MATH 151 Engineering Mathematics II Fall 2009 Sections 525, 526, 527, MWF 1:50-2:40, CHEM 255 About your instructor Name: Oksana Shatalov Office: Blocker 629F Phone: (979) 862-4479 E-mail: shatalov AT (please include Math151 in title) Web page:˜shatalov/ Office Hours MWF 12:30-1:30 or by appointment (in Blocker 629F ) Teaching Assistant: Jason Pfister (Milner 201A, 845-7590) Math 151 Course Home Page URL address: TEXTBOOK: Calculus: Early Vectors, preliminary edition (hard back), by Stewart et al, published by Brooks/Cole. The computer laboratory will use Matlab: An Introduction with Applications by Gilat Amos. Content: This course will cover vectors in two dimensions, differentiation and integration of functions of one variable, and applications. The course meets three times per week in lecture (MWF) and twice per week in recitation (TR). The Tuesday recitation meets in the computer laboratory where the computer package Matlab will be introduced. The Thursday recitation meets in a different room and is designed to discuss questions over homework and weekly quizzes will be administered here. ONLINE HOMEWORK: Online homework is required in all math 151 classes. These online homework assignments can be accessed anytime of day or night, from any computer with a connection to the internet and a Web browser. All information regarding online homework can be found at http://www.math.tamu/ehmwk. Weekly Quizzes: During the Thursday recitation meetings, weekly quizzes will be administered which covers the previous weeks material. It is imperative that you stay caught up with the suggested homework: Common Exams: Engineering Calculus I and II here at A&M use Common Exams in order to establish consistency among sections. These common exams are administered in the evening (see the schedule below). If you have a class conflict with these exams, you must provide documentation and arrangements will be made for you. Grade ingredients: Your grade will be determined by 3 exams, a comprehensive final, and the Lab/Online Homework grade as follows: Exam I : Exam II : Exam III : FinalExam : Matlab : Quizzes : WebAssign : 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 4 1 10 1 10 1 20 of course grade of course grade of course grade of course grade of course grade of course grade of course grade R R T T Oct 1, Oct 29, Dec 1, Dec 15, 7 : 30 − 9 : 30pm 7 : 30 − 9 : 30pm 7 : 30 − 9 : 30pm 3 : 30 − 5 : 30pm Rooms for common exams will be announced later on the web page for Math 151. The final examination (not a common exam) will be given in the class room. Sample Exams: Common exams given in earlier semesters are available on the web page for Math 151. These may give you a hint as to the level of difficulty you can expect of the common exams this semester. Calculators: Calculators will not be allowed on tests. 1 Bring your ID for the exams! Turn off electronic devices (cell phones, beepers, radios, laptops, etc.) during lectures. This request will turn into a rule during test time. GRADING: Percentage of points 90% and higher 80% and higher 70% and higher 60% and higher Less than 60% Grade A B C D F MAKE-UP POLICY: Make-ups for missed exams will only be allowed for a university approved excuse in writing. Wherever possible, students should inform the instructor before an exam is missed. Consistent with University Student Rules , students are required to notify an instructor by the end of the next working day after missing an exam. If there are confirmed circumstances that do not allow this (a written confirmation is required), the student has two working days to notify the instructor. Otherwise, they forfeit their rights to a make-up. SOURCES OF HELP: Instructor: First, if you have a question, do not hesitate to ask before, after, or during a class. Second, I encourage you to attend my office hours to get individual help. You do not need an appointment to come to regular office hours. If your schedule does not permit you to come to the announced office hours, send me an e-mail with your schedule and we will make an appointment to meet at some other time. Week in Review: Each week, a faculty member will conduct a Week in Review, time and place TBA. Students are highly encouraged to take full advantage of this extra help. Note that success on common exams requires LOTS of practice. This is one resource for you to obtain extra practice in order to master the material. Streaming Video: For streaming video of math 151 problems, see Help Sessions: The Math department offers help sessions for math 151. For more information see Private tutor: For a list of tutors go to BLOC 602. GRADE COMPLAINTS: Sometimes the instructor might make a mistake grading your work. If you feel that this has happened, you have one week since the graded work was handed back to you to talk to the instructor. If a mistake is confirmed, the grade will be changed. No complaints after that deadline will be considered. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Services for Students with Disabilities (Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637). COPYRIGHT POLICY: All printed materials disseminated in class or on the web are protected by Copyright laws. One xerox copy (or download from the web) is allowed for personal use. Multiple copies or sale of any of these materials is strictly prohibited. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY: For information see University Student Rules at ”An Aggie does not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” Visit and follow the rules of the Aggie Honor Code. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR STUDIES! This syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion 2