Criteria for offering places on the TAM course in 2016/17 On 9th May 2016 all applications received will be assessed. Following an initial allocation at that time, any remaining places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Applicants must be working in a state-funded school/college in England and must have timetabled A level Mathematics (or equivalent)1 teaching from September 2016. It is unlikely that more than two applicants from any school or college will be successful. Assuming the course is over-subscribed, applicants will be ranked using the criteria listed below. In May 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter, the successful applicant will be sent a school/college agreement which should be completed, signed by the named senior manager and returned immediately in order for a place to be offered. Criteria for offering places: 1. MEI online application form complete with no information missing. 2. If more than two applications are made from any one school or college, the two highest ranking will be considered; other applications will be considered only if the chosen venues do not fill their allocated places. 3. The profile of the school/college will be considered: for example, priority will be given to those from schools/colleges with a high percentage of free school meals, or which have recently had few students entered for A level Mathematics and/or Further Mathematics. 4. Those teaching pure mathematics content (within IB, Additional Maths or AS/A2 modules such as Core 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) in 2016/17 will be given priority over those teaching only applied mathematics. 5. Appropriateness of mathematics teaching experience. 6. Quality of supporting statements in the ‘Course Impact’ section of the online application form. Authorisation from the named senior manager must be received within the time frame specified in the email. When a place is offered, MEI will invoice the school/college for course fees. These must be paid by the school/college and not the individual teacher and must be received by MEI by the date specified on the invoice or the offer of a place will be withdrawn. Please note that there will be alternative versions of the TAM course offered in 2016/17: - The TAM with Masters course is open to teachers in state-funded schools/colleges in England and provides up to £1200 subsidy upon course completion. Applications for this course are now open. - The MEI-certificated version of the TAM course is the only version of the course that those without A level teaching in 2016-17 or teaching in independent schools are eligible for. This course is NOT DfE-funded. Applications for places on this course will commence in June 2016. Further details of all versions of the TAM course can be found via our webpages at 1 ‘A level Mathematics or equivalent’ includes AS/A2 Pure Mathematics modules (Core 1, 2, 3, 4), AS/A2 Applied Mathematics modules (M1, M2, S1, S2, D1, D2), AS/A2 Further Mathematics modules, (e.g. FP1), IB Mathematics, Additional Mathematics (Advanced FSMQ) 1 of 1 SC 16/03/16 Version 1.4