Influence of pressure on the magnetic response of the low-dimensional quantum magnet Cu(H2O)2 (C2 H8 N2) SO4 Brandon D. Blasiola*, Marcus K. Peprah, Pedro A. Quintero, Mark W. Meisel Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8440 and Alžebeta Orendáčová Institute of Physics, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Park Angelinum 9, SK-041 54 Košice, Slovak Republic End of Project Report for the Summer 2015 UF Physics REU Program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) via DMR-1461019 26 July 2015 *Permanent Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48198 Abstract The influence of pressure on the low-dimensional molecular magnet Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 (en = ethylenediamine = C2 H8 N2) has theoretically been shown to affect the exchange interactions of the material. Herein, the results of an experimental study of pressure effects on the temperature dependence of the magnetization of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 are reported. Using two different pressure cells, the magnetization measurements were performed between 2 K and 10 K with pressures ranging from ambient to 5.0 GPa. The data suggest, albeit not conclusively, a possible a shift in the magnetization peak of the material at the lowest temperatures and at the highest applied pressures. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Previous theoretical analyses have shown that the molecular magnet Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 (Fig. 1) has pressure-dependent exchange interactions. By increasing the pressure, the temperature dependency of its magnetization should be altered. The ability to alter the magnetic state of a compound is relevant to the study of high-temperature superconductors and also may provide insight to quantum states such as the spin-liquid, which can lead to improvements for computer memory storage and performance [2]. w ≅ 0.25 in. Pressure dependence of the exchange interactions of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 up to 8.2 GPa has been studied by Legut and Sykora [1]. However, the effects of pressure on the temperature Figure 1: A crystal of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 is shown along with its width. dependency of the magnetization has not been explored. Here we report experiments that have been conducted on the effects of pressure on the temperature dependency (between 2 and 10 K) of the magnetization of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4. Primary experiments have shown that the magnetization of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 has a peak around 2.5 K at ambient pressure. So far, experiments have revealed that the magnetic response at low temperatures is insensitive to pressures up to 0.6 GPa. Further tests conducted at pressures as high as 5.0 GPa appeared to show small changes in the temperature dependence of the magnetization that indicate that the magnetization peak may shift to lower temperatures. 1.1 Crystal Structure and Properties Materials with triangular lattice structures exhibit frustrated magnetic states that can be influenced by pressure [3]. One such compound is Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 ,a low-dimensional, insulating antiferromagnet with S = 1/2 [4]. The dimensionality of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 is 2 unresolved since some studies claim it is quasi-onedimensional [1] and others infer it is quasi-twodimensional [5]. Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 has the form of a monoclinic, triangular lattice with unit cell (Fig 2.) parameters a = 7.232 Å, b = 11.725 Å, c = 9.768 Å, β = 105.50◦, and Z = 4 [4]. The spins in the lattice are arranged so that each vertex in the triangular lattice has one spin. Two of the spins on each triangle will align antiferromagnetically and be “satisfied” because they have found the lowest energy state. The third spin, however, can align itself up or down. Since both the up-state and the down-state have the same energy, this spin state is considered to be frustrated. This frustration leads to degeneracy in the ground state. The distance between the frustrated spins and the non-frustrated spins can then be changed by Figure 2: The crystal structure of Cu(H2O)2 (C2 H8 N2) SO4 is shown.[5]. (a) A chain of crystals showing the triangular lattice structure (highlighted by the blue triangles) (b) A oblique view showing how multiple chains are connected to form a plane imposing pressures on this lattice structure. By altering the unit cell parameters, the spins will interact differently than how they would act at ambient pressure. Different interactions mean that the overall energy in the crystal lattice is not the same, which suggests that the temperature dependence of its magnetization should change. 