HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Minutes of Open Meeting August 9, 2011 The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College met on Tuesday, August 9, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. in the Chesapeake Center Board Room. Trustees present: Mrs. Doris G. Carey; Mr. John F. Haggerty; Mr. Bryan E. Kelly; Mr. Howard K. McComas, IV; Mr. Bradley R. Stover; Dr. James J. Valdes; Dr. Douglas G. Wright; and, Dr. Dennis Golladay as Secretary-Treasurer Trustees absent: Mrs. April L. Fritts and Mrs. Susan E. Mull Staff present: C. Allen, J. Cox, D. Cruise, G. Deal, V. Dodson, N. Dysard, W. Ekey, S. Garey, A. Haggray, C. Henderson, A. Kastern, P. Labe, M. Lieb, J. Mayhorne, B. Napfel, A. Pagura, L. Preston, L. Rainey, C. Sherman, C. Vellucci, A. Ward, and D. Wrobel Others: M. Gallo, The Aegis; M. Moxley I. CALL TO ORDER B. Kelly called the meeting to order. The following is noted for the record: The business of the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, as empowered by Maryland law, is to oversee all personnel, programs and facilities. The Board employs its president to implement and to interpret its policies. The Board directs the president to establish guidelines, procedures, and practices that flow from and support the policies of the Board of Trustees as contained in the Board Manual for By-laws and Policies. The Board meets the second Tuesday each month (except July) to consider and transact public business. B. Kelly announced that at the Board of Trustees meeting on June 14, 2011, motion was made, seconded and approved to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters and consult with Counsel in accordance with Article 10-508(a)(1)(i) and (ii) and (7) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, closed sessions permitted. II. ROLL CALL C. Sherman called the roll. Quorum was present. Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 2 III. CONSENT AGENDA Consent agenda was approved by consensus; items included: Agenda of the 08/09/11 meeting Minutes of the 06/14/11 regular session Candidates for Graduation – August 2011 Personnel Update (appointment of Mary K. Hutchinson, tenure track nursing faculty) IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Margaret Moxley addressed the Board concerning the budget and legal expense. V. BOARD REPORTS A. Chair’s Report B. Kelly commented on the recent Foundation golf event which raised significant funds for student scholarships. He also reminded Board members of upcoming activities: August 19 – Fall Semester Opening Events August 23 – Susquehanna Center Groundbreaking B. VI. Members Reports No reports. PRESIDENT’S REPORT A. Information Items The Board information packet included a report on the President’s meetings and activities over the last month. Dr. Golladay noted specifically: Participated on a panel discussing the “Joys of Leadership” at the Future Leaders Institute, a professional program sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges. The institute is an innovative five-day leadership seminar designed for mid-level community college administrators who are ready to move into a higher level of leadership. Recognized contributions senior staff make through service on a number of county, state and national organizations. Announced three grant awards – National Endowment for the Humanities/American Library Association, the Susquehanna Workforce Network and the Dresher Foundation. D. Golladay distributed a spring sports wrap-up summarizing the success of Harford’s athletic teams and individual athletic awards. Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 3 1. Board Orientation Manual First draft of a Board orientation manual was distributed. Board members were asked to review the material and offer feedback. New Board member orientation is a potential topic for a future Board workshop. 2. Promotion and Tenure Criteria and Procedures The Faculty Handbook section on tenure and promotion definitions and practices was recently reviewed and updated by the Office of Instruction and the faculty. Revised document was distributed. Discussion will occur at a Board workshop. 3. Update on Higher Education Task Force Legislation (House Bill 156), approved during the 2011 session of the Maryland General Assembly, created a Task Force to Study Creation of Regional Higher Education Center in Northeastern Maryland. The 18-member Commission, appointed by the Governor, is to report findings and recommendations to the Governor on or before December 1, 2011. The task force has met three times and has divided into three sub-committees: governance, facilities and programs. Marlene Lieb chairs the facilities subcommittee; Jim LaCalle and Dennis Golladay serve on the governance subcommittee; and Dennis Golladay also serves on the program sub-committee. Discussions have noted that the concept for a regional higher education center does not have to be a single facility, but rather could be accomplished by a three-pronged approach: (1) 2+2 between Harford Community College and facilities on the west campus for baccalaureate educational opportunities; (2) expansion of the Higher Education and Conference Center at HEAT; and (3) a research center associated with Aberdeen Proving Ground to meet doctoral and postdoctoral research needs. This multi-level approach is fiscally responsible and is