HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting August 14, 2012

Minutes of Open Meeting
August 14, 2012
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, at
6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room.
Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Rev. Cordell E. Hunter, Sr.;
Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Mr. Richard D. Norling; Dr. James J. Valdes; and, Dr. Dennis
Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer
Trustees absent: Mrs. April L. Fritts and Mr. Bradley R. Stover
Staff present: C. Allen, S. Alter, K. Ashman, D. Cruise, C. Dela Rosa, K. Dixon, V. Dodson,
N. Dysard, W. Ekey, J. Galbraith, D. Gordon, A. Haggray, K. Hathaway, F. Johnson,
P. Labe, A. Kastern, K. Krsolovic, J. Mayhorne, B. Morrison, B. Naughton,
S. Nicolaides, A. Pagura, S. Phillips, G. Pizzuto, D. Resides, C. Sherman, L. Trusty,
A. Ward, and D. Wrobel
Others: M. Gallo, The Aegis
B. Kelly called the meeting to order.
The following is noted for the record:
The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as
empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and
facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret
its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines,
procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the
Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and
Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to
consider and transact public business.
B. Kelly announced that at the Board of Trustees meeting on
June 12, 2012, motion was made, seconded and approved to move into
closed session to discuss personnel and legal matters in accordance with
Article 10-508(a)(1)(i) and (ii) and (7) of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, closed sessions permitted.
C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present.
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The action item on the appointment of a tenure-track faculty member was removed from
the consent agenda and considered under action items. By consensus the Board approved
the consent agenda as amended. Items included:
 Agenda of the 08/14/12 meeting
 Minutes of the 06/12/12 regular session
 Minutes of the 07/17/12 work session
 Minutes of the 07/23/12 special meeting
 Candidates for Graduation – August 2012
 Personnel Update (information report only)
There was no public comment.
Chair’s Report
B. Kelly thanked the Board for participating in the July 17 work session and the
July 23 special meeting focused on a purchase power agreement for solar energy.
In addition, B. Kelly announced upcoming events and encouraged participation:
 August 24 – Convocation
 September 11 – Next regular Board of Trustees meeting
Member Reports
J. Valdes reported the Governor has re-appointed him to another term on the
Board of Trustees. Also, he spoke at the STEM summit for high school teachers
and he addressed the Senior Science Society.
R. Norling and C. Hunter reported on the Association of Community College
Trustees (ACCT) Governance Leadership Institute from August 1-3, 2012, in
Washington, DC. The Institute provided prospective on roles and responsibilities
of trustees, accountability, and strategic planning action plans. It was also an
excellent opportunity for networking with other trustees and gaining insights on
current community college issues.
R. Norling distributed the ACCT Federal Relations Update summarizing
legislative activity. As a follow-up to the Institute discussion on risk
management, R. Norling suggested this as a topic for a future Board work session,
i.e., a look at all types of risk – financial, legal, etc.
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Information Items
The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and
activities over the last month. D. Golladay noted specifically:
 Middle States Commission on Higher Education reaffirmation of Harford
Community College’s accreditation and commendation on the quality of the
self-study process.
 Dean Wrobel, Dean Mayhorne, and Dr. Golladay met with representatives at
the University of Delaware Office of Economic Innovation and Partnership
regarding the grants program.
 Drs. Valdes and Golladay met with Dr. Rita Colwell of the University of
Maryland College Park and formerly Director of the National Science
Foundation regarding pursuing NSF grants.
 Ken Krsolovic, Harford’s Director for Athletics, was selected as the 2011-12
Junior and Community Colleges Southeast Region Under Armour Athletics
Director of the Year.
 Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition was received from
Congressman Andy Harris in recognition of the College’s designation as a
National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education
by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.
Collegial Governance
B. Ekey and J. Galbraith co-chair of the College Advisory Council (CAC)
provided background information on collegial governance and an overview of the
current structure. Also in response to feedback from employees, revisions to
improve the governance structure were shared.
Three guiding principles, established by the President, guided the work of the
CAC in reviewing the governance structure:
 The governance structure must be inclusive.
 The governance structure must be recognized as advisory in nature. Final
authority for decisions rests with the President of the College and the Board of
 Issues should be delineated as either appropriate for the governance process or
as not appropriate for the governance process.
Issues identified by employees with regard to the current governance system
 Lack of clarity in how to use the shared governance system.
 Uncertainty regarding who is involved in the decision-making process.
 Uncertainty in knowing the outcome of the decision-making process.
 Perception that input and ideas are not truly valued.
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Communication identified as one of the biggest challenges for the institution
and the governance system.
In January 2012, the CAC established a committee to develop draft guidelines for
a College Governance structure. The committee replaced “Shared” with
“Collegial” to indicate more accurately the nature of its proposal. The draft was
shared with the campus community for feedback. Revisions to the proposal were
made and the CAC hosted two Open Forums on proposed revised guidelines.
