HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting January 14, 2014

Minutes of Open Meeting
January 14, 2014
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, January 14, 2014, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.;
Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Mr. Richard D. Norling; Mr. Bradley R. Stover; Dr. James J. Valdes;
and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer
Trustees absent: Mrs. April L. Fritts and Mrs. Jan P. Stinchcomb
Staff present: C. Allen, B. Audley, D. Cruise; V. Cyran, V. Dodson; N. Dysard; L. Entner,
O. Franzoni, T. Franza; R. Fritze, S. Garey; A. Haggray; K. Hathaway, G. Helton,
C. Henderson, P. Hogan, R. Johnson; P. Labe; C. Lewis, J. Mayhorne, P. Mint,
B. Morrison; B. Napfel, Z. Parker, S. Phillips; L. Preston, D. Resides, S. Schaeffer,
R. Sedney, C. Sherman; V. Swain; T. Trouyet, L. Trusty, A. Victor, A. Ward and
D. Wrobel
Others present: R. Orr, K. Privett, and O. Olaleye, students; T. Wasielewski; D. Anderson, The
J. Valdes called the meeting to order.
The following is noted for the record:
The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as
empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and
facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret
its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines,
procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the
Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and
Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to
consider and transact public business.
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
By consensus the Board approved the consent agenda. Items included:
 Agenda of the 01/14/14 meeting
 Minutes of the 12/10/13 regular session
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There was no public comment.
Chair’s Report
J. Valdes advised that he participated in a tour of Darlington Hall; construction is
moving forward and the building is an outstanding addition to the campus. He
also reported that he has retired from government service.
J. Valdes announced upcoming events:
 January 22 – Harford Night in Annapolis – Calvert House – 6 p.m.
 January 25 – Athletic Hall of Fame Events (ticketed event)
o 10:30 a.m. – Reception and Formal Recognition of Honorees (Dick
Fordyce, Judy Davlin, John Haggerty and Jack Nichols) – Chesapeake
Center dining rooms
o Noon – Game time – APG Federal Credit Union Arena
o Halftime – Ceremonial Recognition of Honorees
 February 3 – MACC Trustee Workshop/Legislative Reception – Noon-8 p.m.
– Calvert House
 February 11 – 6 p.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting
Member Reports
R. Norling encouraged trustees to attend Harford Night in Annapolis and the
Maryland Association of Community Colleges workshop and legislative
reception. Both events provide an opportunity to talk with legislators. He also
announced that the 2014 session of the Maryland General Assembly opened on
January 8. The Governor will announce the 2015 budget on January 15, and he
will give his State of the State address on January 23.
D. Carey reported that she and Trustee Hunter attended the nurse pinning
ceremony on January 7. In keeping with tradition, the event was superb.
Information Items
The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and
activities over the last month. D. Golladay specifically noted:
 The President hosted Dr. Chandler, Towson University Provost. During the
visit, their discussion focused on the relationship with Towson particularly
the new building, integration of programs, and transfer of Harford students to
 Trustee Haggerty will be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame at an event
on January 25. Trustees were invited to attend the festivities.
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Introduction of New Employees
New employees Lois Entner, assistant director for library and information
resources; Ralf Fritze, cybersecurity and information assurance faculty; Cynthia
Lewis, business management faculty; Rosemarie Sedney, assistant professor of
nursing; and Terry Trouyet, WHFC operations manager; were introduced to the
Program Presentation – PowerUp! Student Orientation Program
PowerUp! Orientation was implemented in Fall 2012 to prepare first-time new
students for life at Harford Community College. The program parallels the
orientation experience at four-year institutions. Participants navigate campus in
groups led by student orientation leaders and attend sessions that cover student
services and important life skills such as time management and financial literacy.
Priscilla Mint, coordinator for student activities; Bobby Audley, student
orientation specialist; and three student orientation leaders – Ryan Orr, Kate
Privett and Oluwatoyin Olaleye – provided an overview of the orientation
Capital Projects Update
R. Johnson, Vice President for Finance and Operations, provided an update on
current capital projects:
 Rendering of Hickory Center to be located on the North side of Joppa Hall
was displayed. The Center will house computing and technology services as
well as the copy center.
 Some windows have been installed in the Towson building. As of January 1
the project has lost about 37 days due to weather. The contractor is optimistic
that weather conditions will improve and lost time can be re-couped.
 The College is working with the state of Maryland on the financial agreement
for the funding to close out the Susquehanna Center renovation/addition
(arena) project. A cheerleading competition was hosted in the arena
January 11; over 1500 attended the event. The organization has booked the
facility for 2015.
 Darlington Hall will be enclosed within the next few weeks.
 Renovations at the sports complex are underway – dugouts at the women’s
softball field are being redone and area around the buildings has been paved
as well as the access road to the equipment storage building.
R. Norling inquired about progress on deferred maintenance projects. A listing of
projects will be provided at the next Board meeting; it includes both short-term
and long-term projects. Approximately $7.7M would be required to address the
projects. Projects are being prioritized and plans to address the matter are under
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FY 2015 Proposed Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program
The capital budget and capital improvement program (CIP) establishes the
schedule of planned expenditures and commitments for FY 2015 and the
subsequent five fiscal years. The CIP is intended to plan for the College’s needs
for additional facility improvements. The CIP is from FY 2015-FY 2020 and
integrates academic and physical planning on a college-wide basis. The CIP
establishes an itinerary for accomplishing improvements in existing facilities and
proposed new infrastructure investments based on the Facilities Master Plan.
