New York Journal of Mathematics New York J. Math. 6 (2000) 87{93. An Example of a Conservative Exact Endomorphism which is Not Lim Sup Full Julia A. Barnes and Stanley J. Eigen Abstract. We show how to modify a construction of Hamachi to obtain a conservative exact endomorphism which is not lim sup full. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Preliminaries 3. The Shape of the Measure P 4. The Induction Process 5. Nonsingularity, Conservativity, and Not Lim Sup Full References 1. 87 88 88 89 90 92 Introduction In showing certain endomorphisms are exact, Rohlin 7] developed the notion of full and showed that in the nite measure preserving case these two notions are equivalent. However, there are open questions of conservativity and exactness when measure preserving is not known. To this end, Barnes 1] developed the notion of lim sup full, and showed that lim sup full, nonsingular, n-to-1 endomorphisms are conservative and exact whether or not the map is nite measure preserving. She applied this to certain classes of rational maps, obtaining conservativity and exactness when measure preserving is not known. The purpose of this note is to show by example that a conservative exact map need not be lim sup full. The example is based on a construction (see Section 3) studied by Hamachi 3] and Krengel 6] and depends strongly on a theorem of Kakutani 5]. As a class, the general construction gives a family of maps which are conservative, exact shift maps on the one-sided symbol space with dierent product measures. By a construction of Bruin and Hawkins 2] conservative examples can be moved to the Riemann sphere where they are invariant for certain rational maps whose Julia set is the entire sphere. Received April 30, 1999. Mathematics Subject Classication. 37. Key words and phrases. exact, full, lim sup full. 87 ISSN 1076-9803/00 88 2. Julia A. Barnes and Stanley J. Eigen Preliminaries The transformation constructed by Hamachi was a Bernoulli shift on a two-sided product space. The example in this paper is a one-sided factor of such a map. Q Set = 1 i=;1 f0 1gi. The transformation T is the shift (T! )n = !n+1 . Most of theQ1 work presented here deals with the construction of the product measure P = k=;1 Pk , where Pk (0) = 1+1 and Pk (1) = 1+ for some k 1. Since is xed throughout the paper, we refer to the measure space ( P T ) as P . We say T is nonsingular with respect to the measure P if the measures P and P T ;1 are equivalent conservative if for every set A of positive measure, there is a k > 0 such that P (A \ T ;k (A)) > 0 measure preserving if the measures P and P T ;1 are identical ergodic if for any measurable set A, P (A 4 T ;1A) = 0 ) P (A) is zero or one. We are interested in a one-sided shift map dened on a factor of . Let X = Q0 Q0 ;1 f 0 1 g with the product measure Q = i i=;1 k=;1 Pk . Dene S = T , i.e., ( x;2 x;1 x0 ) 7! ( x;3 x;2 x;1 ). As above, we refer to the measure space (X Q S ) as S. We use B to denote the sigma algebra of measurable sets in X . The same denitions as above are used to dene S as nonsingular, conservative, measure preserving, and ergodic. In addition, we call S exact if \1 0 S ;1B contains j only sets of Q-measure one or zero full if limj!1 Q(S B ) = 1 for all B 2 B of positive measure lim sup full if lim supj!1 Q(S j B ) = 1 for all B 2 B of positive measure 1]. k k 3. k The Shape of the Measure P The measure P is determined by a xed probability distribution on f0 1g, a sequence of probability distributions i = f 1+1 1+ g, and two sequences of nonnegative