HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting June 9, 2015

Minutes of Open Meeting
June 9, 2015
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mr. John Haggerty; Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.; Mr. Bryan E. Kelly;
Dr. James W. McCauley; Richard D. Norling; Mrs. Jan Stinchcomb; Dr. James J. Valdes;
and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer
Trustee absent: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. Bradley R. Stover
Staff present: C. Allen, A. Adams, M. Bandy, K. Callan, J. Cassady, D. Cruise, D. Dennis,
K. Doan, N. Dysard, T. Franza, S. Garey, D. Grissom, A. Haggray, C. Hathaway,
C. Henderson, E. Jackson, R. Johnson, P. Karwowski, K. Krsolovic, P. Labe,
J. Mayhorne, B. Morrison, Z. Parker, G. Pizzuto, S. Phillips, L. Preston, C. Sherman,
V. Swain, A. Ward and D. Wrobel
Others: C. Garnett, student; L. Garnett, guest; D. Anderson, The Aegis
D. Golladay called the meeting to order. In accordance with Board of Trustees By-laws,
the annual election of officers takes place at the first meeting following June 1. The
Secretary-Treasurer presides.
The following is noted for the record:
The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as
empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and
facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret
its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines,
procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the
Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and
Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to
consider and transact public business.
At Board of Trustees meeting on May12 motion was made, seconded and
approved to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters in
accordance with Article 10-508 (a)(1)(i) and (ii) of the State Government
article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, closed sessions permitted.
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
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D. Golladay opened the floor for nominations for the office of Chair. R. Norling
nominated James Valdes. J. Haggerty seconded the nomination. No other nominations
were made. Motion was made by J. Haggerty to close the nominations; seconded by
J. McCauley. Nominations were closed by unanimous vote.
The Board agreed to forego written ballot; the vote, by acclamation, elected James
Valdes as chair for 2015-2016.
J. Valdes opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice Chair. B. Kelly
nominated Richard Norling. C. Hunter seconded the nomination. No other nominations
were made. Motion was made by J. Haggerty to close the nominations; seconded by
J. McCauley. Nominations were closed by unanimous vote.
The Board agreed to forego written ballot; the vote, by acclamation, elected Richard
Norling vice chair for 2015-2016.
Dr. Valdes and Mr. Norling expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve as
officers of the Board for 2015-2016.
By consensus the Board approved the consent agenda. Items included:
 Agenda of the 06/09/15 meeting
 Minutes of the 05/12/15 regular session
 Review of National Guard Waivers (Continues the current tuition waiver for
members of the Maryland National Guard and spouses and dependents of
members of the Maryland National Guard when guard member is called to
active duty)
No one addressed the Board during public comment.
Chair’s Report
J. Valdes noted upcoming events:
 July 13 – Foundation Summer Golf Swing
 August 11 – Board of Trustees meeting – 6 p.m.
 August 21 – Convocation and related activities
o 11:30 a.m. – Picnic
o 1:00 p.m. – Convocation (Chesapeake Center Theater)
o 2:30 p.m. – Ice Cream Social
J. Valdes provided an update on the presidential search. Academic Search, Inc.
has been employed to provide executive search services for Harford Community
College in the recruitment and appointment of a President. A conference call with
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the firm is scheduled for June 17 during which the timeline for the search will be
discussed. The chairs of the governance councils (administrator, faculty, staff and
student) will be asked to identify a representative and alternate from their
respective group to serve on the search committee. The committee will also
include two members of the Harford County community and several trustees. The
work of the committee will be time intensive. The role of the committee is to
screen candidates’ application materials and recommend 10-12 semi-finalists for
interviews with the committee, and submit comments and recommendations to the
Board chair on candidates interviewed by the committee. The Board of Trustees
has ultimate responsibility to select the President. The goal is to have a president
selected by the end of the calendar year.
Finance and Audit Committee Report
R. Norling reported that the committee met on June 4 with two auditing firms.
The first meeting was with the financial auditors (firm of Clifton Larson Allen).
