Document 10514494

James McQueen School Council Minutes – March 11, 2015 Attendees: Larry Lacey, Lisa Arnott, Kim Saunders, Elizabeth Bender, Sue FitzGerald, Kim Blanchard,
Jackie Fraser, Sarah Joyes, Simone Kent
Council Minutes Approved
Principal’s Report Bunny Breakfast was perfect. What a great event!
Various upcoming events targeted at parents.
Thursday April 9 at John F Ross, expert child psychologist. All welcome.
April 30 Parent Involvement committee hosts an interactive workshop with Chris D’Souza, 4-8pm.
Council members wanting to attend must register. Larry has sign up sheet.
Working on school handbook/agenda for next year. Kim S to come next meeting with list of events and
proposed dates. Sue to ask Ryann if she could design the cover. Jackie to write school council page –
Sue to send her what we currently have.
Budget strong for end of year and beginning of next. Larry wants the new principal to have a smooth start
to the year.
Yard equipment on order.
Staffing – working on the plan for next year. As is stands currently, there will be one less FI kindergarten
class next year.
Waste Audit will take place next month during education week – May 4-8.
Creative Encounters – a program run by U of G will be coming to the school hopefully that same week or
in June. They offer a fun, bi-lingual science program for students. School will cover cost.
Business arising from minutes None
Treasurer’s Report Best Bunny Breakfast ever, raised approximately $3000 net.
Bunny Breakfast Very well attended, very successful. Many thanks to Fraberts for the pancakes.
Some changes to make for next year. Guessing tables not worth it. Penny raffle needs a better location –
maybe its own room. Kim B and Kim S working on document listing all the tasks to better help volunteers
and future organisers.
Jackie to write thank you letter to editor. Kim B to send her list of participating businesses. Jackie to send
to papers and to Larry for campaigner.
Yard Improvements Larry has ordered sports equipment – soccer nets, basketball nets etc and is working on the chalkboard.
Yard lines are in good shape. No need to repaint this year.
Keith (JMQ parent) from Trillium Yard Services now has the contract for the yard work at all CW schools.
We may be able to get a $500 credit for the work council already paid for.
Motion that we allocate $2000 to yard enhancements with priority work being xylophones and fence art.
Kim Saunders, seconded by Jackie Fraser.
Larry to call schools with wood art project to see what materials they used. Jackie to get quotes on wood
from Dixon’s.
Trillium to focus on grass amendment. Cannot action berm and tunnel project til the grass area is viable.
Meeting adjourned 8.15pm– thanks for coming everyone!