Escape Problems & Stochastic Resonance 18.S995 - L08 & 09 Examples Illustration by J.P. Cartailler. Copyright 2007, Symmation LLC. transport & evolution: stochastic escape problems Arrhenius law Stochastic resonance Gammaitoni et al.: FIG. 1. Stochastic resonance in a symmetric double well. (a) Sketch of the double-well potential V(x)5(1/4)bx 4 2(1/2)ax 2 . The minima are located at 6x m , where x m 5(a/b) 1/2. These are separated by a potential barrier with the height given by DV5a 2 /(4b). The barrier top is located at Freund et al (2002) J Theor Biol FIG. 1. (a) A juvenile paddle"sh. (b) Close-up view of clusters of electroreceptor pores on the rostrum. Paddle Fish juvenile paddle"sh. (b) Close-up view of clusters of electroreceptor pores on the rostrum. FIG. 2. (a) A single Daphnia. (b) Electric potential from a tethered Daphnia measured at a distance of 0.5 cm. The oscill sult from higher frequency feeding motions of the legs and lower frequency swimming motions of the antennae. (c) P . ss ision but o adapt to creatures retaceous mis, 1991), ctrorecepd rostrum Fig. 1(a). mpullae of the water minate in Fig. 1(b). ected and n entirely rostral aral., 2000; Freund et al (2002) J Theor Biol $%&&%'( &) *+&,'% Paddle Fish demic Press right above 60 left 0 n=312 –60 –60 0 60 below Vertical distance (mm) juvenile (b) Close-up view clustersnoise of electroreceptor pores on the rostrum. a paddle"sh. c b ofOptimal Control High noise (0.5 µV cm–1 r.m.s.) (20 µV cm–1 r.m.s.) 60 60 0 0 n=373 –60 –60 0 n=46 –60 60 –60 0 60 Horizontal distance (mm) Russel et al (1999) Nature . ss ision but o adapt to creatures retaceous mis, 1991), ctrorecepd rostrum Fig. 1(a). mpullae of the water minate in Fig. 1(b). ected and n entirely rostral aral., 2000; Freund et al110, (2002) J Theor Biol nstitut fuK r Physik, Humboldt-;niversitaK t zu Berlin, Invalidenstr. D-10115 Berlin, German enter for ¸imnology, ;niversity of =isconsin-Madison, Madison, =I 53706, ;.S.A. and A Center f Neurodynamics, ;niversity of Missouri at St. ¸ouis, St. ¸ouis, MO 63121, ;.S.A. demic Press (Received on 21 May 2001, Accepted in revised form on 18 August 2001) Paddle Fish Zooplankton emit weak electric "elds into the surrounding water that originate from their own paddle"sh. muscular activities associatedview with of swimming Juvenile paddle"sh prey juvenile (b) Close-up clustersand of feeding. electroreceptor pores on theupon rostrum. single zooplankton by detecting and tracking these weak electric signatures. The passive electric sense in this "sh is provided by an elaborate array of electroreceptors, Ampullae of Lorenzini, spread over the surface of an elongated rostrum. We have previously shown that the "sh use stochastic resonance to enhance prey capture near the detection threshold of their sensory system. However, stochastic resonance requires an external source of electrical noise in order to function. A swarm of plankton, for example Daphnia, can provide the required noise. We hypothesize that juvenile paddle"sh can detect and attack single Daphnia as outliers in the vicinity of the swarm by using noise from the swarm itself. From the power spectral density of the noise plus the weak signal from a single Daphnia, we calculate the signal-to-noise ratio, Fisher information and discriminability at the surface of the paddle"sh's rostrum. The results predict a speci"c attack pattern for the paddle"sh that appears to be experimentally testable. ! 2002 Academic Press Introduction ddle"sh, Polyodon spathula, are among the and muddy water obscure normal vision b where plankton are plentiful. In order to adapt to the one-dimensional examples discussed in this section13 . 1.4.1 Generic minimal model Consider the over-damped SDE dx(t) = @x U dt + p 2D ⇤ dB(t) (1.68a) with a confining potential U (x) lim U (x) ! 1 (1.68b) x!±1 that has two (or more) minima and maxima. A typical example is the bistable quartile double-well U (x) = a 2 b 4 x + x , 2 4 a, b > 0 (1.68c) p with minima at ± a/b. Generally, we are interested in characterizing the transitions between neighboring minima in terms of a rate k (units of time 1 ) or, equivalently, by the typical time required for escaping from one of the minima. To this end, we shall first dicuss the general structure of the time-dependent solution of the FPE14 for the corresponding PDF p(t, x), which reads @t p = @x j , j(t, x) = [(@x U )p + D@x p], (1.68d) and has the stationary zero-current (j ⌘ 0) solution ps (x) = 13 14 e U (x)/D Z , Z= Z +1 dx e U (x)/D . 1 Although things usually get more complicated in higher-dimensions. FPEs for over-damped processes are sometimes referred to as Smoluchowski equations. (1.69) to the one-dimensional examples discussed in this section13 . 1.4.1 Generic minimal model Consider the over-damped SDE dx(t) = @x U dt + p 2D ⇤ dB(t) (1.68a) with a confining potential U (x) lim U (x) ! 1 (1.68b) x!±1 that has two (or more) minima and maxima. A typical example is the bistable quartile double-well U (x) = a 2 b 4 x + x , 2 4 a, b > 0 (1.68c) p with minima at ± a/b. Generally, we are interested in characterizing the transitions between neighboring minima in terms of a rate k (units of time 1 ) or, equivalently, by the typical time required for escaping from one of the minima. To this end, we shall first dicuss the general structure of the time-dependent solution of the FPE14 for the corresponding PDF p(t, x), which reads @t p = @x j , j(t, x) = [(@x U )p + D@x p], (1.68d) and has the stationary zero-current (j ⌘ 0) solution ps (x) = 13 14 e U (x)/D Z , Z= Z +1 dx e U (x)/D . 