New York Journal of Mathematics New York J. Math. 9 (2003) 303–330. The average length of a trajectory in a certain billiard in a flat two-torus F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu Abstract. We remove a small disc of radius ε > 0 from the flat torus T2 and consider a point-like particle that starts moving from the center of the disk with linear trajectory under angle ω. Let τε (ω) denote the first exit time of the particle. For any interval I ⊆ [0, 2π), any r > 0, and any δ > 0, we estimate the moments of τε on I and prove the asymptotic formula 1 τεr (ω) dω = cr |I|ε−r + Oδ (ε−r+ 8 −δ ) as ε → 0+ , I where cr is the constant 12 π2 1/2 x(xr−1 + (1 − x)r−1 ) + 0 1 − (1 − x)r 1 − (1 − x)r+1 − rx(1 − x) (r + 1)x(1 − x) dx. A similar estimate is obtained for the moments of the number of reflections in the side cushions when T2 is identified with [0, 1)2 . Contents 1. Introduction and main results 2. Farey fractions and Kloosterman sums 3. The second moment of the first exit time for cross-like scatterers 4. The rth moment of the first exit time for cross-like scatterers 5. The moments of the number of reflections 6. The case of circular scatterers References 303 307 310 314 321 324 329 1. Introduction and main results For each 0 < ε < 1 2 we consider the region Zε = {z ∈ R2 ; dist(z, Z2 ) > ε} Received April 29, 2003. Mathematics Subject Classification. 11B57; 11P21; 37D50; 58F25; 82C40. Key words and phrases. Periodic Lorentz gas; average first exit time. All three authors were partially supported by ANSTI grant C6189/2000. ISSN 1076-9803/03 303 304 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu and the first exit time (also called free path length by some authors) τε (z, ω) = inf{τ > 0 ; z + τ ω ∈ ∂Zε }, z ∈ Zε , ω ∈ T, of a point-like particle which starts moving from the point z with linear trajectory, velocity ω, and constant speed equal to 1. This is the model of the periodic twodimensional Lorentz gas, intensively studied during the last decades (see [2], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [20], [21], [29], [31], [32] for a non-exhaustive list of references). The phase space of the system consists in the range of the initial position and velocity and is one of the spaces Yε × T with the normalized Lebesgue measure, or Σ+ ε = {(x, y) ∈ ∂Yε × T ; ω · nx > 0} with the normalized Liouville measure. Equivalently, one can consider the billiard table Yε = Zε /Z2 obtained by removing pockets of the form of quarters of a circle of radius ε from the corners. The reflections in the side cushions are specular and the motion ends when the point-like particle reaches one of the pockets at the corners. In this setting τε (z, ω) coincides with the exit time from the table (see Figure 1). This paper considers the situation where the trajectory starts at the origin O = (0, 0). In this case the phase space only consists in the range of the initial velocity of the particle. It is given by the one-dimensional torus T and can be reduced, for obvious symmetry reasons, to the interval 0, π4 . From the point of view of Diophantine approximation this corresponds to a homogeneous problem. We shall be concerned with estimating the moments of the first exit time τε (ω) = τε (O, ω) as ε → 0+ when the phase space is the range [0, π4 ] of the velocity ω. This question was raised by Ya. G. Sinai in a seminar at the Moskow University in 1981. We answer the question by supplying asymptotic formulas with explicit main term and error for all the moments of τε in short intervals as follows: Theorem 1.1. For any interval I ⊆ [0, π4 ] and any r, δ > 0, one has 1 2 Or,δ (ε 8 −δ ) if r = r r τε (ω) dω = cr |I| + as ε → 0+ , ε 1 −δ 4 Or,δ (ε ) if r = 2 I where 12 cr = 2 π 1/2 r−1 x(x 0 + (1 − x) r−1 1 − (1 − x)r+1 1 − (1 − x)r − )+ rx(1 − x) (r + 1)x(1 − x) The mean free path length is in this case 4 π π/4 c1 12 ln 2 0.421383 τε (ω) dω ∼ = 2· ≈ . ε π 2ε ε 0 Note also that 12 lim+ cr = − 2 π r→0 1/2 0 ln(1 − x) dx = 1. x(1 − x) dx. Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 305 To prove Theorem 1.1 we first replace the circular scatterers by cross-like scatterers [m − ε, m + ε] × {n} ∪ {m} × [n − ε, n + ε], m, n ∈ Z2 \ {(0, 0)}.1 We denote by lε (ω) the free path length in this situation, and first prove: Theorem 1.2. For any interval I ⊆ [0, π4 ] and any r, α, δ > 0, one has 1 Or,δ (ε 2 −2α−δ + |I|εα ) if r = 2 dx r r + ε as ε → 0+ . lε (ω) dω = cr 1 cosr x if r = 2 Oδ (ε 2 −δ ) I I We consider the probability measures μ Iε and μIε on [0, ∞), defined by 1 1 f ε τε (ω) dω, μIε (f ) = f εlε (ω) dω, f ∈ Cc ([0, ∞)). μ Iε (f ) = |I| |I| I I √ Their supports are all contained in [0, 2] as a result of Lemma 3.1. Moreover, we infer from Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 that their moments of order n ∈ N∗ are of the form2 1 εn 1 On,δ (ε 8 −δ ); μ Iε (X n ) = τεn (ω) dω = cn + |I| |I| I