Theorem 2.3. Their argument appears in the appendix to 1]. The fact that divergence occurs for bounded functions when we average along any lacunary sequence was rst shown by Rosenblatt 68] using Bourgain's entropy condition, which we will discuss below.) Remark 2.5. Actually the argument associated with Example 2.4 shows more. For any dissipative sequence of probability measures that are supported on the subsequence f2k g, the associated operators are strong sweeping out. In particular, this means that the operators obtained from averaging the Cesaro averages, using other weighted averages, or selecting a subsequence of the Cesaro averages, will all result in a sequence of operators that is strong sweeping out. No matter what 35 Ergodic Theory we do, if the dissipative sequence of measures is supported on the set of dyadic integers, strong sweeping out will always occur. In some cases, even if the Fourier transform condition fails to show that we have strong sweeping out, we can still use the Fourier transform condition to obtain useful information. Consider the following. Example 2.6. Let n denote the Cesaro averages along the sequence of integers of the form nlog2 n]. (Here ] is being used to denote the greatest integer function.) Then the associated sequence of operators diverges a.e. In fact, give > 0, we can nd a set E , m(E ) < , such that lim supn!1 n E (x) 12 a.e. To see this P n+1 just note that 2n+1 12 21n 2k=2n klog2 k] = 21 n . Now just apply the Fourier transform condition to show that fn g is strong sweeping out. This follows, since it 2n P 2 2 1 is enough to look at the subsequence f2n g. We have ^2n (t) = 22n j=22n e2ij2n t . Now just take t = 2rs as before, and the result follows. (At this time it is not known if the averages associated with n are strong sweeping out.) Remark 2.7. It is interesting that as we saw above, the Cesaro averages along the subsequence fnlog2 n]g can diverge even for f 2 L1 while Wierdl 75] has shown that the Cesaro averages along the subsequence fn log2 n]g converge a.e. for all f 2 Lp , p > 1. This shows quite clearly that sequences can have the same rate of growth, and still have the associated averages behave quite dierently. See also the paper by Boshernitzan and Wierdl, 22], where it is shown that many more subsequences yield convergent sequences of Cesaro averages. In 1] an example is constructed to show that the Fourier transform condition is not necessary for a sequence of averages to have the strong sweeping out property. Consequently it becomes interesting to consider other conditions that imply strong sweeping out. A second condition for establishing strong sweeping out was also introduced in 1]. This condition is sometimes satised when the Fourier transform condition fails. Denition 2.8. A sequence of real numbers fwk g satises the C () condition, 0 < < 21 , if given any nite sequence of real numbers, x1 : : : xN , there is a real number r such that rwk 2 xk + ( 1 ; ) + for k = 1 2 : : : N . This condition can be thought of as a very weak form of the following Theorem due to Kronecker. Theorem 2.9 (Kronecker). Let w1 : : : wN be real numbers such that w1 : : : wN and 1 are linearly independent over the rationals. Let > 0 and x1 : : : xN be given. Then there is an integer r such that rwk 2 xk + (; ) + , for k = 1 : : : N . The reason for introducing the C () condition is clear from the following theorem. Theorem 2.10 (1]). If fwk g satises the C () condition, and fng is a dissipative sequence of measures with support on fwk g, then the associated operators fn g Z Z 36 R. Jones P (w )f ( wk x) are strong sweeping out. The same result dened by n f (x) = 1 k=1 n k holds if n f (x) = 1 X k=1 n (wk )f (Uwk x) where Ut x is a measure preserving ow. (In this case fwk g need not be an integer sequence.) We now easily have the following. Example 2.11. Let fwk g be a sequence of real numbers that are linearly independent over the rationals. Let fn g be a dissipative sequence of measures with support on fwk g. Then the associated operators fn g are strong sweeping out. This is immediate from Theorem p 2.10, combined with Kronecker's Theorem. In particular, if we consider wk = k, it is not dicult to see that we can extract a subsequence which is linearly independent over the rationals, and hasPpositive density in the sequence. Consequently we know that Cesaro averages n1 nk=1 f (Upk x) can diverge a.e. (See 52] for further discussion of this example as well as further examples of situations where Kronecker's Theorem can be used to imply strong sweeping out.) There are many sequences which satisfy the C () condition. In 1] it is shown that any lacunary sequence of integers (after possibly neglecting the rst few terms) satises the C () condition. In fact, any nite union of lacunary sequences (again after possibly neglecting the rst few terms) satises the C () condition. (See 56].) Consequently there is the following theorem. Theorem 2.12. If fwk g is a lacunary sequence of positive integers, (or a nite union of lacunary sequences of positive integers) and fng is any dissipative sequence of probability measures with support on fwk g, then the associated operators, fng are strong sweeping out. In 44] Theorem 2.12 is applied to obtain the following example. Example 2.13. Let fYng be a sequence of Bernoulli random variables with P (Yn = 1) = n1 and P (Yn = 0) = 1 ; n1 . Then for a.e. !, the Cesaro averages associated with the subsequence A(!) = fn : Yn (!) = 1g will be strong sweeping out. The idea of the proof is to show that by eliminating only a small proportion of the set A(!), one can obtain a lacunary sequence, then apply Theorem 2.12 above. The above theorem and example suggest some interesting questions. For an arbitrary sequence of integers, , let C denote the space of all continuous function on such that f^(n) = 0 for all n 2= . The set is a Sidon set if every f 2 C has an absolutely convergent Fourier series. It is not dicult to see that every Lacunary sequence is a Sidon set, and further, so are nite unions of lacunary sequences. Question 2.14. Is it true that the Cesaro averages associated with a Sidon set are strong sweeping out? (In Rosenblatt 67] it is shown that the Cesaro averages along Sidon sets fail to converge in mean.) Second, if we form the sets A(!) as above, we see that they are close to lacunary for a.e. !, but are these sets Sidon sets for a.e. !? T Ergodic Theory P 37 In 15] moving averages of the form k = `1k nj=k +nk`k ;1 k are studied. Conditions, which are both necessary and sucient for the a.e. convergence of these averages are given. In particular, if nk = k2 and `k = k then the averages are strong sweeping out. (Akcoglu and del Junco 2] had already shown that this particular sequence of averages diverge a.e.) To see that the PFourier transform conditionPwill not help in this case, just note that ^k (t) = `1k nj=k +nk`k ;1 e2ijt = e2ink t `1k `jk=0;1 e2ijt = k t sin `k t e2ink t ei` eit `k sin t . It is clear that this converges to zero for all t 6= 0 (mod 1). It is also easy to see the C () condition fails to be satised for this example as well. (In a forthcoming paper, 4], the C () condition will be generalized, and that generalization can be used to show strong sweeping out for this class of examples, as well as other related examples.) These moving averages are associated with the following example. Let = 1 (0 + 1), and consider n = ? ? where there are n terms in the convolution. 