HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting December 9, 2014 The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room. Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Dr. James W. McCauley; Mr. Richard D. Norling; Mr. Bradley R. Stover; and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer Trustees absent: Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.; Mrs. Jan P. Stinchcomb; and Dr. James J. Valdes Staff present: C. Allen, M. Cornett, D. Cruise, T. Franza, S. Garey, A. Haggray, K. Hathaway, C. Henderson, R. Johnson, P. Karwowski, P. Labe, J. Mayhorne, B. Morrison, B. Napfel, Z. Parker, S. Phillips, L. Preston, D. Resides, C. Sherman, V. Swain, L. Trusty, A. Victor, A. Ward, and D. Wrobel Others: D. Anderson, The Aegis I. CALL TO ORDER R. Norling called the meeting to order. The following is noted for the record: The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines, procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to consider and transact public business. R. Norling announced that at the Board of Trustees meeting on November 11, 2014, motion was made, seconded and approved to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters in accordance with Article 10 508(a)(1)(i) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, closed sessions permitted. II. ROLL CALL C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present. Board of Trustees 12/09/14 Page 2 III. CONSENT AGENDA By consensus the Board approved the consent agenda. Items included: Agenda of the 12/09/14 meeting Minutes of the 11/11/14 regular session and 11/21/14 work session Candidates for December Graduation IV. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. V. BOARD REPORTS A. Chair’s Report In the absence of the Chair, Vice Chair Norling announced upcoming events: Nurse Pinning – December 16 College Holiday Celebration – December 17 Next meeting of the Board of Trustees – January 13 Harford Night in Annapolis – January 22 B. Finance and Audit Committee Report R. Norling reported that the Finance and Audit Committee did not meet. The financial report for the period ending October 31, 2014, has been posted; revenues and expenses are on track. C. Member Reports B. Kelly thanked staff for the development of an internal site where financial documents and budget modeling tools are available to trustees. D. Carey reported on several matters. She thanked C. Henderson for information he provided on the College’s efforts to reform the developmental education program. His response was a follow-up to an article in the Trustee Quarterly shared at the last Board meeting. She noted positive comments on the APGFCU arena offered by members of the Joppatowne Council. She commented on the numerous awards received by members of the College community and inquired about publicizing the recognitions. J. McCauley referred to a memorandum of agreement with the Army Research Lab (ARL) which he is reviewing. He will follow-up on potential opportunities for Harford students to participate in internships. Board of Trustees 12/09/14 VI. Page 3 PRESIDENT’S REPORT A. Information Items The Board information packet included a report on the president’s meetings and activities over the last month. D. Golladay noted specifically: Two members of Harford’s women’s soccer team were named 2014 NJCAA Women’s Soccer All-American – Nicole Wojcik, second team, and Karley Bush, honorable mention. Harford’s women’s volleyball team was featured in the November 2014 NJCAA Review in “In Focus Picture of the Month.” Copy of the publication was circulated. B. Introduction of New Employees New employee Megan Cornett, assistant registrar, was introduced to the Board. C. Enrollment Report D. Golladay discussed the December 8 credit enrollment dashboard. Spring enrollment is underway; to date FTE enrollment has reached almost 80% of the spring enrollment projection. The projection is based on the average variance between fall and spring semester enrollments over the past four years. Trustees requested that future reports include a date to date comparison for current spring enrollment to the previous spring enrollment. D. Capital Projects Update R. Johnson shared photographs and an update on capital projects: Observatory road and parking – lights are being retrofitted to LED lights. Susquehanna Center roof – Project is behind schedule. Initial completion date was October 31; completion is now projected to be December 31. Weather contributed to the delay. During the roof project, a portion of the auxiliary gym floor sustained water damage and will be replaced. Darlington Hall – Furniture from Maryland Correctional Enterprises has been delivered and is being installed. Engine in the pump house – Industrial engine, the back-up power source for the College’s fire suppression system, no longer functions and will be rebuilt. Fire companies serving the campus have been notified that if a fire emergency occurs and there is a campus power outage, water would have to be pumped from the swimming pool, ponds and cisterns. Hickory Center – The Joppa/Hickory well is in operation; ground work is underway. Harford Sports Complex – Floor was put in the building. Roadwork – Gravel roads are paved as funds become available. North Entrance 7 Sign – Sign on the West campus directs individuals to Towson University Northeast Maryland; it will be installed in 30-90 days. Campus Road Signs – Signs will be installed