1 Although things usually get more complicated in higher-dimensions. FPEs for over-damped processes are sometimes referred to as Smoluchowski equations. (1.69) Generally, we are interested in characterizing the transitions between neighboring minima in terms of a rate k (units of time 1 ) or, equivalently, by the typical time required for escaping from one of the minima. To this end, we shall first dicuss the general structure of the time-dependent solution of the FPE14 for the corresponding PDF p(t, x), which reads General time-dependent solution @t p = @x j , j(t, x) = [(@x U )p + D@x p], (1.68d) and has the stationary zero-current (j ⌘ 0) solution To find the time-dependent solution, we can make the ansatz Z +1 U (x)/D e ps (x) = dx ,e U (x)/D . p(t, x), = %(t,Zx)=e U (x)/(2D) Z 1 13 which leads to a Schrödinger equation in imaginary time Although things usually get more complicated in higher-dimensions. 14 ⇥ ⇤ FPEs for over-damped processes are sometimes 2 referred to as Smoluchowski equations. @t % = D@x + W (x) % =: H%, (1.69) (1.70) (1.71a) 16 with an e↵ective potential 1 W (x) = (@x U )2 4D 1 2 @ U. 2 x (1.71b) Assuming the Hamilton operator H has a discrete non-degenerate spectrum, the general solution p(t, x) may be written as p(t, x) = e U (x)/(2D) 1 X cn n (x) e nt , 0 < 1 < . . ., (1.72a) n=0 where the eigenfunctions n of H satisfy Z dx ⇤n (x) m (x) = nm , and the constants cn are determined by the initial conditions Z cn = dx ⇤n (x) eU (x)/(2D) p(0, x). (1.72b) (1.72c) Generally, we are interested in characterizing the transitions between neighboring minima in terms of a rate k (units of time 1 ) or, equivalently, by the typical time required for escaping from one of the minima. To this end, we shall first dicuss the general structure of the time-dependent solution of the FPE14 for the corresponding PDF p(t, x), which reads General time-dependent solution @t p = @x j , j(t, x) = [(@x U )p + D@x p], (1.68d) and has the stationary zero-current (j ⌘ 0) solution To find the time-dependent solution, we can make the ansatz Z +1 U (x)/D e ps (x) = dx ,e U (x)/D . p(t, x), = %(t,Zx)=e U (x)/(2D) Z 1 13 which leads to a Schrödinger equation in imaginary time Although things usually get more complicated in higher-dimensions. 14 ⇥ ⇤ FPEs for over-damped processes are sometimes 2 referred to as Smoluchowski equations. @t % = D@x + W (x) % =: H%, (1.69) (1.70) (1.71a) 16 with an e↵ective potential 1 W (x) = (@x U )2 4D 1 2 @ U. 2 x (1.71b) Assuming the Hamilton operator H has a discrete non-degenerate spectrum, the general solution p(t, x) may be written as p(t, x) = e U (x)/(2D) 1 X cn n (x) e nt , 0 < 1 < . . ., (1.72a) n=0 where the eigenfunctions n of H satisfy Z dx ⇤n (x) m (x) = nm , and the constants cn are determined by the initial conditions Z cn = dx ⇤n (x) eU (x)/(2D) p(0, x). (1.72b) (1.72c) p(t, x) e W=(x) = cn) n (x) e @ U. , (@x U x 4D n=0 2 (1.72a) General time-dependent solution wherethe the Hamilton eigenfunctions satisfy n of HH Assuming operator has a discrete non-degenerate spectrum, the general solution p(t, x) mayZ be written as ⇤ dx n (x) m (x) = nm , < (x)/(2D) and the constants cn are the initial conditions p(t,determined x) = e Uby cn n (x) e Z n=0 ⇤ U (x)/(2D) cn = dx n (x) e p(0, x). nt , < .. (1.72a (1.72c) of H satisfy At large times, t ! 1, the solution (1.72a) must approach the stationary solution (1.69), Z implying that dx ⇤n (x) m (x) = nm , and 1 (1.72b) 1 X where the eigenfunctions 0 (1.71b n 1 e U (x)/(2D) p c0 = p , . 0 = 0 , 0 (x) = Z the initial conditions Z the constants cn are determined by Note that 0 = 0 in particular Z means that the first non-zero eigenvalue ⇤ the relaxation dynamics cat large = times dx and, (x)therefore, eU (x)/(2D) p(0, x). n (1.73) 1 > 0 dominates (1.72 n ⌧⇤ = 1/ (1.72b (1.74) 1 At large times, t ! 1, the solution (1.72a) must approach the stationary solution (1.69 is a natural measure of the escape time. In practice, the eigenvalue 1 can be computed implying that standard methods (WKB approximation, Ritz method, techniques exploiting by various supersymmetry, etc.) depending on the specifics of the e↵ective potential W . 0 Note that 0 =0, 1 c0 = p , Z 0 (x) = e U (x)/(2D) p Z . = 0 in particular means that the first non-zero eigenvalue (1.73 1 > 0 dominate 1.4.2 Two-state approximation We next illustrate a commonly used simplified description of escape problems, which can be related to (1.74). As a specific example, we can again consider the escape of a particle from the left well of a symmetric quartic double well-potential U (x) = a 2 b 4 x + x , 2 4 p(0, x) = (x x ) (1.75a) where x = p a/b (1.75b) is the location of the left minimum, but the general approach is applicable to other types of potentials as well. The basic idea of the two-state approximation is to project the full FPE dynamics onto simpler set of master equations by considering the probabilities P± (t) of the coarse-grained particle-states ‘left well’ ( ) and ‘right well’ (+), defined by Z 0 P (t) = dx p(t, x), (1.76a) 1 Z 1 P+ (t) = dx p(t, x). (1.76b) _ 0 + If all particles start in the left well, then P (0) = 1 , P+ (0) = 0. (1.77) Whilst the exact dynamics of P± (t) is governed by the FPE (1.68d), the two-state approximation assumes that this dynamics can be approximated by the set of master equations15 Ṗ = k+ P + k P+ , Ṗ+ = k+ P k P+ . (1.78) The basic idea of the two-state approximation is to project the full FPE dynamics onto simpler set of master equations by considering the probabilities P± (t) of the coarse-grained t=0 particle-states ‘left well’ ( ) and ‘right well’ (+), defined by Z 0 P (t) = dx p(t, x), (1.76a) 1 Z 1 P+ (t) = dx p(t, x). (1.76b) _ + 0 If all particles start in the left well, then P (0) = 1 , P+ (0) = 0. (1.77) Whilst the exact dynamics of P± (t) is governed by the FPE (1.68d), the two-state approximation assumes that this dynamics can be approximated by the set of master equations15 Ṗ = k+ P + k P+ , Ṗ+ = k+ P k P+ . (1.78) For a symmetric potential, U (x) = U ( x), forward and backward rates are equal, k+ = k = k, and in this case, the solution of Eq. (1.78) is given by 1 1 P± (t) = ⌥ e 2 2 2k t . (1.79) For comparison, from the FPE solution (1.72a), we find in the long-time limit U (x)/2D p(t, x) ' ps (x) + c1 e 1 (x) e 1t , (1.80) Due to the symmetry of ps (x), we then have 1 P (t) ' + C1 e 2 15 1t Note that Eqs. (1.78) conserve the total probability, P (t) + P (t) = 1. 