APPROXIMATION OF THf, BESSEL EIGENVALUf, PROBLEM BY FINITE DIFFERf,NCES* HERBERT L. DERSHEM1 Abst rci. Diferencecqudrionprobtensalesrudiedwhoscsolutionsaie estinarcsofthe sotutions of the ctenvrlue probl€n .,= , -l,*a,:,;r. ,(0) = 0, rero.r, t(11= 0, for0-, t .Rerenroperaro^.t,.arelonstrr!,eJsorhd,L-p11r.,-I@nrrl 1 . I h r e ep o r n d ..N.wfcre,d., ndgrlenserotfundion,andtr I l . 2 . J . r =| ,,\ rti An uppe' boundon th€ disrancebelweenan cis€nvalu€,i, ofL od rheser or { J}l oreisenralues an! three-pointdifle.encaoperatorar whosecoemcientssalistypre$ribed cooditiotu is obrained. The bound is a producl ola conslantand lhe nax norm oi rhe tru.calion error oI t and L. wirh r c s p c , 'r u r h e e . B e n l u n f ' u no\ l L c o r r e i p o n d r nrgo ^ 1 t r o a p p r o p n e t j ( o n n r u c r e dd , f l e r e r c c opcratorsare shown lo bave cocfiicienrswhich satislt tbe plescribedconditions,and for lhese. nlnrl,l Ar isshown ro bc o(/,,) l. Introduction.The eigenvalues of the Sturm Liouville problem (1) (p(x)y')'- slx)!' +,t/(r)jr = 0, i€(0,l), a0J,(0)ar)'(0):0, bor,(1) + rr)'(l) = 0, l d o+ l d,l *0, ar10, brf 0, l r o i+ l r l l + 0 , are&equentlyapproximatedby theeigenvalues ofa corresponding 6niaedifl€rence problem,wherethe finite difrerence problemis constructedin sucha way that the difrerentialoperators in 1l) are r€placedby suitably chosenfinite diflerence operatorsover an equallyspacedmeshof lengthl. If the coemcientsof (l) are suliciently well-behaved, that is, if p, r > 0, q > 0, and p, 4 and r are suliciently smooth on 10.ll, Rnite differenceapproximationscan be found such that the eigenvaiues of the diflerenc€problem are within O(rr) of the eigenvalues of (t). For example.Keller has shown this to be true if p',4 and r are continuouson 10,1l and all derivativesare replaced by their standard central diflerence approximations[4. pp. 135 t37]. Hubbard [3] has shown rhar a similar resDtt holds when p,4, r are piecewis€continuouslydifferentiable.the coemcienlsare replacedby averagesof the coemcientsover the mesh,and each derivativeis replacedby its forwarddiilerenceapproximation. Variationalmethodsyield higherorder approximationsto the eigenvalues of (l). See,for example,lll. The assumptionthat p and r are positiv€in the closed int€rval 10,1l is also madefor det€rminationof error boundsof aDDroximations obtainedin tht way. StDrm Liouvill€ problemswith singularitiesarisingfrom p vanishingat one ofthe endpointsof the intervalarenot includedin the error analysessuchas those mentionedabove.It might be expectedthat for sucb operatorsth€ order of the t Reccivcd by theedironr_ebruary 3, 1970. iDepartnentofMalhemalics, HopeCollege, Holland,Michigrn49423. 106 AP}ROX]MATION BY FINITE DIFFERENCIS 107 of operatorsAn example errorboundmightbelowerthanit is for nonsingular problem problem is the Bessel eigenvalue sucha (2) (rI')' - .)'