PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLN: 12-06 April 10, 2012 File Code #: R12 MEMO TO: Martha Rogers, Director of Education FROM: Planning Department RE: 2012/2013 DEVELOPMENT AREA SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS Report Classification: DECISION BACKGROUND A Development Area (DA) is a geographically distinct area designated by the Board which is not part of the school attendance area. Students from these areas are assigned temporary accommodation at holding schools that have spaces available. In some cases, students from these DAs may continue to be assigned temporary accommodation until a new school is built in the community. In other cases, all or a portion of a DA may be incorporated into an existing school’s attendance area. Individuals who move into an area designated as a DA are advised of the DA status through a clause in their Purchase and Sale agreement and by a warning statement inserted on the subdivision sign in new residential developments. Each year the Planning Department reviews the current and projected enrolments of holding schools to determine if any Development Area (DA) school assignments should be changed for the upcoming year. ISSUE Holding school assignments must be confirmed for the Development Areas for the 2012/2013 school year. RECOMMENDATION 1) THAT memo PLN: 12-06, “2012/2013 Development Area School Assignments”, dated April 10, 2012 be received. 2) THAT the changes to the Development Area School Assignments as outlined in Appendices A and B in memo PLN: 12-06 “2012-2013 Development Area School Assignments” report be approved for the 2012/2013 school year. Page 1 RATIONALE Enclosed are the following Appendices: Appendix A – Changed Development Area School Assignments 2012/2013 Appendix B – 2012/2013 Development Area School Assignments chart Appendix C – Development Area Maps Attchs Page 2 APPENDIX A Development Area Report- 2012/13 CHANGED DEVELOPMENT AREA SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS 2012/2013 The following information outlines the recommended adjustments to the Development Area School Assignments for the 2012/2013 school year. 1. DELETED DEVELOPMENT AREAS: There are no Development Areas proposed for deletion for the 2012/13 school year. 2. ALTERED DEVELOPMENT AREAS: GUELPH Starwood DA – create Starwood East DA and Starwood West DA (Maps 11&12) The Starwood DA is located at the intersection of Starwood Drive and Watson Parkway (both sides of Watson Pkwy) in East Guelph and is currently assigned to Tytler PS. Updated enrolment projections prepared for the Lee St. boundary review included enrolments for the Starwood DA. These projections were based on splitting the DA into two sections to recognize the different nature of the proposed housing forms and timing of construction. The split into Starwood West DA and Starwood East DA maintains flexibility as it relates to long term development pressure in East Guelph. Temporarily holding the Starwood West and East DA’s in East Guelph schools is not feasible based on projected enrolment pressures. Staff has considered schools in other areas of Guelph and determined that Priory Park PS is a logical option for holding students from the Starwood East and West DA’s. Priory Park PS is accessible for busing and is also currently holding DA students from South Guelph. The students currently holding from South Guelph will leave Priory Park PS, once the new Kortright East school opens (planned for 2014). The secondary school assignment for Priory Park PS is Centennial SS, whereas students from East Guelph attend John F. Ross SS. Since these holding students will be attending elementary school in a different secondary school catchment area, students will be given the choice of attending either Centennial SS or John F. Ross SS. Boundary line modifications Minor Starwood East and West boundary modifications are also necessary. The southern boundary of the Starwood East DA needs to be expanded to include an apartment development proposal at the corner of Watson Parkway North and Watson Road North. In Starwood West, there are two parcels of land extending west of Cityview Drive with residential development potential that should be included within this DA boundary. The northern boundary of the DA has also been modified slightly to more accurately reflect undeveloped residential lots dependent on the development of the abutting subdivision within the Starwood West DA. 1 2012/2013 Development Area School Assignments ORANGEVILLE North West Orangeville DA (Map 18) The North West Orangeville DA has been in place since 1998. This DA was created in response to proposed development plans in the Veterans Way area of Orangeville that could not be accommodated at the local school which is Credit Meadows ES. At that time Credit Meadows ES was