Teaching Advanced Mathematics (TAM) with Masters 2016-17 Frequently Asked Questions

Teaching Advanced Mathematics (TAM) with Masters 2016-17
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions relate to the TAM with Masters course for teachers in state-funded schools and
colleges in England who will be teaching A level Mathematics in 2016-17.
At each participating university there will be eight or nine course days. The course fee is £600. On
course completion, schools and colleges of participants are entitled to £1200 (including £300 on
submission of Masters Level assignments) in recognition of the support they provided to their colleague.
1. How do I enrol on the 2016-17 courses?
Application forms are now available at mei.org.uk/tam-masters This is the MEI application form. If you
are offered a place you will be asked to complete a University application form at that point in order to
secure your Masters place.
2. What qualification will I earn?
You will receive accreditation for your work at Masters level. On the first day of the course we will
describe how additional study, in the form of reading, critical thinking and experimentation in practice,
leading to an essay/assignment, can be submitted to earn a Masters’ credits (CAT points). These can be
combined with other modules at many universities as part of a Masters’ degree.
There are three mathematics assignments based on past exam-style questions. These are requested by
the participant, posted to their home address and must be returned a week later. In order to complete the
course you will need to participate in all course days, pass an assessed lesson observation and pass
these mathematics assignments in addition to completing Masters-level work.
3. What does the course fee cover?
The fee covers the course days, access to approximately forty recordings of online lessons, access to
live online lessons, two years’ access to MEI’s online Integral resources including additional extensive
course materials, and textbooks covering A level Mathematics. Participants will have the option of
attending an additional CPD event for Statistics or Mechanics, at a subsidised rate. There will also be
support for developing the use of dynamic geometry software (e.g. GeoGebra).
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4. What are the criteria for being accepted onto the course?
Applicants must be teaching in state-funded schools and colleges in England. In addition they must have
a minimum of one hour per week of A level Mathematics or equivalent1 on their timetable in 2016-17.
This must be timetabled lessons to an entire class for at least one hour per week for the whole academic
year. You must be the member of staff who has sole responsibility for planning and teaching this content
and these lessons every week. Small group tutorials, revision groups or team teaching are not
acceptable. Priority will be given to teachers who are teaching pure mathematics.
For more details see the ‘Criteria for offering places’ at mei.org.uk/tam-masters
5. Where and when are the study days going to take place?
Please note: These dates are provisional and subject to change
TAM Days 2016-17
Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
All days 1000-1600
Manchester Met
Please note that the courses at Warwick and Cambridge have an extra Saturday at the end of the
course. This is a presentation day for the Masters assignments.
University of Cambridge
Faculty of Education Building https://www.educ.cam.ac.uk/about/reachus/
Manchester Metropolitan University:
The Brooks Building. For travel info see http://www2.mmu.ac.uk/education/contact-us/travel-and-parking/
University of Warwick
Education Building (Number 15) at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/about/visiting/maps/campusmap/
‘A level Mathematics or equivalent’ includes AS/A2 Pure Mathematics modules (Core 1, 2, 3, 4), AS/A2 Applied
Mathematics modules (M1, M2, S1, S2, D1, D2), AS/A2 Further Mathematics modules, (e.g. FP1), IB
Mathematics, Additional Mathematics (Advanced FSMQ)
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6. I am already teaching A level mathematics but would like further ideas and a deeper
understanding of the pedagogy. Is this course for me?
The course is primarily designed for teachers who require support in order to teach A level Mathematics
for the first time and would otherwise not teach at this level. However, many course participants in this
position say that they have benefited from the course, having gained deeper insights and that their A
level teaching has become far more effective.
7. I have booked my summer holidays. What work needs to be done over the summer?
We recommend that participants work on the content of Core 1 and 2 between enrolling and the start of
the new school year so they are ready to teach these topics, as most participants expect to do, at the
start of the Autumn term. We recognise that many participants will take long holidays so no course days
take place in this time. There may well be some course reading given to be completed over the summer.
8. How much of my time will it take up?
Over the 15 months of the course (incorporating two summer holidays for private study) you will be
expected to learn the content of five A level mathematics modules (Core 1 to 4 and your choice of
applied module: S1 or M1) with on-line classroom, website and email support. The amount of time this
takes will depend largely on how challenging you find this material. Working towards the Masters’ level
credits will need additional study, in the form of reading, critical thinking and experimentation in practice,
leading to essays/assignments.
9. What happens on course days?
At the start of the course, you will know which topics will be covered on each course day. In advance of
each course day there will be suggested work to help you prepare for the day in the form of taking part
in, or watching the recording of, an online session, working through part of a textbook chapter or looking
at online resources and central to this course, academic reading. On a typical course day there will be
two 75-minute lessons (A level content and with a specific focus such as use of questioning, use of ICT,
insights through multiple representations, differentiation, group work, assessment). In addition there will
be at least one session when the group reflects on the experience and how it can be adapted for use in
your own classrooms. For some course days, participants are required to prepare short presentations to
describe to a small group of peers the impact of a resource or teaching approach on their students.
Typically one session per day will focus on the course reading and any academic work required towards
the Masters assessment.
10. I already hold 60 Masters credits from my PGCE at another university. Could the TAM credits
be imported to my chosen university so that I can add any credits awarded for TAM to these?
This question, along with many others specific to individual university procedures are covered in the help
sheets on the website. See mei.org.uk/tam-masters
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11. I like the sound of this course but I am really not sure I can commit to the Masters element of
the course.
The Masters side of the course is integral to the course and we wouldn’t want you to start a course that
you are not sure you will have the time to complete. Fortunately, we have alternatives available which
offer a similar experience but with no Masters qualification. Please see this link mei.org.uk/tam
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