2 P ; Then n = 21n nj=0 nj j . (See Rosenblatt's paper, 66], where these averages were rst shown to be strong sweeping out.) By looking at the normal approximation to the binomial, wepsee that most of the \mass" of these measures will be in an interval proportional to n and centered at n2 . Consequently, it is like a moving average, for which we already know strong sweeping out. (See 15] for further discussion of this example.) However, neither the Fourier transform condition, nor the C () condition are satised. (It turns out that modications of either condition can in fact be used to establish strong sweeping out for these examples. See 1], 3] and 4].) This brings us to a third condition that can be used to show divergence of a sequence of operators. Theorem 2.15 (Bourgain18]). Let (Tk ) denote a sequence of uniformly bounded linear operators in L2 of a probability space. Assume (1) The Tk 's commute with a sequence (Rj ) of positive isometries on L2 of the same probability space, satisfying Rj (1) = 1 and the mean ergodic theorem. (2) There is a > 0 such that given any N > 0 there is a function f , kf k2 1, and n1 n2 : : : nN such that kTnj f ; Tnk f k2 for j 6= k, 1 j k N . Then there is a bounded function g such that (Tk g) is not a.e. convergent. Condition (2) in the above theorem is often referred to as Bourgain's entropy condition. Bourgain used this theorem to prove a number of very interesting results. (1) The Bellow problem: Let fak g denote a sequence of real numbers that converges to zero. P Does there exist a bounded function f on the real line such that limn!1 n1 nk=1 f (x + ak ) diverges a.e.? (2) A problem of Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund on Riemann sums: Does there exist a bounded function f on 0 1) such that ;1 1 nX lim f (x + nj ) n!1 n j =0 38 R. Jones diverges? (Here we are using addition mod 1.) This was rst solved by Rudin 70] by dierent techniques, and as mentioned earlier, strong sweeping out was rst shown by Bellow and Losert (see the appendix to 1]). (3) Khinchine's Problem: P Does there exist a bounded function on 0 1) such that the averages n1 nj=1 f (jx) diverge? (This was rst solved by Marstrand 57], again by dierent techniques.) In each of the above problems, Bourgain was able to use his theorem to show divergence of the averages being considered. While the second and third problems had been solved earlier, his method gives a unied way of solving such problems. Later Rosenblatt 68] used Bourgain's Entropy Theorem to show that for any dissipative sequence of measures supported on a lacunary sequence, divergence occurs when these averages are applied to the indicator function of some very small set. This was part of the motivation for later trying to prove strong sweeping out for such averages. In 13] Bourgain's Entropy Theorem is used to show that the convolution powers (see Section 4 below), applied to bounded functions, can diverge if a condition known as the bounded angular ratio condition fails to be satised. Applications to problems outside ergodic theory also occur. For example in 39] the operators dened by T f (x) = 1 X n=;1 f^(n)jnji sgn(n)einx are considered. These operators are related to the Hilbert transform, and convergence in mean is known. However, using Bourgain's Entropy Theorem it is possible to prove the following. Theorem 2.16 (39]). Let (n) denote a sequence of real numbers, converging to zero. Then there is a function f 2 L1( ) such that limj!1 Tj f (x) fails to exist on a set of positive measure. T 3. Proof of Bourgain's Entropy Theorem In this section we want to sketch a proof of Bourgain's Entropy Theorem, and show its relation with strong sweeping out. Bourgain's Entropy Theorem does not imply strong sweeping out. However, the following more quantative version does. This version is a slight variation on a result that is contained in joint work with M. Akcoglu and M. D. Ha 3]. Most of the ideas involved in the proof are either in Bourgain's original paper or are the result of discussions with Akcoglu and Ha. Theorem 3.1. Let (Tk ) denote a sequence of uniformly bounded linear operators on L2 of a probability space. Assume (1) The Tk 's commute with a sequence (Rj ) of positive isometries on L2 of the same probability space, which satisfy Rj (1) = 1 and the mean ergodic theoR P J 1 rem. (That is, k J j=1 Ri f ; X f (x)dxk2 ! 0.) (2) There is a 0 < < 1 and d > 0 such that for any integer L we can nd (n1 n2 : : : nL) and f , kf k2 1, such that Z X Tnj f (x)Tnk f (x)dx kTnj f k2kTnk f k2 Ergodic Theory for all k 6= j , and Z X 39 jTnj f (x)j2 dx d2 for 1 j L. Then for any > 0, > 0, and 0 > 0, we can nd a function g such that kgk2 < , kgk1 1 and p n 1 ; o > 1 ; 0 : m x : 1max T g ( x ) > d (1 ; ) n kL k 1 + p Remark 3.2. If in a particular application we can take d as close to 1 as we desire, and if can be taken as close to zero as desired, then with g as above, and any > 0, 0 > 0 we have 0 (1) mfx : 1max kL Tnk g > 1 ; g > 1 ; : If in addition, the (Tk ) are positive contractions on L1 and L1, then, using inequality (1), strong sweeping out can be obtained. See 12] for a discussion of replacing a function of small norm by a characteristic function, and see 32], where del Junco and Rosenblatt show how to go from inequality (1), (with g the characteristic function of a set of small measure) to strong sweeping out. Also see 3] where further discussion of this, as well as related details, can be found. We want to give a proof of this version of Bourgain's entropy theorem. The idea is to exploit the fact that condition (2) above implies a degree of orthogonality between the vectors in the family fTnj f gLj=1 . However, before we give the proof, we want to show how Theorem 3.1 implies Theorem 2.15. Proof of Theorem 2.15. If we could show that the hypothesis of Theorem 2.15 implies the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1 then we would have the conclusion of Theorem 3.1. We could then nish the proof by applying the Banach Principle for L1 . (See 12] for a discussion of this principle and the necessary details to complete the argument.) To see that the hypothesis of Theorem 2.15 implies the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1 we argue as follows. There are two ways that vectors can be far apart. One way is for them to have dierent lengths, and the other is for them to point in very dierent directions. If we can eliminate the possibility that they have dierent lengths, they must point in dierent directions. That is, we have the required orthogonality. Let (Tk ), f and be as in assumptions 1) and 2) of Theorem 2.15. In the following argument we can assume that the uniform bound on the operators is 1. If not, just divide by the uniform bound, and consider the new sequence of operators. In the hypothesis of Theorem 3.1, we need to nd L vectors with the orthogonality property (2). If there is a vector with norm less than 2 , then the rest must all have norm greater than 2 . Hence by taking one extra vector, we can assume that all L vectors have norm greater than 2 . Fix < 4 , and cut the interval 2 1] into a nite number, (say r), pieces of length less than . Call the kth interval Ik . In the hypothesis of Theorem 2.15 take N > rL. Let Ak = fj j kTnj f k2 2 Ik g. Since N > rL, and there are only r sets, Ak , at least one Ak , say Ak0 must have at least L elements. If we rename our terms, we 40 R. Jones have (T1 f T2 f : : : TLf ) such that kTj f k2 2 Ik0 , and kTi f ; Tj f k2 . That is, the functions (T1 f : : : TLf ) are all about the same length, and satisfy condition (2) of Theorem 2.15. Dene