experiencing enrolment pressure, which continued for several years. For several years, this DA has been assigned to Laurelwood ES. Currently, Credit Meadows has excess capacity available. Future enrolment growth at Credit Meadows ES was projected to occur based on residential development plans within the Credit Meadows ES school boundary. These subdivisions have not advanced as originally projected. It is anticipated that there will be homes under construction in subdivisions within the North West Orangeville DA this summer. Given that residential development within this DA appears to be occurring before development in the north end of the Credit Meadows ES attendance area, it would be reasonable to reassign this DA to Credit Meadows ES. At the same time, it is logical to establish the land at the north end of the Credit Meadows ES attendance area as a DA to allow for future flexibility. The establishment of this new DA (North Hansen DA) is explained in further detail under the subheading “New Development Areas”. 3. NEW DEVELOPMENT AREAS: GUELPH Guelph Innovation District DA (Map 3) The Guelph Innovation District (GID) is an area currently under study by the City of Guelph, and generally encompasses an area bounded by York Rd, Watson Road South, Stone Rd East and Victoria Rd South. The GID is being envisioned as an economic cluster focused on green-economy and innovation sector jobs. A multiple-residential component of the plan has been identified south of the Eramosa River but the size has not been specifically quantified at this time. This area was also discussed within the Lee St. boundary review process as it is located within the current attendance area for Ken Danby PS. Given that a future residential component has been identified within the GID and recognizing the long term enrolment pressures in East Guelph, it would be logical to establish the GID as a DA and assign it to Priory Park PS. For secondary purposes, this DA will be assigned to either Centennial SS. Although the GID sits within the current attendance area for Ken Danby PS, the majority of the GID is within South Guelph and abuts the Priory Park attendance area. 2 2012/2013 Development Area School Assignments Reestablishment of the Watson Road East DA (Map 14) The Watson Road East DA was originally established to handle new subdivisions east of Watson Road to the City limit, between Eastview Rd and York Rd. In March 2008, the DA was determined to not be necessary as students would attend Ken Danby PS. However, recent enrolment projections for Ken Danby PS, discussed within the Lee St. boundary review indicate that there is continued enrolment pressure at Ken Danby PS beyond 2017, despite the opening of the Lee St. school. Although the Watson Road East DA was discontinued in 2008, the standard warning clauses in the subdivision and purchase and sale agreements as well as site signage have remained in place. There is currently one remaining phase of development east of Watson Road. Staff proposes that this phase be re-established as the Watson Road East DA. Reestablishing this DA would not affect any existing homeowners/students. Similar to the Starwood East and West DA’s, it is necessary to hold the Watson Road East DA at a school outside of East Guelph. Priory Park PS is the most logical elementary school location for holding these students for the same reasons outlined for the Starwood West and East DA’s. The secondary choice to either attend Centennial SS or John F. Ross SS will also be provided. ORANGEVILLE North Hansen DA (Map 17) Residential development proposals located at the north end of the current Credit Meadows ES attendance area were circulated in the early 1990’s. Although at this time these development proposals have not progressed, the area still has potential for future residential development. Under the subheading “Altered Development Areas”, staff recommended that the area established as the North West Orangeville DA should be reassigned to Credit Meadows ES since development within this DA is anticipated to begin shortly and the school has capacity available. Since the reassignment of the North West Orangeville DA to Credit Meadows ES will increase enrolment, it is recommended that the lands in the north part of the Credit Meadows ES boundary be established as DA to provide Staff with additional flexibility. It is recommended that these lands be established as the North Hansen DA. This DA will be held at Parkinson Centennial PS since it has current and projected excess capacity available. 