integers ni and mi . Hamachi assigns values to i , ni and mi by induction. He does this in a way which guarentees that the resulting measure he obtains is nonsingular, conservative, ergodic and preserves no equivalent nite or innite invariant measure for the two-sided shift. We present a simpler induction process in the next section. Our goal is for a nonsingular, conservative exact measure which is not lim sup full for the one-sided shift. Since it is not lim sup full, it follows that it has no equivalent nite invariant measure. It remains open whether it has an equivalent innite invariant measure it also remains open whether the one-sided version of Hamachi's example is lim sup full. In general the distribution occurs on all positive coordinates and on each of the negative coordinates 0 through ;m1 +1 of the sequence space. The distribution 1 occurs on each of the next n1 negative coordinates. Then occurs on each of the next m2 negative coordinates. Then 2 occurs on the next n2 | and so on. The following gures illustrate the measure P displayed on the coordinates of and the measure Q displayed on the coordinates of X . i i 1 }| n3 m3 n2 m2 n1 3 2 z}|{ z}|{ z}|{ z}|{ z |{z} |{z} |{z} |{z} | i { z }| { z 1} | {z 0} 1| P = {z; m m1 }| { {z } 1 Lim Sup Full 3 2 z}|{ z}|{ z}|{ z}|{ z |{z} |{z} |{z} |{z} | 89 1 { z }| { 1} | {z 0} }| Q = {z; m : n3 m3 n2 m2 m1 n1 1 1 1 i Here = f 2 2 g is xed, and i = f 1+i 1+i g, where 2 > i > 1 for all i with limi!1 i = 1. As in Hamachi 3], the values of i , ni and mi are chosen by an inductive process - though not quite in the obvious order. While doing this induction we want to control three things, the rst two of which already appear in 3]: (i) T should be nonsingular with respect to the measure P (ii) T should be conservative with respect to the measure P (iii) S should be not lim sup full with respect to the measure Q. The nonsingularity and conservativity of S follow from the corresponding properties for T. In order to guarantee the nonsingularity of T with respect to P , we use Hamachi's version 3] of Kakutani's theorem 5]. In particular, we choose the i such that P1 ; log( i ) 2 < 1. i=1 In order to guarantee the conservativity of T with respect toPP , (again as in 3]) dPT we force the Radon-Nikodym derivatives to sum to innity, i.e., 1 i=0 dP (! ) = 1, almost everywhere mod Q P . The Radon-Nikodym deriatives for the measure P are 1k=;1 dPT (! ) = Q1 P ; (! ) ( ! ) = analyzed by dPT k=;1 P (! ) . dP dP (! ) In order to guarantee that S is not lim sup full, we construct a distinguished set of positive measure E in X with the property that limj!1 Q(S j E ) = 0. The set E will be the intersection of a collection of sets Ai based on the disjoint coordinates associated to the measures i . i i i k k k 4. i k k k The Induction Process We construct the measure P by nding appropriate values for the sequences ni mi and i , as well as for sets Ai used in constructing the set E described above. Along the way, we construct some auxilary increasing sequences N i K i Li P P of integers and set mi = Ni + Ni+1 , ni = ij=1 Nj , and Li = ij=1 mj + nj . We also inductively construct reals Iij > 0 which are used in controlling the Radon- Nikodym derivatives. Q Fix the sequence 1 > i > 0 such that 1 i=1 (1 ; i ) > 0. The sequence i is used in choosing the sets Ai and eventually in the construction of E . We use the following lemma to select variables Ai and Ni below. Lemma 4.1. Given measures 6= on f0 1g, and given 1 > > 0, there is an N > 0, such that for any natural number n > N there is a set A n Y j =1 f0 1gj with the property that for the nite product measures, ( n Y 1 n Y )(A) < ( )(A) > 1 ; : 1 Julia A. Barnes and Stanley J. Eigen 90 Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume that (1) < (1): Put = (1)+2 (1) , Qn P Q n n and dene An = f! 2 i=1 f0 1gi : n1 i=1 !i > g. Then ( 1 )(An ) ! 