HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting January 8, 2013

Minutes of Open Meeting
January 8, 2013
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mrs. April L. Fritts; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Rev. Cordell
E. Hunter, Sr.; Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Mr. Richard D. Norling; Mrs. Jan Stinchcomb; and,
Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer
Trustees absent: Mr. Bradley R. Stover and Dr. James J. Valdes
Staff present: C. Allen, J. Ball, G. Cooper, D. Cruise, G. Deal, C. Dela Rosa, V. Dodson,
N. Dysard, W. Ekey, A. Haggray, K. Hathaway, C. Henderson, R. Johnson, P. Labe, J.
LaFleur, C. Lindhorst, B. Morrison, B. Napfel, Z. Parker, S. Phillips, G. Pizzuto, L.
Preston, K. Semien, C. Sherman, L. Trusty, A. Ward, and D. Wrobel
Others: T. Hendricks, The Aegis
B. Kelly called the meeting to order.
The following is noted for the record:
The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as
empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and
facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret
its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines,
procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the
Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and
Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to
consider and transact public business.
Mr. Kelly welcomed and congratulated Jan Stinchcomb on her appointment to the
Board of Trustees.
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
By consensus the Board approved the consent agenda. Items included:
 Agenda of the 01/08/13 meeting
 Minutes of the 12/11/12 regular session
 Personnel Update
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One individual addressed the Board during public comment; Bob Robinson spoke on the
important role of the College Foundation.
Chair’s Report
B. Kelly announced upcoming events and encouraged participation:
 January 9 – Nurse Pinning – 6:30 p.m.
 January 28 – MACC Trustee Leadership Conference and Legislative
He thanked B. Morrison for the background information and “talking points”
provided to Board members related to upcoming legislative matters.
Member Reports
There were no member reports.
Information Items
The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and
activities over the last month. D. Golladay noted the many positive comments
received on the Harlem Globetrotters, the inaugural event hosted in the arena. A
commemorative ticket was presented to trustees.
Notes of appreciation from scholarship recipients were circulated.
Dr. Golladay introduced Dr. Christopher Dela Rosa who is serving as the interim
vice president for computing and technology services.
Academic Reports – Library – From Print to Digital Resources
Carol Allen, director for library and information resources, provided an overview
of the transition of Harford Community College’s library resources and services
from a primarily print environment to an environment that is increasingly digital.
She provided statistical information illustrating the transition from print/physical
collections to digital collections.
Introduction of New Employees
New employees Jeff Ball, associate professor of art history; Dr. Gene Cooper,
physics faculty; Jennifer LaFleur, assistant professor of transitional studies –
mathematics; Carlotta Lindhorst, medical assisting; and Dr. Karen Semien,
associate vice president for enrollment services, were introduced to the Board.
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Strategic Plan
In Spring 2012, Dr. Golladay charged a 25-member, broadly representative
Strategic Planning Committee with developing a plan that would guide the
College from 2013 through 2017. B. Ekey, one of the facilitators of the
committee, provided an overview of the committee’s work. He shared the draft
plan and commented on the elements of the plan. He noted the mission is a
statement of what the College does and who the College serves while the vision
describes what the College aspires to become and describes what the College will
do for its students and the community.
In discussing values, B. Ekey reported that two values – innovation and
sustainability – were added to the six values in the current plan. Additionally, in
the previous plan collaboration and communication were considered together as a
single value, while in the updated plan, the committee felt that each should be a
separate value.
The three goals and related strategies outlined in the plan were reviewed. Goal 1
focuses on academics and assessment, Goal 2 relates to the College’s role in the
community, and Goal 3 recognizes the challenges of resources and infrastructure
required to meet future needs.
In order to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the plan, metrics
called key indicators of effectiveness will be developed at the unit level, assuring
that work in support of the strategic goals is accurately measured, reported, and
used to inform planning and institutional improvement. Baseline information will
be established by March and will be available on the website.
B. Ekey stated that the plan will be dynamic. As other important initiatives occur,
they can be incorporated into the plan.
Dr. Golladay advised that the materials were presented for the Board’s
information and will be returned in March for action.
FY 2014 Proposed Operating Budget
The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed operating budget for FY 2014 at
the November Board work session and at the December Board meeting.
R. Johnson, vice president for finance and operations, advised that College staff
would be meeting with the County Executive on January 10 to explore the
possibility of additional resources to address the increased cost of health
insurance. The current proposal presented for the Board’s consideration differs
from the December presentation as this proposal includes a 4% increase in County
funding to offset health insurance premium increases. The FY 2014 budget
presented for Board action is a proposed budget. After funding from the state and
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county is finalized in the spring, the budget will be returned to the Board in June
for final action.
Motion was made by A. Fritts, seconded by C. Hunter:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
FY 2014 operating budget request totaling $46,748,886. This operating
budget includes an increase of the county resident tuition rate to $92 per
credit hour. Out of-county tuition will be set at $179 per credit hour, and
out-of-state tuition will be set at $266 per credit hour. The consolidated
fee will increase to $16.04 or 17.43% of $92 per credit hour.
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Contract Authorization: Addition of Surveillance Cameras at the Susquehanna
Center Building and APG Federal Credit Union Arena
In June 2008, the Board of Trustees authorized a contract for the installation of a
surveillance camera system for the entire campus. The initial installation included
seventy-nine cameras and all associated hardware, cabling, power sources and
network switch equipment. Through a competitive bidding process, LenSec was
A walk through and review of the need for cameras at Susquehanna/APGFCU
Arena was conducted with Lensec and a total of fifty-three camera locations,
interior and exterior, were identified.
The proposed cost is $129,324.44, which includes cameras, housings, cabling,
network switch equipment, installation, software, maintenance, and remote
Motion was made by R. Norling, seconded by A. Fritts:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes a
contract with LenSec LLC for the complete installation and support of
fifty-three surveillance cameras at the Susquehanna Center Building and
APG Federal Credit Union Arena at a firm price of $129,324.44. The
work will begin in approximately two weeks and complete within eight
Vote: unanimously adopted.
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Policies – Review/Addition and Change Policy
The Board continues to review policies to reaffirm currency as written or to
identify changes/revisions that need to be made. For the January meeting, the
“Review/Addition and Change” policy was considered.
It was agreed that the policy statement was unclear. D. Golladay will review to
verify the current wording and offer a recommendation.
B. Kelly asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters.
In accordance with State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
Article 10 508(a)(1)(i) and (ii), closed sessions permitted, motion was made by D. Carey,
seconded by R. Norling to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters. Seven
voted in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; motion adopted.
At 7:10 p.m. the Board moved into closed session. The closed session adjourned at
7:30 p.m.
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
Bryan E. Kelly