The FY 2015 proposed capital budget includes projects discussed at the
November Board work session and the December Board meeting. One project has
been added; it relates to the Harford Sports Complex. This project consists of
adding a pre-engineered stadium seating structure and raised press box. It would
provide approximately 300 aluminum seats located at this field. The seating will
contain ramps to meet ADA requirements. The press box will be used to
announce game play and operate the fields existing scoreboard.
The capital funding requests total $5,648,983 among eight projects:
1. Maryland Hall renovation
$ 305,000
2. Edgewood Hall renovation
$ 3,115,350
3. Belcamp renovation
$ 150,000
4. J-Lot North replacement
$ 130,000
5. Susquehanna roof replacement
$ 450,000
6. Observatory road and parking lot
$ 250,000
7. Computer equipment and technology
$ 898,633
8. Harford Sports Complex seating
$ 350,000
Motion was made by J. Hagerty, seconded by D. Carey:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
FY 2015 proposed capital budget and capital improvement program
request totaling $5,648,983.
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Contract Authorization: Architectural/Engineering Services for the Renovation
and Expansion of Edgewood Hall
The College issued a request for proposal to seek qualified firms interested in
submitting proposals to furnish architectural/engineering services for the design
of the renovation and expansion of Edgewood Hall.
Constructed in 1994, Edgewood Hall is a two-story 33,845 GSF building
primarily used for continuing education programs. The project’s scope of work
will include a comprehensive interior renovation to include the
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design/construction of two new additions totaling 6,500 GSF. Work will also
encompass replacement of the entire roof including the soffit and gutter system
and replacement of all mechanical systems including the chiller, boilers, pumps,
air handlers, building automation system and removal of all classroom unit
ventilators. Construction work will be completed in an occupied building which
will require work to be completed in a phased manner. It is intended that this
project will obtain LEED silver certification.
Seventeen firms submitted their qualifications and experience. Based on a review
of the qualifications, including the profile of the firm, background of key
personnel, examples of relevant projects, and experience with LEED in high
performance building design, eight firms were short-listed as the best qualified to
proceed to the next phase. Additional information was provided to the short-listed
firms to submit a technical proposal and participate in an oral presentation to the
Two of the eight firms withdrew and technical proposals were received from six
firms. Oral presentations were conducted with the six firms. The team that
reviewed the proposals and participated in the oral presentations included Zoann
Parker, Victor Cyran, Pat Hogan, and Olga Franzoni from the continuing
education division; Steve Garey from operations; and Vic Dodson from
After oral presentations, the team evaluated and scored each bidder against
criteria that were indicated in the RFP:
 experience and relevant projects;
 presentation, conceptual ideas about exterior design and interior layout, high
performance building LEED, discussion of similar projects;
 re-evaluation of key personnel of the architectural/engineering team,
qualifications, experience, responses;
 Q & A, quality and thoroughness of responses
The consensus of the team was that one bidder did not rise to the high level of the
other presenters, and would not be asked to submit a price proposal in the final
Price proposals were received from the five firms and the price proposals were
scored with a weight of 35% and combined with the technical scoring weight of
65% to determine a winning firm.
The consensus of the review team is that Studio Jaed represents the best value to
the College and will do an excellent job in designing this critical project. The
president supports the recommendation of the team to award the contract to
Studio Jaed at a firm price of $469,680.
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Motion was made by R. Norling, seconded by C. Hunter:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes a
contract with Studio Jaed headquartered in Bear, Delaware, to provide
architectural/engineering services for the renovation and expansion of
Edgewood Hall at a firm price of $469,680.00.
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Personnel Update
Personnel report was presented to the Board The appointment of an administrator
and the acknowledgement of tenured faculty accepting the retirement incentive
require Board action.
Motion was made by B. Stover, seconded by R. Norling:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
appointment of Theodore M. Wasielewski, director for human resources
and employee development, effective February 10, 2014.
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College acknowledges
receipt of election of retirement incentive from:
 Orlando Correa, associate professor of psychology, effective
June 15, 2014
 Richard S. Fordyce, associate professor of health and physical
education, effective June 15, 2014
 Richard V. Miller, professor of business management, effective
June 15, 2014
 Frederick R. Mitchell, professor of psychology, effective June 15, 2014
 James A. Quigg, associate professor of counseling, effective
June 15, 2014
 Clarence R. Terrill, associate professor of legal studies, effective
June 15, 2014
Policies – Tuition Waiver Policy
The Board continues to review policies to reaffirm currency as written or to
identify changes/revisions that need to be made. For the January meeting, the
“Tuition Waiver” policy was considered. The president recommended a minor
editorial change – the addition of the word “and” in the first sentence of the
second paragraph.
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By consensus, the Board approved the revision. The Tuition Waiver Policy as
revised follows:
It is the policy of Harford Community College that from time to time the
college extends tuition waiver to certain groups under certain
Tuition waiver is extended to the dependent survivors of employees who
held regular-budgeted positions and who died while employed by the
college. Dependent children are not eligible for tuition waiver after their
twenty-fifth birthday.
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
James J. Valdes