Scholarly Commons: Leadership and Coordination The Scholarly Commons Leadership Team Report and Recommendations (October 3, 2008) proposed a framework for collaborating with partners, within the library and on campus, to provide a rich array of front-line scholarly services. The Scholarly Commons will provide a physical and virtual environment for navigating a diverse set of services at the nexus of scholarship and emerging technologies. This document outlines an approach to coordinating these services that addresses some of the challenges inherent in providing a suite of services in collaboration with internal and external partners. A Coordinator is supported by leads in programmatic areas who are appointed using a matrix approach (task focused, flexible and distributed). This model leverages existing expertise for the Scholarly Commons initiative; secures a sense of ownership toward scholarly services throughout the Library; and creates a nimble and inclusive leadership structure. Scholarly Commons Coordinator The Scholarly Commons Coordinator has responsibility for coordinating the activities of the leads for programmatic areas (see below). Reporting to the University Librarian, the Scholarly Commons Coordinator works closely with the Associate University Librarians and the Coordinator, New Service Model Programs on short- and long- term planning and development of the Scholarly Commons programs, and may also serve as a lead in one of the specific programmatic areas, described below. Leads for Programmatic Areas Leads will be responsible for coordinating with all internal and external partners in key programmatic areas. Proposed programmatic areas are listed below. Programs ready for first-round implementation in the Scholarly Commons and with confirmed Leads are denoted by **. Programmatic Area Data Services and GIS** Lead Internal partners Scholarly Communications & Digital Publishing** Research Support Services and Workshops** eLearning Sarah Shreeves IDEALS Merinda Hensley Central Reference (Savvy Researcher) Graduate College User Education Committee CITES EdTech, Center for Teaching Excellence Karen Hogenboom External partners ATLAS Working Group or Taskforce Data Services Task Force (members from Library and ATLAS) Scholarly Communications Committee User Education Committee Digital Arts & Humanities Visual Resources and Media Scholarly Community Building eScience and eScholarship Bill Mischo Digital Content Creation, Arts & Humanities Division, Special Collections Division Visual Resources Working Group Web Technologies & Content Coordination Grainger CHASS, I3 I3 For programmatic areas not launched in Fall 2009, the lead will identify and cultivate partners, scope a service profile and prepare to launch an active service at a later date. Proposals for new programmatic areas will be considered by the Scholarly Common Coordinating Committee, and a call for proposals will be issued every spring. Leads are given an additional title (e.g., Data Services and GIS Lead) and expected to devote a set amount of their time (10-25% time, to be negotiated) to these duties. Leads will be responsible for: • • • • • • • • identifying campus partners, as well as units and individuals within the library, with the potential to contribute to the Scholarly Commons in their designated area; defining the scope of services within their designated area, in consultation with the Coordinator; collaborating with the campus and internal partners to develop and assess service programs liaising actively with internal and external partners (maintaining routine communications, participating in relevant campus program and interest groups) ; monitoring emerging developments in the area, locally and nationally; participating in outreach projects and marketing; contributing to or establishing a model for a walk-in and/or referral service in their area; chairing the Scholarly Commons Coordinating Committee Scholarly Commons Coordinating Committee Comprised of the leads in programmatic areas, this Committee works collaboratively to develop and assess the overall Scholarly Commons service program, evaluate requests for launching new programmatic areas, and develop outreach and marketing programs. Other Leadership and Advisory Groups Representatives from campus partners, internal partners, will be convened once each semester to meet with the programmatic leads as the Scholarly Commons Council. This group will plan an annual information fair showcasing scholarly services across campus. Scholarly Commons Advisory Committee – A small group of students and faculty from a range of disciplines to be convened once a semester in order to advise the Coordinator on the evolving needs of scholars and serve as a forum for the discussion of existing and planned services initiatives.