T~j = kTj1f k2 Tj . We now have that kT~j f k2 = 1 for each j , 1 j L. We also have kTi f ; Tj f k2 = kTif k2 T~i f ; kTj f k2T~j f 2 = kTif k2 T~i f ; kTi f k2T~j f + kTi f k2T~j f ; kTj f k2T~j f 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ kTif k2 Ti f ; kTi f k2Tj f + kTi f k2Tj f ; kTj f k2 Tj f 2 2 ~ ~ ~ kTi f k2 kTif ; Tj f k2 + kTj f k2(kTi f k2 ; kTj f k2) kT~i f ; T~j f k2 + : Thus ; kT~i f ; T~j f k2. From this we see Z 2 ( ; ) jT~i f (x) ; T~j f (x)j2 dx ZX X jT~i f (x)j2 dx ; 2 2;2 Z X X T~i f (x)T~j f (x)dx + T~i f (x)T~j f (x)dx: Solving for the inner product, we see Z Z Z X jT~j f (x)j2 dx 2 T~i f (x)T~j f (x)dx 1 ; ( ;2 ) : X 2 Thus if we take = 1 ; (;2 ) , we have hTi f Tj f i < kTi f k2kTj f k2 . the hypothesis of Theorem 2.15 is satised (with kTj f k2 2 ). Consequently Before we prove Theorem 3.1 we will rst prove a proposition. While this proposition appears too special to be useful for our purposes, it is in fact the key ingredient in the proof of Theorem 3.1. In the following, when we say a random vector has N (0 ) distribution we mean it is a multivariate normal random vector, with mean given by the zero vector, and covariance given by the matrix . Proposition 3.3. Fix , 0 < 1. Assume that for all large L, we can nd (Tn1 Tn2 : : : TnL ) and f such that (Tn1 f Tn2 f : : : TnL f ) has N (0 ) distribution with ij for 1 i < j L and ii = 1 for 1 i L. Further, assume f is distributed N (0 1). Let 0 < < 14 and 0 > 0 be given. Then for any > 0 and for all L large enough, depending on , and 0 , we can nd a function g such that kgk2 , kgk1 1, and p n 1 ; o > 1 ; 0 : m xj 1max T g ( x ) > (1 ; ) n k k L 1 + p 41 Ergodic Theory Remark 3.4. We do not necessarily need to have the fTnj g dened on all of L2. It is enough for the operators to be dened and uniformly bounded on the linear subspace generated by functions of the form fE where E can be any L2 function that takes on only the values 0 and 1. p Remark 3.5. While the constant, (1 ; ) 1+1p; looks complicated, it will arise in the computation below. While we could replace it with a simpler expression, the proof would be slightly less natural. To prove Proposition 3.3 we need a lemma about the multivariate normal and a lemma about the size of the tail of a normal random variable. Lemma 3.6. Let (Y1 Y2 : : : YL) denote a random vector with multivariate normal distribution N (0 ) with ij for i 6= j and ii = 1 for 1 i L. Let 0 < < 1 and 0 < 0 be given. Then for all L large enough (depending on and and 0 ) we have the following estimate: n p o p 1; 0 P ! : 1max kL Yk (!) > (1 ; ) 1 + p 2 ln L > 1 ; : Proof. Slepian's lemma (see 74] for a proof) says that if we have 2 multivariate normal random vectors, X and Y , both with mean zero, and covariance and 0 respectively, and if each entry of is less than or equal to the corresponding entry in 0 , then P (1max kL Xk > ) P (1max kL Yk > ): This is not too surprising since the more positive correlation, the less the vector should behave like an independent sequence, and so the maximum should be smaller. Using Slepian's Lemma, we can increase some entries in , so that without loss of generality we can assume ij = for i 6= j . The special covariance structure makes it possible to obtain the necessary estimate of p n 1 ; p2 ln Lo: P ! : 1max Y ( ! ) > (1 ; ) k kL 1 + p To make the required computation, we rst consider a vector of independent standard normal random variables" (Z0 Z1 : : : ZL ). Form the new vector ;p1 ; Z + pZ p1 ; Z + pZ : : : p1 ; Z + pZ : 1 0 2 0 L 0 This new random vector has the multivariate normal distribution. In fact the covariance matrix for this random vector is the same as the covariance matrix of the random vector (Y1 Y2 : : : YL ). Consequently, by Slepian's Lemma we have L P f1max kL Yk > g = 1 ; P f\k=1 (Ypk )g = 1 ; P f\L ( 1 ; Z + pZ )g: k=1 k 0 We will now take advantage of the structure of this new sequence. We note that p p ; ; p P \Lk=1 ( 1 ; Zk + pZ0 ) = P 1max kL 1 ; Zk + Z0 : 42 R. Jones p Since max1kL 1 ; Zk and pZ0 are independent, the distribution of the sum is given by a convolution. Thus for all we have n ;p o P \Lj=1 1 ; Zj + pZ0 Z1 p 2 = P \Lj=1 ( 1 ; Zj + pt ) p1 e; t2 dt 2 Z;1 1 L ; pt 1 ; t22 = P \ Z p1 ; p e dt 2 ;1 j=1 pj ! Z1Y L Z p;1;t 2 2 p1 e; z2 dz p1 e; t2 dt: = 2 2 ;1 j=1 ;1 We need to estimate this last integral, and show it is less than 0 if L is large enough. p p 2 R 0 Let = (1 ; ) 1+1p; 2 ln L, and select L so large that 1 p12 e; t2 dt < 2 . We now break the integral into 2 parts, Z ; Y L Z p;pt 1; ;1 j=1 ;1 ! 2 2 p1 e; z2 dz p1 e; t2 dt 2 2 + Z 1Y L Z ! p;pt 1; 2 2 p1 e; z2 dz p1 e; t2 dt 2 2 ; j=1 ;1 = I + II: Because of our choice of , we clearly have that I < 20 if L is large enough. We now need an estimate for the integral II . We have p ! Z 1Y L Z p;1;t 2 2 1 z p e; 2 dz p1 e; t2 dt II = 2 2 ; j=1 ;1 Thus if Z 1Y L Z p (1+ p1;) ! 2 2 p1 e; z2 dz p1 e; t2 dt 2 2 ; j=1 ;1 p !L Z 1 Z (1+ p1;) 1 2 2 z p e; 2 dz p1 e; t2 dt: = 2 2 ; ;1 Z p (1+ p1;) 2 p1 e; z2 dz 2 !L 0 < 2 ;1 then we have thepdesired estimate. p p p1;) = (1 ; ) 1+1p; p1+1; p2 ln L = (1 ; )p2 ln L. We need Let M = (1+ Z M !L 2 p1 e; t2 dt ;1 2 0 < 2 Ergodic Theory or Z1 43 L 0 2 p1 e; t2 dt < : 1; 2 2 M Taking logs, we see that we need to establish the inequality Z 1 1 t2 0 p e; 2 dt < ln : L ln 1 ; 2 2 M Since ln(1 ; x) ;x, it will be enough to show Z 1 1 t2 p e; 2 dt < ; ln (2=0): L ; 2 M Estimating the integral, (see 34] page 175) we need to have 2 L M1 ; M1 3 p1 e; M2 > ln (2=0): 2 Using the value of M given above, and the fact that > 0, we can now easily check that we have the desired estimate if L is large enough. Lemma 3.7. Let X have N (0 1) distribution, and let 0 < < 12 be given. Dene b = XfjX j>1g. Then 1 3 kbk22 p e; 22 : 2 Proof. The proof is just a standard computation with the density function of a normal random variable, and is left as an exercise for the reader. Proof of Proposition 3.3. Let =p 2 ln L where < 1 will be chosen later. Dene g(x) = f (x)fxjjf (x)j1g(x): Assume that supj kTj k2 . For L large enough we have < , and hence kgk2 < . We need to estimate p n 1 ; o: P xj 1max j T g ( x ) j > (1 ; ) n k kL 1 + p Write g = f ; b. We then have p n 1 ; o P x : 1max j T g ( x ) j > (1 ; ) n kL k 1 + p p n 1 ; o = P x : 1max j T ( f ( x ) ; b ( x )) j > (1 ; ) kL nk 1 + p p n 1 ) 1 ; o P x : 1max j T f ( x ) j > (1 ; kL nk 2 1 + p p n 1 1 ; o ; P x : 1max j T b ( x ) j > n k kL 2 1 + p = I ; II: 44 R. Jones For I , using our value of above, and Lemma 3.6 (with 1; 2 in place of 1 ; in Lemma 3.6, hence we need 1; 2 < 1), we have n o 1 ; 12 p1 ; p 0 I = P x : 1max T f ( x ) > ( ) 2 ln L 1 ; p nk kL 1+ 2 for all L large enough. We now need to estimate II . We will show that for L large enough, we have II < 20 . By taking L large enough, both the estimate of I and the estimate of II will hold, and we will have the estimate. p n 1 ; o > 1 ; 0 : P x : 1max j T g ( x ) j > (1 ; ) n k kL 1 + p p Let = 2 1+1p; . We have n o 1 P x : 1max kL jTk b(x)j > 2 1 2 Z max jTk b(x)j2 dx 1 k L X Z X L X k=1 Ek (x)jTk b(x)j2 dx where Ek is the set of x where the maximum is achieved for that value of k. However, Z X L X k=1 Ek (x)jTk b(x)j2 dx L Z X k=1 X N XZ k=1 X L Ek (x)jTk b(x)j2 dx jTk b(x)j2 dx X 2Z k=1 X jb(x)j2 dx L 2 kbk22: Thus we have II 12 L 2 kbk22. Applying Lemma 3.7, we see II < 12 L 2 p3 e; 212 : 2 1 The required estimate will follow if 22 ln L for some > 1, since then we 2 2 would have II < c 2 Le; ln L < c 2 L1; . Thus we could take L large enough so 2 0 that c 2 L1; < 