generally supported by committee members. J. Haggerty inquired about current partners at the Higher Education and Conference Center specifically with regard to the University of Phoenix. His specific concern related to recent reports on “for profit” schools. B. Academic Reports – College Articulation Agreements In order for the transfer process to be seamless, with no loss of credit, over 60 articulation agreements have been created with several Maryland colleges and universities. The Office of Instruction is responsible for establishing contact with the four-year colleges and universities and generating agreements that ensure students meet the graduation requirements of both Harford Community College and transferring institution. Articulation agreements are usually reviewed and updated ever three years. Ms. Lisa Rainey, assistant to the vice president for Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 4 instruction, and Dr. Annette Haggray, vice president for instruction, provided an overview of the articulation agreements. C. VII. Introduction of New Employees New employees Amanda Kastern, associate vice president – student development; and Carol Vellucci, coordinator – Higher Education and Conference Center at HEAT; were introduced to the Board. ACTION ITEMS A. Maryland Higher Education Commission 2011-2013 Harford Community College Plan for a Program of Cultural Diversity and 2011 Progress Report Under 2008 legislation, (Education Article, §11–406), public institutions must maintain a plan for a program of cultural diversity approved by its governing board. The governing board must also submit a progress report on the institution’s implementation of the plan to the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) each year. The 2009-2011 plan approved by the Board has expired. The 2011-2013 updated Plan and the 2011 Progress Report require Board action. Dr. Cruise referred to goals and objectives and noted new items in the 2011-2013 plan: (1) creation of a campus standing committee charged with promoting campus cultural diversity; (2) review of the college’s cultural diversity graduation requirement; (3) investigation of potential need for resources to effectively recruit and retain culturally diverse student body. In addition, Dr. Cruise noted highlights from the progress report. Specifically, data indicate the gap in academic achievement between underrepresented college students as compared with the general student body is decreasing. Motion was made by H. McComas, seconded by B. Stover: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves: The updated 2011-2013 HCC Plan for a Program of Cultural Diversity and The 2011 Progress Report on the implementation of the HCC Plan for a Program of Cultural Diversity. Discussion followed. Points noted: Concern with insignificant gain in increasing the male student population. Since in this report “cultural diversity” means the inclusion of those racial and ethnic groups and individuals that are or have been underrepresented in higher education, the report is not to address gender ratios. College demographics exceed the county demographics regarding minorities. Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 5 Concern for implications of the summary of resources needed to effectively recruit and retain culturally diverse student body. It was pointed out that this section of the 2011-2013 plan is required by the Maryland Higher Education Commission. The information is to identify what would assist the College in more effectively recruiting and retaining culturally diverse students. It is not a commitment of budgeted funds. Vote: 4 voted in favor of the motion; 3 opposed the motion; motion adopted. B. Contract Authorizations 1. Printing Class Schedules 2012 Five firms responded to the College’s request for proposals for the printing of Winter/Spring and Summer/Fall credit class schedules and Fall, Spring and Summer noncredit class schedules for 2012. Scope of work includes printing 324,000 books on newsprint in four colors with gloss cover. The work also includes folding, trimming and providing separate deliveries to the mail house and the College. The lowest bidder, AFL Web Printing, is technically qualified. AFL printed class schedules for the College last year and their performance was good. Recommendation is to award the bid to AFL Web Printing. Motion was made by J. Haggerty, seconded by D. Wright: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College authorizes the staff to contract with AFL Web Printing of Voorhees, New Jersey, for printing a total of 324,000 credit and noncredit 2012 class schedules for a total price of $114,805.40. Vote: adopted unanimously. 2. Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant and Associated Infrastructure An invitation for bid was issued on June 15, 2011, to solicit bids from qualified companies to construct a new waste water treatment plant (WWTP) and associated infrastructure development, in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by Brinjac Engineering. The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) requires that all wastewater discharge (current and future) at the College be permitted under one ground water discharge permit (GDP). MDE further requires that the wastewater be treated to meet a total nitrogen wastewater discharge limit of 10 milligrams per liter, necessary for protection of the Chesapeake Bay. Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 6 Accordingly, the College renewed and increased its existing GDP, and recently completed the design of a new wastewater treatment system and sewage disposal area (SDA). The permit requires the new wastewater treatment system to be phased in over the next three years. The SDA will consolidate all existing systems under a single permit, and will increase the flow capacity to 26,500 gallons per day average daily flow (51,000 gallons per day peak daily flow). The treatment plant will ensure that all wastewater discharged from the SDA meets the total nitrogen limit of 10 milligrams per liter. The wastewater treatment plant will consist of a re-circulating media filter/subsurface wetlands system with a final ultraviolet light disinfection stage. It will convey waste water to the new SDA consisting of deep bed disposal trench using drip irrigation. Also included in the project is the campus-wide infrastructure work including construction of six new lift stations, installation of two emergency generators, removal of existing septic tanks, installation of new equalization tanks for the treatment plan, installation of a central electronic control system, and all of the associated septic piping and electrical connectivity. The work is to be performed in two phases, with Phase 1 to begin August 2011 and be completed by June 1, 2012. Phase 2 is to begin by July 2012 and be completed by June 1, 2013. Phase 1 consists of construction of the new treatment plant and SDA, and connection of the Susquehanna Center and Chesapeake Center to the new system. Phase 2 consists of all remaining work, including the lift stations, emergency generators, central electronic control system, and connectivity to the other campus buildings. Five firms responded to the request for bid. Prices ranged from $3.6M to $5.8M. After a check of references, confirmation of satisfactory septic system installer’s license, verification of experience in WWTP construction, and conference call to confirm scope, JLW Associates is the low bidder that meets all qualifications. The cost breakdown of the two phases is as follows: Phase 1: Phase 2: Total: $2,342,899 $1,310,273 $3,653,172 Recommendation is to award the contract to JLW Associates. The project is to be funded out of the capital budget. The Water & Wastewater Project will be used to fund $1.65 million for the treatment facility and SDA, and the Infrastructure Improvement Project will be used to fund $692,899 associated with the excavation and site preparation, septic collection piping, emergency Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 7 generator installation, and electrical connectivity. An additional $1.275 million in County funding and $425,000 in College funding has been requested for FY 2013. Given the need to proceed with the award of the phased contract, the College will provide a guarantee of full funding for this contact. If Harford County does not fully fund the FY 2013 request, the College will use designated fund balance to meet the obligation. Motion was made by D. Carey, seconded by D. Wright: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College accepts the contract with JLW Associates of Leonardtown, Maryland, in the amount of $3,653,172 for construction of a new waste water treatment plant and associated infrastructure development. The project will be accomplished in two phases; Phase 1 in the amount of $2,342,899 and Phase 2 in the amount of $1,310,273. This approval acknowledges that the College guarantees full funding of the project should Harford County not fund the entire FY 2013 request. The guarantee is for up to $1,310,273 for Phase 2 construction in FY 2013. Vote: adopted unanimously. C. Awarding of Posthumous Degree Patrick X. Ward, a Harford Community College student, was killed on Friday, August 5, 2011. Patrick first enrolled at HCC during the fall 1999 term and was seeking an Associate of Applied Science degree in Mass Communications– Advertising Sales Promotion. At the conclusion of the spring 2011 term, Patrick had earned 60 credits and a 3.09 cumulative grade point average. At the time of his death Patrick had completed all but one course required for the degree. Harford Community College’s procedures regarding the awarding of posthumous degrees state that a posthumous degree may be awarded following “the tragic death of a student who has made substantial progress toward the completion of a degree and who has made noteworthy contributions to the college community.” Given the tragic nature of Patrick’s death, and following a thorough review of Patrick’s student record, the vice president for student development and institutional effectiveness recommends that a posthumous degree be awarded to Patrick X. Ward. The division dean, Paul Labe, supports this request and Patrick’s family supports the request as well. The president recommends that the Board award the posthumous degree. Motion was made by D. Wright, seconded by B. Stover: Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 8 The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College posthumously awards an Associate of Applied Science degree in Mass Communications–Advertising Sales Promotion to Patrick X. Ward. Vote: adopted unanimously. VIII. CLOSED SESSION B. Kelly asked for a motion to go into closed session to discuss personnel matters. In accordance with State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Article 10-508 (1)(i) and (ii), closed sessions permitted, motion was made by H. McComas, seconded by D. Carey to move into closed session to discuss personnel matters. Seven voted in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; motion adopted. At 7:35 p.m. the Board moved into closed session. The closed session adjourned at 8:00 p.m. IX. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION At 8:00 p.m. the Board returned to open session. ACTION ITEMS (Continued) D. Faculty Promotion Application for promotion is submitted by to the faculty member to his/her respective division dean. Positive recommendation from the dean is forwarded to the deans’ group for their review and recommendation. Recommendation from the deans’ group is forwarded to the vice president for instruction; the vice president forwards a recommendation to the president. Four faculty members applied for promotion – Dr. Ellen Avitts from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, Heidi Neff from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, Fary Sami from Associate Professor to Professor, and Dr. Sharon Stowers from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor. Each application was supported by the respective division dean, the deans’ group and the vice president for instruction. The president supports the promotions of the four faculty members as presented. Letters of application addressing each of the criteria for promotion and letters of support from the respective dean, the deans’ group, and the vice president for instruction are attached. Promotions would be effective at the beginning of the contract year (August 15, 2011). Motion was made by J. Valdes, seconded by H. McComas: Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 9 The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the promotion of Dr. Ellen Avitts from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor effective August 15, 2011. The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the promotion of Heidi Neff from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor effective August 15, 2011. The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the promotion of Fary Sami from Associate Professor to Professor effective August 15, 2011. The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the promotion of Dr. Sharon Stowers from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor effective August 15, 2011. Vote: adopted unanimously. E. Sabbatical Request Sabbatical leave may be granted to full-time College employees who have demonstrated significant service to the college and community and whose proposed activity(ies) demonstrate(s) potential value to the College as evidenced by dedication, and the desire and competence to pursue academic and career interests in a manner that dictates an intense and unencumbered expenditure of time and energy toward an appropriate goal. Sabbaticals will be considered and granted only on terms of achieving professional improvement on the part of the employee and hence, of direct benefit to the College. A full-time employee is eligible to be granted one year of leave at one-half his/her annual salary; or oneāhalf year or less of leave at his/her regular salary rate. The employee must have completed seven years of continuous full-time service at the College immediately preceding her/his sabbatical. The employee agrees return to service at Harford Community College immediately following the conclusion of the sabbatical or a time otherwise acceptable to the College. In addition, the employee, upon his/her return to the College, agrees to serve at least two years in a full-time capacity or to reimburse the College the gross salary paid him/her during the time on sabbatical. The employee also agrees to provide a written/oral summary of her/his sabbatical activities to members of the College community and the Board of Trustees. Wayne Hepler, associate professor of mass communications, has requested a one semester sabbatical to occur during spring semester 2012. The purpose of the sabbatical is to conduct primary research on the history, development and impact of media piracy on mass communications. Board of Trustees 08/09/11 Page 10 The sabbatical request is supported by the division dean, the vice president for instruction and the president. Motion was made by J. Haggerty, seconded by D. Carey: The Board of Trustees of Harford Community College approves the sabbatical request of Wayne Hepler, associate professor of mass communications, for a one semester sabbatical for spring 2012. Vote: adopted unanimously. X. SEPTEMBER WORKSHOP Board workshops provide trustees an opportunity for in depth discussion of major issues. Plans for a September workshop are underway. Potential topics include student housing, Board orientation (manual/mentoring program), and faculty tenure and promotion. C. Sherman will poll the Board with regard to: dates length of workshop – half-day/full day topics XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by B. Stover, seconded by J. Valdes and the Board meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. ____________________________________ Dennis Golladay Secretary-Treasurer ____________________________________ Bryan E. Kelly Chair