FACULTY & AP POSITIO REQUEST Proposing Division, Unit, Group or Individual Content Access Management (CAM) and Illinois Harvest Proposed Title Metadata Librarian (2 of 2 requests) Faculty Rank Assistant Professor Estimated Salary $45,000-$47,000 Potential sources of funding for position At the end of May 2007, the retirement of Monographic Cataloging Senior Library Specialist position ($40,135) and Technical Services (Acquisitions and Monographic Cataloging) student wage money Michael Norman, Head of Content Access Management Reports to Recommended time frame for filling (immediate need, 6 months, 1 year, etc.) and explanation Right now, this Metadata Librarian position is funded through August 15, 2007 through non-recurring monies from Illinois State Representative Naomi Jacobbsen and campus to fund Illinois Harvest and the Library’s large scale digitization projects. We are thinking the permanent position could start next fiscal year, after July 1, 2007, but to start the search process in the next few weeks. Position eed & Rationale: explain how this position contributes to the Library’s strategic goals One Metadata Librarian position has already been funded. We had always planned on requesting the repurposing of two staff positions into 2 Metadata Librarian positions. We waited closer to the pending retirement of a staff member to send forward this second request. The Library has made large-scale digitization a priority this past year with the Illinois Harvest and Open Content Alliance projects and we have made significant progress with working with digitization and the individual digital objects produce through this work. As always, good metadata is critical to our users searching and finding these resources. And, in fact, CAM has learned cataloging and creating metadata in a non-MARC world. The two Visiting Metadata Librarian positions funded with Naomi Jacobbsen and campus monies have provided essential help and guidance as we learn all we can about digital objects, Brief position description and job duties creating best practices, and then establishing effective workflows for our digitization efforts. To do this critical dayto-day work (including programming, processing of materials, metadata creation, OAI Harvesting, and web-page and portal design), it will be difficult to pull this time and effort from our current duties in CAM. This visiting position has already become a contact point with many other departments and units in the Library, including Systems and IT, departmental libraries, Rare Books and Special Collections, Archives, and others. Taking this staff position and converting it into a permanent Metadata Librarian position will be an important step forward for this Library to build the digital library infrastructure we need to do this important work. Duties and Responsibilities: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library seeks innovative individuals to provide expertise and guidance in metadata schemas and standards and to assist in their implementation within the Library. The Metadata Librarian is responsible for helping plan and manage metadata production for digital projects for the Illinois Harvest Project and of the University of Illinois Libraries. Responsibilities include providing leadership, expertise and management relating to metadata production for description, access and preservation of digital materials acquired or held by the UIUC Libraries. Additionally, this position will collaborate with appropriate personnel and working groups to advise on the application of current and emerging metadata schema to facilitate access to digital collections. The librarian will also investigate and develop applications for improving access to digital collections and facilitate metadata scheme specification and adaptation. Additionally, this position will coordinate the work of staff involved in metadata production including providing training and technical assistance to other department staff. The librarian will also coordinate the formulation & implementation of policies & standards for descriptive, technical and administrative metadata that are used to support the production, management of and access to the Libraries’ digital collections, including AACR2, MARC, LCSH, LCC, VRA, Dublin Core, EAD, geospatial metadata, METS, MODS, XML, and OAI- PMH. This position will also serve as a resource person and will participate in the Library’s research and development efforts and prepare necessary documentation and reports regarding metadata creation. The Metadata Librarian is a faculty position reporting to the Head of Content Access Management (CAM). Primary job duties include: metadata remediation, metadata transformation, and metadata creation using the appropriate metadata schemas to support the Illinois Harvest Portal and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library’s growing digital collections. Metadata is provided within the Library’s digital resources systems including ContentDM, DSpace, DLXS, Olive, within OCLC for inclusion in the local Voyager system and/or other local systems in iShare, the Illinois consortial online catalog, and other possible digital library systems. The librarian will assist in metadata harvesting using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) and creating collection level records and descriptions of various collections. She or he will help the Head of Content Access Management and other faculty and staff involved in the digitization work in the planning for and implementation of metadata provision for digital resources, including the selection of metadata schema, data elements, thesauri, crosswalks, and XSLT stylesheets. May train and act as a resource for metadata creation to members of the Content Access Management Services (CAMS) department, Libraries faculty and staff, and members of academic departments as needed. How might this position evolve to meet continuing Library needs in 5-10 years? This is a critical position for the Library as we start to build the UIUC Digital Library. The Illinois Harvest and LargeScale Digitization project with Open Content Alliance is the beginning of converting many of our collections into digital form. Providing the best possible access to our digital collections is important to allowing researchers to find and use these eminent resources. The books we digitized for Open Content Alliance have already been downloaded over 13,000 times. Creating quality metadata is crucial to enabling users to find these digital objects and collections. Much of the metadata created fall outside the traditional MARC cataloging environment. This is the first position devoted entirely to non-MARC cataloging and the need for additional positions to do this work will need to occur to help the UIUC Library make that transition to be a great digital library. This position and others will continue to evolve over the next 5-10 years to meet the cataloging and access needs of everything we want to enable our users to find and retrieve for their research needs. This position will help train and prepare all the Library’s catalogers to work in this emerging environment Library EC, rev. Sept. 2006