18 (1.81a) The basic idea of the two-state approximation is to project the full FPE dynamics onto simpler set of master equations by considering the probabilities P± (t) of the coarse-grained t=0 particle-states ‘left well’ ( ) and ‘right well’ (+), defined by Z 0 P (t) = dx p(t, x), (1.76a) 1 Z 1 P+ (t) = dx p(t, x). (1.76b) _ + 0 If all particles start in the left well, then P (0) = 1 , P+ (0) = 0. (1.77) Whilst the exact dynamics of P± (t) is governed by the FPE (1.68d), the two-state approximation assumes that this dynamics can be approximated by the set of master equations15 Ṗ = k+ P + k P+ , Ṗ+ = k+ P k P+ . (1.78) For a symmetric potential, U (x) = U ( x), forward and backward rates are equal, k+ = k = k, and in this case, the solution of Eq. (1.78) is given by 1 1 P± (t) = ⌥ e 2 2 2k t . (1.79) For comparison, from the FPE solution (1.72a), we find in the long-time limit U (x)/2D p(t, x) ' ps (x) + c1 e 1 (x) e 1t , (1.80) Due to the symmetry of ps (x), we then have 1 P (t) ' + C1 e 2 15 1t Note that Eqs. (1.78) conserve the total probability, P (t) + P (t) = 1. 18 (1.81a) 1 1 P± (t) = ⌥ e 2 2 2k t . (1.79) arison, from the FPE solution (1.72a), we find in the long-time limit p(t, x) ' ps (x) + c1 e U (x)/2D 1 (x) e 1t , _ + (1.80) Solution he symmetry of ps (x), we then have 1 P (t) ' + C1 e 2 1t (1.81a) hat Eqs. (1.78) conserve the total probability, P (t) + P (t) = 1. where C 1 = c1 Z 0 18U (x)/2D e 1 (x) , c1 = 1 ⇤ 1 (x ) eU (x )/(2D) . (1.81b) Since Eq. (1.81a) neglects higher-order eigenfunctions, C1 is in general not exactly equal but usually close to 1/2. But, by comparing the time-dependence of (1.81a) and (1.79), it is natural to identify 1 k' = . 2 2⌧⇤ 1 (1.82) We next discuss, by considering in a slightly di↵erent setting, how one can obtain an explicit result for the rate k in terms of the parameters of the potential U . 1.4.3 Constant-current solution Consider a bistable potential as in Eq. (1.75), but now with a particle source at x0 < x < 0 Since Eq. (1.81a) neglects higher-order eigenfunctions, C1 is in general not exactly equal but usually close to 1/2. But, by comparing the time-dependence of (1.81a) and (1.79), it is natural to identify _ 1 k' = . 2 2⌧⇤ 1 (1.82) We next discuss, by considering in a slightly di↵erent setting, how one can obtain an explicit result for the rate k in terms of the parameters of the potential U . source 1.4.3 Constant-current solution Consider a bistable potential as in Eq. (1.75), but now with a particle source at x0 < x < 0 and a sink16 at x1 > xb = 0. Assuming that particles are injected at x0 at constant flux j(t, x) ⌘ J = const, the escape rate can be defined by k := J , P (1.83) with P denoting the probability of being in the left well, as defined in Eq. (1.76a) above. To compute the rate from Eq. (1.83), we need to find a stationary constant flux solution pJ (x) of Eq. (1.68d), satisfying pJ (x1 ) = 0 and J= (@x U )pJ D@x pJ (1.84) for some constant J. This solution is given by [HTB90] Z J U (x)/D x1 pJ (x) = e dy eU (y)/D , D x (1.85) as one can verify by di↵erentiation (@x U )pJ D@x pJ = (@x U )pJ = (@x U )pJ = J. Z J U (x)/D x1 D@x e dy eU (y)/D D x Z x1 (@x U ) U (x)/D J e dy eU (y)/D D x 1 (1.86) + sink Therefore, the inverse rate k k 1 1 from Eq. (1.83) can be formally expressed as Z Z x1 P 1 x1 = = dx e U (x)/D dy eU (y)/D , J D 1 x and a partial integration yields the equivalent representation Z x1 Z x 1 k 1= dx eU (x)/D dy e U (y)/D . D 1 1 (1.87) (1.88) Assuming a sufficiently steep barrier, the integrals in Eq. (1.88) may be evaluated by adopting steepest descent approximations near the potential minimum at x and near the maximum at the barrier position xb . More precisely, taking into account that U 0 (x ) = U 0 (xb ) = 0, one can replace the potentials in the exponents by the harmonic approximations 1 (x 2⌧b 1 U (y) ' U (x ) + (y 2⌧ U (x) ' U (x ) x )2 , (1.89a) x )2 , (1.89b) where ⌧ = U 00 (x0 ) > 0 , ⌧b = U 00 (xb ) > 0 (1.90) carry units of time. Inserting (1.89) into (1.88) and replacing the upper integral boundaries by +1, one thus obtains the so-called Kramers rate [HTB90, GHJM98] e U/D k' p =: kK , 2⇡ ⌧ ⌧b U = U (xb ) U (x ). (1.91) This result agrees with the well-known empirical Arrhenius law. Note that, because typically D / kB T for thermal noise, binding/unbinding rates depend sensitively on temperature – this is one of the reasons why many organisms tend to function properly only within a limited temperature range. Therefore, the inverse rate k k 1 1 from Eq. (1.83) can be formally expressed as Z Z x1 P 1 x1 = = dx e U (x)/D dy eU (y)/D , J D 1 x and a partial integration yields the equivalent representation Z x1 Z x 1 k 1= dx eU (x)/D dy e U (y)/D . D 1 1 (1.87) (1.88) Assuming a sufficiently steep barrier, the integrals in Eq. (1.88) may be evaluated by adopting steepest descent approximations near the potential minimum at x and near the maximum at the barrier position xb . More precisely, taking into account that U 0 (x ) = U 0 (xb ) = 0, one can replace the potentials in the exponents by the harmonic approximations 1 (x 2⌧b 1 U (y) ' U (x ) + (y 2⌧ U (x) ' U (x ) x )2 , (1.89a) x )2 , (1.89b) where ⌧ = U 00 (x0 ) > 0 , ⌧b = U 00 (xb ) > 0 (1.90) carry units of time. Inserting (1.89) into (1.88) and replacing the upper integral boundaries by +1, one thus obtains the so-called Kramers rate [HTB90, GHJM98] e U/D k' p =: kK , 2⇡ ⌧ ⌧b U = U (xb ) U (x ). _(1.91) + This result agrees with the well-known empirical Arrhenius law. Note that, because typically D / kB T for thermal noise, binding/unbinding rates depend sensitively on temperature – this is