HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting May 13, 2014

Minutes of Open Meeting
May 13, 2014
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.;
Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Mr. Richard D. Norling (arrived at 6:10 p.m.); Mrs. Jan P.
Stinchcomb; Dr. James J. Valdes; and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer
Trustee absent: Mrs. April L. Fritts and Mr. Bradley R. Stover
Staff present: C. Allen; R. Audley; P. Comer; J. Costa, Jr.; D. Cruise; V. Dodson; N. Dysard;
T. Franza; S. Garey; A. Haggray; C. Henderson; R. Johnson; P. Karwowski; P. Labe;
J. Mayhorne; B. Morrison; B. Napfel; Z. Parker; G. Pizzuto; S. Phillips; L. Preston;
A. Qureshi; D. Resides; S. Schaeffer; C. Sherman; N. Spence; V. Swain; L. Trusty;
A. Ward, and D. Wrobel
Others present: J. Dresher and D. Anderson, The Aegis
J. Valdes called the meeting to order.
The following is noted for the record:
The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as
empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and
facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret
its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines,
procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the
Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and
Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to
consider and transact public business.
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
By consensus the Board approved the consent agenda. Items included:
 Agenda of the 05/13/14 meeting
 Minutes of the 04/08/14 regular session and 04/25/14 work session
 2014-2015 Board Calendar
Board of Trustees
There was no public comment.
Chair’s Report
No report.
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Member Reports
No report.
Third Quarter Financials
R. Johnson, vice president for finance and operations, reviewed highlights from
the 3rd quarter financial report. Statements of revenues and expenditures for the
period ended March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2013 were distributed.
Information Items
The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and
activities over the last month. D. Golladay specifically noted:
 May is the month of celebratory events. These include:
o Commencement on May 22 celebrating Harford’s graduates
o Presidential Awards Student Athlete dinner recognizing studentathletes
o All-Maryland Academic Team recognizing two Harford students
 Neil Anderson-Himmelspach, assistant professor of music, received a $3,000
Individual Artist Award in Classical Music: Composition from the Maryland
State Arts Council.
 Thank you letters from scholarship recipients were circulated.
 Annual scholarship reception for donors and recipients was held on April 17.
Introduction of New Employees
New employees Robert Audley, student leadership and orientation specialist;
Patricia Comer, maintenance technician II; Joseph Costa, Jr., maintenance
technician II; and AbdulMajad Qureshi, systems engineer, were introduced to the
Board of Trustees
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Program Presentation – Regional Workforce Development Center
Brenda Morrison, vice president for marketing, development, and community
relations, and Jim Dresher, member of the Connect Harford planning committee,
presented information on the Connect Harford Symposium, which the College cohosted with the Dresher Foundation last fall. They addressed outcomes of the
inaugural event and discussed the program for the 2014 Connect Harford
Symposium which will be held on October 1. Keynote speaker will be Mark
King, President of Adidas Group North America.
Enrollment Update
D. Cruise provided an enrollment update. The Fall 2014 preliminary enrollment
report (113 days before class begins) and the Summer 2014 preliminary
enrollment report (15 days before class begins) were distributed. Also distributed
were graphs of full-time equivalent enrollment 2010-2014 and headcount
A comprehensive, coordinated approach to enrollment is being implemented.
Activities include iPlan sessions at the high schools, a media campaign for
continuing students, and an on-going communications plan with students. Phone
calls, text messages, postcards, and letters encouraging students to enroll are all
part of the communications plan. Additionally, there have been open houses for
high school juniors and seniors and coffee nights for the adult learner.
