FY15 Planning and Accomplishment Guidelines Western Illinois University Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Respond to the following questions in ten to fifteen pages. Attach appendices with supporting documentation where appropriate. Please be sure to prepare responses that address Western Illinois University-Macomb and Western Illinois University-Quad Cities as appropriate. Current Year Fiscal Year 2015 I. Accomplishments and Productivity for FY15 A. Give a brief review of the division’s goals and objectives for FY15. Significantly revised departmental website to update content, highlight the work of graduate students and faculty, better reflect where the department is heading, integrate social media Instituted the use of Twitter, facebook and other social media to connect with faculty, students/potential students, alumni, and community Revised elementary education to reflect changes from the Illinois State Board of Education rules – this program is currently at the state level for approval Implemented first annual education open house in which Illinois Teacher of the Year, Pam Reilly spoke Implemented monthly events for students to further their growth and development as professional educators; these have included workshops and education movie nights Implemented Professional Learning Community (PLC) at the department level where faculty read and discuss texts related to teaching and learning B. List the most important divisional accomplishments for FY15 and document how these accomplishments support the goals and objectives of the University, including specific Strategic Plan accomplishments. 1. Enhanced Culture for Teaching and Learning a. Maintain rigor and high academic standards Developed Continuous Assessment Plan (CAP) to monitor student access and progression through program 100% of undergraduate students in the Elementary Education and the Early Childhood programs passed the Content Knowledge assessment required by ISBE. 92% of the undergraduate special education majors passed the LBS1 and 93% of these same majors passed the Special General Education Content Knowledge assessment required by ISBE. 100% of the graduate students in the Reading Specialist programs passed the Reading Specialist Content Knowledge assessment required by ISBE. C&I has the assistance of 10 8-month graduate assistants who assist faculty and administration with the daily functioning and special projects that enhance our learning culture. C&I faculty supported 21 graduate students in Elementary Education, 7 graduate students in Early Childhood Education, and 16 graduate students in Special Education complete action research projects as part of their capstone experience b. Department chair travels weekly to QC campus to meet with faculty c. Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability a. Identify alternative funding sources Faculty continue to explore alternative funding appropriate with the C&I Mission, Goals and Objectives c. Identify further costs savings to meet challenges in the FY16 budget Increasing use of digital contexts for the distribution of course and departmental materials Implemented use of GoTo Meeting software to hold meetings/share information as a way to minimize need for traveling between QC and Macomb campuses b. Support scholarly/professional activity Implemented PLCs within the department 6 of faculty were/are involved in the Faculty Innovators Project Faculty were provided with a small stipend for professional development activities 2. Support special program for women in the sciences and government Not applicable h. Support undergraduate and graduate research opportunities Implemented Action Research projects as part of the capstone experience for graduate programs in elementary education, early childhood education, and special education g. Increase focus on internships and service learning opportunities Not applicable since internships and field experiences are integral aspects of the programs within Curriculum and Instruction. f. Continued focus on the expanded scope of the Centennial Honors College Not applicable e. Support for the enhanced scholarship model 8 of graduate students in the Reading program wrote and received grant funding totaling close to $20,000 d. Support for Quad Cities Riverfront campus Develop college priorities in fundraising Not applicable 3. Enhance Academic Affairs Role in Enrollment Management and Student Success a. Implement undergraduate, graduate, and international recruitment plans for each department/school C&I has developed several graduate recruitment plans in addition to the plan we have already implemented at the request of various University entities. Conducted a Elementary Education Day on campus for accepted students Attended and participated in recruitment events held on QC and Macomb campuses Created graduate and undergraduate program flyers centered on “Choose Your Own Path” campaign that have been distributed at recruiting events Graduate newsletter Followed up with interested students through use of emails that answered questions, suggested face-to-face/virtual meeting times, and provided further information regarding programs Attended recruiting events at Community College Partner campuses (e.g., Blackhawk, CLC, and LLCC) Worked with International Studies and Department of Educational Studies to offer training/classes for international students from Myanmar in the summer b. Increased number of faculty have enrolled and completed CITR course for online course development c. Focus on International Recruiting and Education Opportunities a. Increase the number of international students Not applicable due to the state rules related to teacher education b. Enhance access, equity, and multicultural initiatives for entire campus community Not applicable 4. Implement enhanced campus-wide advising procedures Not applicable g. Review effectiveness of the revised FYE program Not applicable f. Maintain participation in the Building Connections mentoring program Not applicable e. Provide