HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting December 13, 2011 The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room. Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Mrs. Susan E. Mull; Mr. Bradley R. Stover; Dr. James J. Valdes; and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer Trustees absent: Mrs. April L. Fritts; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Mr. Howard K. McComas, IV; and Dr. Douglas G. Wright Staff present: C. Allen, G. Calia-Lotz, J. Cox, D. Cruise, G. Deal, V. Dodson, N. Dysard, W. Ekey, A. Haggray, K. Hathaway, C. Henderson, P. Labe, D. Lazaro, M. Lieb, J. Mayhorne, B. Morrison, B. Napfel, A. Pagura, S. Phillips, L. Preston, C. Sherman, V. Swain, L. Tittle, A. Ward, and D. Wrobel I. CALL TO ORDER B. Kelly called the meeting to order. The following is noted for the record: The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines, procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to consider and transact public business. B. Kelly announced that at the Board of Trustees meeting on November 8, 2011, motion was made, seconded and approved to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters in accordance with Article 10-508(a)(1)(i) and (ii) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, closed sessions permitted. II. ROLL CALL C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present. Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 2 III. CONSENT AGENDA Consent agenda was approved by consensus; items included: Agenda of the 12/13/11 meeting Minutes of the 11/08/11 regular session Candidates for Graduation – December 2011 2012-2013 Academic Calendar Personnel Update IV. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. V. BOARD REPORTS A. Chair’s Report B. Kelly thanked Board members for their attendance at the December 2, 2011 Board work session. He announced four upcoming events: holiday party on December 20, nurse pinning on January 4, MACC Trustee Leadership Conference and legislative reception on January 23, and Harford Night in Annapolis on January 25. VI. B. Vice Chair Report No report. C. Member Reports No reports. PRESIDENT’S REPORT A. Information Items The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and activities over the last month. D. Golladay noted specifically: The Task Force to Study the Creation of a Regional Higher Education Center in Northeastern Maryland held its final meeting. Report to the Governor was due December 1; the deadline has been extended to allow time for all participants to comment on the final report. The current draft has a reference to the 2+2 building to be erected on Harford Community College’s campus. Discussion with Richard Hall, Secretary Maryland Department of Planning, focused on ensuring the plans for the College are included in the County and State Plans. John Cox and Craig Ward participated in this meeting with Dr. Golladay. It is important for the West campus to be designated as a priority area as is the East campus. The legislative forum, cosponsored by the Chamber and the College, was well-attended. Support for the Towson building was noted and Delegate Szeliga indicated she views the project a priority. A team of 22 from the College attended the Maryland Association of Community Colleges Completion Summit. Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 3 Harford has recently received several awards: o The College has been named a Baltimore Sun Top Workplace for 2011. The selection was based on employee surveys measuring qualities including leadership, career opportunities, workplace flexibility, compensation and benefits. o The College received four medallion awards from National Council for Marketing and Public Relations District 1 for excellence in community, technical and junior college marketing and public relations activities. Two college publications were distributed: (1) the Winter 2011 Owl Magazine and (2) Winter Alumni and Friends newsletter. B. HCC/HCPS Joint Meeting A. Haggray, vice president for academic affairs, provided an overview of the recent joint meeting of the College president and the superintendent of Harford County Public Schools and their respective senior staff. The agenda included numerous topics of mutual interest focusing on curriculum, access, and support. Specific topics discussed were: alignment of the high school curriculum and the College curriculum articulation agreements whereby students gain college level credit the world language program transitional studies program information literacy workshop offered to high school students the STEM teacher academy offered to K-12 faculty diploma to degree whereby students earn the high school diploma and the associate’s degree simultaneously enrollment “one-stop” model offered in high schools being piloted at C. Milton Wright and Edgewood High Schools during 2012-2013 The joint Harford Community College/Harford County Public Schools executive staff meetings are held quarterly. Updates will be shared with the Board following each meeting. C. Academic Reports – Information Literacy C. Allen, director of library and information resources, and Gina Calia-Lotz, instructional services librarian, provided an overview of the College’s information literacy program. They discussed the definition of information literacy and noted that it is one of eight academic outcomes and one of eight general education goals at Harford Community College. The five goals of the information literacy program are based on the standards of the Association of College and Research Libraries. J. Valdes stated that journals within the scientific community have ratings which students need to consider as they are evaluating sources of information for Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 4 credibility or “truthiness.” He commented on the importance of students being knowledgeable of this distinction. C. Allen noted that the information literacy sessions taught by the librarians provide general information on evaluating information resources; more specifics by discipline are provided through faculty during classroom instruction. D. VII. Introduction of New Employees New employee Daryl Lazaro, nursing faculty, was introduced to the Board. INFORMATION ITEMS A. FY 2013 Proposed Operating Budget J. Cox, vice president for finance, operations and government relations, provided an overview of the FY 2013 proposed operating budget. The FY 2013 proposed budget totals $46,588,634, an overall increase over FY 2012 of 0.61%. Concerning revenue, the