n 1 1 dx ε cn On,δ (ε 6 −δ ). + lεn (ω) dω = μIε (X n ) = n |I| |I| cos x |I| I I These asymptotic formulas show in particular that μ Iε (X n ) and μIε (X n ) converge to the main terms as ε → 0+ . The Banach-Alaoglu and Stone-Weierstrass theorems now lead to: √ Corollary 1.3. There exist probability measures μ and μ I on [0, 2] such that μ Iε → μ and μIε → μI weakly as ε → 0+ . Moreover, the moments of μ and μI are ∞ tn d μ(t) = cn 0 and respectively ∞ tn dμI (t) = 0 cn |I| dx . cosn x I ε (ω) in the side Besides, we estimate the average of the number of reflections R cushions of the billiard table in the case of circular scatterers and prove: Theorem 1.4. For any interval I ⊆ [0, π4 ] and any r, δ > 0, one has εr (ω) dω = cr (sin x + cos x)r dx + Or,δ (ε 18 −δ ) as ε → 0+ . εr R I I 1 Actually it is not hard to see that for ω ∈ [0, π ] the result for cross-like scatterers is asymp4 totically the same as when using vertical scatterers {m} × [n − ε, n + ε]. 2 We denote N = {0, 1, 2, . . . } and N∗ = {1, 2, 3, . . . }. 306 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu ε ε ε ε ω ε ε Oε ε Figure 1. The trajectory of the billiard Again, we first consider the case of cross-like (or vertical) scatterers, let Rε (ω) denote the number of reflections in the side cushions of the billiard table in this case, and prove: Theorem 1.5. For any interval I ⊆ [0, π4 ] and any r, α, δ > 0, one has 1 εr Rεr (ω) dω = cr (1 + tan x)r dx + Or,δ (ε 2 −2α−δ + |I|εα ) as ε → 0+ . I I We may also consider the probability ε and εRε , with the random variables εR 1 ε (ω) dω, ν I (f ) = νεI (f ) = f εR ε |I| I measures νεI and νεI on [0, ∞) associated and defined by 1 f εRε (ω) dω, f ∈ Cc ([0, ∞)). |I| I From Theorems 1.4 and 1.5 we derive: √ Corollary 1.6. There exist probability measures νI and νI on [0, 2] such that νεI → νI and νεI → ν I as ε → 0+ . Moreover, the moments of νI and ν I are ∞ cn n I t d ν (t) = (sin x + cos x)n dx, |I| 0 I and respectively ∞ tn dν I (t) = 0 cn |I| (1 + tan x)n dx. I one gets formulas similar to the ones in Theorems 1.1, 1.2, In the case I ⊆ 1.4 and 1.5 after performing a symmetry with respect to a diagonal of the square, i.e., replacing (α, β) by ( π2 − β, π2 − α). The proofs make use of techniques employed in the study of the spacings between Farey fractions, pioneered in [23], [24], [25], and furthered recently in [3], [4], [1], [ π4 , π2 ] 307 Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard [28] where estimates for Kloosterman sums are being used. The first step consists in proving Theorems 1.2 and 1.5, which refer to the case of cross-like or vertical scatterers. In this case one can directly take advantage of the fact that the intervals a+ε a 1 Ia/q = [ a−ε q , q ], with q Farey fraction of order Q = [ ε ], provide a covering of [0, 1] such that two intervals Ia/q and Ia /q overlap if and only if aq and aq are consecutive Farey fractions of order Q. Finally, the case of circular scatterers is settled by partitioning the range I into [ε−θ ] intervals of equal size for a convenient value of the exponent θ, and replacing the small circles of radius ε first by vertical scatterers of type {m}×[n−ε− (m, n), n+ ε, n+ ε] for appropriate choices ε+ (m, n)], and finally by scatterers of type {m}×[n− of ε± (m, n) and ε. It should be possible in theory to compute the densities of the limit measures from their moments using either the Cauchy transform or the inverse Mellin transform. An attempt of this kind does not seem to easily lead however to a tractable formula for these densities. The convergence of the measures μ Iε and νεI was proved in a different way and the limit measures were explicitly computed in [5]. Techniques using Farey fractions and Kloosterman sums were recently used in [6] to establish the existence, and compute the distribution, of the free path length for the periodic two-dimensional Lorentz gas in the small-scatterer limit in the case where the trajectory does not necessary start from the origin, and one averages over both initial position and initial velocity. This is the final version of the paper with the same title, circulated as preprint arXiv math.NT/0110208. 2. Farey fractions and Kloosterman sums For each integer Q ≥ 1, let FQ denote the set of Farey fractions of order Q, i.e., irreducible fractions in the interval (0, 1] with denominator ≤ Q. The number of Farey fractions of order Q in an interval J ⊆ [0, 1] can be expressed as #(J ∩ FQ ) = Recall that if a q < a q Q2 |J| + O(Q ln Q). 