opportunities for non-degree seeking students Not applicable d. Continue to expand Distance Learning opportunities Increase number of study abroad participation and opportunities Two faculty offered study abroad opportunities this year; unfortunately, these classes did not meet enrollment requirements c. Not applicable d. Facilities Enhancement and Technology Support a. Support major capital budget initiatives Not applicable d. Renewed funding for classroom renovation Not applicable c. Support for the Center for Performing Arts Not applicable b. Strengthen relationships with embassies and host countries Not applicable 5. Develop academic partnerships with international institutions of higher learning Continue to facilitate the University Technology consolidation and support uTech initiatives Not applicable C. Indicate measures of productivity by which the unit’s successes can be illustrated. Enrollment data, retention data, evaluation of teaching/primary duties, evaluation of scholarly/professional activities, and university/community service are used to measure unit’s success. D. Describe how the division used any of the following categories of funds to enhance accomplishments and productivity: 1. Western Illinois Foundation funds Used to provide scholarships to students Used to travel for field placement observations undertaken by faculty behalf of students Purchased books for PLCs to improve faculty instruction Purchased consumable materials for science lab work used by students in courses 2. Not applicable 3. Funds available due to vacant positions or dollars saved through hiring of new personnel at whatever level those funds reside Grants, contracts or local funds Illinois board of higher education: 2013-2014 Early childhood educator preparation program innovation grant. Early Race to the Top Subgrants. Amount funded: $45,000. 4. Not applicable 5. Internal Reallocations: For reallocations over $20,000, identify the amount, area that was reallocated from, and the priority that funds supported. Other fund sources Not applicable E. For the calendar year January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2014, provide the total number of scholarly/professional activities in your area for the following categories: BOOKS CHAPTERS / MONOGRAPHS / REFEREED ARTICLES DOMESTIC/ INTERNATIONAL CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Dom. Int’l DOMESTIC/ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Dom. Int’l 1 10 50 32 II. 6 13 Budget Enhancement Outcomes for FY15 For each budget enhancement received in FY15—temporary or permanent—( i.e., 1% give back, end of year money) complete an accountability report form. Be specific about approved productivity measures. Budget Year Fiscal Year 2016 III. Major Objectives and Productivity Measures for FY16 A. List the most important goals and objectives the division will pursue in FY16, and how these actions will be measured/assessed. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hire new faculty members in Literacy and special education Convert 2 temporary unit B positions to fulltime Convert Underrepresented/visiting professor to Unit A faculty Increase connections with community partners (i.e., schools, districts, learning centers, ROE etc.)…articulating clinical/field experiences with content courses 5. Implement new Elementary Education program 6. Create new Middle Grade major program 7. Create new Education and Community Outreach program as a joint major for multiple programs within COEHS 8. Continue to focus on rigor of programs to ensure that graduates are well prepared 9. Increase community service and/or implement service learning opportunities in coursework 10. Focus on technology integration within coursework and candidates use of technology for instruction/learning (student-centered technology) 11. Enhance recruitment efforts to identify qualified domestic and international candidates B. Of the objectives identified above, please indicate which are directly related to Strategic Plan action items. All objectives identified above relate directly to Strategic Plan Goals 1: university Growth and Recruitment, 2: Enrich Academic Excellence and 3: Provide Educational Opportunities Objectives 4, 7, 9, and 10 also relate to Strategic Plan Goals 4: Personal Growth and 5: Promoting social responsibility C. For Strategic Plan action items noted above, indicate whether you intend to have the action completed in the short-term (next 12 months), mid-term (2-4 years), or long term (5+ years). IV. Action Items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 10 are anticipated to be completed within the short-term (next 12 months) Action Item 8 is an ongoing goal—it will never be complete Action items 4 and 9 will begin next year, but it is not anticipated that partnerships and working relationships that are mutually beneficial will be solidified for 5 years Action item 11 will begin next year, but it is not anticipated that clear international learning and working opportunities (i.e., with a consistent placement and integration within programs) will be solidified for 5 years Technology Goals and Objectives A. List the most important technological goals and objectives the division will pursue in FY16, and how these will be measured/assessed. 1. Hybridization of courses. C&I will increase the number of faculty members trained in online course development. We will follow the procedures identifies in dean’s office for online course development to ensure that courses are offered in online format. C&I will then pursue authorization to move online courses to hybrid where this is the best pedagogical choice. 2. Development of a technology progression for candidate development within departmental programs. This will be accomplished in concert with feedback and input from our community partners (i.e., community colleges, ROE/AEA, schools, districts and learning centers). 