C I O N M P U T E R S T E A C H I N G Computing 1979Stateof the Art Reportof Instructional Mathematics and Statistics HerbertL. Dershem,HopeCollege CONDUITSeriesEditorfor Statistics DavidA. Smith,DukeUniversity CONDUITSeriesEditorfor Mathematics l}coNDUrT Contents l . Introduction Backgroundand Cunent Pattems 3. Exarnplesof the Use of Computing in Mathematics 4. Summaryof Survey Results c. Prospectsfor the Future 6. Infonnation Sources Materials of lnterest I I 3 6 l1 22 25 29 l. Introduction This report is prinarily concerned rvith the nontraditional use of computers in undergraduate courses in mathematics anal statlstics. For reasons explaineil befo$r, vre make only passing mention of Lraditional compuLer use in courses in numerical anafysis, computer science, progiamming, operations research, and other areas for which computing is essentially mandatory. Except for statistics courses, the alominant computer activities in the courses under consideration are probl em-so1ving, sim(A great deal of progranuning ulation, and learning to progtam. goes on in loiver-division instruction mathematics courses not explicilly labefed as programming courses.) Tn statistics courses, the dominant activities are data analysis and problem(much of the latter presumably dependent on the former). solving Most of this computing is being alone on largeto mealilrm-size machines in an interactive, time-sharing mode with programs lvritten in BASIC oT FORTRAN. In the recent past, the number of computer users among mathematics faculties has increased significantly. Receptiveness to the use of computers in traditionally computerless cou!ses has increased even more, but a number of barriers have prevented translating this heightened interest into actual use: obsolete or awkvrard hardware and softwaret a budgetary crunch tha! prevents keeping up with new developments, even when costs are declining; lack of time for developing new materials and lack of reward for those who take the limer and perceived lack of class (Subtrac!ing anytime for adding anything to existing courses. thing is seldom considered. ) Then there are barriers that are never mentioned on survey forms, such as ego damage suffered by an instructor \rho finds that his or her own training is inadequate or outmoded and fears (correctly) that stualents will pick up computing faster than he or she. In contrasl to the situation only a few years ago, there are no!r' effective, transferable m a t e r i a l s t o s u p p o r t c o m-D a nu dt e r u s e i n a wide range of mathematics anal statistics courses, the process of produclng such materials has become more ralionaf and sophisticated. Hov/ever, av/areness of these matelials on the part of the faculty using computers remains very fow, as evidenced by the fact that, most of them continue to prepare their own materials. Given t'he fact that the 1evel of use is not anvlvhere near (of potential saluration use, not of existing facit-ities), one can confialently ptedict continueal lnctease of use, subjecL to the same constraint.s that, have operated in the recent past, especially budgetary constraints. Awareness of materials wilt continue to grow, due lo moalest marketing efforts, conferences, and reporte in journals that are not specifically computer-or i enteal . Microcomputers where alepartments will have an effect, especially can find a vray to acquire t.hem as office equipment or woral processors, but relalively few mathematicians are presently aware of ttreir potentia1 The more innovative anal soptristicateal developments in technology anal courseware have had little impacl on the vasl najority of campuses, and ttrat will conlinue to be the case, especially where computing facilities are orienteal towaral aalministralive or Bu1:there are many research neeils, or worse yet, nonexistent. br.ight spots on the ?rorizon suggesting an inuninent dawning and a emergence of inexpensive, sunny tomorroiv, !r'ith the simultaneous and effective haralware and transferable sbftware, easy-to-use, and of heighteneal interest on Lhe part of the mathematics faculty. 2 ' 2. Background and Current Patterns The decade of the sixties was a time of revolution in the mathematics curriculum of primary and seconalary schooLs. Concurrent with these changes was a quieter reorganization of the cur- yi^'rl"m ir .dl ladac ah,i _'iversities. The most eftective voice for change jr the colIege mathe-atics curricu.Lur in the past 15 years l^as been the Corunittee on the Undergraduate Program in (CUPM) of the Mathematical Mathematlcs Association of America, This committee was charged with the responsibility for making recommenalat ions for the improvement of college and university mathematics curricula at all leveIs and in all educational areas. This group issued periodic reporls on various areas of concern, including a 1965 report entitled A Generaf Curriculum in Mathematics for colleges. Tnis report. whichhadwidespreadandex ;T;6-f;ElnE;aE-Gn- the mathematics programs in the u.s. colieses curriculum, and universities, undertook to identify a centlal beginning with calculus, that would serve the basic needs of those desiring an undergraduate ealucation in mathematics. Many col leges revised their course ofIerings in directions suggesLed by this report. Although the presence of computers was being EelL in Lhe curricula o.[ other disciplines, t h i s I 9 6 5 C U P Mr e p o r L did not address itself to the relationship of the computer to education in mathematics. Apparently it ldas the view of experienced teachers and researchers in 1965 that the computer. had ]itt]e to to contribute lhe classroom. Nevertheless. scores of individuals were experimenting with the conpuler to augment instruction in mathematics, prinarity During this period, the in statistics and calculus, National science Foundation, through its office of Computing played a major role in promoting the development and Activieies, use of computer-based instructional materials in mathematics by projects, funding computer-ori ented curricular summer institutes in computing and mathematics for college teachers, and a number of farge curricufum development projects of which mathematics was a part. The number of apparenLly successfuf trials of compuLer-based instructional materials is now fairly l a r g e , a n d C U P Mh a s s i n c e published and t\4to reports dealing \,tith mathematics instruction T b e f i r s t f o r computing. of these reports, Recommendations an Undergraaluate Program in Computational Mathematics (CUPM, 197f), ciences that combines courses in mathematics, computer science, and comprltational mathematics. This suggestion grew out of the committee's basic recommenalation that "mathematics alepartments should experiment \rith innovative undergraduate mathematics programs which elphasize the construcLive and algoriLhmic aspects of nathenatics, anal which acquaint studenls with computers and with the uses of mathematics in computer applications." The seconal repott, Reconnnendations on Unalergraduate Mathematics Courses Involvinq computinq (CUPM, 1972), tecognized 1:he potential influence of l.he computer on the basic undergraduate courses in mathematics, and proposed changes in certain traditional courses, as well as the introduction of some new couases alesiqned to take advantaqe of the computer, Perhaps the first subsLantial siqn of growing acceptance of these ideas was the symposium on "The Influence of Computing on jointly Mathematical Research and Ealucation,, sponsored by the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America in connection \rith theii annual summer neetings in 1976 in Missoula, Montana. Subsequent national and regional meetings of both AMS anal MAA have includeal a variety of speakers, panels, and speciaf sessions on computer-related topics, including the use of computers in unalergraduate courses. A more recent stimulus to qrowlh in this type of computer use is the report of a National Research Council conunitlee ( A M T R A C )o n t h e r o f e o f a p p l i c a t i o n s in Lhe underqraduate mathematics curricufum. This report may stimulate the CUPM-type 6fF^r+c ^f 5r+Lough it is considerablv less detailed than any of the CUPMdocuments. Among its many recommendations i c +ha f^l I ^L'i nd - [We recoinmend] "that every mathematics major acquire early in his or her colleqe career a basic competence in computer programming so that he or she can desrgn algorithms and write programs of some complexrty. This competence may often besC be garned bv requiring a course in computer sctencet \rhere Lhis option is used, Lhe requrred course should be designed so that many of the examples anal exercises relate to the material of the studentrs mathematics courses, Further, [we recommendl that, to t.he extent possible, the student's computing kno\,rledge be utilized in appropriate mathematics courses. An additional factor beating on the trenal in curriculum c h a n g e ( n o t n e g l e c t e d i n l h e A M T R A Cr e p o r t ) is rhe changing employment piclure for mathematicians. There is nov/ a cleal recognition that a mathematician ivhose training is exclusively theoretical and abstract is not as enployable as he or she was in formel years. As a consequencer college teachers are now more receptive to changes in the curriculum that \doulal provide for different avenues of ealucation within the mathematical sciences, programs that ealucate in the applications especially of mathematics to other disciplines, ot programs that offer a computer science emphasis. Thus, there is now a favorable climate for the introduction of computer-oriented instruction into t,he curriculum on a broad scale. Some of the earfy experiments with computer materials for the mathematics classroom have matured into publications \no! necessarily of lhe traditional textbook l]ype) and are listed in our bibliography below. Others have run their course and died, including some very ambitious