one of the reasons why many organisms tend to function properly only within source a limited temperature range. Arrhenius law sink k 1 P 1 = = J D Z x1 dx e U (x)/D 1 Z x1 dy eU (y)/D , x Stochastic resonance and a partial integration yields the equivalent representation Z x1 Z x 1 1 U (x)/D U (y)/D k = dx e dy e . Gammaitoni et al.: Stochastic resonance D 1 1 17 of a bistable string c resonance in (1.88) 1. a nonlinear measurement device , d On nce stochastic resonance nance in the deep tially extended (1.87) 261 261 262 Assuming a sufficiently steep the integrals in Eq. (1.88) 2. a periodic signal weaker thanbarrier, the threshold of measurement device,may be evaluated by adopting steepest descent approximations near the potential minimum at x and near the 263 3. additional input noise,position uncorrelated with the signal oftaking interest. maximum at the barrier xb . More precisely, into account that U 0 (x ) = Gammaitoni et al.: Stochastic resonance U 0 (x267 b ) = 0, one can replace the potentials in the exponents by the harmonic approximations 267 To provide some intuition, assume that a weak periodic signal (frequency ⌦) is detected escape rate r K . H 268 by a particle that can move move in the bistable double well-potential (1.75). For weak tried to reproduce , and crisis 270 (including here th noise,272the particle will remain trapped in one of the we will be unable toa synchroni 1 minima and 2 that 274 U (x) motion. ' U (xSimilarly, ) (xnot xmuch ) , information abouttime (1.89a) the conditio infer 274 the signal from the particle’s the 2⌧ b ther D or V. In F d the dithering effect 274 underlying signal can be gained if the noise is too strong, for in this case the particle will input-output sync 1 upled systems 274 2 tem (1.89b) Eqs. (2.1)–(2 stems 274 U (y) ' U (xminima. )+ (y x ) , the noise strength jump randomly back and forth between the If, however, is increased from low obally coupled 2⌧ very large values, tuned275such that the Kramers escape rate (1.91) is of the order of the driving frequency, n models chastic resonance resonance onance ed topics es ecular motors ally driven systems y 275 275 275 276 277 277 277 278 279 279 281 281 283 where ⌧ = kK ⇠ ⌦, U 00 (x0 ) > 0 , ⌧b = U 00 (xb ) > 0 Eqs. (2.8). In the comes tightly lock (1.92) the noise intensit quency V is incre alternate asymme correlated positive or negativ input signal. How rections within an of V, the effect o and the symmetry restored. Finally, nism is establishe In the following resonance as a enon, resulting fr periodic forcing in (1.93a) to this purpose is (1.90) then it is plausible to expect that the particle’s escape dynamics will be closely with the driving frequency, thus(1.89) exhibiting SR. and replacing the upper integral boundaries carry units of time. Inserting into (1.88) FIG. 1. Stochastic resonance in a symmetric double well. (a) Sketch of the double-well potential V(x)5(1/4)bx 4 2(1/2)ax 2 . The minima are located at 6x m , where x m 5(a/b) 1/2. These are separated by a potential barrier with the height given by DV5a 2 /(4b). The barrier top is located at U/D x b 50. In the presence of periodic driving, the double-well potential V(x,t)5V(x)2A 0 x cos(Vt) is tilted back K and forth, b thereby raising and lowering successively the potential barriers of the right and the left well, respectively, in an antisymmetric by +1, one thus obtains the so-called Kramers rate [HTB90, GHJM98] 1.5.1 Generic model e To illustrate SR morek quantitatively, periodically ' p =:consider k , the U = U (xb ) driven U (x SDE ). (1.91) 2⇡ ⌧ ⌧ p dX(t) = @x U dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), kK ⇠ ⌦, (1.92) then it is plausible to expect that the particle’s escape dynamics will be closely correlated with the driving frequency, thus exhibiting SR. 1.5 Stochastic resonance 1.5.1 typically Generic impairs model signal transduction, but under certain conditions an Noise of randomness actuallyconsider help the to periodically enhance driven weak SDE signals [GHJM98]. Th To illustrate SR moremay quantitatively, p phenomenon isdX(t) known as stochastic resonance (SR). Whilst SR was originall = @x U dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), (1.93a) a possible explanation for periodically recurring climate cycles [NN81, BPS where A is the signal amplitude and ments suggest [FSGB+ 02] that some organisms like juvenile paddle-fish mig a 2foraging b 4 to enhance signal detection while for food. U (x) = x + x (1.93b) 2 4 The occurrence of SR requires three main ‘ingredients’ p a symmetric double-well potential with minima at ±x⇤ = ± U = a2 /(4b). Introducing rescaled variables a/b and barrier height 20 x0 = x/x⇤ , t0 = at , A0 = A/(ax⇤ ) , D0 = D/(ax2⇤ ) , ⌦0 = ⌦/a. and dropping primes. we can rewrite (1.93a) in the dimensionless form p 3 dX(t) = (x x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), with a rescaled barrier height @t p = (1.93c) U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads @x {[ (@x U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@x p}. (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear kK ⇠ ⌦, (1.92) then it is plausible to expect that the particle’s escape dynamics will be closely correlated with the driving frequency, thus exhibiting SR. 1.5 Stochastic resonance 1.5.1 typically Generic impairs model signal transduction, but under certain conditions an Noise of randomness actuallyconsider help the to periodically enhance driven weak SDE signals [GHJM98]. Th To illustrate SR moremay quantitatively, p phenomenon isdX(t) known as stochastic resonance (SR). Whilst SR was originall = @x U dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), (1.93a) a possible explanation for periodically recurring climate cycles [NN81, BPS where A is the signal amplitude and ments suggest [FSGB+ 02] that some organisms like juvenile paddle-fish mig a 2foraging