3 2012/2013 Development Area School Assignments SHELBURNE Establishment of the West Shelburne DA (Map 21) There are two parcels of vacant residential land located west of the former rail corridor, north of Main Street West in the Town of Shelburne that have the potential to accommodate approximately 150 residential units. Currently, there is no formal development proposal for this site; however the area is located within the Hyland Heights ES boundary. With the planned new elementary school in Shelburne the enrolment pressure at Hyland Heights ES would be relieved. However, there is a development just north of Hyland Heights ES, proposing another 300 units (approximate), which will increase the schools’ enrolment. Therefore, staff recommends that the two parcels of vacant residential land west of the former rail corridor be established as the West Shelburne DA and be assigned to Hyland Heights ES. As the development north of the school progresses, this DA status will provide Staff with the flexibility to reassign these students, should Hyland Heights ES experience enrolment pressure. 4 APPENDIX B 2012-2013 DEVELOPMENT AREA SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS April 2012 Guelph Development Area Arkell Road Map 1 Clair Road Grades Program School Assignment JK- 6 RT Priory Park NorthviewVictoria Jean Little 7-8 RT Waverley Dr Centennial CVI 9-12 RT JF Ross CVI JK-6 FI FA Hamilton JK-6 FI Edward Johnson John McCrae 7-8 FI John McCrae 7-8 FI 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK-8 RT Kortright Hills JK-8 RT Taylor Evans 9-12 RT Centennial CVI 9-12 RT GCVI JK-6 FI FA Hamilton JK-6 FI Paisley Rd PS FI John McCrae JF Ross CVI Guelph Innovation District (GID) JK-6 RT Priory Park 7-8 RT Jean Little 9-12 RT Centennial CVI Map 6 North Paisley Rd PS & Elimira Rd Map 7 Northern Heights Map 8 Map 9 South Paisley Rd PS Map 10 Starwood East JK-6 FI King George 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK-8 RT Rickson Ridge 9-12 RT Centennial CVI JK-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI Map 4 North Eastview Brant Ave RT FI Map 5 School Assignment RT RT 7-8 Morning Crest Program JK-6 7-8 9-12 Kortright East Grades 9-12 Map 2 Map 3 Development Area Map 11 Starwood West Map 12 JK-6 RT Brant Ave 7-8 RT Waverley Dr Victoria Road 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK-6 RT Priory Park 7-8 RT Jean Little 9-12 RT Centennial CVI or JF Ross CVI JK-6 FI King George 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK-6 RT Priory Park 7-8 RT Jean Little 9-12 RT Centennial CVI or JF Ross CVI JK-6 FI King George 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK- 6 RT Priory Park 7-8 RT Jean Little Centennial CVI 9-12 RT JF Ross CVI 9-12 RT JK-6 FI Edward Johnson JK- 6 FI FA Hamilton 7-8 FI John McCrae 7-8 FI John McCrae Map 13 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK-6 RT Ottawa Cres JK-6 RT Priory Park 7-8 RT Laurine Ave 7-8 RT Jean Little Watson Road East 9-12 RT JF Ross CVI 9-12 RT Centennial CVI or JF Ross CVI JK-6 FI Edward Johnson JK-6 FI King George John McCrae 7-8 FI John McCrae 7-8 FI 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK-8 RT Mitchell Woods JK- 6 RT Sir Isaac Brock 9-12 RT GCVI JK-6 FI Paisley Rd PS 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI JK- 8 RT Map 14 Westminster Woods North East Map 15 7-8 RT Rickson Ridge 9-12 RT Centennial CVI JK- 6 FI John McCrae 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI Waverley Dr 9-12 RT JF Ross CVI JK-6 FI Edward Johnson 7-8 FI John McCrae 9-12 FI JF Ross CVI 2012-13 DA Summary Chart Shading indicates changes in 2012/13 Page 1 2012-2013 DEVELOPMENT AREA SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS APPENDIX B April 2012 Orangeville Development Area Montgomery Village Map 16 North Hansen Map 17 North West Orangeville Map 18 Settlers Creek Map 19 Shelburne Grades Program School Assignment JK-8 RT Montgomery Village ES 9-12 RT Westside SS JK-3 FI Princess Elizabeth 4-8 FI Mono Amaranth 9-12 FI Erin DHS JK-8 RT Parkinson Centennial ES 9-12 RT Westside SS JK-3 FI Princess Elizabeth Development Area North East Shelburne Map 20 West Shelburne 4-8 FI Mono Amaranth 9-12 FI Erin DHS JK-8 RT Credit Meadows ES 9-12 RT Orangeville District SS JK-3 FI Princess Elizabeth Map 21 4-8 FI Mono Amaranth 9-12 FI Erin DHS JK-6 7-8 (& 9-12 JK-3 4-8 9-12 RT East Garafraxa ES RT Montgomery Village PS RT FI FI FI Westside SS Princess Elizabeth Mono Amaranth PS Erin DHS Grades Program School Assignment JK-6 RT Victoria Terrace PS 7-8 RT John Black PS 9-12 RT Centre Wellington DHS JK-4 FI James McQueen PS Grades Program School Assignment JK-8 RT Centennial Hylands ES 9-12 RT Centre Dufferin DHS JK-3 FI Princess Elizabeth 4-8 FI Mono Amaranth 9-12 FI Erin DHS JK-8 RT Hyland Heights ES 9-12 RT Centre Dufferin DHS JK-3 FI Princess Elizabeth 4-8 FI Mono Amaranth 9-12 FI Erin DHS Shading indicates changes in 2012/13 Fergus Development Area East Fergus Map 22 North Fergus Map 23 South Fergus Map 24 5-8 FI JD Hogarth PS 9-12 FI Centre Wellington DHS JK- 6 RT Salem PS 7-8 RT Elora PS 9-12 JK-4 5-8 9-12 JK-8 9-12 JK-4 5-8 