and briefly successfuf ones, such as CRICISAM. It is sti1l l:he case that most of the supplementary materials for tradilional courses never leave the sile of origin. but it is nov/ possible t.o find good materials in some lransfer(This able form across a broaal range of the standard courses. was not the case only a few years ago,) Nevertheless, a majority of the mathematics instructors willing or eager to use computers are stil1 writing their own materials, in some cases due to their ignorance of available material s. There are several reasons for this gap of information about (1) The farge-scale, materials, grant-supported prononprofit. jects have usually not been funded for massive advertising and (2) Commercial publishers have been ambivamarketing efforts, Ient about investing in computer-related materials. On the one hand, they would ]ike to be one jump ahead of the competilion profitable \,/ith ne\rly emerging and potentially materiafs; on the practices olher hand, their conservative cause thenr not to pubIish in new areas unfess they get rave reviews and to stop adver(Rave tising anything thal doesn't show a profit very quickly. reviews and quick profits are almost incompatibte with published materiafs in newly emerging areas due to the conservative practices of educators when it comes to curricufum change.) (3) FlnalIy, the widely read journals are just no\d catching up with computer- induced changes in the curriculum, Computer-wise innovators are now developing naterials that depend on and benefit from new technologica] developments: microcomputers, graphics alevices, voice synthesizers, and so on, At the same time, large numbers of mathematics teachers are just beginning to fe.arn about their First computer, wqich is Iikely Lo be small, shared with many users, and capable of communicating on-Ly via punched cards or teletypes. As we predicted in our previous report, many schools are focked in to obsolete computing sysle-rs by a budget crunch thaL does nol even permit soending a few thousanal dollars for a modest microcomputet system (although some instructors are buying their own and sharing with their students). There are probably nany fewer campuses no\i/ \^rith no computer system at all, but the technological and development'al gap between the "haves" and lhe "have-nots" of the computer world is actuallv widenino. 3. Examples of the Use of Computer in Mathematics We 1ist. here some of the ways computing is being used in mathematics and sLatistics courses. This list is not exhaustive anal the examples are not necessarily the besi of their type, Some are represented by published materials anal/or tr.ansferable software, and others exisL only at the site of orLgLn at Lhe present time. l/here materials are available, these are listed in the bibl iooraDhv. Problem-Solving Problem-solving is the dominant mode of computing in mathemalics courses, and examples may be found throughout the materials ]isted in the bibliography. We will cite only one example of a use that \,/as rare a few years ago and is becoming standard in an otherwise conventional course. There is a growing consensus that the standard undergraduate course in orclinary differential equations should introduce the student to numerical as weff as analytic methods of solution. While most instructors do not spend a great deal oF time on rh-is (many sti]l view the whole idea with a great deal of suspicion), new differential equations texts (for example, Hagin) contain some materiaf on numerical methods that may range from a simple discussion of Euler's method up to fourth-order Runge-Kutta and predictor-corrector melhods. For those using texLs lacking chis materjaf or noc going far enough wilh il, there are now gooal supplementary materials available (for example, Van lwaaralen). Illustration of Concepts It is now routine to actually evafuate Riemann sums when the integral is first introduced in the calculus course. This is a muctr more usefuf way to i1luslrate the concept than the traditional, but clumsy, digression to cover formulas for sums of polters, \dhich leads to the worst possible integer way to find the area of a triangle. Simple Riemann sums can be evaluated using a calcufator, but more complicated ones become tedious because of the function evaluations. Thus, access to even a sma1.I computer is verv helpful -in keeDing the calcuLatioFs €rom getting in the way of unde.stardind the integral as a number, AnothFr pramnlF nF .nn.Fb- rFihTdr.a--nt in.ir.llus is the observation that the location of roots by interval -ha] v i ng is proof of the Intermediate Value fheorem (see also a constructive Statistical Packages Tkto approaches to the implementation packages of statistical are illustrated L'y the Tanis package and by Minitab. The Tanis package consisls of a set of FORTRANsubroutines and an accompanying laboratory manual containing exer.cises the stualent can carry out on the computer through the use of t.he subroutines. The exercises are intended for use in a mathematical probability . l h ^ computer and statistics course at the junior-senior levFL. is used in these exercises as a l]ool to simulate random experiments anal to produce computational graphical analyses of the results. fhe subroutines are written to be used in either a proorams batch or an interactive environment with student-lvritterr that cal l them. In contrast, the Minitatt, approach is to provide the stualent with a separate language to generate, anafyze. and display statistical data. An accompanying hanalbook is provided that introduces the features of the language and contains exercises making plots, use of simufation, and techniques to illustrate statistical concepts and data exploration methoClology. Like the Tanis package, Minitab is written in FORTRANand is available in both batch and interaclive modes. Minitab, however, requires no prior programming knowledge or computer experience on the part of the student. Data Analysis The three most conmonly used data analysis packages are SPSS, SAS, and BMDP. Each of these packages consists of a set of rouLines for daLa enLry. data manage-e1L,and statistical analysis. Each also provides its own language and a user's manual. The manuals present Lhe syntax of the Ianguages and alescriptions of the procedures that are irplemenLed. Computer-Assisted Instruction In proportion to the time and effort expended in rnirnicking techniques successful in other fields, computer-a s s i sl:eal in(CAI) in college-level struction math has not become common. one reason has been the limitations of physical facilities: teletype-Iike devices lvith low transmisii6n speeals and limited character sets are noL well suited Lo communilating nachenatics. Another reason is that the concepts encountered 1n courses beginning lvith calculus aie not easily taught or learned by rote alrill techniques, although these may be ver:y effective for acquiting necessary computational skills. A good example of useful CAI materials at. the precalculus 1evel is the package developed recently at' the University of Tennessee at f^r,lrill :h.l Chattanooga 6r^.+i-a by in Richard w^ri^rlc Detmer +^6i-c in and Clinton AldaL.' Smullen ih^lrrdind word problems, An example of materials being aleveloped at lhe calculus level is the package (not yet avai.Lable) by Frank Anger (Their proand Rita Rodriguez o' the University of Puerto Rrco. grams are in BASIC for an HP 2000/Access presystem with text p r o g r a m ' s sented to the student in Spanish. The REMark statements are in English, however. ) A number of systers have bee.1 desiqned For tl^e developnent in mathematics. of CAI materials In this appfoach, the focus is than the finished materon moving the development system rather D e s c r i p t i o n s t h e f o l l o r v i n g e x a m p l e s m a y b e f o u n d in the ials. of p r o c e e d i n g s : ( M a r k I a T H D O C c h r i s t e n s e n , c e o r g i a T e c h ) , and CCUC/9 ( D o u g A i m s , A I t o D i s t r i c t , C a l i f o r n i a ) . Palo School OuATE CAVCATC Detmer and Smullen have CMI system for their algebra -s ) ^s L e- m .. , pdue\r. afso developeal a simple but usefuf course in which students are seff- Ll n- l- - -w tha i neF n,^F^r ^r 'l:t\ --- r. n a n a g e r uses Lhe computer. I4ast-ery LesLs are generaLed by the actually SLudents requesL tesLs or re-Lests computer and kepL on fiIe. whenever they are ready, and the tests are graded inunediately by a lab assistant using a computer-prepareal answer key. Alt progress record-keeping and pacing of the students' is handted by on-Iine data files. A similar system has been described by W.J. Smolinski of the Llniversity of Nev/ Brunswick in ERM 10 (19?8, pp. 56-63), This systen was alesigned for an efectrical engineering course, but would be adapcable to any quantitative course. The pr-LncipaI package and the Detmer-Smullen difference between this system is thaL Lhe Eests are generated on-l ine when tl^e sLudent -equests parameone at the terminaf. The instructor identifies certain F-.