FY 2015 Operating Budget
FY 2015 proposed operating budget has been discussed with the Board at several
meetings and two work sessions. The FY 2015 operating budget is framed around
some broad revenue-related assumptions:
 $12 per credit hour increase in tuition, and a 2.57% increase to the
consolidated fee;
 3% decline in credit enrollment;
 14.4% decrease in noncredit revenue compared to the FY 2014 budget;
 State funding increase of $690,095;
 Flat County funding;
 Minimal growth of cash balances due to interest rates continuing at historic
 A transfer-in from HCC’s undesignated fund balance of $2,450,088 will be
required to fund institutional scholarships ($503,421), subsidize certain
operational costs associated with the APGFCU Arena auxiliary ($134,000),
and balance the structural deficit within the FY 2015 operating budget
($1,812,667). It is noted that the FY 2015 transfer-in has been reduced
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The budget is presented for information in May; approval of the FY 2015 budget
will occur at the June Board meeting.
Capital Projects Update
R. Johnson provided updates on capital projects. He noted:
 Towson building is on schedule.
 Darlington Hall is progressing; occupancy is anticipated by the middle of
October. The building will open for Spring semester classes.
 Road work design and construction for Route 22 and Thomas Run Road has
 Design work for several other projects – Edgewood Hall, Susquehanna Center
roof and the observatory road – is underway.
Amendment to the Board Manual for By-Laws and Policies – Section 5 – Board
Committees, Section A, Sub-section 2
At the April 8, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting, the Chair introduced a proposed
revision to the Board Manual for By-Laws and Policies – Section 5 – Board
Committees, Section A, Sub-section 2. The revision renames the Audit
Committee and expands the committee’s function.
Proposed revision to Section 5 – Board Committees, Section A, Sub-section 2
(strike-out indicates deletion; red text indicates additions) follows:
2. Finance and Audit Committee
(a) The role and function of the Finance and Audit Committee is to establish
long-term fiscal policy guidelines for the operation of the college, review
the annual financial statements of the college with the external auditors,
and advise the full Board of the activity,; and at any time serve as a
screening committee to assist in the selection process for appointing an
external audit firm. The Board of Trustees may make other charges to the
Finance and Audit Committee at any time.
(b) The vice chair of the Board serves as the chair of the Finance and Audit
Committee with at least threewo members of the Board of Trustees
appointed annually by the chair of the Board. Additionally, the chief
financial officer of the college or the president’s designee serves on the
committee as a non-voting member.
Motion was made by B. Kelly, seconded by C. Hunter:
Board of Trustees
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The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves
amendments to the Board Manual for By-Laws and Policies – Section 5 –
Board Committees, Section A, sub-section 2, as presented.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
Contract Authorization: Desktop Computer Refresh
Harford Community College continually refreshes computer hardware and
software in an effort to stay current while maintaining reliability for our students,
faculty, and staff. Request for quotes was issued to refresh 100 desktop
computers for use in classroom labs. Six bidders responded.
College staff recommend awarding the contract for desktop computers to the firm
submitting the lowest bid, CDW-G. The president supports the recommendation.
Motion was made by R. Norling, seconded by J. Stinchcomb:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes a
contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, in the amount of
$82,000.00 for 100 new HP Elite desktop computers.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
Personnel Update
Staffing changes are reported to the Board as an information item. The Board
approves personnel activity related to administrators and tenure-track faculty.
Four personnel items reported this month require Board action.
Motion was made by J. Stinchcomb, seconded by B. Kelly:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
appointment of:
 Gregory Carlevaro, assistant professor – criminal justice, effective
August 15, 2014
 Stephen P. Garey, associate vice president for campus operations,
effective May 14, 2014
 Valerie T. Swain, director for institutional research, planning, and
effectiveness, effective May 14, 2014
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The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College acknowledges the
resignation of Theodore M. Wasielewski, director for human resources
and employee development, effective April 25, 2014.
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Policies – Discretionary Leave of Absence Without Pay
The Board continues to review policies to reaffirm currency as written or to
identify changes/revisions that need to be made. For the May meeting, the
“Visitors in the Workplace” policy was considered.
No changes were made to the current policy and the Board re-affirmed the policy as
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
James J. Valdes