2ζ(2) are two consecutive elements in FQ , then a q − aq = 1 and q + q > Q. Conversely, if q, q ∈ {1, . . . , Q} and q + q > Q, then there are a ∈ {1, . . . , q − 1} and a ∈ {1, . . . , q − 1} such that aq < aq are consecutive elements in FQ . Proofs of these well-known properties of Farey fractions can be found for instance in [26], [23], [30]. < > , and respectively by FQ , the set Throughout the paper we shall denote by FQ of pairs ( aq , aq ) of consecutive elements in FQ with q < q , and respectively with 308 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu q > q . We also set Z2pr = {(a, b) ∈ Z2 ; gcd(a, b) = 1}; J J = and = a/q < (a/q,a /q )∈FQ a/q∈J a/q ; > (a/q,a /q )∈FQ a/q∈J ΔQ = {(x, y) ∈ Z2pr ; 0 < x, y ≤ Q, x + y > Q}; Rm,n = [m, m + 1] × [n, n + 1], m, n ∈ R. For each region R in R and each C function f : R → C, we denote ∂f ∂f f ∞,R = sup |f (x, y)|, Df ∞,R = sup ∂x (x, y) + ∂y (x, y) . 2 1 (x,y)∈R (x,y)∈R The notation f g means the same thing as f = O(g); that is, there exists an absolute constant c > 0 such that |f | ≤ cg for all values of the variable under consideration. When the constant depends on a parameter δ, this dependence will be indicated by writing f δ g. The notation f g will mean that f g and g f simultaneously. We shall be mainly interested in consecutive Farey fractions aq < aq in FQ with the property that, say, aq belongs to a prescribed interval J ⊆ [0, 1]. The equality a q −aq = 1 yields a = q − q¯ , where x̄ denotes the unique integer in {1, 2, . . . , q −1} (1) for which xx̄ = 1 (mod q). Thus aq ∈ J = [t1 , t2 ] is equivalent to q¯ ∈ Jq := [(1 − t2 )q, (1 − t1 )q]. Moreover, aq ∈ J is equivalent to q̄ ∈ Jq := [t1 q , t2 q ], where this time q̄ denotes the multiplicative inverse of q (mod q ). An important device employed in [3], [4], [1] to estimate sums over primitive lattice points is the Weil type [33] estimate (2.1) (2) 1 1 |S(m, n; q)| τ (q) gcd(m, n, q) 2 q 2 on complete Kloosterman sums S(m, n; q) = x∈[1,q] gcd(x,q)=1 mx + nx̄ , e q in the presence of an integer albeit not necessarily prime modulus q, proved in [27] (see also [19]). The bound from (2.1) can be used (see [4, Lemma 1.7]) to prove the estimate 1 ϕ(q) Nq (I, J ) = 2 |I| |J | + Oδ (q 2 +δ ) (2.2) q for the number Nq (I, J ) of pairs of integers (x, y) ∈ I × J for which xy = 1 (mod q), whenever I and J are intervals which contain at most q integers. We shall use the following slight improvement of Corollary 1 and Lemma 8 in [4]. The proof follows literally the reasoning from Lemmas 2, 3 and 8 in [4]. Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 309 Lemma 2.1. Let Ω ⊆ [1, R] × [1, R] be a convex region and let f be a C 1 function on Ω. Then: 1 (i) f (a, b) = f (x, y) dx dy + ER,Ω,f , ζ(2) 2 (a,b)∈Ω∩Zpr Ω where ER,Ω,f f ∞,Ω R ln R + Df ∞,Rm,n ln R. (m,n)∈Z2 Rm,n ⊂Ω (ii) For any interval J ⊆ [0, 1] one has |J| f (a, b) = f (x, y) dx dy + FR,Ω,f,J , ζ(2) 2 (a,b)∈Ω∩Zpr b̄∈Ja Ω where 3 FR,Ω,f,J δ f ∞,Ω mf R 2 +δ + f ∞,Ω length(∂Ω) ln R + Df ∞,Rm,n ln R 2 (m,n)∈Z Rm,n ∈Ω for any δ > 0, where b̄ denotes3 the multiplicative inverse of b (mod a), Ja (1) (2) is either Ja or Ja , and mf is an upper bound for the number of intervals of monotonicity of each of the functions y → f (x, y). The proof of (ii) relies on (2.2). We also note the following important corollary of (2.2), which will be often employed in this paper and in the subsequent work from [5] and [6]. Lemma 2.2. Assume that q ≥ 1 is an integer, I and J are intervals which contain at most q integers, and f : I ×J → R is a C 1 function. Then for any integer T > 1 one has ϕ(q) f (a, b) = 2 f (x, y)dxdy + Eq,I,J ,f,T , q a∈I, b∈J ab=1(mod q) I×J where |I| |J | Df ∞ T denotes the L∞ -norm on I × J . 1 3 Eq,I,J ,f,T δ T 2 q 2 +δ f ∞ + T q 2 +δ Df ∞ + for all δ > 0. Here · ∞ Proof. If T ≥ q, then the error is larger than the sum to estimate and there is nothing to prove. If T < q, we partition the intervals I and J respectively into T intervals |J | I1 , . . . , IT and J1 , . . . , JT of equal size |Ii | = |I| T and |Jj | = T . The idea is to approximate f (x, y) by a constant whenever (x, y) ∈ Ii × Jj . For, we choose for each pair of indices (i, j) a point (xij , yij ) ∈ Ii × Jj for which (2.3) f = |Ii | |Jj |f (xij , yij ). Ii ×Jj 3 When writing b̄ ∈ Ja we implicitly assume that gcd(a, b) = 1. 310 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu For (x, y) ∈ Ii × Jj the mean value theorem gives f (x, y) = f (xij , yij ) + O (|Ii | + |Jj |)Df ∞ (2.4) q Df ∞ . = f (xij , yij ) + O T This gives in turn (2.5) f (a, b) = T f (x, y) i,j=1 (x,y)∈Ii ×Jj xy=1(mod q) a∈I,b∈J ab=1(mod q) = qDf ∞ . Nq (Ii , Jj ) f (xij , yij ) + O T i,j=1 T Since each interval Ii and Jj contains at most q integers, estimate (2.2) applies to them and gives (2.6) Nq (Ii , Jj ) = 1 ϕ(q) |Ii | |Jj | + Oδ (q 2 +δ ). 2 q As a result of (2.6) and (2.3), the main term in (2.5) becomes T 1 ϕ(q) |Ii | |Jj |f (xij , yij ) + Oδ (T 2 q 2 +δ f ∞ ) q 2 i,j=1 1 ϕ(q) f + Oδ (T 2 q 2 +δ f ∞ ), = 2 q I×J while the error term in (2.5) will be 3 |I| |J | qDf ∞ ϕ(q) 2 12 +δ +δ + Tq2 ≤ Df ∞ . |I| |J | + T q T q2 T 3. The second moment of the first exit time for cross-like scatterers Throughout this section we keep 0 < ε < 12 fixed, and take 1 1 = the integer part of . Q = Qε = ε ε We also denote Z2∗ = Z2 \ {(0, 0)}, Cε = {0} × [−ε, ε] ∪ [−ε, ε] × {0}, Vε = {0} × [−ε, ε], lε (ω) = inf{τ > 0 ; (τ cos ω, τ sin ω) ∈ Cε + Z2∗ } tP = the slope of the line OP , (x, y) = x2 + y 2 , x, y ∈ R. Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 311 N’ W’ A’ q’ N’(q’, o (a+ ε) q ) S’ 111111 000000 N 000000 111111 aq 000000 111111 W Wo (q, q- ε ) 000000 111111 A 000000 111111 000000 111111 000000 111111 S 000000 111111 1 O Figure 2. The case q < q Let Cε = Cε + {(q, a) ; a/q ∈ FQ } denote the translates of Cε at all integer points with slope in FQ . For each point A(q, a) with aq ∈ FQ we construct a vertical segment N S of length 2ε and a horizontal segment W E of length 2ε, both centered at A. Performing symmetries with respect to the integer vertical and horizontal lines, the problem translates into a covering version in R2 . It is clear that one can discard the points (q , a ) with gcd(q , a ) = d > 1, which are already hidden by qd , ad . The trajectory will now originate at O = (0, 0) and end when it reaches one of the components (q, a) + Cε of Cε , aq ∈ FQ , as seen in the next elementary but useful lemma. Lemma 3.1. Any ray of direction ω ∈ [0, π4 ] which originates at O inevitably in tersects Cε . Moreover, if γ = aq < γ = aq are two consecutive Farey fractions in FQ and tan ω ∈ [γ, γ ], then the ray of direction ω intersects either (q, a) + Cε or (q , a ) + Cε and does not intersect any other component of Cε .4 Proof. We shall utilize the inequalities q + q ≥ Q + 1 > getting tA = 1 ε ≥ Q ≥ max{q, q }, a a − ε a+ε a ≤ tS = ≤ tA = . < tN = q q q q In the case q < q , we set {W0 } = OW ∩ N S and {N0 } = ON ∩ N S (see Figure 2 and note that a < a ), inferring that 4 Equivalently, the intervals Ia/q = [ a−ε , q Ia/q and Ia /q overlap if and only if a q and a+ε ], aq q a q ∈ FQ , cover [0, 1] and two such intervals are consecutive elements in FQ . 312 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu N 11111111111 00000000000 00000000000 11111111111 00000000000 11111111111 00000000000 11111111111 00000000000 11111111111 0000 1111 0000 1111 00000000000 11111111111 0000 1111 0000 1111 00000000000 11111111111 0000 1111 0000 1111 00000000000 11111111111 0000 1111 0000 1111 00000000000 11111111111 0000 1111 0000 1111 O 11111111111 00000000000 So W N ε (q, (a’- )q ) q’ (a’- ε)q 111111111 000000000 S’o(q, 000000000 111111111 q’ W 000000000 111111111 A 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 N’ 000000000 111111111 S 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 A’ W’ 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 S’ 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 000000000 111111111 S N’ W’ S’o A A’ S’ ) O Figure 3. The case q < q and tS ≤ tW , respectively q < q and tS > tW . arctan γ (3.1) lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(OAN ) + 2 area(ON0 A ) − 2 area(AW0 W ) arctan γ (a + ε)q = εq + q a − + O(ε2 ) q q − ε(q 2 − q 2 ) + O(ε2 ). = q In the case q > q one has a < a. Moreover, a − ε a , ≤ max{tW , tS } ≤ γ = tA . tA = γ ≤ min(tW , tS ) = min q−ε q This shows that any ray of slope tan ω ∈ [γ, γ ] intersects either (q, a) + Cε or (q , a ) + Cε and no other component of Cε (see Figures 2 and 3). Besides, we estimate the average of the second moment of the length lε (ω) of the trajectory when tan ω ∈ [γ, γ ]. When tS ≤ tW (i.e., a +q > ε+ 1ε ), we set {S0 } = OS ∩AW , {S0 } = OS ∩N S, and note (see the first picture in Figure 3) that arctan γ (3.2) lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(OA S ) + 2 area(OAS0 ) − 2 area(AS0 S0 ) arctan γ (a − ε)q = εq + q − a + O(ε2 ) q q − ε(q 2 − q 2 ) = + O(ε2 ). q Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 0110 0 1 10 10 1010 10 0 1 10 1010 10 (0,Q) (1,Q) (x,Q) (x,Q-x) 313 (Q,Q) (Q/2,Q/2) (0,0) (x,0) (Q,0) Figure 4. The region ΩQ When tS > tW , we set {W0 } = OW ∩ N S, {S0 } = OS ∩ N S, and get (see the second picture in Figure 3) arctan γ lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(OA S ) + 2 area(OAS0 ) − 2 area(AW W0 ) (3.3) arctan γ = q − ε(q 2 − q 2 ) + O(ε2 ). q We consider the region ΩQ = {(x, y) ∈ R2 ; 1 ≤ x ≤ y ≤ Q, x + y > Q} and the function y + ε(x2 − y 2 ) y(1 − εy) + εx, (x, y) ∈ ΩQ . = x x Consider also I = [α, β] ⊆ [0, π4 ], take t1 = tan α, t2 = tan β, and let J = [t1 , t2 ] ⊆ [0, 1]. For (x, y) ∈ ΩQ one has x > Q − y > 1ε − 1 − y, which gives y 1 − εy < ε(x + 1) ≤ 2εx. It is also seen that 1 − εy ≥ 1 − Q ≥ 0. As a result we find that f ∞,ΩQ ≤ 3. Since ε2 #FQ < 1, formulas (3.1), (3.2), (3.3) provide f (x, y) = lε2 (ω) dω = 2 (3.4) J arctan a/q arctan I a q lε2 (ω) dω + O(1) = 2 J f (q, q ) + O(1). a/q a q To master the latest sum, we aim to apply Lemma 2.1 to ΩQ . With the notation from Section 2, relation (3.4) yields (3.5) lε2 (ω) dω = 2 f (a, b) + O(1). I (a,b)∈ΩQ b̄∈Ja(1) 314 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu We also see