- i- Fh- Fh^r ara aYnina.l hlr thus individualizing the test. The test is printeal for the student at a hard-copy Lerminal. Numerical anslvers are identified the student reby parameters, anal rvhen the test is finished, program the computer and enters his numerical anslvers at enlers the terminal. Grading and record-keeping are r\en done by the computer. Corrputer-assisLed LesL construcEion (CATC) can be very useful even if the course is not self-paced and not computermanageal. For example, Mark HaIe (University of Florida) has developed a problem generator for differential equations. Graphics While graphics equipment is not yei: available on most co1fege campuses, many experiments are under way lo exploit this medium for the obviously visual aspects of many mathematics courses. These projects are much too diverse and systemdepenalent 1:o categorize neatly or summarize briefly, but most involve a "super blackboaral" approach, some afso incorporaling motion. For examples. see the papers by Gerry Porter (University of Pennsylvania) and Elliot tanis (nope College) in t.he NECC/79 Proceedings, Another approach that has oeen tried is Lo Lse corrpuLer graphics (for example, to design and produce static materials customized overhead transparencies or handouts). See the paper by K. Joy, J,R. Warner, and R. Yuskaitis in the CCUC/8 Proceedings for an example, Finally, lvhile v/aiting foj: the graphics equipment Lo arrive, character graphics (fine-printer or low-speed terminal) is a feeble but useful substitute. Every computer system has programs available for character plots of simple functions, For an example of three-dimensional character graphing, see Smith's Surface package. Networking The primary net$/orking service supporting college-level education is EDUNET. A node of this network provides access by Ioca] phone call lo many large, sophisticated computer systems and a lot of packaged software. For example, Shapiro's TSCT materials are available from the Llniversity of Minnesota via packages such as SAS and SPSSare avaifable EDUNET. Statistlcs from a number of suppliers. The network also provides a way to examine materiafs, such as those from CONDUTTb , efore decidinq to purchase them. There are some risks and frustrations associated with using a remote system, although EDUNET is doing everything possible to assure that help is available. One of its early offerings was the MACSYMAsymbolic manipulation systen from MIT, a very po!,rerfuf tool fol advanced mathematics and applications. Unfortunate1y, the version MIT offered was problematic and not maintained. EDUNEThas since withahaq/n this service, br.tt there is some prospect that a supported version of I4ACSYMAv7i11 become available (A good version of MACSYMA o n E D L I N E Ti n 1 9 8 0 . is available via ARPANET for those institutions that qualify, or by long distance phone call to MIT, piohibitively expensive for mosL potential users, ) Wond Processing The plimary obstacle in mathto compuler-based text editing deematics has been the linited capability of typewriter-like formulas anil sl/mbols. vices for proalucing acceptable mathematical 'rith dot natri)a alevices anal programNow it is becoming possible, Barry MacKichan and mable keys, to overcome this difficulty. are using Pascal on a Roger Hunter (New Mexlco State University) processor that $ti1t Terak computer to develop. a nathematical telt notes, ancl so make it possible to wriLe and edit papers, leclure proper sTilh mathematical spacing anCI characters. forth, t'he lo 4. Summary of Survey Results As was the case wi1-h the 1978-79 CoNDUIT surveys in other survey was in three disciplines, the mathematics/statistics parts: The survey forms vrere department, faculty, and course. that they fifl out anal resent l:o department heads requesting forms anil pass on to appropriate faculty turn the departmental forms. The latter forms vr'ere membels lhe combined facufty/course afso sent alirectly to approximately 10O faculty members known to using computers in instruction. In all, 8O0 departbe actively mental forms and 961 faculty forms reporting on 2,050 individual courses were returned, Delmrtmental Profiles Most of our returns are from departments with Mathematics or The few from alepartments Mathematical Sciences in thei! titles. and/or computer science are all from large schools. of statistics of these departments are shown some demographic characteristics in table 1. percent of the tlepartment heads responaling reportetl Fifty-four alepartments over the past increaseil use of lhe computer in their two years, 43 percent reported no change, and only three percenL Three out of four expect to see increased reported a decline. use over the next two years, and less than one percent foresee a decrease. lfhere there has been an increase in use, the alominant leaand changes in lhe sons have been demand by students and faculty, use (and growth of use) computer system. The factors ]imitinq These facare seen to be lack of funds and ]ack of equipment. in smaller schools anal in schoofs where tors are most important (But most of the schoofs where there is litt]e or no use now. all or nearfy a]l of the faculty use the computer are also Lack of funds is also the major reason cited by those small.) gro\,rth, lrhi1e equipment changes anal increaseal who see no future ihrFrFe, FrF Fv^a.+F,i t^ hp l-ha nrivird .ny.as hw fhose \^rho dO see gro\r"Lh. colPast increases tend to be concenlrateal in the four-year leges and universities, and stagnation is concentrateal in the Future growth schools that do not offer a bachelor's degree. appears to be most likely in depaltments that offer a bachelor's or master's as their highesl: alegree, much less 1ike1y in the departments granting Ph,D.'s anal in the junior colleges' 11 Less tl.an tlro percent of alepartment heads identifieal micros ag a source for future change, but' to a perGon these tesponalents _ expec€eil increased computer use. TABLE 1 Departmental Demographic Category Highest gchool Profile Respon se degree enrolln6nt Department enrollment Percent None Associate Bachelor's Master' s Doctorate 39 13 1t 1-1,000 I ,001-5,00q 5,001-15,000 > r5,000 4L 20 L3 1 1 - 1 00 1 0 1 -5 0 0 50 1 - 90 0 > 900 9 18 > 2 0 27 20 16 FfE faculty Number of faculty usrng comPuters Extent of use o I 2 3 4 or rnofe None Infrequent Moilerate Exlensive 25 L9 18 25 23 39 7 Faculty Profiles of our 961 facull:y responalents are shown in Characteristics about members ans\^/ering questions Of those faculty table 2. yeafs, pasl trvo in the increaseal use change, 66 percent reported p e r c e n t r e D o r ted f o u r lO percenl reported no change, and only p e r c e n t r e s p o n d e n t s see o f l h e s e Seventy-three decreased use. years, percent see no l:wo 26 increased use in the next further t h e r e has w h e r e p r e d i c t d e c r e a s e . p e r c e n t a change, and only one o f l v e r e l a c k f a c t o r s t h e l i m i t i n g been a decrease ol no change, change no a decrease or lfhere money and lack of support staff. the reasons most often cited were satis expected in the future, The primary reasons for and/or interest. uration of facilities past course changes, hard\,/are, v/ere: increaseal use in the recent gro!r'th field, in that or.der. in the student demand. and software, !o be hardware, forces appear the driving increases, Fo]. future number of anal the growth t]he field, in student demand, software, order different (These in a somev/hal are rated factors stualents. i s s een w h e r e h a r d l t a r e s t a t i s t i c s , in alepartments of by faculty important' as more and soft$rare ) matter ai a much less important are gro\,rth use in compuler factors timiting The most important TABLE Faculty of Schoof Demographic Profile Response CaLegory fype 2 school enrol lment Acaalemic rank University I9 4T 4A r-1,000 1 ,001-5, 000 5, 00I-15 , 000 > 15,000 No response 16 39 30 13 3 Instructor Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 12 27 32 D-^+-.-^-//.r""i- )L Two-year other Numbet of courses with computing P e r cen t 0 I 2 3 4 or more 5 '1 29 25 2A 18 seen to be: lack of time, equipment (not so important to statisticians), funds, software, support, training of students (more important to statisticians), and acaalemic rewalds, in that order, Over half the responilents mentioneal lack of time, and jusl under one-fourth mentioned lack of reward. riafs, We will see in lhe next section that use of published mateexceDl in the categories ot progrdnning, nrrerical a-laIy- cic rh,n c^iah^a i< a+i ll :r pa-rr r l^!.' l6!/el . I4rhen asked what materials needed to be developed, the order of responprogramming exercises, ses was: problem-solving, sinulation, dril1 and practice, tutorial, and data analysis, Foi those in statistics departments, the order was quite different. Over Lhree-fourths cited data analysis, while simulation anal problemsolving were a distant second and third, and none of the other categories received substantial support. It is worth noting (a fifth here Lhat only a lhird of the respondents in the case of statisticians) were aware of the existence of CONDUIT, and only six Dercent had used anv CONDUIT materials. It \,/il] be clear from the bibliography that rnany of the materials "neealeil" alreaaly (CONDUIT's and others). exist Ho\^rever, it is not clear \,vhether perceptions our respondents v/ere really expressing of need or of their own patterns iust of use. Course Profiles A breakdown of the 2.O50 individual courses reported shown in table 3, Mathemalics here means evervthinq not in the other caleqories. is included TABLE 3 course Category Number '7 20 293 Mathematics Stati stics q^i a^mn,r+ar Numerical Other Breakalov/n an-6 Analysls ( unidenti fied ) 401 151 't4 Percent 35 I4 13 t1 20 7 Publ i shed Material s 77 156 104 411 3 Several observations dvef 40 ncr^F.t n- l-\F about table .