HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting November 12, 2013

Minutes of Open Meeting
November 12, 2013
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mrs. April L. Fritts (arrived at 6:07 p.m.); Mr. John F.
Haggerty; Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.; Mr. Richard D. Norling; Mrs. Jan P. Stinchcomb;
Mr. Bradley R. Stover; Dr. James J. Valdes; and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as
Trustee absent: Mr. Bryan E. Kelly
Staff present: C. Allen; P. Cecala; D. Cruise; V. Dodson; N. Dysard; T. Franza; S. Garey;
A. Haggray; Robert Hall, Jr.; C. Henderson; R. Johnson; K. Krsolovic; P. Labe;
J. Mayhorne; P. Merchant-Winborn; B. Morrison; B. Napfel; Z. Parker; S. Pelham;
S. Phillips; L. Preston; D. Resides; S. Schaeffer; C. Sherman; N. Spence; V. Swain;
L. Trusty; A. Victor; A. Wallace; A. Ward; and D. Wrobel
Others: S. Sufczynski; D. Anderson, The Aegis
J. Valdes called the meeting to order.
The following is noted for the record:
The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as
empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and
facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret
its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines,
procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the
Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and
Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to
consider and transact public business.
J. Valdes announced that at the Board of Trustees work session on
October 25, 2013, motion was made, seconded and approved to move into
closed session to discuss personnel matters in accordance with
Article 10-508(a)(1)(i) and (ii) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, closed
sessions permitted.
Board of Trustees
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
By consensus the Board approved the consent agenda. Items included:
 Agenda of the 11/12/13 meeting
 Minutes of the 10/08/13 regular session
 Minutes of the 10/25/13 work session
There was no public comment.
Chair’s Report
J. Valdes announced upcoming events:
 November 14 - 4th Annual Military Appreciation Event
 November 22 – Board of Trustees work session
 December 10 – Board of Trustees regular meeting
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Member Reports
R. Norling commented on the Beauty in Sport Curator’s Walk Reception and
award presentation of the Robert and Anne Heighe Award for Excellence in
Equestrian Journalism. The award recipient was the late William Boniface.
Mr. Boniface covered horse racing for the Baltimore Sun for five decades and
was racing page editor for most of those years.
J. Haggerty reported on the Harford Connect symposium and noted that it was an
excellent event.
ACCT Presentation – Tuition Increases and Adequate Reserves: A Road Map to
Achieving Affordability and Financial Solvency
A team from Harford Community College presented a workshop at the
Association of Community College Trustees 2013 Annual Congress. The
workshop, entitled Tuition Increases and Adequate Reserves: A Road Map to
Achieving Affordability and Financial Solvency, provided information on how the
Board of Trustees developed a multi-year, affordable tuition plan based on setting
tuition by managing reserves.
The team – Richard Norling, Bradley Stover, Rick Johnson and Dennis Golladay
– presented an overview of the workshop. Key points noted in the presentation
were Board responsibility in setting policy and fiduciary responsibilities, i.e.,
setting tuition, approving budgets, approving large contracts and ensuring the
college maintains an appropriate level of reserves. Past practice of “transfers-in”
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from reserve funds to balance the budget and the impact of dwindling reserves
were also discussed. Historical information on the budget structural deficit and
trends in state and county funding as well as tuition were included.
The team noted that the presentation generated significant interest at the ACCT
Congress and several participants have requested additional information for
further study and applicability at their respective institutions.
Information Items
The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and
activities over the last month. D. Golladay specifically noted:
 Admiral Mullen, USN (Ret.) was an effective and engaging keynote speaker
for the Connect Harford Symposium. A report summarizing breakout group
discussions and voting results will be issued; copies will be sent to all
 The College's Marketing and Public Relations office received a Medallion
Award at the District 1 National Council for Marketing and Public Relations
conference The Bronze award was received in the brochure category. Copy of
the award winning publication, the College Viewbook, was distributed. This
publication was created by graphic designer Julia Cioccio.
 Board work session on October 25 focused on long-range budget planning.
The multi-year plan is designed to ensure the College maintains a healthy
reserve developed through wise fiscal policy. Discussions will continue at the
November 22 work session.
 Nomination for the 2014 American Association of Community College’s
2014 Exemplary CEO/Board Award has been submitted.
Introduction of New Employees
New employees Tom Franza, chief information technology officer; Robert Hall,
Jr., public safety officer; Sharon Pelham, counselor Maryland Small Business and
Technology Development Center; and Amy Wallace, regional director Maryland
Small Business and Technology Development Center; were introduced to the
Program Presentation – Athletics Update/Highlights from the Past Year
Harford’s intercollegiate athletic program provides the opportunity for eligible
student-athletes to represent the institution in high-level competition, while
enhancing their educational experience in areas of skill development, teamwork
and sportsmanship. The teams also provide spectators and fans institutional pride
as a rallying point for the college community and the Harford County area.
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Ken Krsolovic, athletics director, provided an overview of 2012-13 varsity
athletics. He noted:
 Six of Harford’s fourteen varsity teams qualified for national tournament.
 2012-13 team championships were:
o MD JUCO Conference – women’s basketball and soccer
o NJCAA Region 20 – volleyball and women’s basketball
 Honors included eight All-Americans, thirty-six All-Region, and thirty
All-Conference selections.