soon. Board of Trustees 12/09/14 E. Page 4 FY 2016 Proposed Operating Budget In developing the FY 2016 proposed operating budget, the senior leadership team considered options available to address the structural deficit and identified reductions of $1.5M from the FY 2015 budget. The proposed budget is balanced without a transfer-in from the reserve fund. To achieve this, revenue-related assumptions include: $12 per credit hour increase in tuition bringing in-county tuition to $116 per credit hour and out-of-county and out-of-state tuition to $203 and $290, respectively. The consolidated fee will remain the same at 20% of the incounty tuition rate. 2% decline in billable in-county credit hours. Flat out-of-county and out-of-state billable credit hours. .5% increase in noncredit revenue compared to the FY 2015 budget. 2% increase in state funding (approximately $220,000). 2% increase in county funding (approximately $299,000). Minimal growth of cash balances due to interest rates continuing at historic lows. No transfers-in. With regard to expenditures, the budget includes: A 2.0% wage increase for full-time and part-time employees. Price escalations associated with software and hardware maintenance agreements, housekeeping, and instructional services. Health insurance increase of 7% based on trends and medical inflation projections. Decreases in supplies and materials and professional development and travel. Increases in utilities (Darlington Hall coming on line), fixed charges and equipment. The FY 2016 proposed operating budget was presented for the Board’s information; Board action will be requested at the January meeting. F. FY 2016 Proposed Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program The capital budget and capital improvement program (CIP) establishes the schedule of planned expenditures and commitments for FY 2016 and the subsequent five fiscal years. The CIP is intended to plan for the College’s needs for additional facility improvements. The CIP is from FY 2016 – FY 2021 and integrates academic and physical planning on a college-wide basis. The CIP establishes an itinerary for accomplishing improvements in existing facilities and proposed new infrastructure investments based on the Facilities Master Plan. Harford Community College’s proposal for FY 2016 includes capital funding requests for six projects totaling $12,943,344. Board of Trustees 12/09/14 Project Computer Equipment/Technology Site Improvements Edgewood Hall Renovation and Expansion Route 22 and Thomas Run Road Improvements (required through the County Development Advisory Committee process) Harford Sports Complex Ball Field Seating Regional Workforce Development Center (design funds) Page 5 FY 2016 Budget $ 790,000 250,000 8,004,000 1,012,280 350,000 2,537,064 The FY 2016-FY 2021 CIP moves renovations for Fallston Hall, library, Chesapeake Theater, and student center to years in which they are eligible for state matching funding. These projects will also move major projects off of the deferred maintenance list. The FY 2016 proposed capital budget and capital improvement program were presented for the Board’s information; Board action will be requested at the January meeting. VII. ACTION ITEMS A. 60 Credit Hour Degree Reductions The College and Career Readiness and Completion Act of 2013 (CCRA) legislation mandates that beginning fall 2015, the standard number of credits for an associate’s degree from a public community college is 60 credit hours. The CCRA legislation also provides that the standard number of credits required for an associate’s degree (i.e., 60) does not apply if the degree program is defined as more than a two-year associate’s degree. Exemptions to the 60 credit hour standard may be considered where professional accreditation or certification requires a higher number of credit hours or coursework that cannot be completed in 60 credits. The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), with leadership from community college presidents and chief academic officers, developed criteria and the process for requesting exemptions to the 60 credit hour standard for programs offered at more than one college. Individual colleges may apply for specific programs by January 1, 2015. MHEC has already approved exemptions for a number of degree programs offered on more than one campus. Harford’s degree programs were reviewed by discipline faculty, division deans, and the College’s Curriculum Work Group, with approval by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and President. All Harford Community College degree programs have either been modified to meet the 60 credit hour standard, or have received an MHEC exemption. Board of Trustees 12/09/14 Page 6 Motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by B. Stover: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves reduction of existing associate degrees to 60 credit hours to meet the College and Career Readiness and Completion Act of 2013 (CCRA) standard, and MHEC approved exemptions as referenced in the attached chart. Vote: Unanimously adopted. Sixty credit hour degree reduction chart attached to file copy of the minutes. B. Sale of College Property to State of Maryland for Maryland Route 22 Right-of-Way The State Highway Administration (SHA) is developing a road improvement project along Maryland Route 22 that will increase road capacity. The project will cover an area extending 2,000 feet West