2. METHODS 2.1 Data Collection and Analysis 2.1.1 The SQUID Magnetometer All of the data discussed in this paper were collected using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. The model used was a Quantum Design Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS)-XL7 DC SQUID magnetometer. The MPMS-XL7 can 3 generate fields up to 7 Tesla and can reach temperatures as low as 1.8 K. The MPMS-XL7 is used since these experiments needed to be conducted between 2 K and 10 K. The SQUID functions by passing a sample through three superconducting coils. A current is induced in the coils, and the SQUID measures the longitudinal moment of the sample as a function of temperature. Samples can be held in a variety of ways and are attached to the end of a transport rod that slides into the SQUID. A top-mounted motor moves the rod up and down through the coils. 2.1.2 General Data Analysis Techniques The first data analysis technique used with these data sets was Automatic Background Subtraction (ABS). This technique has two parts: the first is a run-through of the data collection sequence with everything except for the sample. The SQUID measures the contribution of these components and records them. The data collection sequence is then ran with the sample inside the cell, and ABS is engaged. When ABS is engaged, the SQUID automatically subtracts the background data that were previously measured from the data it is actively collecting, and theoretically removes all signals except for the signal from the sample. A second analysis method used was point-by-point background subtraction; this method was used for the anvil cell only. For this method, the cell without the sample was run through the SQUID to obtain a background and a sixth-order polynomial as a function of temperature was fit to the background data. The background was then calculated and subtracted point-by-point from the sets. 2.2 Experimental Procedures 2.2.1 The Piston Pressure Cell The pressures used in these experiments were achieved by using two types of pressure cell. One type is the beryllium-copper piston pressure cell that was custom-designed and machined at the University of Florida (Fig. 3). Beryllium-copper was chosen because of its low magnetic signature and its moderate yield strength 4 Figure 3: A schematic of the Piston Pressure Cell (NOT to scale) [6]. of 1.4 GPa [7]. The signal-to-noise ratio is large due to the low magnetic signature of the BeCu; this allows for clean data collection. The cell consists of several parts: the sample chamber, two pistons, two pushers, and two endcaps. The cell has overall dimensions of 1.195 inches in height by 0.34 inches in diameter. When using this type of pressure cell, the sample is loaded into a small Teflon can with a pressure medium and a small amount of lead as a manometer. The sample space inside the Teflon can has dimensions 0.147 inches in height by 0.065 inches in diameter [6]. The pistons, pushers, and endcaps are assembled into the pressure cell in that order. 2.2.2 The Anvil Pressure Cell Due to the structural limitations of the beryllium copper cell, a second type of pressure cell, a silicon carbide anvil cell, was used to achieve higher pressures. This cell is constructed of copper- Figure 4: The Anvil Pressure Cell compared to a US penny. titanium and has two silicon-carbide culets that are set in counter-threaded endcaps that face each other; the cell is tightened like a turnbuckle [6]. Figure 4 shows a picture of the anvil pressure cell next to a US penny. The sample is loaded into a 290 µm diameter hole (outlined by the yellow circle) in a very small gasket that sits between the faces of the crystals. The SiC pressure cell can achieve pressures of about 5 GPa [6]. In order to measure the pressure inside of this cell, ruby fluorescence is used. Figure 5: (Left) A picture (Taken from the top of the cell before being pressurized) of the sample inside the anvil cell. The gasket is the bronze region and the sample is the bluish region The sample in this cell was a single crystal of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4. The cell is backlit and differences in the thickness of the crystal cause the sample to appear different shades of blue. A pressure medium (for hydrostatic pressure) and ruby particles (for manometry) are also present. (Right): A drawing of the anvil cell showing the counter-threaded endcaps, SiC anvils, gasket, and sample. 5 2.3 Superconducting Transition of 0.04 (a) The piston pressure cell that was used to hold the samples has no means to read the internal pressure mechanically. The compactness of the cell leaves no room for any type of Magnetization (10-3 emu G) Lead as a Manometer 0.02 Tc_min = 6.725 K Tc_max = 6.8 K Pmax= 1.2 GPa Pmin= 0.98 GPa P Tc 0.00 0.405 Tc = 6.75 K P = 1.1 GPa -0.02 -0.04 conventional pressure gage, 6.4 necessitating a different method. 