Michelle Niescierenko, MD is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician and... the Global Health Program at Boston Children’s Hospital. The Boston...

Michelle Niescierenko, MD is a Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician and director of
the Global Health Program at Boston Children’s Hospital. The Boston Children's Global
Health Program works to improve child health globally through partnerships for clinical
quality improvement, education, research and advocacy.
She has experience in pediatric care and program development in China, Bolivia,
Lesotho, Guatemala, Liberia and Indonesia. In Liberia she provided pediatric
humanitarian aid in the immediate post-conflict setting partnering local remaining
infrastructure to US academic institutions. Through these partnerships, sustainable
programs for health system rebuilding including physician education and care for
vulnerable children were developed. Her particular areas of research interest are in the
provision of emergency care for children in humanitarian settings, the development of
emergency care systems for children as well as the role of children in humanitarian