0 Qn and ( 1 )An ! 1. Thus, for any natural number n > N there Q is a set A Qn n )(A) < f 0 1 g with the property that for the nite product measures, ( j j =1Qn 1 and ( 1 )(A) > 1 ; : Step 1. Choose 1 <QN1 < 2 to obtain 1: From Lemma 4.1, we obtain N1 > 0 and Q a set A1 satisfying ( 1 1 )(A1 ) < 1 and ( N1 1 1 )(A1 ) > 1 ; 1: Set n1 = N1 , and initialize L0 = N1 . Choose K1 such that K1 ;1 n1 > 1: Dene I11 = K1 ;1 n1 . Note that we have specied n1 1 A1 and K1 , but we have not yet specied values for m1 or L1 . This is done in Step 2. Step 2. Choose 1 < 2 < 1 + 1=2 such that ;2 (L0+K1 )I11 > 1, and dene I21 = ;2 (L0 +K1 ) I11 . Q From Q Lemma 4.1, we obtain N2 > L0 +K1 and a set A2 satisfying ( N1 2 )(A2 ) < 2 and ( N1 2 2 )(A2 ) > 1 ; 2 : Now set m1 = N2 + N1 , and n2 = N2 + N1 . Let L1 = n1 + m1 and observe that L1 > n2 . Choose K2 such that K2;2 n2 ;1 n1 > 1. Dene I22 = K2 ;2 n2 ;1 n1 . The values for m2 and L2 will be specied in the next step. Step 3. Choose 1 < 3 < 1+1=3 such that ;3 (L0+K1)I21 > 1 and ;3 (L1+K2)I22 > 1. This is possible since I21 and I22 are both greater than 1. Dene I31 = ;3 (L0 +K1 ) I21 and I32 = Q;3 (L1 +K2 ) I22 . From Lemma 4.1, we obtain N3 > L1 +K2 Q and a set A3 satisfying ( 1N3 )(A3 ) < 3 and ( N1 3 3 )(A3 ) > 1 ; 3 : Set m2 = N3 + N2 , n3 = N3 + N2 + N1 and L2 = n2 + m2 + L1 . Again L2 > n3 . Choose K3 such that K3 ;3 n3 ;2 n2 ;1 n1 > 1. Dene I33 = K3 3;n3 ;2 n2 ;1 n1 . Step t + 1. Suppose that mt;1 Lt;1 nt t At and Kt have been xed. Also, It1 It2 ::: Itt are all dened and are greater than 1. Choose t+1 such that 1 < t+1 < 1 + 1=(t + 1) and ;t+1(L ;1 +K ) Itj > 1 for all j 2 f1 2 ::: tg, and dene It+1j = ;t+1(L ;1 +K ) ItjQ. Use Lemma 4.1 to obtain anQinteger Nt+1 > Lt;1 +Kt and a set At+1 satisfying ( N1 +1 )(At+1 ) < t+1 and ( N1 +1 t+1 )(At+1 ) > 1 ; t+1 . Set mt = Nt+1 Q + Nt , Lt = nt + mt + Lt;1, and nt+1Q = Nt+1 + nt . Choose Kt+1 ;n t+1 ;n such that Kt+1 tj+1 =1 j > 1. Let It+1t+1 = Kt+1 j=1 j . Remark 4.2. From the denitions, for xed i 1 the sequence Iti is a decreasing sequence and limt!1 Iti 1. j j j j t t j 5. j Nonsingularity, Conservativity, and Not Lim Sup Full In this section, we show that the one-sided shift map with the previously constructed measure P is a conservative, exact 2-to-1 endormorphism which is not lim sup full. Lemma 5.1. T is nonsingular with respect to P . Proof. From the construction of the measure P we have a sequence t with the property that t < 1 + 1=t for all t > 0. Therefore, 1 1 1 X X X i=1 i=1 i=1 (log(i ))2 (log(1 + 1=i))2 < (1=i)2 < 1: Lim Sup Full 91 Thus T is nonsingular with respect to P 5]. It follows that S is also nonsingular with respect to Q. Lemma 5.2. S not lim sup full with respect to Q. Proof. We now construct a set E from the collection of sets Ai obtained in the previous section. Let A0i denote the set of all sequences in X with Ai placed on the leftmost Ni coordinates of ni . This can be observed by the following illustration: 3 2 1 z }| { z }| { z }| { z }| { z }| { z}|{ z }| { z 1 |{z} | |{z} | 3{z } |{z} | 2{z } |{z} |{z} {} : 1 N4 +N5 N3 +N2 +N1 N3 +N4 N2 +N1 N2 +N3 N1 N1 +N2 Hence, for N1 j N1 + N2, Q(S j A01 ) < 1 forPN1 + N2 j N1 + N2 + N3 , P +1 Q(S j A02 ) < 2 and in general, Q(S j A0k ) < k for ki=1 Ni j ki=1 Ni . 