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 T (K) The element lead, Pb, when experiencing atmospheric pressure, undergoes a superconducting transition at 7.2 K [8], meaning that it suddenly becomes strongly diamagnetic. This transition manifests as a change in sign of the magnetization, a clear example of which can be seen in Figure 6b. When under pressure, the critical temperature of Pb is decreased. The pressure in the cell can then be calculated by finding the difference between the atmospheric critical temperature and the high-pressure Figure 6: (a): The superconducting transition of lead is shown. The transition temperature estimate was incorrect, thus, some graphical analysis was necessary. The green line at 6.75 K is where the lead was found to transition for P = 1.1 GPa. The red line extends the non-superconducting state and the blue curve extends the superconducting state. (b): The superconducting transition of Pb for three different pressures is shown. These data were collected by Marcus Peprah and used with his permission [6]. critical temperature using the linear relation ΔT/ΔP = 0.405 K/GPa [9]. The Pb transition is measured by the SQUID by sweeping the temperature over the anticipated transition temperature range, beginning first by cooling down to near 6 K and warming up. Warming measurements are done to prevent false data from supercooling. A small region where we expected the transition to happen was selected to have a higher resolution of 6 data points. As can be seen in Figure 6a, we had estimated incorrectly. Because we had placed the high-resolution temperature sweep incorrectly, finding the approximate critical temperature required graphical analysis. We know that the critical temperature has to lie between the last point in the paramagnetic phase and the first point in the diamagnetic phase. A linear fit was applied to the high-temperature data, continuing the line where more data points would have been collected if the lead did not have a superconducting transition. A parabolic curve was fit to the few data points in the low temperature end, extending the line where data points would have been if the transition occurred at a much higher temperature. The region in which the critical temperature can be found lays between where these two curves intersect and the last data point on the high-temperature data. This range was found to have upper and lower limits of 1.2 GPa and 0.98 GPa, respectively. These data can be seen in Figure 6a. A graph showing a high-resolution Pb transition can be seen in Figure 6b. 2.4 Ruby Fluorescence The sample space for the anvil pressure cell is approximately two orders of magnitude smaller than the piston pressure cell, so Pb manometry cannot be used. Instead, we used the ruby fluorescence scale. Minute particles of Cr3+-doped ruby are placed in the sample space; these are the tiny dark spots in Figure 7. A violet laser with wavelength λ = 405 nm is used to irradiate the sample space. The Cr3+ is energized and Figure 7: A picture of the ruby particles inside the anvil cell. This picture was taken from the bottom of the cell prior to it being pressurized. emits light of wavelength, λ = 694.15 nm, at room temperature. The Cr3+ will emit light at a higher wavelength when under pressure, and the new pressure can be determined by the relation P 0.365 [10]. The intensity curves of the ruby fluorescence for these experiments are shown in Figure 8. 7 500 P=0 P = 2.5 GPa P = 5.0 GPa Intensity (Counts) 400 300 200 100 0 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 Wavelength (nm) Figure 8: The black, red, and blue curves show the intensity peaks for pressures of 0, 2.5, and 5.0 GPa, respectively. As pressure is increased, the peak red-shifts. This phenomenon is linear for the pressures used in these experiments [10] 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Crystal Response The sample alone has the peak at low temperatures shows where the quantum state of the crystal is the spin liquid. The purpose of this research has been to see Magnetization (10-3 emu G) signal shown in Figure 9. The small 1.2 whether or not the position of the 1.0 0.8 Crystal Only in 1 kG 0.6 peak, and more specifically, the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Temperature (K) temperature dependency, can be Figure 9: The signal from an isolated crystal is shown. The peak of the magnetization can be seen around 2.5 K. changed with pressure. 8 10 3.2 Data Table Table 1, Summary of data collected between March 2015 and July 2015 Measurement Sample Mounting Pressure Figure Comments Mass 1 4 mg Piston cell 0 GPa 11a Peak at 2.5 K 2 4 mg Piston cell 0.6 GPa 11a Peak at 2.5 K 3 4 mg Piston cell 1.1 GPa 11c More prominent peak at 2.5 K 4 3 mg straw ambient 10 Crystal only 5 ~4µg Anvil cell 0 GPa 15 No discernable peak, too noisy 6 ~4µg Anvil cell 2.5 GPa 15 No peak, but trend toward peak for T < 2 K 7 ~4µg Anvil cell 5.0 GPa 15 No peak, but trend toward peak for T < 2 K 8 0 Anvil Cell 0 GPa 9 12 Background only, no sample 3.3 Data collected in the Piston Pressure Cell. Data were collected in this cell in pressures ranging from ambient to 1.1 GPa using automatic background subtraction and point-by-point background subtraction. The data that show the pressure in the cell are shown in Figure 10. Figure 