b 4 to enhance signal detection while for food. U (x) = x + x (1.93b) 2 4 The occurrence of SR requires three main ‘ingredients’ p a symmetric double-well potential with minima at ±x⇤ = ± U = a2 /(4b). Introducing rescaled variables a/b and barrier height 20 x0 = x/x⇤ , t0 = at , A0 = A/(ax⇤ ) , D0 = D/(ax2⇤ ) , ⌦0 = ⌦/a. and dropping primes. we can rewrite (1.93a) in the dimensionless form p 3 dX(t) = (x x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), with a rescaled barrier height @t p = (1.93c) U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads @x {[ (@x U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@x p}. (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear kK ⇠ ⌦, (1.92) then it is plausible to expect that the particle’s escape dynamics will be closely correlated with the driving frequency, thus exhibiting SR. 1.5 Stochastic resonance 1.5.1 typically Generic impairs model signal transduction, but under certain conditions an Noise of randomness actuallyconsider help the to periodically enhance driven weak SDE signals [GHJM98]. Th To illustrate SR moremay quantitatively, p phenomenon isdX(t) known as stochastic resonance (SR). Whilst SR was originall = @x U dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), (1.93a) a possible explanation for periodically recurring climate cycles [NN81, BPS where A is the signal amplitude and ments suggest [FSGB+ 02] that some organisms like juvenile paddle-fish mig a 2foraging b 4 to enhance signal detection while for food. U (x) = x + x (1.93b) 2 4 The occurrence of SR requires three main ‘ingredients’ p a symmetric double-well potential with minima at ±x⇤ = ± U = a2 /(4b). Introducing rescaled variables a/b and barrier height 20 x0 = x/x⇤ , t0 = at , A0 = A/(ax⇤ ) , D0 = D/(ax2⇤ ) , ⌦0 = ⌦/a. and dropping primes. we can rewrite (1.93a) in the dimensionless form p 3 dX(t) = (x x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), with a rescaled barrier height @t p = (1.93c) U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads @x {[ (@x U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@x p}. (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear kK ⇠ ⌦, (1.92) then it is plausible to expect that the particle’s escape dynamics will be closely correlated with the driving frequency, thus exhibiting SR. 1.5 Stochastic resonance 1.5.1 typically Generic impairs model signal transduction, but under certain conditions an Noise of randomness actuallyconsider help the to periodically enhance driven weak SDE signals [GHJM98]. Th To illustrate SR moremay quantitatively, p phenomenon isdX(t) known as stochastic resonance (SR). Whilst SR was originall = @x U dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), (1.93a) a possible explanation for periodically recurring climate cycles [NN81, BPS where A is the signal amplitude and ments suggest [FSGB+ 02] that some organisms like juvenile paddle-fish mig a 2foraging b 4 to enhance signal detection while for food. U (x) = x + x (1.93b) 2 4 The occurrence of SR requires three main ‘ingredients’ p a symmetric double-well potential with minima at ±x⇤ = ± U = a2 /(4b). Introducing rescaled variables a/b and barrier height 20 x0 = x/x⇤ , t0 = at , A0 = A/(ax⇤ ) , D0 = D/(ax2⇤ ) , ⌦0 = ⌦/a. and dropping primes. we can rewrite (1.93a) in the dimensionless form p 3 dX(t) = (x x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + 2D ⇤ dB(t), with a rescaled barrier height @t p = (1.93c) U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads @x {[ (@x U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@x p}. (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear dX(t) = (x with a rescaled barrier height 3 x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + p 2D ⇤ dB(t), U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads Perturbation theory @ {[ (@ U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@ p}. @t p = (1.93c) x x x (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear To solve Eq. (1.95) perturbatively, we insert the series ansatz p(t, x) = 21 1 X An pn (t, x), (1.96) n=0 which gives 1 X n=0 An @t pn = 1 X An @x [(@x U )pn + D@x pn ] An+1 cos(⌦t)@x pn (1.97) n=0 Focussing on the liner response regime, corresponding to powers A0 and A1 , we find @t p0 = @x [(@x U )p0 + D@x p0 ] @t p1 = @x [(@x U )p1 + D@x p1 ] cos(⌦t)@x p0 (1.98a) (1.98b) Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary solution is just the Boltzmann distribution Z e U (x)/D p0 (x) = , Z0 = dx e U (x)/D (1.99) Z0 To obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz dX(t) = (x with a rescaled barrier height 3 x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + p 2D ⇤ dB(t), U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads Perturbation theory @ {[ (@ U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@ p}. @t p = (1.93c) x x x (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear To solve Eq. (1.95) perturbatively, we insert the series ansatz p(t, x) = 21 1 X An pn (t, x), (1.96) n=0 which gives 1 X n=0 An @t pn = 1 X An @x [(@x U )pn + D@x pn ] An+1 cos(⌦t)@x pn (1.97) n=0 Focussing on the liner response regime, corresponding to powers A0 and A1 , we find @t p0 = @x [(@x U )p0 + D@x p0 ] @t p1 = @x [(@x U )p1 + D@x p1 ] cos(⌦t)@x p0 (1.98a) (1.98b) Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary solution is just the Boltzmann distribution Z e U (x)/D p0 (x) = , Z0 = dx e U (x)/D (1.99) Z0 To obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz dX(t) = (x with a rescaled barrier height 3 x ) dt + A cos(⌦t) dt + p 2D ⇤ dB(t), U = 1/4. The associated FPE reads Perturbation theory @ {[ (@ U ) + A cos(⌦t)]p D@ p}. @t p = (1.93c) x x x (1.94) For our subsequent discussion, it is useful to rearrange terms on the rhs. as @t p = @x [(@x U )p + D@x p] 17 A cos(⌦t)@x p. (1.95) That is, the input-output relationship between the input