9-12 RT FI FI FI RT RT FI FI FI Centre Wellington DHS James McQueen JD Hogarth PS Centre Wellington DHS JD Hogarth PS Centre Wellington DHS James McQueen PS JD Hogarth PS Centre Wellington DHS 2012-13 DA Summary Chart Page 2 Arkell Road Development Area - Map 1 N YL B RAD S LD L DA Boundary RD French Immersion JK-6 - FA Hamilton PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - JF Ross CVI FALCON HARTS LN E VICTORIA RD S CIR LANDSDOWN DR GORDON ST BIN RO RD NE TO AT E DR BATHG ND LA RS MA CT BAL FO U CT R Municipal Boundary English JK-6 - Priory Park PS 7/8 - Jean Little PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI FIE L YLE P HARTS LN W Legend SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS GUELPH PUSLINCH VALLEY RD FARNHAM RD EDINBURGH RD S CLOUGH CRES N CRE S HASLER CRES ZECCA DR COUTTS CT AMST RIDGEWAY AVE SUMMERFIELD DR E L DR ONIA COL HOW D UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 WHETSTONE BARD B LVD BROCK ST N D CRES CRES Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. A HERITA GE D R S ERDAM CRE LL HO REVELL DR VAUGH AN ST MALVERN CRES ARKELL RD 0 100 200 400 m RAY CRES D G ON DR S LN EN NY PL MEGAN PL ES TOLTON DR PEARSON ST BEAVER MEAD O W DR SINCLAIR ST LYNCH CIR DARLING CRES H A WKINS DR EUGENE DR FARLEY DR GORDON ST S GOSLING GA RD EN BORLAND DR CLAIRFIELDS D R W HO WILKIE C R BAXTER D R MUEL D R SA GOODWIN DR DU CK L N LAUGHLAN D ARTHUR DR PY PO P DR POPPY DR E A RTHUR RES CLAIR RD E C DOYLE DR MOFFATT LN CLAIR RD W GOODWIN DR MC MC BO U RD IRD LA L D ER CRES MUNROE C RES Clair Road Development Area - Map 2 HAYWARD CRES K GORDON ST CAR LAW PL K IL SERENA LN GUELPH SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 8 - Kortright Hills PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. Legend French Immersion JK - 6 - FA Hamilton PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - JF Ross CVI DA Boundary MALTBY RD W UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 BROCK RD N Municipal Boundary PUSLINCH MALTBY RD E 0 250 500 m DR N OAKES CRES CITYVIEW DR N AUDEN Y PK N WATSON RD N SLOAN AVE RVIEW ST C L EA WEL LS ST VICTORIA RD S AUDREY AVE LAWRENCE AVE BRADSON DR ERIE ST MENZIE AVE AT W N SO SUBURBAN AVE INDUSTRIAL AVE D VICTORIA RD N JOSEPH HARDY ST WILLIAM ST GARIBALDI ST KINGSMILL AVE DAVI SON DR R HAYES AVE O ED CEDARVALE AVE VA L LEYHAVEN LN ST ID EKS SS FRA R PETTITT DR D DR CR E ST OO G FLEMING RD ND ST ER SEV E LE W LA FULLER DR DR W AR ST BEVERLEY ST CRES A VE ST SIMCOE ST ER KEMP CRES French Immersion JK - 6 - King George PS EL IZ PS 7/8 - John McCrae AB ET 9-12 - JF Ross CVI H D HAGA N S CHR O English JK - 6 - Priory Park PS 7/8 - Jean Little PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI ST Note: MAC In the 2012/13 school year, GRANGE grade 6 FIRDstudents in this area will attend Ed Johnson PS. Y KA KEATI N MO DR O SCHOOLSTASSIGNMENTS Y NE AR KE GRANGE ST RD Guelph Innovation District (GID) Development Area - Map 3 GUELPH YORK RD TAGGART CT WATSON RD S AIRPARK PL SHEEHY CT COLLEGE AVE E VICTORIA RD S DUNLOP D R RE AR BO M TU RD STONE RD E WATSON PKY S STONE RD E Legend DA Boundary UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 GLENHOLM DR Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. 0 100 200 400 m PUSLINCH RING RD Kortright East Development Area - Map 4 CHERRY BLOSSOM CIR E CT OD WO W RO HONEYSUCKLE DR AR E CROSS IN G GW E LA VILLAGE CROSSING VIL BEECHLAWN BLVD LO CHERRY B CEH A WALKWAY VEN CT Y DR O M CIR IL W SS D SE O R Y OLE DO SP AR L IN G CT H NOR C T ALESMA PL D T R WH IT E KORTRIG H HUNTINGTON PL KORTRIGHT RD W D BRA ETA BASSWOOD DR AMBERWOOD DR WINTERBERRY LN PARKSIDE DR ZADUK PL COX CT DA DIMSON AVE LATEN R FORSTER D KATEL YNN DR LORNA DR HANDS DR PL T C WHITE PINE WAY OAK ST ELMRIDGE DR SWEENEY DR S PR U A Y BER R DRIFTWOOD DR MONTICELLO GA RD EN V IE WC T BA MAGNOLIA LN ES CR WALK PL AR BO R LE DA OAKD ALE DR COLBORN ST MAYFIELD AVE FT CEDARCRO OLD STONE CT STONE RD E VILLAGE GREEN DR COLLEGE CRES PADDISON CT MCCANN ST MACALISTER BLVD I L CT Y LN FI E S LD LANDSDOWN DR VALLEY RD EDINBURGH RD S UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 RD HARTS LN E BIN RO DR HARTS LN W R CT RD E BATHGAT BAL FOU CT ND LA S R MA VICTORIA RD S L NE TO ON ST GORD L YLE P FALCON CIR SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. English JK - 8 - Rickson Ridge PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI Legend French Immersion JK - 6 - John McCrae PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - JF Ross CVI Municipal Boundary DA Boundary 0 250 500 m Morning Crest Development Area - Map 5 SPEEDVALE AVE E SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 6 - Brant Ave PS 7/8 - Waverley Dr. PS 9-12 - John F. Ross CVI French Immersion JK - 6 - Edward Johnson PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - JF