^rlrqFc 3 are in rahdrta,i ^ra order. -ha in First, afaas oT .om- puter science, computer programming, and numerical analysis. \vhere computer use is no1: only manalatory but essentially wellestablished, well-understooal, and ivell-supporleal by text materiafs. In schoofs that are large enough to have a separate computer science department, these subjects are nornalfy among its (placement of numerical analysis is subject to 1oca1 listings politics), but in most schools they are still taught in the mathematics alepartment, if al all. CONDUIThas never assumed any for distribution ln these areas, responsibility of materials because none seemed to be needeal, our emphasls has been, anal continues to be, on traditional mathematics and statistics ne\^7 courses in vrhich use of a compuler is still a refalively idea. Thus, except for a brief cofiunent about the ma]-erials in tlvo use in computer science courses, we will focus on the first in table 3. A further breakalown of the maLhematics categories courses into traditional cateqories is shown in table 4, TABLE 4 Mathematics uourse trt Courses Using Number Le CalcuIus ( singl e-vari abl e ) Linear Algebra Liberal Arts Mathematic s Precalcuf us Finite Mathematics Cafculus (mul tivariable ) nnar^+ i ^nc Mi+hamat T i ha:r Dacar i -rl '^}l M^Aal DY^dr:hmi i nd Ahc+r>-+ A I dahr: r!r Aalvanced Sl.mbol ic Totals /n^^^r 69 69 6A 46 32 30 29 h^ Teacher Education Engineering Mathematics Number Theory Business Mathematic s Probability .6^n6+ L94 '7'7 ^^r, CaI cul us Logic 20 13 11 7 6 4 3 2 12A Computer s Perc ent ll l0 10 9 6 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 Publ i shed Mater ia I s l1 9 4 4 4 r2 2 3 2 I 1 1 r00 7'7 The following patterns of computer use and materials emerged from the course survey. As noted already, for mosl courses ttte only computer-rel ated text used (if any at all) was a book on programming. About 50 percent of the respondents reporteil using prepared their olvn notes, another six percent somebody else's notes. The prevailing types of student activities were problem(these solving, then simulation anal learning to program two about even), then drill and alat.a analysis (a1so about even). The primar.y activity for instructors, if they useal the computer at all, was alemonstrations. Most computinq in Lhis field is being done on large mainframes and on minicomputers, vith the mainframes holding a stight edge (not as large an ealge as for all disciplines surveyed). Of course, the mainframes serve more users and tend to be locateal at the larger schools, so many more students are using large compulers than small ones. The use of both microcomputers and programmabfe calculators is still very sma]I in mathematics courses. The dominant mode of use for both maxis and minis is interactive, with 65 percent reporting use of hard-copy terminals and 58 perontv .q nar.Fnr rFn^r+ use of ( p u n c h e d p r o c e s s i n g batch cards and line printers) and 17 percen! report using graphics display terminals. Of course, the batch processing is being done largely on mainframes ancl with Iarger numbers of students per course. The ]anguage used most often i€ BAS]C, by almost a two to one margin over !'ORTRAN, lvith a]l other Ianguages far behinal. The most populai. of the other languages is APL, and it is used by less than l0 percent, APL and Pascal are in.use primarily at schools with less than 10,000 students, anal PL/I is found primarily at schools with more than 10,0O0. As with large computers and batch processing, the use of FORTRANis understated in terms of number of students, because it too is associated vlith Iarger numbers per course. The level of comput-inq acLiviLy by studenLs is greatest for freshmen (nearly half of the courses reported are al: the freshman Ieve1) and decfines rapidly with the upper-Ievel classes. The use of plob]em-solving also declines lvith student advancement, and simulation lakes over as the alominant mode in the junior and y e a r s . senior Tutorials, drills, and learning to program are activities that are heavily concentrated in the freshman yea!r as one \roulal expect. These patterns of student use are the same regardless of the size of the school, but class size has a alefinite bearing: simulations are somewhat more likely with smaller classes, and tutorials and drills some\dhat more likely with larger classes. DeronsLration, tl^e toprarking Lype of instructor activity, cuts across differences of school type and size, 1eve1 of course, computer type, and language used. However, alemonstralions are l a c a l i k a l l , w i + 1- i -1r cc ci zac ^!'6r -, -JVIoUS rea- (The technology exists for large-sca1e alemonstration s , but sons. it ntould be expensive to equip every classroom.) Other instruc- management, test generasuch as inslructional tor activities, are concentrateal at the freshman feve1, tion, and test scoring. and on mainframes with FORTRANas l:he with large class sizes, u|Jer d urrr9 fdrrguo\jc. courses showeal about one-fourth class sizes for the reported in each of the ranges 6-15, 16-25, and 26-50, and half the remainder with five or less, anal half over 50. Almost 70 percent and most of of these courses v/ere one semester or one quarlef, For 80 percent of the colrrses, the the resl not over one year. conputer supported noL rore than 20 percent of Lhe studenL's computer use Lo optional of required time. However, the ratio was almost two to one. Computer Use in Statistics courses is quile conunon. The Computer use in statistics predominant application is the use of the compuier as a computational. tool to allow the stualent to avoial tealious, time-consurning interesting anil to permit the analysis of lalge, calculations is indicated in the surThis widespread application data sets. coLrses usinq vey by the fact that 86 percent of the sLatistics and 74 the computer involve tlata analysis as a student activity, In fact, many courses have been percent invofve probl em-solving. Ievel lhat are devoted enat the upper untlergraduate introduced tirely lo the use of the computer as a toof in data analysis. courses tliffers The pattern of computer use in statisLics AL shaLler colleges the according to the size of the school. written software or a package protentl to use locaIly faculty univelsitles one At the larger vided by the computer vendor. packages marketeal data analysis or more of the commercially and are useal by the students. are available indicate that there is approximaCely The survey results equal usage of lhe three mosl popular packages, Minitab (40 The BMDP courses), sAs (38 courses), and sPss (36 courses). Minilab has more of package \^ras reported in use in f7 courses. and over 70 than the other three, orientation an instructional The other three percent of its use was in undergraaluate courses. and about 60 data analysis, are intenaled for res earch-oriented percent of the courses using these packages !"ere graaluate courses taught in This survey only inclualed statistics courses. many slatistics departments of mathenatics and/or statistics; and these probably make courses are taught in other departments, The only software packages. use of alata analysis even greater other software package reporteal in use by more than one responalent was the Tanis package (reporteal in four upper_1evel unalergraduate courses ) . 77 Cornputer-orienled, published materials are used most often packages. with soft\irare Specifica]Iy, of the 8l courses in \rhich published material v/as used, 75 used manuals for one of the four packages software listed above. The Minitab handbook \das used in (83 percenl] of Lhose in ivhi c. tl^e package was used), l3 courses The data analysis packages (SAS, SPSS, BMDP) all had their manuals in use in about half of the courses using the software. The only computer-oriented textbook reporteal in use was Stalistical Analysis: A Computer Orienteal Approach by Af i'-i and Azen. This book Dresents statisLics wiLh the assumppackage is available. tion that a data analysis ft was reported in use in t.wo graduate courses. B e c a L r s eo f t h e c o m p u t a t i o n a l o r i e n t a t i o n o F i h e c o n p u t e r u s e in statistics, there is sti11 a heavy use of batch mode (42 percent of respondenls) and farge mainframe computers (73 percent). The trend a\ray from batch toward time-sharing is present in statislics, but the move is slower than in many other disciplines. Computer Use in Calculus lus Of the traditionaf undergraduate lyas the first to have significant ' : . ' ' m i h : l 6 e i h mathematics courses, amounls of computing i h i c . c d a r r l calcu- ' r a h a l r r h a ^ r use here is more heavily orienLed Eoward prob.Lem-solving Lhan for all mathematics courses, less toward simulation or tutorial and driII acLivities. A qreaL deal of instrucLjon in programming Ls associated with single-variable caIculus, very littIe with multivariable calculus, The pattern of materiafs in use has shifted somenhat since our fast survey, The most popular computer-calculus text (but stilI not in widespread use) is Smith's Interface: Calculus anal t h e C o - " r p u L e r( s e e L h e b i b l i o g r a p h y ) . The onf y!-rher texts mentioned by more than one respondent were Stroyan, Orth, Lelnbach, and Dorn-Bitter-Hector , The last two were more popular in our previous survey, but Smith and Orth \rere relatively neu then, anal Stroyan was not yet in print. The leading text in the previous survey v/as Lhe CRICISAI'{ book, which has virtually disappeared, as did several of the others mentioned last time, Computer Use in Linear Algebra A s q T a st . h e c a s e w i l h c a l c u l u s , activity in linear atgebra is orienteal more tov/ard probl em-so1ving, less toward simulation, tutorial, or dril1. BUL much less programming instruction is associated with this course. The usual type of computing activily relieves the studenl of routine but tedious computations to aflow more attention t.o t.he central ialeas. The leading texts in 1a this area are Mc]-augtllinr Wi1liams, of the three are CONDUIT packages.) and Fraleigh. (Note that two Computer Use in Differential Equations equations It is novr almost standard for a differ.ential unit on numerical methods, at leasl a brief course to include on a although the computation may be done (with some difficufty) g r o w i n g recognition Lhat a At any ra!e, there is calcufator. methods of solution is a course that incluales only analytic selalom be ones needed in pracfraud, since these methods will is reflecteil in the fact that virtually tice. This conviction equations being released includes every new book on differen1:ial A few of the better ones are a chapter on numerical methods. The ones mentioneal most often by in this bibliography. listed In this course, both our respondents were Hagin and Braun' (numerical solution of differential problem-solving equations) (the same thing, anal perin an applieal context, and simulation