signal and the observable must be nonlinear To solve Eq. (1.95) perturbatively, we insert the series ansatz p(t, x) = 21 1 X An pn (t, x), (1.96) n=0 which gives 1 X n=0 An @t pn = 1 X An @x [(@x U )pn + D@x pn ] An+1 cos(⌦t)@x pn (1.97) n=0 Focussing on the liner response regime, corresponding to powers A0 and A1 , we find @t p0 = @x [(@x U )p0 + D@x p0 ] @t p1 = @x [(@x U )p1 + D@x p1 ] cos(⌦t)@x p0 (1.98a) (1.98b) Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary solution is just the Boltzmann distribution Z e U (x)/D p0 (x) = , Z0 = dx e U (x)/D (1.99) Z0 To obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz n=0 n=0 @t p0 = @x [(@x U )p0 + D@x p0 ] @t p1 = @x [(@x U )p1 + D@x p1 ] (1.98a) (1.98b) First-order correction Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary cos(⌦t)@x0p0 Focussing on the liner response regime, corresponding to powers A and A1 , we find @t p0the=Boltzmann @x [(@x Udistribution )p0 + D@x p0 ] solution is just Zcos(⌦t)@x p0 @t p1 = @x [(@xeU )p U (x)/D 1 + D@x p1 ] p0 (x) = , Z0 Z0 = dx e U (x)/D (1.98a) (1.98b) (1.99) Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary To the obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz solution is just Boltzmann distribution 1 Z X U (x)/D e p1 (t, x) = e U (x)/(2D) a (t) m (x), (1.100) p0 (x) = , Z0 = m=1dx1me U (x)/D (1.99) Z0 where m (x) are the eigenfunctions of the unperturbed e↵ective Hamiltonian, cf. Eq. (1.71), To obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz H0 = p1 (t, x) = e 1 (@x U )2 X4D D@x2 +1 U (x)/(2D) Inserting (1.100) into Eq. (1.98b) gives a1m (t) 1 2 @ U. 2 x m (x), (1.101) (1.100) m=1 where m (x) 1 X 1 X are the eigenfunctions e↵ective Hamiltonian, cf. Eq.(1.102) (1.71), ȧ1m m of = the unperturbed cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @ x p0 . m a1m m m=1 m=1 1 1 2 Multiplying thisHequation by x2 + 1 to +1 while exploiting the D@ (@xintegrating U )2 @from (1.101) n (x), and 0 = x U. orthonormality of the system { m4D }, we obtain the2 coupled ODEs Inserting (1.100) into Eq. (1.98b) gives ȧ1m = 1 1 X X with ‘transition matrix’ elements m=1 ȧ1m m = m=1 Mm0 cos(⌦t), cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . Zm = dx m eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . m a1m Mm0 m a1m (1.103) (1.102) (1.104) Multiplying this equation by n (x), and integrating from 1 to +1 while exploiting the orthonormality of the system { }, we obtain the22coupled ODEs n=0 n=0 @t p0 = @x [(@x U )p0 + D@x p0 ] @t p1 = @x [(@x U )p1 + D@x p1 ] (1.98a) (1.98b) First-order correction Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary cos(⌦t)@x0p0 Focussing on the liner response regime, corresponding to powers A and A1 , we find @t p0the=Boltzmann @x [(@x Udistribution )p0 + D@x p0 ] solution is just Zcos(⌦t)@x p0 @t p1 = @x [(@xeU )p U (x)/D 1 + D@x p1 ] p0 (x) = , Z0 Z0 = dx e U (x)/D (1.98a) (1.98b) (1.99) Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary To the obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz solution is just Boltzmann distribution 1 Z X U (x)/D e p1 (t, x) = e U (x)/(2D) a (t) m (x), (1.100) p0 (x) = , Z0 = m=1dx1me U (x)/D (1.99) Z0 where m (x) are the eigenfunctions of the unperturbed e↵ective Hamiltonian, cf. Eq. (1.71), To obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz H0 = p1 (t, x) = e 1 (@x U )2 X4D D@x2 +1 U (x)/(2D) Inserting (1.100) into Eq. (1.98b) gives a1m (t) 1 2 @ U. 2 x m (x), (1.101) (1.100) m=1 where m (x) 1 X 1 X are the eigenfunctions e↵ective Hamiltonian, cf. Eq.(1.102) (1.71), ȧ1m m of = the unperturbed cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @ x p0 . m a1m m m=1 m=1 1 1 2 Multiplying thisHequation by x2 + 1 to +1 while exploiting the D@ (@xintegrating U )2 @from (1.101) n (x), and 0 = x U. orthonormality of the system { m4D }, we obtain the2 coupled ODEs Inserting (1.100) into Eq. (1.98b) gives ȧ1m = 1 1 X X with ‘transition matrix’ elements m=1 ȧ1m m = m=1 Mm0 cos(⌦t), cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . Zm = dx m eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . m a1m Mm0 m a1m (1.103) (1.102) (1.104) Multiplying this equation by n (x), and integrating from 1 to +1 while exploiting the orthonormality of the system { }, we obtain the22coupled ODEs n=0 n=0 @t p0 = @x [(@x U )p0 + D@x p0 ] @t p1 = @x [(@x U )p1 + D@x p1 ] (1.98a) (1.98b) First-order correction Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary cos(⌦t)@x0p0 Focussing on the liner response regime, corresponding to powers A and A1 , we find @t p0the=Boltzmann @x [(@x Udistribution )p0 + D@x p0 ] solution is just Zcos(⌦t)@x p0 @t p1 = @x [(@xeU )p U (x)/D 1 + D@x p1 ] p0 (x) = , Z0 Z0 = dx e U (x)/D (1.98a) (1.98b) (1.99) Equation (1.98a) is just an ordinary time-independent FPE, and we know its stationary To the obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz solution is just Boltzmann distribution 1 Z X U (x)/D e p1 (t, x) = e U (x)/(2D) a (t) m (x), (1.100) p0 (x) = , Z0 = m=1dx1me U (x)/D (1.99) Z0 where m (x) are the eigenfunctions of the unperturbed e↵ective Hamiltonian, cf. Eq. (1.71), To obtain a formal solution to Eq. (1.98b), we make use of the following ansatz H0 = p1 (t, x) = e 1 (@x U )2 X4D D@x2 +1 U (x)/(2D) Inserting (1.100) into Eq. (1.98b) gives a1m (t) 1 2 @ U. 2 x m (x), (1.101) (1.100) m=1 where m (x) 1 X 1 X are the eigenfunctions e↵ective Hamiltonian, cf. Eq.