+,ix}, = 0. x € (0,1), . i ( 1 :) 0 , which has a regularsingularpoiDt al i. : 0. The resultsgiven in Table I in | 4 probl€m approxjmating(2) which is definedbv show that the finite dilTerence replacingeach derivativeby the standardceniral differenceapproximatioDhas smallesteigenvaluewhich difrersfrom the smallest€igenvalueof(2) bv O(r'?")for 0 < 1,< 1 and O(h'z)for r'= 1. We seethat Keller's result doesnot extendto problem(2)ior 0 < v < L To studythe effectof sucha singularpoint, we limit our study(basedon [2]) of the tridiagonal of 12)by the eigenvalues to approximationof the eigenvalues (2) by the finite difference N x N matricesobtainedfrom the approximationsof problem j:1,..,N, L r u i= d t u i t + P l u j + t j u j * t : / \ u i , r \ ' ' ar*r :0, ,n :0, .y(0):0, with conslantmesh length h = l/(N + 1), N a positive integer,where L' is a 6nite diflerenceapproximationto the differentialoperatorI givenby (41 1 v L y = - ) i "- ? , ' + 2 1 r' r Note that (2) is the eigenvalueproblem for the operator I wilh approprrale boundaryconditions. 1,, of (2) from the set of A bound on the distanceof any given eigenvalue, ot(3) is givenby TheoremI as a constanttimesth€ max norm ofthe eigenvalues with ,l.t lruncationerror of I and L, with respeclto the eigenfunctionassociated whenthe coefrcientsofrl satisfycertainconditions. we study threeditrerenceoperatorsdenotedby Lll), Itz), Ll,t).The first of thes€is the standardcentraldifer€nceapproximationto L on the mesh We show that the max norm ollhe that the operatorsLlt)and I are inconsistentin the seDse truncationerror is Dnboundedas}i J 0 when0 < v < 1. Theselwo operatorsare consistentwith respeclto a difer€nt norm. but this facl is irrelevantto lhe present sludy. The truncationerror of rft) and I is zero ior any quadraticpolvnomial ,(x) = dx'1+ t x + .. but quadratic polynomialsyield poor approximationsto ofl. whichbehavelike x"as xJ0lor0 < r < I This is the ihe eigeniunctions we rcasonthat th€ max norm olthe truncationerlor is unbounded.Nevertheless, of the diferenceproblem conv€rgeto thoseof the obs€rvethat the eigenvalues dif€r€ntialproblem,but at a dower ratethan for the nonsingularSturm Liouville problems. The operatortl') is derivedin sucha way that accountis takenofth€ b€havior of (2) near the singularpoint. Th€ coemcientsd, p, l are of the eigenfunctions determin€dsuch that for any function u(x): axv+'] + bxl+r + cx", the valueof ltz)r(r) is the sameas the valueof lr(x) at eachmeshpoint, i e.,the truncatron HERBERTL. DERSHEM 708 of (2)ar€constant error ior Ltz)andt is zerolor suchfunctions.Theeigenfunctions rnultiplesofJ"(,11/'?jr), wher€,Lis the corespondingeigenvalue, and J"(x) is I k!I(v+l+l)2'+2k Thus,the operatorLt'z)isconstructedso that a betterapproximationto the eigenfunctions near .j( : 0 is achiev€dthan wh€n quadratic polynomialsare used. Furthermor€,awayfrom r : 0, functionsofthe form u(x): dx"+': + b-{"+I + cr' It follows,as it is also yield good local approximationsto the eigenfunctions. shown in S2, that the max norm of the truncationerror is