The firm was initially contracted to perform audit services for five years (20102014). Last year the Board extended the contract for an additional year (2015). An
RFP for auditing services for future years will be issued in the Fall.
The committee also met with McGladrey, the firm conducting the process and
control audits. The internal control audit is intended to identify any risk areas so
that adjustments can be made to minimize risk exposure.
Member Reports
B. Kelly reported that he attended the Harford Leadership Academy (HLA)
graduation. He commented on the Academy which is a community development
program. It is designed to promote the development of existing and emerging
leaders and to create a committed, involved, and diverse network of leaders in
Harford County. Participants are given opportunities to learn from today's leaders.
C. Hunter reported that he attended the nurse pinning ceremony and the Harford
County Electrical Contractors Association graduation.
Information Items
The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and
activities over the last month. Dr. Golladay noted specifically:
 Professor Scott West, a member of Harford’s English faculty, has been
selected to attend a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute
for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities. He was chosen from a
national applicant pool to attend one of only five Advanced Topics in the
Digital Humanities Summer Institutes and the only one designed specifically
for community college faculty.
 The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Evaluation Review
Panel met on Thursday, June 4, to review the College’s nursing program and
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voted unanimously to support the recommendation by the site visitors to
continue full accreditation.
Copy of the President’s Annual Report to the Community was distributed.
Recognition and Presentation of Certificates to Students Nominated to the 2015
All-USA Community College Academic Team
Harford Community College students Caitlin Bechtel and Casey Garnett were
nominated for the 2015 All-USA Community College Academic Team in
recognition of scholarly achievements and leadership accomplishments.
Both were recognized recently at the 21st All-Maryland Academic Team
Caitlin and Casey were invited to the Board meeting to be presented certificates
of recognition for their nomination. Caitlin was unable to attend as she is out of
town. Casey was congratulated on her achievement and presented a certificate of
Introduction of New Employees
New employees Mark Bandy, manager for web and social media; Tammy Dennis,
financial aid associate; Dawn Grissom, project director – TAACCCT Grant
(Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Trade Grant); and Eric
Jackson, student leadership and orientation specialist; were introduced to the
Enrollment Report
Enrollment reports for Summer and Fall were reviewed. The summer report is the
official report that is submitted to the State. Summer 2015 enrollment is -0.4%
compared to Summer 2014. As of June 9, Fall 2015 enrollment is down 1% from
Fall 2014. It is too soon to predict where final enrollment will be. The drop for
nonpayment will occur within a few days which will affect the current fall
Capital Projects Update
R. Johnson gave the monthly capital projects update.
 Hickory Center project is progressing. It is on time and under budget.
 Grandstands at the Harford Sports Complex have been installed. The facility
is used almost daily March through November and the grandstands are a good
addition to the complex.
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FY 2016 Operating Budget
Over the last ten months the Board has reviewed and discussed the FY 2016
proposed operating budget. The budget presented is a balanced budget without
any transfer-in. It remains the same as the budget presented to the Board at the
May 12 meeting.
Board members noted that the County increased its allocation to the College for
FY 2016 by $299,232. Trustees also complimented staff on improvements to the
budget process, accessibility of information, and transparency in the process.
Motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by J. McCauley:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
FY 2016 operating budget request totaling $46,634,212. This operating
budget includes an increase of county resident tuition rates to $116 per
credit hour. Out-of-county tuition will be set at $203 per credit hour, and
out-of-state tuition will be set at $290 per credit hour.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
FY 2015 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program
The capital budget and capital improvement program (CIP) establishes the
schedule of planned expenditures and commitments for FY 2016 and the
subsequent five fiscal years. The CIP is intended to plan for the College’s needs
for additional facility improvements. The CIP is from FY 2016 – FY 2021 and
integrates academic and physical planning on a college-wide basis. The CIP
establishes an itinerary for accomplishing improvements in existing facilities and
proposed new infrastructure investments based on the Facilities Master Plan.