appear appear oftenr other activities haps with graphical output) This course is a natural for graphics, and we exvery little. programs will be pect that the present crude character-graphics replaced as graphics terminafs and micros become more widesplead. Computer Use in Finite Mathematics, Liberal Arts Mathematics. and Teacher Education These courses are grouped together because the boundary Typical Lopics for inclusion in fines beti,reen them are tuzzy. f j n i t e c o m b i n a L o r i c s , such courses dre sets, symbolic logjc, probability, matrices, elementary linear progranuning, finite I f t h e course is Markov chajns, and elemenLary sLatistics. m o r e on problemFinite Mathematics,. the emphasis may be titled and solvingr if Liberal Arcs, more on conceptual relaLionships ( e l e m entary p r o s p e c t i v e patterns of thought. If there are enough junior more emptrathele may be and high) teachers to be taughl, and numeration systems, anal on statistics sis on arithmetic (rQ's, stanines, eLc.), buL otherlrise these studenLs are Iikely to satisfy a requirement by taking one of lhe other types of that is becoming stanalard In all three cases, a nevt feature in BAsIc) and elementary conis a unit on prograruning (usually Some of this may be used for problemcepts about compulers. ( b oLh more LikeIy in finite math courses), solvirg and simulation lake alrill and tutorial activities and some of the freshman-level place in these courses. books The most popular computer-related Anton-Kofman, and in l:he finite math area are Dorn-Mccracken, 19 Williams, and in the liberal arts category, mentioneal any such book in connection with aimeal at teachers. Smith. a course No responalent specifical.ly Computer Use in Precalculus Mathematics The subject maLLer for these courses is algebra, trigonometry, elementary funcLions, and/or anatyLic qeometry. They are often considereal remedial (depending on college entrance require(basic skills), ments), sometimes terminal sometimes leading tolvard a standaral calculus sequence (as the name suggests). In this area, the computer is much more ]ikety to be useal for drill, tutorial management, and test' generation and scor., instrauctional ing, anal much less for problem- solving, simulation, or programming instruction, The only text mentioned more than once was Lecuyer. But note that the primary activities here require soft\^rare support, noL a student text. Most of the software systems developed for precalculus courses are heavily site-dependent. One that is not (and that sho\rs some promise of aalding something useful to drill and practice) is the package aleveloped by Delmer and Smullen. Computer Use in Operations Research, Modeling, and Linear Progranming These are areas that resemble computer science and numericaf analysis in that conputer use is often manalatory, sophisLicated, vell-understood. anal carried provided on out by packaged routines Iarge computing systems. These are also courses that are likely to be taught in departments other than mathematics in schools Iarge enough to support, for example, a department of operations research. The only reason .for not aliscussing these courses separately, as we did with the others, is because there are so few of them. Computets are used in these courses primarity for pr:oblemsolving, sinulation, and data analysis. However, solving a problem in one of these areas is likely to mean much mole than it aloes in calculus, anal t'he simulations are likely to be much more ambitious than in a differential equations course. 20 Computer Use in Computer Science and Numerical Analysis to discuss these lvhile we have disavoweal any intention that may be areas, our survey sholved a few things about textbooks The most popular computer science book (at leasL of interest. for courses taught: in mathematics ilepartments ) is that by cear (sRA). There were many books in use for numerical analysis, but the most popular ones ivere Stark, Gerald, Conte-aleBoor, and attention A new book that is alreaaly attracting Johnson-Riess. dozens of proThere were literalIy is Burden-Faires-Reynolals. grafiuning texts too many to single identified in the survey--far out only a few. Computer Use in Other Mathernatics Courses in table 4, the responses were For the other courses listetl growing from our prebut definitefy few in number anal scatteretl, is that there is a The message for mathematicians vious survey. potentiaf every course in the use for computers in practically symfor number lheory, cooal materials already exist curriculum. Litt]e seems to have been done yet bolic logic, and probabil.ity. with organized materials for mode].n or abstract algebra courses. one woultl expect that graphics devices would be put to ltork in geometry anal lopology and they alreaaly have been for lhe coutses, for example, in advanced calculus' study of Fourier analysis, 27 5. Prospects for the Future Since the bulk of the materials development in mathematics has been for courses in the calculus/linear algebra/differential equations range, the unmet neeals are nolv largely at the lowest and highest levels of the course spectrum. On the one hand, much remains to be done in the development of cost-effective CAI, CMI, and CATC for large enroflment, remedial precalculus courses. On the other hand, there is very little available in the way of organized materials for explolation of algebraic structures in an abstract algebra course, for example. or for the use of graphics in an advanced calculus or beginning topology course. An upper-Ieve] course for lrhich a new development is under way is linear proqramminq, The existing naLeriafs range from problem solvers (a good example is the LINPROproself-contained gram in lhe HP User Contributed Library) producto sophisticated packages, such as IBM's MPS. A nev/ teaching-orienteal tion-type package v/ill utilize a program that does one simplex step at a time and aflo!9s lhe student to make decisions interactively about such things as Lhe focation of the next p-ivoL, I n t h o s e a r e a s w h e r e g o o d s u p p l e m e n t a r y m a t e r i a f s n o v r 'e x i s t , the next phase will be greaLer integration of computer materials into standatd textbooks, thus making the suppfements obsofete. (This has alreaaly begun, but the process is slow, anal supplements will be wilh us for some time vet. ) The qreatest need in sLaLisEics also is tl-e tlevelopment of Eextbooks Lhat inLegrate t\e use of Lhe computer inLo the course. Many of the survey responalents who are using the computer in their statistics courses are afso using texts that are \rritten as it compuLersdid not exist. Several Eextbooks have atLempted this integration, but none .of these has receiveal widespread acceptance. There have been many reasons for this, but one that is unique to the computer orientation of the texts is that many of the leachers of statistics were.not familiar enough with computers and did not have time to ]earn mote. Exploralory data anaLysis, -ade popular by J.Id. Tukey, is having a great impact on statistics courses orienteal toward alata analysis. Ttlere will be an increased use of the computer to implement t'he techniques, as weII as to improve stualent unalerstanding of the concepts involved. Packages have alreaaly been developed that incotporate these techniques, and an enhanceal version of Minitab will include thenr. 22 . t'li1]h computer costs decreasing rapidly, and with the coming The microof lhe microcomputer, many problems can be overcome. computer also wilL influence the availability of and practicalily of computer graphics. SomemaLeriafs are currenL.Ly under developmenl LhaL uLilize graphics, but trdnsferabil ity and t\e cost oI I4icrocomouters L h e e q u - i p m e n Lh a v e b e e n d e L e r r e n t s i n L I ^ e p a s t . vTith graphics capabilities will facilitate these applications in bol:h mathematics anal statistics. The e-Cfective use o-[ CAI beyond Lhe rouLine dri]I and praci n h i g h l y tice 1eve1, especially conceptual courses like mathemaappears to depenal better cornmunicatlons devices than tics, on teletypes with limited character sets, restricted dilow-speeal uncertain response times from a time-shared rection of motion, and microcomputers can In addition to graphics displays, computer. p r o v i d e g r a p h i c s t o u c h s e n s e , or light pen input, already tablet, controllable response time, tone generators, and voice synthefuture, they !,r'i11 have videosizers, and in the not-too-alistant there as well. while it won't happen quickly, disc capabilities will FvFnirral lv hc trrre CAI at all 1eve1s of mathematics, An system, develexample that already exists is ]-he VOCAL authoring syntheoped by patrick Suppes at Stanford, \,thich uses a voice (in addition to give auditory information 1]o visual inforsizer l:o the studenL, under program contol. mation on a cRT display) An application oE this system co a course in symbolic logic is described in a paper by Tryg Ager anal James MacDonald in the NECC Proceedings. l{e predicted reports that systems like PLATo in our previous and MACSYMA vr'ouId have little impact mathematics for on college the foreseeable future. With respect to PLATO, that is more certain no!r, since there is Iitlfe appropriate courseware on the system no\^r, and the capabilities of the system dre r.apidly at a fraction being exceedeal by micros, of the cost and under M A C S Y M Ac o u l d h a v e s o m e v a l u e , total control of the user. espe-ial1r/ in ia^ -^,trcac if Fha r++am^+ F^ ^r^- Tt is safe to say that it v i d e i t o v e r E D U N E Th a d n o t f a i l e d . won't appear on a micro any time soon (but muMATH, a much smaLfer symbolic manipulation system, is available on several micros). According to rumors, MACSYMAmay soon become a conrnercial proaluct, like SPss and SAs, and it nay then be available on a more \rialespread bassLs, including possibly on EDUNET. At the other end