3. Innovative applications for technology use within classrooms that are student-centered B. Describe how these objectives build upon goals in divisional and/or institutional strategic plans. These objectives are consistent with WIU strategic goals and plans. They are best aligned with Goals 1: University Growth and Recruitment, 2: Enrich Academic Excellence, 3: Provide Educational Opportunities, 4: Personal Growth and 5: Promoting social responsibility C. For each technology item, indicate whether you intend to have the action completed in the short-term (next 12 months), mid-term (2-4 years), or long term (5+ years). V. Action Items 1 and 2 should be accomplished within the next 12 months Action Item 3 is an ongoing endeavor that will most likely never be complete Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations: Western Illinois University-Macomb A. What are planned FY16 reallocations or reorganizations, including the movement of positions, upgrade of positions, creation of new positions, and/or the reallocation of personnel and/or operating funds. Hire new faculty members in Literacy and special education Convert 2 temporary unit B positions to fulltime Convert Underrepresented/visiting professor to Unit A faculty Seek permission to conduct search and hire tenure track faculty (i.e., at the associate level) in Early Childhood Education Work with Macomb Community School District to develop a Reading/Literacy Center B. How do these reallocations and reorganizations further Strategic Plan goals and objectives. Filling these positions will benefit student’s access to courses and matriculation through the university. Additionally, these positions will support C&I’s goals for program innovation and excellence (i.e., collaboration with Macomb Community School District). This supports Strategic Plan Goals 1: University Growth and Recruitment, 2: Enrich Academic Excellence, 3: Provide Educational Opportunities, 4: Personal Growth and 5: Promoting social responsibility B. Describe how all reallocations, permanent and temporary, will affect the unit’s standard performance measures. These allocations will ensure that the minimum required standards for our accredited programs are able to be met as well as maintaining the quality and integrity of them. Additionally, they will ensure that consistent interactions between current and future students are maintained; an idea central to recruiting and retention efforts. D. How are you finding new funds? 1. The new literacy center may generate a modest revenue stream through a sliding-fee scale. Minimally, it will provide an educational laboratory space in which faculty and students may capitalize upon for research/scholarly endeavors and grant opportunities. Faculty will continue to explore and write grant applications 2. Summarize long-term external funding goals which extend beyond FY16 Unaware of these at this time 4. Provide an explanation of how additional resources would be used to enhance divisional objectives Funds are necessary to provide an adequate work and educational training environment that is consistent with accreditation requirements and best practice standards. 3. VI. Describe divisional strategies to seek additional resources (e.g., grants, Foundation) Develop indicators to track attainment of goals Benchmarks for the attainment of goals will be calendared with 6 points of attainment identified as markers for determining the next steps or need to create new or modify existing action plans Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations: Western Illinois University-Quad Cities A. What are planned FY16 reallocations or reorganizations, including movement of positions, upgrade of positions, creation of new positions, and/or reallocation of personnel or operating funds. Not applicable B. How do these reallocations and reorganizations further Strategic Plan goals and objectives. Not applicable C. Describe how all reallocations, permanent and temporary, will affect the unit’s standard performance measures. Not applicable D. How are you finding new funds? 1. Not applicable 2. VII. Summarize long-term external funding goals which extend beyond FY16 Not applicable 4. Provide an explanation of how additional resources would be used to enhance divisional objectives Not applicable 3. Describe divisional strategies to seek additional resources (e.g., grants, Foundation) Develop indicators to track attainment of goals Not applicable New Operating Resources A. Identify, in priority order, requests for additional operating funding in spreadsheet provided on the Provost’s web site. B. On this spreadsheet, please be sure to indicate whether you are seeking one-time or continuous funding. If you are seeking continuous funding, identify whether it is for a period of years or a permanent base increase. C. Complete an FY16 Budget Request Form for each request listed in “A”. VIII. Facilities Requests A. Identify, in priority order, requests for facility enhancements over $100,000. These requests need to be identified as specific FY16 requests or long-range requests. For each request, identify the ways in which the facility enhancement will advance specific Strategic Plan goals and objectives. Develop a Literacy and Professional Development Center at the Quad Cities in collaboration with Rock Island ROE B. Provide specific outcomes for each facility enhancement request. This center will provide faculty and candidates within the program opportunities to study literacy development and provide professional development/learning opportunities to educators within the QC community. It is anticipated that such a center will offer the possibility for the attainment of grants; the goal would be for this to ultimately be selfsustaining. C. Provide an explanation of how each facility enhancement will affect the unit’s productivity measures. Minimal impact on the unit’s productivity measures of: enrollment data, retention data, evaluation of teaching/primary duties, evaluation of scholarly/professional activities, and university/community service are used to measure unit’s success is anticipated. D. Complete an FY16 Budget Request Form for each request.