Over the last several months, the plan has been presented to and reviewed by the
Board. With regard to the regional workforce center, the College is exploring all
possible funding alternatives to keep the project moving forward. There is
significant community interest in the project.
The biggest project for FY 2016 is Edgewood Hall renovation/expansion. Request
for bids will be issued and plans are to begin the project after the holidays.
Motion was made by R. Norling, seconded by J. Haggerty:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
FY 2016 proposed capital budget and capital improvement program
request totaling $12,593,344.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
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Contract Authorization:
Fully Hosted Payment Gateway Software Solution
The College issued a request for proposal for a fully hosted enterprisewide payment gateway solution. Among the requirements were:
 Industry-standard encryption for all confidential and sensitive data.
 Existing real time ability to integrate with Banner (Ellucian) general
 Ability to allow students to make real-time online tuition payments
through Banner.
 A student payment plan for students who choose to make deferred
interest free payments over the course of the semester.
Six proposals were received and after evaluation by the committee, three
were deemed unacceptable and eliminated from further consideration.
Oral presentations and proposal review meetings were held by the
evaluation committee with the three remaining bidders – Nelnet, Higher
One (Cashnet), Core Business Technologies.
After oral presentations it was apparent to the committee that both the
Higher One and Core Business Technologies products have better
integration tools with Banner and were more robust in their functionality.
However, the Nelnet student payment plans work well, their model for
administering the payment plans represents the best value, and to change
the payment plans would not be desirable unless there was a good reason.
It was decided to request revised proposals for a hybrid model. The
College requested pricing for payment plans only from Nelnet, and pricing
for all other software solutions from all three vendors.
The committee recommends a hybrid model as the best value to the
College, with student payment plans remaining with Nelnet, and the
remaining payment software being purchased from Higher One (Cashnet).
The president supports the committee’s recommendation.
Motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by J. Stinchcomb:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves
the award of two contracts for payment gateway software
solutions. One contract is to be awarded to Nelnet Business
Solutions of Lincoln, Nebraska, for the administering of student
payment plans only. The student payment plan participation fee
will be $35 per plan with Nelnet refunding $10 per payment plan
to the College. Based on approximately 1,600 payment plans per
year, this amounts to a rebate of $16,000 in the first year, and
$80,000 over five years.
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The other contract is to be awarded to Higher One Inc. of New
Haven, Connecticut, utilizing their ePayment, eMarket and
Cashiering software solution. The cost in the first year will be
$79,605, and over five years the cost will be $278,116.20.
The net cost to the College utilizing the hybrid approach will be
$63,605 in the first year and $198,116.20 over five years.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
Software Revitalization – Ellucian
The College uses Ellucian (formerly SCT/Banner Sungard) software
systems to support the financial, payroll, human resources, student,
financial aid, document management, and development systems. The
Ellucian software also includes the Luminis software used for the OwlNet
web portal and last year the College purchased the additional module
Degree Works.
Ellucian offers a revitalization service to improve the usage and
understanding of the College’s Banner Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system. This service will help College staff to better understand
how to use HCC’s Banner data to support and enhance the College and the
way the College does business. This includes Banner functionality, data
and reporting, and present and future enhancements. Ellucian will provide
business process modeling (BPM), a detailed assessment of the functional
use of Banner ERP, and applied process-based training.
Banner ERP is a very large software system and through employee
turnover, lack of documentation and on-going training, the College does
not currently have enough expertise in certain areas. Ellucian has the
personnel capable of helping to refocus the College’s use and
understanding of HCC’s Banner ERP.
Banner revitalization will be on an ongoing process and is expected to be a
two to three year engagement. Revitalization is targeted to the following
six areas: Admissions, Records & Registration, Financial Aid, Human
Resources & Payroll, Advancement, and Finance & Accounts Receivable.
The total cost from Ellucian (Banner) is $179,160 which will be evenly
distributed over the six functional areas over the two to three year
engagement at $29,860 per area.