O(r?),and sincel,t') of satisfi€sthe hypothesesof Theor€m 1, it is a corollary that the eigenvalues ll'z) difer irom lboseof I by at most o(h'?). TheoperatorxL is self-adjoint, but theoperatorirl;'1)is not.To bercrapproximate this property of l, the differenceoperator It' is constructedby finding : ar"+'? + bjl', the coemcienlsd, /J,? suchthat for any functionofthe form 1)(.,r) valu€ofrtr)u(x)is th€ sameastbevalueofLu(r)at the meshpointsand,in addition, the operatorr-Lr3)isself-adjoint. The truncationerror of L[3)and, is shownto be o(h'z),anditisacorollary ofTheoremI that theeigenvaluesof Ll,3)diflerfrom thos€ of L by at most O(r'z). ln $ 4 numericalresultsare displayedwhich illustratetheseconclusjons. 2. Truncrtion €rror analysis. The operator tt1) constructed so that f;')u(x) : Lu(r.)at all mesh points for all quadratic polyDomials, is givcn by / I r\ / . ' , i | { 5 rL 1 ' r rlr-,7a- + . n 1 , , , r l i , - , , 1 " , 1 /, ; \ ln- I \ tnf,, j = l A for any setof numbers{tl.,}.We definethe setof functions9" by t6t . q ,= ( 2 r = a I c r r x '' : r . ) , r ' (xr e C a l 0l l. l . tl)ixr we notethat all eigenfunctions of (2)belongto ,tr".Application of Taylor\ gives lheorem withremainder to anyfunction -.,4" Jr (7) t2 h2 24 h2 r-x,it ,; , lJr'rtr- J''ur]. t41n otn L;"y(.x,- lr(xi) = ---tr't() -;), j - r. . N. w h e r \er . | < , t < ( < e < ) r - r . A s r l 0 . t h e n x j - i , ? . s i l h l 6 x e d . i ' s ul hc a hl x, I 0. Hence.for frxedi, Jj (xrr= Orlr'-rr and yi'txtt = oth'r a. r, 0. Therefore,by (7), w€ havein generalthat (8) llt')y(jr) .- rJ,(xj) - = +!(! - t)'(t' 2)to.i-1h-1+ i:1,. o(h'), ,N. ))e9", where - denotesthe max norm. Since0 < r < 1, we have that Ltt) is not consistentwith I with respectto the classof functions.4" and in the max norm. = lu(.x) for r =ir, The operator l[2) is constructedso that Lj,'?)r(x) j = 2, .., N, and for all I of the form {9: r""-, + b.x"*r+ cx". Sucha rx?RoxD&d&ona&rrEriFF$rpFms\tcFs (bllttustiob is (e) lot q,81, ducesto three equdtiotrs.h t = 1, reducibg oxootlyt{ith , Tho opor&tor to foake syliom to flv6 -' *:]$"'-' =[-J;+1 +$*' -! -!)*^ .,(,-t-* Ji11.' - Fotanyyeg,, )(r) ir in c410,1l. ff ;ii{rr * J #d xl",{xi- r) arqcoaputea withlcEoitrder,,atd by T6ylor'g +rbstitute!h (10),oncobtaino (11) rffbcoJ - 1,Yra (12) Therofore,(11) ve4. 03) in g1,theditrele@l'obdid@id&0iod by 04) ,^,6=S-*',1"i!u" ' P< x < l , t-p_i+qoastruct€dso that it agreas is eeu-a4joiot. fqitc dif€sanceqnDls1oq fuwa for tunotioDs dt s*"' + bx', and lhe op€mtor thd with L o!, the fh ,IP d€6dod 0t (x43)dr=t,r1%, 'll0 mRDERTL. DERSHEM is self-adjoint. The operator rLl3r is self-adjoint if and only if its coefrcients are s u c ht l a t d . / + r : \ j / \ j + r ) ) r j , j : 1 , . . . , N 1 . T h e c o e m c i e not sf L t r ) a r e therefore defined by the recunion relations 4 P , - . ; - ( v+ l ) . rn ?,= ( 1 6 ) d r - "t - l t i , . j e,- ltt'4 l , l , , , ( y r -l J . \tl ,t' /i-l\" 41 4l!