10a and 10b use ABS. The data from the ambient pressure and 0.6 GPa runs are shown in Figure 10a. At first look, they appear to differ by only a vertical shift. Figure 10b shows the ambient data shifted vertically. The inset shows the difference between each point. It can be said that there is no significant change in temperature dependence between ambient pressure and 0.6 GPa. Magnetization (10-3 emu G) (a) 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.6 GPa Ambient Magnetization (10-3 emu G) 0.8 (b) 1.4 1 1.2 2 3 4 5 6 Temperature (K) 1.0 0.6 GPa Ambient (normalized) (d) 1.5 1.0 1.1 GPa data shifted by a constant 0.5 0.6 GPa 1.1 GPa (e) 4.4 Diff. between 0.6 and 1.1 GPa Trendline 4.2 D = (2 x 10-5 )*T + (6.01 x 10-4) Blasiola 2015 July 09 4.0 0.8 2.0 Magnetization (10-3 emu G) Magnetization (10-3 emu G) 2.0 0.0 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 0 Difference (10-4 emu G) Magnetization (10-3 emu G) 1.6 (c) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.6 GPa 1.1 GPa 0.0 2.0 (f) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.6 GPa 1.1 GPa 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temperature (K) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temperature (K) Figure 10 (All data collected in 1 kG): (a) Ambient pressure data and 0.6 GPa data, (b) Showing the vertical shift, inset: The difference between ambient ant 0.6 GPa, (c) 0.6 and 1.1 GPa data, (d) 1.1 GPa shifted up by a constant to compare to (b), (e) Fitting a line to the difference between 1.1 GPa and 0.6 GPa at high temperature, (f) The linear fit from (e) applied to the 1.1 GPa data. 10 Figure 10c shows the raw data from 0.6 GPa and 1.1 GPa. It appears that there may be a difference in the low-temperature dependence. The data were shifted vertically so that the 10K data points overlie. This step is shown in Figure 10d. Assuming the high-temperature data (8 K 10 K) have properties independent of pressure, a fit was found that brought the 8 K -10 K data from 1.1 GPa into agreement with 0.6 GPa. This fit was then applied to the entire 1.1 GPa data set. The final outcome of this analysis is shown in Figure 10f. While the peak has not shifted up or down the temperature scale, the temperature dependence is different. At 1.1 GPa, the curve has a steeper curvature. These data indicate that pressure may influence the prominence of the peak. 3.4 Data Collected in the Anvil The raw data that were collected in the anvil pressure cell under pressures between 0 and 5.0 GPa are shown in Figure 11. While a potential change in Magnetization (10-4 emu G) ) 3.2 Pressure Cell temperature dependence cannot be 3.0 2.8 2.6 P = 5.0 P = 2.5 P=0 Background 2.4 2.2 determined from these data, it can be 0 1 2 3 noted that the overall strength of the cell. Because of this constraint, the signal from the cell dominates the signal from the sample. The first attempt to 7 8 9 10 2.9 Magnetization (10-4 emu G) than the amount that fit into the piston 6 3.0 The amount of sample that was able to almost two orders of magnitude less 5 Figure 11: The raw data collected in the anvil cell are shown. response is increased with pressure. be put in the anvil pressure cell was 4 Temperature (K) 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 Background Fit 2.3 2.2 remove the background came from 0 fitting a sixth-order polynomial (Fig. 12) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Temperature (K) Figure 12: The background data collected from the Anvil Cell and the polynomial curve fitted to it. to the background data since the 11 10 temperature data for each run are not background subtractions performed from the fit equation. Many variations are present and are partially due to the Magnetization (10-5 emu G) exactly the same. Figure 13 shows the 0.00 P = 0 GPa -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 -0.30 uncertainties subtract to get a very small number with a big uncertainty. In order to fix this issue, the data were normalized by calculating the percent difference between the raw data and the background data. The normalized data can be easily analyzed P = 2.5 GPa 1.65 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.40 Magnetization (10-5 emu G) two large numbers with big Magnetization (10-5 emu G) -0.35 nature of the background subtraction: P = 5.0 GPa 2.30 2.25 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.05 0 since this method puts the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temperature (K) Figure 13: The raw data from the anvil cell with background subtracted. Since the subtraction was with two big numbers with big uncertainties, we are left with a small number with a big uncertainty. No conclusions can be drawn from these data because they are too noisy. magnetization data into arbitrary units. The normalization data are shown in Figure 14. The 2.5 GPa data and the 5.0 GPa data -2 toward low temperatures. The P = 0 data, however, does not appear to show any trend. No conclusions can be drawn from the P = 0 data set because it is too noisy; the data are a line within the noise. The trends that are present in the 2.5 GPa and 5.0 GPa data sets are barely Magnetization (Arb. Units) sets both show somewhat of a trend Anvil P=5.0 GPa Anvil P=2.5 GPa Anvil P=0 GPa -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 0 outside of the noise. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temperature (K) 12 Figure 14: The normalized high-pressure data are shown. Trends are visible in the 2.5 and 5.0 GPa data, but the 0 GPa data is a line within the noise. The orange lines represent a centerline for the data. The gray data lie within the noise, but the maroon and blue data lie just outside the noise. The black bars on each orange line represent 2σ for each data set.. -1 temperature appear to have peaks at lower temperatures than the M (Arb. Units) The trends that appear at low peak at ambient pressure. If the removed, the peak is removed, but the trend toward a peak is still -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 Piston P=0.6 GPa Piston P=0 GPa Crystal Only 1.4 M (10-3 emu G) lowest-temperature data point is Anvil P=5.0 GPa Anvil P=2.5 GPa Anvil P=0 GPa -2 present. Because the removal of 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 1 2 3 that single data point removes the confidence of a peak being at 2 K, the presence of this peak cannot be unambiguously established. However, a general trend does seem to be present and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temperature (K) Figure 15: The normalized high-pressure data compared to the data collected in the piston cell. While the highpressure data from the anvil cell appears to peak around 2 K, if that last point is removed, the peak is removed. Nevertheless, the trend remains that the high-pressure data may have a magnetization peak at a temperature lower than 2.5 K. suggests, albeit it not conclusively, the data possess a peak at a temperature less than 2.5 K. The comparison among the high-pressure data from the anvil pressure cell and the lowerpressure data from the piston pressure cell is shown in Figure 15. 4. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown theoretically that Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 has some pressure-dependent properties such as its exchange interactions [1], but experiments on the influence of pressure have not been studied previously. The experiments conducted here have suggested that it may be possible to alter the temperature dependence of the magnetization of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 with pressure. Data collected at 1.1 GPa show a small change in the temperature dependence such that the peak is more prominent under pressure than at ambient. The temperature at which the peak exists was not changed for experiments up to 1.1 GPa in the piston pressure cell. Data collected in the anvil cell have exhibited trends that may indicate that the temperature at which the magnetization peaks can be shifted by pressure. The data collected at 2.5 GPa and 5.0 GPa, while not definitive, suggest that the magnetization has a peak at a lower temperature. 13 These experiments, while not extensive, have shown that it may be possible to alter the magnetization of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 with pressure. There are two main reasons that the data were not definitive: small signal strength and the structural limitations on the cells. The amount of sample that can be fit into the anvil cell is very small. However, the anvil cell was the only cell present that could achieve higher pressures. For further studies on the magnetization of Cu(H2O)2(en)SO4 , a different type of pressure cell will need to be designed. A cell that can hold a large amount of sample and also achieve pressures greater than 2.5 GPa would be key. Also, according to the data presented, the magnetization peak may exist below 2 K. The SQUID used in these experiments can only reach 1.8 K, so a different SQUID that can achieve temperatures less than 1 K or a different data collection process would need to be implemented in order to obtain definitive data. Acknowledgements This work was supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation (NSF) via DMR1202033 (MWM), DMR-1157490 (NHMFL), and DMR-1461019 (UF Physics REU Program). Contributions to general laboratory practices by co-REU student Jaynise Peréz Valentíne are recognized, and assistance from Derrick VanGennep of the Hamlin group are gratefully acknowledged. 14 References 1. R. Sykkora and D. Legut, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17B305 (2014). 2. J. S. Miller and A. J. Epstein, MRS Bulletin 25, 21 (2000). 3. J. Vannimenus and G Toulousem, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 10 L537 (1977). 4. R. Tarasenko, A. Orendáčová, E. Čižmár, S. Maťaš, M. Orendáč, I. Potočňák, K. Siemensmeyer, S. Zvyagin, J. Wosnitza, and A. Feher Phys. Rev. B 87, 174401 (2013). 5. M. Kajňaková, M. 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