of the technological scafe, calcufator capabilities continue to develop, and the distinction between them has a and computers is beginning to b]ul. Ohio Slate University project under lvay to develop materials to support the lafge-scale Another of use of prografirmable calculators in calculus courses. in the previous report was that teachers of mathour predictions of finding an ematics r^toulal continue lo nove in the direction appropriate mir. of the available computational tools to support anal we continue to see lhat process their educational objectives, at work. In the three years since our previous report \ras written, developments have been as we expected, except that \ire did not rea11y appreciate how fast changes in micros $/ould come on the scene. Our summary of future prospects then is slill appropriatre now, and we inalufge in the luxury of quoting ourselves: "To summarize, the following devefopments point toward a rapid increase in the use of numerical computation in mathepressures matics courses: fraom outside the mathematics departments; availability of calculators anal minicomputers; and the availabitity of transferable, easy-to-use packages for the novice, supported by sounal text materials, and capable of running on existing equipnent, -Lr may be an overstalement to cal] t.his a revolutionary change, but it appears that mathematics courses (other than those attended by small numbers of majors headed for graCluate study in pure mathematics) ivill look very different from those of 20 or even 10 years ago. The potentially dramatic effects of computer graphics probably on the teaching of mathematics witl no1: appear on a *idespreaCl basis as fast as their alevelopers prealict, primarily for economic reasons. Developments in hardware and soft$/are wilI certainly continue. and costs vrill continue to alecrease. Ho\tever, the impact of these probabfy continue to be limited alevelopments wiIl to relatively few campuses until there is a consensus among mathematics teachers that we can no longer afford to do vrithout these tooIs. " 6. Information Sources Journals in parentheses ate Note that abbreviations next section to inalicate sources of reviews. The American Mathematical used in the (AMM) Monthly journal for college The most widely read and influential teachers of mathematics, Percentage of computer-related Telegraphjc reviews especontent is small but growing. ciaIIy helpful for keeping track of new books anal materi- American Stati6tician Computing department anal Teacher's Statistical Corner are computrnq Kevlews I cK, Reviev,/ing journal of the Association for computing MaI n c l u d e s r e v i e w s o f m a t h e m a tics and statistics chinery. textbooks thac involve comDutinq. creative computing (cc) Good reOrienteal towaral microcomputers and their uses. Educational applications vievrs of equipment and software. tentl to be more at the secondary level than al the collegiate. as wel1. Lots of games and business applications Ealucational Published articles. itournal of i.n Malhematics sludies in Hollanal. the American PLlbI ishes u6efu1 Contains A6sociation statistical book many conputer-related reviews. 25 (.lAsA) Mathematics Magazine (MM) directly, but many useful Intended to reach unilergraduates compuler-relateal content as well. articles for instructors sunmaries of culrent Helpful brief increasing gradually. books anal articles. Mathematics Teacher (MT) Many articles by college faculty members, but readers are prinarily high school and junior college teachers. Ouite plus announcemenls of a fe\d computer-related articles, producls, services, computers. anil publicaLions involving SIAM Review ( SR) applications of classroom Notes seclion for significant many of for cLassroom presentalion, mathematics suitable Helpful book reviews the use of computers. \dhich involve Two-Year College Mathematics Journal Contains a Computer Corner occasional longer articles (TYCMJ) for short notes, plus section content. lvith computer-related Other Information Sources (AMTRAC). lbg Ad Hoc Conunittee on Applied Mathematics Training in the Undergraduale Mathematics curricu_ RoIe of Applications conmittee chaired by Report of a National Research council Argues for applications in ttle mathematics Peter Hilton. curriculum, basic competence in computer progfanuning for every mathematics major, and use of stualents' computing knowledge in appropriate courses. Committee on the U n d e r g r a d u a t e dations fol an lJnderqraaluate Berkeley, CA: Mathematics. Program in M a l h e m a t i c s . P r o q r a m i n Computational Recommen- cuPM,1971, Conunittee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics. dations on Undergraduate Mathematics courses lnvolving computing. Berkeley, cA: CUPM, 1972. Reconmen_ Conmiltee diun of on the Undergtaduate CUPM Recorunendations. Program in Belkelev, A CompenMathematics. C A : C U P M ,1 9 ? 5 . items anal the Incluales the two previous T e l e g r a p h i c r e v i e w : A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) : 7 3 . c-Tota-=IEi: onference 1965 GCMCreporl. (CcUc). on CompuLers in the lJnderqraduaLe curricula 1970ma u;fversity of rowa weeg computing center, 1978. The mathematics CCUC/l l'hrough CcUc/9. Annual proceealings, 8, anal 9 ale sections in nurnbers l, 2, 3,5, and statistics particularly useful. Replaced by the National Ealucational Computing Conference in 1979 (see below). Cartand, S.J,, Mathematical r975 . Calculus and Cornputinq. Washinqton: American ed. Association of A"nerica, Society anal Mathematical Pamphlet presenting case stualies from nine different and a schoots, sample problems, help on getting started, iography. bibl The Influence of computing on Mathematicql Lasalfe, J,P., ed. Providence, RI: Arerican Mathematical Research anal Education. society, 1974. P r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e A M S S y m p o s i u ' n i n A p p l i e d Mathematics of Montana, August, 1 9 7 3 . C R 1 6 held at the University (19?5) :Revie!r' No. 28683. eds. R.C., and NeIdei, J.A., Milton, Nev/ York: Acaalemic Press, 1969. statistical computation. fncludes two papers on Proceealings of a conference. ttith computers, plus several other teaching of statistics pertinent papers. A M M7 7 ( 1 9 7 0 ) : 9 0 8 ' (Ul'lAP). lndex Project Undergraduate Mathematics Applications a n a l D e s c r i p L i o n s o f A v a i I a b I e M a t h e m a t i c s M o d u l e s . Newton, EDC/UMAP. moalules in variorls stages Lists hundreds of applications computerfew are specifically of alevelopmentr relatively stage are thoroughly class_ Units in final related. (regularly other UMAP publications tesleal anal revie\ted. u p d a t e d ) i n c l u d e : U M A Pc a t a l o 9 , U n i t s a m p l e r s , U M A P (newsletter), and various monographs. Projections 27 MA: National Etlucational T1te Universily of Computing Conference (NECC). Iowa City: lowa Weeg Conputing Center, 1979. NECC is the successor to CCUC. Merger with several otttel groups anal conferences resulteal in fewer disciplineorienteal papers, more empha6is on neu technofogy, anal quality. higher overall Only lwo papers on mathematics, both containing useful information on computer graphics. -\-'/ 7. Materials of Interest as having pomaterials have t)een identified The follo\ting Additional information instruction. use for mathematics tential to the authots or by writing about these units can be obtaineal by lhose materials distributed publishers, For information aboul refer to Journal abbreviations coNDUIT, see the CoNDUIT Catalog' Monthly previous Most reviews in the section. the list in the (AMM) are telegraphic revierds consisting of complete blbliographanal brief comments. ic information Calculus A l 1 e n , R . C . , , J r . , a n d w i n g , M.C. Probfems for a computer PrenLice-HaII, Orienteal Calculus Course, E n g l e w o o dC l i f f s : 1973 Consists of statements of problems for a calculus lab, se(with programs anal outpul), an appenalix on lected solutions A M M8 f ( 1 9 7 4 ) : F o R T R A N ,a n d a c c o m p a n y i n g s o l u t i o n s m a n u a l . 805. Barr, R.C.r Gallie, T.M., Jr.; Hodel, M'J.i Hodel, R'E.; MArHPROGRAM: Murray, F.J.r Snilh, D.A.r anal Smith, D,A., II. c i t y : C oNDUIT, 1980. f o r C a l c u l u s ' I o v r a A Computer Supplement Package consists of a single program to tabulate up to seven a and alefinetl recursively), sequences (possibly interrelated problem and an inextensive set, stualent manual with an students use the program to sofve probstructorrs manual. and multivariable calculus by inlems in single-variable i n i t b e fore running the d e f i n i t i o n s o f a l g o r i t h m s serLing program. Available in BASIC from CONDUIT, and in FoRTRAN, PL/I, and APL versions from the authors at Duke Univelsity. M. The CaIculus Bogart, K,, and Vitale, I\fentworth, NH: cOMPress, 1974. Short text on calculus problems in population plicalions. of Population' motivateal by of elementary functions, growth and supported by computer ap- G.G. Computer Applications Dorn, W.S.r Hector, D.L.; and Bitter, for Calculus. Boston: Prindle, Weber, and Schnidt, 19?2. conlains many possible applications 29 of compuling in calcu- fus. M a y b e m o r e u s e f u l as a source of ialeas for instructors than as a text for s t u d e n t s , fhe programs are in FORTRANand BASIC, with appendices on each language. For a r e v j - e w , s e e A M MB 0 ( f 9 7 3 ) : 1 0 3 . Fossum, T,V,, and catteralam, R.W. An Apptoach to Pr.oblem Solvinq. and Co. , 1980. Calculus ulenvlew? a n a l the - tL : Com u t e r : Scott, Foresman Supplementary text intended to illustrate anal reinforce concepts and develop algorithmic problen-solving techniques, with emphasis on analysis anal interpretation of numerical results. Sixteen "core" sections, five ,,supplementaly" sections, and appendices on flowcharts, BASIC, and error analysls. Each section contalns at least one algorithm presented both by flowchart and by BASIC program. Hamming, R.W. lrouqnlon mlrt Calculus Lan, and the Computer Revofution. Boston: 19tt8. ShouId be required reading for instructors, but may be too terse for students, No conputer problems or programming are included. A M M7 6 ( 1 9 5 9 ) : 5 7 6 . M . r 6 3 l t 9 7 1 ) t 2 a 2 , H e n r i k s e n , M . , and Lees, M. SinqIe Variable Calculus with an I ntroduction to Numerical Methods. New York: Worth Publishers, 19?0 Integrated calculus text with propriate for honors students. Horn, R. nunerical applications, apAMM 78 ( 1 9 7 1) : 5 5 6 - s 5 ? . for a Calculus Computer Labofatorv. of M a t h e m a t i c a l Sciences, ilohns Hopkins Notes Department 1916. Packaged programs in BASIC, plus To appear as a CONDUIT package. an excellent L a x , P . D . r B u r s t e i n , S.2. i anal Lax, A. Calculus tions and Computinq. V o l s , 1 a n d 2 . New York: 1976, 1979. Baltimore: Univers ity, problem set. irith Appl icaSptinger-Verlag, Represents a restructuring of the calculus course as an introaluction to applied mathematics. The appendix contains F O R T R A Ns o l u t i o n s t o s e v e r a l p r o b t e m s . A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) : 7 5 ? . 