+ll \ ' l l t n f , * , ar ' i * , . 4r'I t)/ r i' l j t \ ' ( 2 -j D 0 - t ) t,-U-'/ v ' - , - r z +i t n , \ i t r f ru r:: The first order difrercnce equation for y, in (16) can be used to generate the sequence of valuesyj,j : 1, . , N, and this resultusedto obtain ._ _iri,) a,=a,j"tn"[,,_1;i,r, (t7) : -4'1,;rr[j-,"it'*,'-,, --,'']. i;] z) j fh' Ll" .?, j-r... .N. wherelq is lessthansomepositiveconstantK for all valuesofj. Wenowshowthat ) pt: n8t ;, 1 - -ott. Thequantityin braces in (17)is equalto the€stimate of theintegralof x,"+rrr" fromx = 0 to r = j by thetrapezoid ruleappliedat eachof thej + I equalsubdivisionsof 0 = jr S j. Sinc€thegraphof thispositiveintegrand is concave upward,the estimateis an upperboundon the valu€of the integral,whichh j1/(2't+ 2).The yaltteoI thesumin thebraces in (I 7)is equalto theestimate of ahe integmlofx"+rr" fromr : 'to x = j - * by themidpointruleappliedat each of thej equalsubdivisions of li,j - ;1. Sincethispositiveinregrand is concave upward,this €stimate is a lowerboundon the valueol the integral.Hence,an upperboundon thequantityin rhebraces in (1?)isjr/(2y+ 2) + c/, wherelcJ is j, lessthansomepositiveconstant c for all Therefore, thetwo boundion thevilue yield(18). in thebraces Suppose J € 4. Then,(r) = jr- "t(x)is in C'[0,1].Ifwe useTaylor'stheorem with remainder to expand,(J(,.J and u(.r,-,, abour.r - x,, andusethefacrrhar and are derermined so rhatLl3ta.x'-r- bx't : Ltax'''z+ ,x') on rhe ldrl t/,] LLf'|-Lllrrjr: 0e) t Lz\r tr -;pil 2!_t .'"-yr',r Lr,lx/ -l v ( v "''vr.,r 2) +::; I - #{l-Su'.'t:t^'lur', Y,rro -"'"t04, i: 1,'N, 2l-#o'."'t,ir lll APPROXIMATION BY FINITE DIFIERENCIS where x.r 1 < ( < t < 4 < rj+ 1- But from (18), th€ fact that 2 1 1 . . - ' ( u r' ' j - vlx,l - O{l lxi': '. rrl.{ri v t.{il ^i ^j and r''(x) : xo(l), we havefrom (19),aftersomemanipulation,that t20) llLfht - Llyl-: o(h'z), J eg,. W€definethevectornormsI ll, andll ll- in theusualway' 3. Errorhounds. that is. / ! -\,/, At, I Lzil \ r=1 l zl- - mdxrzr: and a matrix norm subordinat€to the vectornorm I ' 2, for any r€al symmetric matrix,4,is I .4l, = 1.i.,,. of ,4 with largestmagnitude where,tr.,"is An eigenvalue since the diference €igenvalueproblem (3) has homogeneousboundary dl and ?rvin (3)canbe setequalto zero.Thentheeigen_ conditjons,the coefficients value problem (2) is equivalentto the eigenvalueproblem for the N x N tridiagonalmatrix ,4 whoseelementsare givenby qt,J+t - tl, q/+r,j - qj+r, j = 1 , . . , N - 1 , j:r, ,N. of Kelleis 14,Theorem5 3 21resultwhichholds Theorem1 is an extension ,4 onlyfor symmetric. LEMr"qL Fof an! N x N real tnatrixA, { thercexistsa positiuedefnite thenthe eigenaolues matl.xD suchthatDAD-| is qtmhetric, ltr)i=1 oJ,l are -lettot N any honth)ial real number 1and real,andlor any t, (21) .