Ross CVI GUELPHERAMOSA COULING CR ES GUELPH MAUDE LN DAVIS ST WATSON PKY N LINKE PL ACKER ST EASTVIEW RD EASTVIEW RD EASTVIEW RD HENDERSON DR DAVIS ST CREIG SEVERN DR PENFOLD DR E HTON AV WARREN ST SHACKLETON DR ESKER RUN NORTON DR HILL TRL S GE YD BR CT UGDSB Planning Dept., August 2012 Legend DA Boundary Municipal Boundary This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. GR ANGE RD 0 200 400 m North Eastview Development Area - Map 6 Note: During the 2012/13 school year, grade 7/8 English students will temporarily attend King George PS (until the new Laurine Ave PS opens). SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 6 - Ottawa Cres PS 7/8 - Laurine Ave PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI French Immersion JK - 6 - Edward Johnson PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI GUELPH Legend DA Boundary WATSON PKY N Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. EASTVIEW RD HTON CREIG EDWARDS ST R GE D TRI MBL E CR ES ID MIT R SUM AVE ST RT BE HE DR RN BU SH ST WA WATT ST T ND S VIPO POPHAM DR DOU GALL TROY CRES HILL TRL TH O M P SO N DR BU CK CLYTHE CREEK DR PL R NO ON OC E LE ST FULLER DR LN ST Y KA AC M N TO LS RA Y CT ST DR LN N Y IA UR Y R ER PB N NE AR KE LL HO S RA L ON CRES D AN SWIFT L SI CH RT TE ES DR RD CT ES EL IR DR AU DE N CR ESKER RUN N D Y CT UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 E RD ANG GR OO W LI ND SA ES CR AR AV E W VIE ST A R ST LE AC OC K S GE YD BR THOR LAW DR 0 200 400 m SILVERCREEK PKY N CA RE RD JODI C RES IMPERIAL RD N PL AR ON LL TY ER FL AH L IS WO ST WE WESTH ILL PL FE RMAN DR HAEL P L MIC French Immersion K - 6 - Paisley Rd PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI RD PL RD A ND NI CR MARKSAM ES O PE N Mitchell Woods PS LOW RD English JK - 8 - Mitchell Woods PS 9 - 12 - Guelph CVI CT Y RA WIL HI DU N RD LE B E RH DR AV AV SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS T THIS N ELMIRA RD TO VE LL RD IMBLEDON W LI N DR KI P G BLUERIDGE CT North Paisley & Elmira Road Development Area - Map 7 A OD LN RD CASTL E BU It is subject to Legend change. BRONWYN P L R D CT This map is for reference purposes only. School DR Railway O MELR SE PL Municipal Boundary CR ES BY EL SH PL IS LN DEE RPA TH RY D SILVERCREEK PKY S S D SUZANNA DR S CLE C ROCHELLE DR R PINN A DARBY RD DR STEPHANIE O WO WHITELAW RD MILL BUSH S CRE CAN DLE YWOOD ABBE OOD CT LW UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 CRE MIL WAY W T SUNRISE C S CT DR Y ER R CRANB O EAD SHM FR E SHOEMAKER CRES D LR R R Y WOOD DR IA ER E RE ET N L I VA SU L S CRE P IM S PIN CHE RD GUELPH-ERAMOSA DR IR A EL M RO M HA IN G S S RD DA Boundary ST EN ED LO WELLINGTON RD 31 PAIS LEY E RD KEL LY RYD HANLON EXWY GUELPH 0 125 250 500 m Northern Heights Development Area - Map 8 Legend SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS MARTONE LN English JK - 6 - Waverley Dr. PS 7/8 - Waverley Dr. PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI Municipal Boundary DA Boundary French Immersion JK - 6 - Edward Johnson PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. MUSSEN ST WEBSTER ST KINLOCK ST INGRAM DR GOLDENVIEW DR GUELPH-ERAMOSA WIDEMAN BLVD SIMMONDS DR RD HILLTOP Hilltop Rd Even address numbers 6+ Odd Address numbers 9+ P M RA WINDERMERE CT CARERE CRES 0 PRICE ST ATTO DR GLENBROOK DR BIRCHBANK BLVD FERNDALE AV E DESHANE ST MULLIN DR SCHIELDEL DR VICTORIA RD N INVERNESS DR ISLINGTON WOODLAWN RD E NORMA CRES BOWEN DR E AV UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 Inverness Dr Even address numbers 94+ Odd Address numbers 93+ MONTANA RD GOLFVIEW RD DALEBROOK PL WOODLAWN BRIDGE RD PARKER PL VIST A PO ND VIE W TERRACE GUELPH S RE DC B IR CK BLA S P E E D RIVER CR ES COUNTRY CLUB DR LEADER LN WILTON RD 100 200 m Northview-Victoria Development Area - Map 9 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 6 - Brant Ave PS 7/8 - Waverley Dr PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI MUSSEN ST French Immersion JK - 6 - Edward Johnson PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI INGRAM DR WIDEMAN BLVD SCHIELDEL DR NORMA CRES GUELPH ERAMOSA DESHANE ST MULLIN DR LEADER LN WILTON RD SIMMONDS DR VICTORIA RD N GUELPH P M CARERE CRES WOODLAWN RD E BALMORAL DR Municipal Boundary DA Boundary UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 ALGOMA BRANT AVE Brant Ave PS MUSKOKA DR Schools DR Legend MONTANA R D RA WINDERMERE CT PRICE ST S RE DC B IR CK BLA N AVE O FERNDALE AVE ATTO DR ISLINGT BIRCHBANK BLVD BOWEN DR Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. 