proposed budget includes a $5/credit hour increase in tuition which equates to approximately $788,645 additional credit tuition and fee revenue. With the increase, Harford will continue to have the lowest rate among Maryland community colleges. Noncredit revenue in FY 2012 is projected to be below budget by approximately $200,000. This projection remains flat for FY 2013. State revenue is projected to increase 2.76% ($268,698) which represents the amount that was previously included in “Other Revenues” as the Keeping Maryland Community Colleges Affordable grant. Overall, an increase in revenue totaling $582,696 is projected. The budget includes transfers from the operating budget’s undesignated fund balance and College Store fund balance. Transfers represent one-time funds from the fund balance for the operating budget. When transferred, such funds are allocated to non-recurring costs, such as equipment or capital programs. In FY 2013, $2,941,656 from the fund balance is allocated as a transfer-in to support the College’s commitment to the capital budget. Additionally, $200,000 is transferred from the auxiliary fund balances to support student scholarships and financial aid. Trends related to Cade funding (comparison of Cade funding to student enrollment), state funding per FTE student (FY 2008 to FY 2012), and distribution of revenue by source were depicted graphically. Expenditures by budget function and by classification were reviewed as a percentage of the total budget. Approximately 68.5% of the budget is assigned to salaries and benefits, which accommodates the Board of Trustees’ guideline to keep such expenditures at no more than 75% of the entire budget. If the budgeted contracted services portion of costs for security, housekeeping, and grounds are Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 5 included in this calculation, then the ratio would be approximately 73% of the operating budget. The budget includes wage and benefits adjustments ○ 2 new faculty positions ○ Increase in adjuncts to support 25 course and lab sections ○ Medical benefits 9% projected increase ○ 2% wage adjustment for all eligible employees Contracted services adjustments include: ○ Continuing education programs, including CDL training, summer camps, and discovering college ○ Power to Achieve Campaign ○ Instructional consulting and business program accreditation ○ Software maintenance agreements, price escalation, additional modules ○ BlackBoard lease escalation for eLearning ○ Cultural events on-line ticketing ○ Escalation of housekeeping and grounds ○ Snow removal ○ DegreeWorks implementation Other expenditure adjustments ○ Communications ○ Professional development/training ○ Utilities ○ Fixed charges Waivers and Transfers: ○ Transfers to capital budget programs for support of Susquehanna, computer equipment and technology, plant services annex, library infrastructure, water and wastewater ○ Transfer to support scholarships ○ Decrease for tuition waivers to align with current trending ○ Transfer to support the Susquehanna facility $122,631 $54,446 $281,000 $526,686 $23,000 $42,000 $20,000 $61,000 $15,700 $17,500 $185,500 $20,000 $120,000 $21,401 ($89,352) ($79,308) $50,217 $1,601,583 $470,064 ($27,569) $143,411 J. Cox also discussed the arena operation. The goal is to make this a selfsupporting operation; it is anticipated that it will be a 3-5 year cycle before a breakeven threshold may be reached. The arena will be set up as an auxiliary fund and budget spreadsheet for the auxiliary fund was distributed. Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 6 Information on funding for equipment and technology was also shared; $1,009,954 to support equipment and technology is included through several funding sources as indicated: Funding Source Operating Budget Susquehanna Capital Project Equipment Replacement Reserve Innovative Partnership in Technology Computer Equipment/Technology Capital Budget Capital Projects Fundraising Total Amount $28,764 $231,960 $45,700 $289,734 $261,330 $121,000 $31,466 $1,009,954 The potential exists that State costs for retirement funding may be shifted to local jurisdictions. Any legislation introduced during the 2012 session of the Maryland General Assembly related to this will be followed diligently and budget adjustments made based upon the outcome of the legislation. The FY 2013 proposed budget is presented to the Board for information; action on the budget will be requested at the January 10, 2012, Board of Trustees meeting. In preparation for further discussion at the January meeting, B. Kelly requested the Board be provided information on trends related to (1) FTE and enrollment increase, (2) expense growth, and (3) average tuition increase over the last 10 years. With regard to tuition, he also noted the importance of gradual tuition increases rather than significant increases after several years. In response to a question from B. Stover on fund balance, J. Cox indicated recommendation is 5-10% of total budget. VIII. ACTION ITEMS A. FY 2013 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Program The capital budget and capital improvement program establishes the schedule of planned expenditures and commitments for FY 2013 and the subsequent nine fiscal years. The capital improvement program (CIP) is intended to plan for the College’s needs for additional facility improvements. The CIP is from FY 2013 FY 2022 and integrates academic and physical planning on a college-wide basis. The CIP establishes an itinerary for accomplishing improvements in existing facilities and proposed new infrastructure investments based on the Facilities Master Plan. Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 7 J. Cox, vice president for finance, operations and government relations, provided an overview of the FY 2013 request. HCC’s proposal for FY 2013 includes capital funding requests totaling $11,865,983 among nine projects. Given the availability of funds in the FY 2013 Community College Capital Grant, the College will submit $1,164,000 in requests for completion of Susquehanna renovation and expansion. There is $291,960 of additional College funding included in the Susquehanna Project for equipment and technology not included in the State eligible equipment list. In addition, $375,000 is requested within the roof replacements project and $357,000 for site and parking lot improvements from the Community College Capital Grant. All three requests were contained as a preauthorization approved by the 2011 General Assembly. The local match requirement has been met by previous College allocations to each project. During the discussion on the site and parking lot improvements, J. Valdes requested that staff review plans for loop roadway at Susquehanna Center. The change in County funding may result in a delay for construction of the Nursing and Allied Health building. HCC is requesting that this capital funding be split over two fiscal years beginning in FY 2013 with $2,891,525, followed by completion in FY 2014 with funding of $3,375,565. The complete State funding match originally scheduled for FY 2013 will be split with $4,160,975 in FY 2013 and $4,766,467 in FY 2014. The second phase of the wastewater project will be completed in FY 2013. A request of $974,900 in County funding is included for the $1,412,773 in remaining construction costs. The College will fund the difference, $437,873. If County funding for the Nursing and Allied Health building is provided in FY 2013, it is unlikely that the County will fund the wastewater project. The Board designated a portion of fund balance for this entire FY 2013 obligation at the time the construction contract was approved in August 2011 ensuring that funds are available to complete the project. The Computer Equipment/Technology program, funded at $283,750 from a portion of the consolidated fee revenue and through College funds, represents a portion of the College’s commitment to technology replacement. Funding of $600,000 is requested for the Plant Services Annex building that would replace existing portable building and trailers for storage service offices including a secure area for Computing and Technology Services to receive and prepare hardware for delivery and installation on campus. The Sports Complex entrance and grounds project includes funding of $231,000 from the consolidated fee to improve safety and expand the usage capabilities of existing fields. This will improve access to the area, enhance the stadium area, and increase availability of a practice area. Finally, there are improvements Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 8 provided for the data center cooling system and construction of two group study rooms in the Library for $98,000 in College funding. Future year projects were also noted. Expansion of the Higher Education and Conference Center was moved to FY 2014. Also planned for FY 2014 is renovation of Edgewood Hall. The project includes HVAC upgrades, energy efficiency improvements, and interior architectural changes to meet the evolving needs of the users. As the nursing program relocates to a new facility in FY 2015, Maryland Hall will require renovations based upon identification of the future use of the building. This project is planned for FY 2015. Motion was made by D. Carey, seconded by B. Stover: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the proposed capital budget and capital improvement program request totaling $11,865,983 in FY 2013. Some discussion followed on the status of the two projects: wastewater treatment plant and nursing and allied health building design. With regard to the former, G. Deal advised that design was approved by MDE, the College has a discharge permit, and work has started. Regarding the latter, architects have gathered input from building users and are in the preliminary design stage. B. Kelly requested that as preliminary plans evolve, the Board be given the opportunity to review and provide additional input early in the process. Vote: adopted unanimously. B. Self-Study Report A critical part of the re-accreditation process is the preparation of the self-study report which is a comprehensive review of the College’s programs, services, resources, functions, and educational outcomes. It examines every aspect of the College through the lens of the 14 Standards listed in the Middle States publication Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education. In addition, Harford’s self-study includes emphases on the College's Strategic Plan. Valerie Swain and Lisa Tittle, co-chairs of the self-study steering committee, provided highlights of the report noting it Emphasizes the current Strategic Plan (Standards 1 and 2) Emphasizes assessment of student learning and administrative processes (Standards 7 and 14) Board of Trustees 12/13/11 Page 9 Demonstrates integration of planning, assessment, budgeting, improvement (Standards 2, 3, and 7) Makes 53 recommendations for improvements (to be reported on in the Periodic Review Report in 2017) Celebrates successes such as high grade point average of transfer students, high level of satisfaction with faculty and student services, and demonstrable commitment to diversity. The self-study provides essential background for the Middle States evaluation team and requires Board approval. The report as submitted to the Board is essentially complete; there may be a few minor changes prior to submission to the Commission and site team. V. Swain and L. Tittle also outlined next steps in the process: Integrate links for electronic document. Prepare hard copy report and appendices. Prepare comprehensive, well-organized resource room for site team use. Send report, appendices, and financial documents to Commission and site team by January 13, 2012. Prepare for site team visit scheduled for March 4-7, 2012. J. Valdes noted the number of recommendations and inquired about the most significant overarching themes to advance the institution. Suggested were communication, effective use of assessment, and keeping students and their education as the central focus of the institution. To assist the Board in preparing for the upcoming team visit, D. Golladay will meet with the co-chairs to provide general overview of expectations on the role of the Board during the team visit. Motion was made by J. Valdes, seconded by B. Stover: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the SelfStudy Report. Vote: adopted unanimously. IX. BOARD REVIEW A. Policies – Discretionary Leave of Absence Without Pay The Board continues to review policies to reaffirm currency as written or to identify changes/revisions that need to be made. For the December meeting, the “Discretionary Leave of Absence Without Pay” policy was reviewed. By consensus, the Board agreed that the policy would remain unchanged. Board of Trustees 12/13/11 X. Page 10 ADJOURNMENT The Board meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ____________________________________ Dennis Golladay Secretary-Treasurer ____________________________________ Bryan E. Kelly Chair