Development Accomplishments and Productivity FY’ 16 Key Findings Stats, facts and trends in higher education fundraising: • Of the $2.1 billion donated to education, $1.6 billion went to higher education • Donors to education increasingly support capital purposes over current operations at higher education institutions in 2014 • 10,000 Americans turn 65 everyday, by 2030 one in five Americans will be 65 or older • Corporate Philanthropy has grown for 56% percent of companies between 2012 and 2014 • Corporate giving increased by more than 10% for 42% of companies Stats, facts and trends in higher education fundraising: Understanding and Connecting to the Boomers • Most financially stable retired generation in U.S. history • Most educated retired generation • Seek experiences and connections • Ready to tell their story – leave a legacy • Brand loyal – with high expectations Stats, facts and trends in higher education fundraising: Understanding and Connecting to companies: • For the second straight year, Education (K-12 and Higher Education) was the most popular funding area for the average company (29%), slightly ahead of Health and Social Services (25%). • 85% of companies are measuring and tracking the societal outcomes and/or impacts of their investments and starting to use to the data to inform their core programs. • The business case for giving is aligned with research on purpose-driven, long-term performance • The volunteer program company-wide day of service is voted the most successful volunteer program • Among companies making international contributions in 2013, the average company gave 21% of its total giving budget to recipients outside its headquarters country. Stats, facts and trends in higher education fundraising: Future Success for WIU requires: * Active cultivation and specific stewardship plans * Strong relationships with local community of Businesses and Alumni * Access to basic information (emails, address, cell phones) Ten Commandments of Town and Gown Relationships Stephen M. Gavazzi Dean and director of The Ohio State University at Mansfield Creating an engaging relationship with its surrounding community can and should be a part of a public university's mission. Ten Commandments of Town and Gown Relationships •Town-Gown Commandment #1: Thou shall give high-priority to efforts that build more harmonious relationships between campus and community members. •Town-Gown Commandment #2: Thou shall not miscalculate the time involved in developing and maintaining harmonious campus-community relationships. •Town-Gown Commandment #3: Thou shall honor your campus and community partners. •Town-Gown Commandment #4: Thou shall seek win-win outcomes wherever and whenever possible in campus-community interactions. •Town-Gown Commandment #5: Thou shall remember that students are the most important point of connection between campus and community. •Town-Gown Commandment #6: Thou shall know the power of your alumni, especially those living in communities immediately surrounding the campus. •Town-Gown Commandment #7: Thou shall respect the notion that faculty members represent the face of both campus and community. •Town-Gown Commandment #8: Thou shall appreciate the history of the campus-community relationship you inherited. •Town-Gown Commandment #9: Thou shall continuously assess the present state of the relationship between campus and community representatives. •Town-Gown Commandment #10: Thou shall leave the campus-community relationship in better shape than you found it. FY’ 16 WIU-QC Development Results Donor name Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust AmeriCorps 2015-16 Hunt and Diane Harris Foundation Brissman Family Foundation Doris and Victor Day Foundation Lowell N. Johnson Charitable Trust RIA Federal Credit Union 3M Foundation Goldstein Family Foundation Annual Fund Campaign staff and Faculty at WIU-QC Museum Studies Alumni Annual Fund Total Amount $161,000 $ 99,700 $ 25,000 Supports Engineering Lab Enhancements at WIU-QC WIU-QC students Early Childhood Literacy Artwork Enhancements at WIU-QC $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 21,000 Endowed Scholarships for Milan, IL residents Need based scholarships at WIU-QC incl. AmeriCorps Endowed Scholarships – need based $ 8,500 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $18,250 COBT Scholarships and Student Guidebooks Engineering scholarships at WIU-QC Internships for WIU-QC Students Scholarships, program and operating funds at WIU-QC $ 740 For student internships $394,190 FY 2015-16 Pending Major Gifts AT&T PACERS Grant - $250,000 AmeriCorps 2016-17 - $207,000 AT&T Accelerator - $100,000 SCRA Foundation - $15,000 The Moline Foundation - $10,000 • Total Pending $582,000 Other Essential 2015-16 Funding: * $82,500 awarded in student scholarships * $16,400 WIU-QC Faculty, Staff and Administrators * $3,900 Minority Scholarship * $740 from Museum Studies Alumni targeted request Donor Stewardship: Upcoming Donor Stewardship Upcoming Donor Stewardship Upcoming Donor Stewardship Event Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust - $161,000 Lab Enhancements Upcoming Donor Stewardship Rocky’s Outdoor Arrival Tuesday, May 3 Additional Fundraising Initiatives and Activities Annual Fund donor acquisition mailings to more than 4,500 WIU-QC Alumni Includes specific requests from alumni and students associated with the College of Education, LEJA, COBT and Class of 2015 graduates Additional Fundraising Initiatives and Activities “Western Challenge” April 28th Entirely electronic campaign with matching fund opportunities throughout the day, along with donor stories and smaller matching challenges. Corporate Partnership Initiative What we are learning… Opportunities for student internships Employee Tuition programs underutilized Most want hybrid learning models Cohort education opportunities Proud of WIU-QC campus, want to be involved Our Future is Bright! Thank YOU!