of Prospect Mill Road to 1,700 feet East of Prospect Mill Road. As part of this project the SHA will replace a storm drain line that runs under Maryland Route 22. This line carries surface water flow from the College property and along Maryland Route 22 and directs it to a wet weather stream heading South and away from the College. The storm line replacement will require re-grading .088 acres of College property. In order to complete the project, the SHA must purchase .088 acres from the College. The SHA has conducted a survey of surrounding property values to determine present value of the easement area. Motion was made by D. Carey, seconded by J. McCauley: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes the sale of .088 acres of College property along Maryland Route 22 to the State of Maryland for $1,000. Vote: Unanimously adopted. C. Arena Concert Contract College staff are in the process of negotiating a contract with an international recording group for a June concert in the APGFCU Arena. To continue the discussions with the agent of this group, the College is requesting authorization from the Board to proceed with negotiations for an acquisition cost not to exceed $100,000. Board of Trustees 12/09/14 Page 7 Motion was made by B. Stover, seconded by J. McCauley: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes the College to negotiate and enter into a contract for a large scale concert to be held in June of 2015 for an amount not to exceed $100,000. Vote: Five in favor; one opposed; motion carried. VIII. PERSONNEL Staffing changes are reported to the Board as an information item. The Board approves personnel activity related to administrators and tenure-track faculty. No personnel items reported this month require Board action. Appointment JeanMarie Krygowski, alumni coordinator, effective December 8, 2014 Antoinette M. Mitchell, academic advisor, effective November 24, 2014 Separation Robert R. Audley, student leadership and orientation specialist, effective November 14, 2014 IX. BOARD REVIEW A. Policies – Sexual Harassment Policy The Board continues to review policies to reaffirm currency as written or to identify changes/revisions that need to be made. In the wake of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recent guidance, Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Assault, and the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault Report entitled, Not Alone, the Maryland Higher Education Commission, in accordance with §11601 of the Education Article, requested that each institution of higher education review and submit its updated written policy on sexual misconduct to the Commission. The OCR guidance for college policy includes requirements: to publish a policy against sex discrimination to adopt and publish grievance procedures to designate a Title IX coordinator for the college’s response to sexual violence for the college to investigate all reports (separate from criminal investigation by police) for the college to address sexual violence for the college to proactively prevent sexual violence for the complainant’s right to know the outcome of his/her complaint Board of Trustees 12/09/14 Page 8 for the college to offer remedies for responding to sexual violence Both the proposed revised Board policy and College procedures have been reviewed by College counsel. Motion was made by D. Carey, seconded by B. Kelly: The Board of Trustees approves the Harford Community College Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy, as presented. This policy replaces the previous Sexual Harassment Policy. Furthermore, the Board of Trustees acknowledges review of the detailed Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure, prior to its submission to the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Vote: Unanimously adopted. The policy as presented is attached to the file copy of the minutes. X. CLOSED SESSION R. Norling asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters; the topic to be discussed, correspondence, was noted. In accordance with State Government Article of The Annotated Code of Maryland, Article 10 508(a)(1)(i), closed sessions permitted, motion was made by B. Stover, seconded by B. Kelly to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters. Six voted in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; motion adopted. At 7:30 p.m. the Board moved into closed session. The closed session adjourned at 7:40 p.m. XI. ADJOURNMENT The Board meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m. ____________________________________ Dennis Golladay Secretary-Treasurer Attachment: Sixty credit hour degree reduction chart Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy ____________________________________ Richard D. Norling Vice Chair 31. Sexual Harassment Policy It is the policy of Harford Community College that there shall be no sexual harassment of any person, including employees and students. The College will not tolerate sexual harassment by anyone—supervisors, other employees, students, contractors, or any person over whom the College has control. Anyone who violates this policy will be subject to appropriate penalties, with employees subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. 31. Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy Harford Community College does not tolerate sexual misconduct by anyone—supervisors, other employees, students, contractors, or any person over whom the College has control. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence or abuse, and sexual harassment of any person, including employees and students. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct that becomes a term of employment or condition for an advantage, or which has the purpose or effect of creating a hostile or intimidating atmosphere. Harford Community College has developed a comprehensive Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure statement with guidance about the handling of these matters. Any person who feels or believes that they have been subjected to any such behavior is urged to consult that procedure. A violation of this policy will be handled as provided in the comprehensive Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure, with employees subject to disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. Harford Community College 60 Credit Hour Degree Reduction December 9, 2014 Type of Existing New Degree MHEC Approved Degree HCC Program of Study/Options Credits Credits Notes AA Art & Design Digital Arts Track 63-65 60 Fine Art Track 63-65 60 Graphic Design Track 63-65 60 Photography Track 64-66 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer Criminal Justice 63-65 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer English 63-65 60 AA General Studies Transfer General Studies 62 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer History 60-62 60 Public History Track 60-62 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer Music 63-65 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer Philosophy 63-65 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer Political Science 63-65 60 International Relations Track 63-65 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer Psychology 63-65 60 AA Arts and Sciences Transfer Sociology - General Sociology Track 63-65 60 Social Work Track 63-65 60 Sociology - Sociology/Anthropology Track 63-65 60 AA Teacher Education Transfer Teacher Education 63-67 60 AA Performing Arts Theatre: Performance 63-65 60 Design and Technical AA Theatre Theatre: Design/Production 63-64 60 AA/AS Arts and Sciences Transfer Arts and Sciences Transfer 64-68 60 AS Arts and Sciences Transfer Biology 63-64 60 Business Administration AS Transfer Business Administration 65-67 60 AS Arts and Sciences Transfer Chemistry - Calculus Based Physics 64-66 60 Chemistry - Non-Calculus Based Physics 65-67 60 AS Computer Science Transfer Computer Science 65-67 60 AS Engineering Transfer Engineering 62-67 63-65 Statewide exemption approved 1 Type of Degree MHEC Approved Degree AS Arts and Sciences Transfer Business Administration AS Transfer AS Arts and Sciences Transfer AS Nursing AS Arts and Sciences Transfer AAT AAT AAT AAT AAT AAT AAT AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS HCC Program of Study/Options Environmental Science Information Systems Management Mathematics Nursing Physics Teacher Education - Early Childhood Early Childhood Education Education/Early Childhood Special Elem Educ/Generic Spec Teacher Education - Elementary Educ PreK-12 Education/Elementary Special Secondary Education Teacher Education - Secondary Chemistry Education - Chemistry Secondary Education Teacher Education - Secondary English Education - English Secondary Education Teacher Education - Secondary Mathematic Education - Mathematics Secondary Education Teacher Education - Secondary Physics Education - Physics Secondary Education Teacher Education - Secondary Spanish Education - Spanish Accounting Accounting Business Management Entrepreneurship Human Resources Marketing Agra-business Administrative Professions Science Lab Tech Science Laboratory Tech Computer Aided Drafting Computer Aided Drafting and Design and Design (CADD) Computer Information Systems Computer Information Systems (CIS) Criminal Justice - Option in Legal Legal Studies Studies Existing New Credits Credits 60-61 60 63-65 63-65 70 64-65 65 65 63 63-65 62-63 62 60-62 62-64 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 62-63 65 Notes 60 60 68-70 Statewide exemption approved 60 Statewide exemption pending 60-63 MHEC approval Statewide exemption pending 61-64 MHEC approval Statewide exemption pending 62-65 MHEC approval Statewide exemption pending 60-63 MHEC approval Statewide exemption pending 60-63 MHEC approval Statewide exemption pending 62-65 MHEC approval Statewide exemption pending 60-63 MHEC approval 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 63 60 60-64 60 63-64 60 2 Type of Degree MHEC Approved Degree HCC Program of Study/Options Existing New Credits Credits AAS Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education AAS Electroneurodiagnostic Tech Electroneurodiagnostic Tech 65-66 AAS AAS Engineering Technology Environmental Technology Information Systems Security Mass Communications Engineering Technology Environmental Technology Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Advertising and Sales Promotion Production and Announcing in the Electronic Media Medical Assisting Paraeducation Parlegal - Option in Legal Studies 64-65 62-63 Technical/Professional Studies AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS Medical Assisting Paraeducation Legal Studies Technical/Professional Studies 63 Notes Statewide exemption pending 60-63 MHEC approval 60 61-64 Statewide exemption approved 60 67-68 63-64 60 60 63-64 62-67 62-64 60 60 60 60 62-66 60 3