*i^,-,rr sll144fi#!L _ of '4 theeigenvalues B : D.4D r is symmetric, P/oot Si ce,by hypothesis, Then areall real.For anynontrivialJ,,wesett - (,4- .tr/)),. (DAD \ - ll)Dy = lB - II)DY: Dr. a,tr. ,{,mini^r -,ll = 0,andhence(21)ho]dsforsuch lf ,[isaneigenvalueof If ,l is not an eigenvalueof .4, then (B - ,l,l) is invertible and (B - ,U)-' is symmetdc, wehav€ by hypothesis, Dy:\B1I) 1Dr.Since, | Dy, = ll(B- ).1) I )lDr l, | D r-, . s ' er -\ {^ r^- , , 1,/ l D r r-sl -m -n + l ^ x - / t, - .l arenonzeroby hypothesis, weobtain Furthemore,since Dtl , andminrl.Ak minl^k.- ,fl a lotl'll Dyllz. 712 . . rnRelatrtr!. DiEBa@M- i Bythe dofinition t, ihis istftGsEqealqFdr} llh]iG,oaqtrl€t€s theproofof Ledrma1. LEitM 2. F ary N x N reql fticlEBbtralhdtix A",for ythichtha proilucts . .. ,:Nt @eWitiaefdre$e\?,niff"s p pasitfueddnite rtatrix D suchthat DAD- | Proof.Il D eleEent denoted synmetlic. an,IV,,x .i\r.posi6h{€ltt6,trit€.di€garal,{qatrix, wirh ,(th diagonal (A i =? . . , N . y positivonumber,the4ogoputstionshowstlat E,4D-t is Dplct€$ h€.proof"of[,r44q2.' I raj'joar-|,y'a -t usedin tlE proolof Lernma 2 by Rjtr, rEicecwha$!qig .v3lwrpfoble$prc nsocialedv{ithrhose ) rcsp.ctivcly. From(5),(10),andl(I5), wehavethat with dr &r ar syEmctric.This Wo donotc nlr),R13) Jorthe oir,lttitPta"a .l- Weobtain byttc toqqwios. LEMMA. 3. F positiaelnteget s ?=f-=-)';q,**'l co,fittqtrts c, ald czsqch ry$ c,l 3d3 Sczf, , wult4, an4 whereD = di€g ' , . .... d'i i' {s 1r.,@4; sssoptoted d$,!ti ttt4Nrhj m-t+li-,@r - b , Ptool,Frcn 22),wc have t I'* k+.a. .,.--,! * {t+a^ a i - d | L --l dif'z-'-l-l,AE-t;' r- 2"' N' r-2"'N' tl JJ,F;A=qrz-'Il"qE-#' JJ,ri'= The value of dl and honc€, arhseEry,pnd wFcbooqe so th4.dZ= 2t, it to be,lqetflLt22u'1 (23) Itr telms,oftrh {urrction[6,p,O3tL,, n0+4)-,['(k+4)A@.i. An applicationof Q4) to (23)diflos Il APPRO'Ctr!@IIQ}TNSAFq$E&qqFFERENCTS 'For rj'!.,rho p!odiupqfXiid''1,r(?.r'6J,1F@ + dJis a g lEncon' $alrt ,ft rU+ a)1.flffil n1= 3-11!*5,1, to zetgesj + 6. Appltingthisto wh€re{r, is a (24),wehave andwhor6rj - ' ,i r ft/qfd + ,),' sJ + c;. qeahoDr4i -- trldf|,(r+ ,, ando' = K 3{pll + ,i), 3io.9l!tn!FtF+ aodttreproof Le4nsa = 1,. ,Nr0 < I < l, ard ar! rc41positiee ,tyr= J,(11t2xl,J . (dr real dr) suohthat thbre exl$s o norneg,atiDe ) diag ulmbet 1, Mil , , mm$erm and $lpt , awpegg's1tQlallaoh LBMMA4, cr/,,4d,tcaj^, Qs\ thereexlstsq sufrcietly Ptoof.Fot Q6)lDylz= Wenotc that irn, D.r;(ff .h,l);1 =.1 .,U,tdld'r.= r<o, "-- {-rf/2 ,t vz for sode Ko > . ,HelasqJifi,h,ir,oheano @aDcrq$b Xd-di, ll > +{<o(N+ 1). , thed'wo1h€r/o,.iioDi84v. ffi, i$,thst -"'mE >."o.9il1-|lP,[ll, f'". Iteg,RBit Sordd)).Lh ils, ,w, 2 tiiid'l ti;iia*w \Wfurt aq eigqtuBke I of (21dtd 't,!W:i@i a,s,6rld;ni;il. , "*'ran,* - b,!E01tu4n Iot h 714 IIERBERT L. DIRSHEM ,nhereC is sone positil)econstunt,{i.L\X=| are the eigenwluesof the tridiagonal matrix A oj coefrcients of Lh, andy is the uector\J J, .., J"(,lt/'?xn)). "(,t1/':x ProoJ:By Lemma2,weknow that the hypotheses ofthe theoremare sumcient for the existenceof a positive definite diagonal matrix which symmetrizes,4. Lemma 1 impliesthat (28) minl^ tl = D(A - 1I):A1,/Drl2. By L€mma3, therc