2 . Since =p 2 ln L we see that we need 12 > . Thus we select such that 1 ; 2 < < 1, and then select with 12 > > 1. With these selections, all the required estimates are satised, and the proof is complete. Proof of Theorem 3.1. Assume f and TnR1 Tn2 : : : TnL are given as in the statement We can assume that Tnj f (x)Tnk f (x) dx for j 6= k and R jT off (xthe)j2 theorem. dx = 1 for 1 k L, since if not, replace each operator Tnk by the nk 45 Ergodic Theory new operator Snk dened by Snk g(x) = Tnk g(x)=kTnk f k2 . These new operators will be uniformly bounded since kTnk f k2R d for all k, and the Tnk were uniformly bounded. they clearly satisfy Snj f (x)Snk f (x) dx for j 6= k and R jS f (x)jFurther, 2 dx = 1, as required. nk Fix and so that < < < 1 and < < 1. Dene ~ = . (This is to give us some room, since the best we know is that certain averages are converging to a number less than or equal to , but at any nite stage we may be above , and other averages are converging to 1, but at any nite time may be below 1.) We will now introduce a product space X # and extend the operators to that space. In the product space we will see that for most xed x, treating our function on the product space as a function of ! 2 #, we will be able to get an example with the required properties. We will then apply Fubini's Theorem to see that for some xed ! 2 #, the associated function of x will have the required properties, concluding the proof. To do this, we need to rst put ourselves into position to use Proposition 3.3. With this in mind, we introduce the following matrix. For each x 2 X and positive integer J , let 0R T f (x) R T f (x) : : : R T f (x) 1 1 n1 1 n2 1 nL B C: 1 R T f ( x ) R T f ( x ) : : : R 2 n 2 n 1 2 B A(x) = p @: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :2:T: n: L: :f:(:x:):C A J RJ Tn1 f (x) Rj Tn2 f (x) : : : RJ TnL f (x) Let (Z1 Z2 : : : ) be a sequence of independent standard normal random variables. Let Z = (Z1 Z2 : : : ZJ ) denote the initial segment of length J , and let Yx (!) = (Y1 (!) Y2 (!) : : : YL (!)) be given by Yx (!) = Z (!)A(x). Then Yx has a multinormal distribution with covariance matrix given by ; = At A. Thus J X (x) = 1 R T f (x)R T f (x) jk J i=1 i nj i nk J X = J1 Ri (Tnj fTnk f )(x): i=1 Since the sequence (Ri ) satises the mean ergodic theorem, we have that J 1X J Ri (Tnj fTnk f )(x) converges in mean to i=1 Z X Tnj f (x)Tnk f (x)dx: Hence for each xed function f and sequence Tn1 Tn2 : : : TnL , we can let EJ = fx : jk (x) < for all 1 j < k L" jj (x) > for 1 j Lg: Since Z X Tnj f (x)Tnk f (x)dx for all 1 j < k L 46 and R. Jones Z X Tnj f (x)Tnj f (x)dx = 1 for 1 j L we see that m(EJ ) ! 1 as J ! 1. OnPthe new space, X P #, we extend thePdenition of fTk g to functions of the form Zj (!)fj (x) by TP k ( Zj (! )fj (x) = Zj (! )Tk fj (x). Dene F (x !) = p1J Jj=1 Zj (!)Rj f (x). For x 2 EJ we now modify each Tnj slightly. For x 2 EJ dene T~nj F (x !) = 1 pjj Tnj F (x !). For x 2= EJ we can let T~nj F (x !) = Tnj F (x !). For each xed x we can now think of our operators as operators on #. For each xed x 2 EJ , since ~ = < 1, we are now in the situation of Proposition 3.3, and hence given > 0, > 0 and 1 > 0, we know if L is large enough, depending on , , 1 and ~ then we can nd a function G(x !) such that R jG(x !)jonly 2 dP (!) < ( )2 , kG(x )k1 1, and 2 p o n ~nk G(x !) > (1 ; ) 1 ;p~ > 1 ; 1 : P ! : 1max T kL 1 + ~ For x 2= EJ let G(x !) = 0. An examination of the proof of Proposition 3.3 shows that G(x !) is obtained from F (x !) by multiplication by a constant, truncation by a function which is measurable on the product -eld, and multiplication by EJ , a function measurable on the product -eld. Thus we see that G(x !) is measurable on the product -eld. We have p n 1 ;p~ o > (1 ; )m(E ): ~ G ( x ! ) > (1 ; ) m P (x !) : 1max T n 1 J k kL 1 + ~ We now consider G(x !) as a function of x for ! xed. Let #1 = f! : Z X jG(x !)j2 dx 2 g: Clearly P (#1 ) 43 since we have Z Z Z Z 2 jG(x !)j dxdP (!) = jG(x !)j2 dP (!)dx < ( )2 2 X X and if P (#1 ) < 43 then we would have Z Z a contradiction. Let 1 jG(x !)j2 dxdP (!) 2 4 X p n o ~nk G(x !) > (1 ; ) 1 ;p~g > 1 ; 0 : #2 = ! : mfx : 1max T kL 1 + ~ 3 We see that P (#2 ) 4 since if not, we would have p n 1 ;p~o < 3 + 1 (1 ; 0 ): ~ m P (x !) : 1max T G ( x ! ) > (1 ; ) n k kL 4 4 1 + ~ 47 Ergodic Theory Since we have p n 1 ;p~ o > (1 ; )m(E ) ~ m P (x !) : 1max T G ( x ! ) > (1 ; ) n 1 J k kL 1 + ~ we see we will have a contradiction if 0 (1 ; 1 )m(EJ ) > 1 ; 4 : By taking J large enough, and 1 small enough, this can be achieved. Since P (#1 ) 43 and P (#2 ) 43 , we clearly can nd !0 2 #1 \ #2 . The required function is G(x !0 ). For that !0 , because of our denition of T~nj , we also have p n 1 ;p~o > 1 ; 0 : m x : 1max T G ( x ! ) > (1 ; ) n 0 kL k 1 + ~ By taking close enough to and close enough to 1, (which we can do by taking J large enough), we can make ~ as close to as desired. In particular we can have p p 1 ;p~ (1 ; ) 1 + ~ > (1 ; 2) 1 +1 ;p : Thus we can have n 1 ; o > 1 ; 0 : m x : 1max T G ( x ! ) > (1 ; 2 ) n 0 k kL 1 + p We now just replace by =2 to achieve the desired conclusion. 4. p Convolution Powers Z Let be a probability measure on . Dene (f )(x) = and for n > 1, 1 X k=;1 (k)f ( k x): n (f )(x) = (n;1 (f ))(x): It is quite clear that the operator is a positive contraction on L1 and L1 , and hence is a Dunford Schwartz operator. Consequently we know the averages ;1 1 nX k (f )(x) converges a.e. for all f 2 Lp , 1 p 1. However, much more is n k=0 true. If the measure is symmetric, that is, (k) = (;k) for all k, then the operator is self-adjoint. For self-adjoint operators, Burkholder and Chow 24], with a very nice argument involving a square function, proved the following theorem. Theorem 4.1 (Burkholder and Chow, 24]). Let T beR a linear self-adjoint R operator in L2 (X ) such that for each f 2 L2 (X ) we have X jTf (x)jdx X jf (x)jdx and kTf k1 kf k1. Then for each f 2 L2 , limn!1 T 2nf (x) exists a.e. Applying the result to Tf , we also have convergence for T 2n+1f . For symmetric measures, , the associated operator satises the hypothesis of Theorem 4.1, and an easy square function argument shows that 2n and 2n+1 are close, so either both converge or both diverge a.e.. Thus we have the following theorem. 48 Z R. Jones Theorem 4.2. If is a symmetric measure on , then n(f )(x) converges a.e. for all f 2 L2 . Later Stein 71], using his complex interpolation method, was able to extend Theorem 4.1 to obtain convergence of n f for all f 2 Lp, 1 < p 1. Working with A. Bellow and J. Rosenblatt 14], we were able to extend Stein's Theorem to measures that were not necessarily symmetric. This generalization depends on the following denition. Denition 4.3. A probability measure on has bounded angular ratio if j^( )j = 1 only for = 1, and sup 1j^;(j)^;(1)jj < 1: j j=1 We obtained the following theorem. Theorem 4.4 (15]). Let have bounded angular ratio. (1) For f 2 Lp , 1 < p 1, n f (x) converges a.e.. (2) For 1 < p 1 we have k sup jn f jkp c(p)kf kp: Z n Proof. Below is a sketch of the proof of this result in the case p = 2. The general result follows in a similar way, using Stein's complex interpolation method to reach the values of p < 2. (For values of p > 2, the result follows from the case p = 2, the trivial estimate k supn jn f jk1 kf k1, and an application of the Marcinikewicz interpolation theorem.) We have (for N > 2M ) N 1 X k N ; M k=M f (x) = N ;1 M N X N ; X k=M j =k N j f (x) ; j+1 f (x) X = N ;1 M j =M = N ;1 M j f (x) ; j+1 f (x) + N +1 f (x) N X j =M j X k=M 1 + N +1 f (x) (j ; M + 1) j f (x) ; j+1 f (x) + N +1 f (x): Consequently for N > 2M , we have N N 1 X X N ; M k f (x) ; N +1f (x) N ;1 M j j f (x) ; j+1 f (x) j =M k=M N p N p 1 X 1 1 X 2 2 2 j f (x) ; j+1 f (x)2 2 ( j ) ( j ) N ; M j =M j =M 1 2 X j j f (x) ; j+1 f (x) : c 1 2 j =M 49 Ergodic Theory Since the operator is a positive contraction on L1 and L1 , by the Dunford{ P n ; 1 1 k Schwartz ergodic theorem, we knowPn k=0 f (x) converges a.e. Clearly for each xed M , N ;1 M Nk=M k (f )(x) converges a.e. If we could show that the right hand side goes to zero as M goes to 1, so would thePleft hand side. Consequently, for M large enough, and N > 2M , we have that N ;1 M Nk=M k (f )(x) and N +1 f (x) are close. This implies N +1 f (x) must converge 1a.e. too. 2 2 P1 j j +1 The argument to show that converges to zero j =M j f (x) ; f (x) involves rst transferring the problem to . (See Bellow's paper 8].) A Fourier transform argument is then used to show that the multiplier is bounded, with M = 1, and consequently, goes to zero as M goes to 1. The details of the Fourier transform argument are as follows. Z \ 1 1 X 2 2 Z X 2 j j +1 j f ( ) ; j +1 f ( ) d j f (x) ; f (x) 2 = jj=1 j d j =1 j =1 Z X 1 ; j 2 ; = j ^( ) f^( ) ; ^( ) j+1 f^( ) d j j=1 j=1 Z X 1 2j 2 ^ 2 1 2 = j j=1 j=1 Z 2 1 j1 ; ^( )j2 jf^( )j2 d j j=1 1 ; j^( )j2 j1 ; ^( )j 2 Z sup jf^( )j2 d j j=1 j1 ; j^( )jj1 + j^( )j j j=1 j1 ; ^( )j 2 2 c sup kf k2: j j=1 j1 ; j^( )j Hence, with the assumption that has bounded angular ratio, the rst part of the theorem follows. As we see, the bounded angular ratio condition arose naturally in the computation. The maximal inequality follows from the fact that 1 N X 1 1X j jj f (x) ; j+1 f (x)j2 2 : jN +1 f (x)j j k f (x)j + c j j^( )j j1 ; ^( )j jf ( )j d N k=1 k=1 Now take the supremum over N on both sides. Note that 1 k sup j N X k N k=1 f (x)jkp cp kf kp since is a contraction on all Lp , and we just saw that at least for p = 2, the N square function is a bounded operator. The general case follows by Stein's complex interpolation. Of course, the theorem is only useful if there are measures that satisfy the bounded angular ratio condition. It turns out that there are many examples of 50 R. Jones such measures. The following theorem from 13] shows how to nd a large class of examples. Theorem 4.5. If 1 X k=;1 and 1 X k=;1 k(k) = 0 k2 (k) < 1 then has bounded angular ratio, and n f (x) converges a.e. for f 2 Lp , 1 < p < 1. Remark 4.6. If has moment (in particular, if has nite second moP nitekrst ment) and E () = 1 k=;1 (k ) 6= 0 then has unbounded angular ratio. Hence if E () = 0 then the statement has nite second moment, and the statement has bounded angular ratio are equivalent. It turns out that the bounded angular ratio condition is not only sucient for a.e. convergence of the convolution powers, but it also is (almost) necessary. We have the following result. (See 1], 3] and 15].) j^( ) ; 1j n Theorem 4.7. If lim !1 1 ; j^( )j = 1 then ( ) has the strong sweeping out property j^( ) ; 1j It is possible that lim !1 1 ; j^( )j fails to exist. In that case, there are situations where we are still uncertain if divergence occurs. Remark 4.8. In 13] Bourgain's entropy method was used to show that divergence occurs. Later in 1] a modication of the Fourier transform condition for strong sweeping out was used to obtain the stronger result. In 3] a modication of the entropy method was used to also obtain strong sweeping out. In the above discussion we have only considered the case p > 1. The case p = 1 is much more dicult. The rst non-trivial result in this direction was obtained by Karin Reinhold 64]. Theorem 4.9 (Reinhold 64]). If has bounded angular ratio and 1 X (p17;3) jkj2+ (k) < 1 k=;1 n f (x) converges a.e. for all f 2 L1 . for some > 2 , then (Recall that for as above, since has bounded angular ratio, we are restricted to such that E () = 0.) The argument used by Reinhold involved a comparison with the appropriate normal density, and used the fact that the maximal function associated with convolution of dilates of the normal density function satisfy a weak (1,1) inequality. p17;will ( 3) However, it seemed unlikely that the term 2 could be sharp. 51 Ergodic Theory Encouraged by Reinhold's result, the problem was later studied by A. Bellow and A. P. Calderon. They knew about the Calderon transfer principle, and they realized that in some ways, these convolution powers behaved like singular integrals. Moreover they knew how to use the Calderon-Zygmund decomposition to obtain results about singular integrals. With these tools, they improved Reinhold's result to obtain the following. Theorem 4.10 (Bellow{Calderon 11]). If has bounded angular ratio and 1 X k=;1 jkj2 (k) < 1 then: For each > 0 we have mfx : sup jn f (x) > g c kf k1" Z n For all f 2 L1(X ), n f (x) converges a.e.. A sketch of Rtheir proof is given below. They rst transfer the problem to , and 1 n 2 write (x) = ; 12 ^(e2i )n e;2ix d. They then use a clever integration by parts argument to obtain the following Lemma. Lemma 4.11 (Bellow{Calderon). If has bounded angular ratio and 1 X k=;1 then jkj2 (k) < 1 sup jn (x ; y) ; n (x)j jcxjyj2j : n This lemma gave them exactly the same control of the \smoothness" of the convolution powers that one has for the Hilbert transform. Once Bellow and Calderon established this control, they knew the proof could be nished in exactly the same way that one completes the proof of the weak type (1,1) inequality for the Hilbert transform. Convergence on a dense class (all of L2 ) was known. Consequently, by the Banach principle, to establish convergence for all f 2 L1 , it was enough to prove this weak type (1,1) inequality. To prove such inequalities, with either the convolution powers or the Hilbert transform, one begins with the Calderon-Zygmund decomposition. The version of this important decomposition stated below is for , however, with nothing more than a change in notation, the same decomposition holds on . It is the key to prove the weak type (1,1) result for the Hilbert transform, and as Bellow and Calderon showed, for convolution powers as well. Theorem 4.12 (Calderon-Zygmund decomposition). Given a nonnegative function f 2 `1( ) and > 0, we can write f = g + b, where g 2 `2 ( ) and (1) kgk`1 kf k`1 , (2) kgk1P 2 , (3) b = i bi where each bi satises: a) each bi is supported on a dyadic interval Bi , Z Z R Z 52 R. Jones P b) j bP i (j ) = 0 for each i, P c) jB1i j j2Bi jbi (j )j 4 and jB1i j j2Bi jf (j )j, d) For each i 6= j we have Bi \ Bj = . Remark 4.13. We are using jS j to denote the number of integers in the set S . The conditions above imply X i jBi j 1 X kb k 1 1 kf k 1 : i ` ` i In the above decomposition, if > kf k1 then we can take f = g and b = 0. Proof1 ofP4.12. The proof is not dicult. First nd a dyadic interval, I , so large that jI j j2I jf (j )j , and jf (j )j for j 2= I . Now divide I into two equal dyadic subintervals, I1 and I2 . Look at the average over each piece. If in either case the averages is more than , keep that interval and it will become one of the Bi 's. If the average is less than , divide that interval into two equal dyadic subintervals, and repeat the procedure. The process clearly stops after only a nite number of steps. We then have a collection of disjoint dyadic intervals. The average over any one of the selected intervals is dominated by 2 . The value of f o the union of these selected intervals is at P most . Denote the selected intervals by B1 B2 : : : . On Bi dene g = jB1i j j2Bi f (j ), and o Bi dene g(j ) = f (j ). Dene b(j ) = f (j ) ; g(j ), and let bi = bBi . It is easy to check that all the desired properties are satised. Remark 4.14. There is also an analog of the Calderon{Zygmund decomposition for martingales. This was discovered by Gundy, 38], and has been useful for proving several results about martingales. Proof of 4.10. The following proof is due to Bellow and Calderon. We rst use the strong type (2,2) inequality to maintain control of g. We then use the smoothness of the operator to control b when we are far from the support of b, and use the fact that b has small support to control what happens near the support of b. The details are as follows. Note that jfsup jn f (x)j > 2 gj jfsup jn g(x)j > gj + jfsup jn b(x)j > gj: n n n To handle the rst term, recall that by Theorem 4.4 we have k sup jn gk`2 ckgk`2 : n 53 Ergodic Theory Consequently, 1 jfsup jn g(x)j > gj 2 k sup jn gjk2`2 n n c 2 kgk2`2 c X 2 jg(j )j2 j c X 2 jg(j )j j c kgk`1 c kf k 1 : ` To handle the second term, we rst write B~i for the interval with the same center as Bi , but with ve times the length. We also let B~ = i B~i . Let B~ c denote the complement of B~ . We then have jfsup jn b(x)j > gj jfsup jn b(x)j > g \ B~ c j + jB~ j: n n This time the second term is easy. We have jB~ j 5 X i 5 jBi j kf k`1 : For the remaining term, we need some additional notation. Let ri denote a point n b(x) = P n (x ; r)b(r), and that near the center of the interval B . Recall that i r P b(r) = 0. Consequently, r X r2Bi n (x ; ri )b(r) = 0: For x 2 B~ic , we know jx ; ri j > 2jB j and for r 2 Bi , we know jr ; ri j jB j. Hence 1 jB j X 2 2 k2 c: ~ c jx ; ri j k=jBi j X jr ; ri j x2Bi 54 R. Jones We have 1 jfsup jn b(x)j > g \ B~ c j n X x2B~ c sup jn b(x)j n 1X X 1X 1X X X 1 X X jb(r)j XcX i x2 B~ ic X sup jn b(x)j n i x2B~ ic n i x2B~ ic r c i r X r i c i X sup r n (x ; r)b(r) ; X r n (x ; ri )b(r) sup n (x ; r) ; n (x ; ri )jb(r)j n X jr ; r i j jb(r)j c jx ; ri j2 x2B~ic jBi j kf k`1 : 5. Good- Inequalities for Convolution Powers The above discussion suggested that convolution powers exhibit a behavior similar to that of a singular integral. In this section we give an additional result in the same spirit. That is, the result is proved in the same way as a related result for singular integrals. Let be a probability measure on . As before, let f (x) = and for n > 1, 1 X Z (k)f ( k x) k=;1 n n ; 1 f (x) = ( f )(x). Let ? f (x) = sup b X n0 j n f (x)j and f ? (x) = sup b ; a1 + 1 jf ( j x)j: a0b j =a Z Theorem 5.1. P Assume is a probability measure on which has nite second moment and k k(k) = 0. There are constants C > 0 and C 0 > 0 (which depend only on ) such that if > 1 and 0 < 1 satisfy ; 1 ; C 0 > 0 then mfx : ? f (x) > f ? (x) < g ; 1C; C 0 mfx : ? f (x) > g: Remark 5.2. Joint distribution function inequalities such as given in the above theorem are often called \good{lambda" inequalities. They were introduced by Burkholder and Gundy, and have played an important role both in probability and in harmonic analysis. For example, see Coifman's article 28], where he proves 55 Ergodic Theory Z a similar inequality between certain singular integrals and the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. Proof. First we will prove the result on and then transfer the result to the ergodic theory setting in the standard way. We will use the same notation for the operators on with the transformation being translation. Let 2 `1. We can assume without loss of generality that is non-negative. Let S = fj : ? (j ) > g. Then we can write S = Ii , where the Ii are disjoint intervals of integers, and the intervals are of maximal length. That is, if Ii = fpi + 1 : : : pi + di g, then ? (pi + j ) > for j = 1 2 : : : di , ? (pi ) and ? (pi + di + 1) . Let I = fp + 1 : : : p + dg be one of these intervals. It will be enough to prove Z C ; 1 ; C 0 jI j: We can assume that there is a point p0 2 I so that ? (p0 ) < since otherwise jfj 2 I : ? (j ) > ? (j ) < gj (2) the left side of (2) is zero and the result is obvious. Let I~ = fp ; d : : : p + 2dg. Then I I~, and I is at least a distance d from the boundary of I~. Let = 1 + 2 where 1 (j ) = (j )I~(j ). Although we only need to estimate ? (j ) for j 2 I \ fk : ? (k) < g, we will actually show rst that there is a constant C 0 such that we have the uniform estimate ? 2 (j ) < (1 + C 0 ) for all j 2 I . For xed n, we have for j 2 I , n 2 (j ) = = We have 1 X k=;1 1 X k=;1 n (j ; k)2 (k) n (p ; k)2 (k) + = A + B: A 1 X 1 X k=;1 n (j ; k) ; n (p ; k) 2 (k) n (p ; k)(k) = n (p) k=;1 ? (p) by assumption. since 2 and For B we need to work harder. We can write B= 1 X k=;1 + n (j ; k) ; n (p0 ; k) 2 (k) 1 X k=;1 n (p0 ; k) ; n (p ; k) 2 (k) = B1 + B2 : Recalling that 2 is supported outside I~, that ? (p0 ) , and the smoothness condition on n , from Lemma 4.11, that is jp ; j j jn (j ; k) ; n (p0 ; k)j c 0 2 jp0 ; kj 56 R. Jones which was established in 11], we now estimate B1 = 1 X n (j ; k) ; n (p0 ; k) 2 (k) k=;1 1 X n (j ; k) ; n (p0 ; k) 2 (k) jp0 ;kj>d 1 jj ; p0 j X c 2 (k) jp0 ;kj>d jk ; p0 j 1 1 1 1 X X cd 2 (p0 ; k) + cd 2 (p0 + k) k=d k k=d k 1 1 1 X X 1 cd k=d (p0 ; k) + cd 1 X j =d (p0 + k) k=d j 1 1X X j 3 k=0 2cd? (p0 ) j =k j 2 ; (j + 1)2 1 1 X j =k (p0 ; k) + cd 1 1 X j =d 1 ; j 2 (j + 1)2 j 1 1X X j =d j3 k=0 j2 (p0 + k) 2c : The term B2 is estimated in exactly the same way, and we also obtain B2 2c . Hence if we let C 0 = 4c, then we have ? 2 (j ) (1 + C 0 ) for all j 2 I . We now return to estimating the left side of (2). Here we will use Theorem 4.10, the fact established by Bellow and Calderon 11], that ? is a weak type (1,1) operator. We have jfj 2 I : ? (j ) > ? (j ) < gj jfj 2 I : ? 1 (j ) + ? 2 (j ) > ( ; 1 ; C 0 ) + (1 + C 0 ) gj jfj 2 I : ? 1 (j ) > ( ; 1 ; C 0 ) gj C C ( ; 1 ; C 0 ) k1 k1 C 1 X j k)j j I j ( ( ; 1 ; C 0 ) jI j ( ; 1 ; C 0 ) C k2I ? jI j (p ) ( ; 1 ; C 0 ) jI j C jI j ; 1 ; C 0 0 57 Ergodic Theory as required. This implies the following corollary. Corollary 5.3. P Assume is a probability measure on which has nite second moment and k k(k) = 0. Let %(t) 0 be increasing and such that %(2t) c%(t) for t 0. Then there is a constant c~ such that Z Z ; Z ; ? % f (x) dx c~ % f ? (x) dx: X In particular, taking %(t) = tp , we have Z X j? f (x)jp cp X Z X jf ? (x)jp dx for 0 < p < 1. Remark 5.4. Note that the range of p is 0 < p < 1, we do not have the usual restriction that p > 1. Proof. Take = 2 and = 21N for some large enough integer N . We have Z Z1 1 ? %( f (x))dx mfx : ? f (x) > 2 gd%( ) 0 X 2 Z1 mfx : ? f (x) > 2 f ? (x) < 21N gd%( ) 0 Z 1 + mfx : ? f (x) > 2 f ? (x) > 21N gd%( ) Z 1 0 C 1N 2 0 mfx : ? f (x) > 1 gd%( ) 2N 0 2 ; 1 ; 2CN Z1 + mfx : f ? (x) > 21N gd%( ) 0 Z ; % ? f (x) dx 0 C 1 ; 2N X Z ; + % 2N f ? (x) dx: C 21N X Hence we have Z 1 Z ; C1 Z ; %( 2 ? f (x))dx 2nC 0 % ? f (x) dx + % 2N f ? (x) dx: 1 ; 2N X X X Using the properties of % we see that this implies Z ;1 Z ;1 C 21N Z ; 1 ? ? N +1 % 2 f (x) dx c % f (x) dx + c % 2 f ?(x) dx: 1 ; 2CN0 X 2 X X Now we solve, and obtain 1;c C 21N 1 ; 2CN0 Z X %( 21 ? f (x))dx cN +1 Z ;1 % 2 f ?(x) dx: X 58 R. Jones Replacing f by 2f , and taking N large enough so that C 0 < 2N , we have the conclusion of the theorem. (Actually there is an additional step. We rst establish the theorem R ; with ? replaced by sup0kK jk j. For this operator we know that the term X % 21 ? f (x) dx on the right hand side will be nite, so we can solve. Then we note that the inequality does not depend on K , so we have the result for the maximal operator, ? .) 