30 Leinbach, L.C. Calculus with the computer: Prentice-Ha11, I974. EnglewoodcI iffs: Manual. A l,aboratory stualent-oriented manual intended to supplement any calculus ririth appendices on BASIC and FORTRANand a solutions course, manual . AMM 81 ( 1974 ) : 190 . L y n c h , R . V . i o s l b e r g , D . R . ; a n d K u l 1 e r , R . G . Calculus Lexington, MA: xerox, 1973' Computer Applications. vith Ambitious calculus text lrith an appenalix on computer c a t i o n s a n d n u m e r i c a l m e t h o d s . A M M8 0 ( f 9 7 3 ) : 1 0 8 2 . Calculator CaIcufus. PaIo Alto: Page-Ficklin, appli- 1975. covering An alternative to many of the books in this list, exercises but with computalional most of the same topics, Could be used to introaluce to be done with a calculator. lvith use of the computer deferred numerical methods earIy, necessary for problems beyontl the until it becomes clearly S R 2 0 ( 1 9 7 8) : A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) : 3 9 4 . reach of the calculator. 196-197. McNeary, S. S. of Calculus Inlroduction to Cornputational MeLhods for 1973. Englewood Ctiffs: Prentice-Ha1l, Students to or follo$ring second-semester Text for a course parallel p r o g r a m s u s e F o R T I I A N . A M M8 0 ( 1 9 7 3 ) : 9 6 2 . calculus. The ( 1 9 7 4 ) : R e v i e v r ' cR 15 No. 26316. Swarthmore, PA: APL Press, Calculus in a Nev/Key. Orth, D.L. t97 6. A reworking of traditional calculus topics in an algebraic anal concepts and atgorithmic framework, using APL notation ( 1 9 7 8 ) : R e v i e w c C 3,5 (7977)l c R N o . 3 2 4 8 0 . throughout. 19 LO2. shaDilo, (iscrj, L. University ui rndividualized supplementarv calculus Instruction n, of Minnesota. program for diagnosing student difficulties A computer-tutor have been attempteal off-Iine. with problems \,those 60lutions to severaf different Program has been moved successfully via EDUNET. Relateal aranal can also be accessed computers ( 1 , 9 7 7 ) t 4 7 6 4 A I . a p p e a r s i n A M M 8 4 ticle 3l Smith, D.A. Interface: Houghton Mailr-i;:--19;6- Calculus anal the Boston: Computer. stualent-oriented enrichment text and 1ab manual, with append i c e s o n F O R T R A N ,B A S I C , a n d P L / I , a n d a n i n s t r u c t o r ' s manual with complete solutions and suggestions for use. Also available with two character-graphic s programs as CONDUIT p a c k a g e + M T H l O 5 . A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) : ? 5 6 . C C 3 , 1 ( J a n . 1 9 7 7 ) . Smith, D.A. S u r f a c e : A T h r e e - D i m e n si o n a l c r a p h i c s M o d u l e f o r Multivariable Calculus. Iowa Citv: CONDUIT,1978. graphics package to support the stualy of functions character P r o g r a m a v a i f a b l e i n F O R T R A No r B A S I C , of two variables. plus stualent manual . Related article appears in MM 50 1 I 9 7 7) t 7 4 3 - 1 4 7 . Stenberg, W., and Walker, R.J. Calculus: Presentation. Tallahassee: Center for ;i;;tio;=? University, science I968. anal Mathematics A Computer Research in (cRrcrsAM), Oriented CoIlege In- Floriala state Integrated course presenting a nontraditional ordering of topics. Widely used for a number of years, but a iecent ad in AMM announced liquidation of remaining stock by CRICISAM, Relateal publications include: AMM78 (r971): 284-29I. T Y C M , I( F a l 1 1 9 7 I ) : 5 I - 5 4 . Stroyan, Algebra. K.D. Compuler Laboratory Iowa City: in Calculus and Linear CONDUIT, I9?B Package consists of a laboratory manual and 27 BASIC programs to support a four-semester calculus sequence vrith linear algebra in the.third semester. A M M8 6 ( 1 9 ? 9 ) : 3 2 O . Statistics and Probability Afifi, A . , a n a lA z e n , S . Oriented Presentation, Press, 19?9, Statistical Anal s i s : A C o muter Ne\r York: Acaalemic A textbook which integrates the use of alata analysis packages into an advanced undergraduate or gfaaluate course with emphasis on applied statistical techniques. JASA 69 ( 1 , 9 7 4 ) . 2 7 9 . A M M8 6 ( 1 9 7 9 ) : 5 1 7 . Computer Exercises \ Dershem, H. wenlworth, for Elementary Statistics. A package containing 49 exercises, 2a FoRTRAN subprograms, anal 5 data sets for use in a precalculus statistics course. To appear as a CONDUIT package. DlXOn, W.J., ed. llMUP lJromedla1 of california cilbert, N. Statistics. Computer Proqrams. Berkel ey: Press, Philadelphia: Saunalers, I976 for Descriptive, inferential, anal nonparametric statistics Computational exercises using comnonmathematics majors. puter programs provialed on puncheal carals with accompanying nanual. A M MA 4 ( I 9 ' 7 ' l ) . 2 2 9 . Groeneveld, R.A g:ilc-!4919. An Introaluction New Y o r k : Marcef to Probabil it and Stati slics De Intenaleal for a course follo\ring cafculus of one variable. Forty-eight short, interactive BASIC programs are provided Brief introduction for examples and simulations. to BASIC on in an appendix. A1I programs in the text are available tape from the alrlhor at Tovra State University. AMM a6 (I979):517. K l e c k a , w . R . ; N i e , N . H . i a n d H u l 1 , C.H. Mccraw-Hil1, 1975. Cood handbook for belolr. courses using SPSS Primer, SPSS. See afso Ne\d York; Nie, et aI and Kossack, C.F., and Henschke, C.1. Introduction to Statistics Holden-Day, 1975. computer Programming. san Francisco: rhrr^^,,-r-^r\/ crAria+i-s for students text of social sciencesi includes three chapters on FoRTRAN and numerous FORcR 17 TRAN programs \rhich illuslrate statistical concepts. (1976):Review No. 29618. AMM84 (197?):670. McNeil, D. R. YOrK: Warev, rvl/. . N"t A supplement for a course in exploratory data analysis including APL and FORTRANimplemenlalions of the techniques. JASA 73 (19?8):887. cc 3,6 (Nov. I9?1)z)-24. Steinbfennel, K,; anal Bent, the Social Sciences, seconal Nie, N.H.i Hul1, C.H.i ilenkins, J.c.; D.H. SPSS: Statistical Packaqe for edition. New York: Yccra$r-Hi11, Reference manual for SPSS a s w e l l a s f o r t h e s t a t i s t i c a l techniques available wil:h t h e p a c k a g e . AMM 83 ( 1976 ) : ?7 . For those using version ? or 8 of SPSS, there is an SPSS Upalate, also published 1979. by M c c r a w - H i 1 1 , Richaralson, R.H., and Stones, D.H. Quantitative Anafysis. Io!r'a City: CONDUIT,1978. Experimental Seven moalules designed for use \4rlth an applied statistics course. Accompanying FORTRANprograms are interactive and utilize random sampling and graphical analysis, No calculus ]trrereouisite. Ryan, T.A.i ;loiner, B.L.; and Ryan, B.F. Manual. Universitv Park, PA: Statistics iiifE-state univer;ity. MINITAB 11 Re ference Pennsyl - Department, Intendeal for precalculus statistics coursesi system conplotting, tains compuCalional, and simufation routines with extensive error-checking anCldiagnostics; available in transferable form. R y a n , T . A , r J o i n e r , B . L . i a n d R y a n , D , F . MINITAB Student Handbook, North Scituate, MA: Duxburv P r e s s . Now avai Labl e from Wadsworth Publishinq Co., BeI'nont., cA. Supplemental text Minitab package. SAS Introductory for statistics course , I A S A7 2 ( 1 9 7 7 ) : 9 3 3 , Guide, Ra]eigh, NC: SAS InstituLe, Beginner's guide to the statistical see also the next lisling. SAS User ' s Guiale, 1 9 7 9 e d i t i o n . 1979. The co-nplete story Kalelqn, on SAS in vrhich uses the a very Analysi6 Nc: 5lt5 reatlable 1978. system (SAS). .tnstltuter forn- Scalzo, F., and Hugtles, R. Elementary Computer-Assisteal Statistics, reviFed edition. New York: Van Nostranal, 1978. Elementary statistics text lvith 34 accompanying BASIC programs for per.forming calculations. A M M 8 4 ( 1 9 ? 7) : 6 7 0 . ( 1 9 7 ' 7) . Revieli: 86 (19?9):607. Sne11, J.L, Introaluction to Probability Theory with EnglewoodCl ifts: Prentice-HaI1, 1975. cR l8 Computinq. probability Introductory textr makes use of BASIC programs !o -iIlusLraLe concepLs by simulation. A l a M8 2 ( I 9 7 5 ) : 1 0 3 f . Tanis, E. Labor.atory Manual for Probability Inference. I o w a C i t y : C O N D U I T ,I 9 7 8 . and Statistical Laboratory exercises for mathematical statistics coutse, lrith 58 batch or interactive F O R T R A Ns u b p r o q r a m s . Weed, H.D. Descriptive NH: coMPress, 1978. Statistics, second ediLion. Wentworth, supplement to intr:oductory statistics textsr includes four BASIC programs for elementary alescriptive statistics calcup a c k a q e *sTAll4. A l s o a s C o N D U I T lations. available Linear Algebra Agnew, J., and Knapp, R.C. Linear Afqebra with Monterey, cA: Brooks/cole, 1978. Well-written, one-semester text with compuLer programs in every chapter. Fraleigh, J .B. @. City: CONDUIT,1977. Applications. applications and A M M8 6 ( 1 9 7 9 ) : ? 