 Forty-seven student-athletes graduated and have transferred to four-year
schools where they will continue athletic participation.
 One hundred forty-four students are on the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (3.0
semester GPA).
 There were 287 games, matches, meets played at home and away; total home
attendance of nearly 15,000.
 The MD JUCO Presidents’ Cup recognizes the conference institution
accumulating the most points based on their finish in the regular season of the
conference standings. The highest point total is awarded to the first-place team
depending on how many schools sponsor the sport in the MD JUCO. For the
2012-13 season, Harford women received the award.
Capital Projects Update
R. Johnson, vice president for finance and operations, provided the monthly
capital projects update. His presentation included photos of the various projects.
Included in the report were:
 Solution to issues with the recently constructed tennis courts has been
determined. Costs for correction will be borne by the architect and
contractor. Work will be done after the College’s spring tennis season.
 Towson building is progressing on schedule.
 Darlington Hall is on schedule. There are no major issues and building
should open in Fall 2014.
 The College has engaged Frederick Ward Associates to design Hickory
Center. Current plans are for an “L” shaped structure which will house
computing and technology services, the copy center, and a storage area for
excess furniture. The $2.8M project is being funded internally.
 Work at the Harford Sports Complex includes entrance roadway, entrance
way marked by two columns with overhead archway.
 Thor guard lightning prediction and warning system has been installed.
 Baseball field renovation is completed. The brickwork at the bottom of the
backstop is from a project at Ft. McHenry several years ago.
 Sidewalk has been constructed in front of Chesapeake Center.
R. Johnson also discussed recent events held at the APG Federal Credit Union
Arena at Harford Community College.
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Travis Tritt concert was well attended; 2,179 seats were sold. The concert
grossed $70,000 and netted $13,000. Concession sales totaled $6,500 and
netted $3,500.
Other recent events held in the arena were:
o Connect Harford Symposium
o Cheerleading competition
o Harford County Public Schools/Harford Community College
Education After High School program.
Personnel Update
Personnel report was presented to the Board. Recommendation for the
appointment of two administrators – Patricia L. Merchant-Winborn, registrar, and
Dr. Alexandra Victor, associate vice president for enrollment services, were
presented for Board action.
Motion was made by B. Stover, seconded by C. Hunter:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
appointment of Alexandra Victor, Ed.D. to the position of associate vice
president for enrollment services, effective November 18, 2013;
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
appointment of Patricia L. Merchant-Winborn to the position of registrar,
effective November 18, 2013.
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Naming the Walking/Biking Trail on the West Campus
A walking and biking trail was recently constructed on Harford Community
College’s West campus. The 1.1 mile trail links Prospect Mill Park with Harford
Community College’s main campus terminating at the Observatory. The trail was
conceived and designed by two Harford County residents, Ronnie Walls and Eric
Cook. Mr. Walls and Mr. Cook also spent many hours with local volunteers and
Boy Scout troops constructing the trail, bridging streams, and providing for
erosion control.
R. Johnson provided background on the project, showed slides of the trail, and
recommended that the trail be named the Walls-Cook Trail. The recommendation
is supported by the President.
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Motion was made by A. Fritts, seconded by J. Haggerty:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College names the West
Campus trail connecting Prospect Mill Park with the Harford Community
College main campus the Walls-Cook Trail in recognition of the work of
Messrs. Ronnie Walls and Eric Cook to bring the project from concept to
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Contract Authorization: Telecommunications (Voice) Services for the Main
Campus and the University Center
On August 26, 2013, the College issued a request for proposals for telephone
voice services including local and long-distance calling and associated support
services for the main campus and the University Center. The College telephone
voice services have been provided Broadview Networks for the past three years
and AT&T prior to three years ago.
Four firms responded to the College’s request for proposals. Recommendation is
to award the contract to Windstream as the best value to meet the current and
future needs of the College. The Windstream proposal represents a reduction in
costs of approximately 24% over last year’s unit prices.
Motion was made by J. Haggerty, seconded by A. Fritts:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College accepts the contract
for phone services, including local and long-distance, with Windstream
Corporation at fixed rates for an estimated annual cost of $42,863.00 per
year over the next three years. Actual costs will be determined by actual
minute usage. Unit prices are firm for the period. The unit pricing
represents an approximate 24% reduction over last year. The College will
have the option to extend for two additional one-year periods at a cost not
to exceed the current contract cost.
Vote: unanimously adopted.
Policies – Tenure
The Board continues to review policies to reaffirm currency as written or to
identify changes/revisions that need to be made. For the November meeting, the
“Tenure” policy was considered.
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The President stated that the policy is a broad statement indicating the Board’s
support of the traditional aims and principles of a system of tenure. It also states
clearly that tenure is awarded upon continuous demonstration of excellence in
teaching and professional service in accordance with criteria established by the
College and it does not mean guaranteed or lifetime employment.
No changes were made to the current policy; the Board re-affirmed the policy as
J. Valdes asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters.
In accordance with State Government Article of The Annotated Code of Maryland,
Article 10 508(a)(1)(i) and (ii) and (7) closed sessions permitted, motion was made by
J. Stinchcomb, seconded by A. Fritts to move into closed session to discuss personnel
matters. Eight voted in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; motion adopted.
At 7:15 p.m. the Board moved into closed session. The closed session adjourned at
7:35 p.m.
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
James J. Valdes