0 100 200 m WESTWOOD RD WELLINGTON RD 31 DR ALLMAR LN CT SILVERCREEK PKY S HANLON EXWY EN ED PL CL E BY NA DR PL LO IS SH PL PATH DR DEER EL SH ASPEN WO OD RD DARBY ANIE DR DR W AY D OO PIN PL SPRINGDALE BL IFF RD CA R YD QUEE NSDA LE CRES ER LO O AVE VD W DO EA DR WE LL T ING ON ST W SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS WA IRM FA ES WA Y English JK - 8 - Taylor Evans PS 9 - 12 - Guelph CVI I French Immersion JK - 6 - Paisley Rd PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI N PL RD 12 4 GOMB A S FIFE RD W EL L IN GT O BELC OURT CRES ST CR TE GA DEE RF L LISO N AVE A L PAMELA P UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 BRONWYN P L ROSE M EL ES PARKVIEW CR DR PL ELD GUELPH-ERAMOSA L EBU RY D R W AT MCCARTNEY RD WORTON YWOOD D CT LWOO MIL ACR ES WEST AMY CT IAL RD S CT RD S S UZANNA CAST NORTHWOOD CRE S WOODRIDGE DR ROSANNE ST GUELPH CRE S ROCHELLE D R CT SUN R ISE ABBE IM PER IRA WHITELAW RD EW DR OD R RY CRANBE E LM OW EAD S HM F RE CR ES SHOEMAKER Taylor Evans PS STE PH CA N DL R CHER YWO YC T E RE DA Boundary N PI T NE KEL L DR Municipal Boundary L EY RD S MILL BUS H CRES CR M P AIS IVA LL SU ES CR A GH SIN OS RD GLENGARY ST RYD E School TT L N SILVERCREEK PKY N HEW I Legend HEATH RD South Paisley Development Areas - Map 10 Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. 0 125 250 500 m Starwood East Development Area - Map 11 ND R O OC N TO LS RA NN OR DR LN FULLER DR ST W LA MARSHALL DR DR LAW DR E LE ST PETTITT DR FR DAV ISO N DR WA T SO NP KY N DR 178+ DR DR D IDE EKS N IA AR W OO DR COLL IS CT CRE R LU SI ST AS SO N NG TI FLEMING RD DR FLEMING RD A KE RT O SEVERN DR PL NO CLYTHE CREEK DR D RD SWIFT CRES AN EL IR GE AN R G Note: In the 2012/13 school year, grade 6 FI students in this area will attend Ed Johnson PS. WATSON RD N SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 6 - Priory Park PS 7/8 - Jean Little PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI or JF Ross CVI WATSON RD S YORK RD UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 Legend DA Boundary WATSON PKY N French Immersion JK - 6 - King George PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - John F. Ross CVI Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. 0 50 100 200 m CLYTHE CREEK DR LN FLEMING RD A KE ST PETTITT DR D NG TI R LEE S T CITYVIEW DR N OAKES CRES DR 86+ 77+ + 92 SSO FRA 13 8+ RASPBERRY LN OR FULLER DR DR BRADSON DR NN N IA KEMP CRES O OC N UR ST D W LA 93 + AU DE N RD PL TO LS RA R D L SI 85+ HE NR Y DR CT D OO LN N W AR ST CEDARVALE AVE V AL LEYHAVEN EY TRAILBROOK LN R RDEN GA SE EE LN BR E NG RA ST RN AY A KE CT M AC K G H AGAN AVE RUN D LN N Y LL HO TO CHESTE R AN EL IR Immersion - 6 - King George PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS AC AV OC JK E K ER SK ES GRANGE RD T CR N OR TH CK S E CR LI ND SAY CFrench T STARVIEW LE E SC GE YD BR English JK - 6 - Priory Park PS 7/8 - Jean Little PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI or JF Ross CVI WATSON PKY N TH Note: In the 2012/13 school year, grade 6 FI students in this area will attend Ed Johnson PS. BU M PS ON SWIFT CRES SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS O DR HILL TRL Starwood West Development Area - Map 12 T YORK RD DA Boundary UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. WATSON RD S Legend WATSON PKY S ES CITYVIEW DR S WH IT S LOAN AVE C L EA RVIEW ST WATSON RD N SUBURBAN AVE 0 100 200 400 m W AY HICKORY ST BASSW O Victoria Road Development Area - Map 13 DY COX CT ISON CT PADD ZA L CT DU PL T ON S BR A ETA I DR K E WH KORTRIGHT RD IT OD DR SWEENEY DR DIMSON AVE R G ORD C RES R DA HALESMA NO CT FORSTER PL ND LA T E N EW RENFR PL DR IND CIR TW ES W CRES YEWHOLME BUS KORTRIGHT RD W PL Y OLE DO DR PARKSI DE KATEL YN LORNA DR HANDS DR KAREN AVE CABOT CT P IN D IL W CT SE WHITE BIRCH ST COLUM E O R OAK ST MACALISTER BLVD LN FI E KEA T S LD ST ON IN RD GUELPH PUSLINCH R CT HAR TS LN E FALCON CIR VICTORIA RD S LY LE B RO TE DR BAL FOU RD BATH GA HAR TS LN W E PL DARNELL LANDSDOWN DR RD GEDDES Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. VALLEY RD SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS EDINBURGH RD S English JK-6 - Priory Park PS 7/8 - Jean Little PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI PL RINGTON DR CAR CRES CARRINGTON FARNHAM RD Legend DR HASLER CRE S UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 ARKELL RD COLONIAL DA Boundary ZECCA DR Municipal Boundary French Immersion JK-6 - FA Hamilton PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - JF Ross CVI 0 100 200 400 m Watson Rd East Development Area - Map 14 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS L T English JK - 6 - Priory Park PS 7/8 - Jean Little PS 9-12 - Centennial CVI or JF Ross CVI GRANGE RD CT DC SAN K LN REE French Immersion JK - 6 - King George PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9-12 - John F. Ross CVI DR SWIFT CRES TON NOR SEVERN DR CLYTHE CREEK DR N OR TH CK ES BU CR S GE YD BR ESKER R U N R LL HI FULLER DR ON OC Note: In the 2012/13 school year, grade 6 FI students in this area will attend Ed Johnson