6. Oscillation Inequalities To understand some of the discussion in this section, it helps to have a little background about martingales. We will not need the full theory, and consequently, will restrict our attention to two special cases: the dyadic martingale on 0 1), and the dyadic reverse martingale on . For f 2 L1 (0 1)) and n = 0 1 : : : , dene Z 2kn n fn (x) = 2 k;1 f (t) dt for 2kn x < k 2+n 1 , 2n n with k = 1 2 : : : 2 . Some important operators include the martingale maximal function f ? (x) = sup jfn (x)j Z n and the martingale square function SM f (x) = 1 X k=0 1 2 jfk (x) ; fk+1 (x)j2 : Doob, in his classical 1953 book, 33], proved that kf ?kp cp kf kp and also proved the associated weak type (1,1) inequality, that is, mfx : jf ? (x)j > g c kf k1 . (See Doob's book, 33] for further discussion, as well as many other important facts about martingales.) Austin 7] rst proved the weak type (1,1) inequality for SM f in 1966. As in the case of the maximal function, we have kSM f kp cp kf kp for 1 < p < 1. It was Burkholder who rst realized the importance of the martingale square function, and later working with Gundy and Silverstein, they were able to use the martingale square function to give the rst real variable characterization of the Hardy space H 1 26]. (See Petersen's book 61], \Brownian Motion, Hardy Spaces and Bounded Mean Oscillation", for an exposition.) We can also consider two additional operators. First, if we x an increasing sequence (nk ) we can dene the oscillation operator, OM f (x) = 1 X sup k=1 nk <nnk+1 1 jfnk (x) ; fn(x)j2 2 : For any % > 2, we dene the %-variational operator for martingales by VM% f (x) = sup 1 X n1 <n2 <::: k=1 % 1 jfnk (x) ; fnk+1 (x)j% where the supremum is taken over all increasing sequences of positive integers. 59 Ergodic Theory It is easy to see that kOM f k2 ckf k2. Just note that Z sup nk <nnk+1 Z jfnk (x) ; fn (x)j2 dx c jfnk (x) ; fnk+1 (x)j2 dx which follows from the maximal inequality applied to the martingale that starts at nk . The strong (p,p) result for VM% f is a result of Lepingle 55]. See also 60] and 43] for further discussion of the operator VM% . (If % 2 the operator can diverge. That is why we restrict our attention to % > 2. See Monroe's paper 58]. If we use an exponent % < 2, then even the analog of the simple square function can diverge. See 5].) It is also useful to note another square function that has played an important role in analysis. That is, the Littlewood Paley g-function. Let Pt (x) = 2 jxj2t+t2 denote the Poisson kernel on . Dene u(x t) = f ? Pt (x), and let R gf (x) = Z 1 0 1 tjru(x t)j2 dt 2 : A closely related (and slightly easier) operator is g1 f (x) = Z 1 @ tj @t f ? Pt (x)j2 dt : 1 2 0 If we were look at a discrete version of the operator g1 , we might try to break up the region of integration, estimate @t@ f ? Pt (x) on each piece, and add up the results in the appropriate way. Consider the following heuristic1 argument. g1 f (x) = = = Z 1 @ tj @t Pt (x) ? f j2 dt 0 1 Z 2k @ X +1 k=;1 2k 1 Z 2k X k=;1 2k 1 X k=;1 +1 1 2 tj @t Pt (x) ? f j2 dt 1 2 2 2k P2k+1 ? f (x)2k; P2k ? f (x) dt jP2k+1 ? f (x) ; P2k ? f (x)j2 Z 2k 2k 1 X 21 = jP2k+1 ? f (x) ; P2k ? f (x)j2 : k=;1 1 +1 1 2 1 dt 12 2k Actually one direction of this heuristic argument can be made precise. Write ;X k jP2k+1 ? f (x) ; P2k ? f (x)j2 2 = ; 1 X Z 2k+1 @ k j 2k ;X k 2 ; k Z 0 1 tj @t Z 2k+1 2k 1 Pt ? f (x) dtj2 2 j @t@ Pt ? f (x)j2 dt 2 1 @ Pt ? f (x)j2 dt 2 @t 1 = g1 f (x): 60 R. Jones With the above martingale square function, and the Littlewood-Paley g function as motivation, we dene the ergodic analogs, and see to what extent they behave like the previously studied square functions. Fix a sequence n1 < n2 < : : : . We dene the ergodic square function associated with this sequence by Sf (x) = 1 X k=1 1 jAnk f (x) ; Ank+1 f (x)j2 2 : The theory for this operator developed as follows: (1) The rst special case was nk = k, which was shown to be a bounded operator on Lp for p > 1, and weak type (1,1) in 1974. (See 40] and 41].) (2) The second special case was nk = 2k considered by de la Torre in 1975 31]. (3) The general case was studied in a paper that appeared in 1996 in joint work with Ostrovskii and Rosenblatt 47]. We showed that in particular the operators are bounded on Lp , 1 < p 2 and are weak (1,1). Later, in joint work with Kaufmann, Rosenblatt and Wierdl, we showed that they map L1 into BMO and hence by interpolation, are bounded on all Lp , 1 < p < 1. To prove these square function inequalities, we argue as follows. First, using the Calderon transfer principle, as usual, we transfer the problem to . To prove the L2 result, we use a Fourier transform argument. After writing things in terms of Fourier transforms, we make two dierent types of estimates, depending on the growth from nk to nk+1 . In particular, for xed , we look at those k so jnk ; nk+1 j 1 and those where jnk ; nk+1 j > 1. It is then a matter of adding up the resulting estimates. This takes some work, but is not too unpleasant. For the weak (1,1) result, we continue to work on , and do a Calderon-Zygmund decomposition of f . (Recall Theorem 4.12.) Following the standard technique, as in the proof of Theorem 4.10, write f = g + b. Use the L2 estimate on g, and then try to use an L1 estimate on b, staying far away from the support of b. Unfortunately, even in some simple cases, (say nk = k and b = 0 ; 1 ) the square function will not be in `1 (B~ c ), that is, even if we only sum far away from the support of b, we can still diverge. Consequently, the standard technique fails, and we need to modify the method. We avoid the above diculty by using the following result: Z Z Theorem 6.1. Let S be a sublinear operator, and assume that S has the following properties (1) jfx : Sf > gj c2 kf k22. (2) For some % 1, we have P 1 P a) jS ( j bj )(x)j c j jS (bj )(x)j% % for x 2= B~ . P b) 1% x2B~jc jS (bj )j% cjBj j. Then S is weak (1 1). Proof. First, using the decomposition, we can write mfx : Sf (x) > 2 g mfx : Sg(x) > g + mfx : Sb(x) > g: 61 Ergodic Theory For the \good function", g, the argument is easy, as before. We have c jfx : Sg(x) > gj < 2 kgk22 Z = c2 jg(x)j2 dx Z c 2 jg(x)j dx c Z jf (x)j dx = c kf k 1 as required. For the \bad function", b, we have the following estimate jfx : Sb(x) > gj jfx 2 B~ c : Sb(x) > gj + jB~ j 1 X jS (X b )(x)j% + jB~ j % j x2B~ c j c X X jS (b )(x)j% + jB~ j % j X j c x2B~ j X c j X 1 % x2B~jc jS (bj )(x)j% + jB~ j jBj j + 5 kf k1: X j jBj j To prove S (f ) is weak type (1,1) it will be enough to show that our square function satises the properties in Theorem 6.1. The required weak (2,2) result is just a consequence of the strong (2,2) result. For the second condition we use % = 2, and note that for xed x and k, at most two of the terms in the squared part of the expression are non-zero, and that (a + b)2 2(a2 + b2 ). The third condition requires some work to estimate, but is just a computation. It turns out that these square functions map `1 into BMO, and consequently, we can interpolate, and get strong type (p,p) for 1 < p < 1. Remark 6.2. There are some sequences, such as nk = 2k for which a dierent argument will work. When nk increases fast enough, a condition sometimes referred to as the H&ormander condition is satised. In this case, the more standard argument will work. However, in general the H&ormander condition is not satised, and the above argument is required. To give a 'avor of the kind of computations necessary