existpositiveconstants.r and c, suchthat 1.,r z. Butbyhypothesis, n + 2 > 0,sothatLemma 4 impli€s ([',3dj (2e) D J i2 > K N ^ + t t ' z , )D\A j:2, ^t)yl,=c,N^+u,\@-ltD .,N. - for someconstantK independentof i and & sufficientlysmall. We combine(28)and (29)to obtain min A, - ,l < :l tA K ltty ' _ - CttA - ).r)tt-. " This compl€testhe proofofTheorem L Theorem1 can be appliedto the diflerenceoperatorslt2) and Lf)to obtain the followingcorollary. CoRoLlARyl. The eige aaluesl{k\[= | oI the tridiagonalna*ix A oJcoellidents o! Lfj (respectil)ely Lf;t) are suchthat,for ahy giueneigenralue). oI l2l and Jor h sufrcientlysnall, min,Ar-,1 = O{l':). 4. Numerical experiments.In the numerjcal experimentsconducted in relationto this study,the smallesteigenvalueAr of the threedifrerence operators Lrtt, Ll"', and Lltt werccomputedwith error no greaterthan l0-3. ln Tables I througb 3, th€ amounttheseapproximationsdifferedfrom the small€steigenvalue ,11of (l) is givenfor eachoperatorfor ! : *, j, i, and N + | = l/h = 4, 8, 16,32, 64, 128,For any two successive valuesof N + 1, a valu€ofthe experim€ntalorder (EOC) oi convergence of the error as given by log(e{N*rrr/cN+r)/log2,where : ?x* ! l,l, Arl, is also tabulated.The experimentalord€r of convergence is the power of I by which the error is decreased, computedfrom th€ valuesofthe erroral a givenvalueofl and halItharvalue. Thehypothes€sofTheorem I aresatisfiedwhenLi isanyofthethreeoperators discussedin S2. Hence,we expectan error bound for the €igenvalues ol these operatorsand any eigenvalues of(l) to be givenby TheoremL Sinceby (8),Ll!)and L arenol consistentwith resp€ctto the classoffunctions ,4, whichcontainsthe eigenfunctions of(1),Theor€m1do€snotimply convergence olthe eigenvalues ofl,t')to thoseofl. The resultsdisplayedin Table I indicatethat such convergence does occur in the caseof the smallesteigenvalueof (1), with apparentorder of convergence 2!. Suchbehaviorofthe eigenvalues ofLll)can be verifiedby a techniqueof weinberger[7]. Corollary 1 isillustratedby the valuesin Tables2 and 3. 715 APP&@xtr{![MOllrlNjIlA{EE1@lBrqENcEs IL - 3,E28E - r I -6.9SE'* 2 ] - 2 - 1,0058 l6 2.80 9!04 - 5 l. -3.12 €.096r- 4 0,?l 32 64 49468 - 4 128 Tr!I.32 otdq' d co tt'lstr,4. kr thr shl4tP't.t|.wv//,'.s d L\'t o$nL -49704 - I 193 8 l.9E l6 2.00 32 2.00 64 2.00 128 - \.262d'- 1 -3.t678 - 2 -1,925E - 3 -L,gE E - 3 -49548 - 4 -6.9154- l 1.98 1p9 2.p0 2,00 - t . 7 3 0 8- I -43318 - 2 - l.0E4r - 2 2.00 2.00 2p0 2$0 T!!LE 3 otd*r olco,ersqce lot th. wtkr', 2.00 2.00 -6.1198- 4 .h*Mtu$ o! Ll:' , -l i 1.95 E 1.97 l6 t.9E 32 1.99 1.99 ta -{ttwE - | - 7.510E - r -t25rE - L -$2aE - | -3.t678 - 2 -4833E - 2 -1.92A8- 3 - r.209d- 2 -L9E2E - 3 -3.O2ZE - 3 -4,9648 - 4 - 4 - 7.5558 1.9E 2.00 100 2.00 2.00 /. ,,j f rR*EE{n1LrEFRtm{. Rsbert E. Ll4 b for his TFF enooumgem€ot In tll G. aRr$oF!, c. [2] t{. L. Dir$h\t, b lntte4frfer*tueaeth.dt, t3l B.E.n'!'rB,rsrr, [4] IL B. rcurR, I' L. M. MII,NI. tq BiT. t?l E. F, I tl t,