0 0 Let EQ= \1 A . Since A forms a disjoint collection of sets based in i blocks, i=1 i0 Q1 i Q(E ) = 1 Q ( A ) > (1 ; ) > 0 : i i i=1 i=1 Let > 0: Since limi!1 i = 0, there is a natural number K such P that for all k >P K , k < : Then for all j >PNK , there is a k > K such that ki=1 Ni j 0 j 0 j ki=1 Ni+1 . So, Q(S j (E )) = 1 i=1 Q(S (Ai )) Q(S (Ak )) < k < : Thus, j limj!1 Q(S (E )) = 0 and S is not lim sup full. Lemma 5.3. T is conservative with respect to P . Proof. To show conservativity we demonstrate that the sum of the Radon-Nikodym A P = A A }| {z derivatives sum to innity. It is clear that L +X K +1 ;1 L0 +X K1 ;1 dPT i 1 dPT i dPT i (!) + : ( ! ) ( ! ) + + dP dP dP X t i=1 i=L0 t i=Lt We will show that for all t 0, i=L ;1 dPT dP (! ) 1. For each i we have P ; (! ) . Since the sum PL +K +1 ;1 dPT (! ) has K terms, dPT (! ) = Q1 t+1 k=;1 P (! ) i=L dP dP Q P ; (! ) K ;1 . we will show that for all t 0 the product 1 t+1 k=;1 P (! ) PLt +Kt+1 i t i k i k t k i t t k k i k Let aj denote the left-end coordinate of the j block and bj denote the right-end coordinate of the j block. Then k k aY ;1 P (! ) bY+i P (! ) 1 Pk;i (!k ) k ;i k k ;i k = P ( ! ) P ( ! ) P k k k k k=;1 b +1 +i+1 k=a k (!k ) aY 1 Pk;i (!k ) 1 ;1 1 +i Pk;i (!k ) Y Pk;i (!k ) bY : ::: Y j j j j Pk (!k ) k=a1 Pk (!k ) k=b1 +i+1 Pk (!k ) Q P ; (! ) It is immediate that 1 k=b1 +i+1 P (! ) = 1 since all the Pl (!k ) with k > b1 + i + 1 are the same, i.e., f 21 12 g. Assume L0 i < L0 + K1 . b2 +i+1 k i k k k Julia A. Barnes and Stanley J. Eigen 92 Remark 5.4. This means that there are at most L0 + K1 coordinates of each j block moving to the left into a block, and there are at most L0 + K1 coordinates from the block on the right moving into the j block. For the 1 block there are only n1 < L0 + K1 coordinates to move and these move completely into the block to the left. ;1 P ; (! ) = 1, since all the Pl (!k ) It is again immediate that for each j , ab +1 +i+1 P (! ) Q with bj+1 + i + 1 k aj;1 are the same, i.e., f 12 12 g. The term bk1=+ai1 PP;(!(!) ) ;1 n1 = I11 K1;1 > K1;1 because the entire 1 block, which is of length n1 , is moved into a block and simultaneously covered by a block. For j > 1, the terms Qb +i P ; (! ) ;i ;(L0 +K1 ) . This follows from the above remark. Hence, k=a P (! ) j j Q1 the product k=;1 PP;(!(!) ) limt!1 It1 K1;1 K1;1 . Using a similar Q argument, we see that for s > 1, Ls;Q 1 i Ls;1 + Ks ; 1 Qb1 +i P ; (! ) ; n s b +i P ; (! ) ;i ; 1 k=a P (! ) j =1 j = Iss Ks . For all t > s, k=a P (! ) t Q P (! ) ;t (L ;1 +K ) : Therefore, 1 ;1 P;(! ) limt!1 Its Ks;1 Ks;1 : Q j j k i k k k k i k j k j i k k k k i k k s s k k i k k k k j t s k t k k i k i k k k k k Lemma 5.5. S exact with respect to Q. Proof. Associated to (S X Q) is the usual odometer map R except that the coordinates of X are negative: if x is a point of X with x;i = 1 for i = 0 1 2 k ; 1 and x;k = 0 then (Rx);i = 0, i = 0 k ; 1, (Rx);k = 1 and (Rx);j = x;j for all j > k. From the construction of Q, it follows that (R X Q) is a nonsingular ergodic transformation 4]. It then follows from the Kolmogorov zero-one law that S is exact. References 1] J. Barnes, Conservative exact rational maps of the sphere, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 230 (1999), 350{374, MR 2000d:37048, Zbl 919.28012. 2] H. Bruin and J. Hawkins, Examples of expanding C 1 maps having no -nite measure equivalent to Lebesgue, Israel J. Math. 108 (1998), 83{107, CMP 1 669 400. 3] T. 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