to prove the square function is bounded on L2 , we illustrate the technique with a very special case. Let nk = k, that is we are looking at the square function Sf (x) = 1 X k=1 1 2 jAk f (x) ; Ak+1 f (x)j2 : Z 62 R. Jones Rewriting the problem on , we have nX ;1 2in A^n f () = n1 e2ik = n1(1;;e e2i ) : k=0 Using Fourier transforms, we have kSf k2`2 = = = Z ZZ jSf (x)j2 dx 1 2 ; 12 jScf ()j2 d 1 2 1 2 k j k=1 k k jAk ; Ak+1 j k1 1 2 ; 21 jf ()j d 1 X jAck ; Ak+1 j2 k1 kf k2` : k=1 Hence it is enough to show that We have \ Z X 1 jAdf () ; Ak+1 f ()j2 d ; k=1 k Z 1 X 2 ^ 2 c 2 1 X jAck ; Ak+1 j2 k1 c: k=1 1 1 1 ;1 X X 1 ) kX 2ij ; 1 e2ik j2 jAck ; Ak+1 j2 k1 = j( ) ; ( e k + 1 j=0 k+1 1 k=1 k=1 k 1 kX ;1 X = (k +1 1)2 j k1 e2ij ; e2ik j2 1 j =0 k=1 1 1 X 2 + 2 c A ( ) j 2 j k (k + 1)2 1 k=1 1 Because of the term (k+1)2 , we will have a bounded sum if jAck ()j c for some constant c, independent of . The required estimate is trivial. Just estimate each term in the sum dening A^k by 1. Thus, the average is no more than 1. Remark 6.3. In the case special case considered above, i.e., the case nk = k, a dierent argument can be used. Following the argument above, but working directly with the ergodic average, we can dominate the square function by a constant times the maximal function, plus the operator 1 ; f ( k x) 2 12 X ~ (x) = Sf : k=1 k 63 Ergodic Theory It is easy to see that this last operator is bounded in L2. A variant of this operator, when we look at f ( nk x) instead of f ( k x), is studied in 50]. We now consider the oscillation operator Of (x) = 1 X sup k=1 nk <nnk+1 1 2 jAnk f (x) ; An f (x)j2 : (1) In 1977, Gaposhkin 36] showed that kOf k2 ckf k2 in the case where we have 1 < nnk+1 < 1 for some constants and . Also see k Gaposhkin's later paper 37]. (2) In 1989 Homer White showed that there was in L2 inequality in case there are constants > 0 and > 1 such that nk+1 > nk . (See 6].) (3) In joint work with R. Kaufman, J. Rosenblatt and M. Wierdl, 43] we showed that kOf k2 ckf k2, with no restriction on the increasing sequence (nk ), and in fact we showed, kOf kp cp kf kp for 1 < p < 1, and the operator is weak type (1,1). Further, the constant cp depends only on p, and does not depend on the sequence (nk ). We will now show how to prove a weaker version of this last result. We will show how to get the L2 boundedness without the restriction imposed by Gaposhkin, that nnk+1 < 1. (However, the argument will still require the restriction that k .) To do this we need one more result that is also contained in the joint 1 < < nnk+1 k paper with Kaufman, Rosenblatt and On we can consider the reverse n ;1 P Wierdl. martingale given by En f (x) = 21n (jr=+1)2 f (j ) where r2n x < (r + 1)2n. n r2 (This reverse martingale satises the same results as the standard martingale, in particular we have kOM f k2 ckf k2.) We can also dene the square function Z SD f (x) = 1 X k=1 1 jA2k f (x) ; Ek f (x)j2 2 : This operator, which gives us a way to transfer martingale results to the ergodic theory setting, is strong (p,p) for 1 < p < 1, and is weak (1,1). We can now estimate as follows. For xed nk < n, let 2`k denote the largest dyadic that is to the left of nk , and let 2` denote the largest dyadic that is to the left of n. Let fn = An f (x). We have jfnk ; fn j = jfnk + (f2`k ; f2`k ) + (E`k f ; E`k f ) + (E` f ; E` f )) + (f2` ; f2` ) ; fn j = j(fnk ; f2`k ) + (f2`k ; E`k f ) + (E`k f ; E` f ) + (E` f ; f2` ) + (f2` ; fn )j jfnk ; f2`k j + jf2`k ; E`k f j + jE`k f ; E` f j + jE` f ; f2` j + jf2` ; fn j: P jf (x);f (x)j2 )1=2 by rst using Using this observation, we can estimate ( 1 n k=1 nk the triangle inequality. From the resulting expressions, the rst one we can estimate by using Sf , the second by SD f , the third by OM f , the fourth by SD f again, and for the last expression, use Gaposhkin's result, since 2` < n 2`+1. We can also dene an analog of the operator VM% f , by V% f (x) = sup 1 X n1 <n2 <::: k=1 % 1 jAnk f (x) ; Ank+1 f (x)j% : 64 R. Jones The proof is much in the same spirit, but we need to use Lepingle's result in place of the result for OM f . This result gives us information about \jumps" of the ergodic averages. Dene the operator N (f x) = maxfnj there exists s1 < t1 s2 < t2 sn < tn such that jAtk f (x) ; Ask f j > for each 1 k ng: We can now show that c jfx : N (f x) > ngj 1 kf k1: We just note that Hence n% ;N (f x) % V f (x): % V% f (x) % 1 > ngj 1 jfx : V% f (x) > n % gj c 1 kf k1: n% jfx : N (f x) > ngj jfx : With a little more work we can in fact replace the exponent %1 by 21 (see 43]) and we can show that this is sharp (see 50]). There are also higher dimensional results. For example we can use squares, rectangles, etc. See 51]. 7. Concluding Remarks There are many interesting and important areas that are related to the above discussion, but that we have mentioned only brie'y, or in some cases, not at all. For example we did not discuss the extensive work on good subsequences for the pointwise ergodic theorem. This started with the block sequences of Bellow and Losert 16], followed by the important and dicult work of Bourgain (19], 20]), and Wierdl (76], 75]). For an excellent (and very readable) exposition of this work, the reader should see the article by Rosenblatt and Wierdl 69]. There is an important open problem associated with subsequences. At this time, there is no known example of a subsequence that is good for a.e. convergence for all f 2 L1 , and has successive gaps increasing to innity. In particular, the question of a.e. convergence for f 2 L1 along the sequence of squares is open, and probably very dicult. The techniques used in Section 4 and Section 6, including the Calderon-Zygmund decomposition, do not seem to apply. We have not discussed the ergodic Hilbert transform, which has many of the same properties as the ordinary Hilbert transform. Petersen's book, \Ergodic Theory" 62] contains a good introduction to this operator. It turns out that the moving ergodic averages studied in 15], have an analog for the ergodic Hilbert transform. See 35]. We could consider oscillation inequalities and variational inequalities for several operators other than those discussed above. For example we could consider oscillation and variational inequalities for averages along subsequences, convolution Ergodic Theory 65 powers, or other weighted averages. (Some results on oscillation and variational norms for convolution powers are contained in 48], but there is more work to do.) While as mentioned above, Bellow and Calderon have shown a.e. convergence of n f for f 2 L1, if has mean value zero and nite second moment However, there are many examples of for which we know a.e. convergence for f 2 Lp , p > 1, but which do not satisfy the conditions necessary to apply Bellow and Calderon's result. Do the convolution powers of these measures converge a.e. for f 2 L1 ? Again, this problem seems dicult. It is clear that there are many interesting questions that remain in this area, and it seems that the more we discover, the more questions arise. References 1] M. Akcoglu, A. Bellow, R. L. Jones, V. Losert, K. Reinhold-Larsson, and M. Wierdl, The strong sweeping out property for lacunary sequences, Riemann sums, convolution powers, and related matters, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 16 (1996), 207{253. 2] M. Akcoglu, and A. del Junco, Convergence of averages of point transformations, P.A.M.S. 49 (1975), 265{266. 3] M. Akcoglu, M. D. Ha, and R. L. 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