PS. R NO LAW DR LN N DAV IS ON DR GUELPH-ERAMOSA WATSON RD N W AT SO DR NP D O O KY SI LU R D R IAN GUELPH R RW DR ED ST A N SSO FRA ID EKS CRE PETTITT DR MARSHALL DR FLEMING RD HIGHWAY 7 Legend SKYWAY DR WATSON RD S WATSON PKY S YORK RD DA Boundary Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. TAGGART CT UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 0 100 200 400 m Westminster Woods North East Development Area - Map 15 BROCK ST SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS HOW D E HOLLAND CRES N Sir Isaac Brock PS CR ES CLOUGH CRES C R ES English JK - 6 - Sir Isaac Brock PS 7/8 - Rickson Ridge PS NE WHETSTO 9 - 12 - Centennial CVI FrenchMILLER Immersion ST JK - 6 - John McCrae PS 7/8 - John McCrae PS 9 - 12 - JF Ross CVI BROWN ST CUMMINGS CT SON JEN MARSH CRES GREY OAK DR D BLV WALKER WAY WATERFORD DR WAY ORE KATEM GUELPH ES CR LAMBETH ANNMOORE DR BAXTER DR N DR INIO DOM L HAL AVE from 101 CRES RAY D UCK LN to 70 FREDERICK DR from 100 Legend Schools LN N GSO HOD Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. 0 DR Municipal Boundary SAMUEL DR LAUGHLAND TOLTON DR GOODWIN DR WILKIE CRES PUSLINCH LYNNMORE ST to 73 UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 VICTORIA RD S LN COLONIAL DR MCN UL T Y HUNT ST S IA CR E AM AL BRIG HT L N SUMMERFIELD DR DA Boundary 125 250 500 m Montgomery Village Development Area Boundary - Map 16 H A PM CA NN O N CT ST ST OO D DI AN E SA M ST CO TT ON W OO DO GW BA L C T Montgomery Village ES RIDD E LL Westside SS ST RD ALD ER C OL B O URN E CR ES S ST T SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS D RY RD E ST OL D 0 C RE S ER C EN P S 250 E AV T AL H RP O DR AR E L RI AG YN EN G D R A SC BI ST N G CA R OD SA XO WO ER SH English JK-8 - Montgomery Village PS 9-12 - Westside SS S ER TL T SE RD LO YA L I A EY BB EAST GARAFRAXA UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 RD DR NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. E AV CA E M BR ID G E AV E ORANGEVILLE ST ON CO M LE T APP UN CK I TY TR RO ICK AD D 23 R N ST D R AV EN D RR E ROS LI FE RN MOR RD ST RD LEY TE H UN HA RS HA W R 3 AN D FEN SON DER HEN DR CO UN TY C T CT OP SH BI D LV ST DR IC ET YB N ER ES SW BE CR K CT RO AD ER OM NTG O M N RO N N CRE DF RE IN S M JA E CR N BE ME CA BE GO O SE B SA M DI NN IC K W RO S 09 AD 1 Y RO T N COU French Immersion JK-3 - Princess Elizabeth PS 4-8 - Mono-Amaranth PS 9-12 - Erin DHS C ER RY Municipal Boundary 6 FE LT RE DR D1 ROA NTY COU UEL CT INE 2ND L DA Boundary ST AMARANTH OX FO RD VD BR EN DA BL Schools ST AY ADW BR O Legend 500 m North Hansen Development Area - Map 17 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK-8 - Parkinson Centennial PS 9-12 - Westside SS French Immersion JK-3 - Princess Elizabeth PS 4-8 - Mono-Amaranth PS 9-12 - Erin DHS NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. LISA MARIE DR ST EA WTON CT LA FAITH DR VI RE B W LE ES CR IS 16 BLIND LIN E D AD COUNTY ROAD DR DR DR R BL VD E CR O A JULL CT CR O LD ES S V COURTN EY CRES D BL F IE CH BE E IL L CT Legend EL M Rail Line M GREENLA W ST ELM AVE DA Boundary WESTMORLAND AVE JA C W D OO AME LIA S T COLL EGE AVE BIRCH S T TE D R FIEL D GA PASSMORE AVE N PL PHEASANT DR CR EE T G CRES CRE DIT K ER S CT DOW DR EA PARKINSON CRES EDE NWOOD C R E S DR IN NS KE R INE D ELA LAVERTY OOD CRES KW WALSH CRES H ANSEN CRES AIKEN MASON S T A JEF F ST FITZGERALD ST UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 CA M S CT MEY E R HANSEN B LVD Y LE L MICHAE DR EW SC OT T I BA EC K SON Municipal BoundaryCT 0 125 250 m North West Orangeville Development Area - Map 18 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS ME YE R WOOD CRES DR JULL CT French Immersion JK-3 - Princess Elizabeth PS 4-8 - Mono-Amaranth PS 9-12 - Erin DHS D E DEN MASON S T English JK-8 - Credit Meadows ES 9-12 - Orangeville DSS AIKEN C RES HANSEN BLV E DR COURTN EY CRES AIN EL JEF FER S CT FIEL DGA TE PHEASANT DR 16 CRES ST I LL GREENLA W CT LAVERTY ELM AVE ST WESTMORLAND AVE D AN D PARKINSON CRES PL COLL EGE AVE ST COUNTY ROAD CT PASSMORE AVE FITZGERALD ST R HINSO N CT TC HU R EW DR WESTDALE AVE MEADOW SA AV E NT CT BLIND LIN E PH EA PRESTON DR ELIZABETH ST BANTING WA RD LA W Y N TO LI SA ND G SIN DR KEN HANSEN BLVD Credit Meadows ES DR ZINA ST Legend BROADWAY INE UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 BRENDA BLVD OXFORD ST DIANE DR CL NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. Rail Line DA Boundary Municipal Boundary 0 100 200 m DIANE DR ROBB BL VD C LINE CENT URY DR Settlers Creek Development Area Boundary - Map 19 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English 9 10 JK - 6 - EastD Garafraxa ES A O 7/8 - Montgomery Village PS R TY 9-12 OU N- Westside SS SON RD THOM P BUCKINGHAM ST SPENCER AVE MAIN ST Y OUNG CT PA LA CE C T X ON S T SHERW OOD S T BISCAY NE CRES GLENGARRY