(1.102) (1.71), ȧ1m m of = the unperturbed cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @ x p0 . m a1m m m=1 m=1 1 1 2 Multiplying thisHequation by x2 + 1 to +1 while exploiting the D@ (@xintegrating U )2 @from (1.101) n (x), and 0 = x U. orthonormality of the system { m4D }, we obtain the2 coupled ODEs Inserting (1.100) into Eq. (1.98b) gives ȧ1m = 1 1 X X with ‘transition matrix’ elements m=1 ȧ1m m = m=1 Mm0 cos(⌦t), cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . Zm = dx m eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . m a1m Mm0 m a1m (1.103) (1.102) (1.104) Multiplying this equation by n (x), and integrating from 1 to +1 while exploiting the orthonormality of the system { }, we obtain the22coupled ODEs 1 X ȧ1m m 1 X = m a1m cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . m (1.102) First-order correction Multiplying this equation by (x), and integrating from 1 to +1 while exploiting the m=1 m=1 n orthonormality of the system { m }, ȧ1m = we obtain the coupled ODEs m a1m Mm0 cos(⌦t), (1.103) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . (1.104) with ‘transition matrix’ elements Mm0 = Z dx m 22 1 X ȧ1m m 1 X = m a1m cos(⌦t) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . m (1.102) First-order correction Multiplying this equation by (x), and integrating from 1 to +1 while exploiting the m=1 m=1 n orthonormality of the system { m }, ȧ1m = we obtain the coupled ODEs m a1m Mm0 cos(⌦t), (1.103) eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . (1.104) with ‘transition matrix’ elements Z Mm0 = dx m 22 The asymptotic solution of Eq. (1.103) reads ⌦ a1m (t) = Mm0 2 sin(⌦t) + 2 + ⌦ m m 2 m + ⌦2 cos(⌦t) . (1.105) Note that, because @x p0 is an antisymmetric function, the matrix elements Mm0 vanish18 for even values m = 0, 2, 4, . . ., so that only the contributions from odd values m = 1, 3, 5 . . . are asymptotically relevant. Focussing on the leading order contribution, m = 1, and noting that p0 (x) = p0 ( x), we can estimate the position mean value Z E[X(t)] = dx p(t, x) x (1.106) from E[X(t)] ' A ' A = Z Z dx p1 (t, x) x dx e AM10 U (x)/(2D) ⌦ a11 (t) 1 (x) x sin(⌦t) + 1 cos(⌦t) Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x a1m (t) = Mm0 ⌦ sin(⌦t) + 2 + ⌦2 m m cos(⌦t) . Linear response 2 m + ⌦2 (1.105) Note that, because @x p0 is an antisymmetric function, the matrix elements Mm0 vanish18 for even values m = 0, 2, 4, . . ., so that only the contributions from odd values m = 1, 3, 5 . . . are asymptotically relevant. Focussing on the leading order contribution, m = 1, and noting that p0 (x) = p0 ( x), we can estimate the position mean value Z E[X(t)] = dx p(t, x) x (1.106) from E[X(t)] ' A ' A = Z dx p1 (t, x) x Z dx e AM10 U (x)/(2D) a11 (t) 1 (x) x ⌦ sin(⌦t) + 2 2 + ⌦ 1 1 2 1 + ⌦2 cos(⌦t) Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x Using 1 = 2kK , where kK is the Kramers rate from Eq. (1.91), we can rewrite this more compactly as E[X(t)] = X cos(⌦t ') (1.107a) with phase shift ✓ ⌦ ' = arctan 2kK ◆ (1.107b) and amplitude X= M10 A 2 (4kK + ⌦2 )1/2 Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x. (1.107c) The amplitude X depends on the noise strength D through kK , through the integral factor and also through the matrix element Z M10 = dx 1 eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . (1.108) a1m (t) = Mm0 ⌦ sin(⌦t) + 2 + ⌦2 m m cos(⌦t) . Linear response 2 m + ⌦2 (1.105) Note that, because @x p0 is an antisymmetric function, the matrix elements Mm0 vanish18 for even values m = 0, 2, 4, . . ., so that only the contributions from odd values m = 1, 3, 5 . . . are asymptotically relevant. Focussing on the leading order contribution, m = 1, and noting that p0 (x) = p0 ( x), we can estimate the position mean value Z E[X(t)] = dx p(t, x) x (1.106) from E[X(t)] ' A ' A = Z dx p1 (t, x) x Z dx e AM10 U (x)/(2D) a11 (t) 1 (x) x ⌦ sin(⌦t) + 2 2 + ⌦ 1 1 2 1 + ⌦2 cos(⌦t) Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x Using 1 = 2kK , where kK is the Kramers rate from Eq. (1.91), we can rewrite this more compactly as E[X(t)] = X cos(⌦t ') (1.107a) with phase shift ✓ ⌦ ' = arctan 2kK ◆ (1.107b) and amplitude X= M10 A 2 (4kK + ⌦2 )1/2 Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x. (1.107c) The amplitude X depends on the noise strength D through kK , through the integral factor and also through the matrix element Z M10 = dx 1 eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . (1.108) with phase shift ✓ ◆ Linear response ⌦ ' = arctan 2kK (1.107b) and amplitude X= M10 A 2 (4kK + ⌦2 )1/2 Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x. (1.107c) The amplitude X depends on the noise strength D through kK , through the integral factor and also through the matrix element Z M10 = dx 1 eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . (1.108) 18 potential (x) is symmetric and,determine therefore, the Hamiltonian of commutes parity To The compute X, Uone first needs to the e↵ective eigenfunction H0 as with defined in 1 operator, implying that the eigenfunctions 2k are symmetric under x 7! x, whereas eigenfunctions Eq. (1.101). For the quartic double-well potential (1.93b), this cannot be done analytically 2k+1 are antisymmetric under this map. but there exist standard techniques p (e.g., Ritz method) for approximating 1 by functions that are orthogonal to 0 = p0 /Z0 . Depending on the method employed, analytical 23 estimates for X may vary quantitatively but always show a non-monotonic dependence on the noise strength D for fixed potential-parameters (a, b). As discussed in [GHJM98], a reasonably accurate estimate for X is given by ✓ ◆1/2 2 Aa 4kK X' , (1.109) 2 Db 4kK + ⌦2 which exhibits a maximum for a critical value D⇤ determined by ✓ ◆ U 2 4kK = ⌦2 1 . D⇤ (1.110) That is, the value D⇤ corresponds to the optimal noise strength, for which the mean value E[X(t)] shows maximal response to the underlying periodic signal – hence the name ‘stochastic resonance’ (SR). 