Motion was made by C. Hunter, seconded by J. McCauley:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College accepts the
contract with Ellucian (Banner) for business process revitalization
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services as described above. The services will be provided for six
functional areas over the next two to three years. The cost will be
$29,860 per functional area, for a total cost of $179,160 over the
next two to three years. The College has the option to exit the
contract after the completion of any area engagement without a
Vote: Unanimously approved.
Furniture for Hickory Center
The Hickory Center, currently under construction, will house office space
for computer and technology services, procurement, Bravo, copy center
and a storage space for surplus equipment. New furniture for these spaces
includes workstations, chairs, and shelving which is required when
construction is completed this summer.
Three vendors provided quotes for the furniture. All used existing
competitive contracts to price the required furniture. The furniture and
layouts were reviewed with technology services, copy center, and facilities
(for Bravo).
The low bidder, Contemporary Business Interiors of Belcamp, Maryland,
is recommended.
Motion was made by J. Haggerty, seconded by J. Stinchcomb:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes a
contract with Contemporary Business Interiors of Belcamp,
Maryland, in the amount of $93,330.19 for furniture for Hickory
Center. Installation will take place upon completion of the building
Vote: Unanimously adopted.
Personnel Update
Staffing changes are reported to the Board as an information item. The Board
approves personnel activity related to administrators and tenure-track faculty.
Five personnel items reported this month require Board action.
 Jessica A. Adams, assistant professor of transitional studies mathematics,
effective August 15, 2015
 Mark T. Bandy, manager for web and social media, effective June 1, 2015
 Evan T. A. Bucklin, assistant professor of physics, effective August 15, 2015
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Patricia A. Burt, assistant professor of music (extended term faculty), effective
August 15, 2015
Megan A. Cornett, director for admissions, effective May 30, 2015
Tammy L. Dennis, financial aid associate, effective May 23, 2015
Heidi F. Kunert, administrative assistant IV, effective May 9, 2015
Dr. Stephen R. Seidel, associate professor of chemistry, effective
August 15, 2015
 Mary F. Austin, director for admissions, effective June 12, 2015
 Tiffany L. Morrell, financial aid associate, effective May 12, 2015
 Dr. Deborah L. Greener-Orr, nursing faculty (term faculty), effective
May 21, 2015
 Judith A. Grimm, associate professor of nursing, effective June 15, 2015
 Patricia Hogan, director for community education, effective July 17, 2015
Motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by J. Stinchcomb:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
appointment of:
 Jessica A. Adams, assistant professor of transitional studies
mathematics, effective August 15, 2015;
 Evan T. A. Bucklin, assistant professor of physics, effective
August 15, 2015; and
 Dr. Stephen R. Seidel, associate professor of chemistry,
effective August 15, 2015.
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College acknowledges
receipt of letter of retirement from:
 Judith A. Grimm, associate professor of nursing, effective
June 15, 2015; and
 Patricia Hogan, director for community education, effective July 17,
J. Valdes asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters. In
accordance with State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
Article 10 Section 508(a)(1)(i) and (ii), motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by
J. McCauley to go into closed session. Seven voted in favor of the motion; no one
opposed the motion; motion adopted.
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At 7:00 p.m. the Board moved into closed session. The closed session adjourned at
7:10 p.m.
In an effort to recognize the excellent service and contributions made by the Harford
Community College faculty and staff, better than budgeted financial results will allow for
a one-time service recognition payment in 2015. The total payment to all eligible
employees is equivalent to a 3% increase and totals approximately $674,000. The service
recognition is a one-time payment and will not be added to the employee’s base salary.
The FY 2016 Harford Community College operating budget does not include an increase
for salaries.
Motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by C. Hunter:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves a one-time
3 percent service recognition payment to all eligible employees payable within the
FY 2015 fiscal year. The payments are one-time only.
Vote: Unanimously adopted.
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
James J. Valdes