Based on input, final changes to the proposed Collegial Governance Guidelines
were made and presented to the campus community for a vote. Of the 111 people
who voted, 92% voted to support the guidelines.
The revised guidelines:
 Concisely defined the purpose of Collegial Governance at Harford
Community College.
 Clarified the structure of the governance system and the role of the constituent
 Established a well-defined process for bringing an issue to the governance
process and for providing input and recommendations.
 Established processes for ensuring clear and thorough communication with
employees and students.
 Adhered to the principles established by the College president.
The co-chairs of the College Advisory Council have begun working with the
employee constituency groups and the Student Government Association to review
and, if appropriate, help them to revise their operating guidelines. The co-chairs
will also be developing the tools needed to fully implement Collegial Governance
in the fall, including the establishment of meeting dates and locations.
Introduction of New Employees
The following new employees were introduced to the Board: Shelley R. Alter,
English as a second language (ESL) specialist; Kimberly Ashman, student
conduct and intervention specialist; Kosannya Dixon, accounting specialist –
cashier; Deborah L. Gordon, literacy works specialist; and Greg Pizzuto, arena
Software License Amendment Ellucian
Harford Community College uses Ellucian (formerly SCT/Banner Sungard)
software systems to support the financial, payroll, human resources, student,
financial aid, document management, and development systems. The SCT/Banner
software also includes the Luminis software used for the OwlNet web portal.
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The College desires to implement Degree Works software beginning
September 1, 2012. The software provides a comprehensive set of web-based
academic advising, degree audit, and transfer articulation tools to help students
and their advisors negotiate degree curriculum requirements.
The first year costs include a one-time software cost of $34,200, a pro-rated
annual maintenance fee of $4,275, and a one-time fee of approximately $90,000
for project implementation, for a total cost of approximately $128,475 in the first
The system provides opportunities for students to view their individual progress
toward their degree, and it will assist advisors in their work with students to
complete their academic plans.
Motion was made by J. Valdes, seconded by R. Norling:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College accepts the
software license and service agreement amendment with Ellucian
(formerly SCT/Banner Sungard) for Degree Works in the amount of
approximately $128,475.00 for FY 2013.
Vote: Adopted unanimously.
BOARD REVIEW (out of sequence)
Policies – Violence Policy
At its meeting in June, the Board of Trustees reviewed the “Violence” policy.
Following discussion, the Board asked the president to solicit feedback from the
College’s Chief of Public Safety. In consulting with Chief Eilerman, she
suggested stronger language be added to address sanctions for violations. The
specific language regarding sanctions is more appropriately placed in the
procedure section rather than a revision to the Board policy statement.
The Board establishes and approves policy statements, and the College, through
its Human Resources office, develops procedure language to implement the
policy. Since there is no change in wording of the policy statement, Board action
is not required. The Board affirmed the change in language to the procedure
B. Kelly asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personal matters.
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In accordance with State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
Article 10-508(a)(1)(i) and (ii) closed sessions permitted, motion was made by J. Valdes,
seconded by J. Haggerty to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters. Six
voted in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; motion adopted.
At 7:05 p.m. the Board moved into closed session. The closed session adjourned at
7:35 p.m.
Personnel Update (tenure-track faculty appointment moved from Consent Agenda)
Motion was made by J. Valdes, seconded by D. Carey:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
appointment of Jeffrey L. Ball to the position of associate professor art
history (tenure-track) effective August 15, 2012.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
Faculty Promotion
Application for promotion is submitted by the faculty member to his/her
respective division dean. Positive recommendation from the dean is forwarded to
the deans’ group for their review and recommendation. Recommendation from
the deans’ group is forwarded to the vice president for academic affairs; the vice
president forwards a recommendation to the president.
Four faculty members applied for promotion
 Tamalene Imbierowicz, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
 Dr. James Karmel from Associate Professor to Professor
 Meredyth Puller from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
 Lisa Tittle from Associate Professor to Professor
Each application is supported by the respective division dean, the deans’ group
and the vice president for academic affairs. The president recommended the
promotions for the four faculty members as presented.
Motion was made by J. Haggerty, seconded by R. Norling:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
promotion of Tamalene Imbierowicz from Assistant Professor to Associate
Professor effective August 15, 2012.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
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Motion was made by J. Haggerty, seconded by J. Valdes:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
promotion of Dr. James Karmel from Associate Professor to Professor
effective August 15, 2012.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
Motion was made by J. Valdes, seconded by D. Carey:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
promotion of Meredyth Puller from Assistant Professor to Associate
Professor effective August 15, 2012.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
Motion was made by J. Valdes, seconded by R. Norling:
The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the
promotion of Lisa Tittle from Associate Professor to Professor effective
August 15, 2012.
Vote: adopted unanimously.
The Board meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Dennis Golladay
Bryan E. Kelly