1.5.2 Master equation approach with phase shift ✓ ◆ Linear response ⌦ ' = arctan 2kK (1.107b) and amplitude X= M10 A 2 (4kK + ⌦2 )1/2 Z dx e U (x)/(2D) 1 (x) x. (1.107c) The amplitude X depends on the noise strength D through kK , through the integral factor and also through the matrix element Z M10 = dx 1 eU (x)/(2D) @x p0 . (1.108) 18 potential (x) is symmetric and,determine therefore, the Hamiltonian of commutes parity To The compute X, Uone first needs to the e↵ective eigenfunction H0 as with defined in 1 operator, implying that the eigenfunctions 2k are symmetric under x 7! x, whereas eigenfunctions Eq. (1.101). For the quartic double-well potential (1.93b), this cannot be done analytically 2k+1 are antisymmetric under this map. but there exist standard techniques p (e.g., Ritz method) for approximating 1 by functions that are orthogonal to 0 = p0 /Z0 . Depending on the method employed, analytical 23 estimates for X may vary quantitatively but always show a non-monotonic dependence on the noise strength D for fixed potential-parameters (a, b). As discussed in [GHJM98], a reasonably accurate estimate for X is given by ✓ ◆1/2 2 Aa 4kK X' , (1.109) 2 Db 4kK + ⌦2 which exhibits a maximum for a critical value D⇤ determined by ✓ ◆ U 2 4kK = ⌦2 1 . D⇤ (1.110) That is, the value D⇤ corresponds to the optimal noise strength, for which the mean value E[X(t)] shows maximal response to the underlying periodic signal – hence the name ‘stochastic resonance’ (SR). 1.5.2 Master equation approach That is, the value D⇤ corresponds to the optimal noise strength, for which the mean value E[X(t)] shows maximal response to the underlying periodic signal – hence the name ‘stochastic resonance’ (SR). 1.5.2 Master equation approach Similar to the case of the escape problem, one can obtain an alternative description of SR by projecting the full FPE dynamics onto a simpler set of master equations for the probabilities P± (t) of the coarse-grained particle-states ‘left well’ ( ) and ‘right well’ (+), as defined by Eq. (1.76). This approach leads to the following two-state master equations with time-dependent rates Ṗ (t) = Ṗ+ (t) = k+ (t) P + k (t) P+ , k+ (t) P k (t) P+ . The general solution of this pair of ODEs is given by [GHJM98] Z t k± (s) P± (t) = g(t) P± (t0 ) + ds g(s) t0 (1.111a) (1.111b) (1.112a) where g(t) = exp ⇢ Z t ds [k+ (s) + k (s)] . (1.112b) t0 To discuss SR within this framework, it is plausible to postulate time-dependent Arrheniustype rates, Ax⇤ k± (t) = kK exp ± cos(⌦t) . (1.113) D 24 That is, the value D⇤ corresponds to the optimal noise strength, for which the mean value E[X(t)] shows maximal response to the underlying periodic signal – hence the name ‘stochastic resonance’ (SR). 1.5.2 Master equation approach Similar to the case of the escape problem, one can obtain an alternative description of SR by projecting the full FPE dynamics onto a simpler set of master equations for the probabilities P± (t) of the coarse-grained particle-states ‘left well’ ( ) and ‘right well’ (+), as defined by Eq. (1.76). This approach leads to the following two-state master equations with time-dependent rates Ṗ (t) = Ṗ+ (t) = k+ (t) P + k (t) P+ , k+ (t) P k (t) P+ . The general solution of this pair of ODEs is given by [GHJM98] Z t k± (s) P± (t) = g(t) P± (t0 ) + ds g(s) t0 (1.111a) (1.111b) (1.112a) where g(t) = exp ⇢ Z t ds [k+ (s) + k (s)] . (1.112b) t0 To discuss SR within this framework, it is plausible to postulate time-dependent Arrheniustype rates, Ax⇤ k± (t) = kK exp ± cos(⌦t) . (1.113) D 24 That is, the value D⇤ corresponds to the optimal noise strength, for which the mean value E[X(t)] shows maximal response to the underlying periodic signal – hence the name ‘stochastic resonance’ (SR). 1.5.2 Master equation approach Similar to the case of the escape problem, one can obtain an alternative description of SR by projecting the full FPE dynamics onto a simpler set of master equations for the probabilities P± (t) of the coarse-grained particle-states ‘left well’ ( ) and ‘right well’ (+), as defined by Eq. (1.76). This approach leads to the following two-state master equations with time-dependent rates Ṗ (t) = Ṗ+ (t) = k+ (t) P + k (t) P+ , k+ (t) P k (t) P+ . The general solution of this pair of ODEs is given by [GHJM98] Z t k± (s) P± (t) = g(t) P± (t0 ) + ds g(s) t0 (1.111a) (1.111b) (1.112a) where g(t) = exp ⇢ Z t ds [k+ (s) + k (s)] . (1.112b) t0 To discuss SR within this framework, it is plausible to postulate time-dependent Arrheniustype rates, Ax⇤ k± (t) = kK exp ± cos(⌦t) . (1.113) D 24 Adopting these rates and considering the asymptotic limit t0 ! 1, one can Taylorexpand the exact solution (1.112) for Ax⇤ ⌧ D to obtain " # ✓ ◆2 Ax⇤ Ax⇤ P± (t) = kK 1 ± cos(⌦t) + cos2 (⌦t) ± . . . . (1.114) D D These approximations are valid for slow driving (adiabatic regime), and they allow us to compute expectation values to leading order in Ax⇤ /D. In particular, one then finds for the mean position the asymptotic linear response result [GHJM98] E[X(t)] = X cos(⌦t ') (1.115a) where X= Ax2⇤ D ✓ 2 4kK 2 4kK + ⌦2 ◆1/2 , ' = arctan ✓ ⌦ 2kK ◆ (1.115b) with kK denoting Kramers rate as defined in Eq. (1.91). Note that Eqs. (1.115) are consistent with our earlier result (1.107). 1.6 Brownian motors Many biophysical processes, from muscular contractions to self-propulsion of microorganisms or intracellular transport, rely on biological motors. These are, roughly speaking, Adopting these rates and considering the asymptotic limit t0 ! 1, one can Taylorexpand the exact solution (1.112) for Ax⇤ ⌧ D to obtain " # ✓ ◆2 Ax⇤ Ax⇤ P± (t) = kK 1 ± cos(⌦t) + cos2 (⌦t) ± . . . . (1.114) D D These approximations are valid for slow driving (adiabatic regime), and they allow us to compute expectation values to leading order in Ax⇤ /D. In particular, one then finds for the mean position the asymptotic linear response result [GHJM98] E[X(t)] = X cos(⌦t ') (1.115a) where X= Ax2⇤ D ✓ 2 4kK 2 4kK + ⌦2 ◆1/2 , ' = arctan ✓ ⌦ 2kK ◆ (1.115b) with kK denoting Kramers rate as defined in Eq. (1.91). Note that Eqs. (1.115) are consistent with our earlier result (1.107). 1.6 Brownian motors Many biophysical processes, from muscular contractions to self-propulsion of microorganisms or intracellular transport, rely on biological motors. These are, roughly speaking,