that for (x, y) ∈ ΩQ one has ∂f ∂x = ε − ∂f |1−2εy| 1 = ≤ x ; hence ∂y x (3.6) Df ∞,Ra,b (a,b)∈Z2 Ra,b ⊂Ω̄Q Q Q x=1 y=max{Q−x,x} y(1−εy) x2 ≤ ε+ 2εy x ≤ 3 x and 1 1 = Q. x x=1 Q Now we can apply Lemma 2.1 (ii) to the sum from (3.5), and employ (3.6) and mf ≤ 2, to infer that 3 2(t2 − t1 ) 2 (3.7) lε (ω) dω = f (x, y) dx dy + Oδ (Q 2 +δ ). ζ(2) I ΩQ When α = 0 and β = π 4, Lemma 2.1 (i) improves upon the error in (3.7) to π/4 lε2 (ω) dω = (3.8) 2 ζ(2) 0 f (x, y) dx dy + O(Q ln Q). ΩQ In summary, (3.7), (3.8) and the equality 1 + 2 ln 2 2 Q f (x, y) dx dy = 12 ΩQ lead to: Theorem 3.2. (i) π/4 1 + 2 ln 2 ε lε2 (ω) dω = + O(ε| ln ε|) π2 2 0 (ii) For any 0 ≤ α < β ≤ β ε 2 lε2 (ω) dω = π 4 as ε → 0+ . and δ > 0, one has 1 (1 + 2 ln 2)(tan β − tan α) + Oδ (ε 2 −δ ) π2 as ε → 0+ . α Part (i) of this result was already proved in [22]. 4. The r th moment of the first exit time for cross-like scatterers In this section we estimate the average of the first exit time for cross-like scatterers, 1.2. The first step towards estimating the integral r thus proving r−2 Theorem 2 l (ω) dω = l (ω)l (ω) dω consists in approximating lεr−2 by a step function. ε I ε I ε π We take I = [α, β] ⊆ [0, 4 ], t1 = tan α, t2 = tan β, J = [t1 , t2 ] ⊆ [0, 1]. For consecutive Farey fractions aq < aq from J ∩ FQ , where Q = 1ε , we denote ω1 = arctan a , q ω2 = arctan a+ε , q ω2 = arctan a − ε , q ω3 = arctan a . q The function lεr−2 will be approximated by the constants lεr−2 (ω1 ) = (q, a)r−2 on [ω1 , ω2 ] and by lεr−2 (ω3 ) = (q , a )r−2 on [ω2 , ω3 ] when q < q , and respectively Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 315 by lεr−2 (ω1 ) on [ω1 , ω2 ] and by lεr−2 (ω3 ) on [ω2 , ω3 ] when q > q . To be precise, we set ω2 ω3 J J r−2 2 r−2 (q, a) lε (ω) dω + (q , a ) lε2 (ω) dω, Ar,J,ε= a/q Br,J,ε= J a/q ω1 ω2 (q, a) r−2 a/q lε2 (ω) dω + J ω2 ω3 (q , a ) r−2 a/q ω1 lε2 (ω) dω, ω2 Sr,J,ε = Ar,J,ε + Br,J,ε . Next we estimate the quantities J ω3 (1) r Er,J,ε = lε (ω) dω − Ar,J,ε (1) ≤ Er,[0,1],ε , (2) ≤ Er,[0,1],ε . a/q ω1 and respectively (2) Er,J,ε J ω3 r = lε (ω) dω − Br,J,ε a /q ω1 An inspection of the case q < q in the proof of Lemma 3.1 leads to sup lεr−2 (ω) − lεr−2 (ω1 ) ≤ (q, a + ε)r−2 − (q − ε, a)r−2 r εQr−3 , ω∈[ω1 ,ω2 ] and to r−2 (a + ε)q r−2 r−2 r−2 sup lε (ω) − lε (ω3 ) ≤ (q , a ) − q , q ω∈[ω2 ,ω3 ] (a + ε)q Qr−3 Qr−3 r a − . q q Therefore (4.1) ω3 ω2 ω3 r r−2 2 r−2 2 lε (ω) dω − lε (ω1 ) lε (ω) dω − lε (ω3 ) lε (ω) dω ω1 ω1 ω2 r q 2 (ω2 − ω1 )εQr−3 + q 2 (ω3 − ω2 ) a But ω2 −ω1 ≤ a+ε q −q = side in (4.1) is ε q and ω3 −ω2 ≤ r qε2 Qr−3 + As a result we infer that (4.2) (1) Er,[0,1],ε r−2 = Or Q a q − a+ε q = < 1 qq , so the right-hand Qr−2 Qr−2 . 2 q q2 Q ϕ(q) q=1 1−εq qq Qr−3 . q q2 = Or (Qr−2 ln Q). 316 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu In the case q < q we get (in both subcases tS ≤ tW and tS > tW ) r−2 r−2 (a − ε)q r−2 lε (ω) − lε (ω1 ) ≤ q, − (q, a − ε)r−2 sup q ω∈[ω1 ,ω2 ] (a − ε)q Qr−3 r−3 r − a + ε Q ≤ q q and sup ω∈[ω2 ,ω3 ] r−2 lε (ω) − lεr−2 (ω3 ) ≤ (q , a )r−2 − (q , a − ε)r−2 r εQr−3 . 1 a − aq = 1−εq Employing also ω2 − ω1 = a q−ε qq ≤ qq and ω3 − ω2 = q − we get in the case q < q the estimate ω3 ω2 ω3 r r−2 2 r−2 2 lε (ω) dω − lε (ω1 ) lε (ω) dω − lε (ω3 ) lε (ω) dω ω1 (4.3) (2) Er,[0,1],ε = Or (q,q )∈ΔQ Qr−2 q 2 = ε q , ω2 ω1 r Hence a −ε q Qr−1 Qr−3 Qr−2 + . 2 qq q q r−2 = Or Q Q ϕ(q ) q 2 = Or (Qr−2 ln Q). q =1 ω3 Since the contribution of a single term ω1 lεr (ω) dω is infer from (4.2) and (4.3) that (4.4) lεr (ω) dω = Sr,J,ε + Or (ε1−r ). max{q,q }r qq ≤ Qr−1 , we I Next, we adjust the second integral in the expression of Ar,J,ε , writing 2 2 a a 1 2 2 2 2 +1 =q a +q =q + +1 q q qq 2 2 q 1 = a + + q2 q q 2 q a 2 2 = a +q +O q q 2 q a 2 2 = (a + q ) 1 + O 2 q q (a + q 2 ) 2 q 1 2 2 = (a + q ) 1 + O q qq 2 q 1 2 2 = . (a + q ) 1 + O q Q Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard This gives in turn (q , a ) (4.5) r−2 = In a similar way (q, a)r−2 = (4.6) q q q q r−2 r−2 (q, a) r−2 1 + Or 1 Q 317 . 1 . (q , a )r−2 1 + Or Q For further use, it is also worth to note 1 1 + aq 1 + aq 1 + O( Q ) 1 + aq 1 = (4.7) . 1+O = 1 1 + ( aq )2 Q 1 + ( aq )2 1 + O( Q ) 1 + ( aq )2 Making use of (see the proof of Lemma 3.1) ω2 lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(OAN ) + O(ε2 ) = εq + O(ε2 ), ω1 ω3 lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(ON0 A ) = q (1 − εq ) , q ω2 and (4.5), we see that Ar,J,ε can be expressed as r−2 1 J q (1 − εq ) r−2 q 1 + Or (4.8) (q, a) q q Q a/q +ε J (q, a)r−2 q + Or (1). a/q If x̄ denotes the inverse of the integer x (mod q) in [1, q], then a q − aq = 1 gives < ε, the error in the first sum in (4.8) is r Q2 Qr−1 εQ−1 = a = q − q¯ . Since 1−εq q Qr−1 , and so Ar,J,ε is equal up to an error term of order Or (Qr−1 ) to J q r−1 εq r (4.9) (q, a)r−2 εq + r−1 − r−1 q q a/q = Q (q − x̄) + q 2 2 r−2 2 q=1 max{q,Q−q}<x≤Q x̄∈Jq(1) xr−1 εxr εq + r−1 − r−1 , q q (1) with Jq as defined in Section 2. When q > q , we employ (see the proof of Lemma 3.1) ω2 ω1 ω3 ω2 lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(OAS0 ) + O(ε2 ) = lε2 (ω) dω = 2 area(OA S ) = εq , (1 − εq)q + O(ε2 ), q 318 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu together with Qr−2 ε2 #FQ ≤ Qr−2 , relation (4.6), and the fact that a q − aq = 1 implies a = q̄ (mod q ), to infer that Br,J,ε is expressible as J J q r−2 r−2 (1 − εq)q (q, a) + (q, a)r−2 εq + Or (Qr−1 ) q q a /q a /q r−1 J q εq r = (q , a )r−2 εq + r−1 − r−1 + Or (Qr−1 ) q q a /q = Q 2 x̄ + q 2 r−2 2 q =1 max{q ,Q−q }<x≤Q (2) x̄∈Jq xr−1 εxr εq + r−1 − r−1 q q + Or (Qr−1 ), where x̄ denotes the inverse of an integer x (mod q ) in [1, q ]. Changing notation, Br,J,ε can be rewritten as (4.10) Q x̄2 + q 2 r−2 2 εq + q=1 max{q,Q−q}<x≤Q x̄∈Jq(2) xr−1 εxr − r−1 r−1 q q + Or (Qr−1 ). By (4.4), (4.9) and (4.10), we infer that (4.11) lεr (ω) dω = Tr,J,ε + Or (Qr−1 ), I where Tr,J (ε) = S1 (Q) + S2 (Q), with (4.12) Sk (Q) = Q fk (x, x̄, q), k = 1, 2, q=1 max{Q−q,q}<x≤Q x̄∈Jq(k) and r−2 xr−1 εxr f2 (x, y, z) = y 2 + z 2 2 εz + r−1 − r−1 , z z f1 (x, y, z) = f2 (x, z − y, z). For each q ∈ [1, Q], the functions fk (·, ·, q), defined on [1, Q] × [1, q], manifestly satisfy the estimates (4.13) fk (·, ·, q)∞ r Qr−1 q and (4.14) Dfk (·, ·, q)∞ r Qr−1 Qr−2 ≤ . q q2 Thus we may consider in Lemma 2.2 for each q ∈ [1, Q] the function fk (·, ·, q), the (k) intervals I = (max{Q − q, q}, Q] and J = Jq with |I| ≤ q and |J | = q|I|, and Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 319 take T = [Qα ], to infer that the inner sum in (4.12) can be expressed as Q ϕ(q) q2 dx dy fk (x, y, q) max{Q−q,q} Jq(k) 1 1 + Oδ,r (q − 2 +δ Qr−1+2α + q − 2 +δ Qr−1+α + |I|Qr−1−α ). Summing up over q ∈ [1, Q], we arrive at Sk (Q) = (4.15) Q ϕ(q) 1 g(q) + Oδ,r (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−α ), q q=1 where 1 g(z) = z Q (1−t 1 )z dx max{Q−z,z} 1 = z Q dy f1 (x, y, z) (1−t2 )z t2 z dx dy f2 (x, y, z), z ∈ [1, Q]. t1 z max{Q−z,z} The formulas d dz Q bz Q bz 1 1 dx dy h(x, y, z) = − 2 dx dy h(x, y, z) z z z az z + 1 z Q dx z + d dz b z az bz dy 1 ∂h (x, y, z) − ∂z z az Q h(x, bz, z) dx − dx Q−z bz dy h(x, y, z) a z 1 =− 2 z Q Q bz dx Q−z b z h(x, az, z) dx, bz dx Q−z + Q z az 1 + z h(z, y, z) dy az Q z 1 z bz dy h(x, y, z) az 1 ∂h (x, y, z) + dy ∂z z az Q h(x, bz, z) dx − Q−z bz h(Q − z, y, z) dy az a z Q h(x, az, z) dx, Q−z r−1 and the estimates (4.13) and (4.14) show that |g (z)| r Q z . As a result we get Q |g (z)| dz r Qr−1 ln Q. It is also clear that g∞ r Qr−1 , so we are in the 1 320 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu position of being able to apply Lemma 2.3 in [3] to g, collecting Q ϕ(q) q q=1 1 g(q) = ζ(2) Q Q g∞ + g(z) dz + O 1 = 1 ζ(2) |g (z)| dz ln Q 1 Q g(z) dz + Or (Qr−1 ln2 Q). 1 Comparing the previous relation with (4.15), we infer that both S1 (Q) and S2 (Q) can now be expressed as 1 ζ(2) (4.16) Q 1 g(z) dz + Oδ,r (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−α ). 1 Taking into account (4.11) and (4.12), we gather lεr (ω) dω (4.17) Q 2 = ζ(2) 1 g(z) dz + Oδ,r (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−α ). 1 I Integrating with respect to y in the formula that gives g and changing then z into Qz, we may express the main term in (4.17) as Kr,I ζ(2) (4.18) Q Q dz 1 dx xr−1 εxr r−1 ε+ r − r z z z max{Q−z,z} Kr,I Qr+1 = ζ(2) 1 1 dz 1/Q dx εz r−1 εxr xr−1 − , + Qz z max{1−z,z} where Kr,I t2 r−2 = 2 (1 + t2 ) 2 dt = 2 t1 dx . cosr x I Up to an error term of order Or (Q−2 ), the double integral in the right-hand side of (4.18) is given by 1/2 1/2 1/2 ε 1 − (1 − z)r 1 − (1 − z)r+1 1 r−1 r−1 dz − dz. + (1 − z) ) dz + ε z(z rQ z(1 − z) r+1 z(1 − z) 0 0 0 1 Since Qr+1 = εr+1 + Or ( ε1r ), we now infer from (4.17) and (4.18) the equality 1 dx cr + Oδ,r (ε−r+ 2 −2α−δ + |I|ε−r+α ), (4.19) lεr (ω) dω = r r ε cos x I I with cr as in Theorem 1.1. The proof of Theorem 1.2 is now complete. 321 Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 5. The moments of the number of reflections We take as before Q = [ 1ε ] and keep up with the notation from the beginning of Section 4. An inspection of the proof of Lemma 3.1 shows that if aq < aq are consecutive in FQ , then ⎧⎧ a ⎪ if tan ω ∈ [ aq , q−ε ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎨q + a ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ a a+ε ⎪ if q < q ; q + a + 1 if tan ω ∈ [ , ⎪ q−ε q ) ⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ⎪ a ⎪ q + a if tan ω ∈ [ a+ε ⎪ q , q ] ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ q+a if tan ω ∈ [ aq , a q−ε ) Rε (ω) = if q > q and tS ≤ tW ; a −ε a ⎪ q + a if tan ω ∈ [ , ] ⎪ q q ⎪ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ a ⎪ if tan ω ∈ [ aq , q−ε ) ⎪⎪ ⎨q + a ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ a a ⎪ q + a + 1 if tan ω ∈ [ q−ε , q−ε if q > q and tS > tW . ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ ⎩ q + a if tan ω ∈ [ a −ε , a ] q q A first immediate remark is that we may replace q + a + 1 by q + a in the above formulas, since the contribution of the corresponding arcs is small, as we see from | arctan x − arctan y| ≤ |x − y|, and from a + ε ε(q − a − ε) 1 a − = ε ≤1 q q−ε q(q − ε) q a/q∈FQ and a/q∈FQ a − ε a = − q q−ε a/q∈FQ a/q∈FQ a/q∈FQ 1 − ε(q + a ) + ε2 q (q − ε) a/q∈FQ 1 = 1. qq As a result we may write (1) (2) Rεr (ω) dω = Tr,J,ε + Tr,J,ε + Or (Qr−1 ), I where we set (1) Tr,J,ε = a a+ε − arctan (q + a) arctan q q a/q J a a+ε + (q + a )r arctan − arctan q q J r a/q and (2) Tr,J,ε = J a/q a − ε a (q + a) arctan − arctan q q J a a − ε r + . (q + a ) arctan − arctan q q r a/q Employing arctan(x + h) − arctan x = h h + O(h2 ) = + O(h2 ) 1 + x2 1 + (x + h)2 322 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu we now arrive at Rεr (ω) dω = Sr,J,ε + Tr,J,ε + Or (Qr−1 ), (5.1) I where (5.2) Sr,J,ε = J (5.3) Tr,J,ε = J (q + a) + 1 a/q 1−εq qq + ( aq )2 1 ε q r (q + a) + 1−εq qq + ( aq )2 r 1 + ( aq )2 a/q and ε q r r (q + a ) 1 + ( aq )2 (q + a ) . To further simplify the expressions in (5.2) and (5.3) we employ 1 a 1 1 a a a 1+ =1+ + =1+ +O = 1+ 1+O , q q qq q Q q Q r r 1 a a 1+ , 1 + Or = 1+ q q Q and 1 Q a/q∈FQ 1 r q ≤ Qr−2 qq a/q∈FQ to infer that (5.4) Sr,J,ε = and also that Tr,J,ε = J (1 + aq )r a/q 1 + ( aq )2 εq J (1 + aq )r a/q 1 + ( aq )2 r−1 1 ≤ Qr−1 , q 1 − εq r−1 q + q εq r−1 + 1 − εq r−1 q q + Or (Qr−1 ), + Or (Qr−1 ). The main term in (5.4) can now be conveniently expressed as (5.5) Ar,J,ε = Q f (x, x̄, q), q=1 max{Q−q,q}<x≤Q x̄∈Jq(1) where x̄ is the multiplicative inverse of x in {1, . . . , q − 1}, and this time we set I = (max{Q − q, q}, Q], f (x, y) = f (x, y, q) = (1 + q2 + q−y r q ) q−y 2 ( q ) r J = Jq(1) , q(2q − y) = 2 q + (q − y)2 εq 1 − εx r−1 x + q 1 − εx x r−1 r−1 ε+ q q . Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 323 Since 0 ≤ 1 − εx < 1, it is easy to check that (2q − y)r f ∞,I×J (1) 2 r q r−2 , q q + (q − y)2 ∂f q(2q − y)r 1 2 · r q r−3 , ∂x 2 q2 (1) q + (q − y) ∞,I×Jq ∂f ∂ (2q − y)r r q r−3 . ∂y 2 2 (1) ∂y q + (q − y) ∞ ∞,I×Jq Taking these estimates into account and applying Lemma 2.2 for each q ∈ [1, Q] (1) to f = f (·, ·, q), I = (max{Q − q, q}, Q], J = Jq and T = [Qα ], we infer that the inner sum in (5.5) can be expressed as Q ϕ(q) q2 1 − εx x r−1 q(2q − y)r ε+ dx dy q q q 2 + (q − y)2 (1) max{Q−q,q} Jq 1 3 + Or,δ (Q2α q 2 +δ q r−2 + Qα q 2 +δ q r−3 + |I|Q−α q 2 q r−3 ) = 3 Cr,I ϕ(q) r−1 q gr (q) + Or,δ (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−1−α ), q where Cr,I = (1−t 1 )q 1 q r−1 (2q − y)r 1 dy = r−1 2 q + (q − y)2 q (1−t2 )q t2 = (1 + t)r dt = 1 + t2 t1 t2 q (q + y)r dy q2 + y2 t1 q (1 + tan x)r dx I and Q gr (q) = 1 − εx x r−1 ε+ dx. q q max{Q−q,q} We now arrive at (5.6) f (x, x̄, q) = max{Q−q,q}<x≤Q x̄∈Jq(1) 3 Cr,I hr (q) + Or,δ (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−α−1 ), q where Q εq r−1 + hr (q) = max{Q−q,q} 1 − εx r−1 x dx. q 324 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu Since h∞ Qr−1 and (5.5) and (5.6) show that Q 1 |h (q)| dq Qr−1 , Lemma 2.3 in [3] together with Q ϕ(q) Sr,J,ε = Cr,I q=1 Cr,I = ζ(2) q 1 hr (q) + Or,δ (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−α ) Q 1 hr (q) dq + Or,δ (Qr− 2 +2α+δ + |I|Qr−α ). 1 Making use of εQ = 1 + O(ε) we arrive by a straightforward computation to 1 Q r hr (q) dq = Q 1 0 1 − max{1 − x, x}r xr−1 1 − max{1 − x, x} + rx 1 − max{1 − x, x}r+1 dx + Or (Qr−1 ). − (r + 1)x The integral above is seen to coincide with 1/2 0 1 − (1 − x)r 1 − (1 − x)r+1 x xr−1 + (1 − x)r−1 + − rx(1 − x) (r + 1)x(1 − x) dx = π 2 cr , 12 hence Q hr (q) dq = π 2 cr Qr π 2 cr ε−r + Or (Qr−1 ) = + Or (ε−r+1 ) 12 12 1 and as a result Sr,J,ε 1 6 π 2 cr ε−r = 2· (1 + tan x)r dx + Or,δ (ε−r+ 2 −2α−δ + |I|ε−r+α ) π 12 I −r 1 cr ε (1 + tan x)r dx + Or,δ (ε−r+ 2 −2α−δ + |I|ε−r+α ). = 2 I By reversing the roles of q and q it is seen in a similar way that 1 cr ε−r (1 + tan x)r dx + Or (ε−r+ 2 −2α−δ + |I|ε−r+α ). Tr,J,ε = 2 I This concludes the estimates of Sr,J,ε and Tr,J,ε . Theorem 1.5 now follows from (5.1). 6. The case of circular scatterers Note first that the statements of Theorems 1.2 and 1.5 hold true if we replace the scatterers Cε + Z2∗ by Vε + Z2∗ . In this section we consider the circular scatterers Dε + Z2∗ , where Dε = {(x, y) ∈ R2 ; x2 + y 2 = ε2 }. Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard 325 (q,a+ ε + ) (q,a) (q,a- ε- ) Ο Figure 5. A circular scatterer For each integer lattice point (q, a), let (q, a ± ε± ) denote the intersections of the line x = q with the tangents from O to the circle Dε,q,a = (q, a) + Dε = {(x, y) ∈ R2 ; (x − q)2 + (y − a)2 = ε2 }, where ε± = ε± (q, a) are computed from the equality a − a±ε± q ε± q q ε= a±ε± 2 = q 2 + (a ± ε )2 , ± 1+ q which gives in turn ε2± q 2 = ε2 q 2 + ε2 (a ± ε± )2 , or (q 2 − ε2 )ε2± ∓ 2aε2 ε± − ε2 (q 2 + a2 ) = 0. The latter provides ε± = ± (6.1) Employing also aε2 ε 4 + q + a2 q 2 − a2 ε2 . q 2 − ε2 q 2 − ε2 q 4 + a2 q 2 − q 4 + a2 q 2 − a2 ε2 ε2 , ε 2 ε ε = 2 1+O 2 q 2 − ε2 q q and 2 aε2 ε , =O 2 2 q −ε q we arrive at (6.2) ε± (q, a) = ε 1+ 2 2 ε a2 ε ε = . + O + O a 2 q q cos arctan q q 326 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu r Proof of Theorem 1.1. We wish to compare I τεr (ω) dω with I τε (ω) dω where τε (ω), the smallest τ > 0 for which (τ cos ω, τ sin ω) ∈ {q} × [a − ε− (q, a), a + ε+ (q, a)], (q,a)∈Z2∗ denotes the first exit time in the case where the scatterers are the vertical segments {q} × [a − ε− (q, a), a + ε+ (q, a)]. From Figure 5 it is apparent that τε (ω) − τε (ω)| ≤ 2ε, sup | ω and so, since supω τε (ω) ≤ supω lε (ω) ≤ √ 2 ε , we get √ r−1 r 2 τεr (ω) − τε (ω)| r ε r ε2−r , sup | ε ω which gives τεr (ω) dω (6.3) = I r τε (ω) dω + Or (ε2−r ). I To estimate I τε (ω) dω, we divide the interval I into N = [ε−θ ] intervals of 1 θ equal size Ij = [ωj , ωj+1 ] with |Ij | = |I| N ε for some 0 < θ < 2 . Then one has for all j that cos ωj cos ωj+1 θ−1 ε − ε3/2 − ε + ε3/2 ε , cos ωj cos ωj+1 − thus the integers Q+ satisfy j = ε−ε3/2 + 1 and Qj = ε+ε3/2 − θ−1 0 < Q+ j − Qj ε (6.4) and 1 ε − ε3/2 ε + ε3/2 1 ≤ ≤ ≤ −. + cos ω cos ω Qj Qj j j+1 (6.5) Furthermore, it follows from (6.2) that there exists ε0 = ε0 (θ) > 0 such that for all ε < ε0 , all j, and all aq ∈ [tan ωj , tan ωj+1 ], one has ε − ε3/2 ε + ε3/2 ≤ ε± (q, a) ≤ . cos ωj cos ωj+1 This implies in conjunction with (6.5), for all (6.7) ∈ [tan ωj , tan ωj+1 ], the inequalities 1 1 . + ≤ ε± (q, a) ≤ Qj Q− j (6.6) Since Q± j = a q cos ωj ε + O(εθ−1 ), one has r (Q± j ) = cosr ωj + Or (ε−r+θ ). εr 327 Length of a trajectory in a certain billiard The first exit time increases when all the sizes of scatterers decrease. Thus we infer from (6.6) the inequalities r r (6.8) l 1 (ω) dω ≤ τε (ω) dω ≤ lr 1 (ω) dω. Q Ij − j Q Ij Ij + j But by Theorem 1.2 and by (6.7) we may write 1 dx r + Or,δ (ε−r+ 2 −2α−δ + ε−r+θ+α ) (6.9) lr 1 (ω) dω = cr (Q± ) j r ± cos x Q j Ij Ij − 32 −δ with the better error term ε for r = 2. Also using infer that the first integral in (6.9) is expressible as (6.10) cr cosr ωj εr ω j+1 dx Ij cosr x r |Ij | εθ we 1 dx + Or,δ (ε−r+2θ + ε−r+ 2 −2α−δ + ε−r+θ+α ), cosr x ωj 3 with the better error term ε−2+θ + ε− 2 −δ for r = 2. Summing up over j we infer from (6.8), (6.10) and (6.3) that τεr (ω) dω (6.11) ω j+1 N dx cr r = r cos ωj ε j=1 cosr x ωj I + Or,δ (ε −r+ 12 −2α−θ−δ + ε−r+α + ε−r+θ ) 3 with the better error term ε− 2 −θ−δ + ε−2+θ for r = 2. Finally, we apply the mean value theorem and chose some ξj ∈ [ωj , ωj+1 ] to evaluate the sum N ω j+1 r cos ωj j=1 dx cosr x ωj as N (ωj+1 − ωj ) cosr ωj j=1 cosr ξj = N (ωj+1 − ωj ) 1 + Or (ωj+1 − ωj ) j=1 = N (ωj+1 − ωj ) 1 + Or (εθ ) j=1 = |I| + Or (εθ ). This implies Theorem 1.1 in conjunction with (6.11) by taking θ = α = and θ = 41 for r = 2. 1 8 for r = 2 Proof of Theorem 1.4. We proceed along the same line to estimate the moments Here we denote by R(ω) of R. the number of reflections in the side cushions in the case of vertical scatterers (of variable size) {q} × [a − ε− (q, a), a + ε+ (q, a)], 328 F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu r (ω) dω differs from (q, a) ∈ Z2∗ . It is seen as in the proof of Theorem 1.1 that I R ε r 2−r R (ω) dω by an error term of order Or (ε ). One can also show that I ε r r (6.12) R 1 (ω) dω ≤ Rε (ω) dω ≤ Rr 1 (ω) dω. Q Ij − j Q Ij Ij + j Applying now Theorem 1.5 to the vertical scatterers V1/Q± on the intervals Ij = j 1 8 [ωj , ωj+1 ] of equal size |Ij | = |I| N ε with θ = α = 8 , and also using (6.7), we find that 1 cr cosr ωj Rr 1 (ω) dω = (1 + tan x)r dx + Or,δ (ε−r+ 4 −δ ), r ± ε Q j 1 Ij Ij and thus εr (ω) dω R (6.13) ω j+1 N 1 cr r = r cos ωj (1 + tan x)r dx + Or,δ (ε−r+ 8 −δ ). ε j=1 ωj I By the mean value theorem we find ξj , ηj ∈ Ij such that N (6.14) ω j+1 r (1 + tan x)r dx = cos ωj j=1 N (ωj+1 − ωj ) cosr ωj (1 + tan ξj )r , j=1 ωj and respectively ω N j+1 r (sin x + cos x) dx = (sin x + cos x)r dx j=1 ω j I = N (ωj+1 − ωj )(sin ηj + cos ηj )r = j=1 N (ωj+1 − ωj ) cosr ηj (1 + tan ηj )r . j=1 From 1 cosr ωj = cosr ηj + Or (ωj+1 − ωj ) = cosr ηj + Or (ε 8 ) and 1 (1 + tan ξj )r = (1 + tan ηj )r + Or (| tan ξj − tan ηj |) = (1 + tan ηj )r + Or (ε 8 ) we infer that the sum in (6.14) is equal to N 1 1 (ωj+1 − ωj ) cosr ηj + Or (ε 8 ) (1 + tan ηj )r + Or (ε 8 ) j=1 1 (sin x + cos x)r dx + Or (ε 8 ). = I This can be combined with (6.13) to collect εr (ω) dω = cr (sin x + cos x)r dx + Or,δ (ε−r+ 18 −δ ), R εr I I which concludes the proof of Theorem 1.4. 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Green St., Urbana, IL 61801, USA Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, P.O.Box 1-764, RO-014700, Bucharest, Romania This paper is available via