0 . Iotda Package consisting of seven BASIC programs and a supplementary texl vrith computer projects lo enhance gtanalaral I iha^r Kolman, York: ^1a6hr.: B. Macmillan, ^^'rrc6q N"t 1976. lncludes a chapter on numerical Iinear algebra. Appendix contains many computer projects of vaiying levels of diffic u l t y , p l u s c o m m e n t s o n A P L a n d B A S I C . A M M8 3 ( 1 0 7 6 ) : 3 9 3 . Mclaughlin, IOWa UALy: D.E. A Computer Olienled Course in Linear ^r^6117. LUNjJU Package consisting of a textbook and FORTRANsubroutines for reduction to echelon form, Cram-Schmidt process, characterpolynornial, and simplex algorithm. istic Uses computing to illustrate theory anal t.o emphasize the algorithmic nature of linear algebra. Exercises ask stualents to write simple prodr>ms rrci.d Steinberg, D.I. Hil r , 1974. "ha elnnried subroutines. Computational Matrix Algebra, New York: Mccraw- Stanalaral sophomore-level text rvilh coverage through eigenvalues and Jordan form; emptrasis on computational methods, No programs are provideal or required. CR 16 (19?5):Revie\^, No. 27663. AMM81 (1974):926. Williams, G. Computational A1lyn and B a c o n , f 9 7 5 . Linear Algebra with Mode]s. Boston: Covers standaral topics plus numerical methods v/ilh an unusua1ly broad array of applications. About 20 BASIC programs anal accompanying computer exercises are provided in an appendix. A M Ma 2 \ 1 9 7 5 ) : 5 4 3 . Differential Equations Boyce, W.8., and DiPrina, R.C. and Boundary Value Problems, Elementalv Dif ferential Equations third edition. New York: Wilev, r977 . Stanalard text for pos.t-calculus courses up to one year in lengtht many different one-sernester courses can be extracted. Thorough chapter on numerical methods: no programs provided. Also available in shorter version without material on boundary value problems. A M M8 4 ( 1 9 7 7 ) : 6 6 4 - 6 6 5 , 7 5 2 t 8 6 ( 1 9 ? 9) : 5 9 9 - 6 o 0 . Braun, M, edition. Differential New York: Equations anal their Applications, Springer-Ver1ag, 1978. second Moalern, complete text in ODE's with many interesting appliFORTRANand APL programs illustrate numerical cations. solutions. An appenalix gives a brief introduction to APL. A M MB 2 ( 1 9 7 5 ) t t 0 2 9 i a 4 ( 1 9 7 7 ) t 6 6 4 - 6 6 5 , s R 2 r ( I 9 7 9 ) t 2 6 4 - 36 Buck, R.C., Equations. and Buck, Boston: E.F. Introtluction to Differential nougt'toffi coursei one or two-quarter Standaral text for a one-semestel No programs chaptet and an appenalix on numerical methods. providedt use of a pocket calculator is suggesteal for numerA M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) 2 1 5 3 - 7 5 4 . ical problems. Calter, P. Solution Numerical Means. Equations by Graphical of Differential N e w L o n , I 4 A : E D C / U M A P ,1 9 7 6 . anal equations ol alifferential Supplementary module for calculus and p h y s i c a l a p p l i c a t i ons p r e s e n t a n d b i o l o g i c a l t o courses a week. in about Can be covered means of solving them. A First course in Differential Hagin, F.c. P r e n t i c e - t t a 1 1, 1 9 7 5 . Cl iffs: Equations. Englewooal Standaral one-semester text in which numerical methods are two in each of the first taken up early and often (a littte c o n s i d e r a t i o ns a n d c o m p u t a t i o n a l chaplers, alI of chapter 3, f l o w c h a r t s a n d s o m e I n c l u d e s in the chapter on series). s a m p l e p r o g r a m s i n B A s I c a n d F O R T R A N . A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) r 7 5 3 - ' 1 5 4 Numerical Solution of oralinary Differential Mclauqhln, D,E. l o w a City: Regional computer cenLer, universiLY EquaLions. ot Iota;-Tq73 . Multitithed course noles, intended as a computer-ori ented equations course. t o a standaral differential supplement Elementary Numerical Techniques for Oralinary Van Iwaaralen, ,J.L. Di fferenLial EquaLions. wenLworlh, NH: CoMPress, 197?' manuaf of student manual, instructor's Package consisting and 19 BASIC programs to supplemenl standard ODE coursest units may be taken up one at a tlme \then the corresponaling material is being covereal. To appear as a CoNDUIT analylic Dackaoe. Ziebur, A.D. Dickenson. Topics in 197O. Differential Equal:ions. in ordinary covers the standard topics useal as a tool the computer is tionsr z e n t r a l batt fur 79 1I972):1148-1I49. ( 1 9 1 2 ' )t L 5 a , R e v i e w n o . 3 4 0 0 2 . 37 Belmonl, cA: alifferential equaAMM to teach theory. Mathematik 288 Finite Mathematics Anton, H., edition. and Kolman, New York: B. Applied Finite Mathematics, AcadefriE-EEEEEI-li9J3-i-- second well-written book with good p r o b l e m s , e x a m p l e s , a p p l i c a tions. Chapter on computing uses BASIC ( replacing FORTRAN in the first Also a v a i l a b l e i n e x p a n d e d e d i t i o n edition). with intuitive introduction A M M8 5 ( 1 9 7 8 ) : 5 1 1 to calcufus. 8 6 ( 1 9 ? 9) : 1 4 0 . Dorn, W.S., anal Mccracken, D.D. Introaluctory with Computing. New York: Wiley, 1976. Computer use is fully integrateal using R e v i e w N o . 2 9 9 5 9 , A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) : 3 9 4 . Scalzo, F., and Hughes, Colleqe Mathematics. Finile BASIC. R. A Cornputer Appr.oach !o New York: Petrocelli/Charl-er, Mathematics cR 17 (1976): Tntroductory 1977. Topics include algebra, matrices, elementary linear programming, symbolic logic, elementary probability and statistics, and programs provialed in the text to solve problems related L o e v e r y t o p i c . A M MA 5 ( 1 9 7 8 ) : 6 1 . wilIiams, c. Finite Bacon, 1976. Mathematics with M o d e ls . Boston: AIlyn and Contains an early chapter on computing and an appenalil on BASIC. Many BASIC programs and computer exercises appear the text, throughout ranging fron multiplying a matrix by a scafar to simple games of strategy. A M M8 3 ( 1 9 7 6 ) : 3 9 4 . Liberal Arts Mathematics Dorn, W.S., and Cleenberg, H.J, Mathemallcs and compulinq: FORTFAIJ Programming, New York: wiIey, 1967. with Intenaled for a precalculus, Iiberal artsr or teacher ealucation course. covers topics in calculus, finite mathematics, AMM75 (1968):103. linear algebra, logic and probability, Smith, K.J. Monterey, fhe Nature of Modern Mathematics, CA: Brooks/co1e, 1976. the 38 nature second edition. of mathematical thought, numeration systems, computers, elementary abstract algebra, number theory, 1ogic, geometry, combinatorics. probability, and statisLics. Early chapter on computers contains exercises using a computer. A M M8 1 ( 1 9 7 4 ) : 1 1 2 9 1 1 3 0r 8 3 ( I 9 7 6 ) : 5 7 9 . Precalculus Mathematics Burroves, T.C., and Burrovres, S.K. Algorithmic Approach. Nelv York: Elementaly Functions: Intext, 1974. An Emphasizes algorithms anal flowcharts; conputer use is optional . Appendices on BASIC and FORrRAN. Programs are provided in FORTRANfor graphing, roots by interval -halving, polynomfunction evaluation, anal rational roots of integer ials. opportunities for stualents to write prothroughout qrams for other problem solving. D e t m e r , R . C . , a n a l S m u 1 1 e n ,C . W . , I I I . Algebra Practice. Iowa City: CONDUIT, 1979. Dri11 and Wel l -alocumented CAT packagei consists of nine moalules covering various algebraic skills. fhree of the modules aleal v/ith lvord problems (rectangles, distances, and mixtures in solution) and offer the student four levels of difficulty. Hiqqins, G.A., Jr. The ElenenLary Functions: An Alqorithmic Approach. EnqIe\tood Cliffsr Prent-Lce-Hal1, I974. Computer use integlated throughout in the form of BASIC programs and computer exercises. Kno\dledge of BASIC is ass u m e d . A M M8 1 ( 1 9 7 4 ) : 1 0 4 . c c 2 , 5 ( s e p t . 7 9 7 6 1: 9 6 . Iverson, K. E. A1 ebra: Addison'wes ley, PA. An A1 orithmic Approach . Reading, MAI availabl e Press, Swarthnore, Covers elementary functions using APL notation throughout. A M M8 I ( 1 9 7 4 ) : 4 2 0 . c R 1 3 ( 1 9 7 2 ) : R e v i e w N o . 2 2 5 3 0 . C c 3 , 5 ( S e p t . 1 9 7 7 ) : 1 O 2. Iverson, 1976. K, E. Elementatv Analvsis. Covers precalculus tions, derivatives Swarthmore, PA: APL Press, algebta, elementary transcendental funcanal antialer ivatives , complex numbers, conic sections, and recursive functions, all i,rith APL notation. cR 7A lI9'17):Review No, 3L726- cc 3.5 (Sept. I 9 ' 77 ) t I O 2 . Lecuyer, E.J. Introduction to Cotlege Mathenatics with graming Language. New York: springer-Verlag. 1978. a Pro- Innovative text for a futl-year course covering sets, logic, elementary Iinear atgebra, graphing of functions, transcenalental functions, brief introaluclions to differential and probab'i1ity, integral calculus, anal statistics. Appendix on APL; conventionat and APL notation used in paraltel throughout the text. c R 1 9 ( 1 9 7 8 ) : R e v i e w N o . 3 3 6 5 0 . A M M8 5 ( 1 9 7 4) : 6 9 3. walIace, W, Terminal. Functions and Their craphs Usinq a computing Oshkosh,WI: Universiry oI Wisconsin, 1978. Multitithed notes and BASIC.prograns of functions via character-graphics in a state of development. for the study of graphs plots. Package is still Number Theory Kirch, A.M. Elementary York: Intext, 1974, Number Theory: A Conputer Approach. New ,rhich applies lrays. The solid text the computer in expected programs are in EoRTRAN. AMM 8I {1974):926i A4 (197"1).39a. A Computer Laboratory Malm, D,E. Wentworth. NH: COMPress.1978. Manual for Number Theory. Supplenent to standard texL Eo treat subjecE as an experimental science. For each topic, includes descriptions of concepts i experiments for before, aluring, anal after stualy of topic, references, Instructoirs nanual, approxinately 40 (To appear as a p r o g r a m s i n B A S I C . A M M8 6 ( 1 9 7 9 ) : 3 2 0 . CONDUITpackage. ) Symbolic Logic Moor, J., analNelson, J. BERTIE. Wentworth, NHr COMPress,l9?4. BASIC proqram and a Package consisting of ao interactive Intenaled to teach the skills student/instructor nanual. and to enhance stuneeded for natural dealuctive derivations fornulas. to write and recognize well-formed dents' ability Also systen of naturat alealuction' Uses the custason-Ulrich available as CONDUITpackage +MTEO47' 40