RD SETTLE RS RD IL LOYALIST ST EK L TR A RNE CRES OU NORTH AMPTO N ST LEDO N TL M IL E CR LB CORNWALL GATE VILLE-CA CO RD ORANGE ABBEY RD French Immersion JK-3 - Princess Elizabeth PS 4-8 - Mono-Amaranth PS 9-12 - Erin DHS NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. ALTHORP DR ALDER ST RID DE LL C N RD ORANGEVILLE RICHA RDSO D MONTGOMERY BLV CENT ENNIA L RD D ST BA LS AM ST COTTONW OO DOGWOOD ST RAYBURN RD SA PL ST PAULS IN G HA M CIR ENGLA ND AVE SA N DR MAUDE CT DR COUNTY ROAD 23 OO A DL ND EAST GARAFRAXA Legend BRO O KH A Municipal Boundary VE DA Boundary N ES CR D OLD CARRIAGE R UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 HILLTOP CRES W 0 250 500 m Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 8 - Centennial Hylands PS 9-12 - Centre Dufferin DHS MELANCTHON W HIGH French Immersion JK-3 - Princess Elizabeth PS 4-8 - Mono-Amaranth PS 9-12 - Erin DHS CRES ST W IN IR PARK AVE R MORDE N D CAN F I E L D PL ST R ES UR WANSB GH WAY LN OL DE VIL LAGE JANE ST R E FIRST AV CRES D IN E U AL RD RI T S NNIAL RD CENTE JAMES ST N JELLY ST VE AV PINE GRO SHELBURNE E Y HIGHWA 10/89 E MAIN ST UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 CENTRE S T D 11 ST VICTORIA ST Boundary ST ANDREW SI M O N STEAD DR ME HO N ST WELLINGTO Municipal TS JELLY S DA Boundary SCHOOL R RUSSEL CT Schools ST MAIN ST W DUFFERIN Legend ST LONGBOW 0 Centennial Hylands ES 250 COUNTY ROA D O BE R T ST CA CT MONI RINTOUL LL HI E RN BU EL SH PL EE PINEVIEW GARDENS SA ND CT GREENWOOD ST OWEN SOUND ST STEELES ST ST WILLIAM V SECOND A ST ORVIS C FIDDLE PAR K LN EY SL CE LLA WA BERR Y ST RT DR LBE HA COUNTY ROAD 124 CAROLYN ST MARIL YN ST WO OD N TA MARION ST GREEN DAVIS DR AY 10 CRES OREILLY HAMMOND ST 3R D LINE North East Shelburne Development Area - Map 20 500 m 3RD LI NE West Shelburne Development Area - Map 21 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS AY 1 HW HIG English JK - 8 - Hyland Heights PS 9-12 - Centre Dufferin DHS 0 French Immersion JK-3 - Princess Elizabeth PS 4-8 - Mono-Amaranth PS 9-12 - Erin DHS Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. R BIRCHG OVE BERRY ST ST GRACIE T FIDDLE PARK LN T SUSAN S WILLOW ST IEL ST MUR ORVIS C R ES ANN ST OWEN SOUND ST MING WAY FLE JANE ST MARIE ST SILK DR A LANEWAY Hyland Heights ES FOURTH VE ROBERT ST A E SECOND AV ST WILLIAM THIRD AVE VE E SECOND A W E FIRST AV W N H ADEL AIDE ST ST Schools 89 HIGHWAY MAIN ST W N ST WELLINGTO DA Boundary Municipal Boundary UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 E MAIN ST E JO Legend E FIRST AV VICTORIA ST EC PL MA T JOSEPH S 0 250 CENTRE S T 500 m East Fergus Development Area - Map 22 SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 6 - Victoria Terrace PS 7/8 - John Black PS 9-12 - Centre Wellington DHS French Immersion JK - 4 - James McQueen PS 5 - 8 - JD Hogarth PS 9-12 - Centre Wellington DHS GARTSHORE ST Y CRES GLENGARR Legend DA Boundary FORFAR ST E D OUGLAS CRES TON RD 19 WELLING XA ST GARAFRA E TOM ST GARTSHORE ST ST GEORGE ST E DIANNE CRES HILL ST E ST GEORGE ST E ATCHISON LN ST AND REW ST E M LA D ON This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. SCOTLAND ST BARKER ST ST PATRICK ST E ST UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 0 100 200 m North Fergus Development Area - Map 23 Legend DA Boundary SR 15 BEATTY LINE N SR 15 CENTRE WELLINGTON SR 18 I E CT SR 19 COLBORNE ST VICTOR I BURNETT CT CO LL A C RES L DR IP PH I L PARKS ID E W OO DH IL CAMPBELL AVE VELL D RE MILLAGE LN K ST AC BL R CT ELIZABETH CRES BLACK ST ES HOLMAN CR SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS W DR N TO NG LI EL W English JK - 6 - Salem PS 7/8 - Elora PS 9-12 - Centre Wellington DHS RD 18 UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. GARAFRAXA ST W N EN L MAID French Immersion ST Y - James McQueen PS JK - 4 E RV HA5 - 8 - JD Hogarth PS 9-12 - Centre Wellington DHS 0 200 400 m South Fergus Development Area - Map 24 ARGYL MILLBURN BLVD BE IR NES CT DA V I S TAIT MILLIGAN ST O N PL CUMMINGS CRES DARROCH WAY FLANNERY DR CRES MCQUEEN BL VD SECOND LINE SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS English JK - 8 - JD Hogarth PS 9-12 - Centre Wellington DHS French Immersion JK - 4 - James McQueen PS 5 - 8 - JD Hogarth PS 9-12 - Centre Wellington DHS UGDSB Planning Dept., April 2012 HIGHWAY 6 GUELPH ST CENTRE WELLINGTON SECOND LINE JONES BASELINE GUELPH ST HIGHWAY 6 Centre Wellington DHS SCOTLAND ST T T ST MILLBURN BLVD MCQUEEN BLV D BELSYDE A VE E ROBERTSON ST RR ST DAVID ST S IN PATTISON PL TOWER ST S E SC O LK TOBET E INETT WAY BARNETT CRES JD Hogarth PS CHERRY H ILL PL CT WALKE R ST MCTAVISH ST BELSYDE AVE E BELSYDE AVE W ELORA ST CHAMBERS CRES HIGHLAND RD T LS ATHOL ST